silken-moonlight · 1 day
Jewelled Nipple clamps
Vamp!Emporer ordering you in his office, making you undo your top part of your dress. He gets out a little small Box, he opens it and golden nipple clamps are on the Black velvet in the box. They have shining jewels in them, tiny, so they don't weigh the clamps down too much. Connceted with a chain.
He leans down, blowing softly on your nipples so they stiffen before putting them on you. You whine, but stand still, he gently tugs on the chain, again you whimper and softly moan.
He seems satisfied and purrs:"Put your top back up and come back in 15 minutes." Sending you out after that, leaving you squirming....and so wet.
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dampsleeves · 3 months
“Oh, you’re a monsterfucker? Do you consider yourself to be undesirable by human standards and want to find someone who is the same way so you can both choose to love each other anyways? 🤓”
I told you that I want a really really big werewolf to rearrange my guts what are you yapping about
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arcadechan · 5 months
You know what would be amazing in your style? Vampire sucking the blood of her maiden 👀💕
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ohhhh, when she gives you her neck for the first time...
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werewolfrizz · 4 months
watching your werewolf boyfriend's eyes widen when any canine howls within earshot. watching him puff out his cheeks and hold his breath, practically vibrating with the need to do it back, only holding back because he knows full and well that you'll tease him to hell and back for it.
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lord-prey · 5 months
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Did I ever post this here?
Anyways I just think it’s neat
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mxalexwhat · 10 months
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readwanderlust · 1 year
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flowerbetweenfangs · 3 months
Human at first glance...
The person covered with strange burns all over their body. Too clumsy when they walk, almost like they had something to stabilize them before. Their voice is raspy and rough. Their touch scorching hot. Molten metal encircles their head.
Then one day the scars reopen, revealing flaming eyes. Fiery wings burst from their back and wrap around you and them. A fallen angel. Their molten halo will reform one day, but until then, they must remain on earth.
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roguemonsterfucker · 2 years
Oh no don’t tower over me with your teeth bared 😳
Oh no don’t remind me that you could easily kill me with a swipe of your claws 🥵
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butchjesus · 9 months
hello my fellow queers. pls rb and put in the tags who you think is the sexiest vampire character (any media). I have been disappointed by every list I've found so far but this is very important research
(edit: turning off reblogs for now but ty everyone! this was very good info. I may be making a little poll with it in the near future)
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silken-moonlight · 2 days
The intimacy of vampires and their feeding always gets to me. Imagine you have a vampire boyfriend who always makes it such a ceremony... Candles, on the bed, and you in pretty lingerie. It's almost religious to him.
His cold lips always kiss up from your elbow to your wrist. He takes a teasing nibble there before sinking his teeth into it. You moan and lean back, soon feeling your blood leave your body and enter his. You feel calm, relaxed, and safe. You lean into his touch and caress.
He holds you close, stopping to drink from your wrist before moving to your neck, biting you there and drinking your life essence. His hands rest on your waist, never wandering, only caressing you. He cleans you up with his tongue, placing kisses on your shoulder before moving to bite you on the other side. He takes hours to feed, always leaving you feeling dizzy from his touch and teeth.
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dampsleeves · 2 months
monster with a tail that's really sensitive, who makes little noises when you touch it >>>
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theboarsbride · 6 months
Toying with colors and cover concept ideas…
Jane is very brightly colored and flamboyant, fitting her attention-seeking personality and hyper feminine public face…so lots and lots of bright pinks!
Terence is dramatically dark and brooding, so he has a more gothic palette with dark purples and greys. And the Beast amplifies that by being wholly dark with sickly bright colors for eyes.
….also enjoy a rough concept for a fake cover for TBWH based off of an old poster for The Island of Doctor Moreau
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werewolfrizz · 3 months
werewolf bf that refuses to shift back into human form when winter comes. who will stares at you, shellshocked that youre able to bear the season without a full coat of fur to keep you warm. who basically smothers you when you get home because he's so certain you're freezing.
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lord-prey · 3 months
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Not enough lesbian monsters but also tired of the straight ship always having a human
Yes I know the human is there so the audience can use em as a self insert, but gimme a monster pov of romancing a different monster with entirely different habits n courting rituals pls 😩
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misscryptidart · 1 year
I know everyone is horny over Miguel (as is their God given rights) but goddammit if I don't feel some kinda way for the late 40s scientist going through a crisis of identity and turning into an eldritch abomination
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