#pure fluff
theriverspath · 1 day
Ineffable May 2024, Day 30: Us
Rated General Audience
“Would you care to join us for dinner tonight? Crowley’s grilling steaks, and I’ve convinced him to make his famous bread pudding. The whiskey sauce is simply divine!” There was a look of sudden contrition on Aziraphale’s face. He glanced up at Crowley and laid a hand on his arm. “Sorry, dear. I only meant…”
“It’s fine, angel.” Crowley smiled into grey-blue eyes, his heart still fluttering at the casual use of that little word, us. Would he ever get used to it? He laid his hand over Aziraphale’s, intertwining their fingers as he lowered it to the space between them. Behind dark glasses, he shifted his attention back to the woman unloading bags of soil and mulch from her shopping trolly onto the checkout counter.
“Well, who could say no to famous bread pudding?” Crowley chuckled at the amused twinkle in her eye as she replied to the invitation. Carol was one of his favourite village residents. Her wit was as sharp as his, and her devotion to whatever she loved showed both in her gardening and her marriage. “Eileen has Morgan this weekend. That ok?”
“Of course! I’ve got the next Hardy Boys ready for them.” Aziraphale had been delighted to discover that Carol and Eileen’s child was a voracious devourer of children’s detective stories. The two had instantly bonded over it, and the angel had surprised Crowley by lending the kid copies of some of his own.
“Great. I think they’ve read the one they have now three times. I’m sure they’re ready to talk your ear off about it.” Aziraphale beamed at the prospect.
“Well, I’m looking forward to it.” Conversation dissolved into general chit-chat as first Carol, then Crowley, paid for their purchases. They parted ways in the garden centre’s car park, promising to see each other again that evening.
Once everything was piled into the back of the Bentley, Crowley held the passenger door for Aziraphale before settling himself into the driver’s seat. About half way back to the cottage, Crowley reached over and brought Aziraphale’s hand to his lips. He brushed a kiss across the knuckles before returning it to the angel’s lap.
“Thank you, but what was that for?” There was a soft smile in Aziraphale’s question.
“No reason. Just enjoying being us.”
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jomteaaa · 3 months
here's a thought:
tsukishima kei is mean. he complains that you talk too much, laughs when you flunk your tests, and insists that you're clingy. others wonder why you're even with him.
but they don't know that when he tsks at your rambling, he shifts one side of his headphones away to hear your voice. they don't know that even though he teases you for your low test scores, he would stay up late at night just to tutor you till you'd get it right. they don't know that after rolling his eyes at your affection, he places a chaste kiss on your forehead and hides his red face in your hair.
so when they say you deserve better, you laugh at their cluelessness and state with a smile, "he's more than everything i could ever want." and he falls in love with you all over again.
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zoofzoofxx · 17 days
Cuddling sounds so good right now
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Pairing - Joost Klein x Fem!Reader
Summary - After enjoying some drinks at a girls' night out, you made a silly joke thru the phone, and Joost ended up picking you up. He helped you get ready for bed. Right before going to sleep, you demanded a cuddle session.
Genre - pure fluff
While seated at the table with my girlies, enjoying drinks consequence-free, the alcohol intake began to resemble "prank calling my boyfriend." My closest friend sat beside me, not as intoxicated. Leaning towards her, I quietly disclosed the entire scheme. Despite her laughter and disapproving nod, I proceeded. I reached for my phone, scrolled through the contacts to find my boyfriend's name, and tapped to call him.
“Hey schat. (Hey babe.)” My boyfriend’s voice came through my speaker.
"Hello, this is Y/n L/n speaking. Are you interested in purchasing a fridge?" I inquired, then muted myself while erupting into laughter with my girls. It was a silly and bland joke, but the drinks made it appear amusing.
"Y/n?-" is the last thing I heard before hanging up. After a while, I received a text saying: 'I'll come pick you up in 30.' I showed the messages to my best friend, and she suggested taking advantage of those 30 minutes to grab more drinks.
We celebrated, sipped, danced , and simply relished the moment until one of friends approached me to inform me that my boyfriend was waiting outside for me. I collected my belongings and attempted to walk steadily and appear clear-headed, but ultimately I stumbled and tumbled right into my boyfriend's embrace.
"Haha, you're so strong," I slurred while reaching out to his biceps. He chuckled and kindly took my bag from me, assisting me to his car.
"Babe, I adore youuu…" I murmur while playing with his hair as he secures my seatbelt. Then plants a kiss on my forehead and shuts the car door. He then settles into the driver's seat and starts the car. I was chatting the whole journey with Joost, and he didn't seem bothered. He simply listened and conversed with me as if I were clear-headed. After a while, we reached our residence. He turned to me, assisted in unfastening the seatbelt, and stepped out of the car. Guiding me out of it, he lifts me up in a bridal style carry as we enter our home. He places me gently by a nearby chair, removes my shoes. I let out a yawn, resting my head on the kitchen table, nearly dozing off. I heard the water running in the bathroom, assuming Joost was showering, but he emerged, lifted me, and escorted me to the bathroom.
"Are you able to bathe independently?" He inquires. And I simply nodded in response.
"Sure thing, just give a shout if you need a hand, I'll be waiting outside," he assured me, planting a kiss on top of my nose. I hugged him from behind as he was leaving. We stood there quietly for a moment until I let go, and he walked out. After relaxing in the bath, I wrapped myself in towels and left the bathroom.
"I'm so hungry, babe..." I tell him as he smiles at me. He looks really cute at this moment. His hair is all messy, falling over his eyes. I go up on my toes to kiss him quickly on the lips. He kisses me back, and I don't want it to end. He holds me by my waist, kissing me until he lifts me up and takes me to the bathroom, placing me on the edge of the bathtub.
"What are you up to?" I ask as he starts to open the cupboard, removing all my skincare items.
"You'll appreciate it tomorrow, darling," he mentions as he crouches down to begin my skincare routine. I couldn't help but admire how adorable he looked and occasionally run my fingers through his hair while he finished.
He took my hand and guided me to our bedroom, gently placing me on the bed before heading to the wardrobe. Returning with fresh pajamas, he assisted me in changing. After laying me down, he mentioned he'd be back shortly. Moments later, he emerged from the shower, finding me gazing out the window. He approached, embracing me from behind.
“Gaan we al slapen schat? (Are we going to sleep darling?)” He inquired while planting a peck on my cheek, and I simply acknowledged. I reclined beside him. Subsequently, a hush fell between us.
"Joost," I initiate, and I could perceive him pivoting.
"Yeah, princess?" He inquires, and I simply grin at the endearing nickname.
"Can we cuddle, pretty please?" I inquire, drawing nearer to him as a gesture.
I sensed his hand encircling my waist, followed by a kiss on my shoulder. A content smile graced my lips as I drifted into slumber, comforted by the presence of my exceptional partner beside me. I consider myself truly fortunate.
A/n - HI BABES!!!! Sorry that this one shot was so short 💔 I have a bunch of assignments to tackle tomorrow, so I might not be able to share anything. However, I have a one shot request about Baby Lasagna, so I'll likely dedicate some time to it tomorrow, and you can anticipate the one-shot to be up on Friday! I've also got an idea for the third part of my tale involving Joost. So stay tuned for updates! 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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foryouwereinmysong · 1 month
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Those John and Paul moments ... (Ready, Steady, Go rehearsals, 1963, full video here)
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blue-blue-blooms · 1 month
Eddie Munson Headcanons
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Eddie Munson x Harrington!Reader
A/N: I'm super depressed and this is my only form of comfort these days. So, here you go! If you have any requests, send them my way! Let's make the most of my depression and write these fics.
You're Steve's younger sister and in your senior year. You've definitely ridden on Steve's coat tails and gained popularity for being a Harrington. You're top of your class, a cheerleader, and friends with the 'popular kids'.
Admittedly, you were a bit self absorbed and consumed with the illusion of popularity. You didn't have real friends, no one that you could trust and be your true self around. You think getting dragged into finding Dustin's pet demogorgon was the best thing that could've happened to you. Besides the obvious trauma of everything that happened in '85, you found real friendship.
Robin and you became attached at the hip. You regularly hung out with Nancy. You were still popular but just severely humbled. '85 knocked your ego down a few pegs. You changed.
You changed so much that you didn't even ignore Mike, Dustin and Lucas when they first started highschool! I mean, even after you saw Dustin's Weird Al shirt. You looked out for all of them.
You'd known of Eddie. You'd seen him around at school. He was always really loud, abrasive, and kind of intimidating. He'd jump on top of lunch tables, going on spiels about 'forced conforming'. He was a little odd, a little rough around the corners, but you didn't know enough about him to form an opinion.
You officially met Eddie after Dustin, Mike, and Lucas joined the Hellfire club.
They were having one of their DnD meetings and needed a ride home. You were staying late for cheer practice so you agreed to drop them home.
You'd been waiting in the parking lot when they all came rushing out, 15 minute late.
"Hey, Dingus 1, 2, and 3! I've been waiting for 15 minutes!"
Eddie and everyone else in the Hellfire club (excluding the party) looked shocked when they saw you, to say the least.
"You know Y/N?" Eddie whispered to Dustin.
"Yeah, she's one of my best friends."
"You're friends with Y/N Harrington? Queen of Hawkins? Are you aware of the fact that we exist on the opposite spectrum of the stratosphere from her?" Gareth spoke incredulously, "Are you making this shit up?"
Before Dustin could respond, they all reached where Y/N was standing.
"Y/N! These are our friends from Hellfire! This is Gareth, this is Jeff, oh and this is Eddie! He's the president." Dustin excitedly spoke.
You gave them all a smile and a shy wave, "I've heard so much about you guys! These three were really excited when they found out about your DnD club."
"Do you play?" Gareth asked, immediately being smacked on the arm by Jeff who whispered: "I highly doubt that, idiot."
You smirked slyly and said: "Oh, I used to play with these guys all the time! We've been on many adventures. Fighting demogorgons, slaying a Mind Flayer, we've done it all." Of course, this wasn't a complete lie. You hadn't ever played a DnD game. Hell, you weren't even entirely sure what it was. But you had fought monsters with them. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas looked at you with incredulous looks and rolled their eyes, nodding along with your lie.
Of course, Eddie, Gareth, and Jeff didn't know the truth. They were pretty amazed that you even knew what DnD was.
After that first meeting, you'd smile and greet the Hellfire club whenever you saw them around school.
You'd also stand up for them if any of the jocks were messing with them.
Like the time Jason had shoved Gareth in the hallway and called him a 'freak', you'd immediately smacked the back of Jason's head and told him to 'fuck off'.
This is becoming more about the Hellfire club than Eddie so let's refocus.
You realized that you and Eddie were in some of the same classes. Now that you'd officially met him, you became more aware of him. Suddenly, he was everywhere.
The first time you'd chosen to sit down next to him in class, he'd choked on the water he was drinking.
"Are you okay?"
Y-yeah, just..water..wrong pipe. What're you doing here?"
"In this class?"
"Uh-no-like here, with me, in this seat?"
Oh, I'm sorry! Do you want me to move?"
No! Sorry, that came out wrong! I just-I wasn't expecting you to interact with us...you know the whole being 'freaks' thing...it might affect the way people see you."
"I don't care how people see me. Besides, I'm also a freak. Maybe just a...closeted freak."
Eddie swore that was when he fell in love with you.
Suddenly you were hanging out with each other all the time, sitting together in class, talking in the parking lot after school, giggling over random stuff in the hallway.
The more Eddie got to know you, the more he fell in love.
He'd find dumb reasons to touch you, passing random notes with doodles in class so he could briefly touch your hand, pretending like you had an eyelash on your cheek so he could take it off, ruffling your hair jokingly, putting his arm around your shoulder so he could whisper 'top secret DnD campaign stuff' (which was obviously just an excuse).
Your relationship developed and soon you'd be over at his place learning how to play his guitar, or going through his music collection, or forcing him to do his homework.
The first time you kissed was after Eddie accidentally confessed that he liked you. He heard that you were going out on a date with some random jock from school, and it was like all his nerves went into hyperdrive and the words spilled out. He thought that you'd never talk to him again, that he'd ruined everything, but you'd simply smiled and kissed him gently.
"I like you, too."
Bonus content: Dustin cries after you two get together. Happy cries, though. Mike gags any time he sees you two even remotely close to each other, even when you're not touching.
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machiavellli · 5 months
Some Lorenzo Berkshire headcanons˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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Notes: after a month I made them. I am truly sorry, I am the ceo of procrastination. But I had so much fun writing those though, because Lorenzo is my silly lovely boy, I wanna hug him so bad, he too precious. And this song, reminds me of him so bad, like every time I listen to it, my mind immediately jumps to him.
Honestly I got a bit carried away, I wanted to cover maybe other parts, like how he is as a boyfriend, but well-. You read it and of course you can tell me what you think after :)
Pairing: Lorenzo Berkshire x reader
Infos: pretty much just fluff, possible dramatic scene, no use of y/n, Lorenzo being cute, mutual pinning, English is not my first language (please if you find any mistake report them to me!).
Lorenzo Berkshire, the most precious slytherin boy:
You two first met when you were just children because of your families
And I don’t know about you, but I used to despise boys so much when I was little, until I was seven (or perhaps even eight), so I kinda imagine your first meeting to be not that charming.
Like little Enzo panicking because he can’t understand what he did wrong, why this little girl is making such a disgusted face for him
But as you two grow more comfortable around each other, he becomes your best boy friend.
You two have many chances to see each other during your childhood and you always tried to make the best out of each encounter.
The type of kids that would cry when they have to separate after playing all day together.
And also the type of children that would definitely try to pull a prank on little Draco, just for them to get chased down by Lucius Malfoy himself after and cry frightened.
But something inside you two changes when you both are forced into your first ballroom dancing class (I headcanon that all the high-ranking families in the magical society enjoy hosting elegant dinners and balls, so follow me on this)
The proximity between you two, the touch of her hand, totally make little Enzo go all flushed.
Therefore, that soft innocent crush in the heart of the two children starts to blossom.
You drew hearts next to his name in your diary, imprisoning your feelings at the edge of a paper too scared to burn at the sight of the light, too scared to show this growing affection.
Little Enzo would sometimes pick a flower from his garden, trying to build some courage in himself for giving it to you. But that never happens.
When you get to Hogwarts he is your rock.
Perhaps if you an introvert he is the one introducing you to people or literally bringing you inside a friend group.
Ever heard of the trope “extrovert adopts an introvert”? Like that I mean.
Anyway, the crush is still there, of course, but none of you dare to even consider talking about it. Because no one has the guts to risk losing their favorite person.
Lorenzo is very cheerful, a ray of sunshine, and as he grows more people start to notice. And that’s a problem.
You are jealous, terribly.
Seeing those girls approaching him, giggling like infants, even when you are right at his side, hurts you.
He always refuse them politely and you smile in you mind.
Lorenzo is such a gentleman and everybody knows it.
Always giving you his arm while walking, opening doors,
moving chairs,
asking “how did you sleep darling?” or “have you eaten today dear?”
hugging you every time you see each other,
Offering his jacket to you as soon as he notice that it is becoming a little cold
Listening you ramble for hours about your favorite subject or a book you just read, always with that delicious little smile painted on his face.
And if he finds you crying for whatever reason he will take you into his arms immediately.
Listening to you explain through your tears what happened, while one hand strokes your hair gently and the other your back.
Seeing you hurt has an effect on him, definitely will let a couple of tears slip while you can’t see him.
Lorenzo is an empath, he will understand you and he will comfort you.
Also I feel like his love language is debatable, but he will definitely like to touch you, to feel your presence concretely.
Even if you two are not together he will often try to pull out an arm around your shoulders, always respecting your decision to refuse it and your personal vital space though.
Perhaps, sometimes, as you are all focused making your pen run during your studies session, he will look at your hand, wishing to be able to linger over it without an explanation.
He is also jealous, of course, because no one knows how desperate he is for you, how he feels blinded by how beautiful you have grown.
He feels his eyes and heart burning when a guy at a party tries to hit on you.
The golden retriever energy is suddenly gone and Theo will pull out a worried look for his friend.
But you aren’t his, how stupid it is of him to ache himself for something he never had.
After another scene of this kind, Theo decides to ask him about this totally not subtle behavior of his. (You already know that I headcanon Enzo and Theo to be best buddies shhh)
It takes a while for him to confess, but either for the tipsy state or the exhaustion that this situation has brought to him, he confess.
After years, let’s say it happens in the 6th year, he finally tells someone, felling already a bit lighter.
Theo looks at him, trying to not laugh, but miserably fails: “mate do you need glasses?”
And then he explains to him that anyone can see that something is going on between the two.
That you look at him like he is the sun lighting your existence and so does he with you.
Perhaps it is time to act now, to not fear, to be brave.
He won’t ask you directly though, I see him more prone to writing down a letter to you
Pouring on paper his feelings, how exceptionally well you make him feel, in conclusion, his love for you.
The angel sent from above that you are in his eyes, that he always had and always will e have at his side if he seals with ink his emotions.
Perhaps it could look something like this:
My Dearest,
In the quiet corners of my soul, I've carried a secret for what feels like an eternity, my heart dances to the rhythm of your name. Amidst youthful dreams and uncertain tomorrows, your laughter echoes in my thoughts, painting vivid hues in the canvas of my days. With each passing day, your radiance grows, illuminating the path of my existence. Today, in this moment of bravery, perhaps taken by a Gryffindor spirit, I dare to confess what has long lingered unspoken: I adore you beyond measure.
Yours sincerely,
And do we want the realization dramatic? Of course, is that even a question?
You recive his letter in a moment of privacy, perhaps in a quiet corner of the library while you are studying.
A first year approach you and quickly says “It is from Lorenzo Berkshire, he wants to know what you think then” before running away.
You look at the letter puzzled, looking at the delicate handwriting in which your initials are written on the outside.
You open the letter and everything just stops.
Only your eyes move, running desperately over and over again on the words overflowed by pure love.
How is it that you never noticed?
How is it that someone can love you so deeply?
The clock has continued its tireless dance for too long and you finally had enough.
There it won’t be peace until you found him.
An exceptional energy, filled with excitement, happiness and love, takes over you.
You suddenly snap, lifting yourself up from your cozy spot, leaving everything behind, because your real everything is in front of you.
The sound of your shoes, tirelessly beating against the hard floor as you run, is all you can hear.
People send concerned look in your way as you brush not so cordially their shoulder, trying to make your way to your lover.
The halls are full, the rain is once again pouring outside, you don’t even know where you are going, simply drove by the now fully ignited sentiment.
Lorenzo is repaired outside in the viaduct courtyard, waiting for his friends to be done with their smoking when he sees you.
You, bravely exiting the library annex, making your way to the viaduct bridge, looking left and right, looking for him.
Without a word to the others he starts running in your direction, the rain quickly wetting him entirely.
You are now both running, from opposite side of the bridge, people gathering around looking as the scene consume before them.
It is cold,
It is wet,
The nature is gray under the fog.
But two hearts beat ferociously, desperately trying to approach the other.
Your drenched hair flows with your movement, hands in a fist, your vision lightly blurred.
And in the middle of the bridge he catches you.
An hug full of every word neglect for so long.
He spins you around for has many years he had to wait for this, before he lets you go, moving his hands to cup your face gently as the rain harshly pours on you.
Eyes so desperate to crawl into the other’s spirit.
“I sense my letter has reached you” he will say smiling like an idiot drunk on love
You giggle, like the kids you used to be.
Because you have known each other for a lifetime, but only now he has found you.
“My dear, I love you” he will say before kissing you, warming your body, lighting your existence.
Everything faded then, from the cheers of the other students looking at the theatrical scene, to the screams of the various professor trying to pull you inside.
Your heart finally funded his.
I hope you liked them🫶✨
my ask box is open btw!
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gisellecnz · 5 months
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Cherished moments.
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(≧∇≦)/ Sypnosis. This is after your wedding with satoru. Your honeymoon together.
•Contents. Pure fluff, just fluff, reader is fem, gojo crying cuz your too pretty, cuddles
•note. I'm kinda new to writing + I'm new to tumbler, and english isn't my first language. So I'm sorry if my writing is kinda off, p.s if someone made a similar fic, please don't misunderstand. That might be just a coincidence, the moment I saw that picture of gojo (the one I used above this post) that inspired me to write a fic about it. Also, credits to the owner of the drawing! I just saw it on Pinterest and I don't know who the artist is.
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It is now 11:48pm, it has been a long day and is probably one of your best days of your life. You are now married with the man of your dreams, the one and only Satoru Gojo.
6 hours ago was your wedding, the moment you started walking down the aisle, Satoru was in tears. You were also in tears, but Satoru was more emotional. You found it cute how his eyes were red and puffy after, you wiped his tears as you brushed your thumb over his wet lashes. You've done this before but now it felt so much more different- you've felt alot of butterflies in your stomach as satoru opens those eyes of his which you've adored a lot since you were in highschool. They were so pretty, they were as blue as the ocean.
You also couldn't believe you now have Satoru's surname. You are now called as Mrs. Gojo.
In Satoru's pov, he couldn't hold back his tears from seeing you. You were so beautiful, he thinks you were the most prettiest woman that has ever stepped into earth. His heart raced with anticipation, the way your pretty smile was illuminating the room, and how your veil was delicately flowing over your face like a cascade of dreams. The way your gown trailed behind you, your eyes sparkled with so much love and joy as you looked at him. He swore that if he was stuck in a time loop in this situation, he wouldnt get tired from it.
After you and Satoru exchanged your vows and said your "I dos", your friends: Shoko, geto, yuuji, Megumi, Tsumiki, nobara gathered for a group photo. Along side with that there's a seperate photo of you and Satoru kissing from the wedding. They are now framed, sitting on the lamp table beside you.
Right now, you are lying down on a hotel bed. Satoru made sure to book in a very luxurious hotel for your honeymoon. (It's also canon that he's rich rich)
You were very tired. Today was so much fun, you exchanged your clothes to a more comfortable one, which is why you are wearing satoru's shirt right now. It also has his scent in it which is why you always preffered to sleep in his clothes.
And there, your love of your life came out from the bathroom. He just took a shower, his fluffy white snowy hair is now wet. AND DAMN his towel was wrapped around his waist, his abs were showing. You've seen it a lot of times already but you just couldn't get used to it. Your face was now pink.
Satoru laughed at your actions, you were so cute. He dried his hair and changed into his clothes, he got into the bed and snuggled beside you.
"Tired, hm?"
Satoru layed down his head to your chest, he loves lying down there, he loves hearing your heart beats and the way your breasts were squishing his cheeks.
"Mmn, yeah."
You chuckled as you gave a kiss to his forehead, your fingers combing through his fluffy hair.
He looks at you with pleading eyes, looking like he wants something from you.
"More kisses- please?"
You gave a kiss to his cheek and his lips. "Gosh, so clingy as ever."
You said as you chuckled and smiled at Satoru. But suddenly you gasped as he rolls you over, making you the one on top of him now, laying down on his chest.
He gives you that cheeky smile, "I love you so much y/n, I literally couldn't hold in my tears back from seeing you in that wedding dress. "
You were about to say something but he cuts you off by kissing you in the lips. And starts saying one of the most sweetest things to you.
"The most-" a kiss on your forehead. "Gorgeous-" a kiss on your nose. "Prettiest-" a kiss on your lips again. "Sweetest-" a kiss on your left cheek. "Girl I've ever met. " a kiss in your right cheek.
His actions made you tear up, hes so sweet. But he wasn't expecting you to react like that.
"Hey, why're y' cryin? Don't cry." He frowns as he pulls you closer to him and gives you one last kiss to your forehead. You chuckle and tell him that's it's okay.
You both finally fell asleep, embracing each other. You will cherish this day forever.
note: I'm sorry if this is short and it's rushed plus again I'm sleepy and it's like 3:14 am, I'm gonna sleep now cuz I'm finally finished 🥰
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rockingbytheseaside · 12 days
I just read 'a boy named heretic' and it was really great cuz I can see little zandik being obsessed of his favourite researchers. And Imagine after creating his segments, little segments being so obsessed with you that they start their days with reading your researchs or treating your researchs like a religious book maybe even the older segments still do that. they would have memorised everything by now and that would be so funny like little segments make a mistake when they are talking about your researchs and older ones go like 'no no it goes like this and this' I can definitely see that happening.
Thank you for reading my brainrot over your fic and even though i just discovered you I love your writing style and your art is amazing so thank you for blessing us
Thank you so much! I try to write fics and tropes because I also struggle with Harbinger brainrot. Sometimes I draw and sometimes I gotta write. So I hope I won't disappoint with this one (。•́︿•̀。)
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✦ You learn that Dottore taught his little segment about your old research too
(tw: none, pure fluff)
In the days of old, a young boy named Zandik was infatuated by you.
You were there, in the photos of the Akademiya’s best, A brilliant alumna. Meanwhile, he was still a mere student, looking up at you with eager ruby eyes. The distance between you two, not just in seniority, but in intellect and knowledge looked like an insurmountable ocean for little Zandik. 
He read all your published works, theses, or even miscellaneous essays. You were one of the few who dared to explore risque topics, often researching the fallen technology of your homeland, Khaenri’ah. Your works became his mantra, as the young trainee Dastur frequently stayed at night reading and memorizing your written words. 
How he longed to stand by your side. To bask in the glow of your wisdom, and hopefully, one day stand beside you in these photos of The Akademiya’s best. The thought of being your equal on that wall is a fantasy that once consumed him during many sleepless nights. 
But alas, his name was not in the records beside you. Instead, it was in the records of exiled students. 
The expulsion was a bitter pill to swallow for Zandik, yet it became a blessing in disguise. It allowed him to break free from the constraints of the Akademiya and truly delve into the depths of his research; to walk where you walked. With this liberating and newfound freedom, The Fatui heightened his abilities. They provided him with the resources and tools, and in return, he shared the fruits of his labor with them. But the Fatui were not the focus of his pursuits - you were. 
The little boy who once admired you from afar is no more. Now, a Fatui Harbinger stood before you, a man who has grown and shaped himself in your shadow. So here you were, in Dottore’s lab quietly musing. That was the story of your unceremonious reunion with The Doctor, whom you didn’t even know was after you. However, you didn’t mind it. You even met one of his many segments. 
What you didn’t expect is… a little child in his lab. 
A boy, looking awfully similar to little Zandik, no older than 8 years old. He gawked back at you, with his ruby-red eyes and you felt a sense of deja vu. You kneeled in front of him, catching a glimpse of a book in the child’s arms: 
“Um, hello, little one. What is that book you’re reading?”
The child cast his gaze to the floor timidly, revealing the worn-out book he was concealing behind his back. He held it tightly with his little hands, speaking in a small but avid voice:
“It’s your work… Your name is right here!” 
You blinked in surprise. It indeed had your name on it. The title was one of your research papers that you honestly forgot about. But what was even more surprising is why would an 8-year-old child read some old academic papers. 
“Oh, it is? But isn’t it a little… boring or difficult for you to read?” 
“No, I love it! I can even recite it if you want!” 
When Prime Dottore entered and spotted you talking to the eager younger clone he smirked. It seems you finally met his youngest segment, and your bafflement was expected. 
Dottore assured you that his segments, especially the younger Zandik, cannot contain their excitement at the mere mention of your name. They speak of you with a reverence that borders on idolatry, and they often ask Dottore about any copies of your published studies. 
It seems even the segments have inherited his admiration for you.
And the youngest segment, the 8-year-old child? They are absolutely enamored with your work. Every day, they ask about you and patiently anticipate any new information about your next visit to the lab. They even have a small collection of your books on their shelf, reading them diligently and trying to understand the complexity of your ideas. It was a bewildering sight, but the youngest segment enjoyed your academic essays as his bedtime stories.
“Dottore, listen. Did you make this boy memorize my thesis instead of reading fairy tales or something? Isn’t this a little… complicated for a child?” - you asked, picking up the little segment into your arms. 
“Nonsense my dear. Instead of fairy tales and nursery rhymes, a prodigy must start early by instilling a desire for knowledge. You can test it for yourself.” - Dottore explained, turning to the young child - “Recite the passage about energy infusion, paragraph 2.” 
“Okay! Ahem… ‘In the realm of Khaenri'ahn technology, we find a profound example of the interconnectedness between opposites. The use of advanced energy systems combines the power of light and electricity and as according to the data numbers of…”
Oh boy. These are big words for an 8-year-old. You don’t even remember the exact words of your 400-year-old thesis; that thing is ancient! You didn’t have the heart to tell them both that this thesis was written during an all-nighter rush. You did not feel nostalgic remembering your stress over deadlines. 
“Little one?” - You smiled at the boy in your arms and pointed at Dottore “Promise you won’t grow up like this big meanie here. He's annoying” 
“Heehee, okay!” - The tiny Zandik gently hugged your neck. The clone's innocent presence contrasts starkly with Il Dottore's imposing frown. What you failed to notice, however, was the young segment sticking his tongue out at Dottore's jealousy while you hugged the child unawarely. 
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thehusbandoden · 3 months
And Nothing Else Matters -Husband!Loid Forger x Wife!Reader
A/n: it's so easy to write now! I'm so glad that stupid writer's block is gone. :3
I hope I'm not badgering Loid's character lol. Pls let me know what you think! <3
General info:
Genre: pure fluff \\ wc: 711 \\ female reader \\ posted: 03/14/24
You feel super clingy.. and you know exactly who your victim is. Your husband.
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You giggle, kissing your beloved husband’s cheeks. His dazzling azure eyes instantly meet yours as he frowns, hand held up in defense. He retired from his spy career last year, but he was always on alert. You kiss his warm palm, giggling into his skin as you rub your cheek against his large, warm palm.  
You’re not sure why, but you feel extremely clingy... and your perfect victim was of course, your husband. You loved him to pieces, even though he could come off as distant at times, you stuck with him, bathing in the affection whenever he gave it to you, and beaming with gratitude as he showed you his love through several acts of service throughout the day, everyday.  
Loid looked at you with a blank look as you nuzzled into his palm, giggling happily. As you continue to giggle, inching closer to him, he can’t help but let out a small sigh, his lips lifting into a small smile. Your giggles grow louder, you’re now full on laying on top of him, rubbing your cheek against his chest.  
“Love you baby.” You giggle, kissing his jaw, cheeks, and nose.  
“I love you too, y/n.” He mumbles, smiling ever so slightly down at you, stroking your hair softly. You bathe in the affection. If you were a cat, you would be purring.  
“You’re so comfy.” You giggle, stuffing your nose into his neck.  
“Yeah! So warm, snuggly, and you smell sooo good.” You rub your nose against his jawline, giggling at the sensation of your skin on his. You were addicted. You push your nose to his, rubbing them together as you fawn over him.  
A warm blush coats Loid’s cheeks, causing you to grin in glee. Your giggles continue as you rub your cheek against his.  
“What do I smell like?” He smirks softly, raising an eyebrow. You giggle even more when you see his playful side coming out. Something rare, and a blessing that he bestowed on you and Anya, his girls. You two were his world, and you knew that as well as he did.  
“I don’t know. You smell like you.” You shrug, giggling as you kiss his forehead, peppering kisses all over his skin.  
“You’re going to give me a breakout...” he sighs, though there’s still a small smirk on his face.  
“Oh yeah?” You giggle, kissing his skin harder.  
He chuckles, his hands moving to your waist. He pinches your sides, causing you to let out a squeak of surprise, your hands quickly grabbing his to stop his playful assault.  
“Meanie, that hurt!” You pout, attempting- and failing- to stifle your giggles. His smirk widens into a grin as he frees his hands from yours, tickling your sides.  
You squeal in surprise, giggling as you desperately try to get his hands away. Your giggles turn into laughter as you decide to get revenge, attacking his own sides with tickles and soft pinches. He attempts to keep a straight face but ends up grinning ear to ear as he watches your smiling face.  
He continues to tickle and gently pinch your sides, nipping at your ear. You squeal in surprise, laughing uncontrollably as you continue to assault his chest and waist. You run out of air, panting from the playful attack.  
“I give up! Cease fire!” You giggle, slumping onto his warm chest. He pinches your waist one last time before stilling his hands, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.  
His grin softens into a smile as he looks down at you, kissing in-between your eyebrows, the tip of your nose, the apples of your cheeks, and finally your lips.  
The kiss was slow and gentle, melting you into a puddle. You kiss back sweetly, silently expressing your unconditional love and undying devotion to the man of your dreams. 
Loid pulls back, giving your lips one last peck before he rests his forehead against yours, breathing softly. You close your eyes, getting lost in the feeling of having your beloved so close. “I love you.” You whisper, entangling your hands into his blonde hair.  
“And I love you, my dearest.” He whispers back. Your smile widens, he rarely uses pet names, and when he does, he’s showing you his soft side. The side that hasn’t been bruised or broken, the side of him that he has fought desperately for years to protect, to hide.  
It made you feel like the luckiest woman alive. And to be frank, you were. You were the luckiest, happiest woman in the world. You had your beloved husband, and your precious little girl.  
And nothing else mattered.  
Loid's masterlist | Masterlist | Navigation | You can tip me here<3
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated<33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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wardenparker · 5 months
First Christmas
Marcus Pike x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+ Word Count: 10.6k Warnings: Established relationship, mentions of sex toys/gagging, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, cuddling, fluff, picturesque family stuff everywhere. Summary: A whirlwind relationship has led you to marrying Marcus before a lot of traditional landmarks in the dating realm. Now it's time to meet the Pikes, and you'll be doing it on their absolute favorite holiday. Notes: Please enjoy some seasonal fluff! While Marcus and the Pikes are obviously depicted as celebrating Christmas (duh, that's the plot) there aren't any references to the family being Christian, or to reader's religious identity. This is just some good old fashioned all-American Marcus fluff for the holiday 🧡🎄❄
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“I talked to my Mom this morning.” Marcus shucks his jacket, buoyed by his news, although he’s had every reason to grin when he’s coming home to you every night. “And I managed to book the last two tickets. Had to get first class, but I used miles, so it wasn’t that bad.” He leans in and drops a kiss on your lips before he turns to hang his coat on the rack. “Figure we fly out a couple of days before Christmas and we can fly home the day after. We only end up needing to take a day or two maximum out of work that way. What do you think?”
“What do I think about three days with your entire extended family when it will be the very first time I’m meeting them all?” Marrying Marcus had been a whirlwind, and while you’re immensely happy together and have no regrets for the situation— it is a little intimidating. Marcus is incredibly close to his family and you are the exact opposite. “Honestly, babe? I’m intimidated. But I’m all in. I’ll do whatever I have to do to make sure they like me.”
“It’ll be great. They will love you.” Of course there had been a million and one questions when Marcus had called with the news that he was married. That he couldn’t wait to plan a wedding, and that you and he had just decided to go to the court house. “Get the embarrassing stories and baby pics out of the way before the rest of the family descends on the house.”
“Cramming into that twin bed in your Mom’s house is going to be fun,” you tease, a slight snort following your grin as you start taking leftovers out of the fridge to warm up for dinner. Last night’s Chinese take out order was more than a little over the top.
“Just means we get to snuggle really close.” He hums, sliding up behind you and wrapping his arms around your middle as he presses close. The honeymoon phase hasn’t even begun to fade, and he hopes it never does. “But I think she did trade it for a queen.”
“We’ll still cuddle.” That’s a promise, and you lean back against his chest with a comforted hum that’s so blissful you just let your eyes fall shut and enjoy it. “Though it might be good if she did trade up. A new bed will squeak a hell of a lot less than an old one.”
His cock twitches, but he’s pretty sure that was the entire point of your comment. You love to see how easily you turn him on. “But then we still have to keep you quiet, baby.” He ducks his head and nips at your neck. “Can’t be screaming my name for the entire house to hear.”
Turning your head, you bat your eyelashes at him innocently and make your eyes extra wide. “Should we pack my gag, then?”
“Fuck.” He hisses quietly, twitching against your ass again. “You want to be gagged and fucked hard in my childhood bedroom?” He rasps out.
“Only if there’s really embarrassing posters on the walls.” The evil little teasing giggle that bubbles out of you comes with a full-on grind of your ass against his rapidly hardening cock. It’s not hard to rile each other up, but it is so much fun.
“Want me to show you how hard I would fuck you?” His hands slide under your shirt and cup your tits through the bra you loath and he loves to take off of you.
“Hmmm.” Even pretending to think about it makes you grin harder and you turn around in his arms to wrap your arms around his neck. “The egg rolls take five minutes to warm up in the oven. Think we can get off that fast?”
“You doubt my abilities?” He pouts at you playfully, even as he moves to start unbuttoning your pants. “Baby, I’m hurt.”
“Maybe I just know giving you a challenge always gets results.” Your hands move to his belt as he starts to pull your own pants open.
“Brat.” His grin is infectious as he pushes your pants and panties down over your hips.
“Yeah, and you love it.” You shove the tray in the oven and practically smack the timer in your haste to set it, ready to hop up on the kitchen counter in the idyllic little house you share with your husband and let him fuck the life out of you.
His chuckle is warm and his hands don’t pause as he slides his hand between your thighs to touch you as his other works his belt buckle. “I do love it.” He admits easily.
Whatever clever comeback you have dies on your lips, too focused on your husband’s large hand and quick fingers at the apex of your thighs to do anything but quickly kick off your pants and panties so you can slide back onto the kitchen counter with your legs open.
“Fuck, I love the way you are so eager.” Marcus is always just as eager, but he doesn’t focus on his wants. Having you in front of him demands that you be pleasured and that’s what he’s going to do.
“For you? Always.” It’s been this way between you since the beginning. Since the day he waltzed into your undercover operation posing as your husband who could forge any painting. The spark was immediate and mutual, and soon the lines between role and real life were blurring for both of you. Now, of course, things are less complicated. But the want is no less real.
Marcus hums, leaning in to kiss along your neck like he had quickly discovered you love. Lips and teeth working together to make you moan while his fingers slide inside you.
“Baby.” Managing to moan anything coherent while he’s touching you is a miracle, but you gasp out when he starts to crook his fingers inside the tight walls of your pussy. “Need you, baby. Need you to fill me up.”
“I’m gonna fill you up.” He promises, grinning at the way your jaw is slack when he pulls back to look at you, “just as soon as you cream all over my fingers, baby.”
A whine seems to seep out of your throat unbidden and you glance over at the kitchen timer as your hips rock against his hand. “Four minutes and thirty-two seconds,” you warn with a grin.
“So we have time to have a drink.” He chuckles as he increases the tempo of his fingers as he works them in and out of you.
“Fuck, baby.” Marcus knows exactly how to work you into a frenzy with seemingly zero effort, and he delights in putting that ability on display just as much as he loves taking you apart extra slowly to make you beg. The man is devastatingly talented and you are the happy beneficiary of all that laser focus.
“That’s what I’m gonna do.” He teases. “Fuck you. Been thinking about it all day while working on paperwork.”
Being on your best behaviour at work does mean that you haven’t had him fuck you on his desk yet, but you’ve been craving it. The kitchen counter will have to serve as a substitute for just a little longer, it seems. “Yeah?” You pant, feeling yourself get closer and closer under his expert touch. “Bet you had to stay hidden behind that desk all day so no one would see how hard I make you.”
“Soooo fucking hard.” He agrees, reaching up and squeezing your tit through your shirt and bra. “Just have to think about how I woke you up sliding inside you this morning.”
“Best way to wake up.” Your head falls back, thumping against the kitchen cabinet but you barely notice.
“And I love to see your eyes turn glassy before you even wipe the sleep away.” Marcus curls his fingers up and leans in to press his lips to yours. “Cum for me baby.”
It should be impossible for him to command it like that and yet as soon as the words are out of his mouth you are gasping in pleasure and feeling the coil at the base of your spine pull tight right before the stars explode behind your eyes. Marcus groans as he watches your eyes flutter closed, your head tilting back against the cabinet and your sweet little pussy just soaking his fingers with the slickest, hottest cum he’s ever had the pleasure of feeling. “That’s it, baby, shake for me.”
“So fucking good.” Drawing in that first deep breath after cumming is always like the first breath of fresh air in the morning. As soon as the heaviness lifts from your limbs you’re surging forward to kiss him, wrapping one hand around his cock to draw him in closer and beg silently for him to fuck you.
It’s Marcus’s turn to groan and his hips rock forward, chasing your grip as you pump his cock. “Fuck baby, need you so bad.” He moans into your mouth and shuffles closer, his fingers digging into your hips to drag you closer to the edge of the counter.
No one could ever doubt the passion in your marriage, that is for damn sure, and you lean back on the counter so Marcus can line himself up at your entrance – moaning softly when he starts to push inside. "Fuck I love you so much."
“I love you too.” An undercover op that had meant to be a means to getting Teresa Lisbon – now Jane – off his mind, had ended up being the best thing that ever happened to him. You are the best thing that ever happened. “So fucking much.” He pushes until he’s buried to the hilt and immediately pulling back to rock into you again.
When the two of you are worked up like this it never takes long. For a couple who routinely fuck an average of twice a day, anyone would think that it would be taking longer by now. It's not like you're pent up after a week of not seeing each other or anything. In fact, you see each other constantly —  always doing your best to even line up your lunch breaks whenever you possibly can. No, it's just passion. Plain and simple. Top of FormHe has zero problem slapping his thighs against the counter as he works into you. Panting out your name breathlessly as you clench down on him. “Fuck.”
“That’s it, baby.” With one arm twined around his shoulders and the other holding blindly to the counter, your legs have wrapped around Marcus’s trim waist to encourage every thrust. “Feels so fucking amazing.”
“You—your pussy.” He grunts out, biting his lip and then rocking his hips forward with a particularly harsh thrust.
“It’s all yours.” And with as fiercely as his hips slam into yours, it’s a wonder that your pussy doesn’t ache more than she does. But the only aching you ever seem to feel is from wanting him as close as possible. Like right now.
Every push of his hips is complete bliss, groaning as he leans in and presses his lips to yours. “Love you.”
“Love you.” Even mumbled against his lips it’s so true that it makes your heart swell, and you tilt your hips so he can thrust a little deeper each time. He won’t last much longer and the timer must be almost up anyway. “Cum for me, baby. Fill me up.”
“Rub your clit.” He orders. “Cum for me again. Want you to cum again.”
There is nothing you want more in the world right now than to obey, and in barely a Moment more the two of you are panting and moaning into each other’s kiss, careening toward the edge of pleasure. It’s like magic, the way your fingers immediately make your core seize up around him. That little bit of pressure ripping you over the edge and making you cry out his name.
He tumbles over the edge second later, your shaking legs wrapped tight around his waist and keep him deep inside you while he paints your walls with hot cum. It's the perfect way to unwind after a long day at the office, and you groan without restraint. The kisses you press all over his lips and jaw and neck are instantly giddy, the adrenaline rush of cumming taking over the second the crashing orgasm subsides. Marcus groans, tucking his head into your neck the second he can and chuckling as the timer for the oven starts to buzz. “Perfect timing.”
“This is it.” The Pike house is on the corner of two main streets in his Nebraska hometown, where the old Victorian rises up from the sidewalk like a proud pillar of the old community and you can perfectly see Marcus growing up here as a little boy. His wholesome, corn-fed, all-American childhood is perfectly framed here. “Right here.” The warmth in his voice is unmistakable, matching the grin that is on his face as he looks up at the house. “Home sweet home. Mom should be here, waiting to pounce on us.”
“You’re excited.” It’s sweet, and you know he’s missed his family something terrible. “Let’s go inside, baby. Time to introduce your wife to your mother.” His second wife, technically, but that’s neither here nor there. His divorce was years and years ago now, even though she is very much still part of the family.
“She’s going to love you.” The fact that he hasn’t had you two on the phone together is just a matter of scheduling but it will quickly be corrected. “Let’s go.” The engine is cut and he opens the driver door to the rental car that was crazy expensive but worth the autonomy of being able to take you around the town.
Like any son, Marcus doesn’t bother to knock at the door but pushes inside, calling out to his mother as soon as it is half open. The first thing that catches your eye is the line of photos down the staircase to your right, and you shift to look at them all right away. Marcus’s two siblings’ wedding photos. A collage frame of each family featuring their children at different ages. Marcus’s graduation photo from the Academy. And his parents’ wedding photo that is now some forty years old.
“Marc?” The voice rings out from the kitchen and there’s the general clanging of pots and pans as she hustles out the doorway, wiping her hands in the dishrag. “Oh Marc, you made it!”
Julia Pike is a tall and fairly slender woman with grays streaked heavily through her dirty blonde hair and laugh lines that speak to a lifetime of joy with her family. But more than all of those things, she is a hugger. Her arms envelope both you and Marcus as soon as you’re within reach and she hums so happily that anyone could be easily forgiven for confusing her with the family cat. “How was your flight, sweetie? The food was probably terrible, right? Airline food always is. Come in, come in! Leave your things here and I’ll get you some lunch.”
“Hey Mom,” his arms are just as tight around his mother as they are when he hugs you. “We didn’t even risk the airport food, so we are starving.” He pulls back and gives her his best puppy dog eyes. “Please tell me you are making my favorite?”
“Do you think I would just skip out on your first meal home in more than a year and not make you chowder?” She tuts as if she’s insulted and turned to you conspiratorially. “Of all the things in the world, it’s always been corn and potato chowder. Who knows where he picked that up from but the first time I put bacon in it he started begging for it constantly.”
“Because bacon is probably the only thing that beats pancakes.” Marcus leans in and kisses his mother’s cheek. “And Mom makes the best corn and potato chowder you will ever have.” He promises you, letting go of her so he can wrap his arm around your waist. “Why don’t you two go into the kitchen and I’ll bring in the bags?”
“Thanks, honey.” It’s just a squeeze of his hand in yours before he slips back out the door, but you already feel more at ease. His mother is so incredibly sweet.
“Don’t worry a bit, I won’t bite.” Julia promises, wrapping her arm around your shoulder and giggling quietly as she guides you to the kitchen. “I’ll quickly fill you in on his most embarrassing stories.”
“I’m sorry we haven’t been able to meet or talk before.” That’s really the first thing you want to say, knowing how much Marcus loves his family. “It’s all happened very fast, and we’re still wrapping up this case that our departments are working on together.”
“Don’t worry.” She smiles indulgently. If she had been a lesser woman, she would have been upset or insulted by the quick wedding and no communication, but she was secure in her youngest child’s affection. “You’re in the honeymoon phase and who wants to talk to your mother-in-law when you can be cuddling your new spouse?”
"Unfortunately, work doesn't give us a lot of downtime. Even getting a few days off for Christmas was something of a coup d’état." Following her into the kitchen, you look around the well-appointed space and note buttery looking rolls sitting on a baking tray nearby and the whole place smells like absolute heaven. "I really can't thank you enough for having us here a few days early. He's been so excited to come home and see everyone again."
“I have so looked forward to meeting you.” She waves away your thanks. “The way Marcus has talked about you when we chat, I just knew that we would be good friends.”
"He is...completely remarkable." The warmth that rushes to your cheeks at that admission is immediate, but it's honest. You won't shrug it away or apologize for it. "I know our meeting was pretty unconventional, but it was like we knew each other instantly. He's really...he's my best friend, on top of everything else. So I've really been looking forward to meeting all of you. To see how he got to be the amazing man I married." It sounds cheesy, like you're sucking up or something, but it's all so true. And since you are every bit as sentimental as your husband, you don't mind saying it out loud.
“Marcus has always led with his heart.” Julia acknowledges and turns back towards the stove to start dishing up large bowls of the chowder. “It has sometimes led him to heartbreak,” she tells you, turning around with the first bowl. “But somehow I think he’s got it right.”
"I love him so much." And you won't hesitate to shout it from the rooftops, either, which has a smile spreading over his mother's face as she works. Immediately jumping in, you pick up the empty basket beside the tray of rolls and stack them inside. She's set the little kitchen table for the three of you to eat at, so that is where the basket will end up. "I already can't imagine how I ever kept my head on without him, and I can't imagine a single day of my future without him in it."
“The perfect thing about it, is that I think you mean it.” She tells you, handing you a bowl of chowder. “In fact, I would bet money on it. I have a feeling about these things.”
"You're the one he gets it from." Accepting the bowl and setting it down, you take the next from her as well and make sure everything is set out. The opening and closing of the front door says that Marcus has returned and that makes your smile brighten reflexively. "He has a reputation for it at work. His sixth sense."
“Of course he does. He’s a hard worker and he follows his feelings.” She shrugs slightly. “Sometimes it is faulty, but I blame that on the other people involved.”
"People largely follow patterns, but the human ability to be unpredictable really does throw a monkey wrench in case work sometimes," you acknowledge. Of course, it can also be what makes your job so interesting at times. When Marcus comes down the hall to the kitchen you can't help the way you beam, leaning back for a second so he can help his Mom with the last bowl and get a pitcher of something to drink from the refrigerator. "It smells amazing, Mrs. Pike." Until she's given you explicit permission, you're not presuming to call her by her first name. You've known too many friends who got on their mother-in-law's bad side off the bat for being considered too informal or disrespectful because they tried to be friendly.
“That is just the best compliment I’ve ever had.” Julia can’t help but melt slightly as she pulls out a chair and motions for you to sit down. “Now, I won’t insist that you call me ‘Mom’, but I also don’t want you to call me ‘Mrs. Pike’. That’s your name too now. So, please call me Julia?”
"Julia, then." Sitting down at the table with Marcus and his mother feels a hell of a lot more comfortable than you had worried it might be. But so far? So far, so good. "Although, since you mention it, having two Special Agent Pikes at work has been fairly entertaining. We keep accidentally getting each other's deliveries from the mailroom."
She laughs, well aware of the confusion and commotion it would cause. “You might have to start adding your first initial to your mail.” She snorts, shaking her head. “Or…do nothing and use the mail mix up as a good excuse to steal a kiss on the government’s time.”
"That's..." You glance at Marcus and you both grin unapologetically before everyone digs into their lunch. "What we've been doing so far. But once Marcus gets his promotion it won't be a worry anymore. His title will change and the mix-ups will be over."
“I still cannot believe that they have not moved you into the role you went to D.C. for.” Julia huffs, frowning fiercely. It seems like that is just wrong to her and it is. Her baby was supposed to be the head of his department by now, but something about delaying retirement on the outgoing head had pushed back Marcus taking over the role.
“Technically, they have,” you assure her, not wanting his mother to think that Marcus isn’t being fully respected at work. “He is running the task force that he was promised. The decision to move him up to head of the department came after he had already accepted the transfer, so it’s on a different timeline. But it’s all on track. The current department head just wanted to finish out the calendar year and he’ll retire at the end of the month. It’s just a matter of weeks now.”
“Well…that’s good, I suppose.” Like any mother she knows, she’s protective over her children and their lives, even when they’ve long left her nest. “And Marc tells me that you work in another department? How are you enjoying it?”
“I work in the white collar crimes division,” you nod, managing not to moan out loud at your first taste of the soup. No wonder this is Marcus’s favorite, it’s like a giant hug. “Mostly I work on fraud cases. Forgeries are my specialty. Which…is how Marcus and I met. I needed an art consultant on a case I was working on, and he’s the best of the best.”
"He is the best." She beams as only a mother can and grins. "Although, at one point, he wanted nothing more than the be a rock star with his band."
“I keep telling him he should start up again.” The grin you throw your husband is nearly victorious. You just know his mother is going to take your side. “A couple of guys in my department need a new bassist for their band and he would be perfect.”
"If he would enjoy it, I have his old bass in the attic." She supplies immediately. "There is no reason you shouldn't take it back with you. I know it's in good condition, I have to keep Kelly's oldest from sneaking it out of the house every time he comes over."
“What do you think, babe?” It’s entirely up to him, even if he never wants to join another band you still want him to have music in his life. “We can absolutely bring your bass home with us if you want to.”
"If you don't mind." His eyes slide towards his mother again, While it was his bass, it had been a last gift from his father and it was something that he could not take with him when he moved out for good. All of the kids had left the last gifts that he had given them in the house they had lived in with him. A kind of living memorial to a man who could never be replaced.
“It’s totally up to you, honey.” His mother promises. “Your brother has been hinting about his little girl being interested in Grandpa’s baseball gear when she’s old enough, so I think it’s time.”
He mulls it over, taking another spoonful of the chowder as he thinks. "I will take it home." He decides after a Moment. "It would be good to start playing again and one day—" His eyes slide warmly over to you. "Maybe it will be passed down to the next generation of Pike."
Julia raises one manicured eyebrow at that and gladly notes the way your expression turns a little dreamy at the idea. “I take it that topic has been bandied around a little at home?”
"We've talked about it." Marcus admits, setting down his spoon and picking up your hand. "We want to spend a little time together first, and figured that we would return to the conversation when I've settled into my new role." That’s what you agreed upon together, but Marcus won’t deny that if it happens sooner rather than later, he’ll be over the moon.
“I have to say.” The smile she aims at both of you is proud and bright. “It sounds like you’re enjoying being married, and that is half the battle in the beginning.”
"We are, Mom." Marcus agrees easily, squeezing your hand and looking over her with pure adoration in his warm brown eyes. "I had one hell of an example with you and Dad, and I think that we would make both of your proud."
Celebrating his long-overdue return to his hometown means that Marcus takes you to his favorite little family restaurant for dinner that night and by the time you’re falling into his bed, you’re both feeling relaxed and incredibly sleepy. Getting to see parts of his past is a window into his soul that you’ve never gotten before, and you curl around him in your pjs with a contended sigh.
Marcus has a habit of stroking your bare back until you fall asleep. Since you’re not sleeping nude tonight, his hand slides under your pajama shirt to touch you. “So what do you think?” He asks softly, wanting to know how you feel about his town where he spent his formative years.
“It’s the perfect little slice of Americana,” you tell him with a grin. “I can absolutely see you running around here as the happiest little kid in the world.”
“I had my teenage angst.” He admits with a chuckle, thinking back to how naive he had been about what was truly heartbreaking. “Like most kids do. Rebelled a little.”
"Grew your hair and became a little rock star?" The pictures of teenage Marcus with long curls and shredded t-shirts didn't last for a very long period of his teenage years, but they definitely seem to be among his most treasured memories.
Marcus huffs out a laugh. “Yeah.” He admits. “Almost got a tattoo. Although I’m lucky I didn’t have a scar when my nose ring came out.”
"I'm sooo bummed I missed that entire phase," you giggle into his side, having now seen a plethora of photos from Marcus's younger years. "I would've been all over you in high school."
“Yeah?” He hums, grinning into the darkness. “You would have been my little groupie?”
“Oh totally.” He sounds so utterly pleased that you giggle. “I would’ve been swooning at your feet.”
“I would have let you.” He admits, his fingers trailing up and down your spine. “Given you a private performance.”
Another giggle becomes a snort, and you rest your chin on Marcus’s chest to look up at him. “Your mother might not have liked me so much as a sixteen-year-old groupie, but I woulda been stuck to you like glue.”
“She was actually pretty cool with boyfriends and girlfriends.” He tells you. “She would have just made sure we were being safe.”
“Mmkay,” you hum and laugh. “So it would have been finding refuge here after my parents forbade me from seeing you anymore. Got it.”
He hums. “I could still impress the parents with my manners.” He promises. “No forbidding going on.”
“I just would have snuck out to see you.” It’s a fun little game of pretend to play, and you press a kiss to his chest. “Nothing could keep me from you, babe. We’re stuck like glue.”
“We are stuck like glue.” He smiles at you, ecstatic about that fact, that he’s gotten it right. “Me and you babe.”
On Sunday morning, his siblings and their families descend on the house early. All the Pike kids are morning people, apparently, and even more so when mornings include Christmas movies. The clattering downstairs is what wakes you, and you huff a groan into your husband’s side when you realize he’s silently stroking your back in your sleep. “Early.” You mumble, knowing it’s later than the time you get up for work but early for vacation wake up time.
“I know.” He’s eager to get downstairs, but he’s also eager to stay by your side. “But I know Mom will have coffee and fruit strudels downstairs.”
“Tempting.” But it’s not nearly as tempting as morning kisses, and you shift up the bed to snag some.
Marcus hums, smiling against your lips as he holds you close. “Morning.” He whispers between soft and sweet kisses. Enjoying the intimacy of the moment with you before the chaos begins.
“Morning, my love.” There are few things better than these quiet morning moments, and you savor them when you can. Work days are far too busy for cuddling so weekends are precious and holidays? Even more so.
“I’m so glad you agreed to come.” He admits quietly. “They are crazy and loud, but they are my family and I love them.” He grins. “Almost as much as I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Being held against his chest and wrapped up in bed with him is your safe place, but the morning is calling with loud voices so you place a kiss over his heart and stretch. “So exactly how many of your million cousins are coming today?”
“All of them?” He poses it as question and then laughs. “I think after the news I was bringing my new wife leaked, everyone decided to turn it into a family reunion.”
“Ahhh.” That makes you nod in understanding. “So it’s a really good thing that I packed nice clothes for this trip. Got it.” You had prepared for it, expecting to be a little bit on display, but you know how excited he is to be home. It made you want to work extra hard to make a good impression on his family.
“Don’t worry, they will absolutely love you.” He promises. His hand slides down and he pats your ass. “We need to get up and get the day started though.”
“Come on, handsome.” You haul yourself up with a groan after one more kiss. “Let’s get dressed.”
He chuckles as he watches you grumpily get up. You never like to leave a bed without a few good groans and it’s positively endearing to him.
“My body knows it’s a holiday,” you grumble good naturedly, as if you don’t groan about getting up for about three or four sentences every morning regardless. “It’s protesting.”
“Of course it’s protesting.” He shakes his head, climbing out of the bed with far more enthusiasm and starting to make the bed. “You would sleep for twenty-three hours out of the day if you could.”
“Only since adulthood.” Getting ready together is a nice, soothing little ritual and you pull your clothes out of your suitcase with precision. “When I was younger I could just go, go, go. But now?” You shrug and offer him a smile. “Why wouldn’t I want to be in bed these days? You’re there, too.”
He grins and winks at you. “You know, I think I like your thinking.” He flirts shamelessly with you, enjoying how easy it is.
“My logic is unflappable.” You boast, grinning at him and giggling, mood lifted immensely just by his smile. “But we need to get dressed, sir. You have a football game to play, if I remember my Pike family traditions correctly.”
“That’s true. It’s always best to come to the table with black eyes and bloody noses.” He chuckles and strips off his sleep shirt to pull on a sweatshirt.
“How do you expect me to function properly with the mental image of you being rugged and athletic and then the real image of you shirtless? It’s just unfair.”
He hums, smirking at the pouting tone of your voice and he bites his lip. “You’ll have a good view from the kitchen window.”
“Kitchen window?” Even though you know that’s where you’ll be most of the time — what with his mother loving to cook and his sister Kelly running a restaurant in the nearest city with two of their cousins — you still make noises. “My ass is going to be on that porch with a mug of something warm for a front row view.”
He snorts and walks back over to kiss you before he changes from comfortable boxers to more secure boxer briefs. Less chance of his brother ‘accidentally’ hitting him in the groin again this year. “Don’t worry, I’m sure all of you will be out there at some point.”
"I will be sure to spearhead that viewing party." You promise him before patting his ass with a smirk. "I will be watching very disrespectfully."
"What will I get when I score a touchdown?" He waggles his brows at you suggestively.
"Something that is not family friendly." And that is an absolute promise. "Now come on, handsome. I have a whole lot of Pikes to meet."
"Damnit." Marcus hisses quietly, reaching down to readjust himself in those boxer briefs before he slides on his sweats. "Now I want to go back to bed."
"Love youuuu," you sing-song, sashaying back across the room to your stack of clothes.
Downstairs is the general chaos that Marcus had expected and he's halfway down the stairs when he hears his brother Alex shouting. "SHUT UP, stop talking about them! They're coming!"
It throws you into an unexpected fit of giggles, and you have to pause mid-stair to compose yourself before hitting the ground floor just behind Marcus. "Nothing bad, I hope?" You ask, coming around the corner to where the living room, hallway, and kitchen are overflowing with your husband's extended family.
Alex, an older, slightly more rugged version of his younger brother with their mother's nose, grins at you. "Oh, just taking bets on if you were making a baby or freaking out about meeting this nut house of family members." He admits shamelessly.
"I am that dreaded thing known as a Night Owl," you admit with your hand on your heart, as if you were admitting to some dreadful sin. "It takes me a couple of extra minutes to get going in the morning. Nothing nefarious, I am sorry to report."
"Ohhhhh nooooooo, Marc – say it isn't so?" Clutching his hand to his chest, he looks at his brother in horror. Always the comically dramatic one of the bunch, he plays it up for all he's worth considering that the entire family is focused on all of you right now. He grins and winks at you just in case you aren't aware that he's not serious. "Take her back! Take her back to the wife store!"
"No returns." With a smirk and a smothered laugh, you wave your ring in the air —  earning you some whoops and hollers from the assembled women of the Pike family. "Now I'm gonna get some tea, you boys play nice."
"Damn, she's way too good looking for your ugly ass." As soon as you sail by him, Alex grabs Marcus and pulls him in for a bone crushing hug that only brothers can give. "Fuck, it's good to see you."
"We all missed you." His sister Kelly is on the other side of him immediately, smacking Alex's arm away so she can hug their baby brother.
"Miss you too." He laughs, looking over her shoulder as he hugs his favorite sibling. "You, not Alex." He clarifies and grins when his older brother shoots him a bird.
"No one misses Alex," she laughs, sticking her tongue out at the oldest of the Pike siblings with glee. In typical middle child fashion, Kelly had become loud and active and attention-grabbing in her own right. All of which might have also been a survival tactic for having two very individual brothers. "You're good, Marc? Not working too hard? Mom said they still haven't given you your damn promotion."
"It's coming." He promises with a nod of his head. "Right now, I'm just riding out my time as a flunkie so I can spend more time with my gorgeous wife instead of balancing department budgets late into the night." He tells her with a grin as his eyes slide over the kitchen, hoping for a glance of you.
"Ugh," his sister groans, fully teasing. "He's still in the honeymoon period."
"Hope it never ends." Marcus rolls his eyes when he looks back at her, but he's not lying. He hopes your marriage is just as strong as his parents’. They were in love until the day his father passed and still his mother will happily say that he is the love of her life.
"Gross." Alex chimes in, grimacing at his brother for full effect. It doesn't matter that he and Kelly are both happily married to supportive spouses that they love with all their hearts. They have to tease Marcus.
"Yep." Marcus smirks at his older brother. "She gave me cooties." He warns childishly.
"It's supposed to be the other way around, ya know." Alex ruffles Marcus's short hair and needles his younger brother with glee. "You're supposed to give her cooties. Or did you not pay attention in sex ed?"
He takes the ruffling of his hair with only a small groan and chuckles as he dodges another swipe. "Oh, I paid attention." He promises. "I'm a Boy Scout, remember?"
"Yeah, yeah," Alex rolls his eyes. "You never let us forget. Perfect youngest child with his perfect extracurriculars and now his perfect job." Though the older brother might gripe, they're all very proud of Marcus. It's just more fun to make fun.
"Don't forget, perfect wife." Marcus adds. As much shit as they give him, they were also his biggest support system when he was going through his divorce. They had kept him sane and he loves them for it.
"Do we call this 'the third time's the charm'?" Kelly asks, lightly teasing but so incredibly glad to see their little brother happy again. And happier, if this morning is any indication, than they've seen him with any partner before. "I'm gonna tell her all your most embarrassing stories while you guys are playing football. The ones that Mom doesn't know."
"I've already told her." He lies through his teeth, aware that he's not come close to telling you all his embarrassing stories, but he has to put on a brave front. Any and all fear will be utilized against him if he doesn't stand strong. Shrugging, he pretends to be unconcerned. "So go ahead."
"Gonna call your bluff, little brother," she announces before hustling off to find you in the kitchen.
"Shit." He hisses under his breath, dreading what stories she will spread. Alex chuckles and shakes his head. "You're in for it now, little brother."
The kitchen is a different sort of chaos on this Christmas Eve morning, but the sound of the kids watching A Muppet Christmas Carol in the living room is a welcome soundtrack to all the fuss. "It's their tradition," Julia is explaining to you, talking about the next generation of young cousins and their movie choice. "Their parents and some of the older siblings get in on the lawn football game, but they like to watch Christmas movies all morning until we're ready to break out the stuff to make gingerbread houses after lunch."
“Ohhhhh wifey.” Kelly trills as she floats into the kitchen, stopping by the fridge to pull out the bottles of Prosecco she had put in there when she arrived. “It is my duty as your sister-in-law – the best one – to ply you with alcohol and tell you embarrassing stories about my baby brother.” She grins as she holds up the bottle. “Now, OJ or cranberry juice?”
The laugh that bubbles out of you with Kelly's appearance is honest and light, and you finish your last sip of tea before attempting to speak. "It’s a little too early for alcohol for me, but makes yours with a little bit of both." The suggestion is full of absolute certainty and you add, "Trust me," when she tilts her head at you with curiosity. "One part OJ, one part cranberry, two parts bubbly. It's perfect. I’ll just have equal parts orange juice and cranberry juice for now. That’s also absolutely delicious."
“Alright…sounds pretty good. I’ll give it a try.” Her eyes slide over to Julia and she raises a brow. “Mom? Are you in?” She asks mischievously.
"You two have fun." Julia shakes her head, bowing out in favour of letting her middle child and the family's newest member have some one-on-one time. "I'm going to get lunch in the oven early, I think. So we can all relax a little."
“Of course.” Kelly rolls her eyes and looks at you with a grin. “You’ll love Mom’s lasagna. It’s a tradition.”
"I've heard nothing but amazing things." In fact, Marcus has been raving about his mother's cooking. "I hear it's on the menu at your restaurant, too? The famous family recipe."
Kelly nods and shrugs slightly as she snags two champagne flutes from the cabinet. “Still can’t make it as good as Mom can.” She admits shamelessly.
"That's Mom Magic," you hum, not quite admitting out loud that it's the type of magic you want to have one day.
“Also probably the secret ingredient that she’s not telling me about.” Kelly teases her Mom, knowing there’s no ingredient, but loving to rag on her.
"Patience," Julia tells her definitively as she starts to bustle around the kitchen again. "It's patience. And my kids all love instant gratification."
Kelly snorts as she pours the juices into the glasses. “Of course we do, Mom. Why do you think you have grandkids?”
"Could always use some more!" She sing-songs, glancing in your direction with a smirk before turning back to her task at hand.
“Mom, don’t scare her off by being greedy.” Kelly scolds her mother playfully. “If they want to give you more grandkids, they will do it on their schedule.” It’s important that you understand that they will tease and play but they will never be those obnoxious in-laws that demand you do things their way or give them what they want for your life. It was always what Marcus’s ex-fiancée had claimed, that they were too pushy, when they had just been asking questions about their future.
“It’s okay,” you assure both women, not scared off in the least. “We do want kids, just not quite yet. We’re enjoying the honeymoon period a little too much to want to change anything just yet.”
Even though you’re talking about her brother, Kelly grins and winks at you as she picks up her mimosa and hands you your juice. “Practice makes perfect, right?” She jokes.
It’s not even worth hiding your smirk or the mild embarrassment in your face, since she’s absolutely right. “Something like that,” you agree with burning hot cheeks.
“See? You’ll have more grandbabies in no time, Mom.” Kelly taps her glad to yours. “Welcome to the nut house.” She welcomes you. “We don’t bite…hard.”
If it was his friends instead of his family, you might tease that Marcus does bite hard, but his mother and sister don’t need to know about the tender marks on your inner thighs. “Thank you for having me,” you joke instead. “I’m very glad to join this particular nut house.”
“We are happy to have you.” Julia promises as she carefully covers the massive lasagna in multiple layers of aluminum foil. Not wanting the top to burn. Luckily, she had already put it together the day before so it’s ready to go.
You were warned about the football game. You really were. Marcus had tried to impress upon you how over-the-top he gets with his brother and brother-in-law and cousins. You had thought touch football on the front lawn was a sort of cute, insanely all-American tradition to have. Even in the snow it had sounded quaint. Now that they’re halfway through the game, though? You can see the people who really have fun with this tradition are the wives and girlfriends. The group of you are up on the porch with mugs of wassail either shouting encouragements or giggling to yourselves in appreciation of attractive men tackling each other (partially) for your amusement.
Even though it’s colder than hell, the men have nearly all removed their shirts. Panting and sweating as they try to their hardest to beat the shit out of each other for sport.
“I love football.” Alex’s wife chuckles when she comes up beside you and Kelly and hands you both iced gingerbread cookies.
“Pass interference!” Marcus shouts, shaking his head and huffing after his cousin shoved him out of the way. “That’s bullshit!”
“Forgot how to play dirty, Fed?” His cousin laughs it off, having discarded his Omaha Fire Department sweatshirt on the porch railing. “Fight back, Marcus!”
“Aren’t you the one who had to have a pack of peas on your nuts last year?” Marcus taunts back. “Thought you were gonna use those tiny peanuts to make a baby?”
“Twins on the way, baby!” The cousin – Ryan – cheers back, like somehow he was extra virile enough to cause twins, rather than it being entirely up to his wife’s anatomy.
“Alright, alright, focus up assholes.” Alex calls, bringing the two men back into the fold of the game. Good natured smack talk is all part of the fun, of course.
“He’s just mad he can’t throw.” Ryan shouts from the other side, grinning when Alex shoots him a bird. “Most interceptions of all the QBs.”
Shaking off the heckling with a laugh, Marcus waves at you and blows a kiss up to the porch as he jogs by to retake his position. “So you’re Marcus’s new…fiancée?”
You hear the question from elsewhere on the porch and you turn to face the speaker. “Wife.” It’s his cousin Ryan’s pregnant wife, of course, and you steel yourself with a forced smile. Marcus’s cousin Ryan had married his ex-wife years after the divorce. Honestly you can’t quite figure out how the whole family seems okay with it, but they are. “I’m his wife.”
“Oh?” Her eyes widen and her hand stops rubbing her rounded stomach. “That’s— I hadn’t heard! Congratulations are in order.”
“Thank you.” She actually seems to mean it instead of having some underlying sarcasm, and that soothes you right away. “It was recent. I guess word is still getting around.”
“I’m sure Julia wanted to make a big toast tonight.” She bites her lip and sighs. “I’m Vanessa. I hope you don’t hold it against me.”
“Honestly?” A small laugh bubbles out of you, surprising you both. “I ought to thank you. If you hadn’t divorced him, then I could never have married him.”
Staring at you for a second, she grins back at you. “You’re welcome, then. Part of the cousin-in-law package.” She snorts. “Free of charge, of course.”
While you don’t think Marcus ever would have lied to you about what happened, it seemed a little too straight forward to you. Like maybe he was leaving something out to spare feelings, which is definitely something your sweet and generally gentle husband would do. “I hope it really was as painless as Marcus says.”
“Oh, Marcus was – is – amazing.” Vanessa insists immediately, having enough affection for Marcus that she is still willing and able to come to his defense. “We met freshman year of college, decided it was love, and didn’t have a clue what love really was.” She shakes her head. “We adore each other, just— as friends and not partners.”
“I admit, I couldn’t really understand why the whole family seemed totally fine with everything.” Deciding to be honest, you just shrug and take a sip of wassail. “But it only takes thirty seconds to realize that there’s no ill will, and that’s…it’s a big comfort.”
“I met Ryan when I was working on my masters.” Vanessa admits with a sheepish grin. “He had been in the military and deployed when I was with Marcus. I didn’t even know until we were talking about meeting the folks.”
“It would have been a very awkward surprise.” Being able to laugh together is a relief, one that you’re not going to take for granted at all. “I’m glad to see that everyone has ended up happy. That’s so rarely the way, and it’s a shame.”
“It is a shame and I hated that Marcus was having a rough go for a while.” She frowns fiercely and shakes her head. “I don’t know what that Lisbon lady was thinking but she could have done so much better breaking things off with him.”
“She doesn’t have the greatest reputation around the office.” You admit, though the whispers have gotten to you through backways, and only since you started seeing Marcus so you’re sure you only hear the bad stuff. “Either way, everyone is happy. That’s what matters.”
Vanessa nods after a moment, her frown turning into a smile. “I understand if you find it odd, or don’t like me on the principle that I’ve slept with your husband, but I hope we can be friends.”
"It doesn't make any sense to be upset with you over something that happened years before Marcus and I ever even met." Putting your hand out to her, the offer of a handshake is your formal show of a truce. No hard feelings. Not from your end. "I'm happy to be friends."
“Well, that went better than I ever hoped.” Amy admits, coming out of the kitchen with a fresh bottle of Prosecco. “Top off on mimosas, anyone? The juice content is getting a little high.”
A few people around the porch take her up on the offer, but you politely shake your head and decide to stick with wassail. The game seems to be wrapping up as well, which means it will soon be time to do the traditional Pike family Christmas Eve gift exchange before dinner. At some point Marcus's mother had read about the Icelandic tradition of receiving a book to read on Christmas Eve and loved it so much that it has become tradition.
“Whoever gets ’Beautiful Secret’….” Vanessa hums, waggling her eyebrows. “You’re welcome.”
"Welcome to the real tradition," Kelly jokes, looping her arm through yours as the group from the porch starts to pour back into the house in advance of the football players. "Most of the books exchanged between the adult members of the family are a little...saucy."
“Mom pretends she doesn’t know any of them.” Amy snorts, grinning knowingly. “But that woman has a stash of trashy romance novels from the seventies in the attics and somehow, those boxes are multiplying.”
"Marcus clued me in," you promise, following your two sisters-in-law inside. "I brought my best offering, I promise." The choice you made was very specific, and really has one recipient in mind. Even thinking about it just makes you nervous for what’s to come.
“Of course he did.” There’s a grin tossed your way. “Marcus was the one who was always reading Mom’s books when she wasn’t looking.”
"I'm not even mad about it." A laugh bubbles out of you that you don't bother to stifle, and you shrug. "It's purely educational for him, I swear."
“Ugh, I don’t want to know about my brother’s bedroom habits.” His sister shudders playfully before she points her finger at you. “As long as he’s taking care of you.”
“Oh, I promise.” He’s more than taking care of you. Marcus treats you like a queen. But Kelly doesn’t want to know that so you just smile and let the happy, hazy expression on your face do the talking for you.
“Ohhhhhhh.” All the women in the kitchen making a knowing noise and grin at you. “That answers that.”
“Answers what?” The oldest Pike sibling is the one to lead the charge into the kitchen and Alex makes his way over to his wife to kiss her before going for a bottle of Gatorade from the refrigerator.
“If your brother is taking care of his responsibilities.” The kiss is accompanied by a cheeky grin.
“I thought you couldn’t talk about the case yet?” Alex looks back at Marcus, who comes into the kitchen behind him.
Marcus frowns in confusion and props his hands on his hips as he catches his breath. “Huh?”
“Not that,” you laugh, reaching to give your sweaty husband a hug. “We were just talking about the book exchange and got a little off-topic.”
“Oh?” He eyes his sister and sister-in-law with playful suspicion. “Don’t believe a word they say.” He jokes.
“Sure, honey.” You snicker lightly. “But they should believe me.”
“Of course.” He scoffs, leaning in and dropping a soft kiss on your lips with a grin. “Federal agents are held up to a high standard.”
“Yes, we absolutely are.” It earns him another kiss, and those familiar butterflies in your belly that have been so active lately swell up again at just how much you love him.
“I’m gonna jump in the shower.” Marcus tells you. “Kicking ass made me sweaty.” He grins again.
“Hurry back.” Partly because you miss having him at your side, but also because it’s almost time for the book exchange, and you’re just as excited as you after nervous for that.
Marcus winks. “Of course, sweetheart. Ten minutes, tops.”
“Then we’ll start the book exchange in ten minutes.” His mother decides. And the kids can go first, just in case he takes a few extra minutes.”
“And so they are reading.” Vanessa snorts. “Less likely to pay attention to our books.”
“Probably better for everyone,” you agree, offering a smile and a knowing laugh.
Marcus is true to his word, bouncing down the stairs with wet hair and fresh clothes nine minutes later. The spicy, musky cologne he’s wearing is one that you picked for him and he loves it. “I’m back. So stop talking about me.”
“It’s only good things, babe.” When he plops down beside you in the living room window seat, he has a wrapped gift in his hand that looks like the size of a standard novel and it makes the thick volume in your lap feel even heavier. No turning back now…you remind yourself silently.
Mistaking your slightly tighter grip on the book as nerves, Marcus reaches over and takes your hand. “They love you, babe.” He whispers confidently. “My brother was already telling me he likes you more than he likes me.” It was a joke, but it makes him happy that you are so easily accepted into the fold.
“Alex seems easily swayed,” you tease, leaning into Marcus’s side. “All I had to do was promise to listen to all of his favorite embarrassing stories about you.”
“Thanks, creep.” Marcus scowls at Alex, pretending to be mad while his brother hams it up. “Anytime man!”
“Alright, alright.” Julia comes back into the living room with her own parcel in her hands. “Kiddos first. Everybody circle up!” The grandkids and cousins scramble to comply, all sitting around together knee to knee after strategically choosing who to sit next to like their lives depend on it. When Grandma Julia gives the word, everyone passes the book in their hands to the person to their left.
“Now. Exchange the book with the person across from you.” Julia grins as the shuffle starts.The kids eagerly comply, giggling gleefully, and then again when Julia tells them to pass their books two people to the right this time. Around and around, the books pass, each kid squealing when the brightly colored package they want gets closer. “Alright just two more moves.” She warns. The books get passed across the circle diagonally and then once more three people to the left before Julia says to go ahead and open their gifts, and then she turns to the adults with a grin. “Ours is less complicated,” she promises. She likes to get the kids riled up but the adults are always already so tired that she just turns on a Christmas song and announces that the game is ‘musical books’. “Just pass it to the right until I tell you to stop or the song ends.” White Christmas begins to play and you anxiously hand your wrapped book over to Marcus as they begin to go around the circle.
Marcus grins as the groaning from the adults starts. The jokes and the laughter as they try to shove the books into the person next them as fast as they can. “It’s fun!” He promises you.
It is fun. Or it would be, if you weren’t praying that his mother remembered her end of the deal that you made last night after Marcus had shooed you both out of the kitchen to wash up after dinner. You had admitted that your book gift was specifically for your husband and she had assured you that she would make sure it ended up in his hands. You just hope she sticks to that.
“Okaaaaaaaay.” Julia is watching the book like a hawk. Making sure that it’s close. “Aaaand…stop!” She orders.
Your heart leaps when the large book ends up in Marcus’s hands, and you breathe a deep sigh of relief. “Everybody open up!” Kelly laughs excitedly, but you can’t. Frozen in your seat beside your husband, you watch as he peels the carefully folded and taped wrapping paper to expose the bright yellow cover of the book you selected for him. At this point you’re just holding your breath, not realizing the entire room is watching you.
Marcus reads the book’s title and frowns for a moment. This was your gift. “I— babe?” He sputters, looking up at you with the most hopeful expression on his face.
“Open it,” you murmur softly, already starting to tear up at the light in his eyes.
“But you said—” he doesn’t want to admit how he had wished you had said you were ready when you kept saying it wasn’t the right time, but he wasn’t going to push you. “Okay.” Opening the book, he finally looks away from you.
The dated sonogram is staring him in the face when he pulls open the cover of We’re Pregnant! The First Time Dad’s Pregnancy Handbook accompanied by a handwritten note in the deep blue ink of your favourite pen.
“Meeting you was a surprise, falling in love with you was as easy as breathing. Marrying you came like wildfire, and now being parents is our next great adventure. The tiniest Agent Pike is expected in July.”
“Oh my God.” Marcus chokes out, barely able to breathe as he stares at the tiny little nugget on the picture. “Babe…we’re gonna be parents.” It hits him and the book is dropped into his lap as he surges forward to kiss you.
The entire crowd of Marcus’s family around you have exploded into a ruckus of gasps and shouts and cheering, but your world has narrowed down only to him. You’ve been sitting on this secret for two while weeks and barely managed to contain your own excitement. Sure, you had said you wanted to wait. To enjoy being married first. But that baby was having none of it. It bypassed your birth control like a champ, and from the moment your doctor told you it wasn’t stress or a seasonal flu running you down, you’ve been ecstatic.
“Baby, baby.” Marcus can’t help but giggle and grin against your lips as he kisses you over and over again. “I love you. So much. I can’t—”
“Breathe, baby.” And yet you can’t help giggling, breathless right along with him. “Can’t have you hyperventilating on me. We’re gonna have to get through a whole lot in the next seven months.”
“I— I thought you wanted to wait.” He shakes his head, trying to understand when this happened, how. Even if he logistically knows how.
“I thought I wanted to wait, too.” You shrug, though, laughing through giddy tears. “But I’m so excited, honey. I can’t believe I actually managed to keep it a secret.”
“Oh my God.” Marcus pulls you close, everyone around him fading to the background as he focuses on you. “I can’t believe you did either.” He admits, unable to stop beaming at you. “This is— you can’t ever top this Christmas present.” He decides with a laugh.
“Nope. Never.” Wrapped up in him is exactly where you want to be, but first you wipe the tears from under his eyes and press kisses to his cheeks. “But I have no problem with our first Christmas being our best.”
“I love you so much.” Marcus can’t even stop himself from caressing your stomach, in awe of the knowledge there’s your baby inside.
“I love you, too.” You’ve already lost track of how many times you’ve had your hand on your unchanged stomach since you found out about the baby, and you know that that’s only going to increase now that you can do it together. “And I love this little peanut so damn much.”
“You’re gonna be a Mom.” He chuckles. “And I’m gonna be a Dad.” He’s always wanted to be the father that his own was. Continuing the legacy of Pike dads.
“Merry Christmas, love.” Murmured against his lips, you kiss him one more time before his whole family descends on you with shrieked glee and hugs and a deluge of congratulations. Your first Christmas with the Pikes will probably never be topped, but that’s okay. It’s the perfect next step in your perfectly imperfect life.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04
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nomoreusername · 3 months
Next Time Then
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Paring:Newt x female reader
Summary:After standing up up for Newt, he visits you in the slammer.
If you ask me it wasn't even my fault. Unfortunately, nobody bothered to ask. I don't know what they wanted me to do. The dude was being a slinthead so I beat a little sense into him. It serves him right. Maybe now he'll  have some common decency in his life. No one else saw it that way so I'm spending the night in the slammer with no dinner.
"Six thousand and seventy eight, six thousand and seventy nine."
"You alright there love? You sound like you're losin' it already?"Newt asked.
"When'd you get here?"I asked, sitting up.
"Just a minute ago. I wanted to see how long ya'd really go on for,"He shrugged.
"I was trying to count how many stars I could see. I got bored,"I explained.
"You could have just slept,"He suggested.
"No. I didn't want to do that either,"I replied.
"What are you doing here anyway? Shouldn't Mr.second-in-command be sleeping with the others?"I teased.
"I hate when ya' call me that,"He complained.
"No you don't. Now what are you doing here? Hate to inform you of this, but this place isn't much."
He looked down at me through the make shift bars.
"I figured you'd get hungry eventually,"He said, tossing me a piece of bread. I successfully caught it like the athlete I am.
"This is why I love you."
"Because I brought ya' bread?"He asked, amused.
"No. Because you were kind enough to bring it. Also you're doing exactly what you're not supposed to be doing right now. You're just full of surprises,"I admitted, looking up at the sky. They were sparkling more than I'd seen than I'd seen them before. It could also be the fact that everything seems better and brighter when he's around.
"So are you apparently. Why'd you beat up poor Jack? The poor blokes nose was broken,"He asked.
"He was being a shuckface,"I responded nonchalantly.
"That's not a very good answer. Lots of people are shuckfaces, but ya' normally don't punch them,"He pointed out.
"He was talking bad about you,"I admitted sheepishly. That was the one thought could set me off. He was to good to be talked about negativity.
"Y/N, I don't want you to be in the slammer. I'd rather have you out here with me,"He said softly.
"I'll work on it,"I said to get a reaction.
"Y/N,"He sighed but I could still hear a grin behind it. "Next time just think about me tellin' you off for not being out here with me. I'm sure that'll stick in your mind."
"What if it's really rude?"I asked, waiting for his next words.
"Y/N,"He started.
"Just kidding. You know you're the only one I'll occasionally listen to."
"You're lucky I love you,"He sighed, sounding so done with my attitude but flustered at the same time. It was adorable that after all this time he still turned red around me.
"I know I am Newt. I'm the luckiest girl in the Glade."
"You're the only girl in the Glade,"He reminded me.
"You have to ruin everything don't you? The one time I'm nice and this is the thanks I get,"I huffed pretending to be offended.
"You're nice to me all the time,"He replied.
"Shh. I have a reputation to keep."
"Shh, can you hear it? Y/N, the girl who'll break your nose. Has a nice ring to it don't you think?"I asked innocently.
"You know what I think?"He asked.
"What exactly do you think Newton?"
"I think you need to go to bed before you get any more ideas in that head of yours."
"What if I have a completely different idea?"I asked.
"Then, I don't think it'd be a very smart one."
"What if the idea involves you?"I asked, grinning.
"Then, I'd be scared for my life,"He joked.
"What if it involves you, me, and you breaking me out of here?"I suggested. Even from down here I knew he was rolling his eyes.
"Goodnight Y/N,"He told me, getting up to go.
"Okay, next time then,"I yelled.
"There better not be a bloody next time!"
There was in fact a next time.
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silly-writes · 11 months
Cuddling Headcanons
Just for some of my favs 🫶 not requested!
Justin, Noah, Trent, Alejandro, Courtney, Leshawna, Mike, and Manitoba
Really bad at accepting physical affection while the relationship is still fresh
He’s used to only being in relationships with people for publicity! He’s not really used to genuine displays of affection that exist only for the two of you
After awhile he warms up to cuddling a lot
He likes to hold his arms around you while sleeping
He usually likes to sleep directly on top of you almost crushing you with his weight
“I just can’t help it-“ he said one day laughing lightly “-you’re better than any bed I’ve ever had”
He’d never admit to the sappy crap but it relaxes him beyond belief to listen to your breathing
He also loves hearing you talk or rant about your day when you two cuddle
He also likes to hold your waist in any capacity, he’s almost always got one hand on your waist
Yeah unsurprisingly he’s not that big on it
If you insist however eventually he comes to kind of enjoy it
He’d never admit that though.
He really likes it when you run your hand through his hair you can always see the tension leave his body when you do
(Again he’d never admit that)
He’s really bad when he actually does want to cuddle because he’s horrible at asking for things
Usually he just sits there staring at you waiting for you to learn how to read minds
Eventually though you start to get the feel of when he wants you to just hold him.
He’ll front every time and complain the whole time but it’s a big ol’ lie
“Are you kidding me, again? You cling onto me like a baby opossum, it’s crazy,” he teased you one night.
“We don’t have to-“
You couldn’t even finish the thought before he cut in grabbing onto you “calm down it’s fine.”
Yeah Noah, we know it is.
Definitely one of the more emotionally secure guys
Has no problem from the very start crawling into bed with you and just absolutely (lovingly) crushing you with his arms
We all know our boy is just the least bit clingy so he’s always looking for some cuddles
He honestly doesn’t care the position, he’ll big spoon, little spoon, he’ll get right on top of you, or you on top of him, my boy is not picky.
Really just likes to be able to see you, and loves playing with your hair (if you choose to show it/have hair)
If not he’ll play with the fabric of your clothes
“Trent that tickles stop,” you say one night as he plays with the hem of your shirt
“One sec…” he says, his tongue out in concentration.
You don’t know what’s going on in that head of his, so you just leave it alone after that, he looks so happy and adorable who are you to come in the way of that?
He’s just obsessed with you, if you’re happy he’s happy.
When I say guarded.
Starting physical affection with him that is genuine and in no way shows anything to gain from him, or anyone else scares the shit out of him
He really just doesn’t trust it for the longest time.
If you want to cuddle with Alejandro there is only one word: patience.
You have to be ready to wait for him to be ready.
With his up bringing and his past relationships, cuddling just wasn’t a thing you did unless it was some sort of trap
When he finally feels fully safe around you, he’ll test the waters first by sleeping in the same room as you
(He’s like a cat in that way sleeping around you is a big sign of trust from him)
Then eventually he’ll do things like put his arm around you and pull you in closer.
He likes to be the big spoon definitely
But there are certain occasions where he’ll settle for the other way around
He learns that he actually really does love it.
He loves to rest his head on top of yours and feeling your breath against him
Or better yet, he loves having his head on your chest hearing your heart beat
“Mi enamorada, your heart is beating very fast again,” you could hear the smirk in his voice as he said that.
“Oh really?” You say sarcastically, burying a hand in his hair “I wonder why.”
He hummed a little bit in response “as do I,” he says smugly.
Overall cuddling with Alejandro is just very rewarding and therapeutic
this woman knows how to do it
She so loves being all cuddly which you really wouldn’t have expected
It does take a little bit, and she spends some time wondering if you’re really “worthy”
But after that she’s all in.
She likes being in kissing distance so your face being close to hers is a must
Other than that she doesn’t really care about the position
I imagine cuddling with her is very chatty, and she very rarely cuddles while falling asleep (not that is never happens)
But you guys have a lot of late night conversations while cuddling
She lives for those early morning cuddles too
“Okay that’s enough, I have to start the day at some point.” Courtney mumbles tiredly.
“Soon- soon. Just five more minutes?” You say, pulling her closer.
She regarded you for awhile “fine. But no more than five minutes okay?”
That type of conversation is had time and time again, and she always spends way more than five minutes
Leshawna is so good at being in tune with peoples emotions it’s scary
She’s always really good at figuring out what works for you to and what doesn’t
Plus she’ll always let you know if she doesn’t like something that happening so you’re never worried about if she’s enjoying herself
She loves being the little spoon, but will be the big spoon if need be
Loves cuddling, but when she needs space she needs space (dw she’ll always let you know)
While on the couch cuddling though she’ll always let you lay on her and throw a blanket over the two of you and it’s just the most cozy thing every time
She is beyond comfortable to be around
Just a really genuine and sincere and comfortable significant other.
“I just feel bad, like I’m crushing you,” you admitted one night, adjusting while laying on top of her.
“Baby you don’t ever have to worry about that, you just get comfortable in anyway you can. You got that?” She assured you, and that was that.
She’s so good at making you feel comfortable oml.
Has an impossible time being the one to enact physical contact and an even more impossible time asking for it
He’s a nervous wreck.
But if you’re confident (which lets face it anyone compared to Mike is) he’ll glom onto you no problem
He likes being little spoon, but doesn’t really mind
Forms most of his opinions on cuddling from you so whatever you like will become whatever he likes
He’s just sort of easy going once he gets into it as long as he gets to be next to you he doesn’t really care what’s going on
Plus he’s hugely indecisive he just wants to do what you want to do without worrying about any decision making. He already does enough of that.
“How should I sit?” He asked you one night getting into bed
“However you want,” you say chuckling.
He huffs a bit “that’s not fair and you know it.”
Just a general pleasure omg
I imagine cuddling with him is kind of a nightmare
He’s so restless.
He’s never happy with the position even if he initiated it
He doesn’t mean to that’s just how he is
And it’s not because he doesn’t want to cuddle cause he does (trust me he does)
But he has trouble staying in one position for a long period of time
So cuddling works best with him if you’re a go with the flow kind of person and are okay with readjusting over twenty times
“Manitoba, please it’s one in the morning, at a certain point you have to just get comfortable” you scolded light heartedly.
“Sorry love, last time I promise,” he assures.
It was in fact not the last time.
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xdacted · 4 months
not here
Pairing: Reader x Carlos Sainz Jr.
Warnings: pure 100% fluff, nothing but fluff, the tiniest hint of angst, but mostly fluff
Word Count: 500
Status: Completed
Carlos didn’t get to see her as often as he wanted. 
He didn’t even get to see her as often as he needed. There was always something pulling him away. Always a phone call to be taken, an autograph to be signed, an interview to be helped - always something. 
But not now. 
Not here. 
Not in the quiet hours of the morning, just before daybreak, the sun resting below the horizon. The moon cast pure light through the windows, moonbeams dancing across their sheets, stars twinkling beside them. Her arms curled around a pillow, legs tangled together. He didn’t know where he began and she ended, but he liked it that way. The lingering night breeze brushed against his bare skin, sweeping through the windows. The world outside fluttered awake, but Carlos had her here. 
Pressed to her back, arms tucked around her waist, buried in the thicket of her hair. Carlos couldn’t see her face, but he had memorized it. Each shadow, each line, each curve - each beautiful feature was committed to memory. The soft sound of her snores filled their room, her heartbeat steady against his skin. 
Not a thing could reach them here. 
He liked it that way. 
Carlos leaned down, pressing a chaste kiss to the exposed skin of her shoulder, “Hermosa.”
His voice was too quiet to wake her, but he liked to see her nose twitch at the sound. 
Moments like these, where the world seemed to still for just a second, made the distance agonizing. Separated by oceans, miles of land, hours of the day - it was painful. Race weekends were filled with exhilaration and adrenaline. Race weekends were also filled with a clawing sense of breathlessness. 
He couldn’t breathe. 
But here, laying beside her without a care in the world, he breathed. 
Carlos breathed. 
Inhaling the scent of her shampoo and the dying hints of her perfume, she filled his lungs.
He breathed. 
She turned in his arms with a heavy sigh, burrowing into his chest. Carlos couldn’t help but smile, tightening his arms around her. 
He didn’t see her as often as he wanted, but she was here now. 
Behind him, the sun began to rise, warmth trailing up his back. Soft rays crawled up the sky, spilling across her skin, and coiling in her hair. Carlos leaned down, pressing another kiss to her cheek and neck. She groaned, scrunching her eyebrows together. 
A gentle laugh rumbled from his chest, dropping another kiss to her nose, “Hermosa…”
“...stop watching me sleep…”
Her voice was scratchy and unused, the corner of her lip quirked to reveal the smallest hint of a smile. 
“But you’re so beautiful,” He whispered, nuzzling into her neck, “How can I help myself?”
A giggle fell from her lips like wind chimes singing together - beautiful. 
“It’s creepy,” She stretched, arms winding around his neck, “Better only be for me.”
“Of course,” He said, “No one but you.”
After all, not a thing could reach them. 
Not here. 
A/N:This work has been cross-posted on Wattpad and AO3. All are under the name XDACTED. Thank you for reading and feel free to request fics about any of the drivers <3
Also this is my attempt at trying to get out of my writing slump, it's short, it's sweet. I like it, so pls enjoy
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m3talmunson · 1 year
It shouldn't have been that big of a red flag to Steve. It really isn't that big of a deal, right? It's a completely normal habit. It could even be endearing if you thought about it enough!
No. Nope. It's all bad.
Steve cannot fathom how the fuck Eddie sleeps with socks on. It's almost impossible to comprehend.
Eddie is a human furnace. He radiates all the sunshine from his eyes, turning into heat.
Eddie being warm is one of Steve's favorite things about him. It makes every passing touch all the more important, more impactful. It ensures that the cold lonely nights of Steve's past were left firmly there. It was an endless source of comfort for Steve. Even at it's most annoying, when Steve is throwing off all of the blankets in the night so he can continue to cuddle Eddie without overheating. A small price to pay.
But somehow, Eddie himself is always cold. He keeps none of his body heat for himself. His skin always feels like the sun was just bearing down upon him, but even in the sun he could still be shivering.
And he sleeps
with fucking SOCKS on.
Normally Steve wouldn't really mind. It's not like they're dirty socks. Surprisingly enough Eddie was generally hygienic when it came to his clothes. Eddie had always hated the feeling of dirty clothes. It's why he spent more time watching Steve in gym than actually participating. So it's not a smell that bothers Steve, it's not anything like that.
And if you ask Steve, he's all for supporting Eddie finding ways to keep himself warm. Steve worries, naturally. He encourages Eddie to seek warmth at almost all times. Why else would he wear a long-sleeved Hellfire shirt when it's the middle of May.
No, the problem isn't smell, or warmth, it's the fact that Eddie loves physical contact when he's asleep. He loves to be all over Steve, loves breathing in his smell even in his dreams. He also happens to love slowly trailing his leg up Steve's own. He loves slow, tender, sleepy movements. Eddie is always gentle, always barely grazing Steve's skin.
Steve does not love feeling like there's spiders crawling up his leg in his sleep.
Too many times Steve has woken up and immediately flung Eddie's foot off of him only to realize it was just Eddie, and apologize profusely. Too many times those stupid fuzzy socks have ruined a night's sleep.
"Babe, baby, sweetheart, dollface, PLEASE forgo the socks tonight. I am begging." Steve asked. He had an important day of taking care of the kids coming up, and he needed his beauty rest.
"What's in it for me?" Eddie teased.
"Have you ever heard the phrase 'Happy wife, happy life?'"
"Touché, darling." Eddie contemplated. "Maybe, for one night, I can forgo the socks."
And if Eddie found himself having more fun sticking his cold feet up the back of Steve's shirt, it was nobody's business but theirs.
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machiavellli · 7 months
Some Theodore Nott headcanons˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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Notes: I’m no ff writer, but in the past couple of days @slytherinslut0 kept taking about him and so I went on the internet and did the only sane thing I had to do: search any piece of information about the actor. And ever since I discovered that Lorenzo Zurzolo is not only Italian, but from ROME, I can’t stop thing about him. I need to let out those thoughts of mine.
Now, you don’t understand. ROMAN GUYS LOVE ON ANOTHER LEVEL. Like this is very personal and subjective maybe BUT, in humble opinion, they become absolutely and utterly taken by you. It’s wonderful. Like maybe I am idolizing, but let’s take my bf as an example, Roman guy ™️, he loves like no one else. Then, girls from Lazio will probably throw tomatoes at me, but no one can stop me right now.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language, almost totally fluff. Based on personal experience. NOT PROOFREAD (class is starting RIGHT NOW)
Scusatemi per la probabilmente pessima interpretazione dei ragazzi romani, care personcine romane, io sono più del sud, ma vivo più a Nord, al Nord oltre al Nord (un bel mix if you ask me). Questa è pura esperienza personale che trasferisco su un personaggio immaginario.
Theodore Nott, your Italian Slytherin guy:
He might take his time to decide if you are the one for him
BUT the moment he decides you are the one for him, he will take you out on a date in less than a week starting from now
There is no point on waiting any longer.
He will arrange the date, you just have to show up and look pretty, no need to lift a finger for anything else.
Old fashioned type of guy.
(And I feel like his fashion reflects that)
Will hold any door for you, move the chair for you, pay dinner and even your ride back home if necessary.
Maybe if you go with him for a walk after your dinner and the right atmosphere forms, you will have your first kiss with him. Something very delicate, soft, but still exciting.
He will probably ask to see you again the very next day, he can’t take enough of you.
As I said, I think Roman guys are pretty direct, they don’t waist their time, it’s either with them or nothing. No games to play.
So yeah, you might not be used to but he will ask you to be his girlfriend in a very little time (for me it was the day of my first date, but again, very personal)
Why should he wait? He likes you and that’s all that matters.
After that: you got him in a chokehold.
He will walk you to class. Every. Single. Day.
Will do absolutely anything just to spent more time with you.
He might be a little shy to start using “pet names”
Maybe he will start with a simple “amò” (short version of “love”), which is romantic, but not strictly, I also use it with my girl friends (and a more corrupted version is “amio”, but I use it only as a joke, but there are girls who actually use it and no shame on that)
Many guys usually refer to their girlfriends as “la mia tipa” (which I don’t like), and he will also do that at first, but once he gets comfortable he will always call you “la mia ragazza” (even in front of his friends)
And I have to advise you on that, he will tell you that infamous “ti amo” pretty soon too.
Again: no time to die (is this an actual English saying or am I just make it up right now?boh)
You two are watching the sunset, when you notice that he’s not looking at the sky anymore but at you
A couple of minutes pass by and you ask “what is it?”
With those big beautiful eyes and that smirk of his, he will look at you and just say “nothing amore, ti amo”
He won’t expect for you to say it back
You can wait as long as you like for telling it back, there’s no rush, no pressure to say it back
Your moroso (usually adults use this term but for me it’s cute) just wanted to let you know that he cares about you.
He will literally say “because it felt right, why should I wait?”
My man is just expressing what he feels
And you want to say no to that???crazyyyy
As I already stated, he is so kind with you and with some time he will absolutely let you know that his love language is touch.
At first in your first months of dating it’s just holding hands, an arm around you shoulder, an arm on your waist,…
And at first he won’t be always touching (and with it I mean the things I listed above) you in public.
Mama’s boy is direct but still has light sheer of shyness
How could he not. He finds you beautiful under every light.
And with it I mean after you get intimate, which will take a a couple of months
Listen, if things are serious in real life, it takes a bit of time…so’ seria io quindi per me funziona così
After that he will and without holding back always touching you in public (WHICH DOESNT MEAN IN A SENSUAL WAY)
He will hold your hand, put a hand on your thigh,… this type of stuff. He just needs to know you are here with him.
Definitely the type of guy that tries to kiss you even at the worst moments.
You are speaking with someone? What does it mean that he can’t kiss you? Ao non scherziamo qua
You are his and he definitely doesn’t share
(And he’s definitely yours don’t worry, absolutely don’t worry.)
Jealous type of of guy.
Let’s be honest here: he won’t be happy about your guy friends (maybe I’m toxic but I won’t be happy about his girl friend that are not my friend first too)
If you can drop them, it’s for the best.
“Io so che cazzo pensano quelli” he will tell you a bit frustrated
My man just wants to protect you, Italian guy ™️ behavior (very common in my opinion for them to be protective, like last week an Italian guy, a friend 🅰️🅾️, from the north literally shielded me from a weird-looking fella, moving me to the other side of the street)
Sometimes he will just look at you and say “sei bellissima” with the cutest smile known to human kind
Or maybe something like “Lo sai che sei proprio bella?” while he similes at you
And yes, he will tell you always and everywhere, even with a whisper during class just to get you flushed, even if you look like shit <3
You will often find asking to yourself how a person can love you so much, care for you so much.
Like this is not a self esteem problem, even if you are extremely confident: you will ask yourself this.
Because in every flaws he finds beauty.
It’s out of this world.
He won’t in fact tolerate you taking shit about yourself and he might be even be rude about it
“Smettila con ste cazzate.”
He can’t comprehend how you could say that about yourself, “la sua amata e diletta” (si si lo so, “diletta” è come Machiavelli definisce sua moglie e sì non c’entra per nulla, ma volevo aggiungerlo, non rovinatemi la magia)
He will talk with you about your future, about how he would like to have kids with you, “pensa che bello avere dei piccoli noi che corrono in giro per casa”
And then, this one is extremely based on personal experience, after some time he will just start saying “I wanna marry you”, “Ti voglio sposare”
Even during random moments, he will look at you and just say it
Like, it doesn’t mean you are getting married right now. No. It just means that he wants you forever, he won’t leave you.
He will make you happy in every way possible (yeah even in the bedroom)
Cuddling you is THE activity for him.
And if he can lay between your thighs, that’s basically haven. He won’t stop saying “così soffici” and then kiss them.
He also loves kissing you, as passionate as it gets.
He will “hold you hair in deep devotion” (he is so “I wanna be yours” coded)
Also: “say yes to haven” coded.
He will always protect you, no matter against who.
He will choose you over anything.
If his friend are rude to you or say ANYTHING bad about you, they are over, he won’t tolerate any form of aggression on you.
You are the only woman in this world for him…like even an angel could walk by and he would still have his eyes on you only.
He won’t even look at other girls anymore, why should he? He has found la sua anima gemella dopotutto.
In the end, you really will become il suo tesoro, and the nickname tesoro will probably be the most used one.
“Ti amo tantissimo”, ti dirà ogni sera prima di darti la buonanotte.
-> part II
Ahh ​Roman guys are my Roman Empire.
My asks are open btw!
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hellithides · 6 months
First time posting on tumblr dont be mean to me pls. I just couldn’t get this soft scara scenario off my mind.
Synopsis: scara gets pissy with work, good thing you’re there to soothe him. Pure fluff. Tooth-rotting fluff.
Scaramouche x GN!Reader Fluff
It’s one of those days. You’re sitting in his office reading a book while he works across you. It’s his request, really. Saying that your presence in the same room calms him enough so he doesn’t lose his mind. He never wanted you to stray too far from him, preferring to keep you within his sights at all times. Nevertheless, it’s been a few hours of silence and your eyes have become strained from reading for so long. Your gaze lands on him, observing him for a moment.
You call, turning his attention away from the pile of documents on his desk to you. He spares you a glance before returning to his work.
Slight irritation present is in his voice when response comes. You know it’s not because of you though, instead it’s simply him tense from the tedious work in front of him.
“I’m bored.”
His eyes flit back up to you, pressing you with a gaze that basically screams ‘are you serious?’. Still, he sighs, putting the documents aside to give you the attention you’re obviously seeking from him. The sound of his chair being pushed back rings through his office, a silent invitation that leads you to stand up and make your way towards him with your book clutched. You smile as he begrudgingly(not really) wraps his arms around your waist with a grunt. You settle yourself onto his lap, your legs on either side of his waist with both of your chests pressed together. He huffs before speaking.
“Just sit there quietly. I have work to do so you better entertain yourself.”
His tone is harsh as it usually is but you know how to read between the lines this far into your relationship with him. All he really means is for you to keep him company as he works. You press your cheek against his shoulder, closing your eyes for a few minutes to rest before going back to reading.
The both of you stay like that for a while, hours bleeding into each other in silence. He works quietly, unbothered by the frequent sound of pages flipping and your occasional humming each time there’s an interesting scene in the chapter. Your proximity is not lost on him, and your presence is calming rather than distracting.
As the sun sets, he leans back against his seat, sighing with frustration. You take notice of his tense demeanor and close the book to turn your focus on him.
“What’s wrong? Am I too heavy?”
“No, you're fine. I'm just irritated with this... stupid job for being such a pain in the ass.”
He sighs again, pinching the bridge of his nose. You acknowledge this with a hum, leaning back to look at him properly. His brows knitted together in a deep frown.
“What’s it about?”
You question, putting your book on your lap before poking him in the cheek. He huffs, grabbing your wrist to stop you.
“Some boring bureaucratic mess. I just need to sign a few documents, but I have to meet with the most insufferable person for it.”
He rolls his eyes and lets go of your wrists. The opportunity presents itself to you and you place your hands on his face, pinching his cheek and trying to smooth the wrinkles on his forehead. He lets you.
“It's the most arrogant woman on Teyvat, and I'm surprised she'd even bother meeting me. Yae Miko.”
His scowl deepens.
“Just having to be in the same room as that woman makes my skin crawl.”
He shudders with disgust at the thought of it. You pat him lightly on the head.
“You wanna take a break?”
He closes his eyes and nod, leaning into the gesture without hesitation.
“Yeah. I need a rest. The Fatui has been exhausting lately. Let me just...”
Leaning further forward, he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you as close as possible. In an effort to soothe him, you rest your head on his shoulder and run your hand up and down his back. He groans at the relaxing gesture, a tense sigh escaping his lips.
“Mmm... I'm sorry I'm not in a better mood today. This work is so tedious.”
“It’s fine, I don’t mind. I’m glad I can at least offer you some comfort.”
You sink into the comfortable position. Your bodies pressed together, feeling the steady heartbeats in each other’s chest. It's... soothing. His breathing becomes slow and even, as he relaxes with you in his embrace. He feels his stress melting away with every minute, simply enjoying the silence together.
A sudden thought occurs to him.
“...Hey, Love. You're never going to leave me... are you?”
You perk up at the question, leaning backwards and raising your brow at him.
“Hm? Of course not. Why do you ask?”
“If everything about our life stayed exactly as it is right now, without anything changing... You wouldn't get bored, and you wouldn't fall out of love with me... would you?”
The words come in a small whisper, barely audible. If the wind hadn't been still silent, you might not have heard them. You close your eyes and sink deeper into his embrace.
“No. Even monotony with you is enjoyable. Even just this, sitting on your lap and holding each other… it’s everything I could ever want.”
You nuzzle closer, bringing home your point. He stays quiet for a while, relishing the contact with you. A small smile creeps across his face. His tone is genuine, as he opens his eyes to look up towards you.
“You're the best, you know that?”
“Mm. Of course I do. Only the best would be worthy to be your lover.”
You smirk at him, eyes twinkling with slight mischief making him shake his head at you. He rolls his eyes slightly before he leans forward to plant a soft kiss on your lips. Your heart flutters as you exchange this gentle and affectionate gesture. When you pull back, his eyes are filled with a smugness as he regards you.
“Yeah... that's right. Only you’re allowed to be with a god like me.”
He snickers before wrapping his arms around your waist tighter.
“I love you. So I'm keeping you. You’re stuck with me forever.”
His words makes you chuckle and you return the gesture with a kiss on the cheek.
“I love you too.”
You sink further into his warm embrace with a smile, relishing the tender moment between the two of you.
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