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one-time-i-dreamt · 7 days
I forgot a letter of the alphabet. I kept trying to count the letters I knew and only counting 25 and when I tried to sing the song there was an empty beat between ‘t’ and ‘u’ and I had no idea what was missing and it drove me insane.
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luvvyouforever · 2 months
harvey (sdv) - nsfw alphabet <3
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-> there is not nearly enough harvey content on tumblr for my liking. SO two harvey posts in a row, yes i do believe. and i do love reading an sfw/nsfw alphabet so of course i have to provide for our favorite nerdy doctor <3 i also want you to know that as i write this, i imagine harvey as a taller, bigger man. so like he's got some chub on him and he's got broad shoulders. idk idk it's my headcanon.
-> this is nsfw and dirty! like i really tried to get over my reservations about using descriptive language. with that being said, NSFW 18+ MDNI MDNI MDNI MDNI MDNI MDNI MDNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
harvey is the sweetest, most gentlemanly partner after sex. he makes sure that you get cleaned up, that you protect yourself against any UTIs or other gross things, makes you some coffee or tea, and cuddles with you endlessly. harvey would need some extra reassurance that what he did was good, that you enjoyed it, or that you didn't get hurt. he'd get anxious and worry about it for the rest of the night if you didn't offer him some kind of honest discussion.
b = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
i think he appreciates his arms and hands! he knows that he has some strength and likes when you can grip on to his biceps in the heat of the moment. knows how to work his hands i mean, come on. he can do minor surgical interventions. if you hold onto his arm while you're walking in town, he'd get all blushy.
as for you, he truthfully loves every part of you. if you ever asked him "what part of me is your favorite?" he would actually stress over it and couldn't answer. however, if you really really wanted him to say, he would choose your eyes. there's nothing better to him than looking at them when he's giving you pleasure. sends him reeling, actually.
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
i don't think harvey is particularly keen on making a mess, especially of the bed or another surface. he'd try to keep his cum inside of you, or at least contained to an easily wipeable surface (like your face). on the down low though, i truthfully think he'd surprisingly enjoy cumming on your face, mainly around your lips. messy oral? he's done for.
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
meeting dr. harvey in his office for a confidential check-up? hmm. definitely not when you first start dating, but give him some time and you may just find yourself on his desk (never in the actual, sterile field) receiving a little extra attention wink wink nudge nudge
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he has plenty of knowledge about anatomy, trust me. he never struggles with finding your best spots. however, he struggles with foreplay and building intimacy and dirty talk, etc. he's a nerd! what can i say? tell him what you like, guide him, and help him and he'd be confident in no time. he's a quick learner.
f = favorite position (this goes without saying)
so, i think there are two sides to harvey. he is either incredible slow, passionate, and earnest. this lends itself to something simple like missionary where he can stare into your eyes, kiss you, tell you sweet things, etc. his other side comes out later, when he's gotten more comfortable with you and with himself, and he can get a little rougher or faster or intense. he likes to be able to grip on to you so something like doggy, maybe riding?
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
harvey can't help but be clumsy sometimes. he learns to be able to giggle at himself when his hand misses the bed and he falls. he also can't help but giggle when hair gets caught in your mouth or some other silly thing. however, he likes to keep things intimate and prefers to have a serious moment with you in bed.
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
i don't think he fully shaves, he just doesn't strike me as that kinda guy with his mustache. but i do think he trims it, kinda manscapes it a little bit to tame everything down but he likes to have a little hair down there.
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
loves making sex romantic. he doesn't do it often, but on special days like your anniversary or birthday, he will harvest some flowers from the farm and throw the petals around the room, open up some freshly made wine, and showers you in affection. as for every day sex, he still likes to make it special for you and never backs down on his pure, teeth-hurting sweetness.
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
i think that he is the kinda guy that starts feeling guilty for masturbating after he gets into a relationship. prefers to just wait for you. however, before your relationship, he would masturbate every once in a while when he was stressed or horny. if he ever watched porn, which i feel like would be very rare for him, he wouldn't watch highly produced, fake porn. it would have to be something amateur. (harvey has a secret twitter account)
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
okay so...i think harvey starts out vanilla. when you're getting to know him and for the first few times you have sex, he keeps it simple. mainly out of nervousness. however, i think he's kinkier than we might assume. i think he really enjoys being praised and praising you. i think, too, he likes feeling big and strong in that he gives in to his possessiveness sometimes, and he likes being able to manhandle you a little bit. also, i propose this everyone....bondage? nothing super strong! just with his tie or belt. and your hands. to the headboard.
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
your bedroom, mostly! he has a reputation that he needs to uphold so anything in public is nerve wracking. but with some convincing, like i said, his fancy office is not totally off limits.
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
seeing you do anything! especially if you're really determined to get something done and you're working hard at it! like, you've been working so damn hard on renovating and cleaning the farm and you come back proud of everything you've done, he will look at you with a glow in his face. kisses on the neck, too!
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i don't think he'd ever hurt you. it's just not something he could ever see himself doing. he doesn't mind seeing like fingertip marks on you the day after but anything like choking, spanking, etc is out of the question. he also would find rudeness a turn off in a person. like he would hate to see anyone be rude to another person and it would take away from someone's attractiveness immediately! (that's not to say that he doesn't enjoy some town gossip here and there)
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
my first headcanon here is that harvey LOVES giving oral and on the days when he hasn't cleanly shaved his face, his stubble leaves marks around your thighs. okay, now that that's out of the way: harvey is such a pleaser and he'd do anything to make sure you feel good. he likes when you guide his head, mouth, or hands and he likes being told if you want more, or faster, or less. as for him receiving, i think he enjoys it but he gets so in his head that he can't really cum from it. it takes some extra praise and reassurance to get him to fully open up.
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
like every other answer here, it depends on his mood! he can get really fast when he's feeling extra needy or kinky. however, when he's trying to be romantic, he will take his sweet time and go nice and slow with his thrusts, movements, touches. however, i think he could also use slowness to his advantage and tease you.
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
prefers to take his time but sometimes he likes to catch you before you wake up and start working on the farm and before he has to go to work. he enjoys these more than he will admit to himself though and he thinks it can be fun!!
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he's down to try new things, don't get me wrong! if you wanna try something new, he'll let you to an extent but he won't do anything that comes with a dangerous outcome or health risk! like, sure, he might be down to try some new rope positions but he won't dare put chocolate sauce around his genitals. do you know the bacteria risks that can come with that??
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
i don't think he has very high stamina. it's not that he gets really sleepy after, but he can't go for multiple rounds. maybe two if it's been a long time since he's seen you. he can last a while though, i think. he won't cum the minute he engages in anything and with his anxiety, it may even take him a while to get to that point.
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he doesn't mind bringing out a vibrator because he knows how good it could make you feel. he doesn't like them on himself though! he doesn't mind taking a trip out to zuzu and hitting up a sex shop to buy some new bondage-y toys. they will be thoroughly cleaned though. why would nipple clamps be any less clean than forceps?
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
he doesn't do it with malice in his heart, trust me. he just likes seeing you on edge, waiting for him of all people, begging for more pleasure. he experiments to see how long you can go for, or how far he can drag out oral. he definitely enjoys it more than he'd let on. oh, and, i leave you with this, imagine harvey offering fake pity and cooing at you:
"my poor flower...you must want it so bad!"
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
keeps quiet, mostly. some interjections of grunts and groans, especially when he cums. he uses his voice more for sweet talk! he loves hearing your noises, though, and it gives him more encouragement than anything.
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
the first time you called him dr. harvey in a joking, yet somewhat flirtatious manner, he blushed and got incredibly flustered. then, you did it again, and it had the same effect. and then...oh lord. your hands were roaming his body and you, just testing the waters, called him dr. harvey and he could have finished right there.
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he's big guys, i'm sorry. nerdy white men are always packing. i headcanon him as a big boy and it's only fitting that he's proportionate. more thickness than length. he was a little ashamed the first time you had sex but he realized just how good it feels and it makes him proud. big dick energy if you will.
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
i think he has a fluctuating sex drive. during flu and cold season, he is so stressed and likes to come back and make dinner, cuddle, and go to bed. however, during the summer, when everyone is healthy and only needs some aloe vera gel for sunburns, he could go day after day with you. it just all depends on his mood and the time of the year.
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he enjoys cuddling and talking after sex but give him an hour and the man is CONKED. he's the older bachelor so of course he's a sleepy man. cuddle up to his chest, open up the window to let fresh air or the sounds of rain float in, and he'll be like a baby.
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goobersplat · 6 months
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Sandylion Animal Alphabet
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treasuregamble · 3 months
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mostly letters
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
this blog takes requests!!
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caitmayart · 3 months
Oh also -
I got tired of making up my own inconsistent runes in pieces involving magic, so I made my own conlang alphabet! I used to make these all the time when I was a kid (ty Artemis Fowl) and it was fun going back to that root. Feel free to use/translate my latest pieces ♥
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zegalba · 4 months
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todays-xkcd · 11 months
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Listen, you're very cute, but if you rearrange the alphabet to put U and I together it will RUIN the spacing!
Alphabet Notes [Explained]
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yandere-kokeshi · 3 months
NSFW Alphabet Of Yandere John “Captain” Price
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Warnings: Pure filth – MINORS DNI!
A/N: Like the last post, Price won! Feel free to participate in the next poll for these guys! <3
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
— It’s natural for him to care for you afterward, deeming it his second-favorite part. John’s hands are grasping at you, his warm voice praising you as he kisses your cheeks. He lovingly drags his thumb and fingers over your moles, scars, and many marks, before playfully rubbing his beard into your neck, chuckling at your squealing expression. It only lasts a few minutes before he swiftly gets up, the bed creaking from his weight, and looking over at you with a smile. 
John effortlessly enjoys sharing non-sexual bath time after a few sessions. He loves starting it, the bath filling up the tub, warming up and bathing with you, dragging the soaked rag around your stiffen areas, such as your shoulders and back. It relaxes him in some way. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
— For himself, he’s most proud of his physique – mostly his shoulders and hands. They’re both rough in many aspects, having prominent veins, and a different variety of scars. Even though they’ve done bad things, he uses them to pleasure you in many ways; digging the knots out of your back, or throwing your legs over his shoulders and making you cum with his hands. It’s useful in many aspects, no?
As for you, it’s a mixture of your hips and ass. Both of them are squeezed so often, that it’s sure he’s obsessed. But he never denies it when asked. They’re constantly being harassed by his hands by grasping, pinching, stroking, kissing, and biting them. Would happily spend all day on and in them if he could. He smirks like a mad man if you’re on the chubbier side, feeling the plump flesh escape between his fingers. It’s like heaven towards him. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
— Jonathon has a lot of it stored, which means he enjoys doing it in all of your holes. He prefers being inside of you when he cums, but when he can’t, he leaves your others overflowing with his thick cum, including your mouth, and expects you to swallow. His favorite thing to do is to scoop it up, slowly fuck it back into you with his thick fingers to ensure you know his rules. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
— When he knows you two are going to be separated for a long period of time, somehow a pair of your boxers makes it into his pocket as he does the washing. 
When he’s in his office, alone, all pent-up from the day, and needs something relieving, he finds your sweet smell the most intoxicating. He can finish in minutes with your scent of you pressed against his nose. And whilst it isn’t as good with him buried between your legs or having you on top of his lap, he enjoys cumming and dampening the fabric; satisfying his need, at least for now. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
— More experienced than he’d like to be. It’s no surprise he’s a proud man who likes to take his time meeting someone – which means night stands are off the table. In the past, John has had a few partners, men and women, nor is he afraid of saying it when questioned. Which means he knows a handful of tricks up his sleeves. 
So, when it comes down to you, he takes time with you. He loves getting to know your body, what makes you squirm, zip up, or make you the loudest. He’s a fast learner, and once he gets the hang of things, he gets the hang of it. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
— He prefers the good ol’ missionary and table-top. Jonathan enjoys seeing your face, watching how your nose scrunches in pleasure or the loud shrieks you give out. However, he really doesn’t mind other positions too; it just depends on the mood, pace, and place. 
However, having sex at his office and on his desk? Definitely makes him wild. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious at the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
— John isn’t all serious, but he’s certainly not telling jokes in bed either. He likes hearing your pleasure giggles, or gentle smiles whilst being intimate. He can’t help but smile in response, but undoubtedly zips you up, making your toes curl when he hits that sweet spot early. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
— John is hairy, deemed a ‘chunky bear’. He has dark-brown curls that are obnoxiously long, as well having a hairy chest and stomach that could be said, ‘out of control’. However, with how much care he takes with his mutton chops, he keeps everything downstairs equal; not too long nor too short, just the right length for you. 
As for you, he couldn’t care less. If you decide to shave, he’ll enjoy the smooth skin and suggest things on how not to cut yourself. And if you don’t? He’ll enjoy it just as much and make sure to have you screaming, and your eyes rolled by the end of it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
— It depends on the context, but he’s always a natural gentleman with a capitalized G. Always paying you extra attention during foreplay, and not rushing through. Being visibly romantic for special occasions like holidays, anniversaries, or birthday’s. He loves pampering you every time he can, words and soft touches included; slower, sensual moments, pressing his forehead to yours part way through the session. Holding you tight during sex, and squishes your hips as he cums, keeping the closeness into his aftercare. 
But, if he’s been away from you – it’s rough, desperate, and too possessive to the point you can’t even leave the bedroom after cumming a few times. His arms are gluing you to him. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
— He rather ignores his needs, as much as he’d rather deny it. He doesn’t use porn to satisfy himself; rather, restraining his needs till he can see you. Which, funnily enough, makes him more desperate as he tries to keep his obvious erection down as he works in his office. But, it only resorts to nagging him more, causing him to be frustrated and snappy – but, he can always rely on you, his beloved darling, right? A phone call won’t hurt.  
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks — named 4)
Breeding: Regardless of your gender, he loves filling you up where it overflows. But it’s more in a possessive strike, wanting you to be tied to him forever. Regardless, it feels filthy, filling, and extremely warm to stay in. And John enjoys every part of it like a nasty man he is. 
Cockwarming: After a hard day, whether at work or simply socializing when he doesn’t want to, he enjoys spending the rest of the few hours balls deep in you. It doesn’t lead to sex all the time. He enjoys feeling your warmth, your own head buried in his neck to muffle the pleasured sounds, and your body soon-quivering makes his pride swarm inside. 
Hair pulling: He mostly likes it on him. Jonathan enjoys feeling your fingers dig through his locks, stump nails scratching at his scalp before yanking his hair in pleasure. To him, it shows he’s doing a damn good job. But he also likes the spike of slight pain.
Teasing: It sides with edging. John adores making you beg for him, lingering touches that disappear too fast or too slow. A kiss that’s too addicting and you need more. Yet, he chuckles and makes you work for it. 
L = Location (favorite places to have intercourse)
— He prefers somewhere private, an atmosphere that’s comfortable and familiar. He likes it behind closed doors, taking his beloved with respect. So naturally, the bedroom and the house are his go-to; the kitchen being his second-favorite. 
However, he really enjoys doing it in his quarters, in his office, and in his chair.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
— It’s two things: you and his sensitive nipples. He gets turned on easily, the way your face lights up when you see him, how you react in such a natural, obedient way that has his cock tightening in his boxers. But, his nipples are just as reactive. Even a slight glide over his teats has John have an aching issue that needs to be solved now.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
— Anything involving physically harming you, degradation, or blood. He’s also hesitant to bring his own work to bed, the word Captain, specifically. He’s fine with a little breath play, or small spanking, but anything beyond, ‘the beyond’, is an immediate no. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
— Likes them both equally; perfect balance. They both make him happy. 
As for you, John is more appealing to giving you oral than the reverse. He could spend hours between your legs, holding your hips down and taking his time on making you cum. Or bringing you to the edge, again and again, but denying you when you’ve been bad. His favorite way to reward you is to bend you over the table or push your chest to the bed, perfectly presenting your ass to him. His fingers spread you open, and his tongue will go everywhere. 
For him, he adores you sucking his cock. He’d never deny an offer when given the chance. John likes the way your lips look around him, watching you take him whole. Feeling your tongue against his length. Fucking your face when he’s near his own orgasm, grinding and bucking his hips in desperation when you decide to tease him. It makes him rowdy and demanding. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
— It varies, depending on both of your moods and the time when he comes home. But one thing is that it’s never one pace. It either starts with him being incredibly hot, heavy, and rough; giving you many hickeys over your body and being a sly man for edging then slowing down over time. The deep, hard strokes and thrusts that leave you breathless and responding in moans. 
Or being really slow and sensual, savoring every moment that he touches you and builds up to a heavy pace. His hands finding your hips, grinding his pelvic bone against yours and chuckling at your gasped state. His balls slapping against your body as he huffs at the 2nd round. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
— Not a fan. He prefers the real deal, wanting to feel and touch you before making you cum a few times; practically savoring you. But, you will never catch him denying a chance to fuck you. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
— He’s open to whatever idea you want to express. As long as they don’t go along his ‘no’s’, he’s all going for it. 
As for risks, they’re a big part of his life. However, getting caught doing anything sexual, especially by one of his trusted men or god forbid Laswell, could ruin his career and let alone his mental state. Though, he does think – maybe even could persuade you – into being forced to be quiet, especially in an area where you wouldn’t necessarily want to be in, is kind of arousing. The adrenaline, the completely unaware people around the base, your attempts to remain quiet makes his pleasure spike. He would love to try it, wouldn’t you like too? 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
— Whilst he may not be the same 20-year-old he once was, he can still last a few. John can manage two rounds, three on a perfect day, but pushing it has him cranky. And he’s usually able to last a bit, but that depends on how you feel. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
— He’s not a fan of them, seeing that he, himself, can pleasure you in ways that are better than some silicone. However, if you’ve been bad, the yes. Expect some toys — and anal — to come into play until you can start acting right.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
— A big tease. Drags things out so agonizing that it leaves you on the bridge of crying. He’ll slick himself along your entrance, thrust in a pace he knows you love, praising and grunting dirty words in your ear until you’re right there–…! Only for Jonathon to smirk, commanding you to stay put until he says you can move. His fingers play with your nipples, gently pulling as he finally pushes you over the edge and makes you cum too many to count as make-up. 
John will also send you messages, some risky photos or rather promises of what’s to come later that night and what he’s going to do to you once you two are home. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
— He’s loud in aspects of talking. Praises, dirty talk that turn into long muffled groans. Shuffles between low growls, grunts, and moans – a definite habit of more subtle sounds and signs of pleasure. A throaty low growl when he enters you, voice going up in pitch before he cums, and noses your neck, fingers squeezing your skin when he gets territorial. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
— He really enjoys breakfast in bed. His fake meal is a large plate with 3 sunny-side-up eggs, waffles with extra butter, and crispy bacon. But, he wants you for breakfast each morning when he can. It’s his favorite, especially waking you up with slurred moans.  
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes ;))
— John is around 6.5 inches, extremely thick, heavy in a sense he bounces whenever he takes off his boxers, and stretches most holes; it takes a lot of prepping. Circumcised, his foreskin doesn’t cover all the way, just enough for his tip to peak through. Has some prominent veins, thick and fat, where you can feel it. He has a full rug trail.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
— It’s not through the roof, but it isn’t low either; in-the-between. He can control himself if needed. When he’s home, you guys have sex a few times a week. Much more if he’s stressed or annoyed. But one thing is sure, you’ll know it’s at its peak for him.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
— Contrary to popular belief, he doesn’t get up and smoke a fat cigar. Instead, he stays with you – huddled beneath you in the warm sheets, your head laying on top of his chest and his own arm hanging over you. He hums in appreciation when you wrap your arms around it, cuddling it closer to you. 
Likely, he falls asleep first, but can you blame him? He’s a busy man, with a busy life, and a hell of a token that he calls you. Though, don’t think of sneaking away – his hold on you is very tight for a reason. 
Masterlist || Reblogs, comments, and likes are very much appreciated!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2024 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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nouearth · 4 months
nsfw alphabet w/ bruce wayne.
bruce wayne x male reader.
a/n: something new i've been meaning to try, so thank you for this request for finally pushing me to do so!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
we all know bruce is a busy man. it's an unfortunate norm to wake up in the morning to his side of the bed and see nothing but the wrinkles of the bed sheets that once warmed his body; to visit him at work because he forgot lunch (again) and wait in his office because he was currently in another meeting; to watch him with exhaustion and worry in the night while he scans through evidence files regarding a new criminal case.
in short, it's exhausting to even think about putting yourself in his shoes, and bruce wonders how you managed to stay with him for so long. it's not his fault, though, and you tell him that through sweet whispers in his ears when he's feeling down, through a simple doting embrace when he falls asleep during the rare occurrence you two could watch a movie together. and he's grateful to have someone like you.
whenever you two had sex, bruce would make sure he took his time with you. he doesn't stop until his body is spent, until your body is wrecked from the love and lust he has for you, and when you two finally finish after a series of rounds, he holds you close. breathing, panting—floating because he lost count in how many times he had come in your wrecked hole.
he spoons you, your back to his sweaty chest, refusing to pull himself out of your hole (at least until his cock goes limp), and he likes having his palm over your own chest to remind him that you're still here. your heart runs an electrifying marathon, then slowly comes to a calming jog because he adores your body, caressing and allowing his hands to roam free wherever he pleases. he loves feeling every tremor your body would retrieve as he dozed you off with a slurry of languid kisses across your nape, then the melt of your muscles the closer he holds you, and when you've fallen asleep and let slumber press your full weight into him, he does the same—because you're safe now.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
not to sound like a pervert, but bruce really loves your thighs. whether they were exposed in those shorts you like to wear inside the manor or deliciously full and contained in those dress pants he brought for you; he always had his hand on your lap. whenever he needed your attention and you were sitting next to him, he would squeeze your thigh because you were ticklish there. whenever you two went out to eat, he preferred sitting next to you because your thigh was the toastiest furnace for his hand. he just liked how... complex your thighs were. soft and malleable to touch yet toned and firm when he suckled on the flesh. not to mention, they were the perfect handles whenever bruce went down on your cock and sucked you off.
for bruce, he's quite proud of his shoulders. they've always been broad since he was younger, but with intense training, they've only gotten larger and broader since then. and he's glad that he isn't alone in this inclination. whenever bruce was stressed, you'd massage his shoulders until he snapped out of his migraine and turned to thank your presence with a kiss. and of course, bruce's shoulders weren't for purely aesthetics. they were also extremely useful, practically acting as your own bike handles, as you rode his cock. they provided you balance and leverage as you worked a sweat on riding out his orgasm inside of you, until your ass was thickly filled with his warm seed. and even that, that doesn't stop you from stopping and milking him out.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
god, when it came to you, he is obsessed with your cum. he's completely enthralled how much cum could come out of you simply from him fucking you, and it was why he preferred you riding him, or at least on his lap, so he could have the best view of your cock spitting out thick loads of cum and fuck, splash zone much? he loved how warm it was when you would spray across his face, even his face at times as he proceeded to fuck you harder. and knowing that it would make you blush and whine, he loved scooping your cum up off his body and tasting you. nowhere near sweet like fantasies have endorsed, but perfectly and deliciously edible on his tongue, to the point where he makes sure he'll be sucking you off clean before you doze off.
for bruce, he loves the sight of his cum anywhere on your body. in your ass, on your back, between your thighs, every place imaginable was a turn on. but if he had to pick, fuck... coming on your face was a true delight that would beckon him for another round simply from watching your features get layered and layered with his thick loads. it was dirty, erotic, and demeaning, especially as you waited for his loads on your knees, but fuck—he couldn't get enough of it. he couldn't get enough of decorating you in his own musk.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
it's all about taking control for bruce. whether it's him as the caped crusader or him in bed, bruce likes being treated as someone respectable, someone with honor, someone with authority. and when it came to you, he likes being called sir.
on some occasions, it would be your secret code for him if you were horny and needed to go somewhere private with him in public.
feeling a little famished, sir. hm? couldn't quite hear you. sir, i said i'm feeling famished. now get in the bathroom before someone takes— okay, okay! geez.
on many occasions, bruce would use it to his advantage and tease you in bed. the tip of his cock would barely graze your pucker, tracing and circling the tender flesh with a covet for your begging. c'mon, tell me what you want. use the right words. f-fuck, please. i n-need your cock, sir. louder. i need you to speak clearly. sir! please! sir! i need you cock!
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
they weren't wrong when the media labelled him as a 'playboy'. although, he had definitely settled down by the time he met you; earlier on, it was nonstop hook-ups with majorly women. for men, he'd leave it at blowjobs and nothing more. but hey, despite his inexperience with men, a hole was a hole, right? as long as it took his cock without any pushback, there was no complaint! besides, there was little difference in pleasuring women and men. he even found it exciting to learn from you, to learn with you, in how to give each other the best pleasurable one could offer.
you could proudly boast that you were the first one to put a finger in bruce's ass. and perhaps, convince him to put something else inside of him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
it's already been mentioned before, but bruce loves having you on his lap. not because of laziness or anything, but he truly loves your body and how incredibly vulnerable it had become as you fuck yourself on his cock. it was a culmination of your body putting on a performance for him and showing off his favorite parts about you, exposing it and further enticing bruce to do whatever he wanted to you, with every single bounce.
the bounce of your cock and pecs in rhythm with your hips, fucking yourself down on his cock; the droplets of sweat covering your skin in a greasy yet glorious sheen that could make him cream inside of you right then and there; the change in your expressions whenever bruce began fucking up into you instead, meeting your own hips in a steady and quick pace. his arms hurt from straining his own weight, but fuck was it worth it when you came all over him in thick, long spurts.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
bruce isn't usually humorous in bed. rather, he finds enjoyment in teasing you through a mixture of his demands and his actions. what always worked was pulling his cock out until only the plump tip was nearing its exit, and he always found amusement in how quick desperation came to possess your body and thoughts as you'd wiggle your ass back in attempt to shove him back inside.
mm-mm, what's the word? p-please, sir!
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
since you've known bruce, he had always maintained a very tidy and orderly appearance, probably because he was constantly in the spotlight since he was a kid, and his groin completely mirrored that upbringing. rather than completely going bare, he likes leaving enough hair to provide you a preview of what's to come after the first few centimeters of trimmed hairs—an appetizer before the main course, he reckoned.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
with how much work and his second persona has taken over his life, that left little time with you, and he feels absolutely guilty about it. it depends on the mood, but whether you two were engaged in rough or vanilla sex, bruce made sure to stick close to you. lace his fingers into between yours, have his mouth on your body at all times, mark you and kiss you wherever he hadn't, remind you how much he missed you, how much he loved you, how you were only his. fuck, he was possessive, and you found that incredibly romantic as much as it was suffocating at times. he made sure you praise you, to remind you how beautiful you looked taking his cock like this.
and before he falls asleep, he'd always whisper in your ear that he loves you, even if slumber had already taken you as hostage and stripped you away from the comfort of his assurance.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
bruce tries his best from jacking off, especially since he knows how much more gratifying it is to have you clench around him; to have you on your knees and swallow his cock down. but fuck, you were a tease. you loved sending him thirst traps whenever you knew he would be swamped up in a day full of meetings, and you knew you'd successfully infiltrated his mind when he would dislike your message with a thumbs down.
though, thanks to bruce sending you countless videos of him rubbing himself through his pants, you were left with little imagination on how bruce was spending his short break.
bruce has never been so thankful for you in his life. it took some convincing to get bruce on board with filming himself fucking you. and ever since then, bruce no longer had to rely on the memories of your warm touch, of your sweaty scent, of your whimpers as he blue-balled himself in his office.
right then and there, he'd whip his cock out from the zipper of his pants, and jacked off to the most recent video between you and him on his phone. and not to toot his own horn, but fuck was bruce a great director. up-close shots of your body, glistening under a layer of your own hot sweat, followed by thick droplets from bruce's. the flash on his phone made it so much more erotic, like an amateur porno, as it would focus on his cock driving deep into your ass from his perspective, his groans rumbling intimately over the speakers. bruce's abdominal muscles would flex and his core would engage as he mustered another strength to power through exhaustion, fueled by your begs and whimpers for him to fuck you harder, and fuck, it was better than porn. to recount and watch how he wrecked you that night made him bust multiple thick loads, and unfortunately soil his pristine suit.
to which, you'd most definitely pay for, one way or another, when he gets home from work.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
remember when i mentioned bruce liked having control? well, that definitely comes into effect when he's rough-housing you. only if you're in the mood of course (and you were always in the mood), but there's something so gratifying to him when he has his hand around your neck, your skin blooming under the warmth, squeezing harder and harder as he's fucking you into the bed. being rough with you also goes hand-in-hand with his praise kink, singing you low and sweet affections in your ear while you're taking his cock like you've always meant to.
that's it, fuck. good boy. like that? you like that? fuck, your sweet hole loves that.
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
he'd love to be more experimental, but unfortunately that has to account for his schedule and for the most part, you two mostly have sex in bed. if not, it was a little quickie in his office. which isn't bad, but the idea of his temptation wearing his patience thin and just absolutely ravishing you in his car, or in a bathroom some place, had run through his mind multiple times.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
as much as bruce knew that you dreaded it, there was a reason why he insisted on you coming to his charity galas. it was those god-damn suits he'd buy for you and it would be the only time he'd think to himself that the money was well-spent, if it even mattered to him.
bruce, i don't think i need another suit. what's wrong with the ones you got me two years ago?
out of style, out of season. see, i told you there's a reason why we don't follow trends.
it was distracting. it was the rare times where you'd look completely different from your normal self. your hair in a different style. your suit tailored according to your build. your confidence covertly reviving because you didn't want to admit that you actually really liked looking like this. your forearms breaching free when you rolled up your sleeves, and fuck, it was so seductive. if bruce hadn't dressed you and helped out with the styling, he'd assume you'd come from old money.
sometimes he'd regret it because all eyes were on you, on bruce's man, and it was a complete nuisance dealing with drunk patrons attempt to flirt with you as if you could even understand anything they were saying with their limp tongue in the way of their speech.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do)
listen, bruce is down for anything, but he doesn't exactly get wax play. maybe he's been almost set on fire too many times to count, but the idea of accidentally burning your skin because he poured too much or something makes him freak out. it was more about the discomfort regarding your safety, than his overall distaste for it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill,)
bruce doesn't admit it, but in your words, he's pretty selfish. not in a bad way because he always makes it up to you afterwards, but it was the control thing coming to play again. you suck him off first, and then he'll reward you with his own mouth if it was deemed worthy enough (you know it's a bluff, but it's always fun to play along).
he loves seeing you take his cock. it feels like almost every other day where you're down on your knees and sucking him off, and he hasn't gotten tired of it yet. you know where his cock like no one else, know where he was the most sensitive, how he liked it sloppy and dripping from your spit. it was a fucking turn on to see you so devoted to pleasuring him.
for giving, he's better at rimming than giving you blowjobs. for the most part, he hates that gagging feeling whenever he barely took his cock in your mouth, and you'd always tease him for it, making him blush profusely. he's never been bad at something, even if you don't say it, so he makes it up in devouring your ass like it's been a week since he's had proper food. like your blowjobs, he likes having you dripping in spit, your musky hole wet and tender from the amount of turns he's had licking and fucking you with his tongue. and the way you pushed your ass out and arched into the back as he buried his nose in between your cheeks discovered a new kink of his: asphyxiation.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
for the most part, it depends on his mood and energy. if it was a stressful day, he expects you to let him wreck your body until it was spent and pliant beneath him. to properly get him off, he needed the most lewd sounds to come out of your mouth; the writhe in your body because he got a little carried away at first but you then slowly adjusted yourself to; the friction of the sheets burning at his knees; he needed you hard and your body was going to feel the consequences the next morning. and then there are days where bruce wants to take his time with you, worship your body with the hands you would always hold onto whenever you felt at unease; with the mouth you would always latch onto with your own whenever you needed to renew vitality; with his body you would always safeguarded yourself in no matter how you were feeling because you knew bruce never failed to protect you. his thrusts would slow, languid but never lazy as he liked keeping you on your toes and hitting you at the deepest spot with a sudden rut, and then measured again as he pulled himself out, watching his cock throb and watching your hole take all of his love in with no objection.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often)
quickies were never as satisfying as the time fully spent with you, but it got the job done. usually on days where he was the most stressed and needed to let something out, he'd call you over to the office for lunch and where you were expecting to eat your steamy leftovers with him, you ended up bent over his office desk, naked from the waist below, taking bruce's frustration up for the day. not that you were complaining, though. he always extended his lunch to properly eat with you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks)
bruce is pretty content with his sex life with you. if you mentioned something about a new kink or wanting to experiment, he'd take up the entire night or two researching up about it, studying it methodically to ensure nothing wrong can happen and how to handle the situation if it does.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
the man can go all night, have you seen his training regime? and the best part is? you let him have his way with you with multiple rounds despite usually being the one to cum first, and it would be a norm to have you coming again in the same night.
T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them?)
he owns very little toys, no other reason being than bruce wanting you to rely on his dick for pleasure only. he wants you dependent on it, so there's a pretty big chance you might offend him if you suggest a phallic-type toy.
why the hell do you want a dragon dildo?! fifteen inches?!?! jesus christ—am i not big enough or something?!
what—no! didn't you say you liked seeing me struggle?! if anything, it's for YOUR own pleasure, bud. geez...
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
bruce loves teasing you. to be honest, who in the world doesn't love teasing their partner? it's adorable to see you try to squirm away from him when he's hugging you from behind while you're doing whatever and kissing the shell of your ear, then slipping his hand down your pants to feel how hard your dick had gotten from the most minuscule action. and fuck, when he throws in a little verbal play to remind you about how your dick is his and no one else's; you'd be thinking about it for the rest of the day, at least until bruce left for work and you were back onto his bed, sprawled out and whimpering as you spilled multiple loads over your tummy.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
there's something extremely sexy in a way that bruce tries to contain his volume through gritted teeth. it was intimate the way lust unveiled himself. hushed groans in your ear, biting into your earlobe then neck to keep himself from moaning out loud, and fuck, he'd tremble from how much pleasure you were giving him. it would be reflected through his breaths, ruptured as he panted in your mouth during a kiss.
and you were so fucking proud when the moment he disposed a load inside of you, he couldn't help but gush out a deep, guttural moan from within, one that would shake you to your core, and possessed you to spill your own load simply from the sound of his relief.
W = Wild Card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
if bruce had all day with you, he'd want to spend it dry-humping you, specifically in suits. he saw it in a movie once, two men gyrating each other while one was on the other's lap, and it was even hotter than two nude men blowing each other off. and fuck, was he right. there was nothing more infuriating than seeking for pleasure that could be more gratifying. he'd angle his hips, you'd angle yours, and you two would rub, hump into each other's cocks, grind against one another with a steady rhythm while he stilled your head for an equally heavy make-out session. you'd beg for him to just take you right then and there, rip your clothes off and everything, but no. bruce doesn't and never does, and he persists, relieving your aching cock with his own until you two stain the inside of your dress pants, a deep and thick wet spot forming at the center of the trousers afterwards.
X = X-Ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
bruce would be above average, but definitely not hung like most people assume, and you liked that. it was perfectly fit for your body and most importantly, bruce knew how to utilize that thing. he dug deep, made sure you feel every inch, and fuck, his heavy balls holding his thick cum-loads were the cherry on top of your desires for him.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
sex would be the first thing on his mind whenever bruce is stressed. maybe not so much when he's pummeling down criminals, but more so in his daily life where he's swamped in meetings and talking with shareholders. i mean, is it his fault that you looked so good frying up eggs this morning? you had absolutely no reason to, especially when sleep was still laced in your face.
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
bruce has always been a nocturnal animal. even when you've fallen asleep first and nothing but the sounds around him were a droning brown noise specifically curated to lull him to sleep, he'd still remain awake for a while before falling asleep. there was too much on his mind, even if he had emptied it out inside of you. overwhelming thoughts came in as quick as they came out, and luckily, you were there to be the support he needed.
the soft snores of your slumber were evidence that you felt safe with him, a reminder that you were able to sleep like this because he did a fucking great job in keeping you away from danger, and he hoped it would remain that way as he snuggled into you, holding you close to his chest as if tomorrow could change the trajectory of fate.
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nouearth. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works. andif you like this story, please reblog and leave a like!
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beary-good-finds · 4 months
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⭐ Alphabet and number sticker sheet by Mrs. Grossman's, 1991 ⭐
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The Topologist's Alphabet
ooloolol::llllooolllllllll (lowercase)
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whoxeology · 4 months
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⛧☾༺♰SFW Alphabet♰༻☽⛧
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PAIRING: Luke Castellan x Reader
WARNINGS: Established Relationship. Possible spoilers for TLT, Kissing, Making Out, OOC Luke.
W.C: 2.6K
A/N: I have not read the books only knowledge I have of Luke is from the movies, TV show, and multiple fics I have read. With that being said this is purely for fun and these are just my headcannons. You are more than welcome to disagree and leave feedback.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Luke is extremely affectionate. His love language is definitely touch (he's very much touch-starved). He's not afraid of PDA but he likes to be respectful of those around you. When you are in public he'll be affectionate in subtle ways hands on your waist as he walks behind you, a kiss on your forehead when he leaves the dining table, hands caressing your sides as he fixes your fighting stance. He loves to be in your presence. Whether swimming in the lake with you, sitting beside you when you eat, or laying on your bed with you in your warm embrace.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Luke as a best friend would start off slow. You'd be in Hermes cabin because you weren't claimed yet and of course, Luke would show you around and make you feel more welcome. Slowly as the days went on and you weren't claimed you grew closer to Luke. Feeling safer knowing that he would have your back in anything. Eventually, you were claimed and forced to move cabins. Luke thought that would be the end of it another one had gone and moved on. Luke obviously didn't know you. You came back. Even with your new friends in your cabin you still preferred Luke's company.
Luke as a best friend would be loyal to you. Seeing as you felt the same as he did on many things. You two were similar in so many ways. He'd have your back and defend you even when you weren't there. He'd hate every guy you dated even before he had feelings for you because you were too good. Too good for their greedy, filthy, stained hands, too good for even him. He'd be snarky showing a sassy side to you when he was more comfortable.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
When you are alone he can not keep his hands to himself. His hands always find a way under your shirt just resting on your waist, hands messaging your calves, hands running through your hair as you lay your head in his lap. Some of the times none of this is sexual he just loves to feel the warmth of your skin. He loves to feel the smoothness of your skin against his rough calloused palms, to see each strand of hair as he twirls your pretty hair in his hands, to feel your heartbeat thump in his ear as he lays against your chest.
Most of the time you cuddle with Luke you'd end up as the little spoon but once in a while when Luke was overwhelmed with life and was trapped in his head he would lay on your chest legs tangled with yours as he listened to your steady heartbeat
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
First things first Luke is a terrible cook. Not only did he run away at a young age but he has been in camp since he was 14 so there was no need for him to learn how to cook. Needless to say Luke is very smart and strategic so if he really wanted to he could definitely learn to cook.
Luke has always thought of settling down. He knew it was something he really wanted to do. Especially with you. He would have doubts. Not about being with you but you being with him. He thinks you deserve better than anything he could ever give you. He would love to have kids and prove that he could be a better father to them than his father was to him. He would always be there for them and support their goals and dreams, He would never leave them.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If you know Luke's story you know how it ends....... that being said Luke wouldn't want to break up with you. He'd want you to join him and be happy with him. However, seeing as you have morals you wouldn't join him. He would beg and plead for you to join him saying he loves you and needs you by his side.
Say he didn't join Kronos. Luke would try to fix whatever was wrong in your relationship. He would try so hard because he loves you. If he couldn't fix things then he'd let you down the easiest way to do it. He would assure you that even though you aren't not together anymore he would still care for you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Luke is fully committed to you. His flesh, bones, and spirit belong to you and you only. He would think so much about popping the question. You guys were young and had a longggg life ahead of you. He'd always be scared that the day he did pop the question you would say no.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Luke is strong and he is well aware of it. He's no stranger to yanking your back towards him or grabbing your jaw firmly when he pulls you in for a kiss. In moments of heat and passion, he's what you want him to be. You want rough you got it just remember the safe word if anything. You want sweet he'll hold you like you would break and cradle you from the world.
Emotionally Luke is strong he has to be. He had to be growing up the way he did. He's no stranger to hiding his emotions. He wanted to be strong for you but you can always see right through him and tell when something is wrong. There's moments when his walls break and he crys to you about it all and you just hold him.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Luke is TOUCH STARVED. Any change he gets to hold you he will take it. Luke will hug you at least 20 times a day. When Luke hugs you it's engulfing. Luke is taller than you so when he hugs you from behind he loves to rest his chin on your head either that or sneak kisses into your neck.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Luke had liked Thalia and look how that ended..... Pine cones fate. When Luke realizes how much you really mean to him it scares him a bit. He's never loved anyone as much as he loved you and he was scared that you didn't feel the same for you or that he'd scarily lose you. So when you told him that you loved him first his eyes started to water. After a few seconds, he immediately said it back to you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Luke says he doesn't get jealous. This is partially true. You are attractive meaning people are going to be flirting with you which Luke doesn't mind. It's when people forget that you are with him and get bold is when he's practically fuming cartoon-style. He'll approach you and make it well known to the other that he is yours and you are his. He'll slip up behind you hands on your waist and place a kiss on your neck then he'll take his place beside you arm securely wrapped around your waist as he joins the conversation with ease.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like?)
Luke has two types of kisses. One where you are practically made of glass and he is scared you might break. One hand on the side of your head and the other one on your waist as he kisses you as if you were his lifeline. Gentle kisses as he pours his love into you. The other version is hungry and consuming. One hand resting on your neck and the other wrapped around your waist to pull you closer than you already are. A harsh mixture of teeth and tongue as he shows you how much he needs you.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Seeing as most campers that join camp are around 12 years old Luke is pretty good around younger kids. He's always had patience and skill with them. Taking the time needed to show the kids a kind and welcoming hand.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Luke is always gone when you wake up. He snuck off in the night to avoid being caught. You'd get ready and meet him a breakfast where he is already sitting beside a spot he saved for you. His face would light up as he saw you complimenting you every morning even if had seen you hours ago. The conversation mainly consisted of how you slept and the plans for the day along with the occasional tease and snarky comment from Luke and the blushy eye-rolling from you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Since camp had a curfew you and Luke would sneak around most nights to be with each other. Most nights you and Luke would meet by the lake. Blanket hidden under some lifting tree roots and pulled out and placed on the sand whenever you and Luke were there. You'd talk about your days and gaze at the stares. Jokes and stories told about your past, your hopes, and your dreams. Some nights you'd fall asleep in each other's arms on the sand under the stars and the moon no one else in the world but the two of you. Luke would be the first to wake (Mostly because of his nightmare) he'd admire the way you slept and chuckle at the slight drool pooling out of your mouth onto his bare chest. He'd gently shake you awake and help you back to your cabin complaining about how you'd need to rethink the blanket on the sand idea because he has sand in places he did not want to have sand in
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Luke was open to you from day 1. You and him were so much alike that he felt compelled to confide in you. He would slowly tell you things about his past. The tension between him and his father. His failed quest that gave him his scar. His mother. He ached when he spoke about his past but your touch soothed his pain. Dulled it down enough to be shoved away.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Luke had way more patience than you that would be for sure. Dealing with younger kids all day would definitely require you too. Once in a while when Luke was upset he would always seek you out. Your very presence made him feel at ease. During the very very few chances Luke comes to you upset and snaps on you he immediately apologizes.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Luke is your wiki page. He remembers every single thing about you from your favorite candy to your childhood house. He remembers your favorite constellation, your childhood pet name, hell he even remembers your favorite pair of earrings that you lost on a 4th grade field trip. At this point, Luke knows more about you than you do yourself.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Luke's favorite moment in your relationship was the moment you finally got together. It wasn't perfect but it was yours. Luke had been talking to a girl from Aphrodite's cabin and she was flirting with him and Luke was all into it. You had gotten pissed off and ignored him the whole day. You had no reason to be upset. Luke had found you at the lake after curfew and confronted you about being weird and off and things escalated turning the whole thing into an angry love confession.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Luke and protectiveness are practically the same thing. He would do anything to ensure not a single hair on your pretty little head was harmed. He would protect you not only physically but emotionally. He hated to see you hurt in any way. Luke would rather protect you than have you protect him. In moments during camp activities when someone was swinging at him you'd step in and he'd be upset that you could have gotten hurt but also his heart swells with pride that you'd put yourself in danger for him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Luke tries every day. He is such a lover boy. Every day he will give you small gifts whether it's something he made or something he found. You have a collection of shiny rocks and pretty shells that Luke has gifted you through the years you've known him.
On dates and anniversaries, Luke goes all out. He has campers sneak your favorite things into camp candy, snacks, and flowers. He has the whole day planned out. From breakfast in bed to a fancy lunch in the forest, to a romantic dinner on the beach. All of your favorite things in your favorite places.
Luke's gifts were always given from the heart. You weren't materialistic Luke knew that so he got you gifts that held meaning. A bracelet made of string in your favorite color. Each bead on it marks a significant moment in your life since you got to camp. A seashell that he painted with a picture of your favorite constellation on the inside of it. Small yet meaningful and showing of effort put into his gifts.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Not much of a habit but Luke has such a strong hate for the gods specifically his father that makes him the worst version of himself (Kronos).
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Luke knows he's attractive with your help of course. After he got his scar his confidence plummeted. After lots of words of encouragement and affection, he slowly gained his confidence back. His baby loves how he looks and that's all that matters.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Luke would have never been one to say he felt like he needed someone to feel complete. However, since you came along he's felt as if you are his means to life themself. You are a deity he worships. He is completely devoted to you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Luke is surprisingly a really good singer. Sometimes at nights when you can't sleep, he'll take you to the lake and sing to you as you lay your head down on his chest.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Dishonesty. As someone who is lying to literally everyone, he knows a liar when he sees one. He's a hypocrite really he lies but hates when others do it. Especially to his face.
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
Luke doesn't sleep much when he is alone. His nightmares keep him up. However, when he's with you he tends to sleep a little longer than normal. You help him sleep.
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fisher-price · 2 months
Pretend Play Series
Agere School Stimboard
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msslutoclock · 6 months
nsfw alphabet - vinnie hacker
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A - aftercare:
vinnie always pushes you to a breaking point during sex. but he is very diligent when it comes to after care. most times he’ll start the shower knowing that you hate baths. he makes sure to scrub you down with all your favorite products. after he’ll do your skincare and put you in very loose clothing. he’ll make sure you fed and hydrated before turning out the lights and crawling into bed with you.
B - body part
vinnie loves your thighs. he’s always touching them, in the car, at a restaurant, in bed. you always have sweet love bites covering your thighs after a long day with vinnie.
C - cum
vinnie loves filling you up. weather its your cunt or mouth. sometimes he’ll gather the cum that drip out of you and places his coated fingers in your mouth making sure none goes to waste.
D - dirty secret
vinnies loves when he gets to watch you touch yourself. he knows his girl can’t make herself cum without thinking of him which drives him insane.
E - experience
vinnie is very experienced. especially with your body, he know all of the perfect places to drive you crazy.
F - favorite position
vinnie has 3 major favorites:
he loves taking you from behind, he pushes your head into the bed as he aggressively plows into you. but he also love seeing your face while he makes yo cum. so his second favorite is you on your back with your legs over his shoulders. he know how much you love the feeling of this position causing his tip to perfectly hit your g-spot. towards the end when he knows you tired he loves you riding him. he love gripping you ass and playing with your nipples as your overstimulated cunt grinds down onto him.
G - goofy
vinnie loves sex, so he doesn’t waste his time on goofy stuff when he knows that its not going to get either of you off.
H - hair
no thanks! 🫶
I - intimacy
vinnie’s intimacy depends on his and your mood. if hes annoyed you better pray because he is very aggressive. but you also both love sweet vanilla sex from time to time.
J - jack off
vinnie tries not to jack off much, but you both have busy schedules so if needed he will. he will from time to time jack of to you playing with yourself.
K - kinks
vinnie loves praising his girl, letting her know everything she does right, he very dominate in bed, and every now and again like to punish or tie you up when your being a brat.
L - location
vinnie prefers the bedroom because he likes to take his time. but he also likes to see you all flustered scared your going to get caught so every now and again you can find yourself riding vinnie in his car in a parking lot.
M - motivation
anything can turn this man on. weather its as little as you giving him a peck on the lips to you teasing him, if the time is right he will get turned on.
N - no’s
vinnie will not to somnophillia or CNC. he strongly believes that consent is important in the moment not before hand.
O - oral
he LOVES eating you out. the pleasure that it brings him knowing his baby girl is getting taken care of.
P - pace
vinnie is very rough and fast when it comes to sex. he knows you love it when he beats up your pussy.
Q - quickies
vinnie hates quickies, he loves foreplay warming you up. most of the time things result in quickies its because he teases you to the point where your so sexually frustrated you can’t take it.
R - risks
both you and vinnie are willing to take risk. he just knows your a very flustered person when it comes to that which turns him on so much more.
S - stamina
vinnie tends to set his pace around you. if he can tell you can’t take it anymore he’ll finish up but if your still going you best bet vinnie is right there with you.
T - toys
vinnie has a vibrator that he likes to use as a punishment, but thats really the only thing he has.
U - unfair
vinnie loves to tease you. weather its in bed when he edges you, or in public whispering the things he wants to do to you in your ear.
V - vocal
most of vinnies vocal is him praising you, but you’ll get a few loud groans from him every time. he loves when your vocal though. praises his ego.
W - wild card
this man will turn into a giant baby when he’s sick. wanting you to cuddle him and play with his hair. falling asleep on you. but he never admits to it.
Y - yearning
he’s dtf whenever as long as you’re okay with it.
Z - zzz
vinnie never falls asleep before you, always wanting to make sure that you’re okay.
a/n - please give me recs i’m begging
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catchymemes · 2 years
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