#the OG homewrecker if you will
ittybittyluci · 1 month
I just gotta ask!! Why do you think the reasons Lucifer's relationship with Lilith nosedived? How would YOU handle that aspect of the show were you involved in the show? Do you think Lilith is possessed by eve? Do you think he should/would get back with Lilith or try and move on, either just with Charlie or just being friends with her like divorced parents on good terms?
Oooo! Look at this, what a question! And I am happy to answer!
As for what I think the CANON reason for their relationship going sideways, honestly I have absolutely no idea. However, here’s how I would go about writing that (and it’s similar to how I touch on their relationship in my fic What Time Is It. It’s not centred around their relationship, just Luci, but they do have a small arc and I talk about their history)
Anyways. EHHEHEM!
To be honest, I think it would be extremely interesting to write a narrative where Luicfer became an uber depressed shut in, and Lilith didn’t know how to deal with it so she left. It would make a narrative of good character complexity that wouldn’t villainize either part, and would be pretty accurate to how poor mental can have a negative impact on relationships irl too. On one hand, Lucifer is hurting and needs support, but on the other hand they have a daughter and Lilith shouldn’t be forced to take care of him if it’s not what she signed up for.
I also like the idea of her just… not being able to fully grasp how much losing his home hurt him. The place she got cast out of was beautiful, sure, but the only other person was an asshole to her. Lucifer grew up w/ a family and people he cared about and wanted to do right by. She never understood how much that hurt, and this was never able to sympathize with him. Part of her views him as weak and sensitive, part of ehr feels BAD for thinking that because he’s her husband. In the end, however, she thought it would be best to take Charlie and leave because she didn’t want their daughter to see Luci so low.
Alternatively, Lucifer was so deep in his depression that he inadvertently ended up neglecting his duties as both a father AND a ruler, and pushing them on her. He loves his wife and child, but he spends most his time in his office. When he WAS near Lilith, he was clingy and desperate, and overly sensitive about everything because he was afraid that SHE was going to push him away too. Creating a sort of self-fulfilled prophecy for himself. However none of that is REALLY his fault because he grew up in a world where he was just supposed to be happy and perfect, where there was no real depression that anyone got help with, and the w as cats to a place where therapy was never really an option.
Ofc it didn’t start off that way, but as the millennia went by things got worse and worse until Lilith left, and Lucifer completely shut himself off from Hell, thinking his family (and any potential friends he MAY have made) were better off w/o him because he always managed to fuck things up.
Personally I think that’s one of the more compelling approaches the story could take. It just makes both of them feel more human, make u able to sympathize with them, and doesn’t completely villainize either of them. It’s just a messy, complicated situation that neither knew how to handle. But they both still love each other deeply. If they DID choose to go this route in the show, I think they COULD move forward if they just got better communication, and found someone to help them navigate the complexities of the relationship. Lilith would have to learn to be more understanding w/ Luci during his bad days, and Lucifer would have to work on himself to get better, and help take off some of the workload.
(As for what Lilith’s doing in heaven,.. honestly no real clue. There’s too much info we don’t know for me to make a guess that isn’t just COMPLETELY fanon. I kind of know how it would work into the above topic if I took some big leaps, but I don’t wanna get TOO outlandish w/ this post. So we’ll just leave that alone 😅)
Anyways, THANK YOU for this ask! It was so fun to write and speculate and PLEASE let me know what you think ;)
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lululeighsworld · 2 months
having several 'what if younger Gunter shows up to askr' brain worms all at once
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thefirstlioveyou · 4 months
melvins will try so hard to make you think they dont hate will because he likes mike/is gay… but then confuse the core four for the og party (discluding him), call him a homewrecker, put him in the trauma olympics with el to say he went through nothing, call him slurs, edit him out of canon screencaps, villanize him for being human and feeling hurt, villanize him for communicating with his best friend about how he feels or telling el not to lie to mike, etc.
and then gaslight fans for actually understanding the writing of the show, saying they’re reading too much, or you’re just using him for a gay ship. like shut the fuck up oh my god. YES, maybe his sexuality does tie with his character arc…!! why is that a BAD thing? 😭 genuinely, cause i don’t get it. his whole arc is described as a “coming of age” by the writers themselves. it makes sense why people would focus greatly on his identity…? the show does it itself!
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sukibenders · 1 month
Looking back at Girl Meets World, it will forever irritate me especially for how they handled/treated Angela. Oh this show really hated black women because how do you not only 1.) describe her, one of (correct me if I'm wrong) only few black and MAIN characters of the og show, as a "concept" 2.) have characters show obvious disgust at the small mention of her name 3.) depict her as a homewrecker for a new relationship that, really, shouldn't have ever happened 4.) have her old friends treat her like dirt and her old lover like she is the root of his problems, when there was nothing but positive love there 5.) reuse all the concepts from said previous love story just to elevate the new ship with a yte woman and 6.) compare her to Hurricane Katrina, one of the deadliest hurricanes that caused significant numbers of death, harm, misplacement, and trauma to people, largely of whom were black? Mind you, all these points I mentioned were toward the only main black character of the OG show before the spinoff, and the only, from what I can remember, black female character of the spinoff who didn't even stay long. Not even getting into the racist drama with some of the members on set, but you cannot look me in the eye and tell me that the way the show handled Angela, her story, and her relationship with the other characters + Shawn wasn't fucking disrespectful, you can't because I won't believe you.
#boy meets world#girl meets world#like this show had so many issues (from its depiction of autism to religious intolerance to supporting grooming)#but this was a whole other level#it was especially hurtful as a young black girl to see growing bc i really tried to like this show with its lacking diversity#but coming from watching bmw to this a show from the 90s that depicted a black character better than a 2010s show- u get my point#and its so wrong bc it depicts angela as being the one to end the relationship when all she said in bmw how she#didn't want to see her leaving as a goodbye and there was ambiguous hope for the future#also shoving shawn to be with maya's mom was really unnecessary#not only bc of how it depicted being raised in a single parent household so negatively#but that the only way to solve maya's problems was for her...to have a dad? like that really isn't how it works#i blissfully live in the delulu where angela and shawn came back together once she left europe and he eventually married her#after they graduated college and have a beautiful family together#shawn x angela#don't even get me started on how whenever there was a guest cameo it was met audience applause and happy reactions#but when it was for angela: crickets 😬#back to maya- i feel like it would have been better for her story if shawn didn't marry her mother (and was with angela) and u would see her#hope and wish for the opposite to where it nearly consumes her only to finally be sat down and informed that#even if shawn isn't with your mom he'll still be in your life as a father figure no matter what#i personally feel like that would've been better#but this is largely just s rant so forgive the structure of it al
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forever-eternal · 2 months
hi!! I was wondering if there was any random headcannons you had about either states or Adam and Robin
I have a few off the top of my head :D
-- Adam and Robin are both Very Asexual, and only attracted to each other. Trying to be a Homewrecker with these two will end horribly.
-- Greg is an undead. As a human child, he met Adam and Robin a few times. When he died in a horrific accident as a young preteen, they brought him back and adopted him.
-- Greg is mute!
-- Boe (WV) has a pet rosy maple moth named Rosie
-- Boe is Best Friends with all the WV cryptids.
-- Boe is dating John Deere! Boe is the Jack Hoffmen of States and I will die on this hill.
-- Ivan and Gabriel (Alaska and Texas) are really nice guys, and kinda shy, but they have epic mean faces and can make themselves appear very intimidating.
-- John (Georgia), despite being Gabriel’s height, is too nice and Teddy Bear to intimidate people unless he’s angry. Then people remember that a Teddy Bear is still a bear.
-- Ivan and Gabriel learned to be scary from Adam. Man is Dad To The Max, but he is still the Personification of the United States, and he can be terrifying when he wants to be.
-- Adam and Robin make all their kids stuffed animals, with the animals name sewn on one of the limbs
-- Ian (Florida) and Robin have a running tally of who had football-tackled more police officers. It’s currently a tie.
-- Adam has met Santa Claus.
-- Countries being on good terms does not mean the Personifications are! Several Government and Assistant Personifications are not allowed to be in the same room as Adam or Robin, it’s attack on sight.
-- Adam and Robin can replace people they erase! I implied it in ‘Must Be Mistaken’
-- Robin eats people. It’s not cannibalism, since she’s not human, but she does eat people. Adam too, but only sometimes.
-- The basement of the Jones Residence, where only Adam and Robin are allowed to enter, is full of trophies from people and personifications they’ve killed. The walls look like the French catacombs with all the skulls.
-- Adam and Robin also engage in human experimentation from time to time! Remember the chimeras from Full Metal Alchemist? That type of stuff. They only do it to bad people, and they also just don’t care. The only humans Adam and Robin care about are their family members.
-- If Adam and Robin ever die, they can never be reformed. Getting the exact same fragment from Eternity or Infinity is impossible. Other personifications can reform as the same people, Governments can not.
-- Robin represents in small parts of the Government; the interns, cubicle workers, receptionists, all the little pieces that make everything run. Adam is the big pieces; the President, the Senate, the HoR.
-- Adam’s immune system is trash and it has always been trash 👍 that will never change.
-- The OG’s had to teach Adam and Robin how to act human, blinking, chewing, breathing and all.
-- No one knows that Adam and Robin are fragments. Only other Fragments know. All the Politicians know is that they’re terrifying and Will Eat Them.
-- Adam and Robin are petty as hell and have a ‘Petty Schedule’ to determine who messes with which politician this time. This is reserved for the people who annoy them, but they aren’t annoyed enough to hurt them.
-- Adam has been torn in half by a cannonball before. He has also been shot, stabbed, blown up, burned, and I’m sure there are other things he has yet to talk about. Only Robin knows about most of these.
-- Adam and Robin can regrow limbs! If they break a bone, and manage to get away for a few hours, they’ll just cut it off and let it grow back good as new.
-- Adam and Robin can either have no organs or too many of one specific organ. Or whatever they think is funnier at the time.
-- In Verse, ‘The Thing’ is based on a witness that saw Robin eat someone. She looked freaky as hell and had the time of her life.
-- Adam and Robin have multiple forms, which I have talked about already in a previous post.
-- Adam and Robin are so in love it gives me a toothache
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minecraftbookshelf · 10 months
The LiveAndLetRain Master-Master Post
Because tumblr search function is notoriously unreliable, to the point im struggling to find my own things when i want them for reference so im making this, mostly for myself but if you want to use it go for it!
That being said, my tag for my original posts is #rain rambles
I tag all the Technoblade memorial art I reblog with #technoblade never dies (specifically the memorial-vibes art, so this is a bit subjective but just a heads up if this is something you want to avoid)
I am on AO3
This is my pinned post on my main which is an index of all my fandom specific sideblogs
The AU In Which All the Marriages Are Arranged/Marriage of State AU Empires SMP Season 1 AU featuring fantasy agricultural economics and linguistics and arranged marriages that cover the full romantic-platonic spectrum. This is my major project, currently. Everything relating to it an be found under the tag #marriage of state au and the master post has important posts, fics, art, and organizational tags linked on it.
Avatar: The Legend of Jimmy Group discussion and brainstorming post that has spawned at least one au, and some fic and art
Adventures in Grian-Napping (Life Series Urban Fantasy AU, Complete) - Tumblr || AO3
Limited Life Oneshots - Tumblr 1 2 3 || AO3
The Elements of an Inter-Dimensional Prison Break (Life Series & Evolution SMP AU taking place overlapping and at the end of Limited Life, WIP) - Tumblr Part 1 Part 2 || AO3 || Summarized [Currently in stasis while i rework it and revamp it]
To Walk A Mile In Each Others Shoes (My take on the concept of Double Life soulbond pairs sharing physical traits and abilities over the bond) - Team Ranchers || Team Box || Dessert Duo || The Boat Boys || The Homewreckers || Bad Math || Tilly Death Do Us Part || AO3
Gone Fishing (Life Series Urban Fantasy AU ft. Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss + Martyn. Oneshot, Complete) - Tumblr || AO3
Flip-Flopped Hermits (ficlets written for the hermit fanon swap prompt meme) - AO3 || Tumblr - Hypno & Stress Cub & xB and Pearl & Mumbo (bonus Grian) Gem & Impulse Etho & Bdubs
Concerning Patterns Out of Context Snippet from Future Fanfiction Shortform 3rd Life Ren & Joel Compare/Contrast Repeating Patterns: Smajor, Ren, & Martyn 3rd & Last Life Ethoslab & LDshadowlady Final Death Scars || The Diagrams Thereof: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Martyn's Betrayal Watcher Lore Meets Hermitcraft Recap Rain Judges the Watchers for Feeding Inefficiently Middle Child Jimmy Solidarity Evolution/Life Family Tree & Relationship Web (Updated version at the bottom of the post) Falling Birbs This one messed up my notifications inbox for like two days and it is specifically inthelittlewoods fault Life Series Wing Headcanons 3rd Life Flower Husbands: Fated Tragedy Scott Smajor Has Been Spiting the Watchers Since Third Life The Ship Burns Everything Burns The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same
Life Series Lore/Bit Poll OG Edition (Season Specific Follow-up Coming Soon!) Watercolor Sniffer Skizzleman Skizzleman Does Whatever A Skizzle Can The True Potential of Empires S1: Scott and Gem's kidnapping MCYT Wings: Grian || Jimmy Solidarity || Pearlescentmoon || Philza || Illumina || Hannahxxrose || Geminitay (not wings but close enough) Mumbo Jumbo was the EvoSMP Escape Plan All Along Empires S2 White Collar AU For the Poor? My Most Correct MCC Opinion The Price of Being Birb
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streaminn · 10 months
og au, streamer enid, and its not really a normal prompt, but it lingers in my mind 24/7
that is all :D
It takes Mika a bit to realize and like maybe it's her fault but can you blame her?
Oh my god, she thinks. Oh my god, she thinks again.
"They're married," she utters to Isabelle.
The siren actor furrows her brow and she tilts her head. She's a gorgeous Divina, Mika thinks before immediately shaking her head and getting back into track.
"Wednesday and E Addams," she punctuates and she pushes up her sunglasses to rub at her eyes. "it was so clear they aren't flings, Isa! They're married." her hands flop around before she presses it onto her eyes. "all those books about werewolves and a human it's about her wife and Wednesday!"
Isabella blinks.
"oh endespair is going to be heartbroken," she murmurs, a lil frown on her face.
Mika stares, her mouth agape. "Isabelle, I just told you my idol is married and you're thinking of your streamer!?"
The siren actor shrugs and she's smiling. Oh, Mika thinks. She's trying to make light of the situation.
Mika punches her fist against Isabelle shoulder anyways because dangit girl she's panicking! Now is not the time to gush about another werewolf!!
"ow! I'm just saying miks- endespair is really down bad for wednesday!"
"and I'm saying E and Wednesday are married! Nows not the time to bring up a potential home wrecker!
A gasp. "you did not just call Endespair a homewrecker."
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chelemlem · 5 months
please i love the love island AU!!!! some questions if you don't mind: 1) if lando/carlos were the runner's up, who won first place? 2) what was lando's reaction when he realized oscar is helping him 3) was oscar ever jealous watching lando crack on with other folks and what did that look like 4) WHO DID OSCAR FIGHT AAAH
HELLO ANON 🧡 ofc i don't mind !!!!
1. going off irl popularity it was probably maxiel lmao. even tho it's hinted daniel gets kicked i can see him having a midseason ~comeback a lá molly marsh in s10 a lá real life
2. tbh ! i don't think lando is toooo aware exactly how much oscar "helped" him... he's like okay sure oscar has a soft spot for me but also my longevity on the show is prolly bc i'm a good actor (he's not) and the public find my twinkish gremlinisms endearing (they do)... meanwhile oscar is behind the scenes cherrypicking edits to ensure he comes off as likeable and inducing chemistry w his partners via tswift soundtracks
3. WELL in my hc oscar's been working on love island for 2-3 years already and is extremely clear-eyed about the Showmanship Of It All and contestants Faking Sentiments To Secure The Bag but sometimes he'll be watching back footage of lando getting it on in a challenge all [bored professional voice] "yeah it's a good shot keep it in" and some1 (logan) has to be like uhhh m8 you're like. crushing my notes. let go
4. honestly this is up to interpretation lmao! timewise i see it happening right before the finale so it makes sense tensions are running high
THANK U FOR THE ASK <33 i had a lot of fun imagining how the grid would operate in love-island specific scenarios (casa amor homewrecker sharl anyone???) sgndkd i hope some of the subtler details came across (eg. lando "picking" george for the date implying he was an early bombshell vs one of the ogs). i love talking abt this au so feel free to ask as many qs as u want lmao <333
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oliveroctavius · 5 months
Did you check out the first issue of the new Ultimate Spider-Man? I'd be curious to see your thoughts
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I was planning on letting it pass by me, zen-like. I kind of... disapprove of the entire concept. The more redundant universes Marvel creates (note that I say redundant, in that I like some AUs with recognizably different heroes and story lines) the more it approaches a DC-like level of story fragmentation, where nothing has to matter and everything runs on vibes. Every new restart survives an even shorter amount of time. It's a death spiral.
But alright. I may not know who Hickman is but some other people seem to like him. I'm Charlie Brown, the new title is a football, here's some of the whistling my foot makes as it flies through the air.
First off a disclaimer: comics are into longform storytelling these days, so almost nothing happens in this issue by design. This is a setup, not a story. I can point out some pettier dislikes, but I can't know what might turn out well yet.
I get that this is going to tie in to the Maker, but calling this USM is a bogus decision that is going to cause so much confusion down the line. It's like they didn't want to admit they were setting up yet a third story. See above grouch about redundant universes.
Uncle Ben being alive instead of Aunt May is a hell of a decision. But I like Hell Of A Decisions if they're pulled off with confidence. I miss og USM's ponytailed gentle old hippie Uncle Ben, I admit. He had a surprising amount of characterization, which I always liked about that series.
I... do not get... why they are homewrecking Robbie + JJJ for Ben. Like, I'm kind of offended on Robbie's behalf. og USM already put some of Robbie's plotlines into Ben--I mean, Ben Urich's hands, but this is more based on 616, isn't it? Robertson's personal moral compass and how that interacts with his job and his safety and his journalistic ethics AND his relationship with Jameson's short-sighted tendencies have been the core of his character for 60 years. Could we not think of something new for Uncle Ben to be doing instead of overwriting an existing character relationship and adding next to nothing to it? And Robbie's there and just kind of fine with the Kingpin's proposal as far as we see so far. This is probably my biggest complaint.
The kids could be an interesting element, but we don't really see any of that yet so it's purely potential.
The Harry fans seem to like this new Harold and his visual design so far. I suppose he's not fully flavorless but the flavor that is there is like. Salt and pepper.
MJ could stand to look older and have more characterization but that is not an original observation. Wait, she's definitely based off her 616 self and not her USM self isn't she? God why DID they call this USM, this is a structural publishing nightmare
The Goblin design is what people think the Raimi goblin costume was, which is not exactly a compliment. Also I *know* I'm the Goblin Fan but are there, really no other villains you could think of to open with? No? Is this the only plot point that's ever going to get adapted over and over again? Maybe it will be good and I'll be glad, I think! And then imagine Charlie Brown and the football again.
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Another thing that really got me was the churning camera angles on some of the simplest scenes here. I respect the dutch angle hustle, Chechetto, but if I'm feeling seasick while trying to follow a scene where people have a conversation while sitting down then you might want to rethink your strategy.
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To misquote Roger Ebert for a second, "the penciler has learned from better comics that artists sometimes tilt their panels, but it seems he has not learned why."
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sapphire-weapon · 7 months
I’ve been a Leon fangirl since middle school (so… 13ish? 14ish? I don’t remember) and I kept seeing many people misinterpret his character from all spectrums of RE Fans. The ones that are neutral, don’t like him, or love him a lot all misinterpret him as this dude that flirts with every woman he sees.
So when I came across your blog, and seeing your meta stuff on Leon plus your latest posts about Leon (and the damn fact that the wiki on his page is filled with LIES?!?! Like wow, now I don’t want to use fan wikis more than ever, so thank you so much for bringing that to a lot of fans’ attentions especially when most of us used the wikis for information on stuff) made me go, “finally! Someone who doesn’t treat Leon as a “ladies man” as canon fact instead of a headcanon!”
Now, there is nothing wrong with flirty Leon, but it felt like a headcanon that got spread around the fandom as “canon” when it isn’t.
people who see him that way, i think, are too stuck on RE4 OG. because if RE4 OG was still the most recent canonpoint, that interpretation of him would be accurate. leon basically hits his peak sluttery in ID, and then it dramatically drops off a cliff. because, like. he IS a slut who tries to fuck hunnigan, looks up ada's dress in RE4, and openly declares intentions to homewreck shen may's relationship. but then he chills the fuck out after shen may won't cheat on her boyfriend with him lmao like he fucks ada prior to damnation, but that seems like a cooling off compared to his other shenanigans.
so i think of it kind of like this:
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remake leon, who's not a whore at all and therefore cannot have his sluttery get mapped out, has a different chart entirely:
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but people in this fandom are, by and large, stupid creatures who don't think that there are two timelines with OG and remake, so they just slap the slut label on every version of leon, which is just simply incorrect.
leon is the most complicated character in all of resident evil, so i'm not surprised to see him get as misinterpreted as he does, but. i get ur frustration.
and i will be here "old man yells at cloud"-ing with the truth until i can't anymore.
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mrsbsmooth · 11 months
Honestly, if Lewie switches and wants to give whoever he's with a chance, I think I'm fr gonna be done with him 😭 Like that for me would be the last straw. At that point I wouldn't even find it worth it anymore and I WISH FB would have a leave the villa option because my ass would leave right after. Because there's no way in absolute HELL my already heartbroken ass is going to stay there and watch Lewie crack on with another woman for my heart can get broken EVEN MORE 💔
Like if he switches and sees that mc is back and he drops whatever girl he's with (if he even switches) then okay, I'll possibly forgive him. BUT and I mean big but, if movie night comes and I see that he was doing some funky stuff while I was away it's over too. Because there's no way you almost dropped the L word, said you wanted me to meet your family and said so many more things that were so sweet for you to be going around cracking on and doing whatever else not even 2 to 3 days after I left🧍🏻‍♀️
I’ve gone back and done a loyal Lewie route through casa because I felt bad for doing bits with Andy. But god damn I’m about to get badly hurt 😭
Don’t forget though, Lewie thought we’d gone home. Also he probably thought he’d missed his chance with us and that we wouldn’t be interested in anything BECAUSE he didn’t follow us out. He’s all up in his own head and spiralling a bit. Accidents happen, especially in the LI Villa, and these Casa girls can be absolutely vicious. They know they’ve gotta get back to the villa at all costs and right now Lewie’s an easy target. He’s sad, he’s lonely, he’s probably being egged on by the other boys, and for all he knows, the alternative is staying loyal to a girl who’s already gone home. That’s a really hard situation to be in.
If he immediately drops her and comes back to us I’ll be absolutely over the moon and thrilled and will put this season up there with my favourites just for that. If he doesn’t, I’m gonna really struggle to see how an OG LI route is redeemable in any way.
I don’t want a man who tells me he wants me to meet his Nana and cheats on me two days later. I don’t want a man who cheats on me and then says he has to give the other girl a chance. That’s not how relationships work in the real world.
If he cheated IRL and we found out, he doesn’t then have to date the girl for a period of time to find out if he’s got a better connection with her.
Like, NO, babe, I found you out, now make your fucking choice. Chase after me and beg for my forgiveness, or stick with the homewrecker. Them’s your options. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
I would love to Kevin and Shawn at Halloween! 🥺
If you didn't want this to be ship fic, I apologise.
The Og Husbands- Halloween
Kevin frowned as Scott snickered at him. "What? What is your issue?" Kevin bites. "You couldn't of just been a werewolf?" Scott asks. "No, because it wasn't what Shawn wanted. And you can't say much you've literally dressed up as yourself!" Kevin protests. "Why spend money when I have the costume already?" Scott smirks as shawn walks in.
Shawn looks up from his script at the low whistle. "Oh hi scotty" he smiles. "Give us a twirl chica" Scott smirks, earning him a shove off Kevin. "You look gorgeous doll" Kevin smiles moving forward. Shawn tilts his head back and smiles. "And you look handsome" "for a grandma" Scott teases. "Well he can't just be a normal wolf Scotty! It's little red riding hood and the big bad wolf! The only thing that would separate him from a normal wolf would be the grandma look" Shawn explains. "And I will not let someone dressed as himself judge my boys costume" Shawn hums moving past both men.
"You lucky that little skirt makes you too distracting to be angry at" Scott mutters. "Eyes up scotty" Kevin orders. "Whats kid and hunter dressed as? If you say theirselves I will cry." Shawn asks. "I actually don't know. I haven't seen them since the show" Kevin answers sitting on the bench. He watches as shawn puts his script in his bag. "It any good?" Kevin asks. "Oh yeah, I'm apparently trying to sleep with Diana. Perfect little homewrecker I am" Shawn huffs. "If only they knew" Scott huffs as kevins hand lands on the back of shawns bare thigh. "They'd have a fit" Kevin snickers. Shawn shakes his head and leans over to adjust the shower cap on Kevin's head, making sure the dog ears are visible.
"Tonight will be a blast, if the boys hurry up" Scott groans. "Their costumes better be good, they've been gone for an hour" Kevin huffs pulling shawn into his lap. "They probably don't have one" Shawn shrugs adjusting his hood. "I feel like this would make a really weird porno" Scott comments watching his friends. "Your mind always in the gutter Scott?" Kevin smirks. "With you two? Of course" Scott chuckles as the door opens.
The trio look as the two other men walk in. "Jesus christ" Shawn huffs. "The undertaker and Paul bearer? That's your big costume idea?" Kevin asks. "Well, kid forgot to pick up our costumes like I asked and we were panicking about what to do when we saw the deadman, with your kid by the way, and knew immediately what we should do" hunter smiles adjusting the hat. "Youve left John with taker?" Scott asks. "They get on really well, I trust the big guy with John, John feels safe with him, my babysitter cancelled as you know its Halloween and she's one, watched two many slashers about babysitters and Halloween and two a teenager who will be out drinking and I was telling taker about it and how imma have to cancel tonight when he said he'd take him as he has no plans." Shawn explains. "His room is on our floor aswell so we can get him easily and he had no Halloween plans anyways, said he was either going to use the hotel gym or watch tv" Kevin adds. "And everyone else is out celebrating. Not that I would like to leave John with the harts anytime soon. Maybe Owen or Jim. But not the others." Shawn comments. "Is he gutted he can't go trick or treating?" Scott asks. "He was at first but once he found out he can still dress up and taker offered him pizza and sweets and he immediately cheered up" Shawn smiles as he stands up.
Hunter looks at Scott. "Are you dressed as yourself?" He asks. "Oh please your literally dressed as you own coworker because you forgot to buy a costume" Scott snaps. "Of course kev and shawn are the only ones with decent costumes" Sean huffs adjusting his tie. "Only because shawns been planning this since last Halloween." Kevin smirks as shawn flips him off. "Its the only time of the year were we can dress like mugs or sluts and no one can say anything" Shawn states. "You dress like a stripper every day" hunter points out. "And people always say something about it" Shawn nods as hunter proves his point. "Hey, I don't care, he looks good and if we time it right I can have some fun before we have to pick up squirt" Kevin smirks squeezing shawns hips. Shawn shakes his head. "Cmon let's go before it's too late" Shawn huffs. "Yeah, thanks for taking so long dickwads" Scott smirks pulling Sean into a headlock. "Atleast you three have a group costume now" Kevin smirks. "Im kinda glad. Otherwise people would think me and Sean has a couple costume like you two" hunter winces causing the others to laugh as Sean acts offended.
Kevin leans against the bar. He didn't see the joy of Halloween as a kid, but then again he's from detriot, however as he looks at everyone on the dance floor in their costumes he can understand.
"Earth to big guy" Shawn calls. Kevin looks down at the smaller man. "Mmm?" Kevin hums. "I need my big bad wolf to join me on the dance floor, otherwise my costume makes no sense." Shawn smiles. "Really now?" Kevin smirks taking shawns hips into his hands. "Mhm. Unless you wanna go trick or treating instead, but John will be really mad that we did" Shawn smiles. "I guess I can dance. As long as its nowhere near the three dumbasses" Kevin huffs. Shawn giggles and looks at them. "They coulda done the three musketeers if they were smarter." Shawn states grabbing kevins hand.
Kevin downs his drink before allowing Shawn to lead him away. He will never turn down a chance to dance with shawn.
Unlike the others, shawn and Kevin don't stay out long.
He takes his jacket off and slings it over shawn on their walk back to the hotel. "Next year you should be a lumberjack." Shawn yawns. "Yeah? What will you be?" Kevin asks. "I don't know. Maybe I'll let you pick" Shawn smiles taking kevins hand and pulling him towards the hotel elevator. "Now that, that I like" Kevin smirks leaning against the elevator wall, pulling shawn close. "Reckon John's driven taker up the wall?" Kevin yawns. "No. My baby is a sweetheart, gets it from me" shawn states. Kevin can't help but laugh. "Sure baby, sure"
Shawn shakes his head and leads Kevin towards their hotel room. "Want me to come with?" Kevin asks opening their door. "No no. Just get his clothes ready for him to change into. We will only be a minute" Shawn smiles kissing kevins cheek before walking down the hall. Kevin smiles before walking into their room.
Shawn hums to himself as he walks down the hall. He stops outside takers door. It's quiet. He knocks and waits. He smiles as the door opens. "Your back early" Taker comments. "Yeah, decided we'd rather watch a movie. Has he been good?" Shawn asks. "Yeah, a real angel. He's asleep. He's eaten and fell asleep during the first minutes of whatever movie he put on." Taker explains opening the door more. Shawn smiles slightly as he spots John curled up on the bed. Taker looks at him. "Would you like me to carry him?" Taker asks.
"No its okay. Thank you for watching him" shawn smiles moving in and gently picking John up. John snuggles close to his Papa. "Its no problem. He's a good kid" Taker smiles. "He is." Shawn whispers. Taker watches the man before speaking. "Ill see you tomorrow shawn." Shawn glances at him and smiles. "You too Takes."
Kevin yawns as he pulls the shower cap off and ruffles his hair as shawn walks in carrying John. Kevin smiles at the captain America costume. "Out cold" Shawn whispers with a smile. "You want help?" Kevin asks. "Nah. Find a film" Shawn smiles laying John down on the spare bed. They always requested a cot to be put in their room for John. It wasn't always that way. John and shawn used to share. But, things change.
Kevin turns the volume down as he surfs channels and shawn changes John into his pj's. Shawn tucks him in, whispering his love to the boy before moving towards the bathroom. He stops and glances at kevin. "You coming big bad wolf?" Shawn smirks. Kevin drops the controller and stands. "I think I'm starting to love halloween" Kevin smirks. "Better have picked a good film" Shawn yawns moving into the bathroom. Kevin glances as the tv tells him nightmare on elm Street is on next.
"You know it baby" Kevin smirks before moving too the bathroom.
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nothirstonmain · 5 months
- 🎀
There's two :D
The og tag is the og. then the other one's also trying to get with kaito
mess. chaos. etcetera
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homemade-ghosts · 2 years
What do you think about the obstacles Tim mentioned in the interview? Something about Gina being upper class now, that surprised me and that people who watched the documentary will have opinions on them (I assume bad? cheating allegations? I don't know I never seen a plot like that tbh) For some weird reason and I'm a very negative worrier person I'm not worry
When Tim said Gina is an “upperclass person” now, I think he just meant that she’ll be a junior (in high school, typically, freshman & sophomores are considered lowerclassmen + juniors & seniors are upperclassmen) not in the socioeconomic sense.
Based on that hilariously awful/inflammatory doc trailer, if I had to guess, I’d say Channing made it look like 1. Ricky’s plan was to “steal” Gina from EJ (he was tasked with the ‘jilted ex’ role, after all) & 2. Gina cheated on EJ with Ricky. We know he has Ricky looking jealous & walking out after pw sang “Love is an Open Door”, nearly the entire “What Do You Know About Love?” performance, Ricky & Gina hugging at Color War and Ricky getting pissed off at him backstage mid-show (with Gina in the background) all on camera — so, it wouldn’t be hard for him to manipulate that footage and string together a narrative that Rina, potentially, had some kind of showmance-turned-romance behind the scenes.
I could see him editing it in a way that’s open to interpretation for the audience, though. Like, within the show, there are people who watched the doc and think Ricky pursued Gina and might blame him for EJ & Gina’s breakup & there are people who don’t. &/or maybe there are people who think that Gina cheated on EJ & they blame her. & there are some people who, maybe (hopefully?) see through all the bs, ship Rina & think (rightfully so) that EJ was responsible for the pw breakup + they just weren’t right for each other. I hope I’m making at least some sense here lol — basically, viewers within the show see the doc and have differing opinions, a parallel to how fans in real life react to hsmtmts itself.
It would be funny if they had the characters reading people’s tweets about the doc and being like, “This is the worst take I’ve ever seen.” / “I never said that!” / “Did they even watch the documentary?” I can just imagine someone calling Ricky a “homewrecker” in a tweet because, after seeing the doc, they think he came to camp to “get Gina back.” & him reading it like, “What?? C’mon, that’s not even remotely what happened!” & Carlos responding with something like, “That doesn’t even make sense. We all know EJ wrecked that home all by himself.” All of which would be a direct nod to how pws/rinis consistently invent non-existent plot points & misunderstand/misinterpret the show in real life.
We’re getting the OG HSM cast, playing a version of themselves playing their HSM characters in an HSM 4 movie that’s being filmed at East High, which the kids will all be featured extras in — all while they put on a production of HSM 3: Senior Year. Tim & Co. are clearly not afraid to go full meta, so they might as well take it one step further and include a representation of the actual show’s fanbase reacting to the doc the way some people react to hsmtmts irl. I’m not going to pretend I wouldn’t be laughing my ass off watching these characters put #them on blast for getting the show so completely & utterly wrong. 
(Side note: did reading all that hurt your head? Because it hurt mine. There’s a lot of layers to the meta aspect of s4, I’m just hoping I explained them somewhat coherently.)
I know a lot of people wanted Ricky & Gina to be secretly dating in s4, even before s3 aired, and I think there’s a possibility we might get that. If the documentary becomes as huge as they’re setting it up to be, and part of the audience thinks Gina cheated on EJ &/or that Ricky “went after” Gina, then maybe neither of them wants to be seen dating in public because they know that, if someone caught them, it could potentially be used against them to confirm the “cheating” storyline/rumors. The upside of that, for us at least, is that it could lead to some cute private dates that Ricky plans at his apartment because they can’t go out.
& maybe school is the one place they can be a couple in public, post-doc release (no press allowed on school grounds) but then surprise! HSM 4 starts filming at East High soon, which means there will be cameras everywhere and they’ll have to navigate that. Do they keep trying to hide their relationship? Or do they just say “screw it, who cares what people that we don’t even know think about us.” (Hint: if they go this route, it’ll be the second one.)
I’m not sure that I particularly love this idea, but I can’t deny it could be entertaining to watch and it sets Rina up with an immediate obstacle in their relationship that’s relatively easy to overcome.
Apart from anything doc-related, I’m sure there will be some discussions about their future. Ricky’s graduating this year and Gina will still have one more year of high school left after that — but I feel like s4 will pick up close to where s3 left off, so they’ll still have nearly an entire school year to figure all of that stuff out. 
Tim has been building Rina for three seasons and he talks about writing for them with so much excitement, that there’s “a world of opportunity for them to explore.” So I’m not worried either, anon. I think whatever conflict that’s presented to them will, in the end, just serve to prove how well they work as a couple.
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litgwritersroom · 2 years
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Picture Perfect
Siobhan - 1900+ words - @banirareiko
Jakub is dumped from the Villa, and has a surprise meet with old flame Siobhan shortly after. Their time in the Villa was short, and can hardly be described as sweet...
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When Lottie decided to save Noah from being dumped, Jakub’s fate on Love Island was sealed and he would have to leave the villa in the same night. That actually annoyed him to no end. The fucking public was his demise on the show. The public, for fuck’s sake. How could they possibly vote off a confident, fearless and overall a total catch like him? Just how could they?
Also, spineless Noah out of all people being saved over him? The hell?
Jakub left the villa angry. Very angry. Not only he couldn’t even get the woman he wanted, but he also was remembered as the villain. The troublemaker. The homewrecker.
And after Casa Amor, the player.
Wasn’t the goal of being a bombshell on the show to step on toes if needed to find the right one? Wasn’t the goal of the Casa Amor days to crack on with the new girls?
Jakub did exactly just that. And yet, people still disliked him.
I swear to God if this is about Siobhan–
Ah, right. Siobhan. Hope 2.0, even. Skin dark and smooth and sweet like chocolate when he ran his mouth teasingly on her, but personality bitter and dry like plain cocoa powder. Actually, he should rephrase that. Siobhan was once actually pretty spicy and flavourful like mole sauce, which was the entire reason why Jakub could see Hope in her. If he couldn’t have Hope, then he would settle for someone who looked like her.
Siobhan, in fact, humoured him and welcomed his advances with open arms (and a day later, legs), even after he had eaten her friend Emily out the first night the new girls arrived at the villa. Even when he had told her how much she had reminded him of Hope. Even when he never promised to bring her back into the villa, despite the popular assumption around the villa that he would (he never made such a statement, in his defence).
And yet, Jakub thought Siobhan should’ve known better that he wouldn’t bring her back, and this wasn’t even personal. Siobhan just happened to be a Casa girl, and unfortunately, couldn’t measure up to an OG like Hope. She should’ve known, and maybe then she wouldn’t have thrown such a tantrum and literally chucked Bobby’s wooden spoon at him (which she narrowly missed; the poor thing ended up in the pool in the end) when Jakub declared at the stick-or-switch recoupling that he would much rather be with Hope.
That was when he decided Siobhan was bitter and dry. Emily just sorta let bygones be bygones (eventually) after he pied her off, but Siobhan couldn’t even take a rejection that was never personal to begin with, and that changed her image in his eyes completely.
Oh well.
It wasn’t like he would have to ever see her again anyway. Bristol was too far away from Rochdale, after all.
“Zabinski, mate, you ready? Your photographer just arrived and got the gears ready. Shoot starts in ten minutes, so get that costume sorted in a bit, ya hear?”
“Aye aye,” Jakub waved one hand dismissively at the production assistant who was sent in to check on him, his other hand fumbling at the side zipper of his bull costume, “I hear ya. Be right there.”
Jakub’s ego had suffered a massive blow following his unwanted exit from the Love Island villa, but thankfully, a modelling offer sent his way had somewhat helped smooth things over for him. If anything, this was proof that he indeed was still an influential figure in the entertainment world. The theme of the photoshoot was “bull in a china shop” – Jakub vaguely had an idea of what that meant and the lowkey dig at him, but hey, he was already out of the villa, so he might as well just live up to that name and show them that at the end of the day, he was a brave and fearless man after all that happened on the show.
He especially was pleased with the way his muscles bulged in the bull costume, if he was honest.
Today’s photoshoot would be a blast. Or so Jakub thought.
No flipping way–
“It’s been two weeks. Missed me?”
Why is she here? And why the fuck is she standing behind the camera tripod–
The woman behind the tripod grinned almost too wickedly to Jakub’s liking, and that made him a little uncomfortable.
He dry-swallowed.
This has got to be a joke. Why would they get her out of all people–
“Let’s be professionals and introduce ourselves properly, shall we?” the woman extended a hand, and when Jakub shakily took it into his in a handshake, he felt as if there were invisible pins in her palm pricking at his skin.
“My name is Siobhan. I’m your photographer today. Pleasure to met you, Mr. Zabinski.”
Jakub was feeling uneasy the entire photoshoot, as much as he tried to put on a straight face and keep his behaviour professional.
In fact, he was scared shitless. But he would never admit it anyway.
In all honesty, he’d rather Siobhan was a proper cow to him. But no, his former Casa Amor flame had actually been keeping everything strictly professional, even as far as instructing him on which poses would look best on him and taking her hand camera to follow him around to get the best angles she could get for his shoot.
What bothered him the most was that he just had this irrational fear at the back of his head that she would wreak vengeance on him at any moment, when he least expected it.
It never happened.
When the shoot was over, Siobhan simply nodded at him in acknowledgement, before packing up her equipment and leaving the scene.
For some reasons Jakub couldn’t understand, he actually felt terrible. Like, really terrible. He wasn’t sure it was because he just saw Siobhan again and she acted as if nothing had even happened between them, or it was because his conscience was starting to kick in and tell him that he had, actually, been a terrible person during Casa Amor because there would be no way did Siobhan deserve to be played by him like that.
He went with the former, because he never once believed himself to be a terrible person after all. He had been true to himself. And being true to himself was never a bad thing at all.
A few days after the photoshoot, Jakub got an email from Siobhan, containing all the photos she had taken at the shoot that she mentioned she edited.
The tone of her email was professional. She had conducted herself professionally at the shoot. There was nothing for Jakub to be scared of. At the very least, Siobhan had shown herself capable of doing her job the way she should, and by the time the photoshoot was over, this had given Jakub a sense of security, in the end.
As Jakub clicked the folder open, fear and anxiety filled up his eight-pack abs. All sense of security he had had from Siobhan acting professionally evaporated in less than one second.
Every single photo of him had marks drawn all over his face. Marks that he couldn’t remove because she had embedded them into every single pixel of the photos.
“Player” written in bright red, “Liar” in blue, emojis with the letter X for eyes in green– Siobhan had ruthlessly used his face like a fucking brick wall for her masterpieces in digital graffiti.
Jakub was fuming. Before he knew it, he was already furiously typing a response to the email demanding Siobhan undo her vandalism of his precious, pretty face.
Inside, however, he was bricking it as he hit the “send” button on his screen.
Please, Siobhan, don’t do this to me.
Siobhan wasn’t surprised when her Macbook loudly pinged, signalling a new email in her inbox, less than ten minutes since she had sent Jakub her prank folder to get some payback at him for playing games with her.
Sure, she was a Casa Amor girl, but she was still as valid as any of the OG girls. She deserved a fair shot at finding herself a connection with someone. She deserved to be treated with respect.
And the way she was led on and played by Jakub was far from respect.
She really thought he would bring her back to the villa. Everyone thought that, too. And he legit couldn’t make the excuse of never saying it to her. Even if he didn’t make such a statement, his actions were more than indicative that he would switch for her, and it had given her hope at a shot of being with someone she genuinely had chemistry with.
Jakub was deceptive and a massive tool, and Siobhan had to learn it the hard way.
Hence, when she got the assignment to be his photographer for some modelling deal, she decided that she would teach him a lesson. She would carry out her duties professionally like she had always done with her previous clients to give him a false sense of security, and then strike him where it hurt, when he thought he was safe.
The same way he had played her.
Humming to herself, Siobhan leisurely took a seat in front of her Macbook to check her new email that obviously came from Jakub, a pleased smirk twitching at the corner of her mouth as she leaned back and twirled a lock of her straightened hair in her hand.
From: Jakub Zabinski
To: Siobhan Uzor
Re: Photos from last week
Do I have to beg?
An audible, airy laugh escaped Siobhan’s plump lips as she hit the “reply” button.
In all honesty, Siobhan wouldn’t actually send these prank photos to the magazine. She, in fact, had already sent the properly edited photos to the editors a few hours ago, before she even made these prank edits. She had a reputation to uphold as a professional photographer, even when freelancing, after all.
But wouldn’t it be fun to fuck with this meathead who had toyed with her on national television using her personal email?
Siobhan thought it would. This blond carbon copy of Emmett Cullen would probably be way over his head to realise which email she used to send him the prank photos anyway.
From: Siobhan Uzor
To: Jakub Zabinski
Re: Re: Photos from last week
Hello Jakub,
That is for you to see for yourself when the next issue of the magazine comes out, seeing how you love to play mind games with people around you.
PS: How does it feel to have a taste of your own medicine now?
A genuine smile appeared on Siobhan’s face as she gently lowered the screen of her Macbook, then shut it with a soft click. Jakub strung her along back then, and she was happy that she decided to stand up for herself just now.
Siobhan could almost see in front of her own eyes Jakub fuming in frustration and probably ripping a shirt of his or two to let out the steam, once he found out that she never actually sent the magazine editors the prank photos and only sent them to him just to fuck with him, and for the first time since she left the Love Island villa, she felt fulfilled. Satisfied.
Siobhan leisurely took a sip of her steaming jasmine tea and sighed contentedly.
Say cheese, Jakub Zabinski.
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ben-the-hyena · 2 years
Things that are canon in the Wacky Races universe to tell friends out of context and watch them stare at you in disbelief thinking you're joking
OG Dick Dastardly (the original show) is actually the son of Machines!Dick (Dastardly and Muttley in their Flying Machines) and the father of reboot!Dick (the 2017 reboot). In conclusion there are 3 Dick Dastardlys, and 2 of them fucked
Reboot!Muttley has a lot of sex appeal in-universe who married 3 times (a wooden statue, a pizza and Shelly from Jabberjaw), dated a lot and even dated Dick's cousin
Machines!Dick is still alive despite having fought during WWI and has pigeon-related PTSD mixed with a slight dementia
Reboot!Dick has a big cock
Reboot!Peter Perfect has a yandere fangirl who already took pictures of him in his home and under the shower and regularly tries to kidnap him
Reboot!Penelope Pitstop is holding in all her rage under a nice façade due to family pressure and is scary, violent and cusses a hella lot whenever she snaps
Little Gruesome/Bella dated a girl during the 1930's who looks like his brother who left him for Charlie Chaplin
Reboot!Dick might be bi since he keeps flirting with crossdressing reboot!Peter even when finding out it's him and so might be reboot!Penelope since she is just as charmed as the guys by sirens singing
OG Penelope used to work for OG Dick Dastardly's fast food restaurant and her job was peeling potatoes which she hated because he was an awful boss...
...YET she has been secretly in love with him all along and apparently still is
OG Dick tried to run for UK Prime minister
Mumbley and Dread Baron from Laff-A-Lympics are respectively OG Muttley's cousin and OG Dick's twin brother
Reboot!Penelope has an evil, hotter, goth twin sister
Might not be canon since their names are different but reboot!Penelope's mom looks and acts a lot like OG Penelope and even races and dresses uo like her which could imply there are 2 Penelope Pitstops too... and that she was a shit mom who pressured her to choose her job and be nice all the time and feminine
The Dastardlys were/are aristocrats and were inbred through the centuries
A Roman senator ancestor was named Dickus Dastardius
OG Peter is a proud homewrecker who fucked Wilma Flinstone as well as a cheater to Penelope and a misogyne who needs his girls thin and feminine
According to OG Penelope OG Peter is lame as hell in bed
Red Max doesn't fear prison because he has "high" friends
The Red Baron existed in that universe and not only was on Machines!Dick's side since he fought for the Germans but also was lower in rank compared to him since Machines!Dick was a colonel while Red Baron was "just" a captain
Reboot!Dick secretly suffers from depression and hates himself and that's literally the plot of several episodes in the 2017 reboot, and seems to have family pressure too and resent his father for whatever reason
Reboot!Penelope is fluent in goat because he nanny was one
The Pitstops own a business in literally any field : transports, water, energy...
The Hooded Claw has a beef with the Dastardlys
When OG Dick and Dread Baron were born they looked so fugly the doctor slapped their mother
Reboot!Dick comes from Hoboken which earns everyone's pity and pretends to be English
Had the reboot not been cancelled it would have ended with a multiverse type of movie
Reboot!Muttley is secretly a secret agent with a Russian spy partner horny as fuck for him who just can't stand reboot!Dick
Machines!Dick's wife, whom we never see, collects haunted dolls which terrified and traumatized reboot!Dick and gave him a doll phobia
OG Dick knows how to make creatures of Frankenstein
Anime girls kissed OG Muttley and OG Dick during their Hawaii
OG Dick tried to own the Red Square
Reboot!Dick initially didn't want reboot!Muttley because deep down he prefers cats no matter how he treats cats like ammo
The Wacky Races literally own the racers and treats them like slaves and owns their souls and plan to replace them in case of a problem with clones they are developping. The contract also stipulates that at your first white hair you have to retire or you would scare the audiences with your age
The cancelled season 3 of the reboot planned a whole episode that made fun of the fandom durinh a convention with fans adoring Dick, 0 fans for the exclusive characters, fans complaining over and over about changes, inconsistancy and new designs etc
Reboot!Dick's Bavarian cousin loathes pretzel for having grown in a family obsessed with pretzels since it's the family business so she kidnaps and enslaves her cousins and the other racers to work in pretzel mines in her place
Reboot!Dick fucking dies in an episode and resurrects out of spite when he sees everyone would have been happier in a world without him
In an alternate future races becole forbidden, reboot!Dick becomes a hippy and reboot!Muttley is the dictatorial president who created that law
There is another alternate future in which reboot!Dick rules over the world
Big Gruesome/Tiny has a minotaur wife he neglects and forgot about
Reboot!Dick has a yandere 6 years old fan who already drugged and kidnapped him in the truck of her car and let him alone and scared in the woods in underwear all while taking pics of him in secret. And he becomes her proud mentor and friend despite knowing
OG Dick did circus (like his father too coincidently) and was very in love there with his trapeze partner but she ditched him for the feline tamer. He never forgot about her not got over it which may imply he never liked his new wife with whim he had reboot!Dick
OG Penelope has an unseen younger sister she loathes for being younger with a smaller butt. She also is a woman misogyne who thinks real women like feminine things and sees herself as perfect for these things
It's also implied her niceness is actually a façade since it's implied she talked/paid/seduced/anything judges so that the one time OG Dick won to her she got him disqualified, uses feng shui as an excuse to throw away whoever she dates' belongings she doesn't like etc
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