incognitopolls · 2 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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moomimania · 2 days
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i made more... now in the more "canon" age-range, i presume. these are definitely "the happy years" in my head 🌼
it's happening again!! as i draw, my mind makes up all these small stories and scenarios i want to write about as they grow up together. i have a lot of thoughts about what life was like for them when Mymble was in her teens, Snufkin and Little My still just kids. i might make a set of drawings for that as well.
and who knows, maybe i will write about it too! 🙃
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Someone was talking shit bout Katara again and I'm about to kill people
Warning LONG post sorry
EVERYONE always brings up the "then you didn't love her like I did" scene and you know what in Kataras angry vindicated righteous fury addled mind, that's how she feels
She heard Sokka say he can't remember their mom, that he can only see his YOUNGER sister when he tries to picture her
Katara is fucking fuming because she finally has a chance to hunt down the man that killed their mom and Sokka is trying to stop her and I'm sorry but Sokka CANT understand Kataras pain
While not outright stated, we know Katara knows why her mom died, she's known the whole time.
Her mom died in her place, that is something Sokka will never have to live with
Losing his mother obviously hurt him, duh I'm not going to devalue his trauma, but Sokkas trauma that gets explored in the show is not losing his mom, but his dad.
Another thing I hate is when people say, well Sokkas older so he spent more time with their mom, like way to fuck up your argument because you are saying their love of their mother can be objectively measured.
Also you're trying to tell me in a society dependent on gender roles Katara wasn't spending more time with their mother than Sokka yeah right.
Yall say she needed to apologize (which I completely agree with because at the end of the day it is an awful thing to say to your brother who while not impacted the same way was just as affected as you) but no one is saying Sokka needs apologize for making fun of Kataras waterbending (do yall not understand why she's so passionate about bending her mom DIED because Katara was a bender, Katara thinks she needs to prove that her mother's death wasn't in vain HER AND SOKKA ARE PARALLES Kataras trying to prove herself to their mom and Sokka their dad)
They are CHILDREN they deserve to talk about what they loved doing with their mom and how losing her hurt them differently.
Because they're kids, they can't grasp that grief is different for everyone. They were both so fucked up by her death but in almost opposite ways. Sokka represed that shit so hard it's insane please baby get therapy and Katara lives her life trying to ensure NO ONE forgets their mother's sacrifice.
Sokka forces himself to forget
Katara forces herself to remember
I wish Katara apologized because she was objectively wrong, Sokka did love their mom but he grieves differently. And once Katara returns she understands where Sokkas coming from. She was just angry he wasn't angry because she's a child and wanted to know her emotions and anger were valid but instead felt vilified by the person who was meant to understand.
I wanted to see Katara apologize to, because her and Sokka deserve to hug and cry and scream about how unfair the world is, they deserve to have a mother figure in each other (which they do, they basically raised each other) but I hate how yall say she's unforgivable for this.
Unforgivable really? Yall are too harsh on Katara, it was fucked up, like insanely fucked up but unforgivable?
I guess the point of this post was me asking yall to give Katara some slack especially yall Sokka stans cuz if you hate Katara for this I feel like you don't really get Sokka either.
Obviously they love each other and they love their mom they just have never had the incredibly difficult conversation about how her death still affects them.
Their relationship is everything to me, I just want Sokka and Katara to be happy 😭
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1ris5starlight · 1 day
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This was...an interesting video....
I guess our Sun talked to Old Moon technically..
As much I can say,
I like this version of Moon, I mean yeah, he's like our Old Moon and all, but when our Sun said like he wasn't smart, he said that our Sun is smart just not in the he is and when our Sun said that he's that some times, this Moon corrected him saying that he's that all the times.....
And this Moon gave some good advice to our Sun and maybe this meet gave our Sun some courage to not give up on our Moon and that there's still a chance that can make his twin come back to him...
I think this meet infected our Sun in a good way by hearing a version of Old Moon saying that stuff and I'm happy for him!
Sun really needed this so badly!
I have an idea!
What if our Sun brings our Moon to this dimension and make him talk to this Moon?
I sure he would rethink of some of his plans!!
(I know it probably will never happen, but I still hope!)
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luribourdon · 2 days
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When your brother move in another country to ‘‘‘‘rebuilt the judicial system’’’’, so now your other brother pick you up after school.
He’s cooler anyway~
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dozydawn · 5 months
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“Happy in Gaza. The Palestinian desire for life.”
Photographed by Laura Junka-Aikio, 2004.
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mazzystarjpg · 10 months
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comments from tiktok about siblings
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cosmic-tuna · 2 months
Saw a sibling poll and needed to expand it because I fit, like. Mid youngest, youngest in theory only child in practice, and adopted. And I think they all have their own unique parts in the sibling ecosystem.
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krossan · 5 months
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when you say that to the person that you know won't hesitate
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lilith-91 · 2 months
Underrated Sokka/Aang scene 😭
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a paranoid Aang wakes Sokka up because he dreamed of his death, tells him to climb that cliff and Sokka just.....starts climbing that cliff Imao
Good morning Sokka!
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onlytiktoks · 16 days
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politefroggo · 26 days
how’s your relationship with your sibling(s)?
Rb for sample size pls. I really wanna know. :}
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incognitopolls · 1 month
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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starry-eon · 1 month
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poem excerpt by me | a uquiz i'm unable to find | Jodi Picoult, My Sister's Keeper | Natalie Diaz, A Brother Named Gethsemane | tiktok | tumblr | Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz | The Bible
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People with siblings or know a pair of siblings I've got a question for you
the other day I had a conversation with a guy who said sibling friendships don't really count bc that's family and I'm just like, ??? yeah that's my family but I can also like my sister as a person and have a friendship with her. So I'm just curious to see what the general vibe here is.
btw the "it's complicated" option is for ppl who are either estranged siblings, parenting their siblings, or some other issue they've got going on not any weird freak shit(ifkyk)
Anyways choose your option and if want you can explain in the tags
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adiodont · 1 year
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”Oh I’m not leaving”
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