#finnie gifs
finniestoncrane · 1 month
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something something save a horse ☢️
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obscurevideogames · 26 days
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"Nigoro-buna" -
Finny the Fish & the Seven Waters (Sony - PS2 - 2005)
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angel-tot · 1 month
Bath Time ! 🧼 ( ≧ᗜ≦)
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by littlefinnysplayroom
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((Dni banner by - @tinyowlet ))
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kangtaehyuned · 2 months
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For distant cousin of ceil, what about his cousin having similar figures as him, like having blue hair and eyes.
And the child could look similar to ceil but different hair color because they inheritaned their fathers hair color.
Can you do the phantomhive residentes reactions
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Lookalike Son | Yandere Black Butler x Distant Cousin Mother Reader
It's not likely that you’re kid is going to look all that much like Ciel. After all, you are a distant cousin of Ciel’s, the only real connection that ties you down is only on paper. But by the off chance, your little tike happens to look like Ciel it’ll be even harder to break away:
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Ciel Phantomhive
He’s more than pleased that this child looks like him
What better way to ensure your connection to him than through them
Making it impossible to argue against legal forums when its quite obvious to some degree that you all are related
It does get on his nerves when people keep mentioning 
It and he might even imagine himself being in the position of the brat your child
“Hmph. At least that child is good for one thing.”
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She thinks it's cute 
And in her wandering imagination, she thinks of some scandalous reason for this 
But in the end, she doesn’t mind
It just means your desire to leave is completely off-grounds
“Awww it's like havin’ a cute little version of master, yes they are!”
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He would be skeptical about the situation if your kid hadn’t had those features
But nothing Ciel does is wrong anyway so that just proves it
But he does enjoy seeing an almost younger version of his master running around
Makes him think about the future you two could have together
Specifically five of your own running around
“Family’s family so don’t fight.”
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He’s thrilled that there’s a child around anyway
He doesn’t really care about that really
All he’s got to worry about is making sure he’s gentle with you and the baby
It is a baby in his eyes+
He’ll just have to burn all that extra energy by smashing those eager suitors Piles of trash
Otherwise he’s more than happy that you really aren’t leaving 
“Awww come on little bird lets fly!”
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loveliestlovelygirl · 4 months
Everything You Hear
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finnick odair x fem!reader
synopsis: celebrity escort, finnick odair makes weekly visits to the noble woman you serve. sometimes, things between them get really loud at night. you hate to admit just how many times you've put your ear to the bedroom door, imagining he is yours instead.
w.c: 1k+
highlights: {minors dni} in-universe, implied sex-trafficking, sexual content, voyeurism, secret pining made known, confessions
When Finnick Odair knocks on the entrance door of your lady’s Capitol penthouse, you are to answer immediately and allow him inside, give him a place to sit and food to eat. In your care, he does not want for anything while your lady is away. You are to ensure that he is comfortable and ready for her arrival.
Which is just what you do when he drops by unannounced while she’s away at a banquet. You recognize the sound of his closed fist beating against the door. He knocks only twice and then waits. Opening the door, you find him leaning against the wall with his legs crossed and hands in his pockets. His sea-green eyes scroll up your body, landing on your face.
You curtsey. While Finnick is a familiar face to you, he is a celebrity to all of Panem and worthy of your respect, even if he’s your lady’s escort. You’re not entirely sure why she has a relationship with someone like Finnick. She never speaks of that with you, and you don’t ask. It’s not your place to ask of such things.
“Finnick,” you say timidly as he walks past you towards the long sofa in the parlor. “Is there anything I can get you?” In the past, you had called him Mr. Odair to show your reverence for his celebrity, but after a while, he insisted you use his name. That still makes you feel special every time you think of it.
His smile is so wide and so bright. You don’t understand why he looks so happy to see you. To him, you are nothing. In comparison to him, you are nothing, just a servant of the woman he pleases.
“Just a glass of water with—”
“Three ice cubes,” you finish for him.
He smiles again, oh so brightly. “You remembered.”
You give a soft nod before disappearing into the kitchen. You fetch a clean glass for him and fill it with cold water from the filter. You drop three, exactly three, large ice cubes into the glass, and walk back to the sofa. When you deliver it to Finnick, your hands shake. It’s rare you’re so close to him. Beside him you’re blinded by your adoration for him and his glorious presence so much so that you forget yourself and lose track of how long you stand there before him. By the time you realize you’ve been staring, he’s sipped half the water.
Finnick pats the cushion beside where he sits. “Have a seat.” It’s not a question. He’s given you a command. And you have no choice but to answer him. You’ve never sat beside his golden body in all of the times you’ve entertained him briefly.
His white shirt hangs open just a tad too much. Finnick wears one necklace that’s shaped like and arrowhead. Is it meaningful to him? Or just a fashionable expression. What you know with certainty is the chest that bears it is strong and so lovely. Has your lady ever taken a moment to appreciate his beauty like this? Or simply enjoyed the pleasure of his company.
“Why are you nervous?” he asks, turning his body toward you.
He must have picked up on the way he makes you tremble so. Or how you can hardly look him in the eye when he’s talking to you, trying to protect yourself from falling for him even more. Someone like you could never fall for Finnick Odair.
“It’s nothing,” you dismiss, too afraid to reveal your heart to him.
“I think I know,” he says smugly.
“I promise you, you don’t.”
Finnick leans back and stretches his arm out on the sofa top. “It’s all in the eyes. You can’t hide it.” He leans in close. “Just admit it. You feel something for me.”
Inching away, you shoot him a spiteful glare. “You’re awfully sure of yourself.”
“Comes with a price, you know.” He gets even closer to you. “It all makes sense to me. I come here all the time. I’m nice to you. I flirt with you. It’s only a matter of time before… you want me.”
You laugh lightly, uncomfortably because… it’s true. He’s a perceptive guy. He certainly didn’t win the Games at fourteen because of his good-looks and old-world charm. But you realize that-- all the times he looked at you just a little too long, offered you a bite of his food, or complimented you—he meant to woo you. You’re sure he has some ulterior motives, for why would he want anything to do with a servant girl.
When his fingers lightly graze your shoulder—it’s the first time he’s ever touched you—you let out a whimper. You get this bubbly, hazy feeling in the pit of your stomach. How you’ve longed for his sweet touch.
“But you see… you’re a little different than those on my weekly ‘to-do’ list. You can’t offer me anything in return. But I think—I think that’s kinda nice, don’t you? You’ve always been kind to me when I’ve offered you nothing in return but a little flirting. You’re a sweetheart, you know that right? Pretty too.”
Your face heats up. You feel it on your cheeks when he calls you pretty.
“So… call me sometime? I know you have my number. You’ve probably have it memorized, right?”
Of course, you do. But you’d never admit to it. “Finnick, what are you saying?”
He leans over you, his chest touching you back as his lips move close to your left ear. “Everything you hear… if you want it, can happen for you. I wouldn’t mind. Intimacy when both parties have no secret motives… is a luxury I’m not typically given.”
“You’re offering me… sex?”
He shrugs. “If that’s what you think is happening in the other room. It’s up to you.”
You search his face for answers. His mysterious smile tells you nothing at all. How could someone like him not be afforded the luxury of intimacy. From what you’ve heard, he’s intimate with many. You wonder what he means by secret motives. What could he mean?
“Just think about it,” he teases, “when your ear is pressed against the door, and you hear her crying out my name. That could be you, anytime.”
Those words sink in, crashing into your soul. For a long time, you’ve yearned for him. You suppose he understands exactly why.
The things you’ve heard when you push your ear to your lady’s wall or the door. The beautiful sounds of what happens in the other room. Is it finally your turn?
add yourself to my taglist!!
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pxndragvns · 15 days
▪ ───── His Butler ⚔ Scheming ───── ▪
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shinigami-mistress · 2 months
Repeating the Past?
In chapter 210, we see Finny running away with the children from the orphanage. As he is running, Finny is having flashbacks from his past.
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What's interesting to me is that Finny's past has never been completely revealed. We know that Finny, along with other kids, were in some sort of facility as 'subjects', and the scientists started to kill the kids.
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Somehow, Finny escaped and ran into Our!Ciel and Sebastian.
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It was never clearly explained or shown what happened to the scientists. There has been a theory that Finny had to kill to escape.
Now, Finny is running to escape a facility that has been using children and willing to kill. He's having flashbacks.
If cornered, it's possible that Finny will relive that day he escaped, and we might see exactly what happened. He might do to the staff of the orphanage exactly what he did to the staff.
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plague-of-insomnia · 4 months
seb and finny taught snake to read 😩😭
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Yandere Black butler how would ciel , Finny and Sebastian react if their darling was in love with someone else ?
Ciel Phantomhive
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There is no doubt that Ciel would already have knowledge of his darling having their heart set on someone other than him. He does have Sebastian watching their every move, learning everything he possibly can about them and their life after all. From the very moment this other opposing person comes into the picture, Ciel would be planning their demise, whether that be their general death or the downfall of their own reputation as well as that of their family, or both highly depends on just how offending he finds this person. And he finds them very offending, as anyone would when their darling is concerned.
Ciel wouldn’t let the fact that his darling’s heart belonging to another would affect him as much as it truly does. When he first found out he was obviously not pleased but he would try his damndest not to let it show. Around his darling he would still be chivalrous and gentlemanly, even when the other person they were in love with was around he would act courteous and cordial but it would of course be fake. As much as Ciel would want to berate and insult the very person who is in his way of having his darling completely, he would restrain himself in the company of others. But you can bet he’ll still find a way to humiliate and belittle his target nonetheless.
If by chance his darling had been able to keep their love for someone else hidden from him and especially Sebastian, Ciel would be completely blindsided upon finding out. Especially if they were to have announced their upcoming marriage to said other person. Ciel would want to act impulsively and he even may do just that by having Sebastian steal away the darlin, most likely killing their lover in the process. But overall Ciel would want to handle this fragile situation very diligently and methodically. He doesn’t want to miss a step especially having not been completely aware of there being someone else in his darling’s life, let alone their heart.
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Finny would be completely heartbroken learning that there was someone else who had his darling’s heart. He would be a sobbing, inconsolable mess. His usual bright smile and happy demeanor would diminish. Finny would be understanding at first because of course you wouldn’t be able to love a monster like him but he still can’t help but to love his darling with his entire being. All it would take is some choice words from Baldroy, Mey-Rin and even Sebastian to give Finny the courage to keep fighting for his darling’s affections. And also a little tea time with Tanaka too.
Finny couldn’t possibly ever imagine giving up on his darling. No, even if they did love someone that wasn’t him he would never stop trying. And with Baldroy, Mey-Rin and Tanaka all there to cheer him on, supporting him in his endeavors, Finny would feel unstoppable. If he was angry enough or even desperate enough he would have no problem getting rid of his problem altogether; his darling’s lover. It wouldn’t take much after all, not for Finny to do even a shred of damage to the person stealing his darling from him. But that wouldn’t be his immediate go to. No, Finny would try to pull at his darling’s hearts strings first.
He would cry and beg them to not leave him alone. He’d plead for them to stay in his life, even if they do already have someone else in his place. Finny is usually an air head who isn’t consciously aware of what he does more times then not, but when he means to he can be pretty manipulative. Using his childish nature and sunshine demeanor to get his darling specifically to let their guard down only for him to guilt trip them into oblivion resulting in him usually getting his way.
Sebastian Michaelis
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Sebastian would be a little taken aback that he wasn’t able to swindle his darling away from whoever they had their heart set on before. He doesn’t take too well to the whole thing. He certainly believes he is far more deserving of his darling; heart, mind, body, and soul. This other person couldn’t possibly compare, all Sebastian had to do was show his darling what they were missing.
At first he may try and get into his darling’s head, getting them to question themself and their lover. Especially questioning whether this is the right thing to do or if this person is really what they seem. If that doesn’t work or takes much too long for Sebastian’s tastes he will further bring mistrust into his darling and their lover’s lives. He would try to seduce them, wanting nothing more than for his darling to actually indulge in him but if they weren’t to do so and were adamant of staying loyal to that someone else in their life, Sebastian would be pushed to the edge.
It’s honestly a surprise that he didn’t start with killing to begin with but no matter what this is where he’d end up either way. Even if his darling were to choose him before he got to this point, Sebastian would still end up killing their original choice eventually. Why not just get rid of the problem altogether, especially to ensure it doesn’t rear its ugly head up again.
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onmyknees4youu · 2 years
ALEXITHYMIA | Robin Arellano
Alexithymia Masterlist (Where you can find all the parts)
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 Author's Note: Heyy! This is my first story, EVER. So it may be bad, may not idk. Anyway, please leave feedback ❤️
Robin Arellano x enemy!FemReader
You watched as Robin wrapped his hands, his face blank in concentration. If it wasn't for him, the two of you wouldn't be sitting in detention with a teacher sitting at his desk, watching your guys' every move.
It wasn't like you guys were gonna do anything. You guys barely talk, besides the snide comments or the disgusted glares.
It all started when Robin got into a fight with Moose,  a crowd forming around them to watch. It was rare that fights happened at school, but when they did, they were the talk of the week. Shit— months.
Moose was desperately struggling to escape Robin, punches being blown to his face every second. He was going to kill him— you thought, your eyes focusing on how blood slowly started appearing on Moose's face. You didn't know if it was from Robin's hands, or the impact from Robin's hands. Nether less, you felt bad. So you did what nobody else was going to do, you ran up, shoving Robin off the poor boy's body. It sent Robin to the floor, a yelp coming out of him from surprise.
"Y/L/N, get out of here!" He shouted towards you, climbing to his feet. You rolled your eyes. He never seemed to say your name, always calling you by your last name or taunting nicknames to get on your nerves.
You don't respond, reaching down to help Moose up. Whatever he did— whatever Robin did— violence was not the answer.
Moose tsks as you grab his hand, slowly helping him up. "Your little girlfriend is against you, too?" He murmured. You cringe at his choice of words, dropping his hand in return. He's back in the same position he was from earlier. You kick him as hard as you can in the ribs, a groan erupting from him. Okay, maybe violence was the answer.
"What is going on..." Mrs. Green gasps as her eyes land on the scene, a bloody Moose on the ground, a bloody fisted Robin standing next to him and a ticked off you standing on the other side of Moose's body.
And that's how you guys got detention. There wasn't any actual proof of you guys placing your hands on him, but there were plenty of witnesses snitching. Some of the witnesses claimed that you guys did nothing. The principal didn't know what to believe, so he sent Moose home, and gave you and Robin a week of detention.
Robin looked up at you, his mouth forming a sly smirk. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."
You furrow your eyebrows, looking away shamefully. "You're annoying."
"That actually hurt, wow." He feigned offense, clutching at his heart before going back to wrapping his knuckles.
You stared at the clock, counting down how many minutes until you could leave. Just being in his presence, sickened you. It was bad enough you had a few classes with him, but having to spend an extra hour with him after school?
"You can never mind your business, huh? Nosey Y/N/N always butting into peoples business." He voiced. You turned to look at him, but his head stayed down, focusing his attention on his knuckles.
"You were going to kill him." You say, crossing your arms in a defensive matter. Your words catch his attention, he finally stops what he's doing, looking up at you. "I wasn't going to kill him, stop being dramatic."
You clench your fists, mumbling a few profanities. You didn't want to fight with him. Not right now. You just wanted to go home and scream into your pillow, take a hot shower and sleep.
"What? What'd you say? Speak up, cariño"
"I said you're an annoying little bastard who fights with everybody for no reason!" You say, loud enough for him to hear. You didn't want to bring any attention towards you guys, the teacher would probably make you guys stay longer.
He quirks his eyebrow up in surprise, not expecting that reaction from you. "It wasn't for no reason, he was asking for it."
"'Asking for it' are you serious? You're insane!" You shriek.
He shrugs in response, wiggling his fingers to make sure the bandage around his knuckles was supportive. "Why didn't you clean those earlier? You just walked around with blood on your knuckles?"
"No." He scoffs, placing his hands on his thighs. "I was held in the office all day, couldn't do anything till' now."
You frowned. School was around 7 hours. He sat in the office for 7 hours, bruises forming around his knuckles? Sure— you hated him, but you couldn't imagine having to sit in the office for that long. You felt a little bit of empathy for him. Not enough to tell him publicly and apologize, but enough to drop the subject and not argue with him.
You guys didn't say anything after. You continued counting down the minutes and Robin carved random things into the school desk with a random object he found on the floor. Time went by painfully slowly, but it went by.
You soon found yourself walking out of the school doors, squinting at the soon-to-be pitch black sky. You had to walk home. Your parents never had once picked you up. You've been walking home all your life, but not this late.
You hear the doors open behind you, a sudden voice speaking up. "Hey— you be careful, okay?"
Your face twists in confusion, swinging around to face Robin. He was joking. Right? He never talked to you like that, his voice usually had a rude or taunting hint to it, but there was no trace of that. Just worry.
Your eyes scan his face, looking for any sign of teasing but there wasn't. You gave him a tight-lipped smile, mumbling a small "thanks" before leaving, beginning your walk home.
What was that all about? Was he actually worried about you, or did he just feel bad that you had to walk home? You decided that it was probably the latter, he hated you and you hated him.
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finniestoncrane · 2 months
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obscurevideogames · 4 months
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Finny the Fish & the Seven Waters (Sony - PS2 - 2005)
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angel-tot · 2 months
A Week of Agere
🍊 ⊱ Inspired by @sunflower-stella 's post ; go show them some love ! ⊰ 🍊
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ๑ ︵︵ ๑ ︵︵ ๑ ︵︵ ๑ ︵︵ ๑
ㅤㅤ🧃 Make these as a mood board, stimboard, or just in words, etc.
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Day 1 - Favorite little activities
Day 2 - Favorite thing(s) to watch while little
Day 3 - Your favorite stuffie and their name
Day 4 - Favorite little gear you own
Day 5 - A character you headcannon as a regressor
Day 6 - A character you head cannon as a cg
Day 7 - Sea Creatures !
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𓆩 Use the tag #A Week of Agere Activities 𓆪
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pinkluhvv · 11 months
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[ Sebastian Michaelis x reader ]
[ he loves you? ]
[ she/her pronouns used ]
“Sebastian!” Ciel’s bratty tone rang through the hall, and an audible groan came from the young lady, this is the third time he’s needed something from Sebastian.
“No rest for the wicked, my dear.” He brushed it off with a laugh, turning and going to tend to his man child—I mean young lord, sorry.
And so the woman waited—for what seemed like the thousandth time—she stood alone once more in the empty hallway, awaiting her next 2 minutes of peace with Sebastian. She leaned back onto the window-cill and stared into the garden where Finnian played with Pluto.
‘Why’d they get so much free time together? It’s unfair really.’ She thought—even if they were making a huge mess, they were still having so much fun toge—
“What’s on your mind, my dear.” Sebastian’s voice rung softly into her ear—from behind her—his slender fingers resting on her shoulders his fingers trailing down her arms and grabbing one of her hands to interlock their fingers
“It’s nothing.” She whispered, her eyes trailing from the garden outside to their interlocked fingers, her anger slowly dissipating into nothingness. Sebastian hummed in her ear, pressing his nose into her neck—breathing in her scent.
“Hm. Are you sure? I’ll—” He presses a kiss to the skin of her neck, the lady tensing slightly under his lips, “—I’ll listen.” His voice was uncharacteristically soft—no teasing tone, or undertone.
“Genuinely, it’s nothing to concern yourself with.” He hummed in response to her words, and he ran his teeth over her neck until his breath mingled over her ear.
“Don’t worry. My young lord won’t be disturbing us any longer. He’s been sent out with Lady Elizabeth.” Her back seemed to straighten at his words, and she was going to turn her head to look at him, but with his other hand, he stopped her—his fingers gripping her jaw to keep her eyes towards the window. “Don’t look at me. This isn’t a good look for a butler.”
“Oh..” A quiet sound fell from the woman’s lips, letting her eyes fall closed with a sigh.
“Just relax and let me take care of you. You’ve been neglected of my affections.” He whispered over her ear, pressing a kiss to the shell of her ear.
“You can say that again.” He brought one of his fingers to press against her lips softly.
“Shh.. let me love you.”
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let's say reader somehow got away from the Black Butler crew and the apocalypse that you and got bitten into a zombie how do you think this would react?? also love your works!
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Bitten but not Free | Yandere Phantomhive Manor
Based on this AU
Maybe it happens at the very beginning of the apocalypse 
the panic of keeping you locked at your place of work or you’re just desperate to get home
But you get out much to their dismay
I guess you can be somewhat grateful for the apocalypse that keeps your coworkers’ attention divided
Whether you make it home or get bitten before then the zombie disease is going to claim you
Or maybe it doesn’t 
Imagine being found in your home preparing for your death 
Only for Sebastian to appear with an angry vein on his forehead
“So you thought a mere infection was enough to avoid us? I’m disappointed in you, (Y/n).”
What makes you think he hasn’t already done a blood test to see if you were immune
Silly (Y/n)
You’re sure to be chewed out by everyone in the manor
Treated like you’re the biggest baby 
For leaving the manor where you could have avoided this whole paranoic tirade 
It's incredibly demeaning when the pre-teen is joining in on the babying
“(Y/n) moping because of your plan failing is immature. Let’s instead play a game of chess, maybe then your pouting will cease.”
But heaven’s forbid you aren’t immune and you do succumb to the zombie
By the time you’re officially turned the entirety of the manor has found you and they are horrified
They feel like they failed
But the ever-so-smart Sebastian couldn’t be less worried
“Oh poor (Y/n)--I can hardly stand to see them that way, I can’t!”
“We…really screwed up this time…”
“I’m kinda glad we didn’t bring Finny…oh he’s going to be ruined, he is.”
“Everyone don’t despair, dry your eyes. Do you think our young master hasn’t already thought of this? That I haven’t prepared for this.”
In almost the same fashion Sebastian is already steps ahead within a day of the Zombie apocalypse beginning he’s already crafted a cure
After all, he is a Phantomhive butler and it’s a small feat to make a cure or at least a temporary solution
It doesn’t matter to him that you escaped
Heck he might’ve let you run just so he could justify giving it to you
The only problem now is that there’s the eyes of everyone in the manor
So he wouldn’t mind letting you run just so he could kick off his latest plan to keep you
He doesn’t want to change you
He’d hate that
The way you fight is part of the thrill
But if Sebastian and Ciel deem it fit they’re willing to ease it
Crafting a solution that will make you more sluggish
You won’t be a zombie but you’ll walk around like it
That is if you’re not with the group
Whether it’s a scented pheromone or a mildly hypnotizing technique
You’ll never want to leave again
It does not matter to them 
You will not be leaving 
Whether you’re bitten or not 
Those in the Phantomhive Manor will not be letting you leave them 
Or letting anyone take you away 
They’d rather turn themselves than let you leave them
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