#thw slander
nartml · 5 months
Httyd 2 Hiccup, after defeating a guy who can mind control dragons to do his bidding, and who made Toothless kill his dad: "We are the voice of peace, and bit by bit we will change the world. You see, we have something they don't. Oh, sure, they have armies, and they have armadas, but we have...our dragons!"
THW Hiccup, after defeating a goofy Viggo-rip off in a hilariously easy battle, no casualties suffered: "Eh, yeah, nvm boys. Time to pack it up, the world fr is too dangerous for dragons rn, we'll have to take a raincheck on our so-far incredibly successful revolution and cross our fingers people will just magically become accustomed to the dragons, which I've made disappear off the face of the earth"
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 10 months
THW AU where Hiccup's solution to "Our world doesn't deserve you" is to just get all the Foreverwings to gather together and make a massive landmass in the shape of the Isle of Berk and Meathead Islands from the books. Berk gets "New Berk" (Isle of Berk) and the Berserkers can move to "New Berserker Island" (Meathead Islands) if they wish (they do). And they form this landmass next to the Hidden World (maybe the waterfall is in the center of the Inner Ocean). So they literally built a whole ass secret country that nobody knows about and they use this landmass as a means to defend the entrance to the Hidden World and allowing dragons to come to and from the outside world and roam the forest and shit AND allowing Toothless and Hiccup to stay together while also in their respective roles of King and Chief…
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cloverofhope · 6 months
We probably should've known the hidden world wasn't going to be a good movie when the first words weren't "this is Berk"
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hiccupbutpurple · 1 year
I love that Hiccup had a whole episode of rtte dedicated to reminding him to makes plans and not act impulsively out of vengeance or other emotions.
I love that he was the one to remind Stoick that they need to make plans when he struggled with his fears.
And the Hiccup in The Hidden World appears.
(Sure he kinda did a similar thing to Stoick when his fear took over but eventually Stoick listened to reason and he didn’t make any truly dramatic decisions, Gobber and the others were there to remind Hiccup to make a plan. The others could’ve done more but you can’t tell me Hiccup would’ve made such a stupid choice just because of his emotions after the things he learnt. The part where Gobber was like ‘I feel like I’m always asking you this question, but is there an actual plan’ just proves how out of touch it is because Hiccup has learnt to use his brain even when there is little time to make solid plans.
Yes Hiccup can act impulsively from time to time but after rtte, those times had solid reasons and were not decisions that were ‘let’s leave our island and leave ourself completely vulnerable without making any sort of plan for what we are going to do’ levels of stupid.)
Rtte Hiccup would be horrified at what THW Hiccup does.
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thecosmicmap · 1 year
Random person: So Grimmel killed all Night Furies?
Hiccup: yes.
Random person: How do you know? Did he have any proof, like a Night Fury hide or something?
Hiccup: Well, no but-
Random person: any proof at all? He had none?
Hiccup: he had facts about Night Furies! Like they can’t survive in the cold-
Random person: isn’t Berk really cold? You said so yourself, “twelve degrees north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death. Located solidly on the meridian of misery.”
Hiccup: H-how do you know that? Anyway! He also said Night Furies can’t fly long distances-
Random person: how can that be? Their bodies are built for long flights! And hasn’t Toothless flown from Berk to Dragon’s Edge in like, two days? Didn’t that take Gobber a week?
Hiccup: Have you been following me-
Random person: silence.
Hiccup: … he also said Furies mate for life.
Random person: and? He got 1/3 right and suddenly he killed all the Night Furies ever? Do you know how stupid that sounds? A single man and his six- count ‘em, six! Deathgrippers are able to take out an entire species of elusive, intelligent dragons who hunts at night?
Hiccup: he lured them out with Light Furies-
Random person: still doesn’t change the fact that there’s probably thousands of Night Furies and it’s impossible for one man to kill every last one- and how do you know the Light Furies didn’t just run away when they were released?
Hiccup: …
Random person: you want to continue this argument? I got plenty more.
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10blue10 · 2 months
Don’t wanna bother OP with a reblog but this post:
Made me think of the whole “dragons belong in the wild/need to be free!” argument of THW and its stans (if you’re wondering why I’m bringing up a movie that’s 5 years old, hi, you must be new here.)
TL;DR an Eurasian eagle owl named Flaco was ‘rescued’ from the Bronx Zoo by a vandal and people petitioned to give him his ‘freedom’, until he died by flying into a building. At which point they discovered he was already horribly sick from eating diseased pigeons. If he hadn’t been ‘freed’, he would have lived much longer.
So anyway now I’m thinking once again about the dragons who were forced to leave behind a safe place with food and healthcare and things to do beyond surviving, all so they could have ‘freedom’ (which they never lacked in the first place.) All so they could live in the wild, because the wild is obviously always a benevolent paradise and not a vicious, bloody, death filled endless struggle for survival.
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misscoolisback123 · 5 months
I now see why people are pissed off at the third HTTYD movie. I saw it in theaters at the time, and I felt like something was off about it, but I didn't pay too much attention to it. Then I saw the image for spin-off for it, and I thought that it had something to do with another franchise, or it was an original series. It's one for Hiccup and Astrid to have children and descendants, but it felt so forced. Not only that, but the second Christmas movie completely forgot about the fact that his kids actually met Toothless, the light fury, and their offspring. My Headcanon is that over time, the descendants will migrate to other countries and marry people from various countries. Over time, though, dragons will no longer be a thing. The dragons no longer existing after Hiccup and Astrid have children seems way too early. The dragons will still exist, but they'll be a secret. I saw this done in a fanfic in which Belle from BATB finds Toothless and befriends him. Hiccup and the rest of his clan different feel the same. There was no reason for Hiccup to let Toothless and the other dragons go.
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*cough cough* THW and ROTT *cough cough*
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saturnniidae · 21 days
Toothless and the Light Fury are my least favorite interracial couple.
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qcomicsy · 1 year
Hi, so I wanted to say that I get really uncomfortable when people sympathise with the Joker. The whole "Society made him like that" argument is getting tiring and hearing people say "Yeah he's a villain, but have you heard everything he went through?" is even more so.
And yeah, I too hope they'd give us Harley and Ivy rather than make another Joker and Harley movie again.
The thing is, I can see people empathizing (or sympathizing) with Joker. Because that's how much a good manipulator he is, that's how he gets people.
Narratively I can get behind that. Also because empathizing with a character at it's best it's different from defending/apologizing their behaviours.
I also understand people who have Joker as his favorite villain. Because that's what he is, a villain. Villains who make you hate and absolutely despise them are good villains, great even!
Because that's what they're here to do.
In case of people who defend his actions I won't fight with them, but I won't agree either.
In the end of the day people take whatever interpretation they want from the source material and that's nothing we can do about that.
And I do understand your reaction of that because it is a wild conclusion after all of he's done.
But the thing that gets me with the Joker is DC itself making him a poster card of "agent of chaos" and changing the narrative ater all he has done with other characters for that. Is making Joker almost destroy the lives of so many characters (Jason, Barbara, Bruce, Harley) and then brush off when isn't convenient. Is using Jokers violence as a tool for edge writing and refuse to work with general consequences and outcomes of it afterwards.
This is a problem that I've been having with DC as a whole, and Joker and Harley relationship is what been tickling me the most since that ridiculous 3 season of the animated show, the movies and other comics from the recent years.
They keep slowly trying to retrace Harley's origin to make it palatable because Woman's abuse in DC is only necessary if they're threaten as an object and a plot device. They were a-okay with portray Joker beating, dismissing, torturing and humiliating Barbara and Harley when it was convenient, when it was a demonstration of power, when it was funny.
The moment that the audience recognized Joker as an wife-beater, abuser, good for nothing manipulator. The moment the public stopped seen all of that rather than a demonstration of power but as acts cruelty and cowardice they backed down.
It's okay if Joker is terrible, but only if the narrative fits him.
Only if makes him a power fantasy.
The moment those stories started being portrayed as Harley's liberation and Barbara's strength they imediately changed and adapted in a way that makes their trauma brushed off and makes him cool.
And I am sick of that.
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nartml · 5 months
No, because imagine waiting years to get the answer to the one, most burning question you have about a franchise.
Your curiosity, growing more and more potent with every new installment, every new development.
So many possibilities, so much potential, the sheer capacity for interesting twists and intricate plot points.
All to be crushed, wasted, with the lamest, truly most moronic answer.
Night Furies were one of the most mysterious parts of HTTYD.
Personally, I was brimming with excitement just thinking of all the endless ways the directors could expand upon this species, its history and its culture.
Naturally, we got nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada.
Like, really? You expect me to believe that Grimmel (actually now? bffr, get this discount-Viggo outta here) cleared the entirety of, arguably, the most elusive, most careful, most intelligent, most powerful species of dragon.
(Which, even if rare, we're looking at at least several hundred dragons.)
Because they can't travel long distances (Who are you talking to right now? 🤨) and because they can't bear the cold (Girl, be so serious 😮‍💨).
Ladies, gents, my non-binary friends; I've heard it all. This is it. It was so ridiculous, so disappointing, so ridiculously disappointing I started laughing.
And maybe fans who've only watched the movies don't get the hysteria, but if I'm anything, it's a RoB, DoB, RTTE truther. And damn, those series are laying it on thick, especially RTTE.
You have the Dragon Eye. Places like Vanaheim. New and fascinating discoveries about dragons left and right.
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I was kicking my feet up and down when I saw this.
We could've done so much more with this, but nope. Of course not.
Fuck, I will die mad at this movie.
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 5 months
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cloverofhope · 16 days
The goodbyes in "In Dragons We Trust" hit so much harder than what we got in the hidden world istg
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 7 months
So I might have been feeling just a little bit evil
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thecosmicmap · 1 year
Random Person: The Light Fury doesn’t make any sense to me-
Hiccup: (taking in a deep sigh) oh my Thor, you’re back…
Random Person: Yessir, I have returned! I need someone to bounce these thoughts off of, and who better than the supposed Dragon Master. (Sits on the ground and pulls Hiccup with them)
Random Person: The Light Fury doesn’t make much sense. Her feet are so small compared to her body, her eyes are too big, she’s curved for some reason. Say, Hiccup- doesn’t Toothless’ side nubs act as whiskers?
Hiccup: Yeah, I think so-
Random Person: Then why does the Light Fury have less? And the two she has are so short I doubt they can actually be helpful. Not to mention her tail, it’s not aerodynamic at all! More suited for aquatic creatures. Is she aquatic Hiccup?
Hiccup: I’m not sure, I’ve hardly gotten a good look at her.
Random Person: (pulls out book) It’s fine, we’ll consult the art book.
Hiccup: art book? Wh-where did you even get that?
Random Person: Silence, Hiccup, I’m researching- HOLY SHIET!
Hiccup: What?
Random Person: Everything makes so much sense now … the Light Fury, she’s a plot device!
Random Person: Her only purpose is to be a female! “We had to explore how the Light Fury would walk and make her feel like a female.” “We had to control all the shapes while keeping her both powerful and graceful so she didn’t fall too much into the reptilian category.”
Random Person: Now I know why she only had eight minutes of screen time! She was never meant to be a character, just a plot device! An overly feminized plot device!
Random Person: That’s why she has no name! No personality. You don’t gotta be a character in order to be a plot device.
Hiccup: of course she doesn’t have a name; she’s wild.
Random Person: I call bullshit. When you first met Toothless, you gave him a name! Why not for her?
Hiccup: I just forgot okay? And I saw male Light Furies, they looked the same-
Random Person: yeah? How do you know they were males?
Hiccup: Because-
Random Person: I saw a Light Fury with an aerodynamic tail, how do we know that wasn’t a male?
Hiccup: I-
Random Person: we don’t. Because you guys never went outside the archipelago. You guys probably coulda found more Light Furies, other tribes too! Heck, if you guys went outside the archipelago I bet you coulda found more Night Furies!
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besuretosavorit · 2 months
Therapist: Twunk Kiryu isn't real, he can't hurt you
Twunk Kiryu:
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