#self improvement blog
lovinterstellar · 6 months
this is a collab w the it girl @prettieinpink !!
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Movement (yoga, running, Pilates, walking, gym, etc. Anything that allows you to move your body 
Reflection- make a note of things you would like to improve on. This could be self-love, relationships, 
Consistency is key. Make sure to stick to your plan and keep working towards your goals every day. Even small steps are progress. Try to make your goal part of your daily routine. 
SCHEDULE- Setting schedules helps really well with consistency. Make a schedule for the tasks you need to do daily or weekly to achieve your goals. This can help you make your goals a part of your routine, making it easier to stay consistent.
STAY ORGANIZED- Keep track of your tasks and goals. Use tools like calendars, to-do lists, or apps to help you stay organized and remember what you need to do.
DISCIPLINE YOURSELF- Sometimes, you won't feel like working towards your goals, and that's okay. The key is to maintain discipline and do the task anyway. Remember, consistency is about doing the task regularly, not just when you feel like it.
START SMALL- Don't overwhelm yourself with huge tasks. Start small and gradually increase your workload as you build consistency.
DON’T BE TOO HARD ON YOURSELF- If you miss a day, don't beat yourself up. Instead, acknowledge that it happened, understand why, and move on. Consistency is about long-term progress, not perfection.
Once you know what your goals are, create a step-by-step plan on how to achieve them. Break down each goal into smaller, manageable tasks. This might involve creating a timeline, setting deadlines, or identifying resources or tools you might need.
In 2023, I’m sure everyone has had ups and downs, but not letting them define you as a person is something that has to be done in order for you to become a new person.
ACCEPTANCE-  Acknowledge the past and accept it as part of your life story. Understand that it's something that has shaped you but doesn't define you.
FORGIVENESS- Forgive yourself and others. Holding onto resentment only harms you. Letting go of grudges can bring a sense of peace and open up space for healthier relationships.
LEARN FROM IT- Every experience, good or bad, is an opportunity to learn. Reflect on these experiences and use them as stepping stones to better decisions in the future.
FOCUS ON THE PRESENT- The past is unchangeable, but the present is in your control. Concentrate on what you can do now to create a positive future.
SET NEW GOALS- Create new objectives for yourself. This gives you something to work towards and helps shift your focus from the past to the future.
PRACTISE MINDFULNESS- Mindfulness is about staying focused on the present moment. Practices like meditation can help you stay grounded and prevent you from dwelling on the past.
It's okay if your initial plan doesn't work out exactly as you thought. Life happens, and it's important to be flexible and adapt your plan as needed. If you find that a certain approach isn't working, don't be afraid to try something different.
Remember to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. This can include things like getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising regularly, and taking time to relax and do things you enjoy. Don't forget that self-care is an important part of reaching your goals.
BALANCED DIET-  There is no need to restrict yourself from foods but eating a healthy, balanced diet is crucial for maintaining physical health. Try to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in your diet.
EXERCISE REGULARLY- Regular physical activity can help reduce stress, improve mood, and boost overall health. This doesn't necessarily mean going to the gym - it could be anything from a brisk walk to a yoga class
GET ENOUGH SLEEP-  Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Establish a regular sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to improve sleep quality.
STAY HYDRATED-  Drinking enough water each day is important for overall health. Try to aim for at least 8 glasses per day.
TAKE BREAKS- Make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day, especially if you're working or studying. This can help prevent burnout and improve productivity.
DO THINGS YOU ENJOY- Make time for hobbies or activities you enjoy. This could be anything from reading a book to playing a sport to painting. 
Don't wait until you've reached your big goal to celebrate. Celebrate small wins along the way to keep your motivation high. This could be treating yourself to something you enjoy, or simply taking a moment to acknowledge your achievement.
Think about how the past year went. Did you learn anything? Did you reach new goals? If you don't the answers to these questions, I recommend further examining your year!!
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punkkpixieprincess · 6 months
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exams are finally over! (grades shown are mine <3)
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preciousteddybear · 6 months
♡My Nighttime Skincare Routine (in details)♡
🧸Hiii Teddies! Happy late Thanksgiving! I’m sorry I have not posted for weeks. I have things to deal with in my personal life so I didn't have time to post for you guys, forgive me!♡😭𓂃°。⋆˚
I've been focusing on creating my routine for every week and just planning things in my life in general. So, I thought I could share my night-time skincare routine with yall! DISCLAIMER: Like what I said in my last post, everyone has a different skin type!!! So that means depending on your skin type you'll have a different way of doing your skincare. I have not developed my skin type yet so I just do the basics in skincare so I can tame my acne.
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♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧ My Nighttime Skincare Routine (in details)✧₊・🦢˚₊ ♡ -Wash your face with WARM WATER (this is important because warm water allows your pores to open and allows you to clean your face properly while cold water closes your pores) -If you have makeup on take it off with a cleanser and wash your face with warm water again -Cleanser I do this daily, morning & night (if your next step is to use a scrub then wash your face with warm water if you aren't, wash your face with cold water) -Face Mask I do this 2 times a week, Monday & Friday, at night -Ice Roller I do this daily, morning & night -Toner I do this 2 times a week, Monday and Friday, in the morning & night -Face Mist I do this daily, morning & night -Acne Treatment I do this daily, at night -Serum I do this daily, morning & night -Face Oil I do this daily, at night -Moisturizer I do this daily, in the morning & night
And that's it! I hope you got something useful from my nighttime routine! Have a great day Teddies♡
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ezri · 2 months
100 days of productivity
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Finished altering a thrifted skirt that's been sitting in my sewing bin since 2022.
Got out of work on time 2 days in a row. When I get out of work depends on me managing my time correctly, so I'm very happy that my new methods are working for me.
Made myself cheesy Sriracha eggs after work instead of just eating cereal.
Going to bed on time (give or take 30 minutes, instead of the usual 3 hours late.)
Time management is very difficult for me. Learning discipline at 26 years old is an adventure.
Photos are mine, art on the wall is also mine.
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heartselfcare · 2 years
♡ Romanization of Exercise
When feeling unmotivated you must remain consistent. Changing the mind can help break thru the plateaus. If you have huge imagination, or day dreamers disease (like me!) use this power to not only enjoy the everyday, but to manifest!
Working out is creating happiness, energy, and using this time to be alone, thinking, and using the imagination to create a new reality.
Visualization is KEY to manifestation. It’s creating what you want to see.
♡ Some Ex:
smiling thru a workout is the simplest way to get thru. :) start to associate happiness with working out. Thinking and believe it will bring you health, and natural joy. You will begin to crave it more and more everyday.
simply doing my hair in a pretty bun with a cute two-piece set is an instant confidence booster for the workout! But sometimes it’s nice to have my hair down, and work out in my pajamas because I feel more comfortable that way. Associate exercise with beauty and confidence, and knowing you feel beautiful before and after the session.
The body naturally releases happy hormones while exercising. This is the ultimate power booster! it’s free, natural, and healing! While working out you must be in tune with your body; imagine all negative, and dark energy in your body simply releasing with every rep. Every move, every last crunch or punch is letting go of the negativity, and rushing in is light and bright new energy. Associate the exercise as a healing ritual both mentally and physically.
♡ Cute & Fun Imagines ☁️🫧
Letting my inner Jane Fonda out. Looking and feeling pretty plus working hard to the beat. Smiling, and keeping proper form. It makes the workouts more fun motivating.
Exercise like it’s your JOB. It’s your paycheck.
Pretending to be a Hadid or Gisele Bündchen. I imagine all models dedication to the gym, and get into that headspace. I workout hard like I’m about to make my runway debut. I need strength, balance, and confidence. I earn these thru exercise.
Think: what would Bella do?
I do all my exercise at my house, and sometimes I hate it :( it cramped, and small. So, during my workouts I close my eyes, and I imagine my ideal workout space.
What does it looks it?
What’s in the room with me?
What am I wearing?
I imagine I’m in my dream home exercising in a spacious private workout room with beautiful new Pilates equipment, matching other pieces of equipment, and cute outfits.
It is whatever you BELIEVE it is. The mind has no limits.
Maybe this is only useful for some but it’s worth a try 🫶🏻 using the open mind space to attract a happy, healthier mind and soul. Use the exercise to go beyond just the physical.
One again; there are NO limits to what you can imagine and wish for.
Happy manifesting ✨
& stay dedicated 💫
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tigretigris-blog · 2 months
Trauma Horcrux Journey: Return, Neutralize, and/,or Kill
TW: TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCES, Racism and childhood trauma and scars from bullies and manipulated.
Have you ever felt there's a blockage in your life, a walking black cat of bad luck or maybe feel like your life has been cursed? If these three hypothetical questions apply to you, it turns out that you may have multiple horcruxes residing inside you.
this is a shout out to those who are along with no family due to estrangement, those who are battling demons that always ends in loss or stalemate. I want to share my stories and experiences with you so you can be inspired to break free of any generational curses, trauma or Shadow horcrux is that chaining you down unable to reach your potential to be great in life. Trauma is always going to be part of our lives but how we will define our meeting so the pain won't hurt that much anymore is how we Will rise from the ashes. It's up to you.
This journey of mine is more personal, it's more of a metaphorical transformation getting back to the person that I once was before all the rotten shit had happened to me. Transforming back to the old me with some new character development, self confidence ,self-love, and improvement of quality everyday life. Although I can't turn back the hands of time and I can't get back all those moments that was stolen. I can focus on the here and now and make new memories good ones every single day. That's a surefire way to stop history from repeating itself.
I'm 2 years away from being 40 and I'm finally learning how to love and appreciate myself for the first time and 33 years. I don't know how many horcruxes is that I have but so far.. I returned my trauma horcruxes to it senders, neutralized and killed a few. It was 12.
1. Throwing shade at an annoying ex coworker at my former job in Bravos(a 🦝 with pizza toppings freckles. Lol).
Returning the trauma and humiliation to its rightful owner, I've embraced my vengeful nature as a Scorpio, sometimes being the bigger person is overrated and assholes like her need to be put in place. In layman's terms, I try not to let vengeance consume my mind and heart but nothing is being done and I'm sick of giving wicked people passes while I'm suffering internally.😈😈😈🦂🦂🦂✔️
2. Played basketball with other guys healing my childhood wounds. Long story short me and men in sports don't get along very well as a kid, basketball was thrown at my back and at my head... It hurts like hell✔️
3. Chewed out an online clout lighting psycho bitch named Mooky Milk(jahjah sky) and Jean C Maxamilian ( I hope she gets canceled for good) got my 6-year revenge for the trauma they put me through.
She ironically and hypocritically blocked me and I blocked her a long time ago to protect her from my mouth doing some damage and dude was trying to be a clout chaser talking about I'm being performative. Returning trauma to it's rightful owners ✔️
4. Overcame Online Trauma from non-responsive messaging from people- I just had to reprogram myself to understanding the language. Some people don't have the energy because they're busy and try not to take it personally. It really took a lot of days and exceedingly hard months to not give in✔️
5. Becoming more assertive and standing up for myself and others. I've been a pushover to being very passive aggressive almost my whole life. When I got overly aggressive I can get very carried way easy to the point where I can hurt a person's feelings in the most severe brutal manner possible. I'm only going to use that as a defense only.✔️
6. I became stoic towards the losses of friendships to the point where I don't feel a thing. It's okay to feel sad but the longer I dwell the more my sanity will diminish. It's not the first rodeo.
I have been having a hard time keeping and maintaining friendship and I was a child, due to the childhood trauma of being bullied I didn't know who to trust and eventually as I learned I was My own worst enemy and some of the unnecessary losses were all for nothing. At the time I thought I can read minds of people to protect myself from getting hurt as a child. Unfortunately, it made me into a class pariah. I couldn't even handle the roughest horse play without having an urge of wanting to hurt self defense.✔️
7. I got my poetry writing skills back.✔️
8. Established my confidence in talking to women. I'm no longer afraid to approach. I may stutter or stumble with my words but I quickly recover.
I realize I do have some style and swagger I just got to learn how to utilize them properly and being my authentic self. I can't believe that I damn near wasted my time trying to be something that I wasn't and my twenties and in my teens. I still got a lot to learn before I consider dating again whether it's with my first love for someone else. I discovered that I like monogamous polyamorous and solonogamous. ✔️ horcrux neutralized
9. Learning to Dance, giving an old childhood humiliation experience cleaver. I'm taking some pretty good baby steps so many moves so little time.
I want to try pole dancing just to get my acrobatic skills and learning how to properly seduce a woman. Capoeira and break dancing.✔️
10. I got my love for cartooning back thanks to my nephew. I haven't drew a cartoon in years but after making up some fan art power rangers this got me inspired to do some fan art soon✔️
11. Utilizing being an asshole at the right proper moment. I'm no longer afraid to be really mean and ugly, people can't handle me at my worst moment they don't deserve my good side either. Only if a person deserves it of course defense only✔️
12. Today on this momentous occasion I gave my trauma horcrux from the University of Tennessee the cleaver. Horcux exterminated. This is part one, long story short I got fucked over by someone who I thought was my friend and got me unjustly banned from the campus that I was working like a slave to graduate from under another layer trauma. She was a queer white feminist of all people. Looking back on it I believe she used me as a diversion so she can protect her ex partner who was a non-binary predator who SA a few people and two of them were teenagers.
.Upcoming Horcruxes:
1.Weight Loss-265lbs of trauma weight from college
My Stuttering
Anger Management
Changing the way I engage in debate or how I talk to people
Taking crucial classes to understand body languages,
building strong friendships and relationships so the childhood trauma and adulthood trauma would fade away like an old scar wound.
reLearning boundaries for myself and for others properly
English grammar and vocabulary and writing abilities returning
Making damn sure the misogynistic and possible jealous side is dead for good(small relapse since in 2020). I need some pretty good feminist articles and I need to go back on old ones I saved
.Taking a parenting class( I'm not expecting any kids lol) to toe tag my shadow so I can no what to expect and what to do in case of unplanned pregnancy or pregnancy via marriage. Trying to break the ghastly chain of parents being absent from their kids lives. Properly responsible.( just got to find the right class)
How to how to return neutralize and kill your horcruxes
For the returns use careful judgment wisely, only using a return to sender if the person is incorrigible no conscience or remorse and being an all round no good miserable asshole by simply standing up for yourself. Throwing shade embarrass them without care or shame. If they fight you you can defend yourself but do not do anything that will get you behind bars.
Converting any negative experiences due to trauma by turning them into positive for example, facing your worst fears, convert the weaknesses that you don't like about yourself and turn them into strengths. Use combos of one and two if you want.
Kill-destroy really horrible traumas that LG back for way too long and affect your daily living and creativity. Combination one and two. Do not literally do harm that will get you in trouble. Seek possible accountability and if they are truly sorry and make no excuses and they hold themselves they are accountable, you don't have to do anything like lawsuits. Give the person trying to grow mature from this(unless they are incorrigible and don't give a fuck).
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odinofpopculture · 3 months
Solo Leveling journal day 1:
the goals for the day were: workout, sleep 8 hours, eat right. i did all three. +1 point 😎
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rosegoldsapphic · 4 months
pro tip: don’t leave your phone where you can easily grab it while asleep (like right next to your pillow) because you can and will hit snooze a million times while half asleep when your alarm goes off
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betterlifeexists · 4 months
Better Life Exists! Live It. You Deserve It.
Discover essential steps to living a better life. Learn strategies, techniques to overcome challenges, build better business, create a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life...Click Here to Read More>>>
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4theitgirls · 2 months
the it girl’s spring cleaning
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phone reset
delete old contacts and messages
go through social media following
delete unused apps
go through photos
set a new wallpaper
add widgets for reminders, weather, battery, etc.
delete old songs and add new ones
environmental reset
clean your bedroom (vacuum, dust, put clothes away, etc.)
sort through and donate old clothes
organize your makeup, skincare, etc.
wash or change your bedsheets
rearrange your bedroom
open your windows and curtains to let fresh air in
get outdoors
clean your home with fresh scented products (lemon, lavender, etc.)
physical reset
try a new workout routine
get some new outfits
do a face mask
exfoliate and shave
oil your hair or do a hair mask
try a new hair color, cut, or style
do your nails or get your nails done
get some fresh makeup and try a new makeup routine
do a lip mask and scrub
mental reset
start journaling or try some new prompts
do a refreshing meditation
try a new yoga practice or workout
read instead of scrolling
put a time limit on your phone usage
reset your sleep schedule
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thementallycaged · 6 months
I hate bpd.
I hate always changing moods, I hate when I split on people.
I hate when I feel doomed, I hate that you think I'm evil... Poem by Lola
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lovinterstellar · 5 months
Waking up early can be so beneficial too your daily routine. Sometimes, when we wake up early we aren't sure what exactly to do with all of the time we have on our hands.
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BENEFITS OF WAKING UP EARLY Getting an early start to the day can do so many things to improve your routine. Rising early allows you to make the most of your day and feel a sense of accomplishment before bedtime.
Get enough sleep- Making sure you're getting at least 8 hours of quality sleep will ensure you are well rested so your will be ready to rise early.
Just get up- This may be harder than it sounds but just get up. Not thinking about and immediately sitting up once your alarm goes off with help you not feel so drowsy.
LIGHT!- Right when your alarm goes off, open your blinds or turn on a light in your room so your eyes can adjust and help you feel awake.
Different clothes in the morning- After you do your morning skincare, shower, etc. make sure you change into some clothes so you don't feel like you are about to go back to sleep. I know everyone can't do this but this is scientifically proven to help.
Alarms- This one may be controversial but don't set several alarms, this is to make sure you don't automatically go back to sleep since you know you'll have another alarm go off soon.
Water- Immediately when you get up, drink some water, it will help you wake up. I prefer to have a water next to my bed so I can have easy access to my water bottle.
make bed right away
have a mindful breakfast
move your body
plan your day
read/listen to something motivational
stay in pajamas all day
check your phone right away
snooze alarms
skip breakfast
Some good habits to implement into your morning can be things like oil pulling, journaling, moving your body in some way (even if it's light), studying, and more!!
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pavankadam · 9 months
Dive into a world of inspiration with these thought-provoking quotes! 📚✨ Explore a collection of wisdom that'll uplift your spirits and spark your imagination. Check out Blogkiat's Flipboard magazine for your daily dose of motivation
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preciousteddybear · 6 months
♡My Morning Skincare Routine (in details)♡
🧸Hiii Teddies! This post is going to be about morning skincare routine this time I hope you enjoy and get something out of this♡𓂃°。⋆˚
Again, I've been focusing on creating my routine for every week and just planning things in my life in general. I've already shared my nighttime routine with you guys: My Nighttime Skincare Routine) So it's time to share my morning one🥳
DISCLAIMER: Like what I said in almost every post, everyone has a different skin type!!! So that means depending on your skin type you'll have a different way of doing your skincare. I have not developed my skin type yet so I just do the basics in skincare so I can tame my acne.
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♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧ My Morning Skincare Routine (in details)✧₊・🦢˚₊ ♡ -Wash your face with WARM WATER (this is important because warm water allows your pores to open and allows you to clean your face properly while cold water closes your pores) -Cleanser I do this daily, morning and night (if your next step is to use a scrub then wash your face with warm water if you aren't, wash your face with cold water) -Facial Scrub you should do this 2-3 times a week, I do it 2 times a week, Monday and Friday, in the morning (To take off the scrub, wash your face with cold water to close your pores) -Ice Roller I do this daily, morning and night -Exfoliate I do this 2 times a week, Monday and Friday, in the morning -Toner I do this 2 times a week, Monday and Friday, in the morning and night -Face Mist I do this daily, morning & night -Serum I do this daily, morning & night -Moisturizer I do this daily, in the morning & night -SPF I do this if I am going to go outside (even if it's winter! No excuses, wear sunscreen!)
That's it! I hope you liked my routine and found it useful! Have a great productive day💕
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biscuitdolly · 2 months
hobbies to try out ♡
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hobbies are such a great way to spend your time rather than being on technology all the time. It's great to have a skill, as skills can help you make friends, and can also open up new job opportunities!! here are some ideas, some are easy and simple and others are a little more advanced, there's (hopefully) something for everyone !!
O1 , painting / sketching
O2 , ballet (or dance in general)
O3 , sewing
O4 , reading
O5 , journalling
O6 , gardening
O7 , baking
O8 , photography
O9 , creative writing / songwriting / poem writing
1O , yoga
11 , learning an instrument (electric/acoustic guitar, drums, piano, violin etc)
12 , bracelet/jewellery making
13 , thrifting
14 , skateboarding
15 , hiking / exploring
16 , calligraphy
17 , pottery
18 , knitting / crochet
19 , pilates
2O , learning a language
21 , origami
22 , archery
23 , bird watching , herping , and animal/bug study in general
24 , mycology , plant observation/documentation
25 , start a podcast or amateur radio
26 , roller skating
27 , gymnastics / acrobatics
28 , cardistry
29 , terrarium making
30 , calisthenics
hope this helps!!!
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heartselfcare · 2 years
Trader Joe’s haul! (Featuring my cat☺️)
- 1 dozen eggs
- 1 can of black beans
- 1 can of corn
- 1 can of Greek chickpeas
- 1 southwest salad kit
- 1 jar of creamy peanut butter
-1 bag of peanut peanut protein granola
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