#little nina icons
tuppencetrinkets · 2 years
Icons / The Boys, Pt. 2/?? 200x100 slightly sharpened.
Gecko - David W. Thompson #357
Gunpowder - Sean Patrick Flanery / Joel Gagne #950 
Hugh Campbell - Simon Pegg #1,300 
Janine - Liyou Abere / Nalini Ingrita #1,300 
Jonah Vogelbaum - John Doman #1,500 
Judy Atkinson - Barbara Gordon #400 
Lamplighter - Shawn Ashmore #4,300 
Lenny Butcher - Jack Fulton #800 
Little Nina - Katia Winter #2,200
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boxwinebaddie · 15 days
hi uncle nina! it's my birthday today and u don't have but will u pretty plz consider reposting that part of ch6 of rm where raven in on the phone with kenny b4 his hate with jers? i thought it was super cute and i really wanted to read it :3
awwww, happy birthday, darling! i hope it's as lovely as you are!
and i--sigh.
i hate complicated feelings surrounding chapter six ( aka the introduction to the iconique ravesey hate that i deleted from stress ) because i actually did love it...i just rushed the hell out of it, didn't plan it out very well and it was a mess. it could have been a lot better.
part of why i deleted it was actually because of that ravenstan/kenny phonecall because i felt worried that i revealed too much about how not cool and actually boy-failure-y stan was too early and could have kept the suspense going longer but aaaaaa i just wanted y'all to see how CUTE he was, like??? and how nervous! AAAA!!!
buuut considering the cat has been out of the bag, or rather, the raven has flown the nest for some time now...and it's the beauteous day you were born...i will humbly present you with this b-day present in the form of my incompetent idiot girl ramblings/writings, though, i fear it is not at all as grand the gift of your life is.
so, without further ado darlings, here is the endearing, embarrassing phone call ( it was over discord actually ) that ravenstan had with kenny prior to showing up to blondie's for his little hate-date with jerseykyle. it's a mess and unedited, but regardless, please know that from whatever hurts or harms you, i hope you heal, please rem(ember) to smile, pendejos,
and to now, as always, angels:
please enjoy the very, very...
worst part of your day. ;)
-uncle nina <333
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unknowngf666 · 1 year
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 years
my life changed the day Emma said that both Nina and I are the Main Characters
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wildfangz · 2 years
Werewolves is downloading now which is perfect bc I need a new icon
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 6 months
Ooh! A wonderful interview with Rich Keeble who played Mr. Arnold (the one with the Doctor Who Annual :)) in S2! :)❤
Q: In Good Omens 2 you play Mr. Arnold, who runs the music shop on Whickber Street. Were you a fan of Good Omens before joining the cast, and is it challenging to take on such an iconic story which is already loved by a huge fanbase?
A: “There’s always pressure if you’re working on something with an existing fanbase and people might have an idea already as to how you should be approaching something. To be honest I was aware of the show but I hadn’t actually seen it before I was asked to get involved. I knew it was something special though! I remember talking to Tim Downie [Mr. Brown] about how when you tape for certain things you know if something’s a “good one”. Of course by the time I was on set I’d watched Season 1 and read the book. 
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I had an interesting route into the show actually: I was asked at the last minute to read the stage directions at the tableread on Zoom, and Douglas [Mackinnon] the director called me up to discuss pronunciations of the character names etc. To prepare further I quickly watched the first episode on Prime Video, and I was very quickly drawn into it. A couple of hours later I was on a Zoom call with David [Tennant], Michael [Sheen] (with his bleached hair), Neil [Gaiman], Douglas and the whole team, including Suzanne [Smith] and Glenda [Mariani] in casting. After that readthrough I asked my agent to try and see if she could shoehorn me in and she came back with a tape for Mr. Arnold saying “you play the piano don’t you…?” They wanted me to demonstrate my musical playing ability, so I rented a rehearsal studio room in Brixton for an hour and filmed myself playing piano (and drums just in case), then I did my scenes a couple of different ways and I guess it wasn’t too terrible!”
Q: During episode five you mimed to music written by series composer David Arnold alongside a real string quartet – this must have been very immersive! How did it feel to work with David, and bring the ball to life?
A: “I actually didn’t meet David Arnold sadly, but I did work with Catherine Grimes, the music supervisor who is lovely. David was at the London screening but I missed an opportunity to go and say hello to him which I kicked myself about. 
I remember before I was in Scotland there was a bit of uncertainty as to whether I would need to play anything for real or not, so I practised every day playing loads of Bach and other music I thought was era-appropriate just in case they asked me to do anything on the fly. So yes, it was very immersive as you say! They sent me three pieces of music to learn which I practised in my Edinburgh apartment on a portable folding keyboard thing I bought. They introduced me to the string quartet (John, Sarah, Alison and Stephanie) and I tried to hang out with them when I could. On the day we all had earpieces to mime to. I had to mime while listening out for a cue from Nina [Sosanya] from across the room, then deliver my dialogue and carry on playing, which was tricky! The quartet and I helped each other out actually: Douglas would say something like “let’s go from a minute into the second piece of music”, I’d look at the sheet music and whisper “where the hell is that?” and one of the quartet would say “we think that’s bar 90” or something. Here’s a little bit of trivia: the shooting overran and the string quartet couldn’t make the last day, so they found some incredible lookalikes to replace them for the scene when we get lead out of the bookshop through all the demons, although I think they also kept them deliberately off camera.” 
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Q: What did you think of your music shop when you first saw the set? Did you have a favourite poster or prop?
A: “I thought it was incredible! It could’ve been an actual music shop with all the instruments hanging up with the “Arnold’s” price tags on. The attention to detail was incredible, well IS incredible as I understand it’s all still there. It’s hard to pick a favourite to be honest. I did a little video walkaround on my phone at the time so maybe I’ll post that if I won’t get in trouble. Interestingly the shop interior itself was elsewhere on the set to the shop entrance you see from the street. You walk out of Aziraphale’s shop, over the road, through the door of the music shop and… there’s nothing.” 
Q: Mr. Arnold is tempted into the ball by a Doctor Who Annual and is playing the theme in the music shop scene – are you a fan of Doctor Who in real life? And what was it like making those jokes and references in front of the Tenth Doctor David Tennant?
A: “I’ve always dipped in and out of Doctor Who over the years since Sylvestor McCoy, who was doing it when I first became aware of it when I was growing up. Even if you’re not a fan it’s one of those shows you can’t really get away from, so doing that particular scene in front of David was really fun, and of course Douglas had directed Doctor Who as well. Apart from the amusing situation of two supposed Doctor Who fans talking about Doctor Who without realising they’re in the company of a Doctor Who, I also seem to remember Michael being the one to suggest that he would deliver his “due to problems at the BBC” line directly to David.
Oh, and I think it was actually my idea to grab the annual off the harpsichord before joining the queue behind Crowley at the end of the ballroom scene (which we’d shot weeks earlier at this point). When we were blocking it out and rehearsing I knew I had to leave my position and get to the front for my “surrender the angle” line, and then later it just felt like I wouldn’t leave without the annual so I ran back through everyone to grab it. Nobody seemed to have a problem with me doing that so I just carried on doing it when we shot it! I do remember it being a fun set with Douglas and the team being very open to suggestions.”
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Q: How did you balance filming both Good Omens and BBC Ghosts at the same time?
A: “Luckily both shows were a joy to work on, and everyone seems to know about both of them. We were shooting them in early 2022 and I also had a little part in an ITV drama called ‘Stonehouse’, starring Matthew Macfadyen. I usually never know when I’m working next so to have three great TV jobs at once was very unusual. There was all this date juggling and I actually almost had to turn down Ghosts due to clashes. Luckily both shows had to move some dates so it worked out. But yes, I spent two weeks up in Scotland shooting all that Good Omens ballroom stuff, then I came back down to London to do Ghosts, knowing I’d be back up to shoot my scenes in the music shop in a couple of weeks. Now, when I found out who was playing my wife in Ghosts I couldn’t believe it: Caroline Sheen – Michael Sheen’s cousin! She was amazing and that was another great set in general. I say “set”, but it’s all filmed in that house which surprised me. I’d worked with Kiell [Smith-Bynoe] and Jim [Howick] before, and Charlotte [Ritchie] was in the Good Omens radio play a few years ago and a big fan of the book. Charlotte’s very musical of course and we got talking about my folding keyboard I had for practising my Good Omens stuff, and she ended up setting it up in the house for us to have a play on!
Now, when we’d shot all our internal scenes there was this big storm forecast, and our external scenes were scheduled for the day of the storm, so that had to be moved into the next week. It meant I ended up shooting those scenes outside the house, then going straight back up to Scotland to shoot the Good Omens music shop scene the next day! When I mentioned to Michael I’d just worked with Caroline he said “ooh she’s in Ghosts is she!” and revealed that she’d texted him about me which was rather surreal. Then later after the Ghosts wrap party Kiell gave me a part in his Channel 4 Blap, so at the time I felt like I was killing it career wise, but the industry quietened a bit after that and my workload eased off over the year so I was in my overdraft by November.”
Q: What are your plans for the future – can we expect to see you in something else soon?
A: “This year, after a bit of a quiet start, I was very fortunate to work on a Disney+ show called Rivals which stars… David Tennant! I think I’m allowed to say my character is called Brian, and I shot five episodes so that was another really amazing job, and great to work with David again (I told him he must be my good luck charm, although I hope he’s not sick of me). That should be out at some point in late 2024. Other than that I’ve filmed a few other bits I presume will be out next year, one of which is called Truelove on Channel 4 which actually looks really good. That starts early January. Of course now Season 3 of Good Omens has been greenlit, I would love Neil and the gang to have me back on that… but I can only keep my fingers crossed!”
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kanejbr3kker · 20 days
quotes i would sell my sould to see in the spin-off
we will get it eventually and we will see all the iconic quotes mark my words
"not just girls"
"he called you a valuable investment?" "of course he did, well, not the valuable part"
"never stop fighting" ❤️
"wE cOuLd WaKe ThEm Up"
"nina. little red bird. don't go."
that one where wylan threatens to push kiwi into the canal
"that's the laugh" (lol they probably wouldn't do that since there'd be no way to do the whole bottling her laugh thing)
more nmnf cause they literally only said it twice in the entire show
"my wraith would counsel mercy, but thanks to you, she's not here"
"i recommend a cane" (edit: i forgot they actually did this one in s2 oops 😅)
anytime jesper says they've corrupted wylan
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 7 months
Rewatching Shadow and Bone so here are some of my favourite little details that I haven’t seen loads of people talk about (this is almost definitely just part 1 so stay tuned)
The bird cage in Heleen’s office
The masks on stalls in the Ketterdam streets, including Komedie Brute masks, what look like the Jackal masks, and what I believe might have been a sun summoner mask
The song that Ravkan soldiers in Mal’s unit sing whilst they march in s1e4 is the Kerch drinking song Nina sings for Inej on the boat in Six of Crows
Matthias’ hesitation before saying “I feel nothing for you” and Nina replying “then I guess that makes you good at your job” is SO reflective of Matthias’ realisation that Brum didn’t have to drown the good parts of himself to do terrible things the way Matthias always did; Matthias had grown to admire Brum for what he believed was the ability to silence the good in himself in order to do what “must be done” because he found that so difficult to do, and acknowledging that Brum didn’t find those things difficult the way he did was one of the most important moments of being able to separate himself from the Drüskelle beliefs and begin to understand that what he went through was actually abuse and what’s implied to be at least similar to Stockholm Syndrome (I’ve written at length about this and if I get going I’ll never stop, so if anyone wants to know more lemme know and I’ll tag you in my post about it)
“Pomdrakon Players”, the group the Crows join to infiltrate the Little Palace, references Ravkan desert “Pomdrakon” where you soak raisins in brandy then set them on fire and try to grab them in the dark that Nina tells Matthias about on the ice
This isn’t an observation I just thought you’d all like to know that when I was watching the map room scene in episode 4 every time Alina said ‘Aleksander’ I repeated her in a stupid voice, which was really unfair to Alina because she doesn’t know but it was a genuine reaction and I stand by it because screw the Darkling
The comment that the Fjerdans don’t mark ash tress because they’re scared, I love that. I wonder if they pray when they mark trees, like they do when they cut them down? I personally got the impression that all trees were precious but ash trees were sacred when I read the book
The valve to turn out the lights in the Royal Archives Heist because all the lighting is gas powered!! Like I know this probably was just a thing we knew without really thinking about but it’s also really cool in that it reminds us about the class difference between the Crows and the others since, at least in the books, gas lighting isn’t as common to the Barrel as candles and bone lights are but is implied to be more common among the Merchants
Also not an observation but “you’re the quarter master, aren’t you?” “Yep” *wallop* will never not be hilarious and iconic
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the costume department for this show were goddamn miracle performers thank you for your service. I’ve banged on about the symbolism in the costumes before so I won’t now, but I have really only talked about s2 so I guess if you want more I could talk about s1
“No guns” *walking past Jesper* “no knives” *walking past Inej* “no weapons of any kind” *wait where’s Kaz* will always be fabulous
I genuinely have no idea how they did the Tailoring on Alina’s hair when Genya first does it for her but it is incredible like I don’t know exactly what changed but it just… I don’t know, it’s amazing
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 10 months
Hellooooo i wanted to ask what jeff, toby, nina and ben with a reader with 🍒 strech marks and if your not comfortable thats okay! You can do strech marks in genral!
Ive just been rlly insecure about mine😭
(Also i have no ideas about anons but can i be 🪸 anon if its open?)
Hello! I wouldn't say i was made uncomfortable by this request, rather, i feel like i wanted to kind of open up this ask to a wider audience! So i did end up just doing stretch marks in general. I would also like to say that I am very excited to write for Nina!! She's such an icon <333
Also, yes, 🪸 is open!
Thank you so much for requesting!!
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Jeff is the type of guy to find stretch marks incredibly attractive
When you are cuddling, he runs his fingers across the marks
If he can, he will kiss them as well
Whenever he greets you, say, if he was coming home from a mission, he would kiss your lips, and run his ands across the areas your stretch marks are on
Finding out that you are insecure about your stretch marks genuinely shocks him
Like wdym the stretch marks are the best part
But if it makes you uncomfortable, he will stop publicly giving you affection to those spots
That won't stop him from trying his hardest to convince you that your stretch marks are amazing
If you wear clothing that shows off your marks, he will ~strangely~ become more physically affectionate
It gets him so excited when you are confident to show off your body, but again, if you aren't the type of person to show off your body, he obviously won't be bothered by that
The way he sees it, you are the most gorgeous person on the planet and seeing you so insecure about something that he thinks is wonderful about you makes him sad
And so, whenever you're insecure, he will always assure you that he's here for you and that he will absolutely support you so that you feel comfortable in your skin
He also likes to bite them IM SO SORRY
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Personally, I feel like she'd be indifferent to your stretch marks
She's more of a personality person anyways, so she genuinly won't notice your insecurities unless you tell her about them
When you do tell her about them though, she will go out of her way to hype you up
"Isn't my partner soooo beautiful and perfect? They're so special, I just wanna squish them until their eyes pop out of their sockets <333"
She definetly experiences cute aggression
I bet you couldn't guess
She is a bit of a loudmouth, so if you want her to simmer down about it, she would try her best but in the end, she just needs to share her love for you with the world
I think the most low-key she can get is occassionally she will squeal when she sees you, and sometimes she will lick your face
No, i will not elaborate
She's gonna do whatever you wanna do when it comes to comfort
Wanna hide them? She's got the concealer
Wanna embrace them? She will literally worship you until you are all flustered and embarassed, giggling and begging her to stop
Just want some lighthearted comfort? She will sit in your lap and look into your eyes lovingly, kissing your nose occasionally and laying on your shoulder the rest of the time
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He's so wholesome with it, bless him
He's absolutely the type of gyy to give your marks little nicknames
Bearclaws, Tiger marks, etc
He understands being insecure about them, as he is a very insecure person himself
And so, when you tell him about your insecurities he will comfort you in the way he likes to be comforted
He will hold you protectively, keeping his nose buried in your sweet smelling hair, and rubbing small circles around the marks
If you aren't in the mood to be held, he will lay on his stomach in between your legs, tracing the marks and counting them
Or if you just want to be distracted from your body, he will turn on some calm music, and ramble all his thoughts to you as you rub his head
Publicly he doesn't do much with your stretch marks
He doesn't want you to be embarrassed
If you want him to show more public affection to your marks, you'll have to tell him
He will oblige happily, of course
He will come up behind you, place his hands pn your hips and sway the both of you side to side, whispering into your ear how beautiful you are, how happy you make him, how much he loves you, etc
Definitely the best out of the list to have for comfort
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Like Jeff, he finds stretch marks to be very attractive
Though, he understands if you are insecure about them
He teases you about it (lovingly)
"But baby they're so hot! What do you mean you hate them??"
"Aww come on, you're gonna deny me your full beauty?"
Most of the time, you will have to tell him about your insecurities whilst he plays a video game
He's listening, i promise, he just refuses to not play video games
If you are in a really sad mood though, he'll pause the game, and rotate the chair over to look at you
He'll beckon you over with a "c'mere", and as you stand in front of him, he will hug you and rest his chin on your lower stomach, looking up at you with a smile and kissing your hipbones
He'll talk to you softly, asking if you wanna sit with him
And as you sit on his lap, he continues to play his game, bragging to everyone on vc how gorgeous his partner is
He absolutely gets trolled for being a simp, but he knows you need it and above all, wants you to be happy
Publicly, he will also brag to people about how beautiful you are
Especially to Jeff since he sees him the most
"Oh my god dude, PLEASE shut up"
"You're just jealous you don't have a partner that's literally the most gorgeous person to ever exist. It's understandable, really. I mean, i know i would be"
"*stressed jeff noises*"
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deckersfield · 1 year
Things i’d like to see in a soc spin-off
young matthias and trassel
wylan - kuwei drama bc i just think it’s hilarious plus i love kuwei that little shit <333
wylan singing in fjerdan to distract the guards and nina singing to inej
“my ghost won’t associate with your ghost”
inej naming her knives to calm herself
“i’m right here father”
“scheming face?” “definitely”
wesper going to the university to meet jesper’s dad and them going to see wylan’s mom
“he’ll never trade if you break me” followed later by “i would come for you. and if i couldn’t walk i’d crawl to you” absolute pain but we need to see it
mattias seeing nina dressed in fjerdan clothes
more ninej!!!
wylan, jesper and inej STEALING A FUCKING TANK + kaz smiling like an idiot
“that’s the laugh”
wylan and kaz falling through the ceiling at van eck’s house, if i never get to see this scene i might die
jesper and kaz cat fighting
chapter 26 of ck chapter 26 of ck chapter 26 of ck chap-
kaz’s dry ass humour
proper deep dive on everyone’s backstory and trauma!!
wyvil and more of wylan being a goddamn menace to society
matthias and his mini grisha army
nina and matthias burying a grisha together bc i think it’s a very important moment for them
kaz threatening a child ????
“i’d like to make a down payment”
wylan spitting in his father’s face, what an icon
“who’s mark?”
kaz calling nina “dear” or “love”
nina raising the dead
there’s so much more but i’ll leave it like this
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hattiewritesalot · 1 year
Everything ✨I✨ Have in Common With the Six Crows
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✨panic attacks✨
wears gloves literally all the time
in love w inej<3333
weirdly angry??? 24/7???
hopelessly in love w kazzle dazzle
cutie patootie
names all of prized belongings
puts everyone else b4 herself
banging sense of style
loves his dad
good at starting fights he can’t finish
sad n gay
aggressive flute music
broke asf lmaoooooo
v much youngest child
hot girl fr
food >>> boys
flirts with everyone
adores matthias helvar for no reason he’s just there??? idc he’s my little princess
tall asf like what ur beanstalk looking ass doing here??
absolutely irrevocably understandably in love with miss zenik
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
No, it’s not lasik
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pairing: matthew x foreign student reader
genre: university au on crack (same verse as a little crazy and sunbaenim), fluff, comedy
tw/tags: teen movie makeover matt ver., pls just google lasik, mattbin unfounded allegaytions, zb1/bp side characters for comedy, a lot of banter, matt not curing a lot is canon but reader does and it's contagious, yes i love descriptions, cha woongki iconic queen, yaebin another iconic queen, the rain is a paid actor, wet tshirts, kinda stripping, kissing, making out, matt's still a loser but we love him, hanbin bday fic spoiler lowkey
wc: 2200
summary: matthew decided to give himself a makeover during your summer break.
a/n this is dedicated to @seok02, she loves matt and uni aus so here's a bit of both, i did my best, hope you like it nina~
Check my pinned for more fics~
It’s not on purpose. You just can’t stop staring. And before you can think, he’s staring back and you blurt it out.
“You’re blond.”
Matthew pauses as if he doesn’t know how to respond to that. You don’t blame him.
“Yes I am?”
You have no idea how to respond to this either.
When you and Matthew met as freshmen, he had a mop of brown hair that somewhat resembled a halfway bowl cut, chunky glasses that often slipped off his nose and a penchant for outfits that were at least 2 sizes bigger than his body. And you found him absolutely adorable. You also thought he was dating Sung Hanbin from the way he and the older boy seemed practically attached at the hip and their whole childhood friendship arc. 
It was only towards the end of that year when you found out that he and Hanbin, in fact, did not like each other that way. And also Hanbin was someone else’s slightly manic boyfriend with his subtle psycho tendencies that you’ve had the absolute displeasure of witnessing. In your defence, he also got like that with Matthew sometimes so it’s not like your assumption was entirely baseless. 
Now back to the situation at hand. 
“So did you finally get lasik?”
“Uh, contacts? And I still have glasses, you know, just in case.”
You goggle at the trendy, wire-rimmed frames he’s holding in place of the thick, hipster ones he used to sport. Also, since when did Seok Matthew show his biceps and have they always been this large? Did someone burn his closet and replace all those oversized shirts and pants for muscle tees and straight jeans? 
Maybe it’s just you but you feel the beginning of a headache trying to digest all…this. You narrow your eyes and let your exact thoughts at the moment run its course.
“Who the fuck are you and what have you done to Seok Matthew?
He sputters. Before he can answer, the door opens and Zhang Hao walks in. The senior stares at Matthew for a good ten seconds before producing a perfectly pleasant expression and saying.
“Oh Matthew, new haircut?”
Well, at least you’re not the only one. Now Matthew just looks sheepish.
“Something like that hyung.”
Chen Kuanjui follows shortly after Hao. Apparently his response to opening the door and getting jumpscared by Matthew’s new look is to freeze, eyes growing two sizes, spine arched, sort of like a cat who isn’t sure whether they’re actually in danger or it’s a prank. Several other members of the foreign student society arrive with varying degrees of reactions.
By the time Kamden slouches in, you’re almost expecting something other than his usual expression.
“Good morning,” he says to the whole group in general, eyes lazily wandering around the room before settling on Matthew. Like Hao, he takes a few good seconds to process. Then, he says.
“Matthew-ah, I don’t know what kind of drugs you were on when you decided to bleach your hair, get lasik and get dressed by some Kpop stylist but I want some of that.”
He sits down. Jay laughs. Nobody else does, probably because the only English speakers present at the moment are the four of you. Matthew sinks deeper into his seat, thoroughly flustered and bright red from all the unexpected comments.
“It’s contacts, not lasik” He mumbles, probably to Kamden. You decide now is the best time to avoid eye contact with everyone else in the room. Also, you don’t want to get caught staring at Matthew’s biceps as he flails frantically after nearly falling off his chair.
At least whatever the fuck happened over the summer didn’t come with an attitude change.
“Soo, who talked you into this? Yaebin? She’s been wanting to burn your homeless clothes for ages.”
“Shut up,” Matthew passes you a spoon. “And they aren’t homeless clothes.”
After the foreign student society meeting finished up, you had a sudden craving for patbingsu and like the good friend he is, he offered to split with you. 
“Mhmm, sure whatever helps you sleep at night.” You start digging into the shaved ice. Matthew snatches one of the rice cakes you were eyeing. 
“Bitch, I wanted that.” You give him the most offended expression you can muster. 
“Sucks to be you, I guess.” He still passes you another one. You eat it before he gets any sneaky ideas.
Later, he’s the one who’s looking at you betrayed.
“You went to Japan and you didn’t tell me?? Fake friend, what the fuck.”
“Excuse me, I said my family went to Japan while I was in Australia. I didn’t go with them, thank fuck, I needed some me time.”
“But still,” Great, now he’s pouting. “There’s like a ton of limited edition figures that I would like die to have.”
You swear your eyes are rolling to the back of your head. This absolute dork.
“Then you go to Japan, damn, sue me I guess.”
“Uhuh, with whose money though?”
“I mean now that you’re hot and everything, I heard models get to travel for shoots and stuff.”
“Wah, you think I’m hot?”
Dammit, you’ve been caught. Retreat. Retreat.
“I was joking, forgot that models were supposed to be tall.”
“...shut up.”
“He isn’t going to deny it, I guess.”
“I will eat all of these rice cakes.”
“Bitch, don’t you dare.”
Once you’ve gotten over yourself and realised that Matthew is the same nerdy, disgustingly nice person that you know and love (and still kinda have a crush on, not like you’re planning to admit that anytime soon), it’s easy to fall back into your usual routines. Unfortunately, the rest of campus has not gotten over themselves like you have. It’s (really) annoying.
“Omo, is that Seok Matthew or did you finally get a hot boyfriend to walk you to class?”
You sigh. Cha Woongki was a delight to sit with most of the time but he can be a shade bit dramatic. He isn’t the only one. You’ve definitely spotted a bunch of the girls (and even a few guys) whispering and throwing glances when Matthew drops you off at your lecture room. It’s one of those little things the two of you do after figuring out which classes you have for the semester.
“It’s just Matthew.”
“Lock him up, omg. You need to stake your claim on those biceps before some other person gets their claws into him.”
“Please, I can't just do that.”
“Like it’s hard? He’s like halfway in love with you, honestly, all you have to do is put a hand on those muscles, bat your pretty little eyes and tell him these babies are yours and he’ll give them to you.”
Maybe you’d take this more seriously if Woongki hadn't just given a live demo of what he wanted you to do on the unfortunate person that decided to sit on his other side. Lee Jeonghyeon eyes you both nervously before shifting so there’s at least three seats between him and Woongki. 
“He’s not in love with me.”
“And I don’t want to kiss Jeonghyeonie, go figure.”
Jeonghyeon stands up and moves to a different row. You sigh again.
When class ends, Matthew’s already waiting for you outside, shifting nervously as a group of girls linger nearby, giggling and glancing over at him
“How was class?”
“Kinda chill, seongsaengnim was more on doing practical work today so I didn’t lose as many brain cells, you?”
“I think my head might explode.”
“Yikes, that bad?”
“Yeah. Oh, by the way, we’re gonna drive out somewhere on the weekend, wanna come?”
“...You can’t drive though.”
“Sorry, I mean Hanbin-hyung is going to drive us, some kind of day trip thing, they’re still figuring out if we can do an overnight, maybe some camping, it’ll be fun.”
“You should go.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Eyyy, go already, come onnn.”
“I’ll pay for food?”
“..Okay fine.”
“Nice! It’s going to be fun, I promise.”
Well, if Matthew looks that excited, you’re pretty sure it’s going to be fun. Honestly, you didn’t need that much convincing but you can’t keep caving every time he uses his sunshine smile like that. (you still do, though). 
Because Matthew agreed to pay for your food, you’re doing groceries together the day before the trip. By together, you mean Matthew pushes the cart and you pick out the goods and very occasionally you argue over the merits of a certain snack or whether you really need to bring that much alcohol for a potentially overnight trip. (you do)
Any good relationship friendship is all about compromise.
“You’re seriously making me broke this early in the sem?” He tells you once you get to check-out.
“You offered, no take backs.”
He pays for it anyway and insists on carrying most of the bags. No, you are not looking at the way his biceps are straining especially when his clumsy ass nearly faceplants as you walk out. 
Of course that’s when it starts raining like hell froze over and decided to come at you. Both of you start laughing and swearing like absolute idiots and you make the cardinal mistake of looking Matthew in the eye.
Apparently getting hot over the summer means that he looks devastatingly Kdrama male lead attractive in the rain. His hair manages to maintain that wet look that happens to be showing forehead. Droplets of water dripping down his face and neck like the rain decided to be a paid actor when it made contact with his body. And his eyes crinkle and he’s smiling and you feel your heart drop into your ass and then levitate out of your body like it sprouted wings. Seriously, how can he look at you like that when you probably look like a drowned rat?
You’re tracking puddles as you reach his dorm room, shoving the wet plastic grocery bags to the side and grabbing towels. 
“We gotta change.” Matthew notes. And with absolutely no warning, he begins to take off his shirt. You’re in hell.
First of all, today, of all days was when Matthew decided to wear a white shirt. Which means you are treated to a nearly transparent and downright illegal view of wet fabric plastered to the ripped muscles of his back, shoulder muscles moving as he tries to peel the shirt off. And you can’t even get started on his arms, they’ve been the bane of your existence for days. And because he’s an idiot, he’s actually struggling to get his shirt off, seconds dragging out your agony. He turns and you catch sight of his bare abs and your brain-to-mouth filter decides to unalive itself.
“Okayy, damn, I didn’t ask for a strip show.”
Matthew looks up and you’re suddenly struck by the horrible feeling that both of you know you’re checking him out. Maybe the rain got into his brain too because he proceeds to walk up to you, open his mouth and say the most unSeok Matthew thing you’ve ever heard in your life.
“You know you like it.”
Dead silence. Maybe you’ve actually died because you can’t believe he just said that. Also you’re so sure you’re blushing because you’re being treated to a front-row view of how his wet shirt plasters against the outline of his abs and pecs. It’s kinda, really fucking unfair. Finally, you look up at him and muster the most unimpressed look you can because that line was so bad and he’s such a fucking dork but also you might as well shoot your shot.
“...Bitch, just kiss me already.”
Matthew kisses you already. It’s great. He somehow manages to be warm against you even though you’re both absolutely soaked. There’s a lot of free real estate to grab onto so you’ve finally got your hands on his biceps, squeezing them as he catches your bottom lip between his. He tastes faintly of mint and also those fruit popsicles you had earlier. His hands slide down to your sides, rolling up your wet shirt a little so he can thumb over your bare skin. Something hot explodes in your stomach as his lips press warm against your neck. 
It’s really fucking hot except you’re both still wet and gross from the rain and Matthew nearly slips and gives both of you concussions. You burst out laughing as he apologises sheepishly.
“For the record,” You tell him later once you’re showered and dry and on his couch wearing his hoodie with your legs on his lap. “I liked you with those nerdy glasses even if you dressed like Seo Taji and Boys decided to make a comeback.”
“Yaebin said the same thing.” He pouted. “But you were all over that acting major last year and I thought he was your type.”
You choke. “Bak Doha? I went on like two dates with him and one of them was because Woongki dared me too. Second one was because he was actually a nice guy and I felt bad so I treated him out for chicken.”
“Eyyy, next time only treat me out for chicken.”
“...be glad I still find you cute.”
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manikas-whims · 1 year
Things we can still get in a possible SoC Spin-off
now that i'm done ranting about the things that annoyed me, lets talk about this.
1: Some light on Inej's backstory, the abuse and exploitation she suffered, her own struggles with touch, her vulnerable side, her fun side especially when she's around Jesper and Nina, her fears and how she rises above them. According to this article by tvguide, showrunner Eric Heisserer states that a script has already been written about her incorporation back into the Dregs. Let's just hope they stop reducing Inej's personality to a mere “knife wife” and “girlboss” , and address her actual depth.
2: Tante Heleen's return! Since we never actually see her body onscreen and her death is merely mentioned twice and shrugged off, I'm hoping she's alive and that the production team is keeping her for the spin-off. She's an integral part of Inej's character arc.
3: The Dregs. I wanna see Rotty, Specht, Anika, Pim, Per Haskell, Big Bolliger and the rest of the bunch. Also Dime Lions, Razorgulls, The Liddies, and other prominent gangs. And a shot of the entire Merchant Council would be nice.
4: Since Inej will return and Matthias is still in Hellgate, we'll get the entire Hellgate breakout and Ice Court Heist. (I'm assuming during Matthias's breakout, Pekka Rollins will also manage to escape from Hellgate 🤔) So we can still have the entire book 1 ending at Vellgeluk where Wylan's face has been tailored and Inej gets captured by Van Eck.
5: Crooked Kingdom plotline till they rescue Inej— Kaz throwing off a rapist from the lighthouse after gaining intel, Kaz threatening a little girl, Jesper and Wylan going to receive Colm Fahey and the whole “people pointing guns at each other is basically a handshake” 😂, Nina's struggles with Parem and Matthias trying his best to be there for her, the iconic Kanej reunion at Goedmedbridge,..
I'm not sure how they'll proceed after retrieving Inej, because alot has already been adapted in this season of SaB. But we'll still have the showdown against Van Eck. Not sure what they'll replace the plague thing with but we'll see..
6: Wylan's backstory! Aside from Inej, we also have Wylan's heart wrenching backstory and we'll witness it all. His early life, the moment he lost his mother and his world became gray, his escape from the men who try to kill him, his realization that they were sent by his own father, his struggles with it all, his conflict with being a good person and working with criminals, his reunion with his very alive mother and Jesper being there for him, and so much more..
7: Kuwei! I'm a big fan of this sassy boy. He absolutely hates having to be with Crows and he chooses not to use their language simply so he can avoid conversations with them 😭 We'll see him cause conflict in Wesper's relationship but also slowly accepting and being thankful of the Crows. And I really hope, the show adds a sort of camaraderie between him and Wylan too. But despite it all, I still wanna see Wylan threaten to drown him 😆
8: The Bathroom Scene ♡ If we take into consideration the wound cleaning moment in season 2 of SaB, its a lot different from the bathroom scene. For starters, they're on Black Veil and not an actual bathroom, and Kaz didn't actually tie any bandages for her. Most importantly, the neck kiss didn't happen. So bathroom scene can still happen and it can serve as a beautiful callback and a parallel to this scene in season 2.
9: Kaz can still find Inej's parents, meet them and well, gift her a ship. Wylan and Jesper can still have their happily ever after, living at the Van Eck Mansion.
10: Since they've made so many changes to the source, can they fucking not kill off Matthias and let him and Nina have their happily ever after too? Like they can act as delegates for Ravka and Fjerda 🤔 Or they can help Hanne claim the Fjerdan throne 🤔 Anything aside from killing him off please.
if you guys have something to add or correct me on, please do so in replies/reblogs ☺
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Claudia Cardinale's iconic little black dress:
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▪ It was purchased and shown to the public at the "Museo Nazionale del Cinema presso la Mole Antonelliana di Torino" in 2019, Italy.
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/Dress designed by Nina Ricci, Haute Couture, circa 1963, Cocktail dress adorned with silk petals/
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▪ Estimated at: 3,500 - 4,500 EUR by Sotheby's.
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▪ Claudia Cardinale wore this dress in the final scene of the film "Il Magnifico Cornuto", by Antonio Pietrangeli released in 1964.
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▪ As well as on the cover of the Italian magazine ABC from December 1964.
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▪ She also wore this dress in December 1964 in Munich for the press conference for the film "Circus World" (Video below⬇) and then, on February 3, 1965 in Paris, for the tenth screening of "Le Cocu Magnifique" (French title), during which was photographed with Abel Gance.
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🔼🔽 Antonio Pietrangeli, Claudia Cardinale and Abel on March 2, 1965.
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▪ And obviously the photo session done by Claudia's great friend couldn't be missed; the great photographer Angelo Frontoni in 1964:
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/Claudia poses in her room in her house /
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In December 1964:
~ World famous Italian actress Claudia Cardinale spoke about media and fan interest, her career and her private life during her visit to Munich. ~ German press. (If anyone knows German, please send me a message about what the video says, it would be greatly appreciated 😊) Credits: 📷 Claudia's LBD by Sotheby's exhibition. 📷 Photos by Angelo Frontoni, 1964. 🎥 BR Retro Upper Bavaria.
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loveyou3000mylove · 8 days
'Hear Me Out'
Miles42! Bold
​(You have a crush on the Prowler...Miles finds you interesting, you have an awkward run-in with Prowler)
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​In the cafeteria
​"Okay but the Prowler" Niya said pointing at me, I flush, "The Prowler isn't a 'hear me out' if no one wants him" Jordan says as she fixes her shirt, giving Niya a pointed look that screams 'I dare you'.
​Niya dares "Not true....Y/n here-" I cut her off "Hell no, how did we get here?!", "We got here, when you told us Mei's lockscreen was Swiper(DtE), then we started talking about 'hear me outs'" Nicc, explains as he breaks his forth plastic spoon,"....oh" i mutter, "Y/n has a crush on the Prowler!" Niya says a little too loudly, quieting the cafeteria, murmurs and whispers of "Thats's weird", "Who's Y/n?", "Freak". I glare at Niya, "Sorry", she squeaks, I get up, grab my bag, and leave the cafeteria, Nicc sighs softly "Give her till 7th period".
​I did not come around.
​"Y/n! Wait" Niya begged, Nicc and Jordan trailing her, "I can drive you home" she offers, I finally turn around, "I got a ride" I tell her with a strained smile, "Look...I'll text you all when i get home, bye" i finish, walking down the many steps when i see my brothers', Heide, car.
​"Hola" he saluts me, "hey Heid" I climb in shotgun after moving the stuff on the seat, "Home?", "My Home, Heid", he nods pulling onto the road, "You should visit more, Papa misses his Bebe", he says with his eyes on the road, "Tell him his 'bebe' is almost 18 and wants a boyfriend" I say, sarcasticly.
​"BYE!" Heide screams from his car as i apporach the appartment door, "Bye, H" i shout back and enter as i hear his engine start, 'I will visit' I think as i get my keys and open my door, 'someday soon'.
​I throw my bag on the floor, "Honey, wheres my supersuit", I mumble, walking into the kitchen to make dinner, "Hmm, I have leftover lasgna that mom gave me? but that cheese is going to get bad soon...I'll just grate the cheese over the lasgna and bake it till it melts", I plan out my meal, placing the tray in the oven and setting a timer, walking out of the kitchen to get my bag from the doorway and head to my room.
​My apartments way bigger than it should be, figures, giving my family.
​My room is full of artic monkeys posters, and a singlular Prowler poster in a corner, hidden almost, tossing my bag on the bean bag, i plop onto the bed and open my phone, I stare at the group Icon for 'That one group', 'fuck it', I click it open and shoot a quick, 'Am home, Heide said hi' and close the app, opening Tiktok.
​About 10 minutes later, the timer goes off, making me hop off the bed and shoot to the kitchen. I gently take out the tray from the oven and the smell wafts the air, 'best part about living alone', I don't even take a plate, just a fork and dive in, it hardly took me 10 minutes to finish, I place the dish in the sink and make my way back to bed, to write my homework.
​I just had Spanish and English today so I finished at 9:46, and decided to sit by the window with a book.
​Claws or something, scratched the window harshly, 'huh?', I got the window open and let the cold air hit my exposed shoulders of my f/c wife-beater, 'this is such a bad idea' I think climbing out the window and following whatever it was that climbed to the roof.
​"Why are you following me?" as soon as i get to the roof, am pinned against the wall with a claw raised dangerously close to my neck, "Your the Prowler" I mutter breathlessly, from the wind getting knocked from me (or some fucked up excitment).
​"No shit, nina/nino"
(This might actually become a Fic)
Part two is almost finished
Writers block is annoying and i need requests
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 11 months
Nina and Maggie interview with Caitlin Tyrrell for Screenrant :)❤
Screen Rant: I love this show so much! Season two is amazing and you both are phenomenal in it!
Maggie Service: Oh, thank you so much. Nina Sosanya: Thank you.
Can you talk to me a little bit about playing the human story in this largely Celestial series?
Maggie Service: Yeah, I think they're quite good grounding I think for the audience. It's almost like they're a connector between the Celestial world and the audience. I think that's been set up really well in season two. Nina Sosanya: Yeah, they kind of magnify the themes in a kind of human way that we find sort of quite relatable. The themes of good and bad. The themes of when and if to trust another person with your vulnerabilities, which is what's going on with Heaven, Hell, Crowley, Aziraphale, and, you know, everyone. Maggie Service: Everyone.
I love your characters' dynamics with Crowley and Aziraphale. Can you talk to me a little bit about working with David and Michael to create those relationships?
Maggie Service: Yeah, well by this point, their portrayals of Aziraphale and Crowley are just iconic. But my character didn't get to have anything to do with them really in season one. So it was lovely to actually meet Aziraphale and Crowley in season two and go, "Ah, yeah. This is, okay, that's who you guys are." Nina Sosanya: You know what's actually quite nice is also because they're so iconic that you read the book, you know the characters, then you see season one, and then as human characters, we get to treat them [as] they're just these normal blokes. So these characters don't know about their iconic status at all and don't care, really. They're just taking them at face value. Two quite kooky odd guys to be either suspicious or to be in awe of. Maggie Service: Just they're the loveliest men in the world. Yeah.
What was it like collaborating with Neil Gaiman this season on an original story versus season one where it was an adaptation?
Maggie Service: Well, his focus was very, very clear for what the story was going to be. [He] and Terry Pratchett had spoken about what the sequel would be. Season Two might be a bridge to a possible thing that may or may not happen. Who knows. We have to see how much people love Season Two first, but he was very clear on what it was. So actually, the scripts hardly changed at all. Quite often, you'll get so many different versions of a shooting script, but really, when they landed that's what we shot and that's the story we told. Nina Sosanya: But he was lovely. He was very happy being on set and watching his work comes to life. He likes actors and he likes that process. He likes watching the process of his words being owned by other people. He's very generous in that way. He sort of gives his work away to the actor. Maggie Service: Yeah, he likes writing for specific people, I think because he feels safe in that he can probably hear how it's gonna sound. So when it does I think he quite likes that too. Makes him feel quite clever and makes us feel like we've done a good job. It's good for everyone.
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