#good omens fanfiction
di-42 · 2 days
May's Magnificent Fictions
First off let me share with you a little side note, because the brain wants what the brain wants. After an inner struggle I've finally decided to settle on using the noun "fiction" as countable when referring to works of fanfiction. I will stick to this. It has been bothering me.
And now for something completely enjoyable, let me present to you the lovely fics I've been lucky enough to read in May. I't's been a busy, at times stressful month and I haven't had the chance to read as many as I would have liked. I only made a tiny dent in my Marked for later list, which keeps growing and isn't it wonderful? I still have so much beauty, creativity and bliss to look forward to.
I'll try and tag the writers whose tumblr username I know, so they know how loved they are.
The first two WIPs of this list have made me realise that my new favourite trope is the "they never met" one. Or it might just be that both writers are incredibly good!
My Heart Was Always Yours by @addledmongoose
I love this fic and the author's other work so much that sometimes I worry the writer might think I'm stalking them or something! (I'm not! I promise! I only kind of start staring at my phone around 6pm on a Friday night UK time waiting for an update, that's all!). Anyway. like I was saying, in this fiction Aziraphale and Crowley never met until present day and, at the beginning of the story, neither of them knows the other is an angel or a demon. They have both been tasked by their respective head offices to retrieve Raphael's trumpet so Armageddon can start and they both want to find it and destroy it. So they embark on a journey together, thinking that the other is human. This story is so good. It has an incredibly well thought out plot, the characterisation of both, Aziraphale and Crowley are spot on, their interactions are funny and witty but also deep and very sweet. But the point that's dearest to me is that it shows the character of Aziraphale the respect it deserves, which sadly happens less often than it should. The way the writer describe the building of their relationship and their trust will fill your heart with warmth. The stoty has alternate Aziraphale and Crowley POVs and it's narrated in the first person, which will read funny at first but it will flow within the first couple of chapters and it will have been worth it!
This fiction is updated officially every Saturday but if you're very lucky and depending where you are in the world it might be Friday. Only a few more weeks to go, though, it's almost complete and I'll miss it (But I'll re-read it!) Rated M.
The Last Angel by @bellisima-writes
This is another excellent "they never met" story. In this universe, Crowley and Aziraphale were stationed on earth, Armageddon happened, and Hell won the war. All the angels have been killed, except one. This story only has the first 6 chapters out, but you can already see the wonderful job the author has done of thinking how Aziraphale and Crowley would be without having ever met each other, what would be the same and what would be different. And the same goes for other characters, too: so far we've had an insight of how Beelzebub is like in a different universe and hints at how other characters would behave as well. It is full of promise, it sets expectations that I'm hoping will be subverted and the writer is doing such an excellent job with it all. Please go and show this story some love, you won't regret it!
This fiction is updated weekly, definitely every Friday, but I understand from now on every Wednesday and Friday. Rated M.
The Escort by VinyamaDN @vinyama-23
Human AU where Crowley is an escort and Aziraphale hires him for a date. They start getting to know each other and the rest is history. This story touches very delicate subjects, but it's also funny and fluffy. Please read the tags. Rated E.
Whickber Street by Caedmon @caedmonfaith
Lovely human AU where Aziraphale has a bookshop in Whickber Street and Crowley opens a comic book shop on the same road. It's a slow burn, from one-enemy-to-lovers story, full of humour, charm and fluff. Featuring all the shopkeepers in Whickber Street, which is a treat! Update every Monday and Thursday without fail. Rated E.
Complete works:
And Now All Of My Garden Is Grown In Lavender by ilikeblue
I'm so grateful to my lovely mutual and penpal @dashuntsel for recommending this great human AU. Aziraphale is a successful queer romance author whose books are being adapted for TV. At the start of his career, his agent, Gabriel, insisted he claims to be married in order to gain more readers. Now that the spotlight is on him, Aziraphale needs someone to play the part of his husband. Did I mention that Crowley is Aziraphale's gardener and friend? I'm sure you know where this is going. This story has a little angst and lots of good vibes of trust, friendship, love and loyalty. And a happy ending! Rated E.
Lit by @fellshish
Fellshish is one of my favourite fiction writers and this piece doesn't disappoint. Making people laugh is much more difficult than making people cry and fellshish succeeds in the task so effortlessly! (They can also make you laugh while wanting to cry, but for that you'll have to read their other stories. This one is angst-free). Time-wise this story can be collocated after season 1 and is not canon compliant with season 2. Crowley enrolls in a literature course without realising it was a fantasy literature course. The book that will be read this semester is "Good Omens - The Nice And Accurate Prophecies Of Agnes Nutter, Witch". And the class will get to meet the author, Neil Gaiman. This book seems to describe only too well the event leading to the failed Armageddon, including things that only Aziraphale and Crowley would know. How is that possible? And what would happen if it fell on heavenly or hellish wrong hands? And, oh Satan, did someone say TV adaptation?? A truly amazing, funny piece that will make you feel better after a hard day at work. Rated Teen and up.
Gate Duty by Ginger_cat @gingiekittycat
Not really a crossover, but a Good Omens fiction with elements of The Good Place. You can absolutely read it and enjoy it if you haven't seen The Good Place. placed in time post season 1. Aziraphale is called back to heaven to Gate Duty and he's decided to go despite Crowley's protest. Crowley has Beelzebub assign him to Gate Duty as well, so they don't have to spend 300 years apart. So they set to out to judge the souls and decide whether to send them to the good place or the bad place, as they have rebranded heaven and hell. In the process they meet a few souls that you might or might not know, not the focus of the story. This fiction manages to be funny and incredibly angsty at the same time and it was incredible to see how some of the details in it would resonate with season 2, which wasn't out at the time the fic was written. Rated E.
Of Size And Other Matters by LCwrites
Lovely from strangers to lovers, fake relationship human AU. Aziraphale needs a date to accompany him to an event hosted by his brother, Gabriel. Crowley receives a text from a stranger, clearly by mistake, but why not having some fun? I really like the dynamics between them, the ease and the trust. A tiny bit of angsty pining but quickly and happily resolved. Rated E.
One shot:
Not Nice by Sad_chaos_goblin @sad-chaos-goblin
Great one shot that follows the wall slamming scene!What would have happened if the former nun hadn't interrupted their "Intimate moment"? This fic is a treat, sweet and hot and fluffy all at the same time. Rated E.
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nolouvreart · 2 days
Another day without you… and it’s just…
nothing new
( something from old stuff )
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averageanonymous · 2 days
Fic Sprint: In which Crowley is angry with Ducks
30 Minute Time Limit
Prompt: Ducks, Messy, Garden
“Get OUT, feathered bastards!” 
Aziraphale started as Crowley’s voice shattered the pleasant silence of a Sunday afternoon in late spring. He looked up from the recipe for an lavender-almond cake he’d been reading and rushed outside to see what the commotion was about. 
He found Crowley in the garden. The demon stood, chest heaving, the air around him crackling with Infernal energy. He was covered in mud, caking his boots, coating the knees of his pants, smeared across one cheek, and somehow clumped into his hair. Aziraphale looked him up and down, then tried and utterly failed to hold back a laugh. 
“What in the world are you getting up to out here?” He asked, covering his mouth with one hand in an attempt to stifle the fit of giggling. 
“The DUCKS,” Crowley snarled, eyes blazing. 
Aziraphale looked around, and sure enough spotted a small group of ducks waddling idly in the grass just beyond the flowering hedge that bordered their yard. They quacked quietly to themselves and generally appeared to be minding their own business. 
“You like ducks,” Aziraphale said.
“Not those ducks,” Crowley retorted sharply, “THOSE are ungrateful avian savages,” 
“I see…” Aziraphale nodded slowly, “And we are angry with the ducks because…?” 
“Because,” Crowley growled, “The damn things keep sneaking in here when I’ve got my back turned, and eating the damn lettuce!” 
“Ah,” Aziraphale said, making a show of glaring sternly at the ducks, “Feathered fiends, the lot of them,” 
“That’s right!” Crowley snapped, heedless of Aziraphale’s teasing. He started stomping around, carefully covering the young greens that could be salvaged with churned soil, plucking out the ones that could not. 
“Crowley,” Aziraphale chided gently, “The ducks don’t have a vendetta against you personally, I’m sure,” 
“The hell they don't,” Crowley muttered, glaring at the ducks as he passed the hedge to grab his tools, “They wait out there, minding their business, until the second I walk away.” 
“Of course, that is generally what wild animals do,” Aziraphale said, “And it doesn’t help that we haven’t put in the garden fence yet.” 
“Ah! Oh, I see! Put the blame on the victim, will you,” Crowley accused as he brandished a trowel in Aziraphale’s direction, “Some angel you are!” 
Aziraphale smiled warmly and shook his head, then he stepped into the torn up garden beds and took Crowley by the hand, leading him back to the cottage. Crowley grumbled but didn’t argue, dropping his tools in a bucket. 
“Shoes,” Aziraphale said as they got to the door, and Crowley stepped out of his mud-coated boots. Then they went inside and to the bathroom attached to their bedroom. 
Crowley’s expression was set in a frown, brow ridged with deep furrows. Aziraphale paid it no mind and undid the buttons of Crowley’s shirt, peeling the muddy fabric away from his skin. That done, he took a cloth, wetted it with warm water, and began wiping away the muck where it had dried on his hands and arms, working his way up to his neck. As Aziraphale worked, Crowley closed his eyes, and gradually the severity left his features, the harsh lines of his face softening. Aziraphale took a comb and gently pulled the mud from Crowley’s hair, brushing it smooth. He took up the cloth again and dabbed away flecks of dirt that had crusted on his eyebrows, finally working at the large clump of mud that was thoroughly smeared across his cheek. When Aziraphale pressed the cloth to the demon’s cheek, though, Crowley’s eyes opened and he caught his arm, holding him still. Without a word, Crowley took the cloth, placed it on the counter beside him, and then took Aziraphale’s chin and kissed him. Aziraphale leaned into the kiss, letting his hands wander down Crowley’s neck and over his bare shoulders, wrapping around him to trace the notches in his spine, down to the waistband of his jeans. 
“These,” he said against Crowley’s lips, drawing his fingers around the demon’s hips, “are absolutely filthy. It won’t do.” 
“Guess you’ll have to take them off, as well, then,” Crowley murmured back, running his hands into Aziraphale’s hair.
And Aziraphale did.    
This is a fun thing we do on Thursdays over at the @goodomensafterdark writers guild subsubreddit. I owe them for making me write when I'm not in the mood to write 😘😅
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mimisempai · 1 day
The sound of your heart
Even better than Queen, the most beautiful music in Crowley's ears is that of his angel's heart, beating only for him.
I hadn't planned to write today, but the series is 5 years old, so I just wrote a little bit of fluff to celebrate!
On Ao3
Rating G -  428 words
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Crowley, who was watching TV without really seeing it, was slightly startled when Aziraphale's fingers gently brushed his hair.
They were both huddled together on the sofa, Crowley watching a documentary about ducks and Aziraphale reading.
But it had been several minutes since Crowley had stopped concentrating on the ducks and Aziraphale's book had been left on the arm of the sofa.
The demon yawned before he turned and wrapped his arms around the angel, resting his head on his chest, his ear close to his heart, which he could hear beating.
The most beautiful sound on earth.
A steady beat, strong and warm, so warm.
The angel's arms closed around him and his hands made slow circles on his back.
Crowley breathed, "Angel... "
The demon was amazed to feel his lover's heart leap a little at the very moment he'd uttered the words.
He couldn't help but repeat, "Angel, my love..."
Crowley smiled as he felt the Angel's heartbeat quicken slightly this time. 
He couldn't resist once again and whispered, "Angel, I love you so much."
This time Crowley felt a bigger jolt and then the angel's heartbeat quickened again.
Aziraphale grabbed Crowley's chin to bring his face closer to his own and kissed him gently on the lips before saying softly, "It's not that I don't like it, but to what do I owe this sudden declaration, my dear?"
Crowley placed his hand on Aziraphale's heart and replied softly, "I love feeling your heart react to my voice."
Aziraphale chuckled softly, "Of course it reacts to your voice, my heart beats only for you."
It was the demon's turn to laugh, "Do you realize you sound like the main characters in my rom-coms, Angel?"
Aziraphale shook his head and replied, "I know, it's innate. Besides, you're the one who started it."
Crowley chuckled slightly and Aziraphale added, "But you know, Crowley, I don't need to feel your heart beat to know the effect I have on you."
"What are you talking about, Angel?" 
Aziraphale shifted to frame the demon's face with his hands before whispering against his lips, "Crowley, your heart, I can feel it beating for me in your eyes. "
He leaned forward and kissed each of his lover's eyes before continuing, "Every time you look at me, I can see in your eyes how much your heart beats for me."
Then Aziraphale leaned forward and pressed his lips tenderly against Crowley's.
In that moment, as the kiss lingered, neither needed to feel the other's heartbeat to know that they were beating in perfect harmony.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love - Series post S2
Part 1 Story 1-99
Part 2 Story 100-?
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here
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nosferatini · 3 days
🎧Someone is Calling Him Shorewards🎧
Podfic by @nosferatini
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Chapter update 10/13
🎧Listen to Chapter 10!🎧
Listeners Beware!
Here be Chapter 10 of the haunting, heart-wrenching masterpiece written by @harlotofupdog!
Overwhelming gratitude to my partners in crime:
Enchanting music by the incredible @paperclipninja
Fanart by the talented @wingsofopal!
[Psst! Check out wingsofopal On Instagram!]
Chapter Excerpt:
“Crowley,” he’d said again as he pushed the door open. He had made it a few steps into the bathroom before his body refused to take directions. This was never in my script, he thinks. So many carefully rehearsed lines and scenes, repeated over and over again. And now, it is over.
If you haven’t read it, it’s time to break your own heart! Read harlot’s fic (now complete!) here: Someone is Calling Him Shorewards (AO3)
Thanks to @goodomensafterdark’s Chattering Order and the @whickberstreetwriters for their emotional and creative support during the production of this podfic!
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harlotofupdog · 2 days
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Another sneaky snakky pub jizz chappy chap!
Summary: Aziraphale is a Met officer who transfers to a small village police station. Crowley is the local publican. They don't see eye to eye.
There is also a plot (seriously, I promise)
Rating: E (for eventually lol)
All the thankyous and eternal gratitude to wonderful sun-ox @paperclipninja for beta and cheering and general emotional support! And all the thanks to @goodomensafterdark for putting up with me week after tedious week.
For the first half of the week, Whickbern is teeming with crime—or, more correctly, incidents that could loosely be described as slightly inconvenient to a small number of people—and Aziraphale is overjoyed. He embraces each and every opportunity to leave the station with abject enthusiasm: a report of a stolen fence railing (actually dislodged and trampled into the mud by the same cow who continues her vendetta against confinement); a call for assistance when the local school teacher locks his keys in his car (and discovers them moments later in his back pocket); even local busybody R.P. Tyler’s report of an overgrown hedge earns itself a thorough investigation.
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ineffableclassics · 2 days
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"Give me coffee or give me death." Aziraphale’s voice was quiet and filled with resignation.
"That was the choice. Coffee or Death."
Crowley discovers the real reason why Aziraphale accepted the Metatron’s ‘job offer’.
Words: 35,258
Status: incomplete
Rating: Explicit
By @pixiefairy15
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brahms4thrackett · 3 days
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Finally up on AO3!
Written for the beloved goblins of @goodomensafterdark
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feiandart · 3 days
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Anthony snaps to his feet, bends over the table and grabs the collar of the Lord's dressing gown, pulling it towards him to steal a hard, strong, ravenous, impulsive and disastrous kiss. A confused interlocking of teeth and tongues that tastes of spicy sauce and wine and consumes their breath to the bottom of their lungs. When their mouths part, Anthony has one hand on the table, his gaze serious and his pupils dilated, his hair messed up in bulk on the left side of his body and his lips red. "You _____ _____ me, Azriel?"
( sorry for taking away the one thing that would spoil the whole chapter. xoxo ♥. )
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theriverspath · 2 days
Ineffable May 2024, Day 30: Us
Rated General Audience
“Would you care to join us for dinner tonight? Crowley’s grilling steaks, and I’ve convinced him to make his famous bread pudding. The whiskey sauce is simply divine!” There was a look of sudden contrition on Aziraphale’s face. He glanced up at Crowley and laid a hand on his arm. “Sorry, dear. I only meant…”
“It’s fine, angel.” Crowley smiled into grey-blue eyes, his heart still fluttering at the casual use of that little word, us. Would he ever get used to it? He laid his hand over Aziraphale’s, intertwining their fingers as he lowered it to the space between them. Behind dark glasses, he shifted his attention back to the woman unloading bags of soil and mulch from her shopping trolly onto the checkout counter.
“Well, who could say no to famous bread pudding?” Crowley chuckled at the amused twinkle in her eye as she replied to the invitation. Carol was one of his favourite village residents. Her wit was as sharp as his, and her devotion to whatever she loved showed both in her gardening and her marriage. “Eileen has Morgan this weekend. That ok?”
“Of course! I’ve got the next Hardy Boys ready for them.” Aziraphale had been delighted to discover that Carol and Eileen’s child was a voracious devourer of children’s detective stories. The two had instantly bonded over it, and the angel had surprised Crowley by lending the kid copies of some of his own.
“Great. I think they’ve read the one they have now three times. I’m sure they’re ready to talk your ear off about it.” Aziraphale beamed at the prospect.
“Well, I’m looking forward to it.” Conversation dissolved into general chit-chat as first Carol, then Crowley, paid for their purchases. They parted ways in the garden centre’s car park, promising to see each other again that evening.
Once everything was piled into the back of the Bentley, Crowley held the passenger door for Aziraphale before settling himself into the driver’s seat. About half way back to the cottage, Crowley reached over and brought Aziraphale’s hand to his lips. He brushed a kiss across the knuckles before returning it to the angel’s lap.
“Thank you, but what was that for?” There was a soft smile in Aziraphale’s question.
“No reason. Just enjoying being us.”
prompt list
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klikandtuna · 10 hours
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Making an effort to ✨prettify✨ my WIP. This is an illustration that will be embedded in Chapter 1!
I’ve posted Chapter 8 of “Find the Light” (rated E, light on angst, heavy on biiiig feelings), and I know it can be difficult to take a chance on a WIP, but I’m currently writing Chapter 13 and am committed to a Tuesday/Friday update schedule right through to the end. Come give it a try!
(Huge thanks, as always, to my faithful beta-reader @suzypfonne, who also helped enormously with the design of this poster 💛)
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waitingtobebroken · 16 hours
Okay, so I don't even know what possessed me to write this! I should really be working on my Reverse Bang fic instead, you guys 😭😭
Binary Stars (T; Chapter: 1/2; 4K words)
Aziraphale has been going to Crowley's astronomy lectures at the local planetarium for a few months now. It is only because he is really interested in space, of course. He loves all the... constellations. And the stars! And then Crowley asks him out for coffee.
"I wouldn't have told everyone about the conference if I didn't want people to come." Crowley... Crowley winked at him. It was a little hard to guess what was happening underneath the perpetual sunglasses but the rest of his face surely looked like the man of his dreams had winked at him. Perhaps that was why it took Aziraphale a few seconds to process his words. Yes. Of course. Of course he would have mentioned it during the lecture. The lecture that Aziraphale had attended. And had been, of course, listening to attentively. Yes. That lecture. "Yes, of course," Aziraphale said with a nod. He only hoped the blush climbing over his throat was not quite as visible but with the harsh lighting overhead, he wasn't holding his breath. "Last week." Crowley gave him an odd look. "The week before." Aziraphale nodded again. He was a busy man. Sometimes the weeks blurred together. This had nothing to do with whether or not he was paying attention during the lectures. Because he was. Paying attention, that was.
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mimisempai · 2 days
Look at you, you're gorgeous
Some words said thousands of years ago leave their mark, but what about when they're repeated once again with feelings...
The one where Aziraphale no longer has any reason to be jealous of a nebula.
On Ao3
Rating G -  587 words
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Aziraphale came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, drying his hair with another.
"Still trying to do things the human way, Angel?"
Aziraphale turned his head to his lover lying on the bed and replied with a shrug, "After all this time, you know, don't you?"
Crowley nodded and continued to look at him as he finished drying his hair.
What he hadn't anticipated was that the movement would cause the towel around his waist to unravel and he didn't have time to react before the towel slid to the floor.
Despite the intimacy he and Crowley shared, he still felt a little self-conscious and slightly embarrassed by his body, so he immediately reached down to pick up the towel.
Crowley protested, "Oh no, Angel, don't deprive me of this lovely sight.
Aziraphale chuckled self-deprecatingly, "Idiot." and was about to continue his movement to pick up the towel. 
But in one swift movement Crowley had risen from the bed and beaten him to it, now standing close in front of him, towel in hand.
The demon placed his hand on the angel's bare hip and said in a low voice, "Look at you, you're gorgeous."
At these words, which should have pleased him, Aziraphale froze and hissed through his teeth, "Why are you making fun of me?
Crowley raised an eyebrow in confusion.
Aziraphale abruptly grabbed the towel and, holding it in front of him like a shield, replied, "You said that before, remember?"
Crowley, increasingly confused, repeated, "What?"
Aziraphale retorted, "When you created your nebula, you said those very words in an absolutely delighted tone. To it. Not to me. I, who wasn't looking at you at the time, thought - foolishly, I admit - that you were addressing me."
Crowley couldn't help laughing before he countered, "You're so clever, Angel, but sometimes you're really silly, you know?"
Stopping his lover who was beginning to get angry, Crowley grabbed the towel from the angel's hand and dropped it to the floor. Then cupping Aziraphale's face between his hands, he said softly, "Yes, I was addressing the nebula, but today, at this moment, it's you I'm looking at, it's you I find as beautiful as my stars, you're gorgeous, Angel."
He pressed a tender kiss to the angel's lips, then slid his hands over his shoulders before turning him around and pushing him forward.
"Crowley! What are you..."
"Shh, Angel, I want to show you something."
With his hands on the angel's shoulders, Crowley led him all the way to the mirror on the wardrobe, and when they were in front of it, he saw that Aziraphale was looking everywhere but at the mirror. So, from behind, he slid his hands from the angel's shoulders to his head, forcing him to look straight ahead. Then he whispered in his ear, "Look at you, you're really gorgeous."
Aziraphale shook his head and the demon replied, "Yes, you are," before turning the angel around so he could wrap his arms around him. 
"I'll keep telling you until one day you believe me."
Aziraphale, a smile forming on his lips, asked softly, "Even if it's for eternity?"
Crowley brought his face close and said softly, "I'm patient, you know that, don't you?"
Aziraphale chuckled softly before his laughter was stifled by the pressure of the demon's lips. Crowley made the kiss linger as he pulled him towards the bed, intent on using his lips and hands to show his angel just how gorgeous he was to him.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love - Series post S2
Part 1 Story 1-99
Part 2 Story 100-?
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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So - what exactly happened in 1650 to make Aziraphale do the first apology dance?
A rare opportunity to read a fic by me with zero explicit content. Hey - we all need something wholesome once in a while right? Also please help with tag suggestions...I am the worst at those.
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tens-girl · 2 days
The Legend of Venice…
Now complete on AO3!
After revealing that old friend Giacomo Casanova looks exactly like the Doctor (and of course somewhat like himself too!), Crowley persuades the Time Lord to take the gang to Venice, 18th Century, to experience the legend for themselves.
Chaos naturally ensues, the Doctor managing approximately five minutes before being mistaken for Giac and being chased around the streets and canals of the city.
Fun, frolics and flirting. Who Omens typical angst and heartache (the Doctor and Jack need to seriously sort their shit out…) Fem-Crowley (with sexy gender fuckery included…) And some great cameos.
Part 12 of Who Omens (notes for chapter one give a few pointers if you’ve not read previously!) Rated E (explicit sex, various pairings) 59,093 words. Complete.
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