valsdelulucorner · 2 days
Mc in the first 20 lessons
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vals-delulu-corner · 2 days
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A OC for a upcoming comic<3
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valsdelulucorner · 2 days
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valsdelulucorner · 3 hours
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valsdelulucorner · 1 day
Hiiiii it’s me again for some more mermaid requests (btw thank you for taking for taking my last request). So I was thinking if you were up for it some hurt/comfort if mc managed to escape the island but decided to come back for a visit? So despite the bois best effort to keep mc on the island and they really tried, somehow mc managed to escape (not that I blame them imagine only eating sea food, fruits and water for months without any spices and non of the comfort of modern society anyone would go crazy) in the middle of the night somehow. But after a couple of months after reacclimating to society and the wonders of modern society holds they being to miss their fishy bois. So mc gets on a boat with a bunch of apologies gifts (ruichan merch for Levi, a water proof pillow for Belphie, some trinkets for mammon ect ect you can decide the gifts) and heads out mermaid island. Tear full reunion all that jazz. So if you could what would their reaction be to discovering that mc left, How they acted while mc was gone and what was their reaction to mc coming back?
Note: if this is too much just please their reaction to mc leaving and their reaction to them returning
This is absolutely adorable<3 i might do their reaction to the gifts in another fic but i'll definantly do how they react to MC leaving and coming back
Obey me brothers when you leave them then come back after a few months : mermaid au<3
They were asleep when you got taken back to the mainland, you had a bad nightmare so you decided to take a walk along the beach to try and clear your mind, leaving the brothers asleep in the cove. A rescue helicopter flew overhead the island trying to look out for any shipwrecks when they managed to spot you from above, sending down a ladder for you to climb on.
For some reason, you decided to climb up the ladder, getting hauled into the rescue chopper before being taken safely back to land. Lucky for you, you memorized the way back to land, memorizing the port where you land at. For the first time in months, you get a proper meal and some proper water that didn't need to be boiled or collected in banana leaves. You were able to see your family again, your friends, and you were able to go back to your old life, but what about the brothers?
The sound of the helicopter over the island didn't wake them up, they were used to the sounds of them coming over the island but its when it remained over the island that they started waking up. Mammon was the first to realize you were gone, hauling himself onto your little ledge to see if you were maybe hidden behind a box but nope, you were gone. He got worried and started asking around his brothers if they have seen you, causing all of them to wake up at the panic in his voice.
Lucifer being the oldest poked his head out of the underwater entrance to the cove, poking just his eyes out of the water to see two men hauling you into the chopper. Seeing this enraged him, letting the others know that you were taken from them forcefully, not seeing you willingly climb up the ladder to leave.
With the narrative set and hearts heavy, they all worried and mourned the loss of their little human friend, constantly patrolling the waters and yelling out your name into the bush of the island, hoping, praying that you might respond and show up. They started hunting more and started getting more aggressive towards ships coming by the island, it was humans that took you away so its humans that will pay the price. The island became a no-go zone for sailors, cruise ships, fishermen and divers, the word spreading that ships that come across the island never come back. Word spread quickly across the medias and soon came back to you, sitting in your comfy bed back at home.
This is the time that you thought was right to head back to the island to visit your mer-friends, packing two bags full of your clothes, water purifiers, fire starters, and some snacks you like while you will the other with presents for the brothers to apologize for being away for afew months. So you set sail, using your grandads boat to try and make your way back to the island. With constant warnings and rumours surrounding the island, you knew the general direction of the island. The closer you got, the heavier the feeling of dread felt in your gut.
After what seemed like hours on the boat, you could spot the island in the distant, the familiar site of the large cove and sharp rocks brought a strange sense of comfort to you as you got closer. That sense of comfort mixed with the feeling of dread left a strange taste in your mouth, discomfort fully taking over as your ship started to rock and shake. A scream left your throat as something attacked your little boat, a large gash at the bottom of the boat causing you and your bags to sink, luckily your bags were waterproof. You tried to get to your bags but something dragged you under and slammed you against the sandy floor, gripping your neck harshly as they keep you against the floor. It was like a blur and the impact of when your head hit the sand made you dizzy, you couldn't breath as the shadowy figure held you down against the sand.
It wasn't until something dragged him off of you is when you felt the clawed hand release your neck, something grabbing your arm and dragging you back to the surface. "MC?! MC, hey, MC?! Wake up" It was mammon, his hand lightly slapping your cheek to try and get you conscious again while he held your head up above water. 6 more heads emerged from the depths aswell as you finally started breathing again, a guilty looking Lucifer ushering you all back to the island while beel dragged your bags along.
The amount of relief they felt when they saw you again was insane, they all quickly got you back to the cove and got you up onto your little ledge, making sure your alright while beel places your bags next to your makeshift bed. Lucifer apologized for being so aggressive while mammon didn't let him near you, gently making sure your alright as asmo carefully tends to your neck. Levi was arguing with mammon because he wanted to see his human too while Satan hauled himself up onto the ledge with beel, trying to find something to patch up your neck while belphie rests his head on your lap. They were really surrounding you, so glad that your back with them now.
You didn't dare tell them you left on your own accord, letting them believe you escaped the vial humans that took you away from them, it would break their hearts so you just let them believe. You saw and felt what Lucifer did to you, you don't want to know what would happen if you told them you left. For know, you just let them surround you, happy that their little human is finally back with them
This was a long one! This was so fun to write about though, even if it is abit janky in some spots.
What should I do next<3
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valsdelulucorner · 2 days
there's this bug I used to get in NB
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the Mammon file doesn't exist in NB lol. self aware! au vibes?
But 100%, imagine they saw you install NB and got jealous of their ai counter parts so they got rid of them and replaced them, adding cards you liked back in the og obey me so you can still have fun and enjoy the cards on devil gram in NB.
I actually might write about that
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valsdelulucorner · 13 days
Mc and Diavolo
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valsdelulucorner · 25 days
Imagine MC taught Diavolo Gen Z slang and trends
Its really short and really shit but idk, enjoy =^..^=
Diavolo, doing a really strange dance : Lucifer look! Im doing what humans call hitting the griddy
Lucifer : ...... Me and MC are having a talk when I get home
Barbatos: My lord, you have to understand that you cant just leave your paperwork to the last minute. Its not productive
Diavolo: Thats not very poggers Barbatos
Barbatos: Do I have to tell you again my lord?
Diavolo:..... I'll start on it now
Mc and Diavolo singing "karmas a bitch" back and forth to each other:
Barbs and Luci about to loose it:
No one
Diavolo trying to be trendy:
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Lmao its so bad but its late and im working on another thingy, hope you enjoy<3
Im gonna fail all of my college classes lol
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valsdelulucorner · 8 days
MC watching MC go after the 7 brothers, the royals, and the undatables all at once
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valsdelulucorner · 27 days
Imagine MC gets a deadly familiar while down in devildom
Imagine Mc goes for a walk around the devildom after classes one day and they hear a small sound coming from a thorn bush. Inside they find a creature completely made on thorns, bush and beautiful blue devildom roses. There was little flower buds starting to grow along its body, indicating it was still just a cub. Now imagine it took a liking to you and refused to leave your side, clinging to your leg while its thorny tail dug into your ankle. It looks like you have no choice but to take the creature home, it looked so helpless and so looked like it wanted to come with you
Once you bring little Juniper (Little buddies name) home, the reaction from the brothers was something you did not expect. Every single one of them hid behind Lucifer while lucifer held up a chair, apparently this creature excreted spores and flowers lethal to demons. Now the question is, will you keep it?
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valsdelulucorner · 1 month
Grim Head Cannons <3
This is strictly platonic because grim is, well he's a cat
Grim loves to sit and lay across your shoulders and neck, weather he is just tired or just wants to hear better, he loves just resting on your shoulders. He can't hear the conversation properly? He's on your shoulders. He's tired and doesn't want to walk/float anymore? He's laying across your shoulders while he rests his face into the side of your neck. If you have long hair he'll use that to cover himself. If he gets threatened or annoyed by another student. He's standing on the back of your neck and leaning against the top of his head, hiding being you while he screeches things back. He gets scared? He's digging his claws into your shoulders while he hides behind you. Practically for anything, he would use it as a excuse to get on top of your shoulders.
After getting to know you more and spending basically all of his time with you, he starts to grow protective of his henchman. You are one of the first people to actually show him kindness and not call him names, the first person to actually hug him and care for him. He likes it, he doesn't want to loose something so precious to him. If he gets jealous when you talk to or hang out with the twst guys, he will just climb onto your shoulders and add himself into the conversation, acting like nothing is happening while he stares daggers into your companion. Your his henchmen, not theirs!
Ok hear me out, whenever Grims emotions get really strong, the fire in his ears start to grow and spread. Its difficult to actually get him to a point where his emotions get so out of control but when you do, keep a fire extinguisher or a fire blanket near by, though a fire blanket is preferred. Be careful when approaching before wrapping him in the blanket, just hold him in said blanket like a baby for a while before he calms down. He'll act like nothing happened but in reality, he's thankful to you, maybe a little annoyed at you if you use the fire extinguisher on him
He grooms you like a cat sometimes when your chilling with him, hear me out. If you guys are in bed ready for sleep or just laying with on a couch, he will start to lick and arrange your hair. If you have short hair, he will probably use his tounge because its easier for him. If you have long hair, he found out the hard way that grooming long hair is extremely difficult so he Justs uses his little paws instead. If you try and lick him back he will smack you with his paw before laying on you in the most annoying, inconvenient way
If you have a bag of marshmallows and a hungry grim, be prepared to make some home made roast marshmallows. I like the idea you introduce him to roasted marshmallows, he though marshmallows were mid but once you showed him the world of toasted marshmallows, he cant eat them without toasting them a little bit
If you come to twst as a chef or a Taylour, grim better be prepared to be either your little helper or your little test subject. If your a chef (and if Crowley actually gives you food for once) he will happily try and eat whatever you give him. I feel like he would love your food but like it abit on the burnt side, he eats rocks for heavens sake so i feel like he would like stuff more on the crunchy side. If your a clothing Taylour, he will begrudgingly agree to let you take measurements and use him to make little dresses, hats, ties, whatever you want. As long as you give him some tuna afterwards, he'll complain less
If you get gravely injured after a overblot or almost die during a fight, he would genuinely be so concerned and scared about loosing his henchman, you mean alot to him so seeing you bleeding and unconscious scares him. Once your allowed to go back to Ramshackle, he will honestly do his best to not cause trouble for you while you recover. If you have a broken arm, you are absolutely not allowed to hold anything around him, he will either carry them for you or make the first years carry your stuff instead. If you have a broken leg and need crutches, he will either sit on your shoulder and make sure no one gets close to you or he will walk along beside you and make sure you are not pushing yourself to far. He gets so protective of you while your recovering, he will make sure anyone that comes to help you keeps their distance, constant glares coming from him. He seems pissy but he is deathly afraid for you
Oh my lord, he will be absolutely heartbroken if you find a way back to your own world, your his best friend. If you manage to leave, I don't think he will be the same again. In a few years he will be alright but initially when you do leave, he is absolutely depressed. If he is willing to do absolutely anything to keep you here in twisted wonderland, he will break your mirror and blame it on one of the side characters, being there to comfort you while Crowley tries to find another way to send you home. Don't worry about why the mirrors are starting to break, grim is always there to comfort his Human
He likes to cuddle with you at night, he is basically a cat. He will either rest on your chest, will let you hold him in your arms while you lay in your side, rest underneath your armpit or curl up next to your neck. I love the head cannon that Grim is able to purr. When he is relaxed and cuddled up into your side, he will purr softly while he's dead asleep next to you. Dont mention this to him or he will try and stop it, he's a little embarrassed
he calls you "Human" "His Henchman"
I love this little trouble maker, sorry if i did write him abit out of character.
Who should i do next?
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valsdelulucorner · 3 days
If they ever met, they would make a new element on the periodic table
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valsdelulucorner · 4 days
Imagine the brothers broke out of their code and became self aware
It was difficult to accept at first that their whole existence was just code in a game, nothing more then ones and zeros put into a computer. They still had to act like everything was fine when you logged in though, hearts aching knowing that all your interactions were just the ones the game provided for you.
Leviathan managed to hack the camera to your phone/webcam when he was out of the scene, managing to see your face for the proper first time again, he was blown away. Seeing how you reacted to the brothers with genuine emotion, how you actually looked beside the sheep emoticon in the game. You were breathtaking, he could not breath for a good few minutes after hearing your laugh.
He kept this to himself for a while until Mammon and asmo walked in on him admiring you through your webcam/phone. Lets just say all of the brothers were surrounding his monitor in less then 5 Minutes after the walk in. By some type of magic and with the help of Levi (cough he didn't have a choice cough), they managed to change the sheep emoticon to your face so they could see your face when you talked to them, like you were actually there. It made them fall harder, seeing your face turn when you couldn't differ from some options you didn't like, it made you seem real and genuine.
You started to notice something was wrong with the game when their faces seemed to change alot more, their bodies moving more often in-between dialogue. Did they add new sprites to the game? When you showed your game to one of your friends, they acted completely normal like nothing had ever happened. Maybe you were just imagining it? Nope, you could hear a faint whisper in the background of your phone "that was close, we need to be more careful".
It started to freak you out so you didn't play the game for a few months, it was horrible for the brothers. They missed seeing your face, going on adventures with you. They knew they were in a game so all the thrills of their old life just didn't feel right anymore, it wasn't real. They eventually got fed up and tried to leave the game, actually managing to succeed in this. You can imagine the shock you feel when they were no longer showing up in the game
You got freaked out so you uninstalled the game, thinking it was the end of it. Oh darling, you can be so naive. This is just the beginning
First time doing a yandere concept type thing, not the proudest but i enjoyed writing it!
What should I do next? Requests are open<3
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valsdelulucorner · 13 days
What if MC got turned instead of the brothers
So if you've been in the obey me fandom for a while, you should know about the event that turned them into animal boys. But what if MC was given a potion by Solomon and now they are stuck with raven wings, eyes, and tail feathers.
Of course the brothers are absolutely pissed off at Solomon because not only did he use a potion on you without your knowledge, but he made you into a demi human! But their focus was more on you now, you were freaking out. Your wings and tail feathers smack into the brothers and other objects as you try and grab at your wings, your eyesight was a lot different aswell so that made you extra confused.
It took a while but they managed to calm you down, now having you sit down on one of the sofas in the living room. Lucifer sat next to you and helped you preen your wing feathers as they got scuffed up when you were freaking out, the others were not happy about this. You were like this for 3 week but during those weeks, it wasn't to miserable as you thought it'd be.
Because you were part crow now, you started to find yourself drawn to more shiny things and little trinkets, bringing them back to your own little nest that you made out of pillows and blankets. You started to get used to your new vision but you started to feel the urge to nest, the brothers would find you in little piles of pillows and other materials around the house. once they found you making a nest around belphie and just laying on him, another time they found you using satan's books to make a nest. He wasn't the happiest about that.
One thing you didnt like was how often you had to preen your wings and tail. Lucifer did it most of the time because he also had feathers but he also taught you how to do it. Sometimes the other brothers would help you and it was a nice bonding experience with them, though it was embarrassing how many feathers you plucked when you first got the wings. With the discarded feathers, you liked to leave them places where the brothers could find them. Not in a annoying way however, more in a endearing way. If levi hadn't left his room all day, he would find a nice little message written on a sticky note stuck to his door, a raven feather stuck behind it. The little things like that
I think any of the brothers would love to have you cuddle them in one of your make shift nests, one time making a cuddle pile out of all of them while you lay ontop, your wings spread out to try and cover your treasure. Sometimes when you got tired, you just flopped against one of the brothers and wrapped your wings around them, doesn't matter what they were doing, making dinner, gaming, working on homework, live streaming, doing make up, reading books, counting grim, doing paperwork, it didn't matter.
Ok, i know this isn't the best and i know it isnt exactly like a crows mannerisms so i just leaned more into MC's human side more
This was alot of fun to write, i am doing all of your requests dont worry<3 But if you want to see something, please ask in requests
What should i do next?
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valsdelulucorner · 11 days
Mc: Solomon honey.... when i said defrost the chicken, this..... this is not what i meant
Solomon, who has set raw chicken on fire on the bare kitchen counter: Its defrosting though
MC: .... How are you a real person
Solomon: Mc:
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I love quotes from media<3
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valsdelulucorner · 2 months
This pose would be such an Asmo thing to do:
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you gave me a idea, the bunny event outfit with that pose is a matchmade in heaven hun.
asmo is such a sweetheart, he's been my second favourite for a while now. he was so much fun to draw and im so sorry the quality isnt the best, i dont know why its doing that.
Who should I draw next?
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