#obey me! fanfic
demonvibez · 1 month
Oooh there's this scenario I've had in my mind for a while now //0//0// Its pretty generic I think but... Beelzebub + using food during sex.... It's kind of cheesy but like,,, it's so hot too. whipped cream ON his favorite human?? They both taste divine in their own right, but both at the same time?? Sinful.
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A/N: not cheesy at all! I think a lot of us would enjoy this scenario. 😈 hope y'all enjoy this drabble, lemme know if you'd like more! ♡ Rating: Explicit (MDNI) Tags: food play, chest play, oral sex, fem anatomy, penetration mention
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It all starts out innocently enough, as it normally does when hanging out with your boyfriend. You find him in the kitchen once again, cruising the cupboards for a midnight snack. You surprise him with a few snacks in a hidden drawer of the fridge, and pull him back with you to your room. You can't sleep anyway, so why not indulge?
And while Beelzebub is normally content to munch away on whatever snacks you relinquish to him, instead he intently watches as you enjoy your own food. Do you even know how seductive you're being? The way you lick the whipped cream off of your fingers, the way your eyes roll back a little at the taste. He can't help but for his mind to be clouded with ideas on how he can make your eyes roll back...
Suddenly, a dollop of whipped cream falls down your chest, dripping its way between your breasts. Before you can even reach down to wipe it off yourself, you can feel Beelzebub's tongue gently licking it off of you. Savoring it like a rare treat, the moan he lets out at the taste stirs desire deep within you.
"-Tastes'damn good," he mumbles against your skin as his lips continue, searching for more. He needs to taste more of you, all of you - another shade of his Gluttony taking over. You pull away, only to quickly pull off your top and spray a little bit of the whipped cream onto your nipple. With a mischievous smirk and lustful eyes, you press your breast back to Beel's lips - which he eagerly accepts. The feeling of him swirling your nipple around his tongue has you gasping out tiny little whimpers and moans, eliciting Beel's already aroused cock to grow impossibly harder. He'd love nothing more than to relieve his aching cock right now, stretching that pretty little hole of yours and filling you up with his own cream - but his sin has another idea, for now.
In almost an instant, Beel pulls away from you, only for him to grab the waist of your shorts and rip them off with your underwear in one fluid motion. He snatches the bottle from your hand, a slight shiver going up your spine as he sprays it onto your sex. The moan that escapes your lips as he licks the cream from your clit is loud enough to leak into the hallway - but neither of you care. 
Sweeter than Celestial sugar, he can't get enough of the taste. His favorite human on his tongue, drizzled in the sweetness of the cream - so heavenly, and yet so sinful. Although the more he continues, the more he realizes he prefers to taste only you. He discards the can, his focus never leaving - he is beyond ravenous, and only you can satiate his hunger. His moans rumble deep into your core, the tension within you building as he devours you. Another few swirls of his tongue send you over the edge, euphoria washing over your body as he eagerly laps up every last drop.
And without even the slightest pause, the Avatar of Gluttony continues on, happily sucking on your sensitive cherry as you writhe in pleasure underneath him. Overstimulated after your first climax, you beg and whine, your mind a mess as you grind against his face for more. You just need him inside of you right now, but he just can't find the willpower to pull himself away...
You are addictingly delicious, and Beelzebub will not be stopping until his appetite is fully satisfied.
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· demonvibez ♡ 2024 · do not copy, repost or modify · · comments, reblogs and likes are deeply appreciated! ♡ ·
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valsdelulucorner · 1 month
Leviathan head cannons<3
Leviathan is a shut in, its just a known fact but when he is alone, he likes to remain in his demon form. He finds it more comfortable and he likes to have his tail out to act as a extra hand. When someone knocks on the door, he goes back to his normal form because he is insecure that someone might make fun of him for being in his demon form, scared of judgement from his other brothers due to them remaining in their usual forms most of the time
When he is hanging out with you in either yours or his room, he slips back into his demon form, showing you that he is comfortable around you and trusts you to not make fun of him. This also happens when he is exited to show you something or rambles on about a new anime to you, him accidently slipping into his demon form without him noticing as he continues to ramble on to you. If you point this out, he will turn beat red and hide his face, his tail wrapping around his legs in embarrassment
If you guys do start dating and get to the point where you two cuddle, he will 100% be flustered the entire time your holding him in your arms, his face buried in your chest. He will quietly ramble on about something or another while his tail wraps around your legs, his arm holding onto your side while your fingers massage his scalp. After getting used to cuddling you more, he will open up abit more and get more used to being close to you, speaking up more while nuzzling his face into your neck
If you come down to devildom as a artist / tattoo artist, he will absolutely pull a anime nose bleed and faint. He constantly asks you to draw his favourite characters, willing to pay you for your works while commissioning the most out of pocket drawings from self inserts to fandom cross overs. He will absolutely take you on those art dates where you go to a art cafe and you both can make art while you eat anime style foods. If he sees that your getting abit overwhelmed with his requests, he will back off abit and apologize to you with a anime date and some food
At first meeting him, he is cold and distant to you, distrusting of the new human from the world above. He doesn't try to get close to you out of social anxiety and fear of you making fun of his interests, that's why he's so pissed off at his family for calling him a otaku Infront of you. Once he makes the pact with you and actually gets to know you, he starts to realize your one of the only people beside his online friends that wont make fun of his interests and his hobbies so he tries to cling to that
In Levi's concept, they said that he would of been yandere so i took that idea and ran with it. He might not kidnap you or hurt you like that in any way, but he will definitely cling to you and try to manipulate you into staying with him. You both have school today? He pretends he's asleep while holding you in his tail, laying on top of you in a clingy cuddle position to make sure you stay with him today. One of his brothers is talking to you? He will randomly push him out of the way and start nerding out on you, smirking slightly when his brother gets annoyed and leaves, letting him have you all to himself
Leviathan has a reptile like tail so it might be abit gross but he does shed every now and then. He normally gets agitated and violent whenever this does happen, refusing to leave his bedroom and getting violent whenever someone tries to come in and coax him out. The brothers warned you the first time this happened to not go into his room but you didn't listen, walking in to see him full on snake hissing at you. Once he realized it was you, he completely melted and just held onto you, whining about how his tail is irritating and hurting him. Get comfy because this man will NOT be letting you go during this period, cuddling into you protectively while his tail restlessly moved and rubbed against stuff. If you offer to help him, he will absolutely take this as "you will help him every time he sheds" and just steal you away every single time when he feels something happen.
Feeding more into the reptile side of him, he despises the cold whenever he is in his demon form. Before you came down to devildom, he used to cuddle into his brothers for warmth or he used to steal as many blankets he could get his hands on and rest in his little fort. When you both started dating, he found out how warm humans were and how much he liked cuddling. He loves cuddling up with you under a blanket while resting in the general area, watching a cheesy rom com anime while the fire roars in the background
He misses his player two whenever you go back up to the human world but gets overjoyed whenever you return, knowing that you brought human world snacks, candy, movies, gacha games, and new animes. Be prepared to not see the sun for a few weeks because your living off of the snacks you brought down. He adores you for doing this for him, even shedding afew tears after seeing how much you actually care about him
He may be antisocial and non confrontational but he will defiantly go out into social settings for you, weather it be a convention, a restaurant, a cafe, a mall, a concert, anything. He loves being with his player two
"Stay with me, Mayonaka no doa o tataki" "you.. you will even sing for me?!"
I love our otaku boy, i leaned alot into him being clingy with you but overall, i enjoyed writing about him!
Who should i write about next?
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Mammon Adores His Human (Obey Me!) fic
The sounds of sniffling and sobs woke Mammon. Making him grumble instinctually before he recognized who it was crying. So he snapped awake to then turn to you in the bed. His mind frantic as he saw you rubbing at your eyes and trying to make yourself as small as possible. Yet he wasted no time in touching you. Both hands to your shoulders as he asked you, "Hey now. What's got you all sniffling and not sleeping, huh?"
He figured it was a nightmare or stress or something. But he wasn't expecting what you said at all. You told him how you felt like a failure. How you were a terrible person and didn't do enough for people. That you didn't feel like you deserved to be with anyone and that you were worthless. Mammon was shocked to hear you say such wild things. His internal monologue going a mile a second with 'Why would you ever think that?! Who made you feel this way?! Is this just a dumb human thing or a you thing?!' It honestly left Mammon at a loss for what to say to you.
So he decided to act instead of just speak. Taking his warm hands to place them to your cheeks and give them a gentle squish to get your attention. Meeting your gaze to look serious for once. His own words deep and rich with affection. "You silly human. I have no idea why you think that. So let the Great Mammon tell you this right now. You are the most amazing and wonderful person in all the three realms and any other besides. You do tons for me and my brothers and loads of other people all the time. Because you try your best every time. The Great Mammon sees you. I cannot begin to tell you just how much I love you."
So Mammon leaned in to give you a kiss on the forehead. Sweeping you into his arms to hug you close and sigh into the crown of your head. "You are my number one favorite fan. Nobody means more to me. Sure, I ain't the only one here to thinks that of you. I have to all but fight fang and claw to have you all to myself instead of Lucifer or Asmo or any of my other brothers. We all love you and value you as you are. Silly human. My heart has so much love for you it might explode into dozens of fireworks. I can't get enough of you and how you make me and my family feel. As your first man, I'll always love you."
He felt you shiver in his arms to then openly cry into his front. His hands rubbing over your back and arms as you thanked him for being so sweet. He let you cry it out and hugged you tight. Until the both of you laid back down and fell asleep. With Mammon thinking he would talk to Solomon and Lucifer later about how to help you feel more valued and cherished.
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malthegal101 · 11 months
Mammon who laughs in delight when you kiss all over his face,,,,...,.,::,,:,:,
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More Things that are just Canon (tm) Whenever I Write a Fic
Lucifer is musical theatre trash, and if you find out about this, he’ll be incredibly obnoxious about it
Luke has big heckin’ wings that he can NOT control. They’re too big and floofy so when they poof in, he falls over.
Belphie is an astrology bitch.
Diavolo gives amazing hugs.
At RAD, there are mermaids in the lake, and random blast marks on the walls from demon fights (the janitors try their best but magic is really hard to get off of walls)
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How the Brothers react to you riding them, Belphie
Pretty much All Porn/No Plot, so minors be warned (and stay out)
Content: degradation (slut), bondage (Belphie's tail), choking, dacryphilia, some aftercare and cuddling.
These are all my own head canons. Don’t be mean about it.
Lucifer Asmo Levi Mammon Beel Satan
🔞NSFW Content Below! 18+ Only! Minors DNI!🔞
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The Avatar of Sloth is obviously going to make you do all the work, but he's going to be mean about it
I don't know what it is, but Belphie seems like such a mean power bottom. Dominant but makes you do the work
He's definitely into overstimulating you, that way when you tire out you sleep with him when you eventually pass out
Likes using his demon form so he can wrap his tail around you, but also likes to include other forms of bondage like handcuffs
Pretty mild degradation
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Belphie's tail wrapped around you snugly. Your arms were pinned to your side even as you lowered yourself down on top of him. Belphie shifted his hips upwards to help ease you down. You looked down as you started to move your hips.
"Hm?" Belphie reclined against his pillows. He looked up with sleepy eyes and a self-satisfied smile.
"Belphie!" You whined.
"You wanted to fuck. I wanted to lie down. You want to fuck so bad, start moving, slut." Belphie didn't bother wiping off that look on his face.
His tail twitched while still wrapped around you. You gasped as his tail tightened up. You felt the familiar squeeze pressing your arms harder to your ribs and around your bare stomach. There was so much muscle in his tail. Belphie lay there, comfortable and unmoved by your pleas of mercy. He watched you bounce up and down on his cock while bound by his bovine tail. Once in a while, the fuzzy tip flicked across your thighs like a fly swatter. You shuddered and whimpered each tip the tip of his tail struck you.
"Faster," Belphie commanded.
He gave you a hard stare. Beel wasn't home tonight, so you could make as much noise as you wanted. You strove to ride Belphie faster, harder. A coil wound up tight in your lower belly, but on your own you couldn't quite reach the spot. Your juices flowed with every order and degradation that fell from Belphie's mouth.
"Getting wet? Were you that desperate for my cock or..." Belphie's tail flicked across your clit, making you cry out. "Or do you like it when I call you a slut and squeeze you like this?"
His tail tightened up again. Belphie almost knocked the wind out of you. Belphie sat up. One hand reached for your neck and the other found the bundle of nerves between you legs. His fingers pinched your clit and rolled his hips upwards. His other hand clenched around your throat. Not hard enough to leave damage but just enough to make you feel pressure against your throat. Tears welled up in the corner of your eyes and creep down your cheeks.
"Oh? Look at you," Belphie cooed. "Slutty cry baby."
With that, Belphie ran the flat of his tongue along your face. He licked up the tears that had streamed down your cheeks.
"Pathetic," said Belphie, whispering against your cheek.
His hips thrust upward. Faster, harder. Belphie gripped your neck and played with your clit. He rubbed the sensitive nub with furious fingers while fucking you from underneath.
"Do you think I should take a pic and send it to Lucifer? Make him see how much of a pathetic little human is for some demon cock?"
You shake your head 'no.'
"Yeah. You're right. I want to keep the slutty face you make when taking my cock all to myself," said Belphie.
The wet sound of skin against skin grew louder in the spacious room Belphie shared with his twin. So too did the sounds of your whimpering and choked moaning. Belphie didn't have to squeeze much harder. He could feel you squirting all over his cock before he could come close to making you break. He wanted to sleep, but he also wanted to see that cute face of yours go blank. You'd be so compliant to cuddle with him into sleep after he properly fucked your brains out. Your eyes glassy, lashes stained with tears, and your little cunt soaked.
"Gettin' close? Hm? Are you getting close?" Belphie asked.
"Y-Yes," you croaked.
Belphie let go of your neck and moved his hand from your clit. He grabbed your hips and thrust upwards. He didn't slow down even when he saw your eyes roll back. Belphie bucked his hips hard, filling you up to the brim. He felt your walls tighten around him. Your head fell back as a wave of pleasure enveloped and captured you. Your cunt gushed. The lewd sound of your sex and his drove him forward. You'd come...because of him. A silly little human, whom he once abhorred, was his little plaything.
"Good...little...slut," Belphie grunted.
He felt himself explode, unable to hold out any longer. Belphie thrust once, twice, three times before reaching his limit. He came deep inside and felt it seep around his cock.
Once he finished coming, his tail relaxed. His horns and the tail vanished before he collapsed on the bed. You eased yourself off his cock and crawled beside him. Belphie pulled the covers over you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He held you tight to him.
"I wasn't too rough, was I?" Belphie yawned. His head hit the pillow and eyes drifted to a close.
"A little. But I liked it."
"Good." He gave you a kiss on the forehead.
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anon-karasu · 1 year
Summary: Mc overhears the brothers talking in their sleep.
Category: Gen/ Headcanons
Rating: General Audiences
Language: English
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
Additional Tags: sleeping, sleeping in bed together, sleep talking, talking nonsense, please get some rest Mammon, you too Lucifer, subtle possessiveness, subtle jealousy, laughing, hand holding, the twins are on opposite ends of the logic spectrum - I am so sorry, unnamed MC, gender not specified for MC, no beta
You’ll literally have to prize this demon away from his work if you want him to get a decent night’s sleep.
You’ll always remember the first night you slept with Lucifer in his bed, you were woken up by his deep, stern voice.
There were some nights where his sleep talking would escalate from there.
“For the love of… Satan, Belphie… seriously, again?!”
“Asmo please…”
“No… Beel, stop!”
Between each subconscious scold, Lucifer would give a series of exasperated sighs or groans and furrow his brow.
It seemed that even in his sleep this demon couldn't catch a break from his brothers’ antics.
You weren’t surprised that Lucifer looked so tired first thing in the morning.
You gave Lucifer a gentle pat on the cheek and moved your thumb in a soothing circular motion.
“… Mc…” he sighed in a much calmer voice.
You watched as his frustrated scowl quickly melted away at your touch and was replaced with a small smile instead.
Unfortunately, this only worked as a snooze button though and within an hour you heard a quiet “Maaaaaammooooon” from him again.
Mammon is usually a pretty sound sleeper.
However if he’s been working too many shifts he will become more restless through the night.
You were drifting in and out of sleep in Mammon’s bed next to the demon when he suddenly sat bolt upright, making you give a startled jump.
You watched with a bemused expression as Mammon grabbed a television remote from the bedside table and pressed it to his ear.
“Good evenin’, you’ve reached Hell’s Kitchen. How can I help ya?”
His voice was thick with sleep and his eyes were still shut as he spoke.
Unsure of how to respond, you simply stared at Mammon as he sat motionless with the television remote still pressed to his ear before he gave an irritable grunt, threw the remote back down onto his bedside table and let himself fall back against his pillow with enough force to make the bed shake.
“They hung up… just another damn prank call wastin’ my time.” He muttered to himself in an irritable tone before he fell back into a peaceful slumber as though nothing had happened.
Aside from the odd mutter about normies or a hummed victory fanfare from his favourite video games and the Hana-Ruri theme tune, Levi is usually fairly quiet when he’s asleep.
So you were shocked when you woke up to hear a low growling noise one night.
In your sleepy state, you put the source down to the sound of Cerberus carrying through the House of Lamentation from the underground tomb.
That was until you felt Levi wrap his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him in an embrace.
“Go away!” Levi murmured in a low voice as his grip tightened.
Confused by the demon’s conflicting words, you glanced over your shoulder to find Levi’s sleeping face close by.
“… they’re my Henry, not yours!”
You had to stifle a laugh as you realised that Levi must’ve been having an argument with one of his brothers in his dream.
He almost died of embarrassment and begged you not to tell his brothers when you mentioned what had happened to him the following morning, and he begged you to never bring it up again.
You usually fell asleep long before this demon even considered putting his book down for the night.
You were listlessly scrolling through Devilgram for the umpteenth as you struggled to keep your eyes open when you heard a small chuckle.
Your curiosity won over your tiredness and you glanced over in Satan’s direction only to find the demon fast asleep with the pages of his book crumpled against his chest and a smile playing on his lips as he let out another laugh.
A smile spread across your own face as you watched Satan’s expression closely, you had no doubt in your mind that he was dreaming about his beloved books or cats. That was until he murmured, “take that, Lucifer!” under his breath with another mischievous chuckle.
When you sought Satan out the following day, he was straightening out the creases in his book.
Satan stared at you in shock after you explained what had happened before a pensive expression crossed his face. “I must’ve been dreaming about pranking Lucifer, if only I could remember what the prank was,” he murmured more to himself.
You later found Satan and a groggy Belphie researching dreams in the library.
After spending many nights sharing a bed with Asmo, you quickly became accustomed to his occasional stretches that were always accompanied by soft groans or sighs as he slept.
You had even come to find his little stretches cute.
Especially when he moved closer to you and draped one of his arms around your waist and let out a little hum as he nestled into your shoulder.
However one night, after his stretches, he rolled over and gently shook your shoulder instead.
“Mm?” You hummed groggily as you turned to face him and slowly opened your eyes.
“Did you look at that photo I sent you?” You could tell by his voice that he was still half asleep.
“What photo?” You asked.
“The one that I sent you.”
“It’s the middle of the night,” you pointed out with a yawn as you turned away from Asmo again and settled more comfortably into your pillow, “I’ll check it in the morning.”
“Urgh,” Asmo groaned as he flopped back onto the bed again, “fine.”
When you woke the next morning you made sure to check your inbox and after you saw that Asmo had not sent you any picture you sought the demon out.
He had no recollection of your conversation from the night before.
The only sound you would usually hear from Beel when he’s asleep is his slow, deep breathing and possibly the odd snore or grunt.
You weren't surprised when you felt the bed shift as he sat up and tiredly rubbed his eyes as per his usual routine before he would seek out the kitchen fridge for a 3am feast.
You laid still for a few minutes as you waited for Beel to push himself off of the bed but felt confusion set in as he remained motionless.
You rolled over to face him, only to find Beel still sat up in bed staring down at you through bleary eyes.
“Are you okay?” You asked.
“Hm?” Beel hummed as he lifted his hand and ruffled his hair groggily as he then turned his unfocused eyes to stare around the room.
You opened your mouth to repeat your question but was caught off guard as Beel quickly grabbed your hand and interlaced your fingers together.
“Otters hold hands when they sleep,” Beel’s voice was still thick with sleep, “it’s so they don’t drift away from each other,” he added with an earnest nod.
You then watched as Beel gently laid back on his pillow and pulled your interlocked hands close to his chest with a content sigh.
“Don’t drift away from me, okay Mc?”
A good question to ask is when isn’t Belphie talking in his sleep?
There have been times where you have had full conversations with the sleepy demon before you’ve even realised that he’s nodded off… again.
And to give him credit where it’s due, Belphie’s sleep talking is usually relevant to the conversation going on around him, so you’ve always assumed that even in his sleep, Belphie has a good level of awareness.
That was until you let him share your bed with you one night.
You had just started to drift off when you felt Belphie give a sharp jerk beside you.
“Shh!” He whispered. “There’s someone standing in the wall.”
You felt a shiver run down your spine and your eyes widened as panic quickly set in before you slowly registered what he had said.
“In… in the wall?” You repeated in confusion.
“Mhm, I think it’s a salamander.”
“There’s a salamander in the wall?” You played along in amusement.
“Yeah, he told me that he controls the weather,” Belphie murmured.
You tried to stifle a laugh but couldn’t help yourself.
“It’s not funny, Mc.” Belphie snapped in his sleep. “His work is very important.”
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adelha-mathilde · 19 days
Happy Birthday Asmodeus (Obey Me!) fic
summary: Asmodeus gets pampered for his birthday. Casual fluff stuff.
Asmodeus gave a heavy groan upon waking. Since his head was pounding like obon drums as the scent of ocean salt and lavender surrounded him. The sounds of waves sounding out in the distance as well as the sounds of birds singing close by. A chuckle also wafting out from next to the feather soft bed as Asmodeus groaned again. The woman sitting next to the bed soon leaning over him to press a cool cloth over his eyes for Asmodeus to sigh at the relief such brings from the hammering in his skull. The lady chiding him with loving warmth as she keeps dabbing the cloth over his face. "This is why I told you to count your cups, silly boy. Focus on breathing so the pain eases."
A sensation of gentle magic soon flowed over the pain so that Asmodeus might find relief from it. The demon sighing sweetly to ease back into the bed and hum a note of pure gratitude. His eyes soon opening to look to Adelha as she gazed down at him. His words soft and full of charm. "My hero... Saving me from my own foolishness during that wild birthday party. I'd kiss you if I had the strength to get up. But this feels too good to not bask in the moment."
Adelha gave him a smirk as she moved to gently tap him on the nose. Her words full of sugared affections. "Count this as your birthday gift from me, then. Honestly. Even you have limits, Asmodeus. Know your limits and abide by them. Else you'll have worse than a hangover next time." Asmodeus sighed to to towards Adelha and smile at her with that boyish charm that tended to sway many a mortal to his whims. But it only had Adelha tap him on the nose again before she speaks further. "Do not even bother trying to be suave and charismatic with me right now, sweetling. Not after Lucifer had to help me spirit you away to get you to finally rest. He's been texting all day to check in on you. I told him you will be treated to fresh air, sunshine, and a day of simple leisure. Once you woke up to greet the afternoon."
Asmodeus blinked to then roll his eyes and sigh. "The I really did go too far with that partying and fun. How uncouth of me. I'm so sorry, Margaret. I must have worried you and the others." Adelha leaned in to give Asmodeus a tender kiss. One that was sweet, warm, and chaste for Asmodeus to hum into the kiss with pure delight. Soon breaking the kiss for him to finally sit up with her assistance. So it is that Asmodeus gives Adelha a tender hu for her to hug him back. A feeling of abiding love and acceptance having the demon ease out of his charismatic act and into a more personable humility. The mask removed for just the two of them as Asmodeus rested his head on Adelha's shoulder. "Everyone kept telling me they'd been planning my birthday party for weeks. I knew that they expected me to be my jovial party hard self. With all of Devilgram watching the festivities. I knew on some level it wasn't a good idea to put up the act for so long. But I can't say no to one more toast. I can't disappoint them. They expect so much from me. It's so... Terrifying..."
Adelha effortlessly swept Asmodeus into her lap to hold him close and sigh. The bedsheet keeping him covered like a cloak as Adelha showered his face with kisses as his tears burned his eyes. Yet she simply gave him comfort and gentle patience to rub her nose to his. Words of soft love given against his skin. "I know my sweetling. But there is no stage for you to perform on here. There are no spectators or fans to demand anything of you. No cameras or fanfare to have you dance to the tune. There is only us and a vast island sanctuary to rest in." Asmodeus sniffled to let himself cry it out. A righteous purging of all the fears and faults to let them wash away with tears and the sounds of the tides. While Adelha kissed those tears away and rubbed her bare hands over his back and shoulders to coax those freeing tears from the Avatar of Lust.
A long moment is spent with Asmodeus crying and sobbing to let all his anxieties and fears fall away from his heart under the loving care of this dragon maiden. One who simply holds him close and comforts his spirit. Until his tears are spent for Adelha to dab at his eyes with the cloth. Her smile one of unconditional love and acceptance as she hums a warm note at him. "There we go. It's okay for you to take full breaths of air here, Asmodeus. I know all too well your performances for others feels like a too tight corset. So I will cut such off of your heart to let you breathe freely here. Your weakness is a precious and priceless treasure to me, sweetling. Such a sight of vulnerability is one I shall cherish for all my days and nights. Mine alone in this moment to hold as sacred."
Asmodeus sniffled to feel all those fears and that crushing weight float off and away from him. Leaving him feeling raw yet loved in a way he dearly appreciated. So he hugged Adelha to let her move them back into the fathered bed as the breeze gently wafted through the open windows. Carrying the scents of sun baked sands, ocean spray, and wildflowers. Adelha poured him a mug of fruit tea for Asmodeus to rest against the headboard and bask in the moment of serenity with someone he both trusted and treasured. Only for Lucifer to make his presence known by his sigh as he stood at the bedroom door. Yet Asmodeus simply smiled with his eyes red and both hands holding the mug with a slight tremble. The Avatar of Pride soon moving to sit on the bed with them and gently tuck a stray hair out of Asmo's eyes. The eldest brother simply tapping a finger to the mug of tea to place a spell over the tea and gift his brother some energy back. A silent yet obvious sign of love for Lucifer to smirk at them both. "The others will be expecting us to return home by next week. For now, it will be just the three of us and the puppies in Adelha's family sanctuary. This island in the Human World is a haven away from prying eyes. So we have a week to just savor the time together. Lord Diavolo hopes we enjoy the break to return with some fun stories to tell."
Adelha chuckled to sip at her own mug of tea as Asmodeus nodded to give Lucifer a real smile. One that was tired but grateful as he spoke. "This is the most thoughtful gift ever. But I do want for us to try hunting for clams to grill later on for dinner. But for now... This is perfect..."
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natstablook29 · 8 months
I just wanna write my silly little fics, but instead, I sit here at my desk sobbing as I code. I have a Barbatos fic that I'm not even halfway done with, and it's been sitting here since August, and now I have all these ideas for Mephisto. 🙃
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asmo-cosmetics · 1 year
brothers + smoking hcs
because like, they're vices, i bet they have vices, y'know?
genuine cuban cigars. barbatos has had them imported from the human world for him ever since diavolo found out about the habit.
he still finds it embarrassing, of course, but they are very good quality cigars. he doesn't have it in him to refuse.
he keeps two, wrapped, in the inside breast pocket of his coat. if you see him taking one from there (rather than the cigar box that sits eternally beside the gramophone in his bedroom), you know something particularly heinous just happened.
he keeps his lighter in that pocket, too. it's a zippo-style refillable, sterling silver and engraved with his name and the demon lord's crest.
another gift from diavolo. again, it's just excellent quality. the fact that it rests over his heart nearly at all times is incidental.
blacks, almost exclusively.
-- is what he says. they're menthol blacks, but he's old enough to remember when menthols were marketed primarily to women in the human world, and he's still kind of embarrassed about his "girl" cigarettes.
they're a devildom brand, but don't get it twisted, he still prefers the most expensive variety they have.
he also likes those flavored cigarillos, the cherry or honey ones, usually.
(there's also a demonus flavor in some stores. he loves those.)
prefers weed.
is one of those guys who is really annoying about the fact that he prefers weed.
to be fair, this is probably mostly to annoy mammon.
probably has a vape pen and an online store he likes that does those dumb cartoon-themed carts but with like. nostalgic anime.
but... it's levi. so, like... bongs.
no, but it's levi, so seriously like a legit kind of impressive collection of custom bongs purchased directly from the glassblower's akuzon page.
one of them looks like ruri-hana's flower staff.
def one of those guys who can explain to you in scientific detail how all that shit works, too.
"but what's he like high" giggly. more talkative. fascinated by everything. really honest.
he'll have cigarettes sometimes. usually when he's lonely and he wants something that smells like his brothers.
he grows, prepares, and blends everything he smokes himself. everything he blends smells fucking divine.
usually uses a pipe, but he has an antique hookah from the human world that he'll get out on occasion. also not opposed to rolling clove cigarettes if he finds good rolling papers.
(levi gets him those sometimes. in return for satan rolling joints for him because he can't roll for shit and satan's are always perfect.)
the pipe is a sherlock holmes replica. it was a gift from barbatos. he treasures it.
sometimes he'll infuse magic into a blend, usually for hookah sessions with other people. with satan, you can smoke a memory, or the sound of a string quartet, or an entire ballet.
but usually, it's just a taste to fit the book he's reading. some go best with an apple cider feel, you know?
he used to get those little disposable vapes all the time, but eventually levi felt bad and helped him pick out a permanent one.
his juice is like. all fruit and sweets and candy flavors. he has one that tastes like vanilla cupcakes that everyone likes the smell of.
also maybe this is kind of a pull but you know that brand black devil? that makes the strawberry cigarettes with the pink paper? yeah.
looong black audrey hepburn cigarette holder. he has a little collection, actually, because, well, they're accessories, but the black one is his favorite. it's elegant and cool and looks sexy in pictures.
beelzebub & belphegor
beel doesn't really smoke unless belphie's smoking, and belphie usually just steals from his brothers.
he has a brand of reds he likes but he mostly relies on someone else picking them up for him because he is Too Lazy to go to the store.
beel actually likes the taste of asmo's best, but the reds are still his favorite because they smell/taste the most like belphie.
belphie's favorite are actually a blend satan makes and rolls for him to help him sleep.
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sindulgence666 · 1 year
Mc is a modern witch 5
Summary: Unlike Solomon or the witches that the brother have interacted with, in the human realm MC is much like the modern witches we nowadays know: bottle spells, deity work, divination… just plain energy work with the help from the universe. However, since their arrival to the Devildom MC notices how their magickal abilities are stronger and the brothers seem to notice it too.
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this is a long and boring ass chapter, the next one will be better! I just didn't know how to continue without this part! I promise the next one is better ❤︎ If you have any suggestions please tell me! Levi is acting more like the Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy instead of the shut-in, for those of you who might say he’s OOC!
Warnings: none.
Characters: Beel, MC, Levi, Mammon
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Doing as Leviathan had told you, you head to the kitchen. As soon as you approach the accorded place, the sounds of someone chewing and gulping down something makes you stop on your track.
A moment passes, and the first idea that crosses your mind is to leave, pretending not to have seen nor heard anything. However…
— Not so fast. —A voice that definitely doesn't belong to Leviathan calls out to you.— Are you going to pretend like you didn't see me here, or is it that you're planning to go tell on me?
— Meh, I guess it doesn't matter either way. —A sigh of relief escapes your lips.— Anyway, what're you doing in the kitchen so late?
— I was hungry —you’re quick to come up with an excuse for the tall demon.
— Ah, you’re hungry? That makes two of us, then. —The orange-haired demon stops for a few seconds just to keep talking.— Oh, but the refrigerator's empty. I already ate everything in there.
Your eyes stay on him, as if you were waiting for him to just leave.
— What? Is there something you wanted to talk to me about?
The energy in the room suddenly drops. Going to the kitchen to meet Levi maybe wasn't the best idea. Did he forget? Where was him? What could you possibly ask?
— About your brothers… aren’t you supposed to be seven? What about the seventh-…?
— Now, don't you ever mention him in front of Lucifer. —He growls at you and you yelp at the sudden change in his attitude.— This isn’t any of your business, human. I’m leaving. I've already eaten everything that was in the refrigerator anyway.
And so, the Avatar of Gluttony takes his leave. Now, you're alone again with you, yourself and…
— Hey, MN! —Someone calls your nickname
— … Is that you, God?
— What? Seriously? —Ah, the annoyance in his voice makes him recognizable. There he is; finally Leviathan appears.— No, dumbass! Here!
Your gaze scans the room until you find him hiding. At this point, you don't even ask about it. The Avatar of Envy asks about what you heard from Lucifer and he starts looking vehemently for something in the freezer. It would be ridiculous if the credit card was actually-…
— So it really was frozen! —The third born takes out a huge block of ice with a card in it, putting it in the microwave to thaw it.
He was just about to say how stupid he was for not thinking about it earlier when…
— What’s with all the racket, you two?… HEY, wait a minute! There in the microwave… that looks like Goldie! Get it outta there before the microwave demagnetizes it and makes it useless!
Levi and you both look at each other and you take the plastic out of the microwave.
— Levi you idiot!
— Hmm, are you SURE you should be talking to me like that, Mammon?
In a matter of seconds, the bickering starts between the two demons. You prefer to stay as a bystander of their arguing, at least until…
— ..wait, WHAT?! Why d'ya want ME to make a РАСТ?! —The white haired demon suddenly raised his voice— Levi I can't believe you'd go through all this trouble! It’s just money!
— Excuse me? Remind me again which one of us tossed aside what little pride he had left, all to get his hands on a credit card?
— Hey, you shut up! And you, human! What're ya thinking, lettin' Levi use you like this? Are you stupid? Go on, say somethin'!
Leviathan was clearly annoyed before, but now he was angry. How could he refer to you as stupid? He was not using you! (Maybe he was, in some kind of way! He was trying to help you and himself too! The third born and you exchange looks for a brief second before you open your mouth again.
— Make a pact with me, Mammon.
Oh Luuucifeeer! Mammon's here unfreezing his credit caaaard!
— I mean, of course l'lI make a pact with you, human! I'd be thrilled to!
And just like that, your first pact ever with a demon is forged. A burning sensation installs itself in your skin, but your mind is stuck trying to comprehend what just happened. You just made a pact. With one of the seven avatars of the seven deadly sins. With one of the most powerful demons to ever exist. With a demon that was not Leviathan nor Lucifer.
With a demon that was not Leviathan nor Lucifer! How did that happen!? Why did that happen!?
— Devildom calling to MC, are you there? —A distant voice rings in your ears.— MN? MC? Hello!?
Leviathan's room.
When did you go to his room? Why are you…? How? Just a few seconds ago you were in the kitchen and…
— Lord Leviathan… —You're not speaking casually to your friend. You’re hurt. You're speaking to the demon you trusted; to the demon that always comforted you and held you when you cried.— why Mammon?
The question goes unresolved, so you try to reformulate it.
— Why did my first pact ever had to be with Mammon, a demon I barely know and not with you, who I admire and love dearly?
A couple of seconds are spent in silence before the Admiral gathers the courage to speak and explain himself.
— Look, I know it may have seemed as if I used it to my advantage… —You look down to your feet in fear.— But I’m trying to protect you, I really am
Your brows furrow as you look up at him again, tilting your head to the side in confusion. Protecting you?
— Think about it, MN. You are in literal hell, surrounded by demons who want to eat you and devour your soul. I can't be by your side at all times, but Mammon has to. He has to protect you, and with a pact you can make sure he actually does his job.
He takes your hands in his and looks directly into your eyes.
— Why does it bother you that much?
— Because I wanted you to be my first demon!
Leviathan freezes. He blinks once, twice, thrice…
Did he listen well? Did you really…?
— I wanted us to have a pact, but you always said I wasn't ready for something like that and now you make me do a pact with a sin I don't even relate to! What's this all about!? —You sob
— So do you want to?
Your lips stop moving and you look at the demon. He is looking aside and his cheeks are fiercely red. He is clearly embarrassed and making his best effort to mantain his composture.
— Do you want to make a pact with me, MN?
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houseofhalation · 11 months
I've never posted whole fics in here before, but if anyone would like some of my one shots to be available when AO3 is down, I can do that. If you're interested, just let me know which ones. I'll reblog my roundup posts in a minute so they can be perused.
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valsdelulucorner · 1 month
I love the way you write for Obey me characters. It fits nicely, that I enjoyed reading all of them. I had to make sure I’m requesting a character you haven’t done yet.
I would love to read Satan headcanons.
Thank you so much anon<3 of course I can do Satan, I haven't done him yet so I'll be happy to write for him
Satan Head cannons<3
Satan is always abit insecure when it comes to Lucifer, always being mistaken for him even though they are vastly different. He always gets mad at someone for comparing him to or calling him Lucifer and for a valid reason, he feels like he is just a cheep copy of him, that he isn't as loved by lucifer because he was born once lucifer fell
Once you came to the Devildom though, he was surprised that you never compared him to lucifer (out loud) or even mistaken him for Lucifer. He grew to appreciate you more when he overheard you correct one of his brothers when they were comparing him to Lucifer, overhearing you point out the differences and saying that they were different people. He never told you he heard you say this but he appreciates you for it, glad that you see him as his own person and not just a clone of Lucifer
Satan has gotten better at controlling his wrath but that doesn't mean it doesn't show, his anger can be explosive when triggered and we see this when he almost badly hurt us that one time. After the pact and when he started to grow closer with you, he discovered that he is alot calmer with you and that your not one of his triggers, but instead one of his methods of calming down
When Satan goes into one of his episodes, his brothers will either sprint up to you and use you as a shield (they know satan wont hurt you), his brothers will drag you down and try and make him calm down, or his will make his way to find you and rant to you. If your resting in his room and he storm in in his demon form, he will rant to you while throwing books around, making sure that none of them hit you and will try not to snap at you.
Satan normally feels really bad after a episode so if your there with him, he will lay with you and hold onto you tightly, mumbling apologies and "I hate feeling this angry", still in his demon form while he holds onto you. He holds you in his tail while he buries his face into your neck or chest, holding onto you while you either play with his hair or read to him. You help him calm down, he cant be more greatful to you whenever your there supporting him
Satan loves taking you on library, cafe, museum and book dates. He will take your hand and gently lead you around a library or museum, leading you around and softly going on about where some ancient text came from, where certain artifacts where founded. His favourite date idea though is a winter Cafe trip before renting some books from the library out, heading back home before cuddling up on the sofa and enjoying your food and books Infront of the fireplace
If you come to the devildom as a writer or a artist, he will make a few requests. As a writer, he would absolutely love to read anything you write and make a few requests about some ideas he's been wanting to write about, extremely happy when you do end up writing for him. He would Tresure it forever and make sure to keep it in a collection that no one is allowed to touch, only for his eyes to see. As a artist, he would give you a little list of attributes and traits and politely ask if you could draw a character from a book for him. wither your a writer or a artist, he would love and treasure your creations
I love the head cannon that Satan uses his tail as a whip, which gives me the idea that he can use his tail in combat. His tail is sharp but he can also close up his scales to make it smooth and harmless, the mode he uses to cuddle and hold you with. When he's threatened or pissed however, he will puff up his scales and harden them, making his tail sharp and dangerous. His tail can get very dirty after occasions like this so it is mandatory for him to clean his tail so he doesn't get a infection.
If you offered to help him clean his tail, he would absolutely refuse to let you touch his tail in the state its in, he doesn't want to accidently hurt you. He does appreciate it though if you sit next to him and just keep him company while he cleans his tail, having you hand him cleaning products while he scrubs in-between his sharp scales. He deeply appreciates you more then you know, even if its just something like sitting next to him while he cleans his tail of dirt and blood
He loves having you lay on his lap while he reads late into the night, playing with your hair as he reads a book, admiring your sleeping face from time to time. His tail gently holds your waist or wraps around your legs while you sleep against his thighs, subconsciously making sure your safe and sound while he continues to read. He loves to rest on your lap aswell, sleeping peacefully against your thighs as your fingers play with his hair. His tail wraps around your ankle and calf while he cuddles into you, a quite purr coming from his chest as he nuzzles into your belly
He calls you his darling, his muse, and his rose.
If he accidentally hurts you during one of his fits, he feels extremely guilty after he calms down. He goes to find you and tries not to grimace when he finds you patching yourself up, sighing softly before going to help you. Non stop apologies slip from his laps as he patches you up properly, his heart sinking as he makes sure you are properly ok. He gets so much more careful with you after this experience, making sure your not in the room when he gets violent
Satan does his research on humans and will randomly drop one of the most traumatizing facts about humans before just going on about his day, thinking he will impress you with these facts. "Hey my darling, did you know that [A random traumatizing fact about humans that will completely ruin your day]" "Satan..... darling...." *Proud of himself thinking he impressed you"
"Im scared I might loose myself and hurt you" "I'll still stand beside you"
Two fics in one day, im feeling good! I honestly really struggled with Satan because i don't normally write about him but i liked this! I hope I did Satan alright anon and i hope you enjoyed!
Who should i do next?
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Cuddle Demon Activate (Obey Me!) fic
You watched Satan as he read through a forbidden book of curses. His gaze so focused on the tome in front of him he wasn't even blinking. So you got to marvel over his every feature at your leisure. Taking in his sculpted face. Those gorgeous eyes. How his blonde tresses just framed his face for a lock to drift out of place and hang in his vision. Making him huff to tuck the strand back with a swipe of his hand. His casual clothes just hinting at the frame beneath. You were taking it all in while he was oblivious to everything around him.
Soon enough, you sneak yourself right next to him. Ever so gently wrapping your arms around him from the side. Which finally broke his concentration to blink a few times. his gaze going from the tome to you as you hugged him. Which had him smile and melt a little into your frame. Words of silken amusement playing over his lips. "I see my favorite lamb decided to find me. Did I miss dinner or are you here for other reasons?"
You hummed to tell him you love watching him. How handsome he is when focusing on something with such diligence. That he is someone you would love to hold close and savor in his presence forever. Which had him blink to then blush at such flattery. So he set the book down to turn himself in his seat and hug you close. Sweeping you off your chair to sit you in his lap and start giving your face gentle eyelash kisses. His hum one of pure abiding love and delight. "Such a silly lamb. Always wanting to cuddle and shower me with your endearments. I do so love you, lamb. My heart soars at your words." Soon enough, Satan rubs his hands with great care over your back and shoulders. Giving you a few kisses to your cheeks before holding you tight to his front. meaning you sense every thunderous thump of his heart as he sighs against your neck. A low purr escaping his chest. "The things you do to me. Such a darling and silly sheep you are. I was hoping to memorize that spell to use on Lucifer later. But alas. I think I would rather cuddle my darling lamb."
// again a fic for @lost-in-lamentation. Never tellz me to stop my posting of desired ficz I will write more immediately lol //
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malthegal101 · 11 months
Beel takes an uncomfortably long time to brush his teeth, when you peek inside your bathroom which he's made a small home in with his toothbrush and toothpaste, he's standing infront of the mirror with his mouth around the tube of it.
Why does it take so long? He can't resist the taste of the toothpaste! Often he finds himself trying to bite down on the tube and eating it on its own.
Goodness, it's such a sight to walk in on him in the mornings and early nights chewing hungrily on the substance, but his breath always smells quite nice and fresh and his kisses taste minty. Although it is a hassle having to buy so much toothpaste for the hungry guy, there's barely any room on the bathroom sink for it! But still he tries.
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A Very Lovecraftian Exchange Student
Chapter 7
Last we left off, MC had reformed after the forcible goo-ing courtesy of Lucifer, and we saw Asmo have a bit of a self loathing moment, and now, we have the group retreat to look forward to! Yay!
Previous chapter
Next chapter
Fic Masterlist
Warnings: None.
“I apologize for my behaviour last night, MC.”
Lucifer Morningstar loathed to apologize. His pride would wrap around his mind and constrict his thoughts to an almost painful degree whenever the mere idea of admitting wrongdoing entered his head. It was more than just his pride, however, that caused Lucifer’s aversion to the action.
He was a demon, a high ranking one at that, and did not make mistakes often. Lucifer did not apologize for no reason, and for the idea to apologize to enter his head would be to acknowledge that he had actually done something wrong…
His brothers knew this, and knew this well. They had become used to Lucifer’s way of apologizing.
Their favourite food being made, an item they wanted placed on their end table, that was how Lucifer made his regret for his actions known. Verbal apologies were rare to the point where Satan would joke about getting it on video and charging people to watch it.
But he couldn’t just brush this particular incident away with a plate of cut fruit. He had disgraced Diavolo, and nearly killed two of the exchange students.
…and scared the shit out of Beel, which Lucifer thought should be a crime in itself.
“Oh, I forgive you, Lucifer.” MC said with a sunny smile, before turning back to the bacon and eggs they were frying on a massive pan in the kitchen. It smelled heavenly, Lucifer had to admit, but how the hell had this thing learned to cook?! “How do you like your eggs? Or are you a pancake person?”
“I…” Lucifer’s eloquence seemed to leak out of his head as the human began to hum a happy little tune to themselves. His eyes darted to his normal breakfast, his beloved coffee that was slowly dripping out of the machine, then back to the massive bowl of bacon MC was adding to.
“I am glad you’re not too perturbed by last night’s events, MC. You must allow me to make it up to you sometime, my behaviour was unacceptable-“
“Ooo, or are you a French toast person?”
“Yes I do enjoy French toast but-“ Lucifer narrowed his eyes. “Why are you not more upset?”
“What do you mean?” MC cracked another egg. “It’s like what happened with me and Levi but in reverse. I threatened you, and you responded. Everyone’s fine, I’m fine, Luke is fine, you’re fine, that strange book you were freaking out over is fine as well. Now we can have breakfast.”
“…that’s it?!”
“Yes. Do you want chocolate chips in your pancakes, Lucifer?”
Lucifer Morningstar loathed to apologize, but there was one thing he had begun to loathe more.
The exchange student.
“Oh Mammon! This is so exciting!” MC squealed as they plopped a giant suitcase onto their bed and began to pile their belongings inside. “I’ve never been on a group retreat before! It sounds like so much fun!”
“Eh…” Mammon lay on the carpet looking up at the ceiling, completely unbothered. “They’re nothin’ special. S’basically a sleepover with a buncha people ya gotta pretend to get along with.”
“How novel!” MC said with an excited clap of their hands. “I won’t even have to pretend to get along with anyone! I think everyone is quite fine with me as of right now!”
Mammon looked over at MC and gave them a wince that quickly (and unsuccessfully) morphed into a somewhat supportive smile. “You uh… you get em’ tiger.”
“Thank you, Mammon! You ‘get em’ too!”
“I’m coming in because I have things to say!” The door to MC’s room burst open, Levi stood on the other side. “Stand to attention!”
MC quickly straightened their posture and happily saluted the demon at the doorway, Mammon on the other hand remained on the floor and raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not one of your lackies, Levi.”
“Oh but Mammon!” MC gasped. “Grand Admiral Levi is such a rare sight!”
“Aaaaaand now he’s gone…” MC watched with a pout as Levi visibly deflated at Mammon’s complete dismissal of the third born’s authoritative entrance. “So uh… we’re going on that group retreat and stuff so uh…”
“Yes! Isn’t it exciting?”
“No! No way!” Levi gaped in disbelief at MC’s visible excitement. “This is an introvert’s worst nightmare!”
“What’s an introvert’s worst nightmare?” Beel appeared in the doorway behind Levi, then gently shouldered his way into the room. “Hi MC, hi Mammon, hi Levi, do any of you have snacks?”
“Oh of course!” MC dug through their suitcase (which most definitely would not be able to close) and threw an entire case of Oreos at Beel. “Enjoy!”
“Thank you.”
“P-pay attention to me!” Levi waved his arms and plopped down on the floor next to Mammon. “I’m enlisting all of you-“
“Cant get me to join the Navy again, Levi. We all remember the cannon incident.”
Beel nodded incredibly seriously at Mammon’s words. “We don’t talk about the cannon incident.”
“Not that kind of enlistment, stupid Mammon!” Levi huffed. “I’m trying to say that since we’re all pacted to MC, I’m going to follow at least one of you around at all times so no one I don’t want to talk to tries to speak with me!”
“But Levi,” MC furrowed their brows in confusion. “Talking to new people is so wonderful!”
“No it’s nooooooot!” Levi whined, flopping backwards onto the carpet. “Maybe for a normie extrovert like you, but an otaku like me finds socializing absolutely tortuous!”
Levi then let out a sad sigh. “My only real friend is Henry 2.0…”
“Oh come on, don’t be too hard on yourself, Lev.” Mammon said, rolling onto his stomach and propping up his head with his hands. “Your snake loved ya too~”
“BEFORE HE RAN AWAY!” Levi cried out, curling into a ball and beginning to make various whining sounds without actually crying.
“Oh boy…” Beel murmured. “Mammon, why did you have to bring up the snake..?”
“I was just tryin’ to cheer him up!”
“Oh… come here.” MC gently sat down next to Levi and pulled him into a hug. A very tight hug. “Here, use this intense expression of love and affection to feel better.”
The other two brothers could only watch in vague amusement as Levi attempted to squirm out of the hug as a deep red blush spread across his face.
“Normie affection! Normie affection! G-get back!”
“There! All better!” MC let Levi go with a sweet little smile. “We’ll take care of you on the retreat, Levi.”
A knock at the door brought everyone’s attention to Satan, who stood with his suitcase at his side. “Are you all coming, or not? We’re going to be late at this rate.”
“Geez, Satan,” Mammon got up off the floor with a roll of his eyes. “You’re startin’ to sound like Lucifer with all the ‘we’re gonna be late’ talk.”
“I’m sorry, I’m starting to sound like whom?!”
Mammon, Levi, and Beel all froze at the snarl that left Satan’s lips. MC looked between the four of them, then fully turned their attention to Satan. Whisps of green smoke leaked out of Satan’s twitching fingers as his lip curled into a sneer. MC only smiled.
“Mammon said you’re starting to sound like-“
“AH AH AH!” Both Mammon and Levi darted towards MC, quick as lighting, and slapped their hands over their mouth.
“Nah-nothin! Satan! Ya sound like yourself! Only yourself!” Mammon sputtered, a nervous smile on his face as sweat had begun to pool on his brow. Levi aggressively nodded in response, an equally horrified smile turning up his features.
“Yeah! Yeah! Just you, Satan! You sound like you!”
MC frowned in confusion, then began to slowly move their mouth to a more open location on their human body. Their neck would work, right?
“No, they said you sound like-“
“AGH!!” Levi shrieked and covered the mouth that had moved onto MC’s neck with his free hand.
“I’m trying to spea-“
The moment MC moved their mouth to the other side of their neck, Mammon slammed his free hand down on top of it.
“You heard it here, Satan!” Mammon said quickly. “You’re you! We’ll be down in a sec!”
Satan’s eyes narrowed, but the smoke at his fingertips dissipated and his eyes returned to a gentle blue. “Fine.”
And with that, Satan vanished, and the remaining brothers let out a sigh of relief.
“You shouldn’t do that, MC.”
“Do what?” MC moved their mouth to the uncovered centre of their neck and looked over at Beel.
“Compare Satan to Lucifer, he doesn’t like that.”
“Doesn’t like that is an understatement…” Mammon grumbled, removing his hands from MC, only to see that the spot under their nose where their mouth would normally be was completely blank. “M-MC, could ya..?”
“Oh! Of course!” MC moved their mouth back to its normal place. “Why doesn’t Satan like being compared to Lucifer, though? He’s so… emotion making…”
The wistful sigh that escaped MC’s lips caused the three brothers to exchange a few confused glances, before turning back to the exchange student properly.
“We should… go downstairs.” Levi mumbled.
Beel nodded in agreement. “Yeah…”
MC watched Satan look over at the clock that hung on the wall, then back down at his DDD, the exchange student then watched Lucifer do the exact same thing.
“Where is Asmodeus?!” Lucifer growled, looking down the hall towards Asmo’s room.
“Can we leave him behind?” Mammon asked, leaning on his suitcase with a grin. Lucifer shot him a warning glare before turning back to the clock.
“Awww, boo.” Mammon said with a pout. MC patted him on the shoulder.
“Maybe Asmo is-“
“Helloooooooo darlings~!” Asmo, chipper as ever, came skipping down the halls pulling three bright pink suitcases behind him. “Rejoice! Your Asmo is here~!”
“Why… why do you have so much luggage..?” Satan was slackjawed and staring dumbly at the nearly overflowing suitcases that Asmo was tugging out the door.
“Satan, some of us like to look good,” Asmo cast a quick, almost disdainful glance over at MC, before stiffening and smirking. “And I packed light. Just think, three days and two nights with only three suitcases worth of things… I’m practically roughing it out here!”
“This doesn’t matter!” Lucifer stormed forward and held open the door, beckoning for everyone to get their things together and get out. “If we’re going to have even the slightest chance of beating the angels and Solomon to Diavolo’s castle, we need to pick up the pace!”
“I don’t think Asmodeus likes me.”
Simeon turned and tilted his head, a polite, but strained smile on his face. “Wh-why do you say that, MC?”
“He’s told me himself, several times today.”
After arriving at the castle (before the angels, much to Lucifer’s joy.) the roommate assignments had been given out, and to the Avatar of Lust’s visible dismay, he had been assigned to room with MC. Simeon had as well, and while he made a smile that looked like he was muscling through a scream, he hadn’t made his possible displeasure verbally known.
MC wasn’t terribly sure what they had done to earn Asmo’s ire. The exchange student thought that the demon was quite interesting, and very pretty, but Asmodeus didn’t seem to want to keep MC’s company.
“I think Asmodeus is just… getting used to things.” Simeon said with a shaky chuckle. “As am… as am I.”
“Ohhhh, do you think it has something to do with my me-ness?”
“Perhaps…” Simeon’s gaze shifted over to Luke, who was standing next to Diavolo as the demon prince jabbered about a particular painting of the Celestial Realm. “It is a little unnerving to find out that one of the exchange students isn’t a human, demon, or angel- no offence, MC.”
“Oh! None taken!” MC said with their usual sunny smile. “I’ve been told I’m horrific to look at sometimes.”
“By whom-“
“By Asmo. Earlier today.”
“Ah…” the angel’s gaze then shifted to the Avatar of Lust, who was chatting up some of the living paintings and seemed to be actively fishing for compliments. “Maybe with a little bit of work we could curb Asmo’s attitude.”
“You think?” MC asked with a tilt of their head. “Do you think he’ll be my friend and like me after?”
“Well, considering you have pacts with three of his brothers, you have some charm,” Simeon said with a gentle nudge. “I bet you two will be the best of friends when this is all over.”
“I’m going to go talk to him right now then!”
“Wait what-“
“Thanks, Simeon!”
“You physically repulse me.”
Asmo’s eyes bore straight into where MC assumed their soul must be. The Avatar of Lust had very unique eyes, MC had to note. His irises shifted and swirled with all the colours of what the exchange student had imagined a sunset would look like, and yet, despite the undeniable beauty, those wondrous eyes were filled with nothing but contempt.
“Yes, I’m aware.” MC said, still smiling. “I’d just like to know why so we can be friends.”
The demon let out a shrill peal of mocking laughter, and raised a delicate hand to cover his mouth. MC wondered if they should laugh along as well, but something in the demon’s tone stopped them. Laughter was usually a joyous sound, was it not?
The sound of Levi’s cheers mixed with disbelieving, breathy laughter after winning a game, Mammon’s sudden bouts of hysterical laughter that were usually accompanied with a fist slamming on a table or desk, to even Beel’s quiet chuckles, each sound was like music to MC’s ears. Yet, this sound felt distinctly sour, and wrong, like he was laughing at the scene of an accident.
“Friends?!” Asmo gasped in disbelief. “You think I’d ever want to be friends with something like you?”
Another smattering of cruel giggles scraped against the walls of MC’s all-too human ears, and they winced. They thought for a moment that they should tell the demon that his laugh wasn’t too pleasant to listen to, but quickly decided against it.
“Is this about what happened with Levi?” MC asked, clasping their hands behind their back and trying to keep their nice smile on their face. “Because we’ve all moved on since then. Levi and I are quite good friends now, he taught me how to play God of War, and this cute game called-“
“Oh, no. This isn’t about Levi.” A smirk slithered its way across Asmo’s face, and as MC looked into his eyes again, they felt almost… nauseous. They felt like every minute aspect of themselves was being… scanned. Evaluated.
And MC was failing that assessment.
“This is squarely about you, MC.” The way Asmo said the name that he himself had bestowed upon MC made the exchange student shudder. The way he twisted the normally pleasant sound of their name into what could only be described as a verbal expression of visceral disgust was enough to make MC want to turn and run.
They couldn’t tell if this was a threat or not. Mere words shouldn’t hurt them, they weren’t being physically attacked so why was their body responding in such a manner? Why did they feel something twist in their gut? Why did they feel sweat begin to pool on their brow?
“I’ve seen what you really are.” Asmo said with a smile. “No amount of shifting and warping your appearance can change that.”
“What do you… mean?”
“You’re a hideous,”
Asmo poked MC in the chest.
Another poke.
He grabbed the front of their uniform.
“Disgusting creature who’s masquerading as something passable.” His gaze hardened as he looked into MC’s wide, shocked eyes. He stared for a moment, then another, then another. For just a second, MC wondered if he was even looking at them, or rather, his own reflection in the whites of MC’s eyes. “You’ll always be a monster, you can only hide it so much.”
MC wandered the halls of the castle that night, staring up at paintings and the intricate carvings on the tops of the walls. Their mind began to wander to what Asmo had said.
A hideous, grotesque, monstrous, disgusting creature….
That wasn’t what MC was! Not to them! They were just themselves! They had always just been themselves. They weren’t a monster any more than Asmo was a monster.
They looked up at one of the paintings that hung in a gilded gold frame in the throne room. A picture of a man and a woman, they both looked a little like Diavolo, the woman had his red hair, the man had his golden eyes…
“What do you think you’re doing, MC?”
The exchange student froze. Their eyes flicked to the left of them, where they saw a figure in the doorway to the room.
The faint light coming in from the hallway behind him obscured most of his features, but MC knew that pose and posture.
“Barbatos,” they said, turning to face him with a polite smile. “Hello!”
The demon slowly inclined his head towards the painting, and took a step forward that was so quiet and measured that MC was almost sure he was floating. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“I was just looking,” MC replied, their gaze flicking back to the painting for a moment, before fully turning to Barbatos. “Who are they?”
The butler came to a stop next to the exchange student, looking down on them with a blank stare. Studying them.
He then smiled.
“Why do you want to know?”
“I’m curious.”
“Curiosity killed the cat.”
“I’m not a cat.” MC answered back.
“So you’re spurred onward by the mere possibility of gaining new information, hm?”
MC nodded. “I like learning new things. I want to learn everything I can about this world I’ve stumbled into.”
For a moment, the demon’s eyes flashed yellow, and a more genuine smile cracked through the mask of politeness Barbatos seemed to always wear. But just as quickly as it had appeared, it vanished.
“You’re very odd, MC.”
“Yeah, I’ve been told.”
“Even if you were a human, you’d be odd to me.” Barbatos began. “I sense Mammon’s sin on you. My sin.”
“Really?” MC blinked a few times, then looked down at their open palms. “I don’t feel anything…”
“Most don’t,” Barbatos explained, a light chuckle on the edge of his voice. “But I also sense something else.”
“Lust.” Barbatos turned towards the paintings, his eyes scanning each and every one, like he was trying to count out the brushstrokes it must’ve taken to bring each painting to its perfect completion. “And Gluttony. You hunger for things, don’t you, MC?”
“Hm… maybe? I’m not sure, Barbatos.”
“You lust for knowledge, you’re spurred on by your desire for information, and most of all,” the butler’s eyes flicked back to them. “You crave companionship.”
MC opened their mouth to respond, but no words left their lips.
He was right.
MC was lonely.
Disgustingly lonely.
They had been their entire life.
They wanted friends. They desired the love they had seen in snippets from others. They craved to be let into the warm embrace of what Beel had explained as family. They didn’t want to be an outsider gazing in through a window, they wanted to be in the thick of it. Learn about every painfully human, angelic, and demonic emotion, feel each and every one course through their veins as easily as blood. They craved it all.
“Do you crave companionship, Barbatos?”
The butler did not reply for a moment, and the Devildom seemed to go still. MC could hear faint shifting beneath the floors, distant pattering in far off hallways, and the sound of a tree branch tapping against a window, but no sound from the demon next to them.
Until finally, they heard him take a breath. “I haven’t in a very long time.”
“When did you stop?”
“When I met Diavolo.” Barbatos said, his voice as measured, and calm as ever. “He asked me to stay with him and be his butler. His companion. And I said yes. I never hungered for company, or feared the lack of it again.”
“Oh…” MC tapped their cheek with one of their fingers. “When will I… when will I stop feeling lonely? Will I stop being scared of loneliness sometime?”
“Everyone is different, MC,” Barbatos explained. “But from how you seem to be progressing,”
He looked over at them, his stare was much more gentle than Asmo’s had been. A careful, soft little once-over, before a faint smile came to his lips.
“You won’t be lonely for much longer.”
The butler turned to leave, and MC looked back at the painting. “You never told me who these two were!”
“The king and queen.”
“Diavolo’s mother and father?” MC asked. “Where are they? Are they here?”
Barbatos stopped walking for a moment, and MC watched as he seemed to take a deep breath before speaking. “Let’s just say… Diavolo may have once been as lonely as you, MC.”
Author’s note
Yeah I have no excuse once again. School and sleep called to me like the song of a siren and I am weak willed and obeyed.
I do love me some mean girl Asmo though,,,, look at my man, projecting like that, girlie, go to therapy. Let me know what you guys thought in the tags or replies! Or you could shoot me an ask!
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