#ss: ktjl
finniestoncrane · 4 months
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who would i be if i didn't gif the reveal of digger "canonical long dong" harkness?? 💙🪃💛
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This guy pouts. 💀
(It’s a little cute. 🤔💕)
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Captain boomerang is the smelliest loser to ever grace my timeline
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passwordispassword · 24 days
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bobert-man · 2 months
Keep speaking truth to power Mr Flag
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ryukiravenwing · 2 months
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Rough draft of my Boomer from SS:KTJL. I need to shorten his neck a smidgen and make a few adjustments when I do the final draft of it, but still really happy overall. 😊
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kisixteen · 3 months
Something important for the Flasherang fan base!!!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
If you want a song added to my Flasherang playlist, lmk! I'll add it! I try to add a lot of songs that make the playlist longer and more enjoyable for others! -kis
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an1m310v3r11 · 1 month
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Ah two very gross men, can't help but wonder who's top and who's bottom...seems to go both ways 😏
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waynzel · 2 months
id like to say smthn
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thatpinknerd · 25 days
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New art style alert. Of course I needed to draw my baby gurl 🪃🦘I’m still perfecting the style but I really like it.
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kingmlem · 4 months
So (unsurprisingly) I got KTJL. ....I'm not thrilled?
Spoilers below for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
Mlem's take
Gameplay is mostly fun, but repetitive. Beat one mission, go on support mission, bust up five emplacements along the way between them. It's fun for a bit, a good game to shut your brain off and just wait on some bad guys with combat that kind of feels cool, but don't expect to be playing it for days and days on end.
For a supposed continuation of the Arkham games, it's surprisingly detached from them, while also relying on them for marketing and other random story bits. The Batman connection, yeah it's there, but it's not a focus. You get small bits of what Bruce did after AK, and Harley has some things to say about all the events of previous games, but like... That's it?
Some people view the way the Justice League was portrayed to be disrespectful, and I can understand that. I'm not saying I agree/disagree, but I can see where they're coming from, as most of the League acts rather blasé about their indoctrination. Which.. brings me to my next note...
All the characters seem a little... One note? Harley's crazy, Boomerang is the 'hobo-uncle,' Shark is the 'gentle-giant,' waller is the stone cold warden... And that's it. It bugs me because GK, which isn't connected in any way shape or form, gave Harley a better personality than Suicide Squad. The voice acting saves some of it, granted. The banter sometimes garners a chuckle, but still stays within that lane of 'what the character is.'
Why. Is. Eddie. There? Why and how? I loved the mechanic of finding trophies and completing challenges in the past Arkham games, but this honestly feels like a slog. It feels like another way they're trying to jam this connection to Arkham down our throats...
It's not worth the price they're asking. Seriously. It's not. Wait for a sale if you desperately need this game.
DLC is sometimes glitchy. I got the deluxe edition (long story,) and it took me emailing the company to get it attached to my account. Other people were having similar problems, where DLC just wouldn't show up, but would suddenly drop into their game randomly. (This does not bode well for future purchasing powers.)
It didn't need to be a Live Service game at all. There is no way in-game (that I know of) to earn in-game currency, unless you shell out more money($5-$50) on top of the 70/100 bucks you spent on the game. And according to the devs, it's all only for cosmetics... Which would have been better as DLC, rather than Live Service. If they were planning to release content after launch, then I firmly believe the way to go would be season passes, instead of tokens you can use all of once before needing more/another.
It doesn't... Feel like there's any substance... Just a bunch of tips and tricks thrown in a huge map. It feels like it's meant to dazzle/distract you a bit, if I'm honest...
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finniestoncrane · 4 months
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He was butthurt. 🪃
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I know I was complaining about his costumes but he kinda…. Ugly hot 🫣
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royalarmyofoz · 19 days
debra wilson in ss: ktjl when she's covered in blood and yells i'm your daddy now! 🥵
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bruce leaving a hologram message telling tim how proud he is of him and telling tim to find the other batboys, and how if they work together they can conquer anything, even the currently mind controlled justice league ... and then to immediately see this on the floor
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