tia-222 · 3 days
Hey Tia, Yesterday I read some of your posts and decided to put into practice what you said, I did holotropic breathing and I put some music on in the background (on low volume) just so I wouldn't fall asleep, I just relaxed and let myself go without any rush in exactly 6 minutes I couldn't feel my body and I couldn't hear the audio anymore. The void is really very easy to enter, it becomes even easier when you don't despair or force yourself to do it, I didn't say anything because at the exact moment I was going to do that, my neighbors started fighting and the woman was shouting a lot, so I got scared but I will enter the void again and I will bring my success story. Thank you Tia, you make everything lighter and really make us understand that the void is very easy to enter and that you don't need to do thousands of methods, I think that simplifying and using several methods creates the belief that it is something complicated, when in fact it is very easy and you don't need all that
Hiii my love, wow congratulations!! <3
I don't remember making a holotropic breathing post, just the " wim hof method" breathing one. The holotropic breathing post is pinks ♡, so credit to her! Wow 6 minutes, you guys see how easy it is when you let go and just relax. You are welcome, angel! I'm proud of youu and I can't wait to hear your full success story. Is it just me cuz why does everyone when they enter the void there's always someone to disturb y'all 😭😭
Holotropic breathing :
Credit pink <3
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stilljuststardust · 13 hours
Robotic affirmation challenge
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Someone requested a robotic affirmation challenge so here it is :).
No overconsumption during the challenge.
No checking the 3D. Period.
Mental diet, aka no affirming against your desires at all.
Don't focus on any resistance, don't try to argue with it or "fix it" just affirm.
The show must go on, affirm anyway.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Choose two to three affirmations and loop them in your head. Bonus points for repeating them to the rhythm or melody of a song.
When you want to check the 3D you will either check a vision board or use visualise in place of checking the 3D. Use them for validation instead.
Instead of overconsuming LOA posts you may save four posts/videos/whatever's that help you maintain your mindset. Outside of that don't seek out advice. You know enough.
Duration is up to you but please don't stop after three days, set an end date and don't let anything come between you and affirming till that date is reached.
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✧ Wake up - affirm
✧ Middle of day - vaunt for five minutes
✧ Before bed - affirm
15 minutes to an hour, you can go longer but if all you can manage is 15 minutes that's ok.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Bonus points
In the shower
During chores
While making a vision board
While playing games
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How to robotic affirm
Robotic affirmations are affirmations that are repeated without feeling. It doesn't matter how you feel when you do them.
You can do other things while affirming you do not just have to sit there. Go throughout your routine, do chores, whatever you want.
How to vaunt
I like writing down vaunts in a journal like I'm writing in my diary.
Vaunting is just thinking as if you're bragging to someone about your desire.
Oh my god my hair is SO shiny. How did it even get that shiny? Wow my hair is probably the shiniest ever.
Abdullah used to slam doors in Nevilles face saying "you are already in Barbados"
That's what I do to myself when I waver.
Nope. Already there. Too late you can't argue I walked away.
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⋆🫧˚⊹ Doll Tips: Running + Managing a Blog! ୭₊˚ 💿🎀
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⋆🫧˚⊹ Doll tips!! ˙𓈒 𓏸 ; Hey Hey Dolls!! Welcome back 2 Doll Tips!! Where i give you tips and tricks in literally anything u want today i got and ask from a lovely new follower ! on advice for starting a manifestation blog!! So lets get into it!! 🎀 @liyahaffirmed
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₊˚💿✩ 1; Posting Ideas !! ୭₊˚
When it comes to manifestation there are lots of topics you can post about its quite a diverse topic & community with lots of different opinions on different things some manifestation topics you can post about
Ignoring The Unfavorable/3D
Things to manifest
Manifesting Techniques
Conciseness etc.
₊˚ 🏩✩ 2 ; Aesthetics !! ୭₊˚
Aesthetics are important for almost any social media platform not only to make you recognizable, showcasing authenticity & because who doesn’t love looking at pretty pictures and fonts for me personally i don’t follow a set aesthetic more so i showcase my authentic self with things i like and i try not to categorize myself with a certain aesthetic but its still fine to take inspiration here and there make your posts authentically your own!!
₊˚🪼✩ 3 ; Decorate it !! ୭₊˚
Who doesn’t love looking at pretty pictures?? when decorating your posts/blog you wanna make sure that its not only fun to look it but also make sure you have your own signature look/trade mark it could really be anything you want it 2 you can find super cute images/symbols on Pinterest and tumblr but also you wanna make your own 2 be recognizable you can utilize this all through your blog like
Fonts/Word coloring
dividers (be sure 2 give creds to og creators)
color schemes
master list
personalized hashtags!
₊˚ 🌸✩ 4 ; Posting Schedule + Organization !! ୭₊˚
Running a blog can sometimes be a tedious process especially if you have other things to do so what i like 2 do is make a posting schedule for certain dates and have my posts organized and ready 2 be posted i have a table spread sheet on my notion of different types of posts and when i posts them also you can utilize the queue feature so you can post without having to forget!!
₊˚🎀✩ 5 ; Consistency is Key !! ୭₊˚
When i first started my blog i only posted like small little affirmation posts but when i really started to take this seriously and keep pushing out blog posts i started to gain s following and now i have literally my biggest social media platform on my tumblr
also not being consistent will not only let you down but also your viewers because you may not realize it but people will actually love your blog more than you think!!
₊˚⭐️✩ 6 ; Negativity !! ୭₊˚
At times you will get nasty messages in your ask box,reblogs or even a comment section and literally just ignore these people especially the anon asks they’re too scared to just say it to your face so they wanna be little pricks and throw reads and you and buck at you for no reason just delete the asks,ignore it or sometimes you can also throw a read back st them and sometimes they won’t even respond because they’re essentially little punks or like to mess with people 4 no reason
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sp0iledprincess55 · 23 hours
Oo, what are some unique / cool stuff to manifest? I need ideas, (for the void state lol)
Trampoline 💞 !
Horse 💞 !
Walk in closet 💞 !
Friend group 💞 !
Desired bedroom 💞 !
Pet bunny 💞 !
Fairies and Ghosts and mermaids 💞 ! (Make sure they are nice and kind tho)
No periods and still healthy 💞 !
Kisses and hugs from desired people 💞 !
Humongous treehouse 💞 !
Extra siblings 💞 !
Shifting realities 💞 !
New season from desired shows 💞 !
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hunkystephaudio · 2 days
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wouldn't it be so exciting if we could select a pinterest board to live in? 😍 that's exactly what this subliminal is about! you'll shift in no time, literally! this subliminal is made with my own voice, as usual. i hope you'll love it!
🤍B E N E F I T S: 🤍
instantly bring your pinterest board to life instantly live a life that is identical to your pinterest board instantly manifest everything you saved in your pinterest board instantly live an aesthetic lifestyle that is identical to your pinterest board instantly manifest anything you add to your pinterest board be the world's greatest manifestor instantly manifest by using visuals such as photos and videos instantly shift to the desired reality in your pinterest board
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yourecitten · 2 days
ways to upgrade my energy and get in high vibration
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By being kind to yourself and others, being grateful, mindful, present, expressing love, compassion, appreciation, and acceptance, forgiving yourself and others, as well as making healthy decisions for yourself. High-vibe activities include meditation, exercising, time in nature, spending time in service, time with family/ friends, gratitude journaling, and expressing yourself creatively through music and other outlets. In essence, you have to live in the world in a way that reflects that which is the essence of the inner you, your truest and highest vibration. To get as close to your higher vibration as possible you can become aware of your thoughts. By observing them and detaching from them, you raise your frequency to the level of your thoughts. In this moment you embody everything you think, good or bad, because you make no distinction. By becoming completely free of judgment you can step into your highest vibration because you are just being, accepting, and expressing. You are not holding back because of your thoughts or opinions, you are not making yourself small. You are you, unhindered. To get there quicker I would use the law of assumption, the law of attraction, and the feeling of gratitude. Gratitude, appreciation, and acceptance are the highest states of being. You cannot feel those things and judge, you cannot feel those things and fear, they can only exist in the absence of that. As long as you hold any of those states you will be in a state aligned with the highest version of you.
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evangelineshifts · 3 days
advice for people who are in the law of assumption community for years yet can't even manifest a happy day? i feel like yall are lying for likes and attention and reblogs
I can try to give you advice but I can almost guarantee you aren't going to like it 😭
the law of assumption is so heavily based on the inner workings of self. that means working on mindset and your belief in how manifesting works for YOU. so as much as I hate to say it, work on your mindset. you thinking that your manifestations aren't here is like the exact opposite of how the law works. persist in the assumption that you have what you want. not persist for a second then check the 3D, live in the 4D. THATS whats real. and then when you finally accept the 4D as true, not caring abt the 3D it will have no choice but to reflect. 3D reflects self, if you yourself don't believe it's working then obviously it's not. I do not give a FUCK about likes or reblogs i can assure you of that and you can tell by how often I go MIA on any given platform like im doing ts for ME bitch. If i write some shit about my experience that is for ME, if people have similar experiences and share them I like geekin with them about it. that's it that's all. the mindset that EVERYONE that posts about LOA and shifting are coming to do it for likes and attention is such a selfish mindset (that I am guilty of formerly having). When people manifest it changes virtually nothing for anyone else but them. half of the people who share success stories are sending them in anonymously to their fav loa blogs and then dipping. they get no likes and no real attention from that cause no one knows who tf they are. work on you and the universe will work FOR you.
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thejournallo · 2 days
Your manifestations are coming. Keep affirming and persisting.
Take this as a sign to visualize it.
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alilarew23 · 7 months
daily reminder that
once you decide something is happening/has already happened/is yours/will 777% be yours, you can feel whatever the fuck you want to feel, you can think whatever the fuck you want to think, you can carry yourself however the fuck you want to carry yourself—it DOES NOT MATTER. there is nothing, and i mean NOTHING, more powerful than the energy of decision, than the absolute unwavering belief in a specific outcome. decide, know, and stop giving your power up. if you’re on my team, you’re fearless, you’re winning, you’ve already won, and that’s on god.
love you, strong one. 💋
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bloominganew · 6 months
why would you settle?
you know you can change your hair color to your ideal color, right? have an s/o that looks exactly like your celebrity crush, bro you could literally have your celebrity crush, you know this right?? you know this, have the knowledge of all of this but you're settling for the dollar store version?? why?? never ever settle for anything less than what you want, because I promise you that you deserve every last bit of what you want, you deserve that life, you deserve that love, you deserve that comfort, all you really need to do is trust and believe that you have your desire that is literally all you have to do and everything instantly conforms, you don't need to change anything just sit back relishing in the emotions of having your desire no lie no nothing that's it, never settle for anything less than what you want.
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tia-222 · 4 months
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So there's been a new technique that was developed from @rima shifting on tiktok and it's been getting really popular. If you wondering, " can we use shifting techniques to enter the void state? ", yes you can! Don't worry, you won't shift realities lol, but you can use them to affirm for the void state <3 . The original creator ( rima) has said after using this technique, she's shifted to multiple parallel realities on the first day using this.
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♡ How does this technique work?
It's involves the Wim hof breathing technique and pink noise. It's very easy to do and you will get into the void state on your first try using this ♡. Wait, ik some of y'all think that wim hof breathing is very fast pace, but there's an alternative which is the beginners one and people still shifted using that. Wim hof breathing is the best when you're trying to relax and release all stress/ doubts because it makes your thought process slow down by releasing dmt NATURALLY. This technique works by putting your body and mind into a deep trance state, whereby after you can start affirming for the void state. And don't worry, if you fall asleep because this method also helps you to lucid dream. If you do so happen to fall asleep while attempting this method, you're might find yourself in a lucid dream, you can affirm for a portal or dream character to take you straight into the void state.
♡ Technique in full detail :
1. You attempt this technique before bed, morning or during the day. Whatever time suits you the best <3.
2. Go to YouTube and search " wim hof breathing " or " wim hof breathing for beginner's ".
3. Play the meditation and follow all the steps, it's guided for you ♡. It's completely ok to take breaks any part of the video.
4. After the meditation finishes play the pink nosie. You can make a YouTube playlist and add these 2 videos. So the pink noise will automatically play after the meditation finishes. Also loves, you don't have 2 add the pink nosie, you can add your fav subliminal or theta waves, etc.
5. Start affirming for the void state, you will reach the void really fast because you already in a trance like state.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹
Click on the images to see the results of this technique. You can see the full comment section on the video, just search " Wim hof pink breathing method "on tiktok.
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olivianyx · 2 months
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Welcome to this challenge, babygirls and babyboys 🗣️🗣️🗣️
So are you ready to manifest everything you desired in April? Then start up rn!
I'll show you 5 important, simple steps you can use to manifest your dream life!
This challenge will be done for 30 days throughout April. At the end of this month, the results are guaranteed!
You might be wondering if its gonna be hard... Buuuut! The steps are super duper simple, just follow them!
Y'all heard it right, maintain a strict mental diet, like literally stop wavering! Stop focusing on things you don't want! Don't accept things you don't want! It's that simple. Only focus on positive and favourable thoughts.
Your mornings should go like, 'uhh it's such a beautiful day. It's gonna be amazing day as always. But it's gonna be fun today! I literally love this life, it's freaking amazing, I literally don't know how to thank myself for this. The fact that I'm the ultimate creator is soo mind blowing for me even though I've always been for my entire life. I'm literally thankful for everything! My life's being too perfect and I get what I want everytime, everything's in my favour always. I literally look soo amazing in every outfit I wear, it's such a slay everyday. Uhh I'm soo lucky to have what I want. Literally my self concept is supreme' and blah blah blah. You can add whatever you want further lol.
So like literally throughout the day steady yourself in this mindset. If you catch yourself wavering, be like *sike there ain't no chance bitch* come back on track! Catch yourself waver ---> stop ---> drop ---> flip it into something positive or favourable.
Literally robotic affirming is the only way you can keep your thoughts in check. So go bestie! Keep your head high, keep a check on those thoughts inside your pretty/handsome head 😩 keep slaying everyday ✨
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Keep affirming babygirls and babyboys! Like literally don't even stop (unless you're doing smth important, then stop affirming for a while lol) y'all got your dream lives already 💅 so why y'all telling yourself that you don't?? Well y'all do have it, so tell yourself the ULTIMATE FACT that you have your dream lives already 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ tell yourself whenever you're free, like even doing your daily chores such as taking a shit or shower, or brushing your teeth, eating, scrolling through the phone, or walking, waiting in a queue (I'd never wait in a queue... Cus I don't go to places with long ass annoying queues 😭) or listening to music or watching TV, doing the dishes or doing self care (I love my babygirls and babyboys taking care of themselves like there's no tomorrow 😩✋🏻I'mma give y'all a nice smooch 😚) just do it my babies! It's the ultimate way to get (which you already have it) your dream lives! So get tf up babies! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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This step shouldn't be missed at all babies! So focus on the end! Focus on having it! Focus on thinking from the end! Like you already are living yor dream lives, you have that car you wanted cus you already drive it everyday! You have that sp that loves you till death, that spoils you with their love, money, and what not?! You have that house you've been dreaming of! No, I mean living! You're living in that house already! It's yours my love! You got that perfect sculptured summer body ody that the normal human beings are jealous?? Like you have that body effortlessly 😩✋🏻 FOCUS ON HAVING IT BITCHES 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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Listen here, my babygirls and babyboys! You sleep 7 to 8 hours a day, and sleep, according to medicals, is a state of complete rest. That means you're not aware of your surroundings. You're just being a black, quiet, space like floaty state (the void actually) so things are easier to manifest Instantly in this state! So why not do psych k or sats or the lullaby method before bed and after you wake up my loves?? It's so much more effective that what you do in the day time! Trust me! Go prepare yourself well for the bed babies 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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Since you already affirming that you have your dream lives, you have it already! But you can begin to doubt that why is it not in the 3d... BITCH DON'T EVEN THINK LIKE THAT. Be like 'bitch wtf my life literally feels like a dream come true moment everyday 😭😭 like I'm literally living the life I wanted, I already am experiencing it wtf are you talking about' like literally GASLIGHT YOURSELF INTO THINKING LIKE THAT (cus you already have your dream life) like literally decide that you already have! Hold onto the new story no matter what! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
So ig I've told you what you needed to do... So all you gotta do is follow the fucking steps babies 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
Okay, take care, love y'all babies! Byeee
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- olivia 🤍
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keanotte · 1 month
7 Signs that show “you are in your desired state.”
You won’t react to circumstances
You won’t desire or try to make it happen
You won’t look for signs or change
Your inner speaking will change
Your thoughts will change. You will think from your desire not of it.
You wouldn’t pay any attention to doubts or fears.
You will naturally be in the state of having it.
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gigidragonbbxxx · 3 months
consistency is not repeating 10k affirmations a day or sleeping every single night with an aff tape on.
consistency isn't overconsuming loass content.
consistency isn't waking up every morning forcing yourself to be positive (I'm looking at you, law of attraction.)
consistency is choosing to think in your favor for every moment, every minute of the day, in the face of anything the 3D shows.
thinking in your favor does not = repressing/toxic positivity
do not assign bad meanings to things.
example of what an inner dialogue may look like when you think in your favor
Damn, SP blocked me? Haha, I know I get what I want. But I can still acknowledge that I feel hurt and rejected and I feel that way because (here it comes - flipping the thought) I know I deserve better than this. I know that my dream self never faces rejection so let me be patient and reorder what I want from the universe. Let me recalibrate. I'm gonna just focus on reassuring myself, doing things I like - because the version of him that deserves me is on the way.
Do you see the nuance there? The difference between thinking in your favor vs not just having toxic positivity?
Guideline to example
Not repressing the emotions of hurt and rejection
Understanding that you give meaning to those feelings - do you believe them to be true or are you mature enough to understand that feelings are temporary and you must remain solid on what you believe despite what you feel?
Focusing on action YOU must take bc the only job is to change SELF
xx, gigi
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valent1neg0d · 3 months
when i first started my affirmations, i used to think of playing it small when circumstances aren't exactly how i wrote them to be. i would be replacing writing "i am a millionaire", "sp is obsessed with me", "i have my desired weight" to some watered down affirmation that didn't resonate with me and didn't make me feel like i was living in the end.
this isn't confidence. i wasn't fully claiming my desires. and in being discreet and small, you tell your subconscious: this is what we have and this is where we settle. how terrible is that? to settle on something you don't want? and i'm gonna touch your hands when i say this again, HOW TERRIBLE IS THAT?
through repetition you get rid of this irking feeling of "maybe this is all i can do", "maybe i should only manifest 20 dollars then later on manifest a 100", "maybe this is too much to ask for", maybe this, maybe that. BABY? BE FOR REAL.
you're too fucking powerful to be doubting, questioning, settling, and wavering. so come here and repeat your affirmations. rebuild, reconstruct, recreate all the wires in your brain.
i don't care if it doesn't feel real. do you? do you want that to matter? do you really want to be sitting here telling yourself "oh, but..." BE REEEAL!
repeat it thrice and your brain starts thinking "oh wait... are we actually..."
repeat it 10 times and you're in a consciousness of "damn... i guess we are!"
repeat it a hundred times and nothing else can penetrate your thoughts about it.
repeat it a thousand times and that's your identity.
and know that repetition is not just declaring your affirmations. repetition is also introducing yourself as a millionaire, as your sp's partner, as an idol, as a celebrity, as the baddest bitch in the game, as the god of your reality, as the one who has everything they want. repetition is not telling a sob story or petty excuses and only narrating how it is to succeed. repetition is constantly being in the state of fulfillment.
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yourecitten · 1 month
you are the creator of your reality , act like it
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A lot of people don't realize the fact that no matter what's happening in the 3d , they can change it anytime. Some of you guys don't realize the power you hold so I'm here to remind you.
You are the cause of your consciousness, therefore you are the creator of your reality. Only your beliefs matter, not the 3D. Do not give attention to the 3D except for what you want to experience. Everything is you pushed out, so it is you in control and nothing else.
I'm gonna say it again , YOU CAN MANIFEST ANYTHING BITCH.
good grades? You always get straight As and you don't even need to study for it.
sp ? Idk what are you talking about he is obsessed with you , why wouldn't he ? Everybody loves you
Want an appearance change ? Great , decide what you want to look like and it's already done
It doesn't matter what you want , it doesn't matter what techniques you use the only thing that matters is that you know that you have it right now, in this moment.
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