#good omens crowley
diavalkitty · 2 days
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innefableidiot · 2 days
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And my absolute highlight at Proud Nerd Con was, of course, meeting David Tennant.
I can tell you, he really is a wonderful person. Often when you meet actors in real life, it's a little bit of a disappointment, and the things we love about them, are just show. That's not the case with him.
He cares for his fans, and he means it. It was an incredible busy day for him, autograph sessions, photoshots, meet and greets, and pannels, he really was rushing from one thing to the next all day. But he went out of his way caring for his fans, even when he was getting tired at the end of the day.
He answered as many questions as possible, he had smiles and kind words for everyone, and even some hugs (with asking consent first, of course.). It really felt like he had adopted all of us.
He loved being at the convention. He called it "absolutely bananas" and said he enjoyed the cheerful atmosphere. Everybody got to be themselves, and no one needed to hide anything.
He is also incredibly funny. And it's not that kind of funny that mocks other people that you see so often in bad comedians. He loves to tell stories, he loves to play with with language, and he really had us laughing our heads off. His jokes are silly (the good kind), and his humour is incredibly intelligent.
His charms and great personality carried a big part of the event and turned it from a wonderful day into a truly magical day. Everyone was still glowing on the bus ride back to the train station.
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qtj · 2 days
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For @dinaera.art on Instagram
A DTIYS ended up as a study for myself. @gleafer’s amazing art was heavily influenced for sure!
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bjs4bildad · 2 days
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And Just Like The Rain You Cast The Dust Into Nothing
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sovanasecondforest · 20 hours
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surinnit · 3 days
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the 60's look fun
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kaltheshark · 3 days
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Hi! Quick update on my situation
I couldn't get my laptop to work so i can't use it for now, rn i'm using my mom's work laptop to draw. I just started to use it but i'm going to start commissions today, maybe tomorrow, hopefully it will go well and i will get a new laptop or fix the one i have soon.
Also last time I got confident enough to show my Good Omens Aziraphale fanart and i noticed that it was well received so, here, i leave you *that* scene
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vanillacreame153 · 4 hours
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Good omens my beloved. Gonna start posting a lot just to get some stuff going. Gotta hit you with the classic here- oh how I love these fools.
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caterhoades1971 · 20 hours
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5 hours in...
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feiandart · 14 hours
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These two are making me go crazy, thank you very much. Can't wait to develop this campus-like visual-vintage!omens thing, 'cause they're haunting my bloody DREAMS.
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ehizellbob · 17 hours
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My frames for #EveryFrameAgainstTheWall @gomensframes
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theriverspath · 2 days
Ineffable May 2024, Day 30: Us
Rated General Audience
“Would you care to join us for dinner tonight? Crowley’s grilling steaks, and I’ve convinced him to make his famous bread pudding. The whiskey sauce is simply divine!” There was a look of sudden contrition on Aziraphale’s face. He glanced up at Crowley and laid a hand on his arm. “Sorry, dear. I only meant…”
“It’s fine, angel.” Crowley smiled into grey-blue eyes, his heart still fluttering at the casual use of that little word, us. Would he ever get used to it? He laid his hand over Aziraphale’s, intertwining their fingers as he lowered it to the space between them. Behind dark glasses, he shifted his attention back to the woman unloading bags of soil and mulch from her shopping trolly onto the checkout counter.
“Well, who could say no to famous bread pudding?” Crowley chuckled at the amused twinkle in her eye as she replied to the invitation. Carol was one of his favourite village residents. Her wit was as sharp as his, and her devotion to whatever she loved showed both in her gardening and her marriage. “Eileen has Morgan this weekend. That ok?”
“Of course! I’ve got the next Hardy Boys ready for them.” Aziraphale had been delighted to discover that Carol and Eileen’s child was a voracious devourer of children’s detective stories. The two had instantly bonded over it, and the angel had surprised Crowley by lending the kid copies of some of his own.
“Great. I think they’ve read the one they have now three times. I’m sure they’re ready to talk your ear off about it.” Aziraphale beamed at the prospect.
“Well, I’m looking forward to it.” Conversation dissolved into general chit-chat as first Carol, then Crowley, paid for their purchases. They parted ways in the garden centre’s car park, promising to see each other again that evening.
Once everything was piled into the back of the Bentley, Crowley held the passenger door for Aziraphale before settling himself into the driver’s seat. About half way back to the cottage, Crowley reached over and brought Aziraphale’s hand to his lips. He brushed a kiss across the knuckles before returning it to the angel’s lap.
“Thank you, but what was that for?” There was a soft smile in Aziraphale’s question.
“No reason. Just enjoying being us.”
prompt list
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lessie-draws · 2 days
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Ineffable May - Day 30💛
(The girl in the middle is my own OC, Dorothy, she's the child of aziracrow in my fanfiction)
Rebloges will be very appreciated!
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silber-schleier · 2 days
Crowley defending his angel
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sonkitty · 1 day
Crowley S2 Hair Post #63
(For reference: The Sideburns Scheme)
Crowley, Good Omens 2, Episode 4, The Hitchhiker, happened
Sideburns Check
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The sideburns are a medium length. They are longer than intended after driving in the present day but shorter than the longest-length that happens around Gabriel. They are more like the length around other demons and the car from the first two episodes.
Way back in episode 1, the tutorials of the "storming out" sequence informed us that there is an invisible supernatural border between the bookshop and the car for when the sideburns reach an intended shortness for being around humans.
Here, this episode is informing us that the border expanded. Even though the sideburns probably shortened, they did not shorten as much. Additionally, they are deemed long enough by Crowley himself that he's going to take the extra time and effort to shorten them further with a drive.
Brighter Red Streak Check
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The more saturated red streak of hair is definitely visible.
Hairstyle Changes
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Compared to Crowley's last present day scene, the sideburns have shortened a little. The top hair is more strongly collected together as it curves up to Crowley's right and then back.
Earthly Objects
(For reference: Earthly Objects)
Both Crowley and Aziraphale touch the cardboard boxes of plants. Crowley touches one of the new doors onto his transformed car.
The plants touch the clothing on both Crowley and Aziraphale.
For paying attention to the pockets...
For signs of a possible retying of the Tied Hands...
Crowley's watch is visible. on the walk from the bookshop to the car.
Aziraphale could be an assist for an index finger to "make a point" since his index finger does so when Crowley passes him one of the boxes. He even shifts it down after this point is made. He uses an index finger yet again on the walk away from the car, toward the bookshop.
When Crowley smiles and greets his car, the thumbs and thumb joints of the Tied Hands dangle, switch position, and switch back. At various times, Crowley's actual thumb joints are visible.
As Crowley prepares to close the door to his car, I can reasonably conclude that one of the tie strands is actually touching his arm.
The strike on the lapel to his jacket probably happens when Aziraphale says "remember."
If Crowley wants an Overhead Light, he gets one when he says, "You're really hosting the meeting?"
Crowley has his right thumb joint close at his jacket edges in the next-to-last frame of the closing cut for the episode.
The Belt Head is briefly visible when Crowley passes Aziraphale a cardboard box.
When Crowley takes the box that Aziraphale had been holding, the two of them have a plant in the background pocketed between them. This same pocket exists as a reflection in the car itself. That's probably one of the many little clues about how important the pockets, plants, and reflections are together for their combined eventual act of The Door Trick and The Door Catch.
After Crowley closes the new door to the car, he makes a pocket with his left arm and torso as the camera views him from behind. Once the camera shifts to a view in front of Crowley, he's making a pocket with his right arm, right hand, torso, the bottom of the screen, and Aziraphale. This pocket is over this new door. Since I'm left to guess the meanings, if any, of such things, my own would be these pockets are Crowley's way of informing an audience player that yeah, he knows that door is there. That's why he used it. He is aware the car has transformed even if he's not outright saying such a thing verbally.
For dialogue points, there are some questions, Nina's name, Maggie's name, and possibly the name of the meeting.
In the last frame of the last cut, Crowley specifically has his left foot on the edge of the sidewalk and sidewalk while his right foot has not yet touched the ground.
Story Commentary
On the surface, this scene looks like both Crowley and Aziraphale not informing the other of their respective encounters with Shax, especially Aziraphale. Crowley replies, "Good, that's what we want to hear," so it looks like Aziraphale has succeeded in convincing him that nothing happened.
On a layered level, they're actually in the process of finalizing their forming connection between homes because of the plants. The Green of the plants is important to the Rainbow Connection.
Neither of them say the name "Gabriel" or "Jim," but a reference is implied, suggesting that Gabriel might actually sleep. The remark about snoring could be a clue about something but nothing I've been able to figure out myself. They could be talking about some whole other character in some whole other timeline or series of events, but I'll go with taking the contextual cues that they do indeed mean Gabriel.
While neither outright says what happened with Shax, the next episode will show that each have at least some layered awareness because they will be working together separately in earning solo Earthly Objects sets. These sets happen during the ball invitations.
Eventually, a supernatural zone is going to form along the street. The few humans around in this scene are acceptable in the context of the early morning, but it might be that a supernatural zone is already forming because Crowley's going to go for a drive to shorten his sideburns.
They don't want that zone active yet. It should happen as the humans arrive at the bookshop and as the demons arrive in the street, for some unknown reason.
Aziraphale looks at Crowley a few times where I think there's a decent chance he's checking that the sideburns are staying longer.
Additionally, Crowley can, and probably does, check his own car mirror when he puts the plants in the car, to see what length the sideburns are.
Aziraphale concludes the episode with the words, "a night to remember."
There is a book titled A Night to Remember about the Titanic sinking. I've actually read it and thought it was quite good by the way.
So, that is an interesting choice of words. Does this book and the movie it inspired exist in the Good Omens universe? Is Aziraphale dooming the ball on purpose? Is he foreshadowing for us, knowingly? Is it code for Crowley? Well, I don't know, but I like that last one best, especially given a lot of what's about to happen in the next two episodes.
Speaking of which, with episode 5 incoming, that means the Threshold Tricks will be back! The ball invitations are on the way. Earthly Objects is already plenty difficult, but...well, now it will be even more difficult! I have a post about the ball invitations, but it's a little dated for what I've learned since making it.
Incoming posts will probably slow down with my limited understanding of the games in play and the return of the Threshold Tricks.
In personal news, my daughter graduated 5th grade today. I'm sad to see her elementary school years end, but it was a special day for her nonetheless.
That's it for this post. Sometimes I edit my posts, FYI.
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The Sideburns Scheme
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