#tsutey headcanons
eternalslover · 1 year
Avatar incorrect quotes:
Jake, introducing the new warriors: This is Tsu'tey. He loves his personal space.
Y/N, surprise hugging Tsu'tey:
Jake: This is Y/N, they also love Tsutey's personal space.
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Bully: Tsu’tey
Avatar Masterlist
word count: 1.2k
request: how about something about tsu’tey promising not to bully jake and reader catches him and they fight about it, and she reveals that she knows what jake is going through since she hasn’t been apart of the clan long since her clan was killed. 
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You knew Tsu'tey would be training Jake and some of the other warriors today and decided to go pay him a visit and perhaps even get him to share lunch with you as you packed a picnic for you two. After packing up you started making your way towards the Hallelujah mountains excited to see your man, but that soon washed away when you saw him beating up Jake.
Now Tsu'tey has hated Jake since he arrived and you admitted that you were off put by the dream walker but that soon disappeared after getting to know him. After the twentieth fight between them, you sat down with your mate and made him promise to stop fighting with Jake so much and he agreed.
"Tsu'tey!" A familiar voice rang out making him instantly climb off of Jake.
"Ma y/n." He said instantly preparing his apologies as you walked over and helped Jake up off the ground putting some distance between him and Tsu'tey.
"Ma y/n." Tsu'tey tried to say but stop seeing the look on your face made him stop as he stepped back with his tail tucked between his leg, he knew better than to make you even more upset right now.
"I had come to have lunch with you to thank you for being so good and not fighting with Jake, but clearly I was wrong." You said as Jake watched in shock not used to seeing Tsu'tey like this.
"Ma y/n please." He said almost begging at this point hating that he disappointed you.
"No. Have lunch by yourself and think about what you did. I don't want to talk to you right now." You said shoving the basket in his hands before leaving.
You went home that day angry well more so upset about Tsu'tey's actions and slept even rougher without him by your side. A day later Jake had come to find you want to talk to you about yesterday. He hesitantly stopped by your hut unsure if he should even talk to you not wanting to upset Tsu'tey anymore.
"Jake, hi. Come in." You said opening the curtain for him to enter.
"Hi y/n, I wanted to talk to you about yesterday at the Hallelujah Mountain mountains." He said as you nodded.
"Sure. What do you want to talk about?" You asked as you two took a seat.
"Yesterday ..we'll more I wanna know why you keep defending me from Tsu'tey I mean that's your mate?" He said kinda confused.
"I'm not originally from this clan....about 4-5 years ago, most of my clan was killed off leaving me to come and find a new home.....I was an outsider like you I had to go through practically everything you went through and when I saw him treating you like that I had to step because I know what that feels like." You said shocking him.
"I had no idea...when Tsu'tey does that, it feels like initiation I had to go through with the Marines back on earth but thank you for looking out for me y/n." He said to you.
"Anytime. Jake, how was he when I left?" You couldn't help but ask him making him smile at how much you guys loved each other.
"He wasn't too good. I could see the sadness in his eyes as he looked at the picnic you had made. And today he just canceled practice which isn't like him...Maybe you should talk to him?" Jake offered as you nodded your head.
After Jake left you cleaned up the hut and gathered your thoughts on how to approach your mate after you yelled at him. Your thoughts were interrupted by Tarsem being at your entrance making you confused.
"Tarsem?" You asked.
"Sorry to show up like this but he wanted me to come to take you to where he was. If you ask me I think that he was afraid of you saying no." He said making you laugh a little.
You allowed him to take you to wherever Tsu'tey wanted you to meet him. You two made small talk and shared some laughs as you walked but then you finally reached a pasture where you saw Tsu'tey standing looking nervous.
"Thank you, Tarsem." You both said before Tarsem left leaving you two there.
"Ma y/n, these are for you." He said placing a flower in your hair before handing you some flowers.
"Thank you ma Tsu'tey." You said smiling at him as he grabbed your hand and started leading you to a secluded spot in the pasture.
"What is all this?" You asked looking at him.
"I wanna apologize for my behavior yesterday and make up for ruining the beautiful picnic had set up for us." He said.
"I never want to make you mad or disappointed in me which is ironic because I don't care what most people think of me but with you I do. Your my mate and I never want to upset you like that, seeing that look on your face yesterday made me feel really terrible and I hope you can forgive me." He said sincerely.
"Ma Tsu'tey I appreciate that really and I do forgive you. The only reason I don't want you to pick on Jake is that I was him or in his position once and know what he feels like." You said squeezing his hand as realization hit him as to why you were so concerned about Jake now.
"Yawne, I didn't know....you never told me about that." He said as you nodded your head.
"I know I didn't and I'm sorry. I just try not to talk about it too much because it was so bad that I was considering leaving but I'm glad I didn't because I got to meet you and once I did it somehow stopped." You said smiling up at him.
"I'm glad you didn't leave either but next time or if it ever again, you tell me alright? I don't want you to ever feel like you don't belong because you do right here by my side, okay?" He said melting your heart.
"I promise. And I love you, Tsu." You said leaning up and pressing a kiss on his lips.
"I love you Ma y/n." He said smiling as you two pulled apart and sat down to enjoy the picnic he set up.
You two spent the afternoon talking and eating until you started to feel sleepy, the restless night from the night before catching up to you which your mate noticed right away. He shifted a little so his back was resting against the tree before inviting you into his arms which you happily went into.
"Rough night too?" He asked you running a hand through your hair.
"Yeah, I hate it when we fight, much more when you're not next me." You said with a pout.
"I'm sorry I promise for us to fight anymore. Get some rest yawne, I'm right here, nothing is gonna get you." He said leaning down and pressing a kiss to your forehead making you smile.
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gloryy-vs · 1 year
Tsu’tey as a Girl Dad
lil headcannons cus i’m bored and have no motivation to finish my stories rn IM SORRY
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definitely was silent by your side during the birth, didn’t want to annoy you with any comments cause he could tell the amount of pain you were in
let you grip onto his hand like you were gonna break it, hurt him a lot but he wouldn’t let you let go of him even tho it made him lowkey shed a tear
gives you a kiss when the baby is finally out, thanking you and congratulating you first before he coddled the baby
notices the baby has his eyes but your facial structure, dies from happiness
check all over his daughter to make sure everything looks okay cus he’s obsessive over his girlies like that
if his daughter starts crying late into the night he forces you back down to sleep so he can take care of her and soothe her
goes hunting early morning so he can spend the rest of the day taking care of both of you
even though you’re no longer pregnant he grew the habit or not letting you do much, so he braids your hair still, puts your top and loincloth on, cleans up for you etc
brings back pretty flowers or colorful woods/craft material and gives to his daughter, makes her small beads that you put in her hair
once she’s grown up she’s an ABSOLUTE daddy’s girls, he tends to still look over her as if she was a child and scares away any potential mates like, “come near my daughter again and i’ll skin you”
he taught her how to hunt efficiently, didn’t allow anyone else to do it because he wanted to make sure she wouldn’t get hurt in someone else’s care
he even crafted her own dagger when she came of age
tsu’tey literally cried when she claimed her first ikran for her coming of age, you had to hide his face because he didn’t want others seeing him so vulnerable
you were dying laughing
your daughter was embarrassed though, like “daaaaaaaad stop you’re embarrassing me right now!” mid wrestle with her ikran
sets a strict curfew for her because hello??? tsu’tey starts panicking if she’s late or even goes out cus he’s so protective
you have to make sure he’s not overbearing though and that she can have some actual freedom as other teen na’vi do
let’s her friends come over because he literally can’t say no to her, you then force him to clean up the mess they made cus you told him only two friends were okay but he agreed to like five
you love seeing them bond. seeing them hunting together, making new weapons that match, putting matching beads in their hair so all three of you match warms your heart sm.
he always shows her that the biggest/shiniest bead in his songcord is for when she was born, made her cry when she first found out.
overall he’s definitely a girl dad u cant tell me otherwise
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quaritchsbunny · 11 months
Tsu’tey as a Yandere - 1/2 (hc styled fic)
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Wc: 4.8k Warnings/Tags: tsutey x f!Reader, human!reader, yandere behavior, stalking, obsessive behavior, tsu’tey is a bit scary here, traditional yandere kidnapping, Jake makes a cameo, Tsutey refers to the reader as mate. A/N: So uh.. I dont know why the full thing ended up being 8k either but enjoy this first part (this is one of the most mid things i’ve written ever but)
Extremity Scale: 4/5
Type of Yandere:  Overprotective, desperate, violent (not to reader), slightly manipulative
-The forest of pandora gives, endlessly, mercily, and without seeking in return as long as the energy of life is respected and cycled properly
-Bioluminiscent ferns lit the trodden soil in the cool nights, guiding ways to hunts, hometree, waterfalls, and spirit trees alike, animals graze on the herbous plants that made themselves home to the forest floor, age old trees and forests that served to harbor navi, young viperwolves, pandora gives and gives, only taking what was necessary for survival
-And so does a particular warrior of the Omaticaya Clan
-Tsutey was no rookie to the cycle of sacrifice and giving in the life of a navi
-He had given everything to be the sculpted, skilled, and scorn sigma he is now
-Climbing through the piles of tasks, waking up before the dawn everyday to dedicate his every breath to the clan, muscles trained to protect even if eyes were closed in deep sleep
-Ever since completing his coming of age trials, the tribe held no candidate for the next olo’ekytan other than the overachieved young man that had rose through the ranks like it was his destiny to be the best, at everything and anything
-Whether it was direhorses, ikrans, or even thanators, the creatures of pandora bowed at his will and he was able to tame his first ikran at the record setting age of 8
-His physical ability was no surprise either, the young man who hunted with the accuracy of the eye from eywa, though never taking more than the clan needed
-His loyalty to the omaticaya was also unmatched, always the first to lead a hunt, offer his share of food to a young navi, training adolescents, taking up any dangerous risky situations in the name of assistance
-He gave his all in absolutely everything he did, his heart pumped beats of dedication to his clan, strong arms working to hunt and support the people he loved, mind laid down solely on the purpose of serving his community, giving, giving, and giving more
-It was his nature, and though he seemed like an intimidating, judgemental man in the eyes of other members of his clan, he never complained about doing what he had to for his home
-However, it seemed that the more Tsutey gave to the world, the more they took from him instead
-Draining him of passion with piling the responsibilities, looking eyes, and hovered breath on the next olo’ekytan in line 
-Suddenly, the kill he brought back from hunts didn’t seem enough, hungry eyes always seem to ask for more, more, more
-Suddenly, more and more tasks were layered on to him with no specific reason
-At first, they only took his energy, his loving nature towards the clan became more of a scorned pain as he dutifully agreed to risk his life over and over again
-The tasks eventually drained him of the humble, dedication he had clung to over the years, his pride only settling in the growing reliance and place of authority and respect he rose to be in the clan, because the members themselves didn’t exactly see much other than that
-While others his age were able to scamper about finding mates, he was stamped day and night at posts in the forest acquiring materials for the people
-But what could he do? It was for the greater good, and in any way, who would step up to do it if it wasnt him? If it wasn’t the prodigy warrior of the forest clan who was much too good to be true?
-Then when the sky people began to settle, everything began to be snatched from the corner of his eye
-It all began to collapse with the damned avatar, Jake Sully, strolling into the tribe Tsutey had sustained and supported with his bare hands for years and accepted without much of a protest from anyone in the tribe
-He had to give more and more, investing in a person he didn’t even want, training him, leading him to tame his ikran
-Before he could even prove his point of the avatar being an infiltrator by demonstrating to the clan, the newbie had snatched his promised mate, neytiri, right away from him
-Truthfully, tsutey knew deep down he and neytiri didn’t feel anything for each other besides mutual respect, but this was a hard blow from the hard resolve he had been holding onto since life began to drain him
-It seemed unfair, even a sky person could find a mate in a little less than 3 months, what contributions had Jake even made to the clan other than clumsily stumbling through hunts? All Jake was is another taker, another person who relished in the harbor of the home tsutey fought to protect, gave everything for, taking everything without appreciation
-Tsutey was tired of it, drained after neytiri announced her and jake’s union, he was done
-He was done with giving
-He was done with the rituals he dedicated himself for in the greater good of the tribe
-His heart still pumped loyalty, but his heart was also tired
-Tired giving and giving with no return.
-Maybe it’s his turn to take something. For his own. 
-After all, he deserves it more than anyone
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Tsutey’s trudging through the forest, arrow in hand even though he didn’t intend to hunt anything. He wanted to take something, out of spite, just to prove that he can own something, something that belongs to him. Take something instead of giving himself out until he’s hollow. Show that he didnt have to be the sacrificial honorable clan warrior he always takes on. 
God, when was the last time he’s been in the forest for a purpose other than for serving the tribe?
Lost in his thoughts, he stopped marching through the soil angrily.
He had been stomping on the grounds that gave him life, gave him everything, the air he breathes, the fruits he savors, and now he’s taking his anger out on the forest for the stress he’s been feeling
Staring into the muddy reflection in the water, he sees eyebags, cracked face paint for the most recent hunt, bright free strands of air tinted red at the end looking distressed
The bright pandora night vibrates around him, as he takes deep breaths and continues pacing onto “his spot”
The spot he went to unwind and relax before Jake sully came, before life seemed to take more and more from him. After a bit of sidetracking and remembering paths, he arrived
However, something wasn’t right
He inspected the moss surrounding the area, still green and vibrant, the tree branches, though now longer, still extended from the same angle from the main trunk, what is it?
He took a deep breath to process before it hit him. A scent. But not just any scent, a human scent
His blood boiled, finally, he had came to his spot to relax and unwind and even that's being taken away from another sky person
Another one? Did Sully send an extra spy?  He thought scornfully as he quietly trailed the scent
Stepping closer and closer until it was certain to be near, tsutey narrowed his lime colored eyes, four nimble fingers running against the auburn of the wood cylinder on his arrow. Searching for a small frame that smelled of soft cotton until he spotted you. He gulped. 
He softened a bit at your dress, instead of cargoes and thick vests that the human warriors wore with their heavy firearms and came to suck Pandora dry of its resources, you were wrapped in a crisp lab coat, the same kind his childhood teacher who taught him english - Dr Augstine-  used to wear. He could see your back, as you were hunched over on the ground, delicate hands trembling as stray locks fell from the messy scrunchie ponytail you held your hair in as some strands were held under the snug band of a camera around your neck.
A scientist? Tsutey pondered, pupils dilating as he snuffed out your scent, trying to distinguish it under the blouse that fit you snugly.
God, you were all wrapped up in unnecessary layers of sky people layers like a gift for him. And oh god did he wanna take you.
With the grace and expertise of a trained warrior, he stepped closer without making a sound, ears tipping towards your direction to pick up signs of why you were laying on the ground
Suddenly, his senses picked up a strong punch of blood, he gulped as he realized it, a small patch of red under your arm that spread through the pristine white of your lab coat. But it wasn’t your blood.
He tilted his head to catch a hint of a pali (direhorse) foal, bleeding out as one of it’s small hooves caught painfully onto a split branch, you had pulled it out and were now wrapping it’s hooves 
His heart tingled as you cooed softly, admiring your gentleness as your fingers curled around hoove, pressing the human gauze into the wound as you layed down, wet soil mulching into the flappy ends of your lab coat as you treated the foal
Oh never in his navi life had he wished so desperately for eywa to take his soul and put it in the injured direhourse, he wanted to feel this cotton sky girl’s touch, your gentle fingers that ran across the deep injuries he stuffed away to give endlessly to others. 
Never in his navi life had he been so grateful to have his sharper senses, and exceptional eyesight, built to sculpt out the tiniest of movements in the dim nights on pandora even without bioluminiscent plants helping, it was the reason why he was basically a arms length away from you but can smell you, see you, and just almost feel you like you were next to him. Where he was so sure you belonged
That was when Tsutey decided to take you
Well, not immediately, and definitely not because of the way his world seemd to melt and his instincts sharpened to smell you, hear you, and god- he imagined touching you.
He closed and eyes and imagined it, splitting resolutions of holding you underneath him, your pretty little body, so much smaller than his, biting into your lab coat as he mated and-
No, that's not why he decided to take you
He obviously only wanted to observe you as a potential prisoner of war and another alien sky person he can bring back to the tribe to show how the invasive species have been encroaching more
That’s exactly why he decided to silently move boulders around your path, gritting his teeth as he lifted the heavy rocks three times his size, silently gliding through the lush forest and blocking every possible way you had to reach the RDA lab or even contact them again, creating a nice enclosed radius so that he can observe this prisoner of war (charged for stealing his heart)
After the inital trap was set. He waited. You seemed to finally come to your senses to let the foal heal on its own when the night settled matte black around you
His heart pierced with thrill as he began to smell your panic, your widened eyes and your useless flimsy arms that tried to push over the boulders a certain navi warrior planted to capture you (what were you thinking? You couldn’t move these without the strength training tsutey had from wrestling ikrans, silly girl)
After a while, you and the pali foal both lay down in the opening of “his spot”, which was an intimate cave, decorated by tsutey’s memories with the vibrant yellow paint on the stone walls. 
Even in a threatening situation, your eyes stayed glued on the foal, muttering in fluid english under your breath about it’s “adolescence” and “need for its mother” as you took off the crimped ivory hair band that bound your now dissheveled hair, wrapping it around the foal’s 
Hmm, maybe Tsutey wouldn’t immediately take bind you and take you back to the tribe, not because he was getting soft for you, but clearly because the foal needed more treatment
His heart almost swells in pride, finally seeing someone take care of Pandora with the same hospitality it gave, with the same hospitality tsutey gave. What else could he possibly do? You were so helpless and he was the only one who could possibly help you in this situation!
That night, he found himself in a trance, tail swatting against the cave happily as he watched you sleep after you took pictures of the foal for documentation (funnily enough, you wanted photo evidence to show your coworkers back at the lab, like you were ever gonna see them again), when he heard soft puffs of air from your nose becoming slow and steady, he decided to take the pali foal back
He tread carefully, until he gently uncurled the foal from you, its hoove still wrapped in your scrunchie. 
He had made the smallest move in his boulder, dropping the foal off at the nearest direhorse den before rushing back to you. His heart beat with the unfamiliarity of taking something, so unapologetically, so fearlessly, but everything felt so right. The scrunchie that had been wrapped loosely around the foal’s hoof was now clean of blood and bound tightly around his own wrist, the ivory color complimenting his azure skin 
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By the time he made it back to the cave, the morning eclipse had risen, light slowly pouring into the mouth of the cave. He watched slowly as you woke up, panicked when you didn't see the foal anymore. You groan, the sore in your shoulder from sleeping on the stone floor of the cave becoming stronger as you stand up. Still dazed and slightly panicked as you made your way around, uslessly pushing the stone boulders that remainedl stiff and restricting. You had given up on leaving, and instead curled up on the forest floor, sighing as fat tears rolled down your cheeks. What have you gotten yourself into? Is this what you deserved for helping out like an idiot? All you wanted was to nurse the poor foal and guide it to safety like a decent human. You had no means of communication with the RDA or the lab, and now you’re stranded all alone without even a source of water or someone to talk to.
Well, while you might’ve been right about having someone to talk to, you definitely weren’t alone.
Tsutey frowned when he smelled the saltine tears and heard your sniffs. Had he messed something up already? He was doing a huge favor for you! You were just a bit too overwhelmed to see it. Was it so bad for him to seperate you from those resource hungry humans that couldn’t possibly appreciate your kindness and generosity towards Pandora like he did? Questions raced through his mind, and unfortunately he knew exactly who to ask. And he quietly tread out, the slight crunch of a boulder moving unnoticed as you lay on the ground, scared and lonely. His poor mate! She’s all worked up, clearly she hasn’t ever had someone court her in such privacy, maybe she needs some food to calm down, that's it!
Tsutey sprinted his way back to hometrree , swinging by his hut for the briefest second and giving a sleep deprived scowl as he got the biggest straw basket he could find. On his way out, he pushed aside any adolescents pestering him for training lessons and respectably denied any hunt leads with a shallow bow of his head, not giving them a drop of attention of time.
Tsutey had just gotten to the base of hometree, arms clad with a basket full of fruits and a canteen of water before a familiar, english dialect infected voice sounded. “Tsutey, hold on!” the newly mated Sully scampered forward, awkwardly holding out his five fingers for a handshake as if he didn’t already know navi didnt like those
Tsutey turned the other cheek, not wanting to waste more of his darling's time on the awkward conversation that was sure to follow with the avatar. 
“Listen, I just wanna say I never knew you and Neytiri were-” Tsutey huffs impatiently, red strands hitting the side of his cheek as he looks to him
“It doesn’t matter Sully, I don’t care anymore” Tsutey says, feet already taking him down the path to the forest
“H-hey wait, whose scrunchie is that?” Jake calls out, fingers around tsutey’s wrist as it caressed the distinctly human design of a hairband
Tsutey nearly swung the basket at Jake's face when he felt fingers touch something so precious, the only possession he had from his mate. “God, Sully, planning to steal my actual mate from me now?” the words came out without filter, and he can see Sully’s amber eyes widen as the words computed
“What?” The avatar exclaimed in full english, numb fingers falling from the scrunchie as Jake blinked his eyes hard as if he was hallucinating the conversation
Tsutey rolled his eyes, he knew he shouldve just got going instead of talking
“Well, since you’re here anyways, mind telling me some human friendly pandorian fruits or anything that can make them more comfortable?” It wasn’t a request, more of a demand as Tsutey picked the canteen of water off the ground and into the basket again
The dumbstruck avatar shook his head “Wait- Tsutey- who even”
“I’ll answer after you tell me what a human scientist female’s favorite fruit can be”
With Jakes help, Tsutey was able to acquire a makeshift blanket, which Jake had emphasized was very important for humans and their comfort in sleep, some pandorian fruits similar to popular earth fruits, and Jake even helped Tsutey write a note in English to go in the basket full of goodies to comfort your captivity status
Jake almost offered to follow along with Tsutey to be an interpreter, and Tsutey almost fought him on the mere idea. How dare Sully judge his English skills? What if he helped his darling escape? He shook the thoughts out of his head and made his way back to where you were instead, thoughts heavy as his arms cradled the heavy basket of goods for you
Although Tsutey was excited to claim you as his officially, he wanted to subtly ease into it, with small signs and mating gestures. What you definitely didn’t need right now was a 10 feet navi overwhelming you
Plus, what could he possibly say? “Hey, I just saw you yesterday, I love you, I love the way you do everything, I love that you healed an animal, I need you to be my mate, you make me feel like a valid person again, and I don’t even know why I’m so attracted to you? You’re too pure to be hanging out with your breed and I’m just acting the initiative to protect and take what’s meant for me”
No, all those words were useless, and anyways, Tsutey was always more of a physical and show over tell person, so he’d slowly earn his way to your heart, no matter how twisted it is because in all honesty, it shouldn’t be hard for you to accept since he was the only one you’d be interacting with in this enclosed piece of the forest
So, he dropped the basket off, as your overwhelmed frame was curled up in the corner of the cave, back facing the opening as you sniffled before you were interrupted with a clad thump agains the stone floor
You sprang to your feet defensively, hands in front of you as if you were gonna be able to defend yourself from whatever the forest of pandora had to offer
Your swollen eyes narrow on a handwoven basket, overflowing with things sitting in the opening of the cave. Were you hallucinating? Did you die or was that a basket full of fruit that looked awfully familiar to what you always craved as a kid? 
You slowly creep closer to the basket, looking around the opening of the cave, stepping out to completely scan your surroundings for any movement or sign of another living mammal that could’ve dropped this well-coordinated basket of essentials
After spotting absolutely no one except for hearing the hint of polymeruses hooting a few hundred feet away (tsutey was actually hiding on top of the cave, perched elegantly as he watched you scan your surroundings like a cautious cat. you were too short to see him from that angle.) you decide to settle back into the sunlight of the cave opening, carefully peeling back the thick woven blanket as a crumple of paper fell out, your fingers frame around it, deciphering the english even through Tsutey’s rough handwriting (nothing you weren’t used to as a lab scientist)
“I didn’t mean to make you cry. I just can’t let you go now that I’ve found you. Please just eat and stay healthy right now, or I might have to show myself a bit earlier than I’d like and feed you. I hope you like the blanket.” 
Your hand shakes as you read the note. So it wasn’t any coincidence? Someone had seen you and trapped you here? When? How? Why? Your heart raced as you ran through the millions of possibilities, but all of the panic was gone as soon as you saw the canteen of water. God you were thirsty, you hadn’t drank in how who knows how many hours it had been since you last drank anything. The canteen was downed immediately and tsutey’s hand unclenched when he heard you drinking.
There was progress! You’re allowing him to take care of you, more or less, mate or not. 
You picked up a fruit, ripe, washed, and about the size of your palm. Biting into it reminded you of moments on earth when they still had fruits, before most fresh foods went extinct as people prioritized corrupt tech industries and manufacturing over agriculture. You look at the fruit in wonder before you take a second bite, relaxing and reading the note again, sighing as you accept your situation
Well, goodbye to your underpaid, overworked position at the RDA, your heart did twinge at the fact that an unknown person (person? Navi? Pandorian mammals that can speak and write English, who knows) had intentionally trapped you. But if they were nice enough to give you fruit, water, blanket, and even the grace of a handwritten note, there’s no way they can be that bad, right?
Tsutey’s face carves into a rare, toothy smile. Holding back a heart chuckle when he sees you chew through the fruit and visibly relax. See? You were so perfect for him, you had just been hungry and panicked before.
By the time you finished, you decided to set the blanket up in the corner of the cave that you slept in, putting your heavy camera down in the basket as you lifted the blanket. You inspected the woven material, trying to decipher any hint of where it came from, it seemed to be made of fur with a base of what felt awfully like woven bamboo. You recognized a traditional omaticaya pattern and from the scent left, it smelled of a male. 
For an unknown reason, the scent relaxed you, you gulped and beat yourself up in your head. Why were you sniffing a blanket a stranger gave you? God you were being even creepier than whoever was holding you captive here.
You had decided to dispose of the remains of your fruit (the big pit in the middle) by replanting them, you head over to pull them out of the basket before you realize it’s gone without a trace, and so is your camera, all left is the note.
Your heart picked up, realizing whoever sent you it had been actively watching to make sure you ate and finished, before taking it.
With a lighter mindset about your current predicament, you decided to pace around, examining the strategically placed stones as you explore the little area around you. It was nice, to be honest, it seemed to be a hideout spot. You pace back to your cave, you couldn’t see it last night due to the lack of light but you make out little paintings on the cave, hint of life and creation. Could it be that many people have been here before? Was your capturer regularly kidnapping humans? How many have been here before?
Dark thoughts rush down your spine with a chill as you take a deep breath, closing your eyes and trying to think rationally. Why would they take the time to feed you and keep you alive, going as far as giving you a blanket? You knew Navi well, they acted on their intention and if your capturer had wanted to kill you, you’re almost sure he would’ve done it, or at least send you back to his tribe to question it
You wonder if it could be an avatar? You hand’t known many Navi to be able to speak English. You shook the opportunity away, there was only Jake, who had assimilated well to the omaticaya tribe now and would never go this far out from the main village.
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Your mysterious captor, on the other hand, was rushing back to the home tree and gushing to Jake about how successful the first basket of goods had been, demanding Jake to tell him more ways of earning a human female’s heart as he rushed to fill the basket up with a variety of goods. 
Jake picks up the RDA scientist issued camera, recognizing it as he tilted it, flipping through your previous photos. 
“So, a scientist? Interesting, Tsutey” Sully says lightly, watching as tsutey again denied any regular tasks and strode around, looking for something new to give you to eat
Tsutey’s head flashes to the camera as Jake clicks through it, multiple photos of your lab results and the recent picture of the injured foal lighting up on the screen.
“Suppose so” Tsutey says in english, peering through the dialog of your photos
As Tsutey scowls through the the puffed grain selection, scrutinizing each one as if he doubted if it was good enough for you, Jake silently clicked a photo of Tsutey’s frame, chest leaned over the basket as his toned arms reached to select the most perfect of grains. He then closes the camera and slips the black machine back into the basket wordlessly
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By the night time, you were leaning against the trunks of a tree, examining the bioluminiscent moss that adorned the wood before you heard a quiet tap on stone floor
You look back towards the direction of your cave, recognizing the basket as you see it loaded with more food, what seemed to be puffed grain, and your camera returned.
You weren’t exactly famished yet, so you picked up your camera first, opening the lens to snap a picture of the moss. Might as well make the most tof your time here as a scientist and not just as someone held captive. The screen loads but lands on a recent photo in the dialog instead of the lens perspective and you catch a pretty full photo of sleek, toned arms, the beaded layered neck cover adorning his upper chest as he leaned over a familiar basket as nimble fingers sorted through grain, the blue skin clad against woven strings of a loingcloth that hung low on the hips. And ah, there, the scrunchie you had wrapped around the direhorse yesterday, cleaned and sitting cozy on his wrist. There was a hint of a tail but photo ended at the chest, giving you no identity information without the face
The corners of your lips lifted in admiration and your heart raced as the pieces fit together, so it was a navi who was watching you and caring for you, taking the time to hand pick out your food. You recognized the sculpted form of an omaticaya warrior anywhere. And who took the photo? Not many navi knew how to operate a modern camera
Questions float through your head, and from his spot on the roof of the cave, Tsutey’s heart leapt too. Damn the sully, of course he snapped a photo using your machine. It was lucky enough that he didn’t expose his entire face, but his thoughts were quenched as soon he saw your little grin while you stared at the photo. His photo
You smile one last time, clicking a save to the photo of Tsutey before you go back to the lens to take a photo of the moss. Your second night in the cave was spent munching on puffed grain, huddled in the musky pine scented blanket as you dreamed of beaded neck covers and toned blue arms.
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
KXANI - pt.1
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summary: you have never fit in with the scientists, but on the night jake was lost in the forest so were you. staying with the people was your one true dream, yet when you are anything but welcome and jake get's to experience the people. you find yourself seeking comfort in tsu'tey
contents: 2.3k words, fem!avatar reader, set avatar 2009, kind of a prolouge, angst (only a lil)
authors note: i hope you guys enjoy this!! i'm really hyped to write a series especially my man tsu'tey. if this goes well definitely will be making a taglist so ask to be on it !!
all parts - next part
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It was all you had dreamed of since you landed on Pandora. To be with the people, to walk beside them. Well, behind them. You weren’t exactly welcome.
You still remembered the day you were chased through the forest with Jake, jumping into the waterfall on nothing but a will to live. You remembered Neytiri jumping in front of you, saving you both, you had never been more thankful and terrified of someone in your life.
You remembered how a group of men on direhorse threw ropes around your feet then continued to lead to the Hometree. It was surreal, to be with them. To live among them. But it wasn’t how you had hoped.
You hoped to meet with them, learn there culture and be able to retell your findings when you returned to your natural form. Yet, it was nothing like that.
It was because of Jake. He was the warrior of the ‘Jarhead’ clan. God, he was so intolerable but yet he was the one person who could understand your struggles of being with the people because he was right there beside you.
But with all you efforts over the years to learn about the Na’vi, it was nothing in comparison to him being tutored by Neytiri.
On the night when the Olo’eyktan decided to keep you both, it was rather a keep the man and his dog. They thought nothing of you, just another sky scientist. So, you weren’t entitled to Neytiri’s teachings, you were entitled to stare from far away and hope that maybe you could gain a bit of knowledge from observing the pair.
That’s what you were doing right now, crouching down hiding behind a lush shrub looking at the two talk to Tsu’tey as Jake sat in a puddle of mud. Maybe you weren’t missing out on too much?
Resting on the balls of your feet and long fingers keeping the bush apart you peered onto the ongoing scene. But Tsu’tey had disappeared. He must’ve gone off in a hurry, it wasn’t like he enjoyed the company of you two aliens anyway.
“You. What is wrong with you?”
“FUCK!” You jumped in fright falling to the ground looking up at an unimpressed Tsu’tey from above you. Your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest as you tried to regain your composure, shying away from the looming figure.
“Go home. You will not embarrass yourself like that there.” You desperately wanted to go back to your human form, but it wasn’t worth it. This, what you were experiencing was ground-breaking to your studies. Plus, Grace would skin you.
Pushing yourself off the ground, brushing the dirt off your grazed knee your stared up at him. How do you even respond to him? He was terrifying. Such a powerful figure it seemed stupid to stand up to him.
You were no Jake. You wouldn’t ridicule the future leader, and you were no ‘warrior’. You were truly just a useless being to them. Nothing to learn, nothing to gain.
“Tsa’hik has medicine for that. Go” You wished your feet would move. God, this is so embarrassing! Are you really paralysed in fear? Because of Tsu’tey. It’s laughable. You tried to move, but all you could do was stare into his unimpressed eyes and wish your link failed so you could escape this hellhole. “Are you ill?”
“Then why are you not moving?” Sometimes you were grateful you learnt Na’vi so you could have more in depth and intellectual conversations with the people. This is not what you imagined your conversations would be.
“No. I am.” Tsu’tey scoffed at you. Fuck. What if you just died. Didn’t come back. Met Eywa and apologized for the inconvenience.
“You alien, should go. Fix whatever is wrong with you.” Yet he wasn’t leaving. You pleaded that he would leave in a huff, upset at stupidity. But he still stood there!
“I am afraid of you.” It was a meek whisper. Something you should never of said as your heart beated aggressively against your ribs as if it was trying to escape its chamber.
Tsu’tey let out the heartiest chuckle as he stared down at you. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap. Oh how you wished your feet weren’t bolted into the ground. He was genuinely amused. This was easily the funniest thing that had happened to him recently. And it was definitely going to be a story he was going to retell later on.
“So are children alien. You are like a child.”
“Thankyou.” You sneered up at him, still too embarrassed to meet his harsh gaze.
“Do you know where Tsa’hik is?” He tilted his head, his long braid falling over his shoulder as he peered down at you.
“I do not.” You tried to shovel down the shakiness in your voice, you could definitely cry right now.
“Of course, you don’t. Because you don’t belong here. I will take you to Tsa’hik. I would do it for a child.” He motioned for you to follow him as he rode off towards the base of the Hometree. “Hurry up alien child!” He laughed at his jokes as he pointed to you as he looked at other Na’vi also giggling at you as well.
What the fuck is your video log going to be today. ‘Got made fun of! Great find!’ This sucked! While Jake is learning the way of the people, you’re the people’s newest comedy act. 
Dragging your feet to the Tsa’hiks room you were ushered to sit on a woven colourful mat in the middle of this section of the tree. Adorned in decorative items and many medicines and herbs you found yourself being stared down by Mo’at.
“She grazed her knee falling from a squatting height Tsa’hik.” Tsu’tey still managed to find a way to make fun of you even when he was talking to a superior.
Mo’at scoffed at you, mumbling something under her breath you did catch a few words. But they’re not necessarily for repeating. “How did you fall?” Mo’at’s intimidating voice caught you off-guard. You didn’t think she would speak to you directly.
“I- um. Tsu-. Tsu’tey startled me.” It was an insane struggled to get out, to admit you had a slightly serious graze because the man chuckling behind you scared you shitless.
“Ah.” She couldn’t find it in her to hide her disappointment apparently. Shaking her head, she applied a pungent medicine to your knee. Surprisingly, it didn’t sting the only sensation was that it was particularly cold for a paste that had been sitting in the open. “Maybe it is useful to do some stuff around the village. We do not welcome demons, especially not parasites.”
Parasite? That is what she thought of you. Oh, that’s just lovely. It felt like your stomach decided to go skydiving and take a miles high leap out of your body.
“Send her back. She is parasite, not needed.” Tsu’tey said this sentence in English. He needed you to understand it, it was his every intention to. It hurt for some reason. Well not some reason he had said something incredibly hurtful. But it was so deserved, so justifiable. Didn’t mean it wasn’t incredibly upsetting to hear.
“We cannot. Jake is an odd dreamwalker. A new demon. She must stay as he does, it is Eywa’s will.” He was silenced at the mention of Eywa. No one would question her intentions not even yourself. “She must learn. You will teach.”
“What?!” Tsu’tey voice boomed out echoing throughout the hollow tree. Is this how Jake felt that night? Because the taste of bile was growing in your throat as you stared at the huffing man. Nononono. He cannot teach, he’ll slit your throat the minute he has the chance.
“She will not be a hunter, no warrior. But she can learn the ways of the people. Teach her Tsu’tey do not question my decisions young one.”
“….yes Tsa’hik…”
Times like these you wished you could go back to your human form. So that your emotions wouldn’t be so easily understood with the swish of your tail and movement of your ears. Still sitting on the floor of the Tsa’hik’s area your ears were pressed against your head and tail swishing quite frequently.
“Go to the river to wash off the paste soon. It will stain your skin.” Mo’at told your before you were being harshly stared at by Tsu’tey. You were yet to understand the way Na’vi must telepathically communicate. It wasn’t even a millisecond after Mo’at finished that she had gave Tsu’tey the look to take you to the river.
You just wished you could understand those looks as well. “Come now. We walk.” He was so assertive it was frightening, the way he commanded you with a single order, you were so respectful of his place in the clan. It did make him like you slightly more than Jake.
“Do not kill her.” Mo’at said harshly to the tall man as you felt that bile rise to your throat again. Kill. What a word!
“I did not plan on it.” Tsu’tey smirked as he wandered off expecting you to follow but you didn’t. You just stared at Mo’at for reassurance. A simple nod to say ‘Yes! Big scary man won’t murder you!’ and she must’ve sensed your desperation.
Mo’at gave a curt nod and ushered for you to go with him with a flick of her hand. With the reassurance of the Tsa’hik you walked with Tsu’tey. Well, behind Tsu’tey to the river.
Every step was awkward. The past on your knee was starting to dry and made cracking noises every time you bent your knee. The crunch of the leaves under both of your heavy feet were the only conversation between the two of you. Eventually, after the short walk. Though it felt long due to the silence. Was finished at the sound of the flourishing waterfall meeting your ears.
It was so powerful, yet so beautiful. It reminded you of something. But nothing was coming to mind so you decided to just focus on the rushing sound as you ended your journey.
“Well done demon. You made it.” His deep voice rumbled in his chest, he thought he was hilarious.
“Thankyou.” You knew it wasn’t a compliment from him, but what else were you to say. Jake would of found a better comeback but you couldn’t.
“You are funny demon.” He said it so nonchalantly but to you it felt as if your heart bursts into a million butterflies. A compliment from a Na’vi felt so special, you felt slightly appreciated. And for it to be from Tsu’tey made it 100 times more meaningful considering how much distaste he has for you and Jake.
“Thankyou Tsu’tey.” Your genuine smile was one he had not seen yet. It was a new expression. Obviously, it looked familiar as it was on the body of a Na’vi but there was something so bright about your smile he couldn’t shake off. It was just something weird he assumed. Demons do weird things especially when they’re in bodies they’re not meant to be in.
“The paste must come off. Or else your knee will be yellow for weeks.” You nodded and hopped into the water. It was about knee height, so you had to bend to move the water over your knee completely.
“Is there a specific way to get it off. It is a foreign medicine to me.”
“It’s foreign because you don’t belong here.” Tsu’tey was just so harsh with his words, they were said with so much power, yet he felt sincere. It was odd. So odd. “Give me your leg.”
“What do you mean? HEY!” Tsu’tey had grabbed your injured leg yanking it into his arms making you twist and fumble trying not to go headfirst into the water.
His long fingers wrapped around your shin as he used his other hand to cup water into his hand and covering the yellow paste. Every time you fumbled trying to balance he let a ‘tsk’ leave his mouth. His fingertips felt as if they were being burnt into your skin as he gripped your leg tightly.
“Stop moving. I am getting the paste off.” He looked harshly into your eyes, his golden iris’ staring straight into your own.
“I’m trying!” it was an exacerbated statement. Tsu’tey saw the way your ears flicked down and you tensed all the muscles in your abdomen to try and stay still.
He felt a pound of his heart call out to him to not be so harsh. But why? You were nothing but a demon. A complacent one, but still a demon. You were better than Jake in his books. You listened stayed out of trouble, didn’t hang out with his future mate. But you were so odd. Nothing like any of the other demons. You were too complacent, too shy, too fearful. It was odd. Maybe that’s why his heart pounded.
With a final scrub the paste was gone and he let you leg down gently, an abrupt change to the quick and harsh picking up of your leg before. “Thankyou Tsu’tey.” He simply hummed in reply giving you a curt nod. This wave of confidence had overcome you. It was like you felt dizzy with courage. “Tsu’tey.”
The way you said his voice was weird to him. It was pronounced so clearly as if it was the only word you had learnt to say in his language. “Yes?”
“I know that..uh never mind.” The confidence vanished as soon as he stared into your eyes once again. His whole body facing towards you, his mind and soul focused on the words coming out of your mouth. It was too intimidating especially now as he waited for you to say more.
“Speak. What do you know?” His deep voice was memorizing, the way his chest rose proudly every word he spoke. He was so intriguing.
“I know that you don’t like me… and that I do not belong here. But I would like to help, I don’t want to be a p-parasite.” The word parasite stung on your tongue, and it was obvious how Tsu’tey winced at the word as well.
Truthfully, he regretted saying it so clearly to you. He only regretted when he saw the way your tail swished and the shine in your eyes. Maybe that’s why he felt crazy. Maybe that’s why he felt kind towards you. Maybe that’s why he agreed so fast.
“Only because you are smart, not stupid like Jakesully. I will teach you demon.” He reached out to grip onto your shoulder. It was a moment you don’t think you’d ever forget. The way his fingers held tightly onto you, his eyes looked so sincere and the usual scowl on his face had disappeared and turned in a stern look on promise.
This was the look of friendship, of teaching, you were about to learn the way of the people.
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reblogs + replies so appreciated, i love you forever if you do yes i mean it i love you
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randxmthxughts · 1 year
Avatar Masterlist
JC Avatar Universe fanfiction - constantly updating (*- longer fics)
I write for Neteyam, Tsu'tey, Ao'nung, open to writing for Lo'ak, Jake
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*All For You - Neteyam x Ta’unui ! reader / enemies to lovers! - pt. 1 | pt. 2
when Quaritch attacks the Ta’unui water clan, Y/N flees to the Metkayina clan for safety. She develops feelings for Neteyam but the tensions grow when Y/N finds out that Neteyam is the son of Jake Sully - the man she hates.
*Be Mine - Neteyam x Metkayina ! reader / fake dating!
the one, where neteyam pretends to court the reader to avoid all of the nagging from his parents and a group of admirers. of course, it doesn’t take long for her to fall for him too
Human Stuff - Neteyam x Human ! reader (afab) / period cramps  
the one, where a confused na’vi teenager tries to comfort his human friend while she’s on her period
Your lips, my lips, apocalypse - Neteyam x Omatikaya ! reader
when y/n hangs out with the women at the lab and decides to put on lipstick to feel pretty, her friends start to make fun of her. but not neteyam, he thinks she looks cute
*And I cried when you first said, "Oel ngati kameie" - Neteyam x Metkayina ! reader / forbidden love!
despite her father’s wariness of the sully’s and their ‘demon-blood,’ y/n can’t help but feel drawn to neteyam. as the two of them bond over their similar experiences of parental pressure, he finds himself falling in love with her
*Second Chances - Neteyam x Omatikaya ! reader / love triangle!
y/n and lo'ak were destined to be together, or so she thought... after moving to awa'atlu with the sully's, lo'ak starts to fall for a certain metkayina girl, leaving y/n completely heartbroken. it is unexpected when neteyam, who has been secretly harboring feelings for her, decides to tend to her wounds. can y/n reciprocate his love?
Nerves Talking - Neteyam x Crybaby ! reader / misscommunication
after spending months teaching his little sister’s friend how to hunt, neteyam is surprised by the lack of her progress. later on, he discovers then that she is just too nervous to be around him because of her not-so-small crush
Tunutu (Crush) - Neteyam x Omatikaya ! reader / childhood friends to lovers
although neteyam had never reciprocated her feelings, choosing him was always an easy decision for y/n, one of those she could make in a heartbeat. so when another man tries to win her affections, neteyam suddenly becomes aware of what he has been missing out on
*Chosen by Eywa - Neteyam x Omatikaya ! reader / series (complete)
eywa makes no mistakes... in the midst of his preparation to become the future olo'eyktan, neteyam is told to be with a chosen mate. guided by the signs of eywa, tsahik picks y/n, a woman orphaned by the war, whose heart already belongs to another. y/n's whole world begins to crumble, as she is forced into the loveless bond. will neteyam and y/n be able to overcome the odds and find their true happiness?
Child of Our Own - Tsu'tey x Omatikaya ! reader
seeing his friends already awaiting their firstborns, tsu'tey begins to yearn for a baby of his own, but he is too shy to tell you about it
Unrequited Love - Tsu’tey x Omatikaya ! reader / smut
you had been in love with tsu'tey for as long as you could remember. so when you see his heart break again at the loss of another mate, you offer him comfort, expecting nothing in return
Unrequited - Tsu’tey x Omatikaya ! reader / series (complete)
based on Unrequited Love: y/n had been in love with tsu'tey since they were kids, watching him get his heart broken over and over, until he became hardened. on one particular night, she offers him intimacy with no expectations in return, which sparks up a complex relationship between them. they grapple with guilt, unrequited love, and newfound intimacy, as y/n and tsu'tey navigate the depths of their feelings for each other
Captain Save a Hoe - Tsu'tey x Avatar ! reader
grumpy tsu’tey having to take care of a clumsy avatar!reader, and eventually warming up to her
Let Me Hear My Child - Tsu'tey x Pregnant ! reader / headcanons
tsu'tey's reaction to finding out his mate is pregnant
You'll be a great dad - Tsu'tey x Pregnant ! reader / Tsu'tey x Jake
tsu'tey is overwhelmed with anxiety and fear upon hearing the news of his mate's pregnancy and becoming a father, but like a good friend, jake is there to calm him down
Can't wait to meet you - Tsu'tey x Pregnant ! reader
pregnant!reader having to reassure tsu'tey that he will be a great father, despite his fears
Just Married - Tsu'tey x Female ! mate
when you stepped into the public eye for the first time after your mating, tsu'tey couldn't contain the overflowing affection he held for you. but because you felt insecure about the way you were being perceived by the clan, tsu'tey decided to prove you otherwise
Heaven in Hiding - Ao'nung x Metkayina ! reader / secret dating!
ao'nung and you have been hiding your relationship for some time now but there comes a moment when you want more than that
Thinking out loud about avatar (my opinions/analyses/theories):
sully kids watching jake's old diary logs
neteyam taking the move to awa'atlu the best out of the sully's
jake cringing at "my husband was toruk makto" bc of his own insecurities
jake and quaritch making up
-- let me know, if you want to be added to my taglist ♡ 
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marymary-diva17 · 24 days
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When a Navi has someone they really love, and wish to make their life with they will court them. Showing that one person that becomes their special someone, that they have fallen in love with them and wish to be with them forever.
neteyam had started developing a crush for you, when the pair of you had become older. He waited over next couple years, as his feels developed even more and more. Then soon enough he started taking the time to court you, in hopes to win you over. He had know you well and started giving you gifts he had made for you.
Neteyam “ y/n”
Y/n “ neteyam hello”
neteyam “ this is for you I hope you love it” neteyam soon showed you a beautiful necklace, with beads and crystal on it.
y/n “ neteyam it beautiful thank you”
neteyan “ here let me help you put it on”
y/n “ okay” you had moved your hair and qeue out of way, as neteyam had put the necklace on you.
neteyam “ wow it looks even more beautiful on you then I thought”
y/n “ thank you” you had given neteyam a smile as she smiled back at you.
neteyam “ y/n I have something I need to ask you”
y/n “ okay go ahead”
neteyam " I have been practicing this over and over in my head, so I hope it goes well"
y/n " neteyam there is nothing to fear just tell me what you are thinking about"
neteyam “ for some time I have started falling in love with you, and I was wondering if you will enter a courtship with me … I know I might not be leader like my father yet, and have fully proved myself yet but I was wondering if you just give me a chance to show you how much I love and care about you … how perfect we can be together”
y/n “ I love you as well teyam and yes I will love to enter, this courtship with you” neteyam smiled as you kissed his right check, before you grabbed his hand.
y/n “ now come on why don’t you help me with some tasks, and if we get them done we hangout”
neteyam " I will love too"
y/n " good and I love you"
neteyam " I love you too" neteyam smiled as two of you soon walked off together. He had finally worked up the courage to court you, and he was happy with the requests.
Lo’ak had fallen in love with you after you had seen him for him, along with making him feel welcome. Once he knew he was in love with you he started spending time with you when he could, and giving you gifts as well. He really wanted to prove himself to you, as he was scared you wouldn’t love him because he wasn’t the perfect son.
y/n “ hello loak”
loak “ hello y/n”
lo'ak " I was about to head out and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me"
y/n " I will love too" lo'ak smiled when you said yes to him and soon the two had left the village. The two had been having a good time as they were wondering around.
lo'ak " hey why don't we rest here and have a snack"
y/n " sure"
lo'ak " there some fruit I will get it for us" lo'ak had seen some fruit and climbed the tree and grabbed it. he soon sliced the fruit in half.
y/n " thank you lo'ak and it so sweet"
lo'ak " your welcome I have been doing better when it came to, gathering fruit and mostly when I'm giving it to those I care about"
y/n " aww that very sweet"
lo'ak " your welcome ummm y/n there is something I wish to tell you that I hope you will understand, and give me your honest opinion" the two teens had soon sat down.
y/n " okay"
lo'ak " For a long time now I have started falling in love with you, and since I discovered my feelings for you I have been trying my best to prove myself to you"
y/n " lo'ak"
lo'ak " yes"
y/n " I will love enter a courtships with you as I feel the same as well" lo'ak had smiled as you soon kissed his left check making, him blush red.
y/n " why don't you go on those dates sometime that what you dad called it right"
lo'ak " yes and we can do that" you and lo'ak smiled at each other, as you had lean your head on his shoulder enjoy the new development of your relationship with him.
The two of your had grown up as best friends due your mothers being friends, and since then the two of had always had a good connection. Aonung had started falling in love with the person he had become close, with and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you if eywa and faith allowed it.
y/n " aonung"
Aonung " oh y/n hello good morning"
y/n " are you okay aonung"
aonung " umm yes well there is something I need to give you" aonung soon showed you a beautiful bouquet of flowers, these are also flowers you love so much.
y/n " aonung they are beautiful thank you"
aonung " I'm happy you them I was out on the inlands and show them, and then though about you"
y/n " thank you so much I also have a gift for you as well" you had used your free hand show grab an armband, you had made for aonung.
aonung " it wonderful"
y/n " thank you it seems like a good morning to have a gift exchange"
aonung " yes it does ... there is something I need to tell you and now that we have this time I need to use it"
y/n " okay tell me"
Aonung " we have been together all our lives and have a good connection, and I was wondering if we can have that connection as in courtships"
y/n " ....."
aonung " I understand if you say no and I hope we can stay friends"
y/n " I will love to be with you in courtships, I was planning to confess to you today but it seems like you done it"
aonung " oh I'm sorry"
y/n " it okay and that what I love about you"
aonung " thank you" you soon laugh at aonung words.
y/n “ it looks like this day will be good after all”
aonung “ yes it does” you soon put the flowers in your home, but had placed one in your hair.
Y/n “ how does it look”
Ao’nung “ beautiful on you”
y/n “ thank you now come we have day to enjoy” Ao’nung had nodded his head as him and you walked off together.
Tsu’tey hadn’t thought he will find someone he would wish to be with, after all these years but that changed when he saw you. At first he didn’t know if he was right but after being with you. He was deep in love and there was no more denying it.
tsu'tey " hello y/n"
y/n " hello tsu'tey it good to see you today I thought you will be busy with your students today"
tsu'tey " oh no I'm free today and I came by here to see how you were doing"
y/n " that very nice of you tsu'tey" you had given tsu'tey a nice smile as he looked at you.
tsu'tey" ......"
y/n " tsu'tey are you okay you look a bit nervous"
tsu'tey " well yes I have come here with other motives as well, as I wish to speak you about a very importune matter"
y/n " okay you have my whole attention tsu'tey"
tsu'tey " thank you"
Tsu'tey " Since the time we had been introduced to each other y/n, we have become closer over that time and you have changed my views in life as well .... I have also stated falling in love with you as well and wish to court you or date you in your people terms, so I was wondering if you felt the same way about me and will give a chance"
y/n " yes I know this might sound funny or repeat but I had started, curshing on you and finding you attractive as well ... I will like start courting or dating you" tsu'tey had looked at you and smiled he had become happy upon hearing, the news of you accepting his feeling.
y/n " will you love to enjoy this day with me"
tsu'tey " I will love that" you and tsu'tey had spent the day together, as the both of you started the journey of courtships and dating as well.
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mcverse · 1 year
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✧ Paring: Tsu’tey x Na’vi! F! Reader
✧ Requested: Yes/No
✧ Type: Longfic
✧ Word count: 7.7K
✧ Warnings: Angst, Suppressed feelings, Oblivious reader, insecurities, Slight obvious Tsu’tey at the start, Tsu’tey gaslights just a little bit, Jealous vulnerable Tsu’tey, awkward banter, hurt to comfort I guess?, slow burn
✧ Side Bar: Tsu is so fiiiine. Can you believe I slept on him at first? Crazy, what’s was I thinking?? I ENJOYED THIS SO THANK YOU FOR SENDING IT IN BABE; TOOK 4EVER CUZ ITS LONG — srry im shitty at arguments :( i avoid anything feelings irl
✧ Omnitalk: I know that the Tsahik and the Tsakarem are technically the only healers in the clan, but I just feel like y’know there could be more but they just don’t match that level of greatness. My reasoning: there’s more than one doctor in the world, what if a whole group of warriors got hurt, the Tsahik can’t cater to them all, at least I don’t think so. ANYWAY that concludes my Omnitalk thanks for stopping by
please keep in mind that all characters in my stories are always 18+, and although I can't monitor who reads my work, if you are not 18+ I advise that you do not engage in my page or stories.
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Your temper had always been something that you struggled with. Patience wasn't exactly your forte, but you knew how to keep your cool in most situations. You weren't a saint by any means, but it took a lot to push you to the brink of losing control.
Thankfully, you had Eywa to turn to when things got tough. She provided a sense of guidance that helped you stay calm in moments when it would have been easy to let your anger get the best of you. Without her, you knew you would have snapped at him long ago.
His reputation preceded him wherever he went. A true embodiment of the warrior spirit, he exuded strength and bravery with every step he took. During the battle against the sky people, his ferocity in both defense and protection of your people and land was unparalleled. He possessed razor-sharp reflexes and a keen mind, which made him merciless in battle—traits that marked him as a natural-born leader, fit for the title of the Olo'eyktan.
And yet, it seemed that you only experienced the negative aspects of his character. The origins of your rocky relationship with the current Olo'eyktan were fuzzy, but it felt as though your paths crossed every day.
As one of the best healers in the village, it's already challenging enough to do your job with how reckless the warriors were, but with him lurking around was considerable worst. While you respect him and assume the feeling is mutual, tension always seems to arise between the two of you.
You couldn't help but wonder why Tsu'tey always had to be around when warriors were injured. You were more than capable of handling the job on your own—after all, you had been trained by your mother and had been practicing as a healer for as long as you could remember. You could tend to the wounded with your eyes closed.
But for some reason, Tsu'tey always seemed to show up when warriors were injured on his watch, which happened more often than it should. It was confusing because these were skilled warriors who should not have been injured so frequently. You’d think he���d match your concern but Tsu’tey appears unfazed. In fact, he seems content to stand there and watch you work.
That didn’t change the fact that you hated to endure it. Every time Tsu’tey appeared, the air around you seemed to shift, and you could feel his penetrating gaze fixed on you as he stood over your shoulder. Even though you knew iit was possible he was here to ensure you didn't make a mistake, you had never slipped up in your tending to the Na’vi.
You longed for him to give you some space and allow you to breathe. A day without his stupidly handsome face, always twisted into a scowl, would be a blessing. It was suffocating to have him lurking around, making you feel uneasy as you work. Instead of letting it affect your tending to the Na'vi, you let harsh words slithers out of your mouth. They were words that no one would dare to direct to the Olo'eyktan, but they weren’t you.
"Do you not have responsibilities to attend to as Olo’eyktan, Tsu'tey?” you break the silence, keeping your hands steady on the Na'vi in front of you, despite your desire to turn and push Tsu’tey out of your healers hut.
He nods, shifting his gaze from your hands to the side of your face, "Yes. One of my duties is to ensure proper care for our people," he replies matter-of-factly.
You click your tongue, silently apologizing to the Na'vi when you realize you have grazed his wound too harshly. Then you turn your attention back to Tsu'tey, "You keep saying that, but do you not think I am capable of caring for them alone?" you ask, peering at him and study him.
His expression doesn’t change from the scowl but you knew your words had affected him. Over time, he had become easier to read, his emotions slowly surfacing through subtle gestures and expressions. You noticed the way he gulped slowly, his ears flicking downward, and his tail switching off to the opposite side.
Looking up seconds later, your eyes met and you pause, catching a knowing gleam in his gaze that no one else seemed to have noticed but you. Perhaps you had been paying too much attention to him, a realization that he had definitely overstayed his welcome.
A small smile played at the corner of your lips as he responded, already anticipating the snarky comment that would leave his mouth. Despite finding him annoying and wanting him to be around less often, you couldn't deny that there was a certain charm to the unpleasant side of him that showed a few pleasantries you didn't mind all too much.
“You might be a healer now but you’re the same reckless girl from your upbringing.” Tsu’tey averts his eyes to the silent Na’vi, “Can’t even be gentle when it’s needed. Maybe you would be better off among the warriors.” He tilts his head towards you, wearing a barely noticeable smug expression.
You sigh deeply to cover up the slip up on your demeanor and dismissed the Na'vi by patting him on the shoulder, "In three days, come back so I can change it," you instructed him as he nods and left the hut.
After staring at he same space the wounded Na’vi was in, you turned completely to Tsu’tey, who was already looking at you with a concentrated look. He straightens his posture, puff out his chest, and crosses his arms when he notice you looking at him.
“Unless you have more wounded warriors hiding somewhere, I’m kinda busy.” You gesture to the many supplies that you had to clean up, “It’ll be reckless of me to leave it around and cause another accident.” You mock his earlier statement, slightly ticked off that he brought it up in the first place.
Tsu'tey let out a disgruntled humph, his eyes momentarily leaving yours and wandering over your body. You couldn't help but feel self-conscious under his gaze, but as he took in every freckle and pattern, every smooth surface his eyes could reach, you also felt a flutter in your stomach. His gaze flickered hastily back up to yours, and he uncrossed his arms, silently giving you an affirmative nod before turning to leave the hut.
After that odd encounter, it seemed as if a switch had been flipped in Tsu'tey's demeanor. The once stoic and tense warrior still came to your healer's hut, but now the exchanges between the two of you were different. The words that were once laced with venom and hostility now held a playful tone, something that was unexpected from the serious Na'vi.
In no way were you complaining, it beat his normal uprightness but it was a bit perplexing. Why had Tsu’tey suddenly become so much more relaxed and friendly around you? It made you question his motive, though you knew if he really had one, he’d mostly likely be upfront about it.
That doesn’t mean it still made any sense. You observed that he never acted in such a manner with any other warriors, and you weren’t the only one to notice. The warriors in the same hunting group as him, the same ones who get injured come in and feel uncomfortable yet curious at the different Tsu’tey.
The next time you see him, it was mid-morning when he entered the hut, following one of his men like usual. As soon as he caught sight of you, his ears perked up at the brief smile you sent his way. You quickly averted your gaze to focus on the injured Na’vi in front of you. You let out a sigh of annoyance as you saw it was Kenuk, who had been in your care four times this week, with injuries that hadn't even healed yet.
“Kenuk, how many times do I have to tell you to be careful!?” You scold him as he took his usual seat in the center of the room, Tsu’tey staying off to the side. You turned away from them both to grab some supplies before hurrying back to Kenuk to examine his wound. You couldn’t stop the frown from forming on your face when you saw the large scrape on his side. Though it wasn't deep, the size of the wound was concerning.
You reached for a wet cloth and began to softly clean his wound, but apparently, it was not soft enough, as a groan escaped Kenuk’s lips, followed by a chuckle, “More than I'd like,” he answers truthfully, looking down at you as you worked, “You're not exactly gentle.”
Tsu’tey grunts beside you, “What I say.”, clearly referencing the comment he made two weeks ago. Despite not looking at him, you could feel the smug expression he always wore, and it annoyed you to no end. Both he and Kenuk were getting on your nerves with their accusations of you being rough and insensitive. You knew you were capable of being gentle; you were gentle. Maybe Kenuk was just being overly sensitive. Perhaps he needed to toughen up.
“Prrnen, you’re soft just like one. Sensitive too,” you retorted, deliberately applying a bit more pressure to Kenuk’s wound to make your point. You smiled as he winced and shot you a warning glare. Ignoring him, you set aside the damp cloth and reached for the healing ointment, the one you knew would make him whimper like a baby.
Tsu'tey notices this, drawing in his attention as he raises a brow at your choice. He's not a healer, but he's had his fair share of injuries and he knows that the ointment in your hands stings the most. He was accustomed to the stinging sensation it caused, but not everyone had his high tolerance. Did that comment get to you that much?
Just as you both thought, Kenuk pulls away from you in seconds, trying to get away from your touch. "Shit!" he curses, about to get up when a firm hand grabs his shoulder and forces him to sit back down. It belongs to Tsu'tey, no surprise given he's the only other person in the hut. But it's surprising that he's helping.
"She can't do her job if you move too much." There's a moment of tension between the two Na'vi as they lock eyes, almost as if they were having a silent conversation. Eventually, Kenuk concedes, muttering a begrudging "fine" and shifting his body to give you better access to his wound.
You glance over at Tsu’tey, his tall and imposing figure commanding attention even in the dimly lit hut. "Thank you... Ma Tsu’tey," you say, the words feeling foreign on your tongue. You've shown gratitude to others before, but never directed towards him. You and Tsu’tey have never been nice to each other, at least not until a few weeks ago.
You went back to focus on treating Kenuk's wound, you find your eyes wandering over to Tsu’tey's muscular frame. It's not a habit of yours to be distracted by someone's physique, but there was something about him that drew your attention. You force yourself to look away and focus on the task at hand. "How are you the most wounded warrior in the village, hm?" you ask, trying to distract yourself from your thoughts. "Your health is important, skxawng.
As soon as you ask the question, you expect an immediate response, but instead, an uncomfortable silence lingers, causing you to pause and study his face. His expression is devoid of his usual goofiness, which only increases your concern.
“I asked a question," you convey, brows furrowed in confusion.
He clears his throat and looks away, avoiding your gaze. "The Chief," he murmurs finally. The second the name spills from him, you snap your head at the man in question.
Tsu’tey tenses up under your watchful gaze, feeling a flush of heat and clamminess rise within him. He wants to look away, to avoid the intensity of your stare, but he can't bring himself to do it. It’ll make him look weak, he couldn't afford to look weak, not in front of you. And for some inexplicable reason, he actually craves your attention at the same time, whether under good reason for bad.
“You did this?” You can't believe what you're hearing. The thought that Tsu'tey was responsible for Kenuk's injuries never crossed your mind. On the one hand, it seems improbable that he would do something so reckless, but on the other hand, it fits with the abrasive and confrontational persona that you've come to associate with him.
Tsu’tey lets out a huff of frustration and crosses his arms tightly across his chest, his body language tense and defensive. “They need to learn,” he grumbles, his lips pursed as he takes a moment to consider his words, “If they can’t win against me, how can they survive out there?”
As you process his words, you realize with a sinking feeling that the "they" he's referring to are all the injured warriors who have stumbled into your hut over the past few days. Did Tsu’tey injure all of them? The thought is both impressive and upsetting, and you can't quite decide how to feel about it.
“I didn’t expect that of you,” you say, looking away and continuing to treat Kenuk. You drop the ointment in favor of picking up the leaf wrapping, “Do not worry, Kenuk. You are in great hands. I’ll take care of you anytime.” You give his upper arm a strong squeeze when you finish wrapping.
Unbeknownst to you, Tsu'tey's eyes lingered on the spot where your hand had rested on Kenuk's arm. He knows that this is your duty, one he saw you do plenty of times but that touch felt more intimate than he liked. Though he couldn’t figure out why he didn’t like it, he just felt extremely uncomfortable and irritable having to witness it.
As you exchange words of farewell with Kenuk and turn to put away your supplies, Tsu'tey lingers behind, thoughts swirl with confusion. He can't shake the feeling of unease that has settled over him. He has never felt this way, he never had to. He was confident in everything—teaching, hunting, and battle but this.. this felt different and he doesn't know how to process it. He glance at you one last time before silently exiting your hut too.
You turn back around to get more intel on the injured warriors who come to see you often, but Tsu'tey is not there like he usually is. You wonder where he could have gone, but quickly push the thought out of your mind as you greet another Na’vi walking in.
Initially, becoming a healer wasn't your dream. Your mother, may she rest in peace, was determined to pass on the family tradition to you. The lessons on herbs and their medicinal uses felt tedious and unexciting to you. You longed to roam beyond the boundaries set by for you, to hunt like the mighty warriors you idolized and fly on the backs of Ikran without a watchful eye.
Perhaps this is why you sometimes struggle to find the gentle touch and calmness required of a healer. But Eywa, the guiding spirit of Pandora', had other plans for you. Even before your birth, she had chosen you for this path. To test your abilities, she presented you with a challenge—a friend in need, requiring your knowledge and care.
Through this test, Eywa showed you your true calling. Despite your initial reluctance, you rose to the challenge and used your skills to help your friend. And from that moment, you knew that you were destined to become a great healer, chosen by the spirit herself.
So you wondered why you she was testing you again. You had already proven your worth as a healer in the village. So why were fewer and fewer warriors seeking your assistance? Had you not fulfilled your duty correctly?
These thoughts plagued your mind as you sat in your hut, surrounded by jars of herbs and vials of medicines. You couldn't help but feel a twinge of self-doubt, wondering if perhaps you had lost your touch.
But it wasn’t adding up the more you thought it over.
You knew that every warrior who came to your hut left with the progress of being healed. You took pride in your work and tried to be as friendly as possible, never having a real disagreement with anyone. So what was the reason to your sudden decline in business? You shake your head, trying to dispel the doubts that had been creeping in. Sitting around in this hut waiting wasn’t going to help you find out faster.
Leaving your hut, you greeted the Na'vi as you walked through the village, heading towards the only place where your business thrived: the training ground. When you arrived, the training wasn't yet finished, so you stood off to the side with a few warriors who were taking a break. You were content to wait, watching as Tsu'tey led the training. This is the first time in a few days since you’ve seen him, admittedly you miss him and the aura he was giving off in the field only fueled that.
In that moment, watching Tsu'tey command the training grounds, you couldn't help but feel drawn to him in a way you never had before. The way he moved, the strength in his stance, the confidence in his voice... it was all so attractive.
You were conflicted because you knew that, in the past, you had found his demeanor aggravating and even off-putting. But here he was, exuding qualities that made your heart race and your stomach flutter. It was unnerving to feel this way, especially towards someone who had never shown you any interest or affection.
You were sure that your slow growing feelings for Tsu’tey were just a momentary lapse in judgment. After all, he was the Olo'eyktan and had important responsibilities to fulfill, which you could never be a part of.
You tried to convince yourself that your attraction to him was just a silly crush that would soon fade away, especially since it was entirely one-sided. It was a well-known fact that Tsu’tey still grieves over his previous love, and you didn't want to add to his emotional burden.
Letting out a deep sigh, you turn and spot a familiar face in the group of Na'vi. It was Kenuk, you must have missed him when you first arrived, as he was standing between two other Na'vi. A smile spreads across your face as you walk over to greet him and the others.
After exchanging pleasantries, you turn to Kenuk, "Mind if we talk?"
He looks at the other two Na'vi beside him before nodding and following you a few feet away, out of earshot. Taking a deep breath, you get straight to the point, "Why haven’t any of our people come to see me lately, do you know the reason?”
Kenuk groans and his ears pull back, anticipating the inevitable conflict. It was no secret that he frequently visited your healer's hut with the future leader of the clan, so he knew he would be caught in the middle of your mess at some point. The problem was that he didn't know what to do. Both Na'vi involved were senior to him, and whatever he said would betray one, if not the other. The weight of his dilemma was evident in his downturned expression and hesitant words.
“…I don’t know.”
Your eyes narrow as you look at Kenuk, his guilty face betraying him. He knows more than he's letting on. You don't tolerate liars and Kenuk's demeanor only confirms your suspicions.
"Are you lying to me, Kenuk?" you ask, your tone firm and unwavering.
Kenuk frowns, his ears twitching at your disappointment, “We were told not to. Uh, not exactly not to but," he trails off, struggling to explain the situation. You wait, your impatience growing by the second. Finally, he blurts out, "The Chief has been saying things."
This information catches you off guard. Why does Tsu'tey have anything to do with this? That doesn't make sense. Weren't you both just getting along? To sabotage your living... that's unforgivable. But you don't want to jump to conclusions; there has to be more.
You're hesitant to ask; this might break your calm streak. You can already feel your body heating up at the possibilities, "What kind of things?"
Kenuk shifts uneasily on his feet, looking as though he'd rather be anywhere else but here. You can practically feel the tension radiating off of him as he reluctantly begins to speak, "There have been some male Na'vi asking about you, I don’t know why. But Chief Tsu'tey," he starts, his eyes darting away from you, "He told them that you're too rough. You're the opposite of gentle, too strong."
A snarl rises up in your throat. It's always about that, isn't it? Why should a healer have to be gentle? You're proud of your strength and resilience, but it seems like others see it as a flaw. You're about to speak up when Kenuk continues, his words making your blood boil even hotter.
"And you're too strong-headed like a flathead ram and have a loose tongue. You act impulsively and fearlessly, without regard for the consequences,” he gulps, looking you in the eyes, “He says you're dangerous and should be avoided. That you'll do more harm than good, opposite of a healer.”
Your vision blurs as your anger finally boils over. You know exactly what he's getting at, bringing up that damn conversation again. The conversation that you thought bad changed everything between you two.
But he was still the same arrogant jerk, and now you were starting to regret your newly developed feelings for him. He didn't deserve that, not with the way he was acting. Who did he think he was?
The fury inside you is building with each step you take towards the training ground. Eywa may have been able to calm you in the past, but this time you're beyond her reach. The storm that is forming inside your head is one that even Eywa can't control. That man, that future Olo'eyktan, he's gone too far this time. His words about you being too strong, too strong-headed, and loose tongued have crossed a line.
As you approach the training ground, you notice that the session has ended and Tsu'tey, alone, was putting away the weapons. Your feet pound against the ground, announcing your presence before you even reach him. Tsu'tey looks up at you with a raised eyebrow, his expression curious but wary.
You stop just a foot away from him and your nostrils flare as you stare him down. You might look incredibly intimidating to you, but to him, you look like a pouty toddler.
"What is your problem?" you spit out the words, your anger palpable. The intensity of your gaze could have burned a hole through him.
Tsu'tey's focus shifts entirely to you, abandoning the weapons he was putting away. He narrows his eyes, “Whats going on?” He was confused by the urgency in your approach, as you seemed to be babbling without actually getting to the point.
"You have a lot of nerve, telling these things about me." you exclaim, your voice trembling staring at the source of your rage, “I expect better of the future clan leader!” Your hands were balled into fists at your sides, your heart pounding wildly in your chest, matching the way you were feeling.
Tsu’tey takes a moment to process your words, his eyes studying you intently. His brilliant mind races against an invisible clock, trying to formulate a solution to the problem he has caused. He didn't think you would find out about his lies, or perhaps he was in denial and not thinking rationally when he spread them.
As he stands before you, he considers apologizing for his mistake. He didn't mean to upset you, and it was never his intention to cause you pain. However, as he looks into your eyes, he remembers how the other warriors asked about you, and the brief moment he shared with Kenuk that he tried to forget.
He came to realize apologizing wasn't an option for him, despite the guilt weighing heavily on his mind. He couldn't bring himself to utter the words because he didn't feel genuine remorse for all of his actions. While he regretted that you had suffered the consequences of his lies, he couldn't bring himself to feel sorry for sabotaging the potential suitors who had shown interest in you. In his eyes, they weren't worthy of you and he couldn't bear the thought of you ending up with someone who didn't deserve your love.
He knew he was being selfish, but he couldn't help the overwhelming new feeling of possessiveness he had over you. Every time he saw someone else try to get close to you, it made his blood boil with jealousy. He knew he couldn't have you for himself, but he couldn't bear the thought of anyone else having you either. So, he used his influence to spread rumors and lies to scare off anyone who tried to pursue you.
Deep down, he knew it was wrong and he hated himself for it, but he came to really enjoy your company and he can’t continue that if you were mated. So, even though he knew he owed you an apology for his behavior, he couldn't bring himself to do it, not without admitting to himself that he was wrong in wanting you all to himself.
Despite the storm of emotions brewing inside him, Tsu’tey chooses to hide them behind a mask of indifference, "They were the truth," he says, though he immediately regrets the words as soon as they leave his mouth. He knows he should be honest with you, to tell you how he truly feels, but he can't bring himself to do it. "I have a duty," he continues, trying to justify his actions, "I simply directed them to someone better." His feelings for you has grown slowly and unexpectedly, yet he can't bring himself to confess his true feelings to you.
You were taken aback by his words. They hit you like a punch in the gut, leaving you feeling winded and vulnerable. Your mind races, trying to make sense of what he's saying, but his words are like a jumbled mess in your head.
“How could you say that?” Your voice is barely a whisper as you go silent, the realization hitting you hard. This had to be linked to your past somehow. You look back up, your eyes filling with hurt and confusion, “That’s not me anymore. I’m not that reckless girl anymore. I’m capable, just like every healer here.” You try to reason, try to get him to see that you have changed, that you're not the same person he once knew. You thought he saw that you did.
Tsu’tey's face hardens, his eyes flashing with a mix of frustration and resentment, “I did what is best for our people.” Another lie, yet he still couldn't stop.
You feel betrayed as the conversation goes on, your anger rising just as quickly as it came to you in a moment of vulnerability, “What about me?! Did you not even consider what that means for me?” You feel hysterical, like you are imagining all this. You had to be.
Tsu’tey's jaw clenches, straightening his posture as he tilts his head tauntingly at you, “What about you? It’s very selfish of you to not consider your people.” He smacks his tongue on his teeth, “You are everything I said and possibly more. I did what I had to do. If you don’t like it, you’ll have to learn to live with it.”
That was it.
That was your 13th reason last straw.
“I hate you,” You confess coldly, looking him dead in the eyes, “and you're the one causing trouble, Tsu’tey, not me” You turn away slightly, a scowl that could rival his play on your lips and your eyes scanning him in disgust, “You may be the Olo'eyktan, but you don’t deserve it.. nor my respect.” You leave after those words, wanting to get as far away from him as possible, before he breaks your heart even more.
It has been two long, torturous weeks since the bitter argument that left you feeling raw and vulnerable. The memory of Tsu’tey's harsh words still stings like an open wound, and you find yourself unable to shake off the anger and hurt that consumes you. You refuse to be anywhere near him, knowing that the mere sight of him would trigger a fresh wave of emotions that you are not ready to face.
Despite knowing how ridiculous it is to completely avoid someone in a community as small as yours, you can't bring yourself to do anything else. You spend most of your time cooped up in your healer's hut, only venturing out occasionally to hunt for herbs or attend to few non warrior patients. The thought of bumping into Tsu’tey fills you with dread and you do everything in your power to stay away from him.
You avoid the training ground like a plague, knowing that Tsu’tey is often there, leading the warriors through their daily drills. You know that as a healer, it's your duty to attend to the warriors' injuries and ailments, but you deny yourself that luxury. You can't bear the thought of being in the same space as him, even for a few moments.
But then, Tsu’tey and a small group of warriors leave on a hunting trip, and it feels like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. You can finally breathe again, without the constant fear of running into him. You know it's not a permanent solution, but for now, it's enough. In his absence, you find peace, and you try to focus on your work, hoping that time will heal the wounds that Tsu’tey has left behind.
Within his absence, you discovered yourself being drawn outside more and more often, collecting an assortment of herbs for your medicinal balm while soaking up the natural beauty that surrounded you.
In moments of pure stillness, your mind would occasionally wander back to the conversation with Tsu’tey, but in the midst of this tranquil setting, it all seemed insignificant. It was as if Eywa was leading you towards a celestial epiphany, prompting you to recall the things you had forgotten and encouraging you to generate and safeguard something entirely novel.
Even now with you were so lost in the beauty of the forest, eyes closed and queue connected, that you were completely oblivious to the sound of footsteps approaching from behind. It wasn't until a hand gently touched your shoulder that you jolted in surprise, quickly un-sheathing your weapon and whirling around to confront the intruder.
You raise your brows in shock before quickly lowering your weapon as you recognize Raa'te, one of the warriors who had stayed behind while the others were on the hunting trip. Despite Tsu'tey's words, he has been one of the few warriors who haven't stopped coming to your hut, and you were grateful for his company.
Over the past few weeks, The two of you have been spending more time together lately, and you've come to appreciate his kind and gentle nature. He was a rare and refreshing presence in your life..
"Raa'te, you scared me," you say with a chuckle, shielding your weapon and felt a sense of relief that it's him and not someone else.
He grins mischievously, his hands still raised in a peaceful gesture, "I mean no harm, I promise. I just wanted to see if you wanted to come with me to see the return of the hunting party. The horn has sounded, and they should be back any minute now." He lowers his hands, peering down at you softly.
You hesitate for a moment, not wanting to be anywhere near Tsu’tey, but the hopeful expression Raa'te was throwing at you is too much to resist. Signing, you nod your head, "Okay, let's go," you mumble, grabbing your bag of herbs and going towards the village together.
On the way back to the village with Raa’te, the two of you engage in light conversation. He seems genuinely interested in getting to know more about you, and you find yourself opening up to him more and more. It's a refreshing change from the other warriors who often just talk about themselves.
Raa’te even takes the initiative to carry your bag for you, a small act of kindness that doesn't go unnoticed. As you approach the village, you can hear the sound of cheers and excitement in the distance. The hunting party must be returned.
At the front of the hunting party, Tsu'tey stood with his chest puffed out, basking in the cheers and adoration of his people. You couldn't help but feel a pang of disgust in your stomach at his display of arrogance.
It’s frustrating how someone can evoke such strong emotions in you, both positive and negative. You shake your head, trying to push those thoughts away, but your attention is drawn back to him, much to your annoyance. After all he's done, there were plenty of others in the tribe with better potential.
Raa’te was full of surprises today. He leans in close to your ear and whispers, "I could have gone on the hunt, you know?" You turn to him with a curious expression, wondering why he didn't. He smiles at you, thinking you look adorable and then blurts out what's been on his mind lately, "because I'm more interested in you right now."
You felt your cheeks heat up at his boldness, looking down to avoid his gaze. Despite the butterflies fluttering in your stomach, you appreciated his honesty.
You couldn't deny that Raa'te's presence had a certain charm to it, and you found yourself drawn to him in ways that surprised you. His kindness and genuine interest in you were a welcome change from the tension and uncertainty that seemed to permeate every interaction you had with Tsu'tey.
"You're courting me?" The question slips from your lips before you can stop yourself, surprised and a little embarrassed that you hadn't noticed until now. How could you have missed the signs? Raa'te had always been there for you, lending a helping hand and offering thoughtful little gifts that always brought a smile to your face.
Raa'te chuckles at your question, his gaze curious as he looks at you, "You haven't noticed?"
You shake your head, feeling a little ashamed that you hadn't seen his intentions before. "I've been busy with other things," you murmur, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. But the truth was, you had been so wrapped up in Tsu'tey that you hadn't even considered the possibility of being with someone else.
"Like the Chief?" Raa'te asks knowingly, and you can feel the heat rising to your cheeks more at the mention of Tsu'tey's name.
You snap your head up, your eyes wide with surprise, "How did you—"
"The whole village knows," Raa'te interrupts, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You let out a frustrated groan, dropping your head in embarrassment at the news. It was mortifying, but in hindsight, not entirely unexpected. Anything related to the Chief had a way of spreading like wildfire in the village, so it was only a matter of time before rumors started to circulate. You just didn't think it would happen so quickly.
"I'm sorry, Raa'te. I didn't mean to lead you on," you say, looking back up at him with a heavy sense of guilt. He had been putting in effort, and you hadn't reciprocated at all.
He gives a nonchalant shrug, "It's okay. I just thought I might have a better chance if he was out of the picture. Guess that's not happening," he says, gesturing behind you.
You turn around to see what he's looking at, and your eyes meet Tsu'tey's. The Chief is staring at you with an unreadable expression, and for a moment, you feel a rush of panic. You quickly turn back to Raa'te, hoping that Tsu'tey didn't hear your conversation.
Despite not hearing the conversation, Tsu’tey’s sharp mind allowed him to discern the situation to a certain extent. He had learned from his group of warriors that Raa’te had chosen to remain behind to court you properly, which only stirred up feelings of anger within him. He knew he had no right to feel jealous or resentful towards Raa’te, especially after the way he had mistreated you. He understood that he was no more deserving of you than anyone else in the clan.
Even with this knowledge, Tsu’tey couldn’t shake the terrible feeling he had inside. After the first week of avoiding him, he had plenty of time to reflect on his mistakes and realized that he had made a grave error.
The fact that you were avoiding him hurt him deeply, even though he knew it was justified. However, a nagging voice in his head convinced him that if you were doing it on purpose, he should do the same. He knew it didn’t make sense, but he couldn’t help but feel terrible and foolish for giving in to that temptation.
As he watched you walk away with Raa’te, it felt like you were taking his heart with you. He couldn't believe that he had caused this outcome upon his return. It was cruel, and he knew he deserved it, but at the same time, he didn't feel like he should have to endure it. All he had to do was apologize, but he wondered if it was enough for you to forgive him.
He truly hoped so because the thought of seeing you with someone else was going to drive him up a tree. He regretted not telling you how he truly felt and why he acted the way he did. The fact that he couldn't handle his emotions like he would with an Ikran made him even more frustrated.
As night falls, Tsu’tey finds himself determined to confront the confusing and unsettling situation between him and you. With a sense of unease gnawing at his gut, he makes his way to your home, hoping to get some clarity and put an end to whatever this was.
However, his heart sinks when he finds your hut empty, and he can't help but let his mind wander into dark thoughts and "what ifs." In a last-ditch attempt, he decides to check the healer's hut, where he heaves a sigh of relief at the sight of you shuffling around your medicine.
As the drape of your hut flutters, you stop your work and look towards the entrance, hoping it's someone who won't disrupt your peace. Unfortunately, it's Tsu'tey, his ears flat back and a scowl etched on his face. You immediately regret looking up as you feel a rush of tension in the air.
The expression on his face is still hostile, but there's a hint of vulnerability that you've never seen before. You both stand there in silence, neither of you uttering a word. The atmosphere is so thick you can practically cut it with a knife.
His voice, low yet firm, echoes inside your little hut, "I'm sorry."
Did the Olo'eyktan—no, did Tsu’tey just say "I'm sorry" to you? You wonder if you're starting to hallucinate after seeing him return. You can't remember him ever apologizing before, at least not without a fight.
"Great Mother," you mutter in disbelief, your eyes widening. You struggle to process his words, wondering if this is truly the same Tsu'tey you know. "Who are you and what have you done with our Chief?" you ask, half-jokingly. This behavior is unlike him, leaving you uncertain.
His glare brings you back to reality, silently conveying the seriousness of his words. You take a moment to gather yourself, realizing that this apology is genuine and you must respond accordingly.
“I acknowledge the strength it took for you to admit that you were wrong. Thank you,” you say, your brows furrowing as you glance off to the side. It wasn't exactly what you wanted to say, but you had been mulling over the situation for weeks and decided that being the bigger person was the best course of action.
Tsu'tey notices your hesitation immediately and steps further into the hut, basking in the dim glow of the a flickering flame. Your eyes drift back to him unconsciously, taking in his handsome features - his high cheekbones and chiseled jaw - and you find yourself falling for him all over again.
"But?" he prompts, sensing that there is more to your statement than you are letting on.
You pause, chewing on the inside of your cheek as your eyes flicker between his, which seem more honest and vulnerable than you've ever seen them. What were you going to say? How could you say it? Should you say it?
"Just say it," he urges, his scowl growing deeper. He was growing impatient in a situation that deserved patience. He knew this, but he also knew he didn't want to wait any longer. "Speak your mind freely."
"I thought you said I was too loose-tongued," you state a little too harshly, as the wound was only two weeks old.
Tsu'tey purses his lips, answering without hesitation, "You do. You're not afraid to state your opinion to our people or your Olo'eyktan," he glances downwards at the ground. "I respect it."
You tilt your head in confusion at his statement. Wasn't he the same person who spread rumors about you and drove away your business? It's flattering that he thinks you're not afraid to speak your mind, but it doesn't change the fact that his actions caused you harm.
Curious, you test the waters, "What about me being stubborn?" His eyes flicker up to meet yours and his lips twitch in response,
"You are. You've been avoiding me since the fight. I'll say that's stubborn enough," he admits.
You pout and cross your arms defensively, "With reason!" you retort. After a moment of hesitation, you ask, "What about me not being gentle? You have everyone thinking I'm some woman who knows nothing but toughness."
Finally, a playful smirk spreads across his face, his eyes lighting up. What happened to the Tsu’tey who wanted to take this serious? "That's also true. I meant it when I said you're better off as a warrior... but you're great as a healer too."
There was a heavy moment of silence as you processed his words, your body feeling hot under his intense gaze, but you didn’t look away. You were debating on what to do next, whether to take his words to heart, or forgive him. He sounded sincere enough, but was it enough?
“Why…Why hurt me?” You finally mutter, the question that’s been weighing on your mind for weeks. It was the one that you desperately didn’t want to share, the one that would show so much vulnerability that you didn’t know if you wanted to give that to him yet.
But Tsu'tey understood the weight of your question, his smirk fading as he grew serious. serious. A few seconds passed before he sighed heavily through his nostrils, “I wasn’t myself.” He confess, continuing as he caught your look of confusion, “My pride and foolish jealousy blinded me. I failed to see that my actions were hurting you, and that was the last thing I wanted.”
You do a double take as he continues speaking, his vulnerability at its highest peak, “I was a skxqwng for letting myself become clouded with such feelings but I didn’t know how to deal with them.”
“What are you trying to say, Tsu’tey?” You ask, holding your breath as his expression grows softer by the second. It's a side of him you've never seen before, and you don't think anyone else has either. But it has your heart threatening to jump out of your chest and your stomach doing silly flips.
“I’m saying… Oel ngati kameie, [Name].” He walks closer, stopping in front of you. He raises his hand to your cheek, which you lean into as you stare at him in disbelief. All the anger you felt has vaporized like it was never there because all you can see is Tsu’tey looking at you like your the most treasured thing in the world, “If you’ll have me, I will make my wrongs right.”
You take a deep breath and close your eyes for a moment, trying to ground yourself. It feels like a dream, but the warmth of Tsu’tey’s touch on your face is real. You open your eyes again, looking up at him, “Oel ngati kameie, Tsu’tey.” You whisper breathlessly, feeling the weight of the moment.
Tsu’tey’s eyes light up at your words, a wide smile spreading across his face as he brings his other hand up to cup your cheek. He looks at you so happily that the sun would be envious of his light. You realize that you really like this version of Tsu'tey and want to see more of it.
He looks down at your lips, and you can feel your own breath hitching in your throat, “Can I kiss you, Yawne?” He mumble, looking back back in your eyes.
You don’t even need to think about it – the answer is a resounding yes. You want to feel his lips on yours, to hold him closer, to lose yourself in the moment.
Without answering, you grab him by the shoulders and pull him towards you, pressing your lips to his in a fervent, passionate kiss. The space between you feels too great, and you crave the feeling of his body against yours.
It was in this moment that you realized how thankful you were for all the ups and downs that had led you here. The moments where you had lost your cool, the times when you had been too stubborn to see the truth, and the moments of sheer frustration had all been worth it. Without them, you wouldn't be here, in Tsu'tey's arms, feeling like you had finally found your home.
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eywaseclipse · 3 months
Headcanon for how Tsu’tey is as a mate
He swore he’d never love again after Sylwanin died, he was ready to become a mated pair with Neytiri for the sake of the clan and nothing more
Truth be told, he was secretly relieved when Neytiri and Jake were a mated pair, after Jake came back as Toruk Makto
When he survived the battle against the sky people he was even more closed off than before
You assisted your clan helping the wounded making sure Tsu’tey healed well despite the grumpy moans and groans
He would argue with you and push you away because he was terrified that he was indeed falling in love with you
He is shy and guarded as a mate but incredibly giving: many gifts like necklaces bracelets woven tops and matching loincloths acts of service
He’s fiercely loyal and protective of you despite knowing you’re more than capable of protecting yourself
He wanted to court you in the traditional Omatikaya way which was slow and calculated
He built a bigger kelku for the both of you not allowing you to lift a finger, and as a compromise you were on accessories and decor duties
Once he officially asked you to be his mate he took you to the spirit tree where you both made Tsaheylu mating under Eywa herself
Once Jake found out he immediately started planning an entire feast for the both of you with protests from Tsu’tey but ultimately caved because he was just too damn happy to say no
The night you mated you fell pregnant
Shortly after your first baby, a girl. You and Tsu’tey adopted several orphaned na’vi toddlers from the war who were being looked after by some of the elders
During your pregnancy you were not allowed to lift a single finger, other than mundane simple tasks like foraging and weaving
Tsu’tey is a composed man and has an incredible amount of self restraint so when you went into labor he had everything lined up for your birth
Both of you went on to have 3 more babies of your own with your two adopted sons; he’s always wanted a large family living happily in the jungle seeing your children grow up and lead prosperous lives
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eternalslover · 1 year
Avatar 2009 incorrect quotes:
Tsu'tey: Still short, I see
Human!Y/n : Still pretending that you're not hopelessly in love with me, I see
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sofiast21 · 1 year
Tsu’tey NSFW Alphabet
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Well, I haven’t seen any NSFW alphabets for Tsu’tey, so here we are — I’ve decided to make it by my own.
Everything written down here is my personal opinion on this character. Enjoy!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Oh, Tsu’tey… Even though this mighty warrior gives the impression of total lack of tenderness and caring, it reveals differently face-to-face.
At the end of your sex, he, first of all, makes inquiries about how you’re feeling, and then offers you to help to clean up each other.
But if his lover is completely exhausted, he would be pleased to take care of you, also getting you two some snacks like fruits, nuts and water (stay hydrated, kitties!)
He likes hugging you and touching your hair, sorting out braids and strands, looking at your hands, comparing them to his ones. While both of you are still awake, he truly enjoys listening to your stories and replying to you by telling his own stories.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
To say, that this man unconditionally worships his mate - is to say nothing at all. However there’re some parts of your body Tsu’tey adores the most.
Your boobies and thighs? Where does Tsu’tey have to sign up? An absolute «yes» for sure. Pleasure - to look at, true blessing - to touch. He also likes looking at your booty while you’re doing something and can���t see him staring at.
I’m not quite sure, whether it can be related to “body part”, but Tsu’tey is being inebriated by your body smell every time he smells it. He tries to catch it, passing by, while you’re both busy working, or standing closer at clan meetings. When you’re having sex, he quite frequently explores your body with his nose, appreciating and enjoying every note of the scent.
Speaking of his own body, Tsu’tey really likes his physical fitness - strong arm and leg muscles, wide shoulders and a solid torso. Quite hard to deny, that the view is highly picturesque and impressive.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
«Take it all, ma Paskalin» (my Dear/Sweet)
I’m completely sure he loves cumming inside you. The idea itself of you carrying his baby, already gives Tsu’tey an excitement. (breeding kink, I suppose ?)
He also loves cumming in your mouth during oral and watching semen leaking out of your mouth, all filled with it, going down from your neck to breasts.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
One of his secret desires -is you sitting on his face. Sometimes this always-controlling warrior wants to be dominated by you.
-Light degradation and teasing to make him begging you to let him cum; -Irrumation - throat fucking; -You swallowing his sperm after giving a blow-job; -Touching each other in public places (like clan meetings or dinners), fear of being caught;
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Tsu’tey hasn’t had any partners before you.
He wanted to find “the one”, so starting a relationship only because of sex - it’s not our warrior’s story.
He was researching all about sexual pleasure, so Tsu’tey had an idea what to do, when it came to your first intimacy.
He also continues to learn something new about it, especially, from his lovely partner.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Tsu’tey does really love to keep an eye contact, so his favourite positions - are positions, where he can look into your eyes easily. For example - missionary or you sitting on his lap, holding each other.
Also among his favourite foreplay positions - thighs-fucking. And a doggy style to see how you butt is shaking🤭
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I believe Tsu’tey would be quite serious during the act. He wants to remember every detail, to watch your reaction, not to make any mistake. He’s focused on your pleasure. Sometimes it seems like he takes it way too seriously like it’s a responsible task.
Nevertheless your sudden (but just right in time!) jokes make him unconsciously giggling. Your compliments like: «You’re looking so good, Tey» make him smile shyly, quietly whispering: «Do you think so?…»
You help him to understand, that it’s important to have a good time, relax and have fun. It’s seems he starts getting it…
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Hm… I think Tsu’tey doesn’t bother about it a lot - he’s comfortable with hair down there, but he does care about cleanliness.
He trims it a little to not disturb during sex or oral. He’s watching it to be clean and “ready”. It’s a little, but quite enough.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
This man loves tenderness, what can I say. He covers your face and shoulders with kisses, he loves touching with foreheads and noses. He always asks about you being comfortable.
He does a Tsaheylu with you for more sensitivity and pleasing. He can also keep it even after sex for some time while you’re cuddling.
Intimacy with you - is important and sacramental for Tsu’tey. He also loves holding hands while doing missionary or when you're riding him.
«Oel ngati kameie, Yawne...» (i see you, Beloved...)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I think, Tsu’tey isn’t a big fan of masturbation. Under different circumstances, there are times when you both can’t see each other. At times like this he enjoys slowly touching himself, thinking about you, your sex and just time you’ve spent together.
Although it’s just a “snack” for him - masturbation isn’t enough, he prefers to interact with his mate, whether it’s sex or simple hug. Therefore he will be looking forward to “the whole meal”
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding kink for sure. Period.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Tsu’tey cherishes privacy. It’s important for him to not being disturbed.
For such cases he has some places far away from village in forest and in Hallelujah Mountains, where you can do whatever you want freely and safely.
It is not excluded, that passion can reach both of you in Home-Tree. In that moments you try to unnoticeably move into your sleeping place.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Appearing on the horizon, you will never go unnoticed by this pair of yellow-green eyes. He is always pleased to watching you silently.
It’s turning Tsu’tey on and makes him admire you, when you’re training: when your breathing becomes faster, while you’re running or riding a pa’li (a direhorse); how tense your body muscles are, when you’re flying on an ikran; how serious and focused you became, pointing a bow, during hunting.
It may sound strange, but one of his “turn ons” is when you’re playing with village kids. He’s being turned on by the idea of you being a potential mother of his children.
«What a naughty oops mighty warrior you are, Tey…» - your little flirting in a regular time never leaves Tsu’tey indifferent. Compliments, glancing at each other during dinner gatherings. At these moments he can’t wait this gathering to end, so he can take you to some secluded place..
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He absolutely doesn’t tolerate group sex. He doesn’t get it, how people can have one or more persons in such an important and intimate, in his opinion, part of life. He doesn’t want to “share” you with anyone else. On the other hand, Tsu’tey himself doesn’t need anyone but you.
-Hard BDSM (hitting, hard choking, bruises, blood);
-Sex without the permission, forcing.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Tsu’tey are in the middle, by talking about it. He cannot choose only one thing. Why does he even have to choose, if he can love both, right?
He loves receiving an oral from his partner. Slurping sounds and your heavy breathing turn that warrior on.
«Oh Eywa, if you could see, what I see…» - Tsu’tey quietly whispers and heavy breaths, closing off his ears and watching you, being on your knees in front of him, making his knees shake.
Equally pleasant he finds giving you an oral. Your taste, smell and discreet quiet moans, when you’re going it in a Home-Tree. Your fingers, going through Tey’s hair and holding it. He definitely knows how to make his beloved girl whimper from satisfaction.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Tsu’tey likes both types of pace.
Most part of sex he prefers doing sensitive and deep penetration, which helps to “warm up” better and feel all depth of intimacy with you.
But he also does love going faster by the end, doing rough pushes, letting both of you cum brighter.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
If you want a quickie, there’s a potential of it turning into a long procession…
For Tsu’tey it’s about quality, not amount. He doesn’t like quickies that much - he prefers long foreplays, good aftercare and slow conversations, while cuddling with each other. It’s about quality time, you know. He doesn’t want to hurry nowhere.
But, of course, sometimes we all have that “horny era”, when you want it quickly and immediately. Tsu’tey isn’t an exception, but it’s quite a rare case.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Though Tsu’tey is totally comfortable and fine with your sex, he’s always ready to listen to your ideas and try something new. He can also come to you with his own special thoughts sometimes.
But don’t hurry - Tsu’tey enters new things slowly, considering all the nuances. He’s for safety.
From recent you’ve tried and he liked was light BDSM: mild spanking, «yes, my Master» phrases etc.
He was impressed by that dominant side of yours. Being blindfolded and tied with rope, while you’re giving an oral, exploring his body with hands, leaving light spanks - was a new and really special experience for Tsu’tey, not gonna lie. Feeling goosebumps all over his body. He did enjoy it.
«Feel those goosebumps, My Love…»
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Considering how good our warrior’s physical form is, Tsu’tey can easily go 3 and more rounds.
But as I said earlier - he’s more a quality-guy, not an amount one. He’s also checking your abilities, whether you want and can continue.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Tsu’tey didn’t had any toys himself. Perhaps he didn’t understand the point of using it.
But he couldn’t overlook that amount of sex devices his partner has. It definitely had caused some kind of rejection from unknown, but he was a little curious later. You showed him your toys, explained how it works and even demonstrated in practice (his eyes were blessed that day).
He liked the idea of using some toys during sex, so your frequent attributes became a vibrator for you and a vibro-ring you’ve bought for Tsu’tey later on (he was kinda shocked at first, but then he was thrilled)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Tsu’tey likes the idea of teasing.
Watching you frowning impatiently and hearing you begging him - a wonderful scene, trust me.
But this scene just itself drives him crazy - he can’t tease you any longer, Tsu’tey loses control and starts acting.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Tsu’tey is surprisingly, terrifyingly even, silent.
It probably can be his hunter habit or just sexual shyness shows this way (yeah-yeah, this giant blue alien-kitty baby-boi is kinda shy about it, yk), but it’s the fact, that he barely makes sounds - quiet heavy breathing or some moans and growling only.
«Oh, My Love, let me hear your beautiful sounds…» - you’re trying to open him up and sometimes he lets himself moan a little louder or he moans the same, but closer to your ear.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
-He inlaces your leg/arm with his tail during sex or any intimate moments;
-He likes you touching his tail or braid. It’s quite sensitive body parts for na’vi, so he shows you his trust that way.
-When Tsu’tey is cumming, he closes off his ears, and they start trembling a little;
-He wants to perform an erotic dance for you!
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Well, I can’t tell you the exact numbers, hah, but I believe Tsu’tey’s dick is just above average. It’s almost the same colour, but a little lighter. It’s a little thick, especially in a head zone (yummy🤭)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Somewhere in the middle, I guess.
He’s more or less fine without sex, but he’s so needy for any kind of contact with you (dates, conversations, kisses, hugs, foreplays, dirty talk)
Sex isn’t as much important, as an opportunity to be highly closer to you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Tsu’tey goes asleep a little later than you usually.
He needs to be sure both of you are safe and sound. He will lie next to you then, caressing your body and looking at your face, sometimes leaving hardly-felt kisses on your closed eyes and forehead.
But there can be times, when, after a hard-working day, hunting and a good sex with you, he falls asleep extremely fast, holding you in his arms and burying his face in your chest.
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Thank you for reading! Let me know if you like it and want something like this more!
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neteyummydrabbles · 1 year
heaven's incarnate [tsu'tey x reader]
pairing: tsu'tey x fem na'vi reader words: 632 warnings: slight angst, tsutey being husband material, slight self-deprecation a/n: we're taking a break from our farcical works; so we're gonna give you something you can cream to for once 🥰
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tsu'tey on mother's day!
if there was one thing i did not enjoy about motherhood, it was the constant screaming and crying that accompanied it.
i jolted awake; hearing ri'antu sob for the third time this night. i was exhausted. my breasts were heavy and my head was throbbing. i just wanted to rest. while i was preparing myself to go look after him, tsu'tey knowingly held my hand. he looked into my eyes with a sympathetic expression, teeming with concern. he gave my hand a gentle squeeze and said, "take some rest, yawntutsyip" (darling). i went back to bed, and noticed tsu'tey consoling little rian'tu in his arms. in no time, the night filled with silence.
the next morning, i woke up later than usual, and was surprised to find a bouquet of sun lilies near my bedside. then, i saw tsu'tey approach, smiling, with his hands behind his back. he was clearly hiding something. "good morning, yawne" (beloved) he said. "good morning, what are you hiding?" i asked. "oh this? i made this for you" he said, presenting a beautifully intricate necklace, adorned with rare beads and flowers that took many moons to bloom. "tsu'tey! what is the occasion? did i forget something? oh i'm so sor-" "don't be sorry, it's mother's day! you're a mother now, mama. you're so beautiful" he smiled, showcasing his pearly whites.
i had completely forgotten this strange human tradition that jake introduced us to amidst the chaos that comes with being a mother. but now it all made sense.
"irayo, yawntu" (thank you, my love) i whispered, eyes welling up with tears. tsu'tey then gently brushed my hair aside and clasped the necklace shut onto my neck." he then embraced me from behind, while i sunk into his touch. it felt like all of my exhaustion wiped away. i felt at peace. "nga yawne lu oer" (i love you) he whispered tenderly, placing a kiss on my cheek. "nga yawne lu oer, tsu'tey"
"ooh, i wanna see what it looks like on me!" i exclaimed. "yes, let us go to the pond and take a look!" suddenly, my face dropped "but rian'tu.." "do not worry, today, rian'tu's with ma and pa. he's in safe hands." i was relieved, and followed tsu'tey out our marui. we ran to our ikrans, tails flicking at each other, giggling all the way. i felt like a naive teenager running around with my first love. i felt free.
we finally reached the pond and i looked at myself in the clear, glittering water. "tsu'tey, it's gorgeous!" my gaze trailed off to the reflection of my face and i couldn't help but notice just how weary i looked. my sunken eyes, my chapped lips, the bags under my eyes, my dishevelled hair... my thoughts were interrupted by tsu'tey's familiar yet calming voice saying the words i knew i needed to hear, "no, you're gorgeous, believe me" i smiled, my eyes reflecting deep gratitude.
"but 'tey, are you sure i deserve such kind treatment on mother's day? am i even a good mother?" i asked, with a dull tone. to that, tsutey's ears perked up and he came up to me, holding my hands in his, " trust me, you are a great mother. you care for our child so tenderly; i couldn't be more grateful for you. today, i wanted to remind you of the strength and beauty that you bring into our lives" i looked into tsu'tey's eyes; they were sincere and warm; and felt my own eyes water. he wiped my tears and said, "today, you are not a mother burdened by responsibilities, you are a strong woman deserving of leisure, love and appreciation." i hugged tsutey, nuzzling my face into his neck, overwhelmed by his thoughtful words.
"oel ngati kameie, y/n" (i see you) he whispered under his breath. "oel ngati kameie," i affirmed.
thanks for reading! let us know if you liked this change of style on our blog! it's our first time so we're still a bit crusty but we hope you enjoyed <3
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quaritchsbunny · 10 months
Tsu’tey as a Yandere - 2/2 (hc styled fic)
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Link to part 1
Wc: 3.5k
Warnings/Tags: tsutey x f!Reader, human!reader, yandere behavior, stalking, obsessive behavior, mentions of mating as a tradition, traditional yandere kidnapping, Tsutey refers to the reader as mate, reader gets stranded for 0.2 seconds 
A/N: Agh I’ve been busy but here’s the second part! Hope you guys like ti as much as the first, thank you so much for reading <33
- previously: “You smile one last time, clicking a save to the photo of Tsutey before you go back to the lens to take a photo of the moss. Your second night in the cave was spent munching on puffed grain, huddled in the musky pine scented blanket as you dreamed of beaded neck covers and toned blue arms.”-
-Days passed by like this, with the basket always being dropped off when you were unaware. Fruits, puffed grains, seasoned vegetables, and fresh food was being offered to you in the sharp contrast to the frozen microwave meals you used to be issued with the RDA. You didn’t mind it at all. Your capturer would often write you small notes with clumsy English, because you had no pen, you couldn’t write back, but you often said your responses out loud knowing he could probably hear you anyways. 
-Over some time, you learned that his name was Tsutey, he was a part of the omaticaya clan and shouldered a lot of responsibility, somewhere in the back of your mind you briefly remember Dr.Augustine mentioning him during your training to be a ambitious kid, maybe that’s where he learned English. Slowly, you found comfort with him being the only person you were interacting with, you guys were both givers, people who scooped out the purest of their heart to give to others just to have it crushed in front of them, you guys both enjoyed the nature of pandora, the color red, and actions of service as a love language.    
-Oftentimes, you would leave your camera in the basket for him to take pictures of his life, you would get back snapshots of the navi clan, silly mishap photos where he clicked too early and caught only his arm and a blurry shot of a basket, and more hints of his body. You often teased him, joking that you wished the camera had a front lens so that you can see his face, though you knew he wasn’t ready for that. You tried to make things for him as a return for his hospitality and care, many sorry excuses of flower crowns were used from the material you can find off the forest floor, as well as a bark that you carved his name into with a small heart next to it using a sharp stone.
-Tsutey would slowly find smaller ways to embed you more into his life too, he took a sample of colorful hair beads to you one day and let you pick your favorite (of course, you picked red, like the color his heart that belonged solely to you now), the next day, that coral red irregular shaped bead was strewn all throughout his hair.  
-Visits became more and less guarded, oftentimes you could see the whisk of a blue tail as baskets were dropped off or a baritone deep, hearty laugh as you told him about your life as a human before he took you. You even slowly picked up on some navi for him, though you can hear the smile in his words as you experimentally taste the foreign words on your tongue
-Tsutey had rarely gone back to the tribe now except to sleep, many members were getting worried that the most talented warrior seemed to always be absent, leaving early morning and coming back at night, but eventually they had accepted that he deserved a much needed break and stopped trying to pester him
-Every day before Tsutey dropped off your basket of necessities, he would go scavenging in the forest for anything pretty to try to impress you with how much he can offer,  his mate deserved the cave to be filled with treasures after all. Countless times your basket would be loaded with riverstones that glowed in the dark, rare flowers, and pretty ferns. You took a picture of them all and kept your little collection of treasures near your sleeping corner of the cave and looked at them often whenever Tsutey wasn’t there to hear or watch you
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Seeing how much you treasured and adorned his offerings, Tsutey decided to make the ultimate romantic proposal, a hand woven bracelet with beads he carved himself. The craft had taken Tsutey a long time, not staying as long as he usually would after dropping off baskets to return to the village and learn to weave the intricacy. It was woven with soft bark and infused with essential oils, embracing the red beads tsutey hand carved. After many days, you find the accessory layed elegantly in the basket flourishing of your favorite fruits. This was the final offering, if you accepted, Tsutey would officially stop hiding you in this circle in the forest and take you as his mate. 
You picked it up in wonder, “tsutey” you whisper, “did you make this”? You say, eyes wide as you slip the bracelet on without a second thought. The way you looked at the bracelet, Tsutey could only imagine what those eyes would feel like on him
Tsutey’s heart almost stops at how willingly you take his offering, and he hums, almost desperately in response. “Took me a while” he says, accented english brittle with emotion
“I love it” you smile, twirling the bracelet around happily. It was like an indirect touch, like his fingers that worked on the bracelet on your wrist. Tsutey was barely able to leave the top cave that night, staying up late to talk to you, when he finally got the words “mate” out, his heart was pumping at the speed of light, when he sees a gleeful smile and blush on your face as you nod, he knew right there that this is what he has been looking for, what all those years of giving returned him.
The night ended with a “oel ngati kameie'' as tsutey gleefully whisked back to his hut, he finally had a mate! He’s not alone any more, he has you. You’re his, all his. He finally has something to himself, almost for the first time in life. He never had to battle or prove to be worth your attention, you never asked more of him than he happily offered. His smile while staring at the light woven ceilings of his hut that night was unimaginable, soon, you would be here with him!
Sleep was difficult for the pair of mates, excited about their future with each other
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You woke up early the next day, a bit restless after Tsutey’s proposal to be mates with you. Does that mean you finally get to see him? Will you be with his clan? How would it work between you two as a human and navi? Would his clan accept you?
Questions raced through your mind and you couldn’t stop thinking about the man who had seen compassion and a piece of himself in you that one night, and maybe his method and approach was wrong, but falling for him and your past month with him has made you feel the most fulfilling source of calmness in contrast to the rushed yet mundane days in the lab
You waited excitedly for Tsutey to come, he promised he would reveal himself today and take you back to hometree, you played with the bracelet he gave you, fingers looping through the beads he carved himself.
It was a rainy day, and after missing Tsutey’s usual morning basket, you begin to grow a bit worried, he had never even showed up late once. Was he okay? Was he injured? Did he finally forget about you?
The wind blew through the cave and whisked away the white lab coat you had been laying out front, you had taken it off a while ago when nights became warmer. The coat landed a bit far out into the patch of forest, muttering a curse to yourself, you stepped out of the cave, the rain showering you immediately, as you trooped through the squleching mud to pick up your lab coat, stained from blowing straight into a wet puddle, nontheless, you reach down to pick it up, as you do, the bracelet Tsutey endearingly made blows right off your arm with the wind’s cruel angles and flown straight past the stone boulders. You yelp in panic, chasing after it with your soaked lab coat still in your arms.
Without thinking twice you slip out between the stone boulders Tsutey set, eyes manically looking for the coral red beaded accessory that was still being whipped away consistently by the wind, blowing fast and higher as you chased it through the muddled greens of the pandora forest until the loop caught on a tree
You stumble forward, tiptoeing to reach just enough to feel the bracelet and attempt to snatch it down, your abdomen hurted from the stretch and you huff, the bracelet barely budged, wiggling on the branch as if to tantalize you for your stupidity. You groan, jumping higher with no help from the wind that seemed to prevent all chances of you getting your beloved bracelet back. You try to climb the tree, but with your wet hands and soaked lab coat weighing you down it was no use
A low growl resembling the thunder that sounded in the sky however, noticed you that your bracelet was the least of your troubles now. You back up against the tree defensively, trying to discern the source and direction of the sound as you see a flash of a matte black mammal. Your eyes look desperately in the direction where you came from, but the cave and the circular stone boulders seem to be completely out of sight, you cling to the bark of your tree, short of breath as you pray that you can at least see tsutey one last time before becoming stranded again
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Tsutey woke up late that day, oversleeping due to being so happy about becoming your mate. When he saw the time and the darkening sky, his heart dropped. His poor mate! All alone in the cave, she hasn’t even had breakfast yet and she was braving the storm out by herself! He hurriedly stuffed whatever edible foods he could find into the basket before he rushed off in the direction of the forest. But not before being stopped by one of the clan members
“Tsutey, we need you to lead a hunt today at eclipse, our hunting parties have been lost in strategy without you, you cannot keep neglecting this anymore” The male says sternly
Tsutey growled, frustrated and just wanting to get to his mate who could very much be in danger “Oh yes, now that you need me for hunt parties you can check up on me, what happened to asking or caring about me as anything other than this clans warrior” he says coldly, hoping to cut the conversation short
“Tsutey this tribe needs you, you’ve been neglecting your duties for a month, all you’ve been doing is filling up baskets and taking the clan’s fruit, we are really short on-” The male presses again but is cut off with a swift turn of tsuteys head, eyes in slits as he vocalized his frustration
“You know what I’m short on? How much I can keep giving until you guys can see that I’m a living, breathing navi and not a hunting machine or a ikran trainer. I’ve served this clan for my whole life and suddenly when it comes to me it only takes and takes, but when I take some fruits and grains it becomes outrageous.  if you need hunts, give me something other than your reliance and demand.” He articulates, the emotions he’s been compiling for years spilling out as the clan begins to circle around him.
“And for your information” Tsutey whips his head away from him, focusing on his path to your spot again as his grip around the basket tightens “I haven’t been neglecting, I’ve been doing what normal male navi do at this age which is finding a mate.”
Tsutey’s path to his spot seemed a lot longer in the rain that day, by the time he reached your cave, he didn’t care about revealing himself as he hurriedly rushed to the mouth, basket in hand as his eyes widened. Only the barren grey walls, and your collection of the treasures and trinkets he’s brought you, but you weren’t there. Your lab coat was gone too
Tsutey hurriedly chased after the footsteps you left in the mud, and when he saw that you stepped out of the boulder, his heart seized in rage. How dare you? After all he has done for you? Were you just a taker too? Was all the reassurance and time you gave him fake?
He shook his thoughts away, no, it couldn’t be, where would you go even if you did escape? And he knew you liked him, he smelled your pheromones last night while you guys talked. So where were you?
As the viperwolf approaches you, you swallow thickly, you knew it was carnivorous and you could only hope it didnt have any appetite for human blood as you closed your eyes, mud squelching underneath you as you took a deep breath, preparing it to be your last
You feel nothing but suddenly there's a splash of mud and a sudden grunt, before you hear the viperwolf far far away yelping, you open your eyes and see flashes of blue before you, angrily circling you as he approaches, keeping you pinned against the tree
“Tsutey?” you breath out nervously, he seemed angry and it definitely wasnt the way you wanted to see his reveal, but even with his furrowed eyes your heart softened as he approached you
“Are you insane? '' He breathed out heavily, voice almost breaking as toned arms pinned you agains the trunk of the tree. “What were you out here for! Could die!” He exclaimed, voice almost breaking as his thick english resounded through the forest, the rain water trailing down his arms
You tear up, your eyes burning as you try to explain the situation but your words fail you, you cover your face with your hands, humiliated at the situation
Tsutey’s tensed shoulders drop when he hears your tears, eyes widening when he sees your wrist, the bracelet gone. What did this mean? Did he scare you that much? Did you reject him? Did you-
His eyes follow your fingers as you point up silently while hiccuping, to the bracelet hung high on the branch, turning slightly in the wind. His chest sinks, he had misunderstood you horribly, you must’ve chased all the way out here because it got blown away during the storm.
Tsutey silently reaches his one arm up while gently snaking the other around your waist, pulling you into his torso as he retrieves the bracelet for you, gently clasping it around your wrist.
“Sorry” he says quietly, his voice sounding of bass as he holds your wet lab suit for you and gently cradles you in his arms. His body immediately relaxes when it feels yours, though much shorter and smaller, he almost melts into you, caressing your hair gently. “Lets go to home tree now, mate, sorry” he mutters again, leaning down to look in your eyes as he picks you up effortlessly and begins to walk back to the cave to collect his basket and the little belongings you had to transport
You sniffle and nod, all frustration evaporating when you feel yourself carried by him, you gulp nervously, taking in his face as you held eye contact with him the entire time back to the cave, as you two began to drift into warm conversation as blankets were folded and your trinklets were loaded into the familiar basket. You shyly trace your eyes over the angular, cat like face and tsutey felt your heart beat louder, his arms holding you slightly tighter as his heart jumped in glee.
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-The walk back to hometree was quiet, but in a good way, in the way that you knew things would be alright. You played with the scrunchie on tsutey’s hand (well technically, your scrunche) as the rain slowly calmed down.
-When you had finally arrived at the base, you felt nervous. Navi were not extremely harmonious with humans at this time and you looked down as tsutey walked you proudly around the clan like it was a normal day. After taking you to eytucan, the leader, he sighed in defeat. Knowing that both his daughters were previously promised to Tsutey, and that Tsutey had his potential mate taken away both times, he felt bad if he couldn’t let Tsutey be happy at least once with who he wanted. The Tsahik examined you for a while before determining that eywa welcomed you to a place in a clan, and just like that, Tsutey strolled out of the hut, uncaring for any other clan member’s opinions, commentaries about your human form, or awkward gawking as he held you and led you straight to his hut
-Not many words are exchanged, and not many are needed, as long as Tsutey had you. For the first time that night, you two ate dinner together at the union, where you met the infamous avatar Jake Sully and enjoyed your fruits and grains to the fullest without a mysterious delivery from Tsutey. Tsutey admired you wordlessly as you peeled fruits and conversed with clan members in fluent navi (credit to him) like you were born to be a part of this, you had slipped into his life so perfectly, so seamlessly that he months of isolation at the cave seemed pointless. His tail flicks happily before wrapping around your waist, the smooth slide of your cotton lab coat (still wet from the rain and mud) reminding him to give you new navi clothes
-That night was the best night you two have slept in a long time, with the dirt and the grime from the rain properly washed from you (tsutey took you to your first ever river bath, it was revolutionary) and Tsuteys wide, pink, cat like nostrils breathing calmly against your scalp, relaxing as your phermones filled his nose as his palms smoothed over your body, snoozing away peacefully with the feeling of your tiny body swathed by his
-Soon, you became an irreplaceable constant in Tsutey’s life as he faded back into his usual role, training young navi, hunting, and being a warrior but with new motivation not only to protect the home he had but for you. And knowing he’d come back to his warm, home-like hut with your belongings scuttered along with his bows and arrows, and that you’d never ask or demand more of him, that as soon as the eclipse sets into the night everyday all you would give him is your love, his rage and constant giving was finally reciprocated
-He would take you on ikran rides, making sure to share his world with you as much as you gave him your love, the deep rumbles of his chest against your back as he held you tight and soared through the pandora skies as you tell him about your daily experiences in the clan
-New beaded navi clothes would be adorned on you, though he still loved the way you looked in a lab coat, the signature coral bead of tsutey’s choosing against your bare hips had a addicting effect on tsutey
-Tsutey would be so proud the day he officially mated with you, with eywa as witness in front of the tree of souls, although tsaheylu couldn’t be formed, that night as you both stood under the holy tree the love and sense of belonging to eachohter had never been stronger
-Tsutey who would have a hard time (even harder after you guys became mated) watching how lovable and admirable you are, easily earning hearts, friendships, and disgustingly clingy eyes of other members of the tribe. Tsutey who would constantly have a tail around your waist and leave scatters of love bites across the exposed skin your navi adornments allowed, the red blooms reminding the clan of who the cute human belonged to
-Tsutey who would fight every last RDA soldier, plunging the knife deep into their sorry flesh, for they were the ones who kept you away for so long, until you stumbled into his arms like a present from the earth, and now they were here trying to take more of what he loved, his home.
-Tsutey who doesn’t care if he comes back to your shared hut bathed in blood because he knew you’d understand, he was only protecting you from the many evils of the world who wanted to take you for the unlimited love you had to give, and they were extremely undeserving. Deep down, even Tsutey felt undeserving, but he would never tell you that.
-Tsutey who still brings back little trinkets, fresh flowers, and anything pretty he stumbles upon during his time out, holding it behind his back and when you approach him with a long desired hug after he’s been out, Tsutey who will always think of you as his treasure.
-Tsutey who knew that every bit that he gave will always be returned in some way, every time he protected and isolated you from the undeserving greed of others for your own good was returned with your love, every time he glared at the clan members who stared at you for seconds too long menancingly on a hunt would be returned with that same member’s own scorn around you the next time, arms burning from Tsutey’s lesson to them
- Tsutey who now learned that he didn’t have to scour every bit out of himself to prove that he was worthy of something or to convince someone to say, who learned that what belonged to him will always find its way, just like you did all those nights ago when you stumbled into his heart with your doting of the direhourse. Knowing that your love would stay without asking for anything from him in return.
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randxmthxughts · 1 year
Tsu'tey x Pregnant!Mate Headcanons
okay but after writing child of our own i couldn't stop thinking about how tsu'tey would react to his mate's first pregnancy
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you'd find out about your pregnancy, when tsu'tey is away on a mission with jake
at first, you think that your mood swings and dizziness is probably bc you miss tsu'tey too much and you haven't been taking good care of yourself
but on the third day, when you can't seem to fall asleep without him by your side, you start getting these thoughts that you might be pregnant
you don't want to get overexcited, in case it's nothing, so you decide to check with mo'at in the morning
when mo'at confirms your suspicions, you can't hold back tears of joy
so for the next days you can't wait for tsu'tey to come back to tell him the news
when tsu'tey finally comes from the mission, you greet him with a sweet kiss and a hug that you want to last forever
tsu'tey is a little surprised by how much he missed him (he still has a hard time believing that he had a mate like you) but he gladly holds you in his arms, having missed you insanely in the past few days
he doesn't care about the giddy smiles and curious glances he gets from his friends who rarely get to see this side of him
when tsu'tey is finally annoyed by their teasing and needs you to himself, he lifts you over his shoulder and walks to your home
once you're inside, he sits you down, and kneels in between your legs
for a moment, the two of you can't stop touching and kissing each other
"i have to tell you something," you tease him, peppering his face with small kisses
tsu'tey has to work a bit to get it out of you, he sees how excited you are but he can't seem to figure out why
instead of telling him with words, you bring his palm to your stomach
while it's still unnoticeable (of course), mo'at told you that there was already a strong heartbeat
bc na'vi are more sensitive with their hearing and touch, tsu'tey feels something too
at first, he doesn't want to give himself hope, so he looks back at you to check for your reaction
he frowns, as you break into a giddy smile
to check again, now suspecting exactly what you're trying to tell him, tsu'tey presses his ear against your stomach and catches the faintest beat
"are you with our child?" he asks, his voice very low, like he is scared it is not true
you're so overjoyed, you can't seem to answer with words, so tsu'tey has to pull back to see you nodding your head
"thank you, great mother," he whispers, before pulling you into his arms
"are you sure?" "yes, mo'at confirmed"
tsu'tey is not very expressive but by the way his heart starts racing and his eyes blink rapidly, you can tell that he's happy
for the rest of that day, tsu'tey can't stop holding you and kissing you, literally is glued to you
he constantly wants to touch you, just to make sure you're by his side
whether it's his tail grazing your back or his knee touching yours when you're sat down
he always needs to feel you, hold you close to himself
he also presses his ear against your stomach again to hear the hearbeat of your child
you can't help but laugh every time he does that bc his ear tickles your skin
but because of your laughter, tsu'tey has a hard time hearing the heartbeat, so his hands reach to hold you in place
he grunts and huffs when you keep laughing
"let me hear my child," he orders which makes you laugh even harder
that night, and every night after, tsu'tey likes being a big spoon so he can rest his arms around your middle
he rubs slow circles over your tummy, and presses soft kisses to the side of your head and to your temple
"i can't wait to meet our child," he whispers as you fall asleep
"thank you for making me the happiest man"
he'd then quietly pray to eywa, thinking you can't hear him
"thank you, great mother, for giving me a second chance at true happiness"
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marymary-diva17 · 4 months
When you call him by his name
includes : Jake and Tsu'tey
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The relationship you have with your husband is something wonderful, and you enjoyed life with him and all that came as well. there were times when you will play small tricks or stunts on him time to time, to see who he will react to them.
It was a normal time in the family home and you are with Jake as he was cleaning his weapons, you had looked at him and came up with a small prank to pull on him. As he was always pranking you time to time again in front of the kids or neytiri.
Jake " hey honey can you pass me that rag over there and polish"
y/n " sure Jake" you had passed the rag and polish towards Jake getting his attention as he looked at you.
Jake " thanks sweetie"
y/n " sure sully" Jake stopped moving as he was trying to understand the word coming out your mouth.
Jake " yeah wow it very quite here today"
y/n " yeah with out the kids and neytiri it just me and you"
Jake " like old time"
y/n " don't act like a fool Jake" Jake ears had gone down and he was looking at you.
Jake " you look beautiful today if I haven't told you"
y/n " thank you Jake you are looking good as always"
y/n " well I will be back I need to run by the base to get some stuff see you sully boy" you had left leaving jake very confused and worried about what was going on right now.
later that night
y/n " night norm see you later" you are walking back from the base when you saw Jake waiting there.
y/n " Jake"
Jake " hey sweetie I came to pick you up and walk you home"
y/n " okay let go dinner most be waiting" you and Jake were walking in silence for sometime.
Jake " I'm sorry and I love"
y/n " huh"
Jake " I'm sorry and I love you ... you mad with me right so I'm apologizing see"
y/n " Jake"
Jake " you been calling me by Jake or sully all day that means you are mad right well I'm sorry"
y/n " you are so cute you know that"
Jake " huh"
y/n " I call you by your name for one day you become worried like I'm going to leave you for some other guy" Jake soon looked at you and realized what was happening.
Jake " hey you pull that prank where women call their husband by their names"
y/n " revenge handsome but I still love you" Jake had soon started laughing as he brought you closer to him, and kissed your forehead.
Jake " you win my love now come on let head home"
y/n " yes my Jake my husband" Jake smiled taking your hand as the both of you started walking away together hand in hand. when telling the kids and neytiri what happened that found it funny seeing that you got Jake back for his last prank on you.
Tsu’tey didn't know that much about all the human customs, so whenever you do anything he will be confused and try to understand what going on.
y/n “…….” you are going over some of your human stuff that was place in the home, that you share with your mate and son spider.
Tsu’tey “ ma y/n why most you bring this human stuff into our home”
y/n “ because we will need them just in case something happens, Tsu’tey and they can be useful still to us”
Tsu’tey “ yes but it still the evil demon ways as well”
y/n “ Tsu’tey maybe you should give it a chance, verse hating it forever these humans stuff have save your life and many other lives”
y/n “ I love you Tsu’tey and I love the life we have here, but there might be a time we might need combined both worlds together”
Tsu’tey “ ……..”Tsu’tey seem to be shocked that you called him by his name verse husband.
Spider “ hey dad uncle Jake is waiting for us for scouting are you coming”
Spider and Tsu’tey soon leave the home to join Jake and the boys for some scouting. Tsu’tey had felt you are mad at him by the tone of your voice and that you were calling him by his name the whole time.
Y/n “ good jobs girls on bandage up the leg right”
Kiri “ thank you aunt y/n”
Navi girl “ thank you for teaching us this more of the humans, medical ways”
Y/n “ well happy you all wanted to know”
Mo’at “ thank you y/n for helping me teach my class while I dealt with some other, matters of the clan”
Y/n “ well I was happy to help moat, and it was good to share some other human medical knowledge”
Tuk “ aunt y/n”
Y/n “ yes Tuk Tuk”
Tuk “ I need help” you soon saw Tuk had tied her arms together with the bandages, and need some help right now. The older girls found it cute and laughed, while you and moat were trying not to laugh that failed. 
Y/n “ sure I can help you” you had went to go help Tuk soon free her form the trap she made. 
Y/n “ don’t worry baby you will get better with this”
Tuk “ yes auntie” you had helped Tuk with her lesson and soon enough she had gotten it. 
Later on that night 
Spider “ mom we are home”
Y/n “ welcome home dinner will be ready shortly”
Spider “ great it smells good”
Tsu’tey “ son go clean up for supper”
Y/n “ can you take the jug and fresh some water as well”
Spider “ yes I can do that I will be home later ” soon spider leaves the clean and fresh some water as well, leaving you and tsutey in the home together. 
Y/n “ how was the scouting today”
Tsu’tey “ it was well how was your day” 
y/n " it was good"
tsu'tey " that good to hear" you could tell there was something the matter with Tsu'tey as he was not acting the same.
y/n " what the matter you are acting off"
tsu'tey " I want to say I'm sorry"
y/n " for what"
tsu'tey " anything I did you had called me by my name verse husband or any other name you call me, and your tone sound upset and when I talked with your brother he said you might be upset with me" you soon looked and tsu'tey and remember what you had called him by his name today.
y/n " my husband there no issues with us I was calling you that, as I always call you that"
tsu'tey " yes but your brother said that women calling their husband by their name when they are mad at them, and I thought when I was not taking your words and advice you had become mad .... that you are going to take our son and leave me I will no longer have you both in my life"
y/n " there is nothing to worry about and I will never leave you no matter what happens, I and spider are here forever until the ever end"
tsu'tey " thank you"
y/n " your welcome now don't always take my brother advice to heart at times, he will most use his words to pull a prank on you"
Tsu'tey " I will remember that for the future so will you tell me more of this human technology if we are going to have it in out homes"
y/n " sure" spider had come home with the jug of water and happy to see his father was no longer worried about, the chance of losing his mom. Once spider had been told about everything even he found it funny as well laughing a bit as his father tried to explain himself, soon understood Jake had play a bit of prank on him and will deal with him later on.
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apolonya · 1 year
Worried Jake: what's wrong? You can tell me 😟
Y/N: If I go to therapy they're gonna stop me from being a whore and I don't wanna stop being a whore so why would I go to therapy if all they're gonna do is tell me to stop being a massive dirty whore?!?!
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