whereserpentswalk · 16 days
Reblog to receive the transformation. Like to upgrade your power.
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silken-moonlight · 28 days
Part two of werewolf best friend who is secretly in love with you.
He didn't mean it to happen this way. That his cock was throbbing, almost painful against his boxers. Both of you were half nakes. Him only in boxers and you in some silly panties with ducks on it and a shirt you stole from him. Didn't you know how mad it drove him that you wore his clothes?
You whole body was dragged across him. Your pussy pressed against his muscular thigh
in your sleep. Your leg rubbed against his clothed cock. He needed to get out of here. Now.
You protested when he tried to get up. He told you that he needed to go right now. Of course you asked whats wrong. Oh you were sweet as ever. So worried for him. Oh gods above, he could smell your pussy. You were ovaluating. He could taste it almost on his tongue. He gaped at you, cock twitching in his underpants. Your gaze went there and he thought he will faint.
He apologized prfoundly, told you he was in rut. You two always stayed apart when he was in rut, he always knew beforehand. But this time it was a suprise.
Oh sweet you asked what you could do to help him. He blurted out to eat you out. That it would help his aching cock. You looked at him suprised, blush creeping on your cheeks. Your best friend couldn't think clearly, he begged you. Told it was normal amomgst werwolves to help each other out, it was infact not, but you will never know.
You agreed, blaming it on haven't been laid properly. He was on you in seconds, almost ripping apart your panties. His hot mouth was on you before you could blink. He licked, sucked, nibbled and kissed. Your first orgasm was intense, but nothing like the second or the third or the fourth....He just wouldn't stop. And he wouldn't stop praising you. Told you that you tasted so well, that you are so good to him, that you drive him mad, he just needed one more orgasm from you just one more...
He came several times, a pool of cum underneath him. You were so sensitive, so overstimmed. He knew you were not on the pill and he couldn't fuck you properly. So he suddenly turned you and fucked your thighs. His cockhead rubbing against you clit and made you cum two more times.
He only stopped when both of you couldn't move physically....and his rut had just begun....
A/N: Part 3?
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squidinu · 8 months
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werewolf kisses [sketch]
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yellowsyro · 2 years
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bunch of doodles with OCs
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lilaccmilk · 4 months
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kryolf · 4 months
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cysa · 3 months
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Girls kissing girls
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wrecked-fuse · 7 months
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Doodle of a new challenge prompt I’m participating in with my friends. I turned it into pocketverse 🥰
🔪🔪🔪 в вк не репостить🔪🔪🔪  
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haliet0 · 9 months
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Werewolf chris my beloved
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kritzelpixel · 4 months
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Well… sorry, but my new vampire crime novel doesn't have any spice, it is really just a bloody vampire werewolf witch undead mess. But today is release AND Valentine's Day, so I thought, I will give you some smashy content. And well, sometimes vampire and werewolf give each other "the look" so… 👁👄👁💦
The novel is in German, so sorry for all the vampire novel suckers outside of my country. :X
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joe-spookyy · 2 months
transmasc friend said he likes lycanthropy/werewolves as a metaphor i said oh i’m sure
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silken-moonlight · 24 days
Ok but how about about a cute male omega who is just so pathetic just for his female Alpha? Whimpering and whining while riding a pillow while she reads, scolding him for distracting her with his moans? Him moaning extra so she gives him attention? She snapping and overstimming him until he sees stars?
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ashuribbon · 4 months
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S-M-I-L-E everyday!
Aka I made a lil Smiling Critters sona!
[ Reblogs > Likes! /nm ]
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aeternum-lupus · 1 year
super easy realistic tail tutorial!
A Therian that doesn’t want a taxidermy tail but still wants realistic look and feel? Or just need a quick tail for a costume and don’t want to spend money/get one of those ugly Walmart tails? This is a super easy tail tutorial, using scrap material and very basic sewing skills that I also direct how to do if needed. It can be completed within an hour if you already have basic sewing skills, and will only take 3 hours max even if you’ve never sewn before! The end result moves like a real tail and looks like a real tail if you use realistic fur.
I make a wolf tail, but this method can be used for almost any animal with fur. 
Possible TW- Real taxidermy tails shown, and an up close picture of the leather in a tail for reference
The middle tail is the fake one I made in this tutorial, next to my tanned coyote tails. 
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sewing needle and thread
a strip of fur (i’m using scrap fur from a coat hood and will show how to use that), twice as wide as you want the tail and as long as you want the tail, plus at least 5 inches for doubling it over if you’re making a coyote/wolf tail- for cat tails you won’t need this, for fox tails you will need it twice as long as you want the tail. Ex.- mine was a 5 inch wide, 26 inch fur strip. my tail ended up being 3 inches thick not including the length of the hair and 19 inches long.
optional- seam ripper, they can make it easier but you can just use scissors if you don’t have one
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STEP ONE (if using a hood)
cut the fur off of the hood- make sure not to cut any of the actual fur! Leave some of the fabric from the hood on when making the first cut to make sure you don’t cut the fur fabric, or you won’t have enough fur for the tail. Cut close to the fur, but not the fur fabric. Then, cut about half an inch off each end of the fur, where the thick seams are- this is to separate the fur fabric from the hood fabric. now you will be able to remove the fabric of the hood- you can probably just pull them apart but you may have to cut the seams. 
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make sure not to cut the fur strands or you’ll have weird square cut fur on the tail! 
-skip to under picture if making a cat tail or one you don’t have to fold widthwise-
now that you have your fur, mark where you want the bottom of your tail to be- so if you want your tail to be 20 inches long completed and you have to fold the fur halfway up to be thicker at the end than the top (wolf and coyote tails are shaped like that) Then mark at 20 inches. this should leave 10 inches to be folded. Now, to make your tail pointed you will need to cut it into shape. To do this, draw two triangles like so-  
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And cut them off. when folded, the tip of the tail should look something like this-
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If you’re making a cat tail, fold the fabric lengthwise and cut the corners off! you do not have to fold it horizontally, only vertically. 
STEP THREE- skip if making cat tail
Now you can start sewing! you will want the fur sides in, the fabric side out to sew. it doesn’t have to be sewn well, you won’t see it from the outside at all. Starting from the tip of the tail, use a basic straight stitch, which looks like this-
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and is done just by sticking the needle through both layers from one side to the other in a pleated pattern and then pulling the thread through. the fabric should be flat after you pull it through, or you pulled the thread too tight. You can just pull the fabric flat usually, if you have enough thread to go through all the fabric. Make sure you leave about 1/8 inch of the edge of the fabric, or if it frays your sewing can come undone.
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continue sewing until you get about 2 inches from the edge of the folded piece, here- 
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And cut the corners off, so it’s triangular. sew only the one side of the triangle to the side you’re sewing. Now end the stitch, by going through only the top layer of fabric with the needle, pulling the thread only halfway through, and then putting the needle through the thread loop. Then pull it tight. Do this two or three times, then cut the thread. Leave about half an inch of thread on the knot, so if it comes loose it doesn’t completely undo. 
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repeat on the other side, getting all the way to the end of the folded fabric. If you made a fox tail, then you’re done until Step five because the whole tail is folded like that, there is no skinny part.. 
For the skinny part of the tail, or for the whole tail if making a cat tail, fold the rest of the tail horizontally- 
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and sew up to the top. Make sure to leave an opening of about 2 inches to flip it right side out! 
My cat decided to join me here, so he’s become part of the background XD
Flip right side out/ fur side out!
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For realistic movement, you DO NOT want to stuff it with anything. Real tails just have a little piece of leather in the center, nothing else-
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If you want it to be poseable, you can put wire in the middle. You’ll want to add a dab of hot glue to the ends of the wire so it stays put. The top of the tail will still be open, you will want to sew it closed by folding the very edge of the fabric in and sewing it like that, so you don’t see the edge of the fabric-
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sew it shut using that method every stitch. Now you can sew any type of fastener or clip to it to attach it to you. And it’s done! 
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apparentlyamonster · 1 year
Werewolf partner version of the little-spoon-butt-wiggle is just wagging their tail against your crotch
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aesthetic--mood · 8 months
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Werewolf Halloween Aesthetic
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