knotty-et-al · 7 months
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Visualization of the Rubik's cube
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inkeddreamscape-07 · 6 months
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Wait- I thought this was normal???
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moodboardmix · 2 months
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"My little big world," Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia,
Superform Architects,
Photo Credits: Visualisation Spacer
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valent1neg0d · 3 months
1. the law of assumption is personal. considering how we have different sets of experiences, different environments, different upbringings, and even different languages, we have different assumptions.
because of this, we are affected by teachings and success stories differently. it's important to note this since a lot of manifestation coaches will teach you about the law in a way that worked for them (and the others they may have taught) but it's possible that their advice (even my own) may not be the best for you. even abdullah and neville goddard, two of the people who are known to start this discipline, may have ancient or varied belief systems and techniques. this is normal considering the world they lived in before is different from the world we live in now.
although, you should still read on abdullah and neville because they will teach you the basics and they will help you understand the foundations of the law.
as an example, you might manifest your dream career faster with simple affirmation techniques but a coach may have taught you to focus on visualization techniques.
even the idea that "dominant THOUGHTS manifest" or "what you BELIEVE in manifests" is entirely up to you.
note: notice how i said "may not be the best for you" instead of "may not work for you". any technique can, does, and will work.
how i learned this: when i was learning about the law, i mainly focused on neville's teachings because he was one of the most prominent figures in the practice. and though i liked his practical techniques (especially mental diet and inner conversations), there were some beliefs that i do not agree with e.g. divine timing, appointed hour, avoiding "does not" "is not" "will not".
when i was going through sammy ingrams' takes, she said that it's better to have concise affirmations/short list (non-verbatim) than a long list of 25+ affirmations. but going through affirmations without being specific about them doesn't personally resonate with me and that's just because i'm a detail-oriented person (also a writer).
what i can advise:
learn about different approaches
a. through scientific concepts. e.g. quantum physics, reticular activating system, cognitive reframing, cognitive behavioral therapy, the psychology of placebo effect, the psychology of affirmations, Baader-Meinhof phenomenon (a.k.a. the psychology of self-fulfilling prophecy)
b. through religious and/or spiritual concepts. e.g. passages from the Bible, passages from the Quran, deity work, spells and rituals
c. through self-development. e.g. identity-based habit
start the practice with an identity you like in the present or an identity that you resonate with (learning style, talents, interests, etc.)
-visual learner = vision boards
-loves writing = scripting
-words of affection love language = affirmations
take teachings with a grain of salt. do not limit yourself and do not allow other people to limit you. experiment with concepts, ideas, and techniques, and have fun with them.
2. techniques are only reminders. you are manifesting either by thinking, feeling, or acting out your desires. you are manifesting every second of the day either with your thoughts, emotions, or by embodying a state. you are only being intentional when you anchor techniques.
note: it is true that your dominant thoughts manifest. it is also true that what you believe in manifests, the same way that your inner knowing manifests. BUT these ideas are meant to empower you. they are meant to remind you that manifestation is as easy as thinking, feeling, acting, believing, understanding, deciding, etc. if an idea doesn't feel good to you, it doesn't have to be an ultimate truth you embrace and carry on with. this is the same with techniques.
what i can advise:
choose one technique and practice it for 7 to 21 days. it can be mental diet, affirmation tapes, sats, mind movies, etc. as long as you can persist with it. give it time. give it time. give it time. in other aspects of the world, you give change some time. when you're calcium deficient and you decide to drink calcium supplements, you realize that it's counterproductive to ask "why am i still calcium deficient?" as soon as you start your regimen because you know your body is changing with the supplement and you put your trust into it. after all, why would you choose a supplement you have no faith on? you just give it time.
note: you can still manifest changes to be instant. you can affirm "i am seeing results now", "results come immediately", "my manifestation is quick". the amount of time you're using a technique does not equate to the amount of time your results will come.
the reason why i encourage you to practice for maximum 21 days is so you can fully explore and master the technique you chose. with the abundance of topics and methods discussed in social media, switching and trying new things is tempting. now, there is nothing wrong with this. it's just that, you wouldn't be able to take a step back and reflect on what worked and what takes more effort when you change techniques every so often.
try a technique that is popularized in the media. a lot of the times, the reason why this technique gained traction is either because it's simple or because it has worked for a lot of people. now, here's the thing: if said technique wasn't for you, at least you can say "oh this is a tiktok/twitter/youtube/old/beginner technique, there are other techniques out there" and you can try another technique with less resistance. but, if it did work, then it did. congratulations.
you can invent your own. here are some techniques that i invented throughout the years.
a. "name is set and solid with the fact that..." - works amazing for sp, getting people to commit, getting people to pursue you
b. "okay! manifestation powers go brrr!" - funny but i do this when I'm spiraling; it also helps me surrender doubts and i think it's because it's so simple and unserious lmao
you can combine them. for example, you want to do sats but you cannot hold a vision for long, what you can do is montage photos or videos that is similar to the vision you want to manifest. you can also have affirmation tapes running in the background.
3. "concept" work can be such a banger. assumptions are basically the conception about the world, about yourself, about the people around you. hence, when you manifest and apply the law of assumption, you change or reinforce a conception.
these can be done through:
what it is: your awareness about yourself; the way you perceive yourself.
how you can apply it: there are multiple ways to establish your self-concept but the best way, is to start reinforcing the universal truth: that you are inherently worthy. you deserve money and resources because you are worthy. you deserve love because you are worthy. you deserve ease because you are worthy.
other ways to grow your self-concept is celebrating the identities you have within yourself that you like e.g. that you are strong, you are disciplined, you are beautiful. be careful about strongly tying yourself into these identities though because these are not the reasons why you shall receive. again, you shall receive because you are inherently worthy.
why it works: by having a strong self-concept, you develop ease. you are less likely to rationalize or question the law or why you deserve the things you're asking for. and as you may think, rationalizing may be a form of resistance. questioning may be a form of resistance.
one of the ways i have seen this is when people receive incentives from work, instead of just receiving or saying "thank you", they say things like "what have i done to receive this?", sometimes completely rejecting this gift because of fear that they might lose something when they receive. this can be an example of a weak self-concept. consequently, the company starts questioning "did my employer really do enough to receive this?".
on the other hand, someone with a strong self-concept can take this incentive and buy the things they like because they know they deserve it. they can also take this incentive and say to themselves "oh it's because i worked hard these past few days". it's the knowing and confidence they have within themselves that everything around them has no other option but to recognize.
conception of other things (e.g. of love, of money, of a specific person)
you can work on your conception of other things the same way you work on your self-concept: choosing a narrative that is uplifting to you.
in case you have resistance to a specific object, you can also listen to people's success stories to start shifting to a more positive and desirable perception. one of the ways i do this is by going back to abdullah and neville's story. these two men lived at difficult times, through difficult eras, yet they manifested their desires. they managed to let go of the 3D.
4. practice some distance as you're starting. you were exposed to a different life before the law, it's only normal and human to have doubts or spiral once in a while. however, when you set distance on things that do not help you embody the state, you set distance on things that will feed your doubts and spiraling.
for example, if you're shifting to a state of wealth and you're affirming "i have 1,000 dollars". it's unhelpful and opposing to be constantly surrounded by someone else saying "you only have 10 dollars".
now, i do understand that not everyone can do this right away because of circumstances. but PLEASE do whatever you can to set this distance. find a voice to reinstate your truth.
a personal story, i am an asian girl living with a grandmother who was pessimistic about love because her two children (my mom and my aunt) struggled with it. because of this, she used to constantly remind me of how love is difficult. i didn't know this at the time, but this created a set of beliefs in my head. consequently, as a teenager, i only seeked and allowed love which was difficult because that was all i've ever known. that was all my assumption.
but around the pandemic, i went back to the countryside with my dad where i had a lot of time on my own. this was when i got deep into new-age spirituality and did shadow work. from here, i realized: this is not my assumption about love. before my parents broke up, my assumption was that love is easy. you only have to make the other person laugh. when i was busy in school and would spend most of the time at my friend's house, my assumption was that love is support and light. i started to get these epiphanies that a lot of my pessimistic perception was because of someone i was constantly surrounded with and that i have to build new assumptions.
but around august 2020, i have to go back to the city with my grandmom. i was afraid of the toll i might get into when i got back. however, because i already practiced distance and understood what are the assumptions that serve me, what are the assumptions that i want, i was more at peace. i listed down affirmations about myself, about love, about money, about being "deserving".
after this, every time she told me what love was, i can stop her and say no. i can tell her that it's not the universal truth, and certainly not mine. along the way, i started manifesting that she believes love is easy and supportive. i started manifesting that she believes i deserve love that is soft and tender.
then, when i got into my relationship, she was nothing but happy and supportive.
other ways i have practiced distance while manifesting:
unfollowing content creators who normalized hating men.
unfollowing content creators who were shady and negative about relationships.
unfriending highschool guy friends who do not make me feel safe about men.
unfriending relatives who make unnecessary comments about my looks, my studies, my relationship, and my earnings.
unfollowing girls who made me feel bad about also liking girls.
unfollowing manifestation gurus who romanticize struggles because "the more you struggle, the more you get blessed"
unfollowing manifestation gurus who say stuff like "if you want money, you have to take action to deserve it. not just manifesting"
now, you can totally manifest these people to change and be better, as long as it will make you feel good.
that's all i can share today (since this post is already getting long). i hope you learned a thing or two. thank you so much for reading. i love you and i appreciate you !
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dreamlifebunny · 6 months
dream life daydreams: being with your sp!
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an “imaginal act” is a scene you play out in your imagination that implies your wish has been fulfilled. the scene can use any of the five senses, and can be as long or as short as you want; what matters is the feeling that it evokes in you! i like to refer to my imaginal acts as “daydreams,” because the word reminds me of when i was a creative child who’s imagination was limitless.
instructions: take these imaginal acts and put yourself there in imagination! tweak the details to match your desires, personal details, and preferences, and use the senses that you have in your imagination to fully immerse yourself.
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imagine picking up your phone like you always do throughout the day and seeing your background light up; it's a picture of you and your sp holding hands that you took last month on a date. your sp has the biggest grin you've ever seen, and is looking at you with eyes filled with love and adoration for you!
or, the inverse: imagine your sp passing you their phone to take a picture of them or to show you a text they got, and seeing their background is an adorable picture of you that they absolutely love looking at every day!
imagine you and your sp are out with friends at a party or event. both of you are doing your own thing, talking to friends and making the rounds, but both of you are still in the same room and nearby. while you go to the entrance of the room to get a drink, you overhear your sp's voice as they talk to one of their friends: "seriously, being with (your name) has been the best thing to have ever happened to me. they make my life so much better, it's seriously crazy for me to believe that they wanted to be with me when i've been pining after them for so long." you can hear their friend congratulate them, telling your sp, "i haven't seen you this happy in forever!"
imagine your sp sitting next to you and reaching down to intertwine their fingers with your own. their thumb traces back and forth over your thumb, slowly and thoughtfully. notice how their hand feels; are their hands soft or calloused? are their fingers warm or cold? do they hold your hand tightly, or in a soft and gentle grip?
imagine your sp going in to hug you, and their soft and familiar scent fills the air and warms your heart! what do they smell like?
imagine your sp cooking your favourite food and eating it together; do they do the recipe justice and impress you? is it the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten, but was made with love?
try picking one of these scenes and incorporate all five senses instead of just the one mentioned! does it feel immersive?
try imagining these scenes with your comfort characters instead of your sp! you can manifest fictional characters the same way that you'd manifest any sp; give it a try and have fun!
love, bunny 💕
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imperfect777 · 3 months
It’s never too late to manifest your dream life. If you’re sitting around contemplating on life, stop. Stop messing around and get your desires. Live your dream life. Manifest the Car you’ve been wanting. Get your sp! Get that mansion you’ve been eyeing. Stop sitting around waiting for something to change and be the change. It all starts from within. You CAN have whatever you want. There’s nothing too big or too small. You can make the “ impossible “ possible l. There’s nothing out of your control. Everything you want, wants you 10x more. Stop sitting around feeling sorry for yourself hoping things will work out, while still living in your undesired state. Do whatever you have to do to get in the wish fulfilled and stay there. Oh you fell out of the wish fulfilled ? So what get back in it. There’s nothing or anyone holding you back or keeping you down but YOU. Stop sitting around wishing you could have this and wishing things could’ve been this way, You wanna know why they aren’t ? BECAUSE OF YOU. NOBODY BUT YOU. Feeling sorry for yourself isn’t going to get you that job, Or those shoes, or that car, Or that trip to Hawaii, Or your sp back. Everything and Everyone had to follow your rules. You want that house right ? “ but it’s already sold “ so ? lol. What does that mean ? There’s over hundreds of houses that person doesn’t even like that house anymore, They’re moving right now as we speak that house is YOURS! You want your sp back ? “ But he has a new girlfriend ): “ ( This applies to any and everyone i’m just using he as of right now ) . aww that’s cute. Anyways, They’ve broken up because they’re not meant for each other because your sp is meant for you and you only, and the girl ( or boy ) has found they’re soulmate and they’re now in a happy relationship, which isn’t with your sp because, your sp is attracted to you and you only, Your sp doesn’t want a relationship with anyone but you. They’re personalities clash because your the only person that’s understands sp and that’s one of the many reasons they love and cherish you. You want that car right ? “ I can’t afford it right now “. Anything is possible, you would win it in a raffle, It could go on sale for 1 cent or a dollar, Someone could gift it to you, You can win it in a giveaway or contest. Anything could happen, Or if you could win $1,000,000 on the lottery and the car is $100,000. Now you have a car and over $800,000. ( Yes you can manifest them not taking taxes off your winning ). You want that new pool right ? “ But my parents said I can’t get one “ is this your reality or theirs ? ( don’t say that to your parents though 😭 ) EIYPO. So what they said that, You said you have a new pool so now you have one. Whatever everyone else thinks or says doesn’t matter. It’s yours. Oh look .. a random truck just pulled in your yard. Wait the they’re delivering a .. NEW POOL. With all that being said. Get whatever you want. Start the year off right ( it’s still the beginning of the year technically 😭 ). You can have what you want, Do what you want, Go where you want, Be who you want. Live your dream life, STOP SEARCHING AND START APPLY, STOP SEEKING ( checking the 3D, looking and hoping for results ) AND START KNOWING. IT’S ALREADY YOURS GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD. And calm down, idc about how long you have until this and that. Time isn’t real. Calm down the clock isn’t ticking. Your sp isn’t going anywhere, That house or those shoes or that car won’t be growing legs and walking away. You’ve got all the time in the world.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 4 months
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This post is dedicated to Solar's guide , this post includes quotes from all her guides that I have read . Solar subs is amazing , please support her , her channel got terminated . Do read her guides they are really helpful 🤍🎀
🎀To get rid of limiting beliefs, just do what you thought you couldn't "
🤍 You are limitless . You are an infinite being. Do not ever settle for less because you think getting it impossible , that's putting limits. Your reality is a direct reflection of your inner consciousness. If you're always limiting yourself internally, your outer reality is always going to be limited. Aim for your wildest desires, you have them already. Nothing external can stop you"
🎀Limiting beliefs cannot affect you if you stop paying attention to them . Nothing can stop you from manifesting except yourself . Your mind is more powerful than any subliminal"
🤍 Your mind is so damn powerful. It controls and creates everything . If you can imagine a change you want in life , your subconscious mind can literally create a CARBON COPY of that change into your reality "
🎀Reality is extremely malleable and changeable. It is never set in stone what your reality is , it can change to anything, at any time, at any speed . Life changing results can happen in your reality at super unexpected times
🤍The law of assumption cannot fail you . The same way the law of gravity always makes an object fall If you drop it , if you make a change in your inner world , your outer world must change according to that. As long as you keep persisting in an assumption , there is no way that the assumption won't occur in the 3d ( outer reality ) . Your outer world is a direct reflection of your subconscious mind . The thoughts you have consistently directly impact your subconscious mind.
🎀You manifest by changing your thoughts and mindset to create an assumption . Whatever you keep assuming manifests because your subconscious will find it to be true and create it in your reality.
🤍Whatever you pay the most attention to , and whatever thoughts you dwell upon more , your subconscious will soak up more. Your dominant thoughts ( whatever you think about the most ) manifest faster , they impress your subconscious mind.
🎀Anytime you have a thought , or tell a story , analyze it . Ask yourself , " Am I affirming something that I want ?" If the answer is NO , then stop , change whatever you are thinking / saying around , make it into something you do want. Eventually if you do this enough , you will get to a point where you stop thinking about things you don't want. It just takes practicing watching your thoughts.
🤍A useful thought is a thought ( affirmation ) that confirms or implies that you already have what you want. An unuseful thought is an affirmation that contradicts the fact that you have what you want. Thoughts are also affirmations. You think / say / tell something , you are affirming it as TRUE to your subconscious. Do you repeat something consistently and repeatedly? Your subconscious mind creates that.
🎀Your Dominant thoughts manifest. What you dwell upon and pay attention to most becomes reality. Once you accept something is true mentally , your 3d reality has no choice but to accept it as well. Reality conforms to YOU, not the other way around.
🤍Living in the end simply means living life as if you already have all of your desires fulfilled , there is no lack , or desperation because what you want is currently in your possession .
🎀The key to living in the end : you are not" trying to manifest " or " waiting to manifest " " wishing to manifest " or " hoping to manifest " . No , you already manifested your desires , you are at the end of your journey already . There is no future where you are going to have results. There is no desire to try to manifest , you already have it . You are already at the point of having full results. Not in the future, but right at this present moment , you already have everything you want . And you are mentally operating as the person who has their every desire fulfilled.
🤍You are NOT expecting results when you live in the end , you already have results !
🎀The purpose of repeating any affirmations , doing any technique, listening to a subliminal , doing a mental diet will always be to remind yourself of your desires , not because you are TRYING to manifest. TRYING always implies a lack . There is no lack in your reality. Everything you want is there. You see what's in your reality based on what mindset you have . If you search hard enough for something ,you always end up finding it , your mind is set to.
🤍Just keep doing it and don't stop , even if you don't see results or don't believe in your affirmations , keep affirming . Because once you affirm something so much , you will feel it be real, you will believe it and it will be visible in your outer reality.
🎀Realize that all reality changes happen by your subconscious beliefs, these beliefs have reaffirmed over and over in your life , you searched for evidence of these unwanted beliefs and found them! Reality is all in your hands, you can mold it to whatever the hell you want , including anything you think or imagine. You have infinite power to create a wanted reality. All you have to do is replace those beliefs that you have been fed over your lifetime.
🤍If you can think of something , you can create it , and your subconscious will reflect that creation from your imagination onto the 3d.
🎀It's like planting a seed in your subconscious. The seed being a thought, imaginal scene or affirmations you do. To make it grow into a healthy tree , you need to consistently take of the seed , give it water and sunlight. This will be your mental diet , the mental conversations , your habitual thought patterns after you planted the seed in your subconscious . You know that as long as you keep watering your plant and providing it with sunlight , you can be certain that the tree is growing . You also know that if you give your plant to toxic chemicals ( a limiting mental diet ) it could prevent the plant from flourishing. The seed will always be there , and how you take care of it will determine how it grows . You can also prevent those " unwanted thoughts " from growing , just by affirming that they won't.
🤍Don't go chasing for results , it implies that they are not there already , and you might just end up feeling doubtful and obsessed. Let the 3d come to you , once you have renewed your mind to assume that your 3d has your wishes fulfilled , they are required to come , it's the law.
🎀 Just focus on the inner you , not on the outer you
🤍If you see something unwanted in your reality . First I want you to view it as something powerless and helpless because you have all the power in the universe to recreate the thing to match your desire. Second , KEEP PERSISTING IN YOUR ASSUMPTION!! Don't give up your persistence, EVER, don't ever let a 3d circumstance affect your mental diet , keep thinking as if you have full results no matter what. Don't let your 3d make you a victim . Always keep in mind you are the one in power.
🎀Do not worry about when it will show they will show up in future. Change your focus. Focus more on your mental diet and persisting and less on how long it takes. Get rid of this " listen to your subliminals now then get results in future " mindset. I advise you to always think you have your results now and instantly.
🤍You are literally the universe , infinitely powerful, the creator. What you say goes , you are in control of your 3d. Someone with a mind as powerful as yours wouldn't need 3d evidence to validate their assumptions . Even if you see evidence that disproves your desire, you do not accept it as the end , and you do not get upset over the illusion that there's a lack of results. You continue persisting and telling the story that no , you do have your desired results.
🎀This is your reminder right here to not just think of your desire once a day and go on with your life. Repeat your affirmations, saturate your mind and imagination with them , dwell upon them as much as them for as much as you want until they become dominant thoughts , until they play on automobile mode then you will feel your desire much more real, you will easily and vividly visualize it , you will feel it in your reality . If you have trouble believing your affirmations , don't worry about it because you don't need to believe in them , you just need to repeat and persist in them.
🤍When you consciously manifesting , you persist that you already have your wish fullfiked even when you may not see any evidence of it at all . And this will project that assumption into the outer reality.
🎀Bigger changes don't take an incredible about of mindfulness , hours of mediation , extensive gratitude for the universe. NO! Your subconscious will effortlessly bring anything you desire into the outer reality , small or big , it is only you going " No, my true desire is too life changing , my subconscious can't do it "
🤍Your subconscious is never stuck it will only recreate the story you keep retelling over and over. When you are complaining about how subs never work for you , you are just retelling and manifesting that story and that's wht you didnt get results.
🎀The reason why you haven't been manifesting your desires in the past is because you had a mental diet where you kept affirming that you have no control over your reality.
🤍Your current reality doesn't mean you cannot manifest it to change. You can manifest a completely new reality for yourself Regardless of where you are physically , as long as you are mentally operate as your wanted reality. Your unwanted situation is only a circumstance, an illusion that makes manifesting seem harder. An unwanted situation will only continue to be that way if you dwell upon it , keep giving it hate and attention.
🎀Do not stress about how you will get from your unwanted situation to your desired situation, always live as though you are in your desired situation and if you were really living in the end , you wouldn't worry about how or how long it took. Focus on the end , ALWAYS THE END.
🤍All you need to is change your habitual thoughts and let them dominate your mind. Constantly fill your mind with affirmations like " I have absolutely eveyrthing I want " " I have infinite power to get what I want " " Reality goes as I say " " Reality is extremely malleable in my hand " . Ofc you don't need to think those exact affirmations you can come up with anything that makes you feel good.
🎀The lack of results you might see in the 3d is only an illusion . When you persist in a desired assumption there are already things in the 3d being changed but it's not fully visible to you. You might be changing a physical feature so when yoy affirm , your cells and atoms are changing , but you cannot view those changes occurring during that moment . When the beliefs that you have your desired physical appearance completely dominates and replaces old subconscious beliefs , you will definitely see complete, visible changes. If you stop persisting , then that will never happen so never quit and never settle for less than what you want.
🤍Your subconscious is always responding , if you keep giving it the same limiting thoughts , it's going to make you conform and comfortable with limiting thoughts.
🎀You could even affirm Your desires while crying and get results. So say you've been doing your Mental diet perfectly but something unrelated to your manifestation comes up and gives you negative emotions . You are allowed to be upset , it will not slow down or affect your manifestation in any way , unless you convince yourself it will. Your Mental illness doesn't define you. It doesn't define the quality of your subconscious mind. Everyone's subconscious is immensely powerful . You are so much more than what your mental illness makes you believe.
🤍YOU ARE A MASTER MANIFESTOR ALREADY. As long as you decree that something is done , it is done. This is what's called living in the end.
🎀Living in the end does NOT require you to be perfect . You don't need to be in a perfectly positive state 24/7. Again , YOU DON'T NEED TO BE PERFECT TO LIVE IN THE END ! YOU DON'T NEED TO HAVE 100% BELIEF THAT YOUR MANIFESTATION IS HERE. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU IF YOU GET DOUBTS.
🤍All you need to do is that affirm NOTHING can ruin your manifestation plus you have it already because you are a master manifestor. If you believe you are the operant power of your reality , would you ever let something take away your desire from you ? NO. THE KEY IS TO NOT GIVE YOUR DOUBTS ANY POWER . DO NOT LET ANYTHING STOP YOU.
🎀Keep being stubborn and unstoppable and entitled to getting what you want even when your old beliefs pop up from time to time . You may not fully believe that your desire is here already , but you can still boldly affirm that it is. Changing your beliefs isn't even as difficult as you think it is , you just need to stop giving the opposite of it power.
🤍Being so stubborn and firm in the fact that you have what you want and that anything opposite of that is powerless will actually change your life. You can have so much more if you just still believing things can ruin your manifestation. Claim it as yours , no matter if you have doubts , fears , or deal with overthinking.
🎀Don't give your 3d the power to tell you what reality is and second , just simply accept that results are there. Persist that results are there, you don't need to see or touch them because you don't need evidence . Because you are the creative power of your reality , you have the authority to tell the physical reality what to be.
🤍To be a conscious creator , what occurs in their inner reality is the only actual fact and everything else that they see infront of their eyes is simply false. They have the authority to decide what's true ans false. As they affirm or imagine, they know for sure that their wish is actually occurring , not a mere daydream.
🎀To be a victim is declaring that only what your senses dictate is the actual truth in your reality. It's looking at what's outside of your mind and mindlessly accepting it giving your power to the 3d.
🤍Since imagination creates reality, your imaginal scenes are more than what you see in the outside world. That's why it's not " fake it till you make it "
🎀Remember that the most powerful force to recreate reality is imagination, for all things that exist were once imagined. Imaginal scenes and affirmations have tones of reality to them already. Once you realize this , you will stop feeling like your affirmations are fake, or you are delusional while living in the end.
🤍When we say " Imagination is more real than the 3d " we mean it literally , not metaphorically. The 3d is the shadow of your inner reality. As you change your inner beliefs, the shadow will change, if you believe you are blessed , all things in your 3d that were not blessed will vanish. What's in your imagination directly changes the 3d , for all things that exist were once imagined.
🎀SLAM THE DOOR AT " HOW WILL I GET IT ? " because it implies you don't have it already. JUST ASSUME THAT YOU HAVE IT. THAT IS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW.
🤍You and your " desire " aren't separate. No separation means : you assume it's yours = IT'S YOURS! There is no distance, nothing keeping you and your desire other than illusions your mind accepts.
🎀You need to have faith . It is very important. You need to have trust that what you want has no choice but to be yours. It is very easy to get what you want , don't assume it to be hard or impossible.
🤍Some people think that doing mental diets is just turning contradicting thoughts into useful ones. That is only one part of having a mental diet. Think of a change you want to make in your life. And every time the thing you want to change crosses your mind , you should perceive it as if it's exactly how you desire. That is also a part of your mind.
🎀Mental diets require some effort. You have to be aware of what thoughts you’re having. If the thought is unuseful, you must learn to not pay attention to it, ignore it, or not let it make you spiral. If you can’t help but get an unwanted thought, my tip is to keep a list of positive affirmations that you can immediately repeat to make you forget the contradicting thought- turn a negative thought into a positive one! “I will never have my desires” to “I have always had my desires”
🤍You should consistently focus on the end, not just say affirmations once and then go around and tell others the same story about how you never got results. When you’re telling the story about how you never got results before, you’re just putting the most of your attention on the lack of results. And the lack continues to manifest.
🎀If you feel overwhelmed because you want to manifest more than one thing at a time- then use umbrella beliefs! They are more general and work just as powerfully. Examples are “I have the perfect life” “I have a perfect body” “I have the perfect face” “Isn’t it wonderful” “Thank you” “It is finished” “I love life”
🤍One important thing to remember about the law of assumption is that you’re not attracting anything into your life, you’re recreating it to be yours, you are the operant power, meaning your reality is solely based on you and you have infinite power over it. You're the operant power, you’re an infinite being. God, essentially. You are the creator and when manifesting a change in your life, you’re recreating a part of your life. Remember, reality is extremely malleable, and can be recreated at any time, it will take however much time you perceive it will.
🎀When you’re starting out, you might feel a lot of resistance, especially since you went through your whole life believing things like you have no control over your life, and this stuck with you in your subconscious as a core belief. At first you think that reality is extremely difficult to change, so it becomes difficult for you to change. But manifesting is easy. Only thing is, it’s meant to feel difficult at first. You are meant to put in the work, to catch your thoughts, to change your mental conversations. After you manifest something, you will NEVER think of it in the same way again because you needed to change your thoughts in the first place.
🤍A lot of you guys keep doing technique after technique, listening to so many different subliminals with different formulas, maybe even taking outside action. But all of that becomes completely ineffective because you refused to put in the work to change your mindset. Now, the moment you’re reading this is the time to change your mindset. Adopt the mindset of the version of you who has full results. If you don’t know how to do that, think back about what your desires are and then affirm that you have them. Keep affirming, assuming, persisting that you have your desires. If doubts, resistance, intrusive thoughts, or disbelief come up, just keep persisting anyway. This action will become a core subliminal belief (even if you didn’t believe in your affirmations at first), and will run on autopilot, replacing the old beliefs that told you that you couldn’t do anything to change your reality. You are not going to get full instant overnight subliminal results if you keep thinking that you won’t! It’s so simple to just make that negative sentence into a positive sentence and then just repeat it to yourself. This is the secret to manifesting.
🎀Thinking back to how Neville manifested his trip to Barbados, he was constantly wondering how just his thoughts could get him there, he was doubting the process over and over by questioning it. His mentor told him to walk the streets as if he was in Barbados at that exact moment, and if he wanted to truly feel as if he was, he wouldn’t be wondering how he got there. So don’t spend your time questioning how you will get from an unwanted situation to a wanted situation. Just focus on your mental diet, persisting, living in the end.
🤍Please don’t check for results, see theyre not visible in 3D, panic, then immediately try to fix it in 3D as well by forcing yourself  to do something without you changing your mindset. For example, you want clear skin, see you have acne, panic, then immediately wash your face. Or you see you don’t have your desired face so you immediately loop a desired face sub for hours. These actions will be ineffective if your inner conversation is “I don’t have results, I need to immediately get them or else I can’t be happy” Relax, you are the operant power, you give yourself results, not the subliminal. Your mind is more powerful than subliminals. Do not judge or make conclusions that doubt your infinite power based on the illusion that is 3D.
🎀You are also not a victim to 3D circumstances, because they are something you’ve emotionally reacted to in the past. And right now, the only reality you know that exists is your desired one. Remember what I told you: live in the end right now. Do not think about your future. It does not exist. And neither does your past. So why would past circumstances stop you from manifesting if they don’t exist? They don’t. Only the limitations of your mind stop you from manifesting a wanted change
🤍Not only do you overpower subliminals, you also overpower literally anything in the 3D, in the past, none of that defines who you are, none of that implies that your mind is weak and never will. When you think your 3D is more powerful and cannot be moved by simply your mind, you are giving it too much power. It is merely a collection of thoughts, nothing more. Your new, helpful thoughts will make the 3D conform to whatever you like it to be, no need to get discouraged by the little tricks your brain plays.
🎀Truthfully, your results are right there in front of you. You either accept that fact like the true operant power you are, or you continue victimizing yourself and viewing yourself as that person who never gets results, just because you refuse to see that your results are right there
🤍The only way to change what’s in your reality is to start with your mind. There is just no other way or solution. Even if you think you did something other than use your mind, you probably imagined doing it first, which is an event that began in your mind.
🎀Just like a regular diet, which just means the foods and drinks you regularly consume, a mental diet is the consistent and habitual thoughts you have everyday, these thoughts become subconscious beliefs which shape your reality. If you were to ask a nutritionist about a good diet, you’d probably hear “cut out alcohol because drinking it leads to negative outcomes”. In a mental diet, you cut out negative thoughts for the same reason.
🤍So affirm, affirm, affirm, affirm, you get a negative thought? Go “NO! I have all my wishes fulfilled, there’s no way I could doubt that” The more you do a mental diet the easier it gets so don’t give up after only doing a week of it lol. And as you mental diet of course you also want to live in the end, think like you already have all your desires.
🎀Mind controls the body. It’s been proven through doctors, who give their patients sugar pills, claiming it’s a cure. Patients take the fake pill and their body heals, because their mind perceived that pill as a cure. That’s proof that you don’t need to do any outside work, just change your mindset.
🤍You manifest by changing your thoughts and mindset to create an assumption. Whatever you keep assuming manifests because your subconscious will find it to be true and create it in your reality. The mind controls everything. Essentially, you’re reprogramming your subconscious to get what you want. You don’t need to lift a finger to manifest, you just need to change your thoughts.
🎀Example: I want to look like Ariana Grande, so anytime I think of my face, I think “It looks so much like Ariana’s!”Remember, a useful thought will confirm or imply that you have what you want, so this is a useful thought, keep thinking it! Or before you look in the mirror, you’re going to think “I am just gonna see a carbon copy of Ariana’s face, I look so much like her”
🤍Example: I lose weight by constantly thinking “I am so skinny” and assume that every time I see my body, it is skinny. This assumption will harden into fact and my subconscious only knows that I am skinny.
🎀If you feel overwhelmed because you want to manifest more than one thing at a time- then use umbrella beliefs! They are more general and work just as powerfully. Examples are “I have the perfect life” “I have a perfect body” “I have the perfect face” “Isn’t it wonderful” “Thank you” “It is finished” “I love life”.
🤍Many hear the advice: “Ignore the 3D and persist in your desired assumption!” Some find it difficult to ignore and disassociate from their 3D because it is their life and they have to live it. You don’t have to ignore it to manifest, you just have to change how you react to it. How you react to your 3D will show you just how far you have come to getting a stronger mindset. So as I said before, keep saying no if you see something you dislike. It’s your reality, you’re the boss, you tell that reality how to be!
🎀When you’re starting out, you might feel a lot of resistance, especially since you went through your whole life believing things like you have no control over your life, and this stuck with you in your subconscious as a core belief. At first you think that reality is extremely difficult to change, so it becomes difficult for you to change. But manifesting is easy. Only thing is, it’s meant to feel difficult at first. You are meant to put in the work, to catch your thoughts, to change your mental conversations. After you manifest something, you will NEVER think of it in the same way again because you needed to change your thoughts in the first place.
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etherealkissed88 · 4 months
hey! how does one manifest for others ? for example i want to manifest x amount of money for my parents .. could u recommend other methods besides visualization 😭 like affs/scripting
to manifest for others: decide/be the person who’s parents are rich. know your parents are rich and have fun experiencing it in imagination! how would these rich parents treat you? how would you feel knowing you will never have to sweat for money? how do you see them now that they are rich? give all of that to yourself in imagination.
other methods:
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hollywood-sadcore · 2 months
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For you all.
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lavender--fairy · 1 year
My sister got into the void state.
So my sister got into the void lmao, and the funny part is that she knows nothing about the law or the void. She has exams and i see her panicking all the time so i recommended her to to meditate (meditation to her is whatever calms her down and brings her joy) and this morning she came up to me and said "yk i was imagining myself with *her comfort characters* and it felt so nice that i kept wanting to feel it over and over again so started to loop the scene over and over again and suddenly i couldn't hear or feel anything and it all went black and it was so peaceful, i felt like i was floating and there was no one else, just me but then i realized that i actually can't hear anything, freaked out and came back, it was so much fun" i asked her how she did it and she said that "just imagine whatever that brings you joy and makes you feel "fulfilled" and make sure its something you really really like only then you will want to loop the scene otherwise it will feel forced. And once you find a scene that makes your happy keep repeating it, dont think anything else just keep repeating it and because its a scene you like you should have no problem doing that and i know that because i tried repeating this one scene but i didnt like it that and it felt so frustrating." I asked her what if you have random thoughts coming up or you dont feel like imagining and she said "for random thoughts just keep coming back to the scene and for your other question thats what i am saying it should be something you really really like, make it soooo nice that you dont wanna imagine anything else but that" and she said if you can't visualize and its bothering your just touch or hear stuff, like maybe you desire wealth then start touching money in your imagination, if you want clear skin, touch your skin etc.
I also think that it was so easy for her because her only goal was to feel fulfilled thats all she wanted, she didnt care about anything else and just wanted to feel fulfilled make that your only goal and secondly she wasn't doubting or second guessing stuff. Let this be a reminder to untangle all the strings in your mind, take it easy, calm down, don't over analyse.
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pamicakery · 1 month
₊✩‧₊˚౨How I manifested my trip to Parisৎ˚₊✩‧₊
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˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
How I manifested my trip to Paris?
🍒For context, my mom wanted to bring my sister to Disneyland Paris for her 15th birthday. All of my family would be part of the trip :my mom, dad, my Lil brother and my two sisters.
At the beginning, I was part in but due to my low budget and my mom's budget I couldn't afford it so I told her that I wasn't part of the trip.
They were about to visit the Eiffel tower, Disneyland and other cool places in Paris. At first, I wasn't that sad at first tbh.
But as the days approaching, when I saw my family preparing the trip : buying tickets, preparing their bagages, and looking at 4k walk-through Paris I started to get sad because I felt rejected from this project.
3 days before the trip I cried because I couldn't go with them, having fun during the trip, get in the plane
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Seeing the Eiffel tower
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Even Disneyland
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Little did I know that I was visualizing myself and seeing myself traveling, seeing the Eiffel tower or Disneyland.
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But the night before the trip, my mom called me and asked me
'' Are you sure you want to stay here alone? I have some money left, you can be part of the trip ''
Behind my back, there was movement because my mom was searching for money, calling the Air bnb to ask if they could had one more person. Calling the plane company to get one ticket, and so on for Disney.
Guess what? I got them all! The plane tickets, Disneyland tickets, and the air bnb and even a car for 6 persons!
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Looks like my reality had conformed to the reality of me travelling and going here and there even though my parents were making the trip as if I wasn't coming. Because I didn't plan to come!
So I came and I had fun exactly like I wanted
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The crazy thing in that, is that I visualized myself walking through Disneyland with the main street music behind me, the smell of pop corn on a sunny day. (it was rainy and cloudy during the morning)
✨Proofs :
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itsfullofstars · 1 year
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Nasa's deep space missions - an infographic made for Time Magazine by Lon Tweeten
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keepingitneutral · 2 years
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”Hut Adventurer” (Jungle Hut) by Dmitri Reviakin
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sleepydreams444 · 26 days
Some of my fav manifestation affirmations🐚
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If you're struggling with limiting beliefs, I suggest picking a few affirmations from this list and repeating them to yourself till you truly believe them(bonus points if you do it in front of a mirror!). Feel the words and the emotions they evoke, feel your power and you are guaranteed to enter into that state of limitlessness :)
I am the creator of my reality therefore I am manifesting my dreams with ease
Abundance flows effortlessly into my life in expected and unexpected ways.
I am worthy of all the good things that come into my life.
My thoughts are powerful, and I attract positivity and success.
Every day, I am moving closer to my goals and desires.
I trust in the universe to guide me towards my highest good.
I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me.
I release all doubts and fears, knowing that I am supported by the universe.
My life is filled with love, joy, and abundance.
I am aligned with the energy of abundance, and prosperity flows freely to me.
My dreams are manifesting into reality right now.
I am deserving of all the abundance and success that comes my way.
I trust the timing of my life, knowing that everything unfolds as it should.
I am surrounded by supportive and uplifting people who help me achieve my goals.
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hoodzieletz · 9 months
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House no. 423
Cemetery Chapel
Project and viz.: author
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heavensdoorways · 2 years
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“The Cave”
Nicholas Preaud Architect
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