#trans rambles
baileyjayy1 · 2 months
If I unveil this present 🎁 will you suck it?🍆
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sagasolejma · 16 days
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ericacherrys-blog · 4 days
Ready to submit? I’ve got the keys to your chastity🔐 how long do you think you’d last being cum💦 denied?
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james-farrowluver · 4 days
Been feeling insanely dysphoric and awful since i left home & it’s making me just fall back into the “i’ll just be ‘girly’ bcuz the people around me view me as that and i get weird looks when i dont” mindset, which has pushed me yet again into the “maybe i should just quit trying to be me, it’s easier to just give up” mindset…
Which in turn is makinf me feel even more awful but also making me feel like maybe im lying to myself about being trans (im not, ive been doing this shit on a loop every few months since i was 14) GODDDDD
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dani-fox · 3 months
Tiny H0ly-Tea ramble
This is a rant/ramble post about a user named H0ly-tea's stupid post so if you dont want to read it you can go ahead and ignore this. Its fine if you do want see it.
if you do, click the keep reading bit but CW: slight mentions of transphobia.
Im sure im not the only TF2 tumbler user whos seen the post about 'i hate when ppl make the mers trans because its the 60-70s'
It would take you two seconds plus google to see that Transgender/transsexuality has existed for fucking years.
Transgender people existed years and years before the period where tf2 exists. Years that show many people who were transgender way before the term was made. The best example i can give is a transgender woman by the name of Mary Jones who was a transgender (male to female) African American sex worker who lived in the 1870s and the first recorded transgender reassignment surgery was in 1906 on a man named Karl.M Baer who was intersex but was dubbed female at birth at the age of 21 he came out as a male and underwent surgery at the age of 23. The term transsexual was created in 1907.
I got all that and even more from the first source. The first source is a Wikipedia article a free online source anyone can see. Here is the link to the article if anyone would like to see it: Timeline of transgender history - Wikipedia
This is also Team Fortress 2 were talking about here. This whole game takes place in a world where Australians are buff super-intelligent beings. -New Zealand is an underwater society. -The first group of mercenaries for the Gravel Wars consisted of both real historical figures like Abraham Licon as Pyro and American folk tales like John Henry as the Heavy -A martial called Australiem exists that makes people super humans. -Yetis,spycrabs,Pyro sharks, the weird tube snakes, pootis birds, and more weird animals exist in tf2 -An older than time itself Wizard exists and has beef with an American who can survive blasting his feet with a rocket. -Krampus and Santa exist. -Medic basically invented Mpreg, surgically removed souls, and can fucking do all these crazy medical experiments!
-Heavy Weapons guy can fist-fight bears twice his size.
-Scout can double jump and survive drinking liquified radiation.
-Pyro exists and he is probably not a human being.
-Demoman's eye socket is haunted.
-Aliens exist.
But apparently trans people is to unrealistic and 'Makes your unconvertible' according to the original user Like at this point just Amit you're transphobic and don't make shitty posts like this becuse your just going to get proven wrong with stupid saying like "trans people did not exist in the 60-70s"!
If you stayed this long for this ramble, thank you for reading over my big barf of words. I don't normally make these types of posts, i try to stay close to my art content. Also sorry for the shitty grammar or spelling. The American education system failed me lol
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insomniaticvoids · 16 days
Something something the whole logic that a trans person should or shouldn't do something because you a cis person thinks you have more information on trans people's lives is utter bullshit and is really harmful rethoric and just to the person your spouting it to as well.
No one but those who are trans should be able to have a say in their own decisions and life especially since they have that experience. A cis person cannot have those same experiences in regards to the choices and impact they have since they have never experienced those situations.
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hyp3rk3l · 5 months
Boutta tell my ma AGAIN that i want to be called Mike and not Cloud :D (cloud is old pref name)
Wish me luck
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thatchainsguy · 5 months
All over other social media, and irl, too, people are asking to reflect on what we think our biggest/best accomplishment, or what our proudest moment of 2023 was. I definitely feel the draw to participate and want to add my voice to my communities, but I just realized that what I’m most proud of maybe can only be said here.
My greatest accomplishment was continuing to become more and more radical, more of an anarchist, more woke, whatever we wanna call it. I stayed curious and open about all kinds of issues, read up and listened in on things I needed to know more about, and shifted my understanding accordingly. I let go of old modes of seeing the world, stopped beating myself up when I didn’t get it, and gave more grace to others when they didn’t get it.
I feel like I really turned a corner that I wanted to turn. There were so many things over the past few years I grappled with integrating into a holistic look on collective liberation, and I feel like this year, I finally got my first peek at that huge horizon. I finally got to experience this place of ease, of buckling in for the long haul, of confidence in the sustainability of my own activism efforts. My rage and urgency has taken on a different hue, has settled from tightness in my throat to a pleasant fire in my belly.
So, to those that consider me a transfag scourge, I will continue to get worse in 2024. 😈
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atlas-affogato · 7 months
I sometimes forget how deep I am in trans communities until I went to the food bank with my brother and when we got back I told him about the three other transmen we saw there and he just blinks at me and goes "I had no idea, I didn't notice them at all."
It makes me feel a bit better about passing, that the average person isn't going to notice these tiny things that I do.
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d6b-onion · 3 months
this video has been going around for a while but the English subtitles didn't match the energy of the spoken French at all. i had to fix it.
reblog to spread this version
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darthteej2 · 2 months
Tw: dysphoria
It's totally fine that I'll never get to have a womb of my own. That I'll never feel the pain of menstruation but know that it's worth it for the capacity to bear life. That I'll never have that deep shared experience of cis women or even the alienation of a uterus possessing person who would rather not.
I want to feel a lover put themselves into me knowing we want to conceive. I want to feel my own child growing within me, knowing that I am giving parts of my own flesh willingly so that they can grow. I want offer everything to this child and experience the deep bond of seeing someone once literally a part of me grow unto their own. To feel my body pass into menopause and ease the periods and pain, rested with a life well lived
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cptapathy · 15 days
We have all been saying this was coming for years now. The UK is now introducing a new section 28.
This is a direct attack on the queer Community, stop accepting it.
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notaluckypup · 4 months
The intimacy of getting to know someone’s kinks and slowly but surely slipping them into conversation~
Slipping them that extra little “good job” after basic tasks and watching their cheeks get hot and their eyes dart around the room.
Asking them to grab a drink and watching the jolt in their step when they register the word “fetch” a second too late.
The back and forth debates and silly arguments ending in cutting them off with a simple “you’re so cute when you get excited”
The tease behind all those knowing glances and trace of the hand touches becoming just too overwhelming until my poor pup is stuttering through conversation and grinding its thighs together begging to be touched😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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hellbillydefux · 4 months
Thinkin abt how worried I sometimes get that folks who knew us/me pre transition will treat us/me differently bc they knew us as (insert dead name and gender assigned at birth) and hadn't seen us in a long time but our friend's little brother who's now a young adult (crying rn) immediately just started treating me like any other dude
I think it's funny as fuck how different it is interacting with cis dudes now and also how the main way they interact (at least many of them that we grew up with and knew thru life) is cracking gay jokes, trying to nut shot each other, and causing some sort of bodily harm or making a mess
That isn't me judging that bc I too return it and got into a very messy Caprisun battle where me and our friend's brother sprayed juice at each other until we ran out. I'd like to believe I won 💪
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insomniaticvoids · 2 months
Ah it's important to also note in classic me fashion that you Also cannot be an ally to trans folk if your response to someone changing there name is to be like ah so your going to be a dick now or just change 180 because like 2 people you met who are trans were not perfect uwu angels.
Trans people do not owe you kindness and perfection to be addressed correctly. People mess up names all the time yes but at least try. If your going to say ally but spout transphobia you aren't a ally you just transphobic and fake. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk on reffering to people by their actual name.
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hyp3rk3l · 6 months
Forgot to notify y'all but im cutting my hair to hashtag end the mullet man era and im getting my binder today
(I will wear this safely because if i dont my ma will not let me have it and i get sad)
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