#simon pegg icons
donamarocas · 2 years
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tuppencetrinkets · 2 years
Icons / The Boys, Pt. 2/?? 200x100 slightly sharpened.
Gecko - David W. Thompson #357
Gunpowder - Sean Patrick Flanery / Joel Gagne #950 
Hugh Campbell - Simon Pegg #1,300 
Janine - Liyou Abere / Nalini Ingrita #1,300 
Jonah Vogelbaum - John Doman #1,500 
Judy Atkinson - Barbara Gordon #400 
Lamplighter - Shawn Ashmore #4,300 
Lenny Butcher - Jack Fulton #800 
Little Nina - Katia Winter #2,200
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helyiios · 6 months
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the peggs have a severe case of being funny as fuck
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cherrycruise · 10 months
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greyangelpain · 3 months
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He radiates energy like no other
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yourdadshairychest · 8 months
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stevebuscemieyes · 1 year
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Shaun Of The Dead, 2004
Dir. Edgar Wright
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fellthemarvelous · 6 months
Has everyone in the Good Omens fandom seen Shaun of the Dead?
(I tweeted this and then screenshot it because I had more to say. Also if you haven't seen the Thriller music video by Michael Jackson then you're missing out.)
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It is very important to know that if you've seen Staged, you know that Simon Pegg and Nick Frost were both on the show together in one episode. They are just as close to each other as David and Michael are to each other.
Here is when Shaun and Ed finally notice something weird might be going on.
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They have no idea why this woman was showing up in their backyard and they just assume she is drunk. They were so drunk the previous night (Liz dumped Shaun) they don't realize they witnessed one woman completely bite a man's head off or realize that the person moaning back in reply to the song they were singing was actually a zombie.
Ed literally took the time to find one of those ancient cameras we had to use before the invention of the smartphone. And we know that everyone with a smart phone these days would be doing the exact same thing if this was happening right now.
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But Shaun also has this girlfriend, Liz,
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who is always third-wheeling on dates with her own boyfriend because Ed is never not with them. And the truth is that Shaun needs to make a choice because he can't have both, and Liz really loves him back just as much as he loves her, but Ed is basically Shaun's shadow.
Shaun and Ed begin a noble quest to save Shaun's mum (his stepdad was bitten by a zombie so it becomes necessary to kill him too but there is a flaw in their plan because Philip is still alive by the time they get to the house and Shaun isn't going to kill a living person so they have to add him to the car), to save Liz (only to realize David and Di are still with her and they don't want to be left behind so they get added to the tiny car), and to go to The Winchester (Shaun and Ed's favorite pub and the bane of Liz's existence) because it's sturdy with heavy doors and a rifle behind the counter.
And then all hell breaks loose because Philip finally turns into a zombie in the car, and it's Philip's car that Ed stole because he really wanted to drive it because it was a classic and the child safety locks are still on in the back.
They end up having to abandon the car after locking Philip in it.
They finally reach the pub by acting like zombies and hoping the other zombies don't notice.
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And if you have never seen this scene, it's the funniest part of the entire movie. It's iconic, and it happens to "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen. (Warning: this is still very much a zombie movie)
In the end, Ed gets bitten and later sacrifices himself to the other zombies so Liz and Shaun can escape a little easier.
And then at the very end Shaun is letting zombie Ed live in his and Liz's shed and they still play video games together, and even if Ed tries to bite him from time to time, Shaun yells at him and zombie Ed goes back to playing video games.
It still got the happy ending of a romantic comedy, and we never actually learn what caused the zombie breakout, and the zombie's best friend is taking care of him in the shed of the backyard where he and Liz will live happily ever after (we hope).
The movie ends with the song "You're My Best Friend" by Queen.
Also note: Liz's best friend Di is the only other one in their group to survive the zombie apocalypse but you only find out how if you watch the special features.
I think we need to be looking at Shaun of the Dead a bit closer.
And Hot Fuzz ("surrender the angle" is an easter egg from it), also starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. It's hilarious too.
The apocalypse is happening all around Aziraphale and Crowley, but we didn't notice because we were watching it through the lens of a romantic comedy. Meanwhile, Hell is overcrowded and Furfur set zombies loose on Earth in back in 1941.
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grace--le--domas · 5 months
Mission Impossible Rant ? Part 1
had a breakdown and watched all 7 (seven) Mission Impossible movies over the course of *checks watch* three days? Read more for an unhinged rant. Or scroll away. Don't care either way cause life is pointless etc etc
MI:1 - The beginning. The oldest of the bunch. And just like all elder siblings, this one's stoic as hell. Ethan Hunt is introduced to us as this charismatic, cocky agent, out for chaos. Movie looks like it's going to be yet another generic action thriller. Except- his entire team dies (Well, not all of them- more like most of them). Thus begins a noir drama of sorts and honestly? It still holds up. It is paced perfectly, has those late 90s over-the-top action sequences and is a good time all around.
2. MI:2- So, this is where it gets interesting. For some background trivia, let me tell you why this movie's existence is interesting as hell. Up until MI:2, Tom Cruise has never participated in a sequel. People were wondering if he ever would, and sure enough we soon got MI:2 . MI:2 can be best described as a Woo- fever dream of sorts. The only things I can remember now are Thandiwe Newton, pigeons (and doves?) and a cliff climbing. It is the weakest of the bunch in my opinion.
3. MI:3- Lack of critical reception to MI:2 led to a change in directors. Tom Cruise ends up watching Alias and falls deeply in love with JJ Abrahms. JJ has a whole new aesthetic for the franchise. And action!
The entire ending of MI:2 is forgotten. No, seriously, this one begins with Ethan's engagement party to a random girl. He has taken a step back from spying, and is just chilling about- mostly teaching the craft to other agents. Keri Russel is one such agent, and when she gets kidnapped, Hunt springs into action. Russel is killed (wasted Keri Russel imo- go watch The Americans) , Hunt gets married, his wife gets kidnapped and nearly killed- this one's a doozy. Philip Seymour Hoffmann (RIP) is exemplary as a villain though.
Another highlight is Benjamin "Benji" Dunn. More on this later.
4. MI- Ghost Protocol- Keeping in with the let's- get- a- new-director- tradition, this one has Brad Bird at its helm. Bird hasn't directed any live action movies at this point, but he does have more than a decade's experience with animated material (The Incredibles, Ratatouille).
Honestly, this is my absolute favourite of the bunch. This film has everything- the iconic Burg Khalifa sequence, great dialogue, AMAZING pacing. The supporting cast have this incredible chemistry with each other. And this one has humour too! (most of the credit due to Benji, played by Simon Pegg).
Absolutely everything goes wrong in this movie and that's why it slaps. The tension is palpable in almost all scene. This movie is the one that revitalizes the franchise. It only gets better from here.
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milkloomis · 1 year
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Simon Pegg character icons (f2u, credit appreciated but not necessary)
Some of which featuring my personal headcanons thrown in.
(Sorry mission impossible fans no Benji cus I haven't watched the movies yet 💔)
(Edit : I've had to biggest brain fart for 2 whole drawings and forgot the editor had facial hair 💀)
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mediamixs · 8 days
Top 10 British Horror Movies
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British horror cinema has a rich history, producing some of the most iconic and terrifying films that have left a lasting impact on the genre. Here are the top ten British horror movies, showcasing the diversity and excellence of British horror filmmaking:
1. Don't Look Now (1973) - Nicolas Roeg's psychological chiller is a masterclass in atmospheric tension, exploring grief and obsession in a haunting tale set in Venice.
2. The Descent (2005) - Neil Marshall's claustrophobic horror follows a group of women trapped in caves, hunted by subterranean creatures, delivering a tense and terrifying experience.
3. Shaun of the Dead (2004) - Edgar Wright's zombie romp is a hilarious blend of horror and comedy, starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost as two friends trying to survive a zombie apocalypse in London[4].
4. The Wicker Man (1973) - Robin Hardy's cult classic is a slow-burning, atmospheric horror that explores paganism and sacrifice on a remote Scottish island, starring Christopher Lee.
5. Kill List (2011) - Ben Wheatley's dark and unsettling film follows a hitman who takes on a mysterious job, descending into a world of horror and the supernatural.
6. The Haunting (1963) - Robert Wise's adaptation of Shirley Jackson's novel is a classic haunted house story, featuring a group of people invited to a mansion with a dark history.
7. Saint Maud (2019) - Rose Glass's critically acclaimed film tells the story of a devout nurse who becomes obsessed with saving the soul of her dying patient, blurring the lines between faith and madness.
8. Dog Soldiers (2002) - Neil Marshall's werewolf horror follows a group of soldiers who find themselves under attack by the creatures while on a training exercise in the Scottish Highlands.
9. The Innocents (1961) - Jack Clayton's adaptation of Henry James' "The Turn of the Screw" is a gothic horror classic, featuring a governess who begins to suspect that the children in her care are being haunted by malevolent spirits.
10. Prevenge (2016) - Alice Lowe's film follows a pregnant woman who is convinced that her unborn child is urging her to kill, exploring themes of grief, trauma, and the supernatural.
These films represent some of the best of British horror, showcasing a range of styles, themes, and eras that have contributed to the country's rich horror heritage.
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hannahwashington · 2 months
Ok here is an official Ice Age ranking
Rankings + Explanations under the cut, starting from best going to worst. As always, this is all my own opinion, and you are free to disagree.
1. Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
This is heavily biased but also I think Ice Age 3 has the perfect balance between completely wacky and actual heartfelt moments in an Ice Age movie. It didn't go totally overboard, and Buck is a wonderful addition to the series. Who can forget the story about how he lost his eye? Simon Pegg absolutely chewed this role up, and he really makes the movie what it is.
Ellie isn't sidelined because she's pregnant, she's allowed to be badass, and Manny learns some important lessons about not always being the protector. One thing that sticks with me is that Manny misses the moment Peaches is born (only Diego is there). I know that can be, like, a huge thing for some people, but even so, he sees his kid and feels nothing but love and relief. He doesn't feel emasculated by having his best friend there instead of him or resentment for missing that moment or some other petty bullshit. It didn't matter to him, what mattered was that his family was safe. That fucking gets me, y'know? I think that's the perfect encapsulation of what he had to learn - like I said, that he can't always be the protector, but also that he can rely on others when the going gets tough and he can't be there or can't do anything. It's important to show that, I think. D'you get me? You get me.
As much as Scratte's existence is, like, a meme, her and Scrat's sideplot was great, too. The tango? The fucking tango? Hello? I love the tango. The tango is great. And so is the "Alone Again" sequence, it leaves me in stitches. Having the acorn be like an actual character was a great choice in this case.
Finally, it's very visually distinct to the other movies thanks to its new setting, and it actually goes out of its way to give us really cool shots sometimes (see Buck's story). It really sets itself apart from the other movies. Also, how can you beat fucking dinosaurs!? Living under the ice!? Still the coolest shit. AND, the cover of Walk the Dinosaur is STILL the best credits song in the series.
2. Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
This one is simply a treat. It's an amazing follow-up to the first movie - it's got higher stakes, more energy, and more funny moments, and rounds out the herd with Ellie and the possums. Queen Latifah does her job voicing Ellie perfectly, and she's a GREAT character. Beyond that, it absolutely nails the emotional moments, too. Goodnight Sweet Possums is just... it's such a great scene, scored wonderfully. Hell, this is probably the most iconic Ice Age movie. Food Glorious Food? Sid's Sing-A-Long? Hell yeah. And... God, that scene at the end, with all the mammoths? Chills. Chills every time. Even so, I feel like it doesn't quite hit that line of greatness 3 did. I'm blaming Crash and Eddie. I don't really like Crash and Eddie. Also, this a total aside, but the ending sequence with Scrat in heaven haunts me to this day. It's the worst I feel for him. Anyway.
3. Ice Age
I could never hate this movie. It's unique in the series for being the most serious of them all. And, it gave Blue Sky its big break (RIP, hope Disney dies now and forever). Really, its biggest crime is that it's just boring in comparison to the sequels. There are gags and hijinks and the whole dodo sequence, but everyone is way more serious. The plot is way more serious. I mean, the saber-tooth tigers wanted to kill the baby! That's fucked up! And it's different to the monsters in 2 and the dinos in 3 because they were thinking, plotting, all of that jazz. Also, it gives very solid foundations for all of the characters, which I think helps make the next couple of sequels so strong. Overall, not that much to say! It's Ice Age 1. The opening travel music is a total bop, and, of course, everyone knows Send Me On My Way. It's just a solid movie.
4. Ice Age 5: Collision Course
I went into this one expecting it to be absolute dogshit, given it's the last numbered sequel in the series. But it's... actually pretty good? My biggest gripe is that the feathered dinosaur side plot didn't really add anything substantial and could've been done away with. Like 3, it really embraced how ridiculous the plot was and did it pretty well, imo. Buck is back! Peaches' fiancée is GREAT, and bringing back everything to focus heavily on the actual herd and its dynamics was a very smart move. The pop culture references date the movie, though. Also there is a Jessie J sloth. Who is also a GILF. Scrat's plot turns into straight up hody horror at some moments. The song at the end of the movie is pretty good, though. Anyway, sure, it's obviously not the best movie ever, and it's totally ridiculous, but I'm glad I gave it shot.
5. Ice Age 4: Continental Drift
I just... ugh. I'm gonna be honest, when I was younger I watched this one over and over, and I don't know if I made myself sick of it, or if I wisened up when I got older, but this just... sucks. Separating the herd was a horrible choice. The plot on the mainland with Ellie and Peaches is TERRIBLE, which sucks because you go in excited to meet Peaches properly. Sidelining Ellie to begin with was a horrible idea, since we KNOW she's a badass, and having her in on the pirate plot could've ruled. Also, jumping from baby Peaches in 3 to teenage Peaches in 4 was a bad move. I think an adventure with a younger Peaches could've worked better. Generally, separating the mammoth family was really not a good idea.
Well, I can give this movie one thing. It gave us Diego and Sid kissing. And they LIKED IT.
Speaking of mammoths! Every single mammoth celebrity voice actor seemed to be chosen exclusively for the song at the end of the movie. Which would've been fine if the song didn't suck with all of them included, it's like a cacophany of chaos. The version with just Keke Palmer is so much better. That's just me though. Also Josh Gad was a fucking rat and I hated his incel ass, so glad he wasn't in 5. AND, the plotline involving the other mammoths sucked sucked sucked sucked SUUUUCKED. I don't know how exactly we'd do a plotline about Peaches wanting to fit in (then realising she and her wacky family is fine just the way it is), but this was NOT it. This would have been a better story to do after a movie has been made with a younger Peaches, after we become very familiar with her dynamic with everyone in the herd, especially Manny and Ellie. Generally having a movie like that between 3 and 4 would have prevented a lot of the issues - such as separating the mammoth family.
Overall, the pirate plotline should have been the main focus, especially because that way we could have gotten more Peter Dinklage. The pirates were sorely underutilised, which is such a shame, because they were a very interesting addition to the story.
If you'e gotten this far, thanks for reading my ramblings on this series!
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oo-michi-oo · 2 months
Day 2
Yesterday I noticed I had so much to say but didnt, so I'm just gonna do it. You know, just get it off my chest.🤣 So i'm just writing things down as they come.
1:7 - The Long Game
I'm like 14 minutes into the episode and i got a bad feeling about that guy, Adam.
Also didnt expect Simon Pegg.
Ok maybe Adam isn't evil, just stupid or naiv.
I really like the premise of the episode. It explores (how i see it) how the news can manipulate and guide us, which is very interesting.
1:8 - Father's Day
And we're not starting off with me not liking Rose again. 🤣 I get her trying to save her dad, but thinking about it from the moment you heard the words 'time machine'? I get why the Doctor is mad and dissapointed.
Did I really get Rick Rolled by Doctor Who?
So they figured out where these monsters come from and my only thoughts are 'Let's sacrifice her Dad'.
I have to say, I prefer the Doctor without his leather jacket. Yes, I know it's iconic, but still.
See, sacrifice the Dad!
That was a pretty good episode. Great Ending, well Sad but good.
1:9 - The Empty Child
Why would you ran after a Child with a gas mask calling for his Mom in the middle of the night/the dark? You're practically asking for trouble.
There he is ... Captain JACK!
Gotta say, i love the Doctor's antics. I did before, just thought i mention it now.
That Scene in the Hospital? Yesh not creepy at all, nope, totaly not. Totally not happy that I happend watch it in Daylight.
1:10 - The Doctor dances
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And a plot twist, i mean i thought about it but also thought thats not gonna happen but oh well.
That's it. Good episode.
1:11 - Boom Town
Another Slitheen Episode? I'm in!
The Doctor and Jack flirting? I'm in!
Well the middle is a bit boring. The Resturant Scene was good, i guess.
Poor Mickey, bust left behind. But I agree, he deserves better.
Yeah, it was okay. I personally am not the biggest fan of slower, quieter episodes like this.
1:12 - Bad Wolf
Let's go, the Finale of Season 1.
A TV Show's inspired Episode. 🤣 Is there going to be a Trickster?
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What in the Squid Games?
The Doctor in Big Brother 🤣 I love it.
I don't know if I really care for the Bad Wolf Storyline. Like I'm not really interested what it turns out to be. At least not right now. Maybe its just because I love season 5 and the cracks in time so much.
DALEKS? Didn't expect that, I'm gonna be honest.
As a Supernatural Fan, I just waited for Gabriel to come out at the end.
Good episode all in all tho. Best one yet .
1:12 - The Parting of the Ways
Well, nothing much to say. It was okay in my opinion like the whole season. Not bad, not overly amazing. Just okay to good at times.
The 9th Doctor definitly rose a few places in my personal ranking. Not in my NewWho Doctors ranking tho. Still not a big Rose fan. Love Mickey and Jack. And Jackie is an Icon.
Yeah, thats my fazit at the end. Like the 9th Doctor more, Rose not so much. And the whole season for me was OK - Good.
Now onto my first Doctor I watched
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marlenacantswim · 9 months
OOGUHFFJFGD DUDE LISTEN MAN— your artstyle is quite literally the cosmic opposite of same-face syndrome. it's sharp enough for me to cut a block of swiss cheese with it. if i put your art in my mouth it'd poke against my soft tissues like chips, yet at the same time it's soft and bendable like the final result of those dinosaur sponge pills you drop in water. they look ready to come to life like doodlebob from that iconic spongebob episode. i feel like i could peel them from my phone screen and they'd come to life and demand to be put down.
AND I LOVE SPACED!!! SO SO MUCH!!! despite being only 14 ~22 minute episodes, this show revealed to me my gender through tim bisley, gave me my first and only female character i truly related to through daisy steiner, and actually represented how young-adulthood feels in a way the american sitcoms never could. every intense zoom or camera whip or oddball camera movement— it's all the edgarwrightisms in cinema i love. the writing never fails to deliver that simon pegg dorky cleverness that made me fall in love with his writing style in the first place. the acting is somehow completely believable even when they're purposely acting in an exaggerated or unrealistic way. it's also REALLY FUNNY!!! AND MAKES ME FEEL REALLY RARE EMOTIONS!!! season one episode seven is one of the best, if not the best, episodes of the show for reasons and beats that i usually always despise in other media. god dude, FUCK.
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bonojour · 4 months
2004 :3c
i have one obvious answer and one bonus!
the obvious answer for me is shaun of the dead, which is one of my favourite movies of all time and also my favourite one with simon pegg. it was also an easy choice to take that specific movie poster with me to get signed. 🥺
there is a certain charm to sotd that is unparalleled by anything else for me tbh. within the cornetto trilogy hot fuzz comes close, but the tone really shifts with the world's end. the movie is silly without feeling cheesy and the gags are very memorable and iconic; the dynamic between simon and nick as shaun and ed is amazing; the film has this typical 00s feel that i like and generally i love how small and 'around the corner' it makes a zombie apocalypse feel. it captures the every day element so well, and i think that makes it extra easy for the viewer to dive in. everything just sits so well with me and i still get giddily excited about some scenes, even after multiple rewatches. 🥺❤️
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the bonus is for så som i himmelen, which i do not love as much as sotd, but i am greatly fond of in its own way. it feels like the swedish answer to the sound of music in terms of just... vibes? i would not say the plot is that similar, haha.
i really enjoy stories set in small communities, as well as stories that feature personal growth and center around a man opening up emotionally. this story does a great job at telling them, as well as at making the whole village feel very real. easily my favourite swedish film. it always makes me so happy. ❤️
(and it also makes me miss michael nyqvist, who is so phenomenal in this role 🥺)
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genericswordsmaiden · 4 months
I watched Shaun of the dead! It was an experience for sure. Loved the cast, the feels, the soundtrack! Technically it has all the elements of an Edgar Wright film, except here they weren't as polished as the movies that came after (but that's totally understandable as he was just starting to get better at his craft on a cinematic level). Plus, it's quotable to an almost absurd degree. And I loved the montage where Shaun explains the plan to get his mother and Liz to safety, those shots of him drinking and winking are iconic.
I adore Simon's acting, by the way. I got brainwaves watching him being miserable on screen and I started rewriting the first chapter of the Chaos Trilogy just so I could remodel a character (previously very shallow) using bits and pieces of the personalities I've seen him interpret so far (now it's definitely better).
And now I have not just one, but two big works in progress. And we're not even counting the five unfinished fanfics I listed in my pinned post. Great. Thanks, Mr. Pegg, love ya.
Also I came to the conclusion that every single actor in the United Kingdom just knows each other. Or maybe Simon, Nick and Edgar just know them all. Every one was here, even Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North! And two members of Coldplay!
Many look at the movie (and the whole Cornetto Trilogy) and see people refusing to grow up - in a way I think Hot Fuzz is kind of an exception to this vision tho - what I took away from this first viewing is that sometimes the world has to literally fall apart for some people to grow some spine, but I think I barely scratched the surface with this. It's definitely in the list of movies to rewatch and dissect.
I laughed a lot, honestly I hope I can get my brother to watch the trilogy with me one of these days so we can enjoy this little gem together.
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