#threads app
troythecatfish 2 days
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teathattast 11 months
I think more people are migrating to tumblr since Threads released. Twitter is practically dying and those that don't want to go to Threads are coming here. I can tell by the increasing oddities of the last couple days. I'm like a horse with hyper sensitive ears
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kajaono 11 months
Famous people all changing to Thread.com immediately like tumblr isn鈥檛 right there
Is this app a mess? Yes
Has it survived SuperWhoLock, Yahoo and a Purge? Also yes
I don鈥檛 know about you but I stay with the app that is running since over 10 years. Not reliable but a steady mess. I never know what will come next but I know one thing for sure. This ship sinks last. We don鈥檛 sink when a tiny fire happens because we are on fire the whole time anyway
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hobbitinthetardis 11 months
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the saga continues
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obv10usly 11 months
Phil made his first thread on the Threads app! His account is pretty bare at the moment
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colferpics 11 months
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chriscolfer: Hey peeps! Just finished my new book. It鈥檒l come out next summer. Very excited for this one. 馃懡馃浉馃寧馃獝馃寱鈽勶笍鉁╗posted: July 6, 2023]
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aberration13 11 months
I know people are trying to find a replacement for twitter, but please do not switch to facebook's knockoff "threads"
Much better to use mastadon or something like that which is open source and non profit so it won't ever sell your info to anyone and doesn't serve ads that track you constantly.
Added benefit is no content algorithm to try and hijack your your dopamine receptors or to censor/manipulate what information people see and what goes viral. It's also not run to suit an investment agenda so there is a massively lower chance that it will suddenly flop due to enshittification like all the corporate social media platforms do eventually and all the digital social infrastructure won't just disappear overnight some day.
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beniial 11 months
Fucked up how tumblr doesn't even feel that broken now im using it. Like, people hyped it up as this utterly broken website that you can barely use, but twitter will stop being able to play videos for a week because Elon chewed on the cables, reddit randomly decided to kill all its users to make $12, threads launched missing basic features like a search button. When I come here and the feed suddenly stops working after 6 posts, it feels like business as usual
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nixcraft 11 months
meanwhile at the Twitter HQ ...
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mahmoudalnahhal01 2 days
Watch, and think carefully about where your money goes to help my family link 馃憞馃徎
Dear US citizen who sees it as just a "conflict" in the Middle East and thinks you can't take a stand because the matter is "complicated." Let me tell you that while you are waiting for your next paycheck or for food stamps approval, this Israeli occupation soldier is enjoying eating hummus-the traditional Palestinian dish they stole-while firing a shell from a Merkava tank for no reason other than to record a story for his social media account at the end of Friday, just before the start of the holy Sabbath night. A shell that costs American taxpayers at least $5,000 each. Mind your own business and leave it to AIPAC and the Zionist lobby
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nyhoney 11 months
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troythecatfish 2 days
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teathattast 11 months
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If you post screenshots from Threads, you鈥檙e getting blocked. I don鈥檛 give a shit what it鈥檚 about or how important it is. Blocked. On sight. Immediately.
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Dw Twitter refugees, we鈥檒l all forget about you when everyone using Threads rn migrates here and once again our lovely little hellsite rises from the ashes like a fiery phoenix, crushing any and all that attempt to cross it for Tumblr is the one and only. We shall stay forevermore
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h0bg0blin-meat 11 months
Who tf here is on Threads? I just wanna know.
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