haldirr · 4 years
a massive explosion just rocked the capital city of lebanon, beirut. footage of the explosion has been captured, and it is horrific and terrifying. dozens and maybe even hundreds of people have been injured and the reports have confirmed at least 10 people dead. reports are still coming in.
hospitals are overwhelmed. the lebanese red cross has sent out an urgent message in need of blood donations of all blood types. open transfusion centers to help aid in this disaster are currently
if you have loved ones in lebanon or you are aware of someone who has loved ones in lebanon, i strongly urge you to reach out to them as soon as possible. if you don’t have loved ones in lebanon, i hope you at least spread the word to help others and keep beirut in your thoughts today.
this all started just barely two hours ago, and the reports are still coming in with updates. keep an eye on the news, if you can. stay safe. 
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haldirr · 4 years
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haldirr · 4 years
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Want more info? Here ya go: 
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This Biology Teacher Disproved Transphobia With Science 
Sex redefined
“The idea of two sexes is simplistic. Biologists now think there is a wider spectrum than that.”
More on anti-trans arguments as bad science
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haldirr · 4 years
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haldirr · 4 years
a black woman named zoe amira posted a video on youtube. this video is an hour long and filled with art and music from black creators. it has a ton of ads, and in result will rack up a ton of revenue. 100% of the ad revenue from the video will be dispersed between various blm organizations, including bail-out funds for protesters. it will be split between the following, dependent on necessity
brooklyn bail fund
minnesota freedom fund
atlanta action network
columbus freedom fund
louisville community bail fund
chicago bond
black visions collective
richmond community bail fund
the bail project inc
nw com bail fund
philadelphia bail fund
the korchhinski-parquet family gofundme
george floyd’s family gofundme
reclaim the block
turn off your adblocker and put the video on repeat. do not skip ads. let it play on loop whether you’re listening or not. mute the tab if you need to focus elsewhere. but let. it. play.
youtube will donate to blm for you.
please, please reblog. for people who don’t have money to spare, this is incredibly important information to have.
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haldirr · 4 years
If you're going to a protest:
You. Need. To. Wear. A. Mask.
You. Need. To. Try. To. Stand. Six. Feet. Apart.
The pandemic is not over just because other things are happening.
Black people are more than twice as likely to die from COVID-19 as white people.
COVID-19 has already killed almost 20x as many black people in 5 months as cops have in 5 years.
I'm not posting these statistics to downplay police brutality against black people at all. It is of course unacceptable. But amidst all of our (rightful) protesting, we can't forget that COVID-19 is still a major threat.
EVERY person protesting needs to wear a mask (make sure it is made of an effective material - bandanas, scarves, and polyester masks are not effective). Masks do very little to protect the wearer. They help prevent the wearer from infecting others.
In crowds like we are seeing, a single person not wearing a mask could infect dozens, perhaps hundreds, of others. This has happened before. Remember, you can be contagious while having extremely mild symptoms, or even no symptoms.
It is also important to maintain a physical distance of at least 6 feet from others. Especially if you are shouting or singing - raising your voice creates more droplets and projects them further. It may seem like a daunting task to organize this, but it's not impossible. 2800 Israelis did it in April.
I know physically distancing won't be possible in all situations, because police are being very aggressive at a lot of the protests, but it's not an excuse to not try when it is possible. Every case prevented is a life potentially saved.
Black lives matter, whether they're being brutalized by cops, or stricken down by a dangerous virus. Do what you can to prevent both.
And while we're here - please sign this petition to bring George Floyd's murderers to justice, if you haven't yet.
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haldirr · 4 years
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haldirr · 4 years
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Elven Kingdoms of Middle-earth
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haldirr · 4 years
Here is a compilation of places to donate (IF you can, simply reblogging and sharing this can help) and petition to sign. I found these websites and organizations on twitter.
THE MINNESOTA  FREEDOM FUND: Donate to this to collect funds to pay jail bonds for the protesters who get arrested.
BLACK LIVES MATTER: An organization fighting for the BLM movement. Donate if you can. 
BLACK VISIONS MN: an organization that is led by Black, Queer and Trans people. Donate if you can.
NAACP Legal Defense Fund: Fights for the overall equality fight. Donate if you can.
Willie Simmons has spent 38 years in prison for a $9 robbery. He had two prior convictions similar to robbery that he served time for. He was prosecuted under the Alabama Habitual Offender law and was given a life sentence for his third strike - stealing 9 (NINE) dollars. Sign his petition. 
Breonna Taylor was killed by police who were conducting an UNANNOUNCED drug raid, where they gave no request to enter. They bashed her door and entered, shooting her EIGHT times. They were in the WRONG HOUSE. 
George Floyd was killed by a police officer who knelt on his neck and suffocated him to death, after George pleaded with the officer and told him he couldn’t breathe. The officer had pulled him from where he sat in his car on an alleged FORGERY. You can also text “FLOYD” to 55156
ARREST THE OFFICERS WHO KILLED GEORGE FLOYD: The main police officer who murdered George is being kept in PROTECTIVE CUSTODY. You probably have heard he was arrested, but this is NOT TRUE. He was placed under PROTECTIVE custody because of the riots and “threats” on his life. 
If you know of ANY other organizations or petitions, PLEASE ADD TO THIS LIST. The fight for justice doesn’t end here, it will never end. Especially when the president of the United States calls white supremacists good people and protesters of a mans death THUGS. USE YOUR VOICE. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE. FUCK COPS. FUCK “BLUE LIVES”. ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER!
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haldirr · 4 years
If you fall into any of these categories, please unfollow me
- the "all lives matter" crowd
- the “i don’t care about politics” crowd
- "blue lives matter" people
- "violence is never the answer” people
- "i don't see race/colour" people
- the "white people experience racism too" crowd
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haldirr · 4 years
frodo baggins the iconic reluctant hero who saved the entirety of arda deserves so much better than “sam gamgee is the real hero” i said what i said
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haldirr · 4 years
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GET TO KNOW ME  →  movies [1/10]
   ↳ The Lord of the Rings trilogy
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haldirr · 4 years
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The most relatable LOTR character.
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haldirr · 4 years
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Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.
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haldirr · 4 years
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Reblog to let your followers know you are a safe person to come out to.
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haldirr · 4 years
Legolas this, Aragorn that-but when will you pay attention to the unsung hottie of middle earth, Haldir?!???!!
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I mean, he’s hot, he’s smart
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He’s just as talented with a bow as legolas
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He’s sassy asf???? Why is no one giving him the attention he deserves???? My mans is a fucking hot piece of ass and he knows it
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haldirr · 4 years
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The Fellowship of The Ring + scenery
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