#they’re both trying but have no clue how to make it work
ittybittyluci · 1 month
I just gotta ask!! Why do you think the reasons Lucifer's relationship with Lilith nosedived? How would YOU handle that aspect of the show were you involved in the show? Do you think Lilith is possessed by eve? Do you think he should/would get back with Lilith or try and move on, either just with Charlie or just being friends with her like divorced parents on good terms?
Oooo! Look at this, what a question! And I am happy to answer!
As for what I think the CANON reason for their relationship going sideways, honestly I have absolutely no idea. However, here’s how I would go about writing that (and it’s similar to how I touch on their relationship in my fic What Time Is It. It’s not centred around their relationship, just Luci, but they do have a small arc and I talk about their history)
Anyways. EHHEHEM!
To be honest, I think it would be extremely interesting to write a narrative where Luicfer became an uber depressed shut in, and Lilith didn’t know how to deal with it so she left. It would make a narrative of good character complexity that wouldn’t villainize either part, and would be pretty accurate to how poor mental can have a negative impact on relationships irl too. On one hand, Lucifer is hurting and needs support, but on the other hand they have a daughter and Lilith shouldn’t be forced to take care of him if it’s not what she signed up for.
I also like the idea of her just… not being able to fully grasp how much losing his home hurt him. The place she got cast out of was beautiful, sure, but the only other person was an asshole to her. Lucifer grew up w/ a family and people he cared about and wanted to do right by. She never understood how much that hurt, and this was never able to sympathize with him. Part of her views him as weak and sensitive, part of ehr feels BAD for thinking that because he’s her husband. In the end, however, she thought it would be best to take Charlie and leave because she didn’t want their daughter to see Luci so low.
Alternatively, Lucifer was so deep in his depression that he inadvertently ended up neglecting his duties as both a father AND a ruler, and pushing them on her. He loves his wife and child, but he spends most his time in his office. When he WAS near Lilith, he was clingy and desperate, and overly sensitive about everything because he was afraid that SHE was going to push him away too. Creating a sort of self-fulfilled prophecy for himself. However none of that is REALLY his fault because he grew up in a world where he was just supposed to be happy and perfect, where there was no real depression that anyone got help with, and the w as cats to a place where therapy was never really an option.
Ofc it didn’t start off that way, but as the millennia went by things got worse and worse until Lilith left, and Lucifer completely shut himself off from Hell, thinking his family (and any potential friends he MAY have made) were better off w/o him because he always managed to fuck things up.
Personally I think that’s one of the more compelling approaches the story could take. It just makes both of them feel more human, make u able to sympathize with them, and doesn’t completely villainize either of them. It’s just a messy, complicated situation that neither knew how to handle. But they both still love each other deeply. If they DID choose to go this route in the show, I think they COULD move forward if they just got better communication, and found someone to help them navigate the complexities of the relationship. Lilith would have to learn to be more understanding w/ Luci during his bad days, and Lucifer would have to work on himself to get better, and help take off some of the workload.
(As for what Lilith’s doing in heaven,.. honestly no real clue. There’s too much info we don’t know for me to make a guess that isn’t just COMPLETELY fanon. I kind of know how it would work into the above topic if I took some big leaps, but I don’t wanna get TOO outlandish w/ this post. So we’ll just leave that alone 😅)
Anyways, THANK YOU for this ask! It was so fun to write and speculate and PLEASE let me know what you think ;)
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inkoutsidethelines · 1 year
Thinking about how I would write an adult Scooby-Doo series, because I think it can be done.
The first thing I’d do is make the characters actually be adults.  Still young, but adults, in the mid to late 20s range.  Mystery Inc. is a private detective type business that they run together.  In this universe, the supernatural/ghosts/etc are real, but not necessarily common, so when they take on a case, the culprit might be a person disguised as a monster, or it might actually be a real ghost.  The stakes can be higher; sometimes a bad guy is legitimately trying to kill them.  Sometimes the mystery they’re trying to solve is a murder.  Sometimes they actually get hurt on their cases.
Fred: the core of Fred’s character should be that he’s incredibly kind.  Like, give a stranger the shirt off his back kind.  The “Fred can’t talk to potential clients because he might take a case for free and we need to eat” kind.  He’s an honest and good person and sometimes gets himself into trouble because he assumes other people are too.  While he’s not very good at reading people or noticing ulterior motives, he’s brilliant when it comes to mechanical or engineering type stuff, so he’s the one who keeps the mystery machine running, builds their gadgets, and of course, designs the traps.
Daphne: she comes from old money, and her parents absolutely despise her life choices, to the point where they haven’t officially disowned her, but they have basically cut her off, so she doesn’t actually have access to any family money.  Growing up wealthy has granted her a variety of skills, including speaking multiple languages, horseback riding, and fencing.  She’s very into fashion and jewelry (even if she can’t afford it anymore) and has extensive knowledge of both that can occasionally provide a vital clue in a case. And even though her parents have cut her off, Daphne still has a wide network of contacts she can ask for favors sometimes, because she’s personable, and people tend to like her.  Daphne is also very emotionally intelligent, and is usually the one who can spot when someone is lying to them.
Side note - I ship Fred and Daphne, so I think I would start them off as an established couple for this universe.  Dating, engaged, married, I don’t care.  They are stupidly in love, ride or die for each other.  There’s no will they, won’t they, no worries about cheating.  They are in a healthy, happy, loving relationship, and no one (not even Daphne’s disapproving parents) are going to mess that up for them.
Velma: she is the forensics nerd who sometimes gets super excited about the wrong thing at the wrong time (”He was mummified in seconds? That’s so cool!” “Velma!  His wife is standing right there!” “Oh.  Sorry.”).  She’s not purposely insensitive, she just gets laser focused on her work and forgets to filter herself sometimes.  She’s also the one who can get so fixated on solving whatever mystery they’re working on, she’s willing to bend or maybe break laws.  Is breaking and entering really so bad?  Not if it gets them answers.
Shaggy: he is still the comic relief, but he’s the comic relief by being the only person in the group that actually has common sense.  He manages the business’s finances, he’s the only one who knows how to cook, and the others tease him for being a coward sometimes, but Shaggy maintains that if a ghost with an axe is coming for you, running is the only sensible option.  He should also have a range of random knowledge that sounds useless, but sometimes saves the day (ex ventriloquism, origami, the history of spoons, etc).
Scooby: as this is a universe where supernatural creatures exist, Scooby is an ancient eldritch type being that took a shine to Shaggy when he was a kid, and took the form of a talking dog to befriend and hang out with him.  Aside from the talking dog bit and not aging, he never uses his powers in a way that anyone notices.  The audience is not told upfront that Scooby is an ancient eldritch being; it should slowly be hinted at throughout the series so the audience put it together, but the characters never realize it.  Scooby genuinely considers Shaggy to be his best friend, and cares about the rest of the gang too.
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teddynottss · 2 months
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PAIRING(S): theodore nott x fem. reader.
WARNING(S): fighting, swearing, smut.
SUMMARY: when y/n comes into class crying, Theo doesn’t let it slide and punishes who did it. Y/n then takes him back to her dorm to clean up and as they’re in a perfect position, he takes the chance to make a move.
A/N: english isn’t my first language so lmk if there’s anything wrong with this 🫶.
Headed to your last class for today, potions, you spot your ex, Cormac and his friends. You broke up 3 months ago and he still couldn’t let you go. Therefore, he found different ways to humiliate you, to make fun of you.
As you try to increase your pace, he plops himself in front of you stopping you in your place. “Tried something new with your hair today?” he chuckles, “or is it your face. All the makeup in the world can’t hide that ugly face of yours, neither the even uglier personality in there princess.” he continues pointing at your chest. “Neither the clothes you wear can hide your fat self under there.”
All his friends burst out laughing, humiliated, you run out of the way and to your class. Before you could stop it, a few tears manage to slip down your cheeks on your way there.
You get to class, greet your teacher and stand with the rest of your classmates. After professor Slughorn is finished with the explanation, he puts you into pairs to begin working on your potions.
You get paired up with theo, the boy who’s always trying to get on your nerves, and you’re given a book to start. You begin preparing the potion without saying a word so the tears don’t form again.
After around 5 minutes, theo speaks “mia signora (my lady), thats not the correct ingredient” of course its not, you could barely see with the tears formed in your eyes ready to start dropping any minute.
You look up at him and apologize ”sorry i just have a few things on my mind”. “Bella, why are you crying,” he takes your face in his hands. “Who did this to you, who made you cry, i know you don’t easily cry. Give me names” he says.
“Theo, let it go, it’s nothing im fine.” “No, no, im not letting it go. Someone makes you cry and i have to move on with my day? Give me names and make it much easier for the both of us.” “Cormac, he-” you say as you sob, and before you can continue, he storms out of the class.
“Need a minute, mr nott?” this from Slughorn. You run after the slytherin boy, “nott no!!” In an instant he finds cormac and turns him so that he’s facing theo. He punches him hard, very hard, cormac almost takes a bite out of the floor.
Just then, some of cormac’s friends attack theodore throwing punches and kicks at him, all which he manages to dodge. He’s quick and slick with every punch, every move. Cormac then gets up and speaks “got you a slytherin bf to take care of your problems then huh you little pussy?”
Theodore throws another punch his way and pins him on the floor, next to all his other bloodied, barely moving, friends. “listen to me you little bitch, come her way again and i will make your life a living hell, speak to her one more time and ill rip your tongue out, mention her name anywhere near me and ill make sure you forget how to breathe.”
You’re clueless, you have no clue what to do, you’re just standing there, in utter and ultimate shock. By then, students and teachers storm in the hallway, try to break the fight. Once they’re broken apart, you make your way to theodore.
He has blood dripping from his nose, on his hand, it was all over his face. He’s standing with his friends, matteo, draco, enzo, and blaise. “are you okay nott?” he gives you a quick nod.
Enzo then starts speaking “we offered taking him to the nurse to get him cleaned up but he wont go, maybe you can help clean his wounds, i heard your dad’s a doctor so maybe i thought you can help?”. “Of course i can, come theo I’ll help you from here.”
You take theodore from enzo adjusting his arm on your shoulder so he holds on, and you swear you could see matteo winking theo’s way. You then proceed to walk him to your dorm.
The whole way there none of you speaks a word, and once you get there, you lead him to the bathroom and make him wait there. You get the aid box and sit on the counter, you ask him to come closer and you begin.
You first start by cleaning his nose, the blood dripping from it. You then make your way to his forehead, you carefully remove some of his hair thats covering the part you need to clean.
As you clean him up, he’s looking at you. “It’s not very nice to stare” you tease. To that he doesn’t respond, he keeps his eyes on you so you try something else. “I didn’t want you to get in trouble bc of me, why would you do that? Don’t tell me you care.” you chuckle.
“What did he say to you?” he asks. “I know it was big so don’t try to lie to me bc I’m the only one who’s allowed to piss you off and be mean to you, hell, even ive never disrespected you or made you cry before!”
“Well, he asked if i changed anything in my appearance, he also said..” theo looks up at you. “.. that all the makeup in the world isnt enough to hide my ugly face or personality.” “That bastard!” you feel theo tense. “He also called me.. uhhm.. fat.” “Im gonna fucking kill him.” The boys swears.
“I really can handle it, but i dont know why it affected me to much this time.” you say as you clean his blood off. “I know you can, but let me. Let me teach that bastard a lesson.” “Fighting is not the solution though theodore.” “I know mia cara but I couldn’t control myself, i really didnt mean to but i lost control.” you could see the regret in his eyes.
“Its fine, just really appreciated that, thanks for everything nott.” You give him a small smile. You then start cleaning the blood on his mouth, placing your fingers on his lips, you make sure to clean everything thats left.
“Listen to me,” he cups your face, “he’s a dickhead for not seeing how great of a personality you have, you acquire a great personality, when youre caring and some times even when ur mean.” He gives you a little wink and lets out a snort.
“Thanks” you smile at him then slap a bandage on his nose, to stop his nose from bleeding. After theo realizes you’re done, his hands travel down to remove his own shirt. “Wh-“. Your eyes immediately travel to his abs body, his ab lines, it was if they were drawn on pen and paper.
“Its not very nice to stare,” he teases. “my stomach is also hurt, if you can’t help me with this ill just go back to my dorm” he says with a playful smirk. “No, no i can do something about it.” you get your stuff ready for a second round and then speak “this might hurt a little.”
You then raise the cloth with liquid on it in your hand and place it on his wound. He flinches at the pain and since he’s placed between your legs while you’re sat on the counter, he grabs onto your thigh. He gives it a little squeeze, “fuck cara mia, this hurts like a bitch” he closes his eyes in pain.
“Sorry Theo im almost done.” You apologize. As you finish, Theo looks down at you as you’re still placed on the counter in front of him. “You liked touching my abs didn’t you.” He smiled cockily at you. “As if you didn’t like my hands touching them.” Right back him. “and found a way to touch my thigh.”
“Listen to me, i got you caged up right here,” he says with his hands on either sides of you, “i can do whatever i want to you so you better shut your pretty little mouth up or i wont be able to control myself.” You blush at his comment and try to hide behind your hair to which he tucks it behind your ear.
“You’re so sexy when you’re nervous and shy like that bella ragazza.” He says. “Oh shut up, what does bella ragazza even mean?” you ask, genuine confusion taking over your face. “It means pretty girl.” He smirks. “You think im pretty then hm?” you blush.
He looks at your eyes, stares to be specific, then he looks at your lips for a few seconds before grabbing your face and connecting your lips. You place your hands on his shoulders as the kiss deepens. “Such a pretty girl, a perfect one.” He says in between kisses.
“fuck nott” you say as he places his hand on your cheek to deepen the kiss. He manages to slip his tongue inside your mouth which you moan slightly to. You feel the heat of your body as he places his hands under your thighs and carries you in his arms.
“But it’ll hurt you, nott we cant.” you speak, worried. “Cara mia, you really thought i was hurting?” he smirks, your eyes widen in surprise, you connect your lips again, as he carries you to your bed. He lays you there and removes your shirt slowly and carefully. He then removes the rest of your clothes and begins leaving trails of kisses on your stomach, your hands travel to his hair, playing with it as your stomach tenses at the feeling.
“So perfect,” he mumbles while still trailing kisses on every inch of skin he could get to. “you’re fucking perfect.” The blush takes over your face, uncontrollably making its way to touch ur ears.
His fingers slide down your hips to catch the lace of your panties, getting rid of them. He spreads your legs further and begins kissing the inside of your thighs. He then places a finger on your clit, rubbing circles around it, slowly at first. His movements then quicken, and he includes his tongue. In sync, his fingers circling your clit his tongue licking your clit, you could feel your pre-cum already.
He was so good at this, he was also good at teasing, you arch your back slightly in attempt to speed things up but he uses one hand to push you back down carefully. Then, he pushes 2 fingers inside you with no warning, you moan at the sudden feeling and tug at his hair.
As his tongue and fingers work in sync to throw you over the edge, he adds a third finger in and proceeds to throw your legs over his shoulders. Your feet dig into his skin as he speeds up his movements, back arching so that his face is practically buried in you, one hand grabbing the sheets, the other his hair.
“theo.. im gonna.. fuck!!” you struggle. “do it mia cara, cum on my face.” As he quickens his movements, you tense around him as he guides you through ur high. As you release, Theodore licks you clean, he then moves back up to you kissing you hungrily. “That was fucking amazing.” You praise him. “I don’t think i can walk anymore.” “Well, we’re not quite done yet, i still didnt make love to you yet.”
theo says, smirking as he removes his clothes. He’s just left in his boxers and when he reveals his hard and huge bulge, you gasp out loud. “I didn’t know this is what we’re dealing with, i dont think it’s gonna fit.” you look at theo “we’ll make it fit.” he smirks. Oh. God.
He spreads your legs again, and begins kissing you, at first it’s slow, his tongue slips inside your mouth. “You wanna be on top?” he asks. You nod and he flips over so that you’re laying on top of him. You position yourself properly and once you’re ready, you lower yourself slowly taking most of him in.
You then start moving up and down, riding him. Your hands lying on his stomach as you do so. “Think you can handle more of me?” he suggests. “I can try.” You smirk as you flip so he’s on top of you. He spreads your legs even further, as you take him all in. You moan his name at the feeling and he leans down to kiss you, you moan a few times into his mouth before he moves to kissing your neck. You grab onto the bed sheets for dear life as he kisses your neck on the weak spot.
“Cavolo, posso farlo tutto il giorno. mi prendi così perfettamente.” he says something in italian. (Fuck, i can do this all day. you take me so perfectly.) You can feel yourself ready to come again so you warn him, he also lets you know that he’s about to come too. “Come inside me” you say. Just then, you both reach your highs and come together.
After you’re done, theo lays next to you, “yknow you’re actually the prettiest girl ive seen.” he praises. You blush as he keeps speaking. “Ive wanted to do this a long time ago, but i was so scared of you.” “Me?” You chuckle. “Then why were you always rude to me?” “I thought getting on your nerves was the only way to talk to you.”
You look at him and laugh some before he gets up and runs to turn the water on. “Come, let’s get cleaned up before any of my friends decide to show up.” He speaks. “They know my room number?” you ask confused. “Of course they do.” He smiles before disappearing into the bathroom again. “Nott!!” you call his name, “i dont think i can walk.” He leaves the bathroom chuckling and heads toward you to carry you there.
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pupkashi · 11 months
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in which gojo realizes you truly see him
a/n: just a little thought i have i want to comfort him and hug him always <3 thank u to the amazing wonderful lovely @vagabond-umlaut for helping me w this fic <33 would’ve been hot garbage without u i love u xoxo <3
wordcount: 720
Gojo Satoru had only known life through his many titles.
Gojo Satoru, head of the Gojo clan.
Gojo Satoru, holder of the Six Eyes and Limitless.
Gojo Satoru, the strongest sorcerer.
satoru hated titles. he hated being known and labeled for the things that didn’t even make up who he was. no one after suguru came close to trying to get to know him.
his fellow sorcerers always too busy or intimidated, viewing him as a spectacle.
there was a sense of longing in his heart to find someone who really wanted to know him. someone to ask him all his favorites, someone to ask him what he wanted to be as a child, what his fears were, if he had a middle name, what animal he’s always wanted as a pet.
but there was never anyone who got past the surface level questions.
until he met you.
you who upon meeting him gave him a kind smile, not a clue of who he was, telling him he could sit with you in the booth of the much too crowded coffee shop.
“they really should get more chairs around here” he mumbles, looking up at you with a small grin when you laugh in agreement, glancing up from your laptop.
“seriously! half the time it’s a gamble if I’ll be able to get some work done or if I’ll have to drive back home” you chuckle, gojo smiling at your words.
you both spent some more time talking, sipping on your respective drinks and getting to know each other.
satoru found out you had no clue about Jujutsu, given by the way you’d never heard of jujutu tech or of him. he couldn’t stop himself from giving you a charming smile, scribbling his number on a napkin before saying goodbye, a smile on his face as he walked out of the coffee shop.
you who on the second date asked him what animal he thinks he could fight and win, asking him his favorite songs and if he’d ever been to a concert before.
you who on the fourth date had him giggling, confessing how much he liked you and telling you all about his life because he wants this to work out so bad and it can’t start off as a lie.
you who a week later calls him, asking him to answer truthfully when you ask him what animal he could really take in a fight, laughing when he answers with ‘at least a cow’ his lips curling upwards at the sound.
he’s laying on the couch with you, your hands lost in his hair as the movie plays in the background softly, your voice is quiet as you speak up.
“do you have a middle name?” the question is simple, some might think it silly. but to satoru it’s like his whole world is flipped upside down.
because here he is, in your warm and homey apartment that’s nothing like his cold larger one, with you, who brings him all the love and joy he could’ve ever imagined. he’s looking at you with glimmering eyes, heart stuttering at the sight of you in his shirt that you’d stolen with a smile.
it’s with that question that he’s realizing he’s finally found someone who really wants to know him. who doesn’t care for his power or status, but cares for his terrible jokes and interests.
“toru?” you asked, pulling him out of his daze and back to reality.
“sorry” he smiles sheepishly before shaking his head ‘no,’ a look in his eyes you can’t quite place.
satoru finally finds himself with titles that mean something to him. titles that he cherishes and holds close to his heart.
Gojo Satoru, who eats anything and everything that was sweet, claiming they’re no match for the sweet taste of your lips.
Gojo Satoru, who had an insane secret obsession with romcoms. an obsession you were sure was just to get you to cuddle him until you found him up at 3 am watching a terrible hallmark movie all on his own.
Gojo Satoru, who couldn’t stand when you were mad at him, going to drastic measures for you to forgive him.
Gojo Satoru, who considered himself lucky enough to hold the title of your boyfriend, your confidant and your favorite sorcerer.
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ilythena · 4 months
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★SUM when you decide to break up with your boyfriend, you never thought you’d end up sleeping with his enemy.
SMUT!!!! Fem reader, one night stand turned lovers, oral (F and M receiving), sloppy make outs, cheating (reader and her bf are cheating on each other), mentions of drunk sex but it doesn’t actually happen, hangover sex, creampies, phone sex (readers bf calls and they pick up mid deed), Jack doesn’t give two shits lmao, he’s kinda switchy???, “I can treat you better than he can” trope, reader is a celebrity but her personal work is not mentioned, use of y/n, unhealthy relationships, Jack does not live with Luke in this fic, readers ex boyfriend is not named and can be whoever you’d like it to be.
WC of 3.2K, not proofread 😥
♪ Practice - Drake
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“All I want to do is go out and you’re already acting like a bitch.” Your boyfriend says as he buttons up his shirt
“You promised this time we would stay in.” You said from your spot in the room as he shifts his eyes to look at you from the mirror and his brows furrow “so what? You want me to be inside all the time and be boring? I have a social life I have to keep up with, y/n. You can either stop being a pain in the ass about it and come with me or stay here by yourself.” He says as he walks out the room and with a heavy heart you follow him outside.
Sitting in the passenger seat silent he drives you both out to some random club with random people and quickly ditches you without even saying goodbye
Your boyfriend immediately left you in the corner as soon as you both got there, and there you were standing there like you knew you would be. Everyone's drinking and smoking who knows what and it makes your skin crawl at the fact that you have no clue who your even around right now.
"Hey beautiful. What're you doing here alone?" Some random creep says to you and you have to physically hold back from cringing into your skin, the alcohol evident on his breath.
"Sorry, I'm not looking for anyone" you say and quickly down your drink to move to the dance floor to get away. Bumping into strangers you realize the alcohol kicks in quicker than you thought it would. Eventually finding your boyfriend and rolling your eyes at the way he’s obviously flirting with another girl, you quickly realize you’re gonna have to find another way home tonight.
Trying your best to forget about your shitty excuse of a boyfriend, you very quickly start to dance with some random. Though the lights are extremely dark, you could tell he was handsome.
Told you he’s seen you around before, and than he’s been plotting on you for a while. His offering of a drink somehow turnt into you grinding against him and in the blink of an eye you’re stumbling into his apartment, drunk and insanely horny.
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Lightheaded. That's the only word you could use to describe how you feel so early in the morning.
Forcing your eyes open you see the man who’s name is apparently Jack laying on your chest-knocked out asleep. You sigh and grab your phone to check the time: 5:30 am, you have a few notifications from the group chat you and your friends share; most of it just your friends being they’re usual crazy selfs with your other friends entertaining it.
Your hand finds itself into his hair, stroking it while he lets out quiet snores against you. The buzz from the alcohol must've followed you into the next morning cause you still feel so relaxed, head spinning but in a good way. You feel jack shift against you to pull you closer and you look down at him.
His eyes are on you now, mumbling a "good morning" while his hands run down your back and he presses a kiss on your collarbone. The action makes your heart flutter and you whisper "good morning" back to him, hand pushing the hair out of his face while he scoots up to lay his head in the crook of your neck.
“Jack, I really shouldn’t be here-“ “I know you have a boyfriend, pretty girl. I don’t care about him. He doesn’t deserve you.” He cuts you off with a mumble of the last part and you’re stuck in minor shock
You don’t protest his statement knowing that he was right. If your boyfriend can have some fun why can’t you?
You two have simple conversation, him asking what time it was and how you were and you responding. You scrolled through instagram seeing yet another picture of your boyfriend leaving the club with some random woman and he watched silently while rubbing his hands onto your waist. He suddenly hums and makes small pecks into your neck, kissing around until he finds a spot that makes you breathe a little heavier and leaning your head to the side so he can get better leverage at the spot.
"What're you doing?" You whisper, curious but making no effort to stop him. "Kissing you." He replied blankly, mumbling small praises in between the kisses. You move his head so you could kiss him on the lips— sloppily but passionate. He pinches your sides to make you gasp so that he can slip his tongue into your mouth, groaning into the kiss.
He moves a knee between your legs so you don't close them, moving your shirt up so he can kiss down your torso until he gets down to your pants. He looks up at you; asking with his eyes if he can remove them and you nod. He wastes no time taking your pants off and removing your underwear, dick twitching when he sees how wet you are.
'''S all for me?" He mumbles into your thigh and you nod again, breath hitching in your throat. "Use your words." He says, kissing up and down your thighs-both arousal and nervousness pooling in your stomach at the sight of him kneeled down in front of you. "Yes. All for you." You say, and you could barely get another word out before he begun to lick a stripe up your slit.
An audible gasp left your mouth while a groan left his, and your hand—that was previously holding your shirt up—flew to his hair and gripped onto it for balance.
"Why didn't you tell me you tasted so good?" Jack said, words coming out slurred due to him not bothering to stop the attack on your pussy. "H-when was I supposed to tell you tha- oh my god." you said, words getting cut off when his tongue circles your clit.
He's really eating you out now, head mushed between your thighs, licking and sucking every part of you his tongue can reach. You don't know how he became so alert so quickly, he just was damn near asleep barely even half an hour ago. The feeling becomes too much, you squirming around and him grabbing both of your thighs to bring you back to him, mumbling a "stay still for me" into your core as he continues.
It's only a few more moments until you get closer to the edge, whines and moans increasing in pitch as Jack inhumanly speeds up. " Jack, I'm close" you whine, and he just hums as he continues. Your thighs closing in on his head as you cum and him groaning, trying to practically drink it before you have to forcefully remove his head from your pussy. His eyes are low, filled with lust and you're panting, trying to catch your breath.
“I’m not done with you, pretty. Let me fuck that loser boyfriend of yours out of your head, hm?” He says as he drags you closer to the middle of the bed, near his now hard dick that was now very obviously poking through his shorts.
The fact that he’s not wearing a shirt makes this process much easier, as all he had to do was slide down his shorts and kick them off. You’re staring at him and you don’t know what to think right now, he’s huge. He looks at you for a brief moment before smirking, “you like what you see?” He says and your face gets a little hot when you realize you’ve been caught. He spits down into his hand and gives you a little show, jerking himself off and teasing his tip on your slit.
“I wanna suck you off” you suddenly blurt out and he can’t help but chuckle a little. “Next time, lovely. If I don’t fuck you right now I think I might explode.”
“Jack please don’t tease me” you whine and he kisses up from your collarbones to your ear, and whispers a beg for it into your ear. “Please, please, put it in. I need to feel you.” Was all it took from you before he put a hand next to your head and he was pushing himself into you.
He pushed in slowly, part of it wanting you to get you to the stretch, but the other part of it was for him to not cum quickly. “You’re so fucking tight y/n, god.” He groans out and you moan out when he finally bottoms out inside of you.
Jack doesn’t waste any time pounding into you as you quickly grab onto his shoulders for support. “Oh!” You cry out and he grunts in reply, “so fucking wet too. This turn you on? Having a real man take care of you like this.” He says as he grabs you by your chin so you can look at him and you sob out a yes for him.
“Feels so good, Jack. So full of you, fucking me so good” you whine out and he lets out what would seem to be a quiet whimper “keep talking to me like that and I’m definitely not gonna last long, baby.” He licks his thumb and brings it down to your clit to rub it in fast, tight circles that makes your jaw drop and your toes curl.
“Oh fuck! Jack!” You say as your back arches off the bed and he puts his other free hand on your back for support. “Come on baby, let go for me. Cum on this cock.” He whines into your neck and with a few more thrust you were creaming all over him. He keeps going and you quickly get overstimulated while he holds your hips down into the bed
“Just a little more, pretty. I’m gonna cum so fucking hard into you. Fuck.” He pants out and like he said, after a few more deep thrusts, he cums inside of you.
He gently lays on top of you as you both catch your breaths and come down from your orgasms. He kisses your temple and whispers about how he’s going to run you a bath and bring you some water.
“What am I going to wear? And as much as I would love to stay here I have to go home.” You whisper and he tells you not to worry about it, that you could take one of his shirts and he’ll take you home his self. You don’t object when he carries you to the bathroom and sets the water temperature to warm.
Begrudgingly getting out of jacks car and giving him your number, you grab your keys and walk into your very empty apartment. Usually you’d be upset, however this time you’ve never been more grateful. You wash your face and put on a movie to lay on the couch and rest.
You’re rudely awoken when your boyfriend walks through the door at 11:30 am and you don’t even bother to ask him where he’s been when you know exactly where he was.
“Hey babe.” He says and you hum a small “hey” back to him. He doesn’t even know you didn’t come home last night and you plan to keep it that way.
“What’s up with you? All relaxed.” He says and you shrug “I was taking a nap…” you say and he side eyes you. You don’t usually sleep unless he comes home but he lets it go as you were probably tired.
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It’s been a few weeks of you and Jack sneaking around while your boyfriend doesn’t have a clue. And a part of you feels bad about it but then again he’s cheated multiple times and you’re simply not in love with him anymore.
Tomorrow, your boyfriend has a game against the New Jerseys devils which excites you because then you get to see Jack again.
“Why are you so happy to go? Never seen you this excited to see me kick some ass in a game before.” Your boyfriend chuckles as you mentally groan and put on a fake smile “just happy that I get to see my boyfriend play.” You lie straight out of your teeth, well not really. You are watching your boyfriend play, just not him. he smiles at your statement. “You know, recently you’ve been acting different. And honestly, I love it so much. You’re so much more calmer and it just makes me happy that knowing you regained that trust in me.” He said and you didn’t even respond. Just smiled like you didn’t know what was happening
“Only thing that’s pissing me off is that Jack kid” he says and you freeze. “…What do you mean?” “I mean like, he’s just some pretty boy who thinks he’s the shit. Thinks he can do whatever he wants and tonight I’m gonna beat his ass in this game tonight to show him who’s boss.” You don’t say anything once again and you’re left with your thoughts while your boyfriend flips through the tv to find a channel to watch.
By the time you left the house, your boyfriend was already on the ice getting ready to start his match. You’re about to sit down next to your friend when a text comes through your phone.
Jack 🤍
Come meet me after the game.
You shoot back a 👍 before putting your phone down and talking with the girl beside you.
It was obvious who was going to win. A devastating game for your boyfriend with a 4-0 to The new jersey devils but a celebratory one for your affair partner. Your boyfriend doesn’t even look at you, just gets in his car after taking off his gear and goes home. You don’t even care anymore, and after you see all the boys leaving the opposite teams locker room, you text Jack asking if it was okay for you to come to his apartment and he immediately sends a yes.
You walk into the place and immediately you’re hugged by him, which sends butterflies to your stomach and a bright genuine smile to your face.
“Missed you, gorgeous. Saw how I kicked ass out there?” He says as he pulls away to look at your face and you smile even harder “I did! You played so good, super proud of you” and he gives you a deep kiss as you both giggle.
“You have to stop! What if you leave a mark?” You whisper laugh and he nips at your ear “don’t care anymore. Let them know how much I love you.” He says and you suddenly feel flustered “Jack….” “Y/n. You don’t have to be with him anymore. I can take care of you so much better than he can and you know that.” He says with so much seriousness in his voice that you’re left speechless
“Jack-“ “I genuinely love you. seriously. I want to be with you.” He says and you have no words so you just kiss him again. The kissing turns into him pinning you against the wall and the grinding and groping is very evident.
“Take all this off baby. I need you right now” he says as you’re quick to push him down onto his couch. “Not this time. It’s your win. Let me take care of you” you say and he whispers a fuck while his eyes run along your body.
You take off your top and after a few minutes of kissing and grinding, you drop to your knees and he lets out a gasp of pleasure at you palming him.
You unzip his pants and he’s breathing heavily, anticipating what you’d do next. You spit onto his dick and roll your hand around it for a few strokes before giving gentle kisses to his tip.
“Baby don’t tease, thought you were taking care of me?” He whines out as you giggle “I am. Be patient for me.” You say and his next words fall flat on his tongue as you start tonguing his head.
Finally granting his wish, you dip your head down and take him fully down your throat. Your cheeks pulling in to suck him tighter while your head dipped up and down. A groan of surprise leaves his mouth as his eyes immediately become hooded.
“Fuck, angel. Such a nice mouth you have on you” he groaned out. But his muttering and whining was quickly cut off with the way you sloppily put your tongue on his balls
“Holy shit. Oh my fucking god baby. You’re incredible” he moans out as you continue to jerk him off while popping of on his balls out of your mouth and moving on to the one beside it.
You took him back into your mouth and your hands worked around what you couldn’t reach, the head of his dick kissing the back of your throat in a pleasureful burn and you can feel tears swelling in your eyes when he gently grabs your head and begins to start fucking his full length down your throat.
His moans and whines become more desperate every second and it’s obvious he’s close to cumming. Although you’re enjoying your time here, your phone suddenly starts ringing. It’s your boyfriend. Jack groans out partly in annoyance and in pleasure and then he gets an idea. “Wanna show your boyfriend how pretty you look when I cum down your throat.” He almost cries out and you moan around him “please baby, can I pick up the phone at let him he- oh fuck, let him hear how well you take me?” He says as he struggles to keep his composure with the way you’re deepthroating him, cutting himself off with his own moans
You hum in approval and Jack doesn’t waste any time picking up that phone and putting your boyfriend on speaker.
“Hey. Where are you-“ and all that’s heard is a loud gag through the room and the sloppy noises of your mouth on jack’s cock.
“Fuck baby. Keep going please. I’m so fucking close, oh my god.” Jack says as he throws his head back, face flushed and neck red as you hold his hips down and begin bobbing your head up and down again.
“Y/n?! What the fuck is happening?! Who is that?!!” Your boyfriend frantically says as Jack takes the phone. “She’s a pro at sucking dick. Honestly I have no clue how you could even let her out of your sight” Jack grunts out and hangs up the phone, not even wanting to bother with him right now.
A few more bobs of your head and Jack is cumming down your throat. Chest heaving as he does so. “Oh fuck, you’re so perfect, holy shit.” He whines out and you’re determined to clean him up completely, continuing to suck him off until he was completely finished
“Fuck- you trying to kill me over here? God” he says with a small laugh as you finally pop off his dick, catching your breath.
As you and Jack bask in the afterglow, your boyfriend is blowing up your phone and before you can reach for it, Jack stops you.
“You don’t need to worry about him anymore. You’re mine now.”
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© copyright of ilythena. Do not repost or translate onto any other websites.
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erose-this-name · 1 month
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Kabru is such a brilliantly written character, one of the best in Dungeon Meshi (which is a high bar as it is, most of the main cast are similarly genius). 
His thing is that he is very friendly and nice confident and maxed out his charisma stat, but is also kinda ambitious and manipulative. But not in an overtly malicious way. Which kinda scares me.
The most impressive thing about him, writing wise, is that it’s all show-don’t-tell. He very frequently uses his charm and empathy and understanding of how people think in really clever ways. We’re often walked through his thought process of how he does these social deductions. We’re never told he’s scarily charismatic, besides other characters reacting to him being scarily charismatic.
Kabru is a natural-born leader and social engineer with superlative skills in both, which makes him the perfect foil for Laios, who’s too autistic and unambitious that he’s not even the de facto leader of his own party that he’s the official leader of. He’s so bad at leadership that his party just, sort of, doesn’t have a leader. They just kinda argue and do stuff.
What’s also neat, and perfectly inline with Meshi’s general theme of clever and logical subversions of fantasy tropes, is that Kabru’s character design in no way clues us in on this fundamental character trait of his.
He’s sort of a human fighter / knight archetype, which in the language of fantasy RPGs is a class most would associate with being a white bread jock, chivalrousness optional. (Laios subverts the same trope in the same way. It’s really funny that the walking exposition dump of the group looks like the character creator default preset spec’d as the most generic class available.)
If Kabru was a bard or noble and Laios a wizard, their character traits would be far less interesting
Even better is that we would expect someone who looks like Laios to have Kabru’s personality, and vice versa. Their character designs are flipped; the confident super charismatic leader is a short wide-eyed twink, while the slightly naive and very autistic monster enthusiast is a tall conventionally attractive Aryan lookin’ mf. (see what I mean by Kabru being such a good foil for Laios?? No wonder everyone ships them, they’re perfect for each other!)
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Yet, their designs also work for them. Kabru just has a face that’s easy to talk to, his piercing blue eyes and curly hair gives him a false sense of naïveté, while his iconic 👁️👁️ expression hints that there’s actually quite a bit going on inside his head. Meanwhile, Laios believably looks like someone who doesn’t know what hair conditioner is. His armor’s collar gorget thing is also pretty dorky.
You can’t trust people like that (I mean overly charismatic people with a manipulative streak, not blue-eyed twinks) because you can’t know what their real motives are. You can’t know they aren’t pretending, you can’t know they aren’t trying to or haven’t already manipulated you. How could you? When he has so much more social intelligence than you do, average socially awkward Tumblr user? He’s touched all the grass!
In episode 16 (spoilers, btw) Kabru finally meets Laios’s party, who he’s been trying to find and fight for the better part of the season, and he just decides that no confrontation is necessary. Like, immediately upon meeting the guy. Just from how Laios looked at him. He figures that since Laios didn’t seem to recognize him, they either have never met meaning he has the wrong guy, or Laios forgot meaning he didn’t think it’d be a big deal, meaning the treasure was a trap or something. Which is pretty in line with Kabru’s established ability to always roll nat 20s for every charisma and deductive reasoning check, so cool.
But he doesn’t even seem curious about which of those cases is true. (He might be interested to find out some of the treasure wasn’t dangerous, but accidentally got thrown off a bridge). Much to Rin’s dismay, he’d rather just not bring it up because that could upset the leader of the party he might be working with for the foreseeable future.
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Actions speak louder than words. So, all we really learn in this scene is that Kabru’s goals and M.O. can change on a dime, and that he values reputation and political capital more than money and vengeance. More than his own party’s desire for those things. Not only is he someone with a silver tongue, but he knows its value and is determined to use it at every opportunity.
Kabru and his party might not be very good at fighting or surviving in the dungeon, in fact their frequent TPKs are a running gag. But, he also doesn’t need to be when he can just manipulate Laios’ and Shuro’s much more proficient parties into helping him.
So far, Kabru seems like the most likely one to become king of the dungeon or whatever the mcguffin is. He is the only protagonist so far who has said that’s an actual goal of his. He’s said that he doesn’t think someone like Laios who isn’t a born leader should get it.
In fact, Kabru seems to have very strong opinions on what kinds of people should be allowed to adventure in the dungeon, evidenced by the fact that he murdered an entire party over it, justified or not. Kabru seems to think that Kabru is such a leader, and he’s probably right about that, but what kind of leader? 
What would Kabru do with that kind of power if he gets it? Because I’m not sure. All I know is that he is the kind of person with the ability to use real political power to its full potential. For good, or for very, very bad.
I’m not saying that Kabru is evil or that he’s secretly gonna be the surprise villain. I dunno, I haven’t read the manga. He could just be a nice guy that’s just, like, is like that. Everything he’s done could be justified by the explanations he’s given. He actually reminds me a lot of one of my IRL friends, and I’d trust him with my life.
But, I can’t help but feel a distinct sense of unease whenever he’s on-screen. I try not to trust confident natural-born leaders like him right out of the gate. I don’t like that our instinct as humans is to blindly follow them without thinking about it.
Tyrants and psychopaths also use confidence and charm and a friendly demeanor to make people think they’re a good guy, while manipulating everyone into thinking their self-serving actions are altruistic. Benevolent, confident, skilled leaders do exist. But there exists many more snakes wearing their skin. Wolves rarely bother with sheep’s clothing, they dress as shepherds and sheepdogs.
Anyway, my point is that I think it’s kinda neat that it’s possible to overthink this much about a character whose probably just a nice guy that is the mirror opposite of an autistic person. Writing that kind of ambiguity is hard, and employing it in this way is inspired.
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dilfsfordinner · 1 year
Escarmiento: Part Two- Miguel O’hara x fem!spider reader
a/n- i have no clue how his fangs or venom work, but just pretend like how i wrote it makes sense. also, this is very long but i didn’t want to write three parts :^
warnings- smut, predator/prey dynamics, spanking, edging, degradation, explicit language, size kink, biting, paralytic venom, mean/rough sex, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, creampie, aftercare, soft miggy after he realizes he was an ass
translations at the bottom!
Colors flashed in your peripheral as you darted alongside Miles, your arms burning from the amount of swings you had to pull off, just to get some distance between the hundreds of people around you.
Sure, running may not have been the smartest thing to do, but, you did have a plan. It wasn’t the easiest to pull off, and you’d probably end up being berated by Miguel, but Miles was your priority, and your husband was usually a sane man when it came to you. Usually.
As if he wanted to prove your logic wrong, Miguel’s yells rang from behind you, his voice laced with pure anger as you slipped from his grasp a multitude of times. You were both very fast, but he was a monster. It was like trying to escape death, his claws almost catching your suit, the image of his fangs gleaming in your memories.
“Miles!” you yelled to the boy swinging a few feet ahead of you, his body stalling for you to sync with his movements. “We’ll draw them out-” you panted, your surroundings becoming familiar, recognizable to the entrance of headquarters, “-and when they’re gone, get to the machine, and go home.”
Web after web shot at you, red and blue of all kinds clouding your vision as you maneuvered around gloved hands and swinging limbs. “Y/n,” that familiar voice shouted again, trying to pull your attention away from the obstacles in front of you. “Stop running-” you heard Miguel growl under his breath, the ear splitting sound of shredding steel hitting your senses as he literally tore through walls to get to you.
He had never ever scared you before, but with his feral strength directed at you instead of a casual villain, true fear coaxed its way through your veins. You were his prey. That’s the thought that repeatedly flashed in your mind. He was hunting you and there was inevitably, no escape.
Flicking your wrist, your webbing shot to the upper beams above the training area, pulling you through the air, a panicking Miles right at your side. That particular choice was probably not the best decision, a horde of waiting spider people coming into sight as soon as you appeared through the floor.
Interrupting the frozen crowd, two glowing webs broke through the air to pull a very rage filled Miguel up after you, your feet stepping back to scurry in the opposite direction towards the glistening wall of windows. You could feel him right at your heels, his breathing ragged, a whoosh of air hitting your back, the only explanation being his claws trying to swipe at you.
Dropping into a perch-like position, you ducked a particularly harsh swing, Miguel’s body already moving too fast to stop, his large form smashing through a lower window. Miles went right along with him, leaving you to a room of people just itching to please their boss. That was until your foot was pulled from under you, a familiar web wrapped around your ankle pulling your body to the floor and out the shattered window.
You’d never gotten used to free falling, your stomach wound in knots as the air whipped past you, your wrist helplessly flailing to find some kind of structure to attach to. The web stuck to your ankle was tugged, harshly, pulling you down towards none other than your husband.
Miles was lone gone, his own fleet of spiders chasing him down, leaving you to fend for yourself. Shooting your web to a passing car, your body was caught between two forces, Miguel watching as you cried out in pain, a frustrated groan leaving his lips as he cut his web loose, letting you go. You knew that’d make him buckle, see, he didn’t want to hurt you, no, he just wanted to catch you.
Slinging to the flying car, you were glued to the roof, eyes peeled to search for Miles, your sense lighting up at the sound of Miguel hurling himself from car to car to get to you. A yelp left your lips as two sets of web-patterned arms wrapped around you, one set grabbing your legs to pin you, the other holding your midriff, squeezing all the air from your lungs. Your legs helplessly kicked against them, body bucking in their hold to get away until a rough yell resounded. “Leave her,” Miguel shouted, his fangs extending, eyes tracking their hold on you. “Ella es mía.”
Squirming out of their grasp, you swung to the train-like contraption holding the roadway, Miguel’s suit in your peripheral, his form hurtling towards you, leaving no room to escape. You landed first, crawling along the top of the silver train, Miguel’s claws scratching behind, tearing the metal in their wake.
“Miguel, please-” you panted, your eyes wide as they looked down at him, his mask dissolving to reveal crimson eyes and furrowed eyebrows set on you. “He’s just a kid,” you pleaded, your muscles aching with exhaustion as you climbed away from him. A growl left the lips of your lover, his unbeaten endurance still strong, claws pulling him right towards you and your struggling form.
His hand closed around your ankle, pulling you down until his arms caged you, your back was pressed to his broad chest, hands pinned down by his own, preventing you from using your webs. “All you had to do was listen,” he muttered in your ear, a pained gasp leaving your lips as four sharp prongs sank into your neck, his fangs burying themselves into your skin. Warm liquid flowed from them, eliciting a burning sensation throughout your limbs that slowly turned into numbness.
You could still talk and move, albeit barely, most likely because your husband didn’t want you completely paralyzed, but you couldn’t escape his grasp, his strong arms lifting you until you were slung over his shoulder, lax limbs completely subject to his movements.
“Lyla, send everyone after Miles,” his voice was gruff as he swung off the train, you in one arm, his weight carried by a web in the other, “I’ll handle her.”
By the time the paralytic venom wore off, you found yourself at the door of your shared bedroom, Miguel grabbing you from his shoulder and pushing you inside, your legs wobbling slightly from the strange sensation. Shutting it suspiciously lightly, Miguel rested his forehead against the cold panels of the door, your weak legs already positioning you at the other end of the room.
“Miguel, I- I was just trying to help..”
His body went taut at your words, his back rigid, muscles shifting as he turned to look at you. You almost cowered at the sight of him, his eyes a deeper red than you’ve ever seen, his lips pulling back to reply, revealing four-sharp teeth still extended.
“What the hell were you thinking?” he snapped, his pupils dilating into a deep black, almost consuming his whole iris. “All you needed to do was listen to me, and you went and disobeyed a direct order.”
“You’re my husband, not my master..” you muttered under your breath, his breath catching at your little retort, anger lacing his features. “He’s just a kid, Miguel, you’re being too harsh.”
“Harsh..?” He went still at your words, an exasperated laugh leaving his lips as his eyebrows rose. “I’ll show you harsh,” he said under his breath, shoulders squaring to show his full height, long legs making their way to you in easy strides. Your mouth went dry at his words, feet stepping carefully to back away from him, his approaching steps pushing you further and further until your back hit the wall.
“Miguel wait-” your words were cut off as his large hand closed around your wrist, wrenching you towards the bed, your heels digging into the ground. With a battle of limbs, you found yourself atop his knees, your stomach pressing against his strong legs, his fingers gently caressing your bottom. Your hips wiggled, legs struggling to get away at the implication of his hand. “You can’t run now, cariño,” he growled, sharp claws cutting through the fabric of your suit exposing your ass and legs to his preying eyes.
Long fingers hooked under the waistband of your underwear, pulling them down to reveal your soft skin, fingers tracing every inch, his touch disappearing for a second before returning in the form of a harsh slap, a yelp leaving your lips at the scorching sensation blooming along your bottom.
His hand continued its assault, your legs shaking in his hold. “Poca pucha, just couldn’t listen could you,” he gritted out, palm smacking and smacking relentlessly until your ass was flaming red, choked cries spewing from your lips as you pleaded for him to stop.
He didn’t listen though, every spank leaving a new mark on your skin, red handprints painting your bottom half as your hands clawed at his ankles. “M-Miguel please! I’m s-sorry,” you squirmed, hips bucking until he landed a particularly rough slap against your skin. “Stay still,” he grunted, hands pushing your hips down as he repeatedly spanked you, tears rolling down your cheeks and onto his lap.
You were hiccuping now, so distressed your cries caught in your throat, your bottom raw and red, so sore it stung, the feeling of fire consuming you with even the smallest touch. His hand relented when he heard you muttering ‘i’m sorry’ like a mantra, the rough pads of his fingers gently massaging your inflamed bottom.
Miguel tutted at your soft cries, rubbing your skin as his other hand spread your legs. “Mírate-” he whispered, fingers dipping to scoop up your liquids, spreading your folds, “puta chorrea.” Without any preparation, he stuffed two fingers into your cunt, a choked gasp leaving your lips as he immediately started to curl his fingers into you, throwing you straight into the grasps of pleasure it was almost painful.
His thick fingers nudged at every pleasurable spot inside of you, your walls sucking him in greedily despite your current distaste of your husband. Every curl and poke elicited a whine from you, your body shivering as it neared climax, cunt pulsing around his fingers as a tell tale sign. Before you could release, Miguel pulled his fingers from you, large hands grabbing your waist to throw you on the bed.
You couldn’t even process the loss of pleasure before he was tearing the rest of your suit off and pushing your back into an impossible arch, your inflamed ass stuck in the air as his hands grabbed onto your hips. “Wait Mig-” all air was pushed out of your lungs as he sheathed himself in you with one thrust, the stretch causing a burn to ignite in your cunt.
His palm never left your back as he thrusted in and out at a brutal pace, soft groans leaving his lips, his strong legs slamming into the back of your thighs. The sound of skin slapping skin filled the room, your mewls and pleas muffled by the pillow Miguel shoved your face into, his fingers cradling the crown of your head to keep you still.
His cock was so thick and long, you felt it hit an unknown area every time he pushed into you, and without normal foreplay, the stretch was insane. Your walls pulsed with the struggle to take him, the ring of muscles at the entrance of your cunt visible as it wrapped around his shaft to suck him in.
Caught up in pleasure himself, Miguel leaned down to cage you in his arms, chest pressed to your back in a primal, animal-like position, his muscled arms placed on both sides of your head, hips never relenting with their intense thrusts.
“Too harsh, arañita?” he whispered into your ear, his teeth pulling at your earlobe, lips sucking at your neck as you trembled beneath him, your voice too hoarse from crying to respond. Heavy balls slapped against your cunt, Miguel’s thrusts becoming harder as you recognized his own tells of an orgasm. His ab muscles rippled against your back, his claws started to emerge, his breathing turned ragged, and he always kissed somewhere on your body, this time being your shoulder.
Groaning into the nook of your shoulder and neck, Miguel released inside of you, thick, hot ropes of cum painting every inch of your cunt, his hips stuttering to push every last drop into you while you tipped over the edge, your climax small and sudden, cunt sucking his juices in as you released your own, clenching around his spent cock.
Catching his breath, Miguel pulled out of you slowly, ears catching the pained whimper you let out, eyes looking down to watch as his white liquid poured from your hole. Your hips slumped and rested against the bed, your face still hidden by the pillow as you caught your breath, exhausted and extremely sore.
It was like he’d been clouded with lust and anger the whole time, because as he looked at your trembling form, the clear feeling of guilt consumed him. As careful as possible, he collected as many soothing ingredients he could find from the bathroom; a cold washcloth, calming lotion, and water all included.
Kneeling on the bed, his hands gently moved to prop your hips up, a choked out ‘no’ leaving your lips, your fear quickly extinguished by his soft, cooed words. “Shh, it’s okay,” he whispered, wiping the washcloth along your irritated folds and your inner thighs, cleaning up any excess liquids. Taking your reddened bottom into his hands, he smoothed and rubbed lotion onto you, the tender skin of your ass slowly becoming soothed by the cool substance.
Kissing up your spine, Miguel stroked your hair, his hand tilting your head to be able to see your face, his heart dropping at the sight of your red eyes, tear stained cheeks, and lack of speaking. “Oh- mi amor..” he murmured, strong arms pulling you onto his chest (careful not to nudge your bottom) as he rubbed your back, a quiet sigh leaving your lips at the feeling.
“I’m sorry.. I shouldn’t have gotten angry with you,” his voice was filled with regret, leaving a kiss to your head as you hummed your agreement. “I-” he pursed his lips, releasing a sigh as he struggled to say a certain admission, “I may have been a little too harsh on him.”
A breathy laugh resounded against his chest, your hoarse voice a relief to his ears as your tired eyes looked up to meet his own, “you think?”
ella es mía- she’s mine
cariño- sweetheart
poca pucha- little cunt
mírate- look at you
puta chorrea- fucking dripping
arañita- little spider
mi amor- my love
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kneelingshadowsalome · 3 months
Love your work ♡♡♡
I was thinking about a bull hybrid könig with a cow hybrid reader... (let's be clear not furries lol)
They both live at a farm and könig can't interact with the cute cow girls cause the farmers are worried he'll loose control and breed them all, so he can only look at them from his stable while they frolick in the fields, fisting his cock while he watches them giggle..
But then, good news! The farmers decide they want new calves, so one day könig wakes up and instead of being all alone like usual he finds his dream girl besides him, shyly telling him that she's there to be bred (bonus points if she's a virgin)
CW: my humble attempt at hybrids lol... big chested reader, (forced) breeding, voyeurism/third party watching, dubcon from both sides, fluff if you squint. 18+ MINORS DNI
The first thing König sees is her smile and bright eyes, long lashes that are cast down the second he manages to make her flustered with his stare. They’re both naked – he because he likes to sleep naked, she because… well, he doesn’t have a clue why. But his cock embarrassingly shoots up when he sees her breasts, large enough to provide milk for an entire array of babies if need be.
To his knowledge, no one has been allowed to breed his beautiful cows. He calls them his, even if he’s never seen them close, his lovely, calm women who love to bask in the sun and sometimes chase each other on the field of greenery. He likes to think they play pretend that a bull like him was chasing them, a cattle he’s trying to mount, because they giggle and run as if it was the greatest fun to be chased around in the fields.
And there’s no way they haven’t seen him watching them from his pen. It’s triple fenced to keep him from bursting out and breeding every single cow he gets under him, and they're right to be afraid because his cock is always swollen and leaking, pushing forwards and up to deliver his seed deep inside a waiting womb.
But right now, he doesn’t have to chase or fist his angry cock at the sight of the giggling women clearly in need of a good, hard dicking. Right now, he gets to examine this demure, naked girl right in front of him, clasping her hands in front of her from shyness, round breasts squishing adorably together as she does that.
The conversation that follows is intoxicating and perverse – she asks if she can touch his… that. Nodding to the dangerous sight that is his towering, twitching cock, he’s proud to present it to her fully. It’s leaking and jutting up in all its glory, and it’s only natural that she’s intrigued. He agrees on one condition: she can fondle his cock all she wants if he gets to massage her teats in return...
She looks helpless for a while, but nods eventually, taking a soft step forward. Soon, he feels a soft hand around his girth, running up and down his veined, bumpy length. There comes some hushed, adoring comments about how huge he is, and more precum leaks out, but he can’t even return the compliments, fixated on her breasts as he is. They’re heavy and plump but don’t lactate which means she has never been bred. He even tries to suck them to confirm this is the cause, making her shudder and cry from how fiercely he tries to suck and tug at both her nipples.
This crusade only ends in him spilling too soon, with sudden, thick spurts that make her yelp again from surprise. She’s holding his long pale cock in her hand, staring at the cum shooting out from the tip with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.
These cows are such simple creatures, innocent and a little dumb, soft and carefree in their naivety. But he’s more disappointed with himself, wasting perfectly good seed just from a few licks and sucks at her jugs.
“That was not supposed to happen,” he grunts when she’s still staring at his throbbing cock like it’s the most amazing thing she's ever seen.
“Oh,” she whispers. “What was supposed to happen then…?’
He looks up at his silly, simple cow, and smiles darkly.
“All of that was supposed to go inside you.”
Her big, wide eyes blink, long lashes bat slowly and consistently from horror and awe.
That’s when the master of the farm barges in, stares at the scene for a moment, and then starts to yell at them.
He left them alone for a few minutes and there’s already wasted semen on the floor??
The cow is yanked away from him, her tits swollen, red and heavy from his mouth. His cock never refuses to land, it only stands up, knowing there will be more action soon to come.
The farmer complains about how much money he paid for a big breeding bull like König, only to have his stupid cow milk all the seed on the floor. They both get yelled at, called stupid and useless, and the poor, helpless girl is told to get on her knees for the bull.
He’s presented with something even better than a pair of big, round tits – he can’t even begin to get angry at the nasty pervert of a farmer. He simply can’t because his adorable meek cow is perfect, absolutely perfect, with her throbbing hole up in the air like this. It’s swollen and glossy, making his cock jerk and bounce with urgency, and the mounting happens without him even thinking about it.
The farmer sighs when he sees his bull’s first attempts at breeding. Scoffs and waves his hand in the air as König probes and prods with his cock for far too long, trying to hit the right hole while the girl is whimpering from fear and want under his heavy weight. His already seed-covered cock finally slips in, and the poor thing under him screams and shudders.
He barely remembers anything after that.
It’s both a nightmare and the most beautiful dream he’s ever had, finally getting to mount and breed a wanton cow. The mating is hurried and compulsive, his hips do their best to get another load of seed out as fast as possible. The girl trembles and moans under him, her big breasts bounce and jiggle with every thrust, and at some point something incredible happens.
The farmer is yelling again – he’s supposed to breed the cow, not give her an orgasm! – but he doesn’t care, he just continues to rut and huff and snort and grunt, bellowing loud and hard as his seed shoots forth.
His pretty little cow is shaking, trembling by the time he’s finished with the breeding, all his strong seed safe and plugged deep inside of her. She sniffles and pants under him, whines and sobs, whispers that it feels so good – and then she’s pulled away from him, led out of the pen, forced to leave his cock.
She barely gets to glance back at him with wet, glossy eyes, asking for his help, no, pleading for it. Those big, vulnerable, defenseless depths will haunt him forever, the love and affection in her eyes so vast that a few, tiny drops of cum push out of his cock just from that hopeless look alone.
They don’t even let him cuddle and hold her after, she’s being escorted away like the cattle that she is, and even if they brought him a hundred big breasted cows to breed he would never forget those eyes and that face.
He’s all spent, weak from breeding like his life depended on it, but these people truly underestimate the strength of a bull. He draws air through his nostrils like a tempest, and starts a riot like nothing else.
He destroys the whole pen in the process, nothing left but splinters of wood and some barely intact poles. The farmer is unrecognizable by the time he’s done, and his cow has fled further away, clearly afraid of him and his sudden unleash of power.
But she doesn’t flee when he goes to her.
No: her lips are pressed tightly together, her eyes still wide with awe and wonder, but she doesn’t run away like most scared cattle would do. She’s his now, and she knows it, only awaits for advice on where to go next. She will follow him wherever he goes, like a wild beast who knows her mate will keep her safe and lead her to abundant pastures: somewhere far away where their offspring can live a good, free life.
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backwardsbread · 2 months
Hello !!
Don’t mine me dropping in a request but I HAVE BECOME OBSESSED with your writing (it’s such a good way off letting off steam and the way you write the characters make it so bealive you can’t convince me u don’t work for vivziepop) ANYWAYS.
I was wondering if you could write headcannons for husk x oblivious!reader? Like basically EVERYONE in the hotel know that husk has a crush on the reader (even thought he keeps denying it) but reader is just oblivious to this. And like angel and alastor always tease him about this right in readers face and she just doesn’t get it which makes husk more flustered ? I HAVE FALLEN INTO THE RABBIT HOLE OF HUSKS DEEP VOICE 💔
(Reader could be gn or AFAB, really anything you are comfortable writing with :3!!)
Hope this reaches you in a good time :33 !!!!
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You guys- everytime I open my inbox and see such sweet messages and AMAZING requests— MY HEART CANT HANDLE IT.
That being said, this prompt is GOLD. I hope I did it justice!
Hazbin Hotel:
Husk x Oblivious!Reader
Warnings‼️: none really? Light swearing, Lots of fluff, Fem!Reader, use of Y/N.
~Not proofread~
To me, Husk is almost insecure about his feelings.
He likes to keep things real and genuine, done get me wrong, but he’s constantly listening to other people’s drama and thoughts.
He’s a good source of comfort for the hotel guests, including you. Someone who will listen to you without judgement.
I think how he starts falling for you has to do with this. You’d stay up late nights with Husk while he closes the bar, often times turning the tables on him.
Asking him how he’s doing, what he did throughout the day, even something as simple as asking fun facts about him
Your guys’ game of 20 questions became a norm every night. Slowly you creeped over the walls Husk had put around himself. Something Husk didn’t realize you had done until it was far too late.
The warm feeling he gets in his chest after your guys’ interactions wells up into butterflies in his gut. It doesn’t take long for him to get feelings for you when you were always nothing short of perfect in his eyes.
Since he’s one to usually keep his feelings to himself, he tries to hide this from you and the other attendees of the hotel.
But once he actually realizes he has a crush on you, oh buddy, is he OBVIOUS.
His calm and cool demeanor shifting into anxiety whenever anyone brings the topic of you up or even dares to ask if you two are an item.
It doesn’t help that Alastor can read him like a book after many years of owning Husk’s soul.
Even so, Husk can’t help the way his voice and demeanor soften whenever interacting with you.
I can definitely see Angel noticing this next and making a SCENE about it. He didn’t mean to embarrass his friend, but he can’t help poking fun.
(Also, Angel was mildly upset that Husk hadn’t just told him about his feelings towards you. Angel would be the best wingman.)
Angel does try to set the two of you up frequently, trying to nudge you guys to make things official.
Except one teensy weensy issue.
You completely misunderstood Husk’s advancements towards you as friendly banter.
Confusing your own interest towards him as simple excitement to hang out with him.
Angel and Alastor find this hilarious
Both of them are able to openly tease Husk around you while you have no clue what they’re insinuating.
They just watch Husk panic as they outright call him out on his crush. While you just stare at them confused as if they’re telling an inside joke.
It drives Husk bonkers how you don’t seem to catch on to his flirting or feelings for you.
He honestly doesn’t know what was worst, you not realizing his feelings, or the fact you responded to his advances so nonchalantly.
Can you imagine Husk gets the courage to hold your hand or something, and you’re just like
‘Oh this is a thing now! Alright anyways-.’
And just move on as if nothing happened/changed.
He even asks you out on dates occasionally, but instead of it turning out as alone time, you end up inviting other hotel members.
And he just can’t say no to you so he’s left with joining a group dinner, with apologetic looks from Angel and amused grins from Alastor.
When Husks asks for it to just be the two of you, you assume he’s in an argument with the other hotel attendees.
“Oh are you in an argument with Angel right now? What happened?”
“Is Alastor pissing you off? I can talk to Charlie about it! She’ll get it handled.”
It drives Husk NUTS. Every innocent move you make leaves him even more flustered.
The fact that you don’t even seem phased by it leaves him feeling frustrated and kind of rejected.
Which was never your intent! You just didn’t understand your feelings for the ex overlord and his towards you.
You were in Angel’s hotel room. He was picking out an outfit for you, throwing you in all different kinds of combinations. Different dresses with different styles, cute skirts and tops, jumpsuits, you name it. You enjoyed the little game of dress up he was playing with you, but you weren’t sure the exact reasoning for suddenly using you as a model.
“Okay okay, this one is so cute.” You walk out of Angel’s bathroom, a huge grin on your face. Angel looks over towards you, wolf whistling as he looks you up and down.
You were dolled up in a burnt orange dress that was bedazzled in rhinestones. The shiny stones making diamond patterns along the dress. It had puffy sleeves made of tool that fell off your shoulders. The dress hugged your waist and the skirt flowed out, reaching just past your knee.
You look at yourself in the full length mirror, doing a little spin to see yourself in full view. Angel approached you, making sure the zipper on the back of the dress was all the way up and secure.
“You look hot, toots! The color really suits you.” Angel compliment while you ruffled your hair to give it more volume. You giggle at his compliment, continuing to admire yourself in the mirror.
There was a timid knock on Angel’s door, making the spider demon grin and turn on his heel. You kept admiring your outfit in the mirror while Angel answered the knock.
“Right on time!” Angel said as he opened the door. You look in the mirror to see who was at the door behind you. Husk was there, grumbling a bit at Angel’s enthusiasm.
Your smile brightened, turning to look over at Husk. Once he got full view of you in that dress, he froze, his face flushing dark hues of magenta. Husk was also dressed nicely, more put together than usual. His hat not on its usually place between his ears, his hair done up nice, a burnt orange bow tie complimenting a new grey suit he was wearing.
“Hey, look, we match!” You exclaim, grinning ear to ear. Angel sighed while Husk blinked out of his tiny daydream.
“I- uh.. looks like we do.” Husk muttered, his embarrassment getting the better of him. You both stayed quiet for a bit, the anticipation absolutely killing Angel. After what felt like ages of silence, Angel went over to you, nudging you towards Husk.
“Ahem, (Y/N), Husk here was actually wondering if you would accompany him tonight. There’s this new place that he’s been dying to try. It’s got some real fancy food!” Angel gave Husk a look as he tried to get the ball rolling. Husk only blushed and looked towards you to see how you reacted to his- well Angel’s- proposal.
“Ooo! Sounds great! I’d love to. Are you coming too?” You questioned. The ask made Husk die a little inside.
“No, nope. I’ve got some uh..things to attend to! So just the two of you. A date, you could call it.” Angel clarified, giving a not so subtle wink towards Husk, who returned it with a glare.
You feel your face heat up and for some reason your heart seems to skip a beat. Just you and Husk? There was nothing wrong with that. But the idea excited you nonetheless. Now that you thought about it, it was rare you and Husk got time alone outside the hotel. Sure he had suggested going out often. But not on.. a date as Angel had suggested.
You smile, moving to link your arm with Husk’s, “Yeah! That sounds great actually.”
Husk looks surprised at your reaction, he was halfway expecting you to suggest inviting anyone else to the outing. He can’t help the grin that forms on his face.
“Well then.. let’s get out of here.” Husk says, guiding you out of Angel’s room. As the two of you are walking down the hallways, Angel calls out to the both of you.
“Have fun, lovebirds! Husk, don’t ruin that dress, it was expensive!” Angel shouts, making Husk flip him off, grumbling a bit.
“Are we eating messy food? I can change-..” You start, but Husk cuts you off.
“No- No, sweetheart, Angel is just a prick. Don’t worry.. let’s just focus on tonight.”
“Just us..”
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vmbrq · 11 months
how do u think some of the scream guys react to a more bimbo esque s/o….. cus i already KNOWWWW some of them *cough cough* charlie *cough cough* WOULD FW IT, LIKE IDKK AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON ETHAN ?? obsessed loser boy x oblivious girly bimbo ??? SOOOO 🤭🤭 and i just know they’re silly little perverts too so they would get all squirmy just from her accidentally flashing them as she bends down to pick up like a flower out of the grass or smth😭😭 IDK I JUST THINK ITS CUTEEE 🤭
(also omg idk if u do anons or anything but like …… if u do …. can i be 🩷 PLEASEEEE if not thats okay😁☝️ ANYWAYS OKAY BYEEE)
yes, i do anons !! so you certainly can <3
AND IT IS CUTE :( ethan would be STRESSED LMAOO practically glued to your side or standing behind you to make sure you don't accidentally flash anyone. he would also be one of the first to volunteer to fix the straps on your sandals or tie your sneakers for the same reason. he also takes advantage of any opportunity to tutor you, even if most of your sessions end up with you in his lap with your lips on his. he's such a sucker for you, too, so weak to the way you whine his name or gaze up at him, all sweet and adoring, and ask him for a kiss. he could be holding a cardboard box he can barely see over, and he'll still be awkwardly angling his body and bending forward to give you a quick peck on the lips.
charlie would be so fond of just observing you, whether it's admiring your side profile while you touch up your makeup or watching how your animated expressions reflect your thoughts as you try to work through homework on your own. plus, he knows that half the time, you have zero clue what he's talking about when he rambles on about the specifics of media, but he adores the effort you put into trying to understand. and even if you've given up on trying, you still sit there with a smile and give him your full attention, bc you just like hearing him talk.
both of them would be obsessed with the way you have no concept of personal space when it comes to them, your brain consisting of nothing but tv static as you get right in their face or press up close to them. you're shameless with your affection, and you never think twice about how out-of-place they appear at your side.
mickey and billy would adore how easy you are to mold into their perfect, unwitting accomplice, taking all of their explanations in stride and rarely ever questioning them. there's a certain freedom that your presence allows, since they know that you don't even blink or think twice about the thin layers of blood embedded beneath their fingernails or that strange scent that clings to their clothes when they kiss or hold you. oh, they accidentally cut themselves? oh, that smell is just the gasoline from their car? okay. after all, all you need is to trust them and let them do the thinking. all you have to do is sit on their laps and look pretty for them.
mentions of smut under the cut ; minors dni
all of the sex jokes when they're around end up flying right over your head. you're so naive, so sweet, so easy to manipulate until you're bouncing on their cock and creaming a pretty, white ring at the base because it's "the best way to get rid of your stomachache." they stick out like a sore thumb against the decor of your room, but sometimes, when you've got their head resting on your chest with your fingers combing idly through their hair, or when they're sprawled on your bed lying about not peeking through their fingers while you lotion up your bare body and reflexively reach for the shirt they lent you three weeks ago, they feel as though they fit right in.
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steddieas-shegoes · 10 months
Request: Wayne & Steve bonding. Can be 5+1 with the party members seeing it & then the +1 can be Steve realizing that Wayne is his safe adult & that he is included by both Wayne & Eddie (his partner) as a Munson
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY PLATONIC LOVE!!!! ALSO HAPPY 100TH WORK ON AO3 FOR ME!!!! I had started another request but then realized my 100th work needed to have Wayne. Like, it was a no brainer. I love Wayne Munson with my entire heart. He loves Steve with his entire heart. Here we are! - Mickala ❤️
It started out pretty awkward.
Eddie had suggested the fishing trip, said it would be great for them to bond and get to know each other.
“Steve’s not goin’ anywhere, and Wayne’s approval is more important to me than anything else, so you might as well find some common ground,” he said to them both over dinner.
So Steve agreed to this fishing trip, and he agreed to let Wayne pick the place and drive them there and provide all the necessary tools.
He didn’t know how to fish so it made sense that he didn’t make any of the decisions.
Of course, Wayne didn’t know he didn’t know how to fish. He’d maybe made it sound like he used to go when he was younger, before his dad stopped showing any interest in spending time with him.
But his dad wasn’t really ever around, and certainly didn’t do anything to bond with him, so here he was.
Trying to pretend he knew how a worm went on a hook.
Wayne hadn’t said much, though Eddie had already warned him that it didn’t mean he didn’t like him, he just didn’t usually say much unless he knew you well.
He was pretty focused on baiting his own hook, or that’s what Steve thought it was called, and Steve didn’t really think it would go well if he interrupted to ask stupid questions.
“You’ve never done this before, have ya?” Wayne suddenly asked, not looking up from his hook.
“Um. No sir?” Steve replied.
No point in lying when it was so obvious he had no clue what he was doing.
Wayne finally looked at him, his eyes squinted as he searched his face.
“You want some help with that?” he finally asked Steve.
Wayne didn’t take the hook and worm from him though. Instead, he gently scooted closer and started showing Steve how to do it himself.
“There ya go! Now, professionals use different bait and hooks and all kindsa stuff I don’t have the patience for. We just use worms cuz they’re cheap and work just fine. You ever cast your own line or you need me to show ya?”
“I can watch you and then try,” Steve replied.
This was going…well. Wayne seemed eager to help instead of annoyed like Steve thought he would be.
He watched Wayne cast his line out, reeling it in just a bit once the bobber hit the water.
“Why do you reel it in like that?” Steve asked, genuinely curious.
“Keeps the line tight so you can see any movement. If the bait ain’t on there good, a fish might be able to wiggle it off, but if you see the line moving, you might be able to still catch him,” Wayne said quietly. “Think you can do it?”
Steve didn’t think he could, but he wanted to impress Wayne.
And then he did it.
“I did it!” he said, maybe a bit too loud for the environment.
“You did! Proud of ya!” Wayne said back, big smile on his face.
He didn’t seem to care that Steve was so loud he probably scared all the damn fish away, or that it was such a simple task that Steve accomplished.
He was just proud.
And when Steve caught his first fish 20 minutes later, he could have sworn he saw Wayne wipe a tear from his eye.
“Invite him over,” Wayne suggested.
“To your house?” Steve said as he stopped putting his shoes on.
“Yeah. We got plenty of snacks. Lucas seems like a nice kid. He puts up with Eddie and that Max girl. Must be an angel actually,” Wayne snorted.
Steve looked at him, and at the tv that was already tuned in to the channel the basketball game would be on.
“If you’re sure…” Steve said, removing his shoes again to go call Lucas.
“Tell him to bring his ball and we can practice after! Only if you promise to go easy on me, I’m an old man,” Wayne added as he sipped on his beer.
Steve was quick on the phone, smiling to himself when Lucas seemed so excited about getting to hang out with Steve and Wayne.
Lucas made it just as the game started, sweating from the bike ride over.
“Grab a pop from the fridge and take a seat, kiddo,” Wayne said from his armchair.
“Is Eddie here?” Lucas asked as he did what Wayne said and sat down on the couch next to Steve.
“Nope. Had physical therapy and then band practice. Won’t see that boy until near midnight, I’d say.”
Steve nodded in agreement.
Eddie always got distracted at band practice, especially if they started smoking. Wayne always told him to call if he needed a ride, but not if he needed bail.
The game was intense, and all of them ended up standing on their feet pacing for the last two minutes of it. It was so back and forth, so close, they were almost certain it would go to overtime.
It didn’t though, and Wayne hugged both Steve and Lucas excitedly.
“Alright, who wants to go shoot some hoops?”
Steve knew for a fact the Munsons didn’t have a basketball net. Eddie wasn’t a sports guy and Wayne didn’t have time until pretty recently to have any hobbies.
But Steve and Lucas followed him onto the back porch and Steve stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the small cement pad now had a basketball net.
“When did you get that?”
“Well, when Eddie mentioned you still liked to play for fun, I figured it’d be nice to have. Not a lot of space out here for a real game, but it’s somethin’.”
Wayne looked shy, almost nervous, which was something he never was.
“You got this for Steve?” Lucas asked him.
“Yeah. You’re welcome to come over and practice anytime, too,” he said to Lucas with a smile.
“Seriously? This is awesome!” Lucas took his ball and ran down the porch steps to start shooting at the net.
“You got this for me?” Steve asked Wayne, still slightly surprised by the gesture.
“Yeah, kid. Want you to feel like this is your home too, ya know?”
Steve wasn’t gonna cry, he wasn’t.
He hugged Wayne quickly, then joined Lucas. Wayne sat on the porch and watched for a bit, cheering when Lucas managed to score on him three times in a row.
Surprisingly, Eddie came home in the midst of an intense one on one match.
He took one look at Steve and Lucas, and turned to Wayne.
“Since when do we support jockhood in this house?” he asked him, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Since you fell in love with one,” Wayne smirked.
“I’m not- we haven’t- Wayne!” Eddie sputtered before going back inside.
Wayne shook his head, but continued watching Steve and Lucas competing against each other, hopefully for the first of many times.
Max should go home. She couldn’t just hide at the Munson trailer every single time her mom had to work late.
She had to face her fears and just stay home alone.
But Eddie was here having a mini-session with Mike, Will, and Lucas, and she felt better being around all of them than being in her house.
Plus, Wayne had made her hot chocolate and let her taste test the cookies he made.
She wasn’t playing, but she watched the entire time, sipping on her hot chocolate and watching Wayne out of the corner of her eye.
He was in the kitchen baking something new, but had told her she couldn’t try this one yet.
It looked like a cake, but it had a lot of steps to it and she couldn’t be quite sure when he kept moving things from counter to counter and then counter to oven.
At exactly 7:00, Eddie clapped his hands, thanked everyone for coming, and told them to get out.
“How’s the cake comin’ old man? Steve’s gonna be here in 20 minutes!” Eddie said as he started frantically cleaning up.
Max watched as they both seemed to rush through their tasks, ignoring her entirely, maybe even forgetting she was still on the couch.
And then it hit her.
“Shit! It’s Steve’s birthday, isn’t it?” she asked.
Wayne and Eddie both stood in the doorway of the kitchen looking at her.
“Have you been here this whole time?” Eddie asked.
“Ed, I forgot the powdered sugar,” Wayne said suddenly.
“Fuck!” Eddie said, exasperated.
“Language!” Wayne huffed out, turning back to his cake. “I think my Ma used to just blend regular sugar to make it so she didn’t have to pay for it. Let me see how much sugar we got.”
“Max, let me walk you home,” Eddie said, forcing a smile.
But just as she was getting up to let him, not wanting to push him too much when he was so obviously stressed, the front door opened and Steve walked in.
“You will never believe what this woman did at closing time tonight. I thought Robin was going to have to go to jail. Oh. Hey Max.”
Steve paused as he took in the looks of panic on Max and Eddie’s face and the chaos happening in the kitchen.
“Is everything okay?” Steve asked, suddenly worried.
“Everything’s great! Actually, can you walk Max home?”
“Is that Steve?” Wayne asked from the kitchen, peeking around the doorway. “Dammit, I need 10 minutes!”
Eddie shooed Steve back out the door and Max followed without being asked.
When the door shut behind them, Steve looked at Max with a confused look.
“Happy birthday, I guess?” she shrugged.
“Oh. Is that today?” he asked.
“Apparently. I don’t think the Munsons understand the idea behind not celebrating birthdays.”
Steve laughed, smiling fondly at the closed front door.
“Alright, well. Let’s get you home so they can embarrass me without an audience.”
They walked down the road to Max’s trailer in silence. Max didn’t mind it with Steve, it felt like they both needed it.
But when they arrived at her house, she turned to Steve and hugged him.
“All good, red?” he asked as he hugged her back.
“Yeah. Just glad we have them.”
“Who? The Munsons?”
“Yeah. They’re pretty great.”
Steve smiled down at her.
“Yeah, they’re alright.”
Nancy spent a lot of time at the library. Probably more than anyone else in Hawkins.
She’d seen it all.
The nerds using it to study, the old people reading the newspaper, the kids being brought by their moms for storytime.
She’d never once seen a Munson.
Until today.
Wayne Munson was standing in the aisle of books that held books about gardening.
He looked lost, and she wanted to help.
“Hey, Wayne right?” she whispered.
He jumped, but then relaxed when he saw it was just a young woman.
“Yes, and you are?”
“Nancy. You probably don’t remember, but I was with everyone when Eddie was brought into the hospital,” she said, hating to bring up bad memories, but needing him to know that she knew Eddie.
“Ah, yes. Mike’s sister?”
“That’s me.” She cleared her throat. “You look like you need some help. I’m basically a librarian for how often I’m here, so maybe I can help?”
“Yeah. I’m lookin’ for a book about trees that can grow here easily. All these seem to be about tropical plants.”
He was right. For some reason, most of the books available were about tropical plants or encyclopedias about flowers.
“There is one…hold on.” Nancy walked a few feet away and looked at the one book she knew would have the information he needed. “Here it is!” She handed it to him. “Any specific tree you’re looking for?”
“Well, I’m gonna plant a tulip tree in the backyard, but I need to know what it needs.”
Nancy smiled.
“You a fan of tulip trees?”
“Ah can’t say I care either way. But Steve likes ‘em and he’s been feelin’ a bit down lately, so figured it might make him smile.”
Nancy frowned.
“He’s been down?” she asked.
Admittedly, she hadn’t seen him much lately, but that was because he was busy working with Robin and spending his free time with Eddie or the kids.
“Well, it ain’t my business to say, but his parents came to town last week and he ain’t been the same since. He won’t talk about it, not even with Ed,” Wayne sounded sad, but also angry.
She placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I know they’re frustrating to say the least. But he’ll be alright. I’m glad he has you to cheer him up,” she smiled at him.
“Me too. You won’t tell him about this yet, right?”
“Your secret is safe with me.”
Robin was hot.
“Steve, there is no way this pool takes this long to clean,” she said from her chair.
“Maybe it wouldn’t if I had help,” Steve said with a sigh.
“I think he’s expecting us to help him,” Eddie said from his chair next to her, not opening his eyes to actually look.
“It’s not as hot in the pool,” he tried to bribe them.
“As if we would get in that untreated dirty water!” Eddie exclaimed.
“We have all literally been covered in Upside Down dust and demo-creature blood.”
“Against our will!” Robin exclaimed.
“Alright, I’m calling Wayne,” Steve said as he got out of the pool.
Not even 20 minutes later, Steve was walking back outside, Wayne trailing behind him in a bathing suit.
“I’m scraping the bottom first so I can scoop any debris out before I treat it,” Steve explained to him. “I think that last storm we got just got a lot of heavier limbs in it so there’s more than I expected.”
“And these two are just watching?”
“We’re supervising. Here for emergencies and getting him drinks when needed,” Eddie said.
“Right. So I’ll take a cold beer,” Wayne said with a smirk.
Eddie moved his sunglasses off his face and glared at him.
“You just came from inside.”
“And now I’m hot. Get me a beer or go home.”
Robin watched the exchange like a tennis match, then turned to Steve who was getting back in the pool like he was used to this kind of thing happening all the time.
“I’m so glad he called you,” she said to Wayne as Eddie grumbled his way inside.
“Me too,” Wayne said, no hint of sarcasm in his tone.
Robin watched them work, taking in the way Wayne explained the best way to treat the pool (“shock it, but then focus on the filter itself, not just the actual pool”) and how long it should sit.
An hour later, they were finishing up the main part of the treatment, and Wayne knocked Steve’s shoulder.
“Great job, kid. Probably wanna let it sit overnight so no one’s skin is burnin’ though.”
“What?! We can’t even swim today?” Eddie shrieked.
“Go swim in the bathtub. Better yet, a puddle in the road,” Wayne yelled back at him. He turned back to Steve. “You comin’ for dinner tonight?”
“Yeah, let me clean up first. Want me to bring anything?”
“Just yourself, you know that.”
Wayne turned to go, and grabbed Eddie’s ear.
“You’re comin’ with me. You got some stuff to do around the trailer before I let you come over here and swim.”
“I’m a grown man!”
“And grown men clean up before their boyfriends come over. Let’s go.”
Wayne walked away, knowing Eddie would follow him.
Robin couldn’t help the loud laugh she let out as Eddie scrambled to follow, nearly tripping over his own feet when he stopped to kiss Steve quickly before leaving the back patio.
“They’re a blast,” Robin said when they were gone.
“They’re the best,” Steve said fondly.
plus one
It was too late for someone to be knocking on the door, but Wayne knew better than to ignore it.
Too many late night knocks had been because of emergencies.
“Go back to bed, Ed,” he said to Eddie when he saw him coming out of his bedroom, half asleep and half naked.
But he knew Eddie would be curious and wasn’t surprised when he followed him to the front door.
He had an armful of Steve as soon as he said his name, wrapping his arms around him protectively.
It was damn near two in the morning, why the hell was he here?
“Are you hurt, son?”
He heard Steve let out a loud sob against his chest and he quickly pulled him inside all the way, closing the door so the neighbors wouldn’t hear and get nosy.
“Stevie?” Eddie asked from behind Wayne.
“Go get some water for him, Ed,” Wayne said over his shoulder. “Steve? What happened?”
“They kicked me out. They found out about Eddie and kicked me out,” Steve said between sobs and panting breaths.
“Alright. Let’s sit down for a minute,” Wayne tried to stay calm, but anger was coursing through his body.
Who could kick out their own son? Especially over something so small?
He shouldn’t be surprised that the Harringtons would, but it still felt like someone poured cold water over him.
“I don’t know what to do. I have nowhere to go,” Steve whimpered.
“Now that right there is nonsense, son. You got us right here, don’t ya? You think we’d let you be homeless when Ed’s got a perfectly good bed for you to sleep in? Hell, ya sleep in it most nights a week anyway.” Wayne sighed, running his hands up and down Steve’s back as they sat on the couch. “You belong here with us. It’s their loss and someday they’ll have to live with the regret of hurtin’ you. But you’re my kid, and you ain’t gonna be livin’ on the streets. Understand me?”
Steve nodded against his chest.
Eddie walked in silently with a glass of water, fear in his eyes.
Wayne gave him a look and hoped he was communicating that he shouldn’t ask right now.
“You wanna have some water for me? Maybe a nice hot shower and then bed?” Wayne asked.
Steve nodded.
“Look at me, Steve.” He waited for Steve to look at him. “You’re my son. I love you and I want you to be here. You deserve to be loved just as you are.”
Steve sniffled, trying to hold back another sob as he nodded.
Wayne watched him sip on the water for a few minutes, and watched as Eddie walked him to the bathroom to make sure he had everything he needed for a shower.
He never understood how parents could look at their children and feel anything but the purest form of love.
Steve may not be his biologically, but he was practically a Munson since the day he carried Eddie out of Hell.
If Wayne had to help him out his own version of Hell, then he’d do it with a smile on his face and praise on his tongue.
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airaibunny · 10 months
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dom!jihyo x sub!fem!reader - “attention” (warnings: smut, bratty reader[kinda?], degradation, unnie kink[kinda?], nipple/breast play, oral, fingering, crying, punishment, overstim/orgasm denial)
a/n: AGH! this has been in the making for so long because i kept forgetting about it. here it is though lol. sorry for using [kinda?] so much in the warnings, i just don’t know how to classify things. everyone knows u and jihyo are dating, i just forgot to work it into the story. i ended it sort of roughly, so i’ll def write a part 2 with aftercare or something if you guys request it!! next story will probs be a dom reader though…😝
word count: 2k
you never purposefully make jihyo jealous or mad. every time you do, it’s because you did something you didn’t think much about. like being a bit too performative with your fan-service or responding to her with a bad tone without realizing. today however, doing so is your only goal.
lately, she’s been awfully close with sana. they’re always all over each other at the dorms and when you go out. you know there’s nothing going on; jihyo and sana wouldn’t do that to you, but you still can’t stand it.
it drives you insane, so you decided you should do the same to her today.
after you finish getting ready for the day, you go to the living room to find jihyo and sana laughing at something on sana’s phone. she barely looks up to acknowledge you. you scoff and sit beside jeongyeon on the couch across from her.
“good morning?” jeongyeon shoves you a little and you notice you’re still staring at jihyo. “good morning, sorry.” you turn to her, giving her a half smile. “what’s wrong?” she smiles back, grabbing your hand between both of hers. “nothing.”
“you sure?” you smile again, nodding. “okay…” she kisses the back of your hand and turns back to her phone. you go back to looking at jihyo and sana, crossing your arms. you’re thinking about how you still you don’t know how to make jihyo jealous when you hear someone trotting down the hallway.
“good morning everyone!” tzuyu shouts, waddling over to the couch. you immediately know how you’re going to carry out your plan: tzuyu.
since you’re the maknae, you’re the only one younger than tzuyu, which has always made her have a soft spot for you. she goes along with everything you say and do, which is perfect for right now.
she bends down to give you a hug and you pull her, making her land on you. while still embracing her, you whisper in her ear.
“i need your help, just play along.” she gives you a puzzled look, but still says ‘okay.’
she flops down on the spot beside you, waiting for you to clue her into what is happening. “tzuyu unnie, you look so pretty!” she smiles, turning her head to the side in confusion at the sudden compliment while still trying to play along. “thank you, you look so pretty as well!”
you look over at jihyo, she’s still not paying attention to you. tzuyu immediately notices what’s going on when you look back at her. she points in jihyo and sana’s direction with furrowed brows and you nod. she thinks for a second and you continue watching jihyo.
you feel tzuyu’s hand on your arm and she suddenly pulls you onto her lap. “you haven’t cuddled with me in so long!” tzuyu lifts her eyebrows, waiting for your response. “i know, i’m sorry unnie.” you hug her and whisper to her.
“is she looking?”
“yeah, now she is.”
you look over at jeongyeon beside you guys. she’s staring at you and back at jihyo, very confused. you smile at her and she shakes her head, getting up and walking away.
you pull back from the hug, giving tzuyu a kiss on her cheek. she gives you one back and you look across the room at jihyo. she definitely looks alert, but she still doenst look angry; you need to go further.
“tzuyu unnie, you should come sleep with me tonight. please?”
with that, you swing one of your legs over tzuyu so that you’re straddling her. tzuyu mouths ‘are you sure?’ and you nod.
“of course! but what about jihyo unnie? that’s her room too.”
she looks behind you and gives you a concerned grimace, your eyes widen.
“what?” you whisper, making sure jihyo and sana can’t hear you. your question is answered when you see jihyo walking down the hallway and into your room. a few seconds of silence go by and you get a text notification.
jihyo unnie💞: come here, now.
you can tell that your plan worked just by the punctuation. she never uses correct grammar over text, only when she’s being serious.
“thank you.” you get out of tzuyu’s lap and stand up. “you’re welcome, and good luck i guess.”
you walk down the hall and into your shared bedroom with jihyo. she’s waiting for you sitting on the bed.
“lock the door.”
you do as she says, anxiously waiting for her to speak again. “what’s your problem?” she stays sitting, leaning back onto her hands. “my problem? what’s yours?”
“what the fuck do you mean?” you stay silent for a few seconds, formulating the best response to provoke her further.
“i mean that you love calling me a slut when i step even a little bit out of line, but look at the things you do with sana.”
you hear her chuckle to herself and she stands up, walking closer to you. she backs you up against the wall, turning you around and holding your hands behind your back. she brings her face to your ear and whispers against it.
“i call you a slut because that’s what you are. look at the stunts you pull when i stop giving you all of my attention for a second.” she brings one of her hands inside your shirt, harshly tugging at your nipples. you wince at what she’s doing, but she doesn’t care. “did you think i didn’t know what you were doing? c’mon, you don’t take me for such a dumbass, do you?”
you don’t respond, thinking it’s a rhetorical question. the sudden squeeze at your nipple says otherwise.
you whimper as she holds her fingers in place. “i don’t. i’m sorry, unnie.” she finally eases up and you exhale deeply.
she pulls you slightly off the wall to rip your shirt off, but slams you right back when she’s done. she does the same with your shorts and underwear, tossing them aside.
“tell me, would you have gone as far as to let tzuyu do this to you just to make me mad, slut?” you shake your head. the hand she previously used on your breasts is resting against your hip, the other one is still firmly holding your wrists together.
“i don’t believe you. i think you would’ve even let tzuyu touch you without an ulterior motive.” she brings the hand on your hip in between your legs, tapping on your thigh for you to spread them farther.
“look at that, you just follow my every command if it means you get to be played with. you’re so fucking pathetic.”
you whine at her remark, feeling the slick running out of you. whatever ounce of self respect was left in your body is completely gone, you need her to touch you, now.
“please unnie, touch me. i need it, please.”
jihyo presses her lips against your shoulder, smirking against your skin. “you don’t get to cum until i want you to, got it?”
you nod vigorously, not caring about any conditions she has for touching you, so long as she does it. she presses her fingers against your soaking wet heat and you jolt, already feeling incredibly sensitive.
“you really are a slut. you’re so wet and all because i’m being a little mean.”
she chuckles to herself again. you feel her fingers start to move in circular motions over your clit and can’t help but moan. she drops your wrists and presses her hand against your mouth.
“shut the fuck up, there’s people outside. do you really want them to hear you being such a needy whore?” you shake your head as much as you can with her hand over your mouth. she doesn’t let you get adjusted to her pace before speeding up, already driving you close to the edge. “so quick? i don’t think so. hold it or this will be the only time you cum.”
you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to hold off your impending orgasm. it doesn’t help that her lips are pressed against your shoulder, leaving marks and bruises all over it. you try closing your legs instinctively to lessen the sensation, but she won’t let you. “stop trying to cheat.” she hums against your skin and you can feel yourself getting closer.
she wants you to fail, you can tell she has no intention of stopping any time soon. you continue silently whimpering into her hand and squirming against the wall. you feel tears running down your cheeks, you want to cum so bad.
“what’s wrong, slut? can you not hold it anymore?” you nod, thinking that she’ll finally give in and let you finish. “too bad.” you whine in response.
you feel the knot in your stomach release unwillingly and nearly fall to the ground as your legs weaken. jihyo takes her hand off of your mouth and wraps it around your waist, holding you up.
you start murmuring pleas and apologies while still shaking, hoping to reason with her. she doesn’t scold you yet, she simply continues rubbing circles on your clit to let you fully finish.
“i’m sorry, unnie. please don’t-“ she flips you around before you can complete your sentence and brings her hand to your core again, abruptly pushing two fingers inside you.
“i told you what would happen if you came before i wanted you to. now you’re going to take your punishment like a good slut, okay?” you nod and put your hands on her shoulders for support as she mercilessly pumps her fingers in and out of you.
“fuck, jihyo-” she brings her free hand to your face, holding you by your cheeks. “what the fuck did you just call me?” you realize your mistake and correct yourself. “i’m sorry, unnie! i didn’t mean to.” she roughly lets go of your face, her eyes laced with venom as she speeds up her pace and curls her fingers inside you.
“why are you crying? you wanted this so bad earlier, whore.” your tears fall down quicker and you don’t know why. you would love to pretend like you aren’t absolutely enamored with what’s happening, but you can’t.
you adore it when jihyo acts like this. come to think of it, your end goal was always for this to happen. you wanted her to be seething with anger and to take it all out on you, but you won’t admit this to yourself. you want to believe this was all her, you refuse to think of yourself as the instigator.
you feel yourself on the edge again and tighten your grip on her shoulders. she realizes this and takes her fingers out, leaving you whining at the sudden emptiness. “you knew that was coming, why are you surprised?”
she grabs your forearm and leads you to the bed, tossing you on it. you wipe your tears away while sniffling. she positions herself between your legs, looking up at you before doing the same thing as before and starting without a warning.
you feel her tongue on your clit, circling around it. she licks up and down your folds, pushing her tongue inside your entrance when she passes it. you bring your hand down to her hair as your tears begin to fall again. you wish she’d let you get off, but she told you she won’t, and you know she’s telling the truth.
you bring your other hand to your mouth to cover your broken sobs and moans as she sucks on your clit. “unnie, please…” you whisper as you feel that familiar feeling building in your stomach.
“no.” she pulls away for a second and immediately goes back. she keeps the same pace going for a few minutes, teasing you until you’re about to cum again, than she stops. she comes up wiping her chin and licking her lips.
“no more, please. i can’t…” you beg her to stop, but you know you wouldn’t mind if she kept going.
“i don’t care. you’re going to take it until i feel like stopping. understood, whore?”
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lissrissye · 4 months
𝔗𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔡𝔦𝔡𝔫’𝔱 𝔪𝔢𝔞𝔫 𝔦𝔱, 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔰𝔴𝔢𝔞𝔯…
osamu dazai, nakahara chuuya, & ryunosuke akutagawa
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𓆩⛈𓆪 synopsis ; you are in a heated arguement with them, and suddenly, they yell something that offends you. but… they weren’t thinking straight, and they attempt on making it up to you afterwards. they never meant to hurt you…
𓆩⛈𓆪 notes ; i might begin to do angst, however, im unsure yet. most likely I’ll be switching between angst and romance/fluff, they’re my favorite genres ! if you want to request any, just comment and i’ll likely to respond in a instant !
𓆩⛈𓆪 genre : angst, slight fluff at the end
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♡ OSᗩᗰᑌ ♡
You and Dazai have gotten into an argument. In the beginning, he just had an awful day at work. He told you several times to just leave him be, but you were concerned of course, so you kept approaching him, asking him if he’s okay and if he needs anything. You were just being a loving girlfriend, but he was not in his right mind right now. He proceeded to respond negatively to your consideration, not appreciating it at the moment. You, however, you were stubborn. You continued to offer him snacks to relieve stress before he, out of the blue, yells at you.
—“Jusy shoo, you’re pestering me! I don’t need you to care for me.” Your detective boyfriend huffed and rubbed his temples. Of course, he meant none of it, he just wasn’t himself at the current moment. Despite knowing this, it still felt like a punch in the guts. I mean, you were just trying to care for him, was that so bad? The mere moment he heard you sniffle slightly, visibly shaken by his scolding, he feels remorse slap him in the face. And yet, his pride won’t let him admit he’s wrong first— at least not now.
However, he then notices you began to keep a distance from him and he instantly felt troubled, since he knew it was all because of him. Your brunette lover approached you as you were cooking in the kitchen. You avoided his touch as he tried wrapping his arms around to for an embrace, and it only made him frown. How is he supposed to make up for this one?
—“Hey, hey, woah… why are you moving away from me? Belladonna, you know I didn’t mean what I said, please forgive me… I’ll make it up to you, what do you want? Come back to me…”
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♡ ᑎᗩKᗩᕼᗩᖇᗩ ♡
You and Chuuya often get into arguments, yes. It’s often because he was short-tempered, and you both always make up. Though, today was quite different. It was like any other argument. You and your love began to give each other the silent treatment and per usual. You went out to avoid him while he just drank his worries away. Normally, Chuuya would’ve swallowed his pride and apologize by now, so that was the first strange thing. Perhaps he was just extra stubborn today, you had no clue, but you were definitely perplexed. Despite his pride, he would still apologize first because he was possessive of you.
—“Stupid woman, always botherin’ and startin’ arguments with me. So fuckin’ annoying, for the love of god.” You heard you PM executive beloved renting about you to someone in the phone. You didn’t like it at all, not one bit. You stormed off, feeling childish and sensitive for letting your ginger-haired boyfriend get under your skin so effortlessly with just a few words, but that kind of crap still hurts, so who could blame you? I mean, your own love talking shit about you hurts like hell, doesn’t it?
The next night, Chuuya returned from work and went to your guy’s shared bedroom to see you sitting on the mattress, fetal position with the blanket all the way to your lips. You were visibly upset, and Chuuya already knew why. He sighed as remorse ate him from the inside. With his teeth, he took his black gloves off, then approached you. You were a bit stubborn and turned away from him, which he wouldn’t let slide, as he grabbed you chin roughly.
—“Hey, my pretty girl… don’t give ‘m that attitude, you know I don’t like it… don’t you dare look away from me either. Look, i’ll say it, I’m sorry. You can stop sulkin’ now, you know that it makes me feel so damn bad…”
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♡ ᖇYᑌᑎOᔕᑌKE ♡
Oh good god, what did you do to make Akutagawa angry at you? Well, it wasn’t necessarily your fault. You accused him of cheating at first because of how distant he’s been with you recently. He was offended really, and started to raise his voice at you, which led to bickering, then you two ignoring eachother at the Port Mafia. Akutagawa either gave you a slight scowl or disapproving look when he met your eyes, and you did the same. You both were too stubborn to apologize first. Akutagawa went and complained about you to Tachihara.
Then, when you both had to go on a mission together, Akutagawa scoffed and crossed his arms. He purposely kept a distance for you and stared indifferently. —“You’re an pathetic… I should just leave you in the dust. You just distract me anyways.” The Diablo spoke, making you feel really terrible, like a brutal slap on the face. Your dark-haired boyfriend didn’t even realize what he was saying because he was so agitated right now, all because of an small accusation. This all could’ve been avoided if one of you would just apologize…
—“You know, I only dated you because I felt pity for you. You kept chasing me like a mutt, and—“ Akutagawa continued before pausing, coughing slightly, then realizing you had stopped walking with him. That part what he said was actually partially true, he only started to date you to shut you up since you kept following him around and telling him how much you love him. Though, one part he didn’t include was that he did start to fall for you in the end. Now, because you mean something to him, he felt instant remorse and sighed, turning back to see your reaction.
You were obviously hurt as you notice your lover looking back at you… concerned? Tears already rolled down your cheek, then dropping to the ground. You wiped them away quickly since you didn’t want to look vulnerable, and just continued on with the mission in silence. —“God damn it— sweetheart? I didn’t mean it… it’s not like that, I promise you it isn’t… if it makes you feel better I’ll— uhh… apologize.”
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norrisleclercf1 · 9 months
charles who is all of a sudden SO cranky and irritable. with carlos, fred, even pierre and joris. but only 4 people know his biggest secret. arthur, lorenzo, pascale, and joris. everyone else is just SO confused on what the hell his problem is all of a sudden and how he needs to snap out of it last week. but what they don’t know is that his little baby girl is in hospital, so so so so so sick, nonstop crying, having trouble breathing. just overall looking so pale and sickly and cha can’t help but worry about the worst. and the babe ends up being in hospital long term, between critical care and intensive care, down to a unit for babes who are less sick but then bouncing right back up. maybe she needs a procedure done to help, and she’s so little she can’t say many words but she’s very clear about wanting dada. so on a wednesday on race week he takes a red eye flight so he can cuddle his babe and hold her hand before/during them taking her back. i’ve seen those pics and i’m sure cha would be this dad where he’s just lay on the bed with the babe to hold her. and she’s a level 100 clinger when it comes to her daddy. and when she’s asleep on his chest (he would take his shirt off just so she feels closer and safer) he looks over to you who looks equally pale, and crying. tells you to climb in and you both fall asleep in the babe’s hospital bed on a wednesday morning.
but then he misses media day, misses free practice day. everyone is worried. fred still doesn’t know why he’s not there. he just up and vanished and won’t answer his phone, even arthur isn’t there for f2 currently.
post procedure on a thursday evening, she looks a bit better. and cha besides with momma that they’re done with secret keeping. so he makes a littol post, about him and his littol family, all lying in the hospital bed together. and it shocks EVERYONE because he’s never mentioned it or anything like it, no one had a CLUE. but yeah littol baby girl is still admitted in the hospital come friday evening, but doing better, so he makes the v difficult decision to go race.
(side note: he gets pole and wins the race that week…for his girls)
momma and baby girl post a pic of them watching together in his merch 🥺 but while he’s away he’s having gifts delivered every DAY……but when he’s back from a triple header you’re all of a sudden so cranky and irritable. cha thinks maybe you need sleep, space, love, but nothing works. you’re just so irritable…give it 2 months and we find out cha will be having twin baby girls 🥺
mwah kisses 💓
Woah, I didn't want to add onto this because it was so perfect and you should try writing it yourself oh my god I would love to read this! This was just perfect, I didn't want to mess this up. My god, just shocked at this masterpiece
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shaunashipman · 5 days
If there’s one thing I’m annoyed about is people calling Buck/Tommy shippers fetishizers because sure there’s probably some people being weird about it. But pot calling kettle buck and Eddie can’t breath near each other without someone saying it means something. Which is such a shame because I adore their dynamic, they’re so good for each other even with it being purely platonic. People also forget you can love someone platonically, it doesn’t have to be romantic.
Like yes most of what people are talking about are the kisses because they came with the main plot points of Buck’s story this season, Buck realizing hes Bi, kiss, Buck coming out to his friends and family, kiss. And I’m craving to see more of their dynamic on screen. I want to see them just existing in the space around each other showing how they’re just comfortable being in each others presence. I want the soft and quiet moments where they’re wordlessly comforting each other. Stuff like that.
And I’m tired of people saying “they’ve only been on two dates, it’s not that deep. It’s no where near as deep as Buck and Eddie’s relationship”. Well newsflash Eddie’s not a love interest, yes they have a deep connection but as of now it’s purely platonic.
I just want to enjoy this, Buck finally being happy for once and comfortable with his relationship. I want to see it grow into a well fleshed out romance, I want to see their dynamic grow and change and get stronger. Things take time and they don’t have that this season. And I’m tired of people being intentional ignorant to facts like that.
pretty much everything they say just makes me laugh, except the calling me a fetishist, which makes me go from 0 to enraged like that, especially coming from what is essentially children (many of whom I doubt are actually queer themselves, based on the harmful storylines they want to happen), who in the same breath say eddie pouring champagne into buck's mouth is basically a cumshot
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we are allowed to speculate on both pg and explicit scenes for them, if that's a problem, maybe the show is too mature for these ppl. may I suggest blue's clues?
they're so stuck in fanfic world, where everything is a slowburn, all-consuming epic love, that they can't comprehend that ppl can just? date? and get to know each other? you don't have to already be in love to go out with someone, you can just fancy them. in fact, that's how most of the world works. really worried for their ideas of relationships
anyway, considering these ppl try and claim that buck looked "confused" by bobby's approval, ignoring the clear smile on his face, I don't even think we're watching the same show. I am looking forward to their relationship growing, and all the good and bad that comes with it
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sethsclearwater · 7 months
Heyyy, can you possibly do a Paul or embry imagine for when y/n gets jelly about the attention they’re giving to someone else.
"and you know how he gets, he's always trying to figure out some stupid new patrol schedule," emily grumbled as she took a sip from the drink she had just grabbed, stretching her legs out across the beach blanket the two of you were currently sat on next to the bonfire.
you and embry had just arrived at one of the pack's near weekly beach bonfires and you were quick to go sit down with emily while jared dragged embry off to go meet some new person he had invited to the bonfire.
you hummed and nodded, "that new patrol stuff is really starting to get out of control," you added with a sigh, "they all look so tired all the time," you said softly, looking over at emily to see her also letting out a heavy sigh as she nodded.
before you could add anything else, you heard an unfamiliar girl's giggles and turned only to see embry and a girl who you'd seen once or twice across town. she was giggling and resting her hand on his chest, clearly oblivious to the fact that he had a girlfriend that happened to be you - sitting about 10 feet away from them.
embry didn't seem to be catching onto how touchy she was getting with him and just smiled at her. you wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, knowing she probably had no clue you and embry were dating but you couldn't help the jealousy that immediately crept through your veins.
emily's soft laughter brought you out of your own world and you looked back over to her only to see her smiling at you, "you gotta go get your man," she teased as she got up to go grab sam and you rolled your eyes, cracking a smile as you realized just how ridiculous the whole situation was.
as you looked back over at embry, you saw him quickly coming over to you, apparently having finally picked up on the fact that he was in a situation he definitely shouldn't have been in.
"'m sorry-" he started before you could even get a word out, coming to sit down next to you and take your free hand into his.
you couldn't help the smile that immediately crossed your face, quickly revealing that you weren't nearly as annoyed with him as he initially thought you'd be, "you're really slow sometimes, you know that?" you asked teasingly, sitting up so you could get into his lap and straddle him while you talked to him.
you knew it was a bit much but you really wanted to make sure everyone at that stupid bonfire knew he was yours.
"i know," he mumbled sheepishly, eliciting a series of giggles from you as you rolled your eyes and slid your hands up his chest, gently cupping his face in your hands.
you smiled at him one more time before you leaned down to press your lips to his and embry quickly wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him as you made sure all of la push was going to know that man wasn't available to anyone but you.
embry didn't seem to mind, gently tugging your lower lip between his teeth in what you believed to be a teasing matter that had you huffing against his lips, rolling your hips down against his.
embry let out a low groan against your lips, quickly parting his lips from yours when he realized he was most definitely going to end up cumming in his pants if he didn't slow down with you.
"don't do that again," you murmured as he rested his forehead against yours, both of you working to catch your breath. embry nodded, untangling his hands from behind you so he could rest them on your hips and gently squeeze them.
"promise i'll try not to be so oblivious," he whispered back, both of you letting out breathy laughs at his response.
you rolled your eyes, moving to get off his lap but embry held you in place and you shot him a confused look, "give me a minute," he mumbled sheepishly and you let out a rather loud laugh when you felt what he was talking about as an all too familiar bulge pressed up against your core.
"you really need to get it together call," you teased and he laughed softly, sliding his hands up your sides to pull you into his chest for a tight hug as he worked on getting his hormones back under control.
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