#mystery au
iamespecter · 18 days
I love Pomni using the ends of her jiggling hat to cover her face when flustered but also I am a very serious artist and I take my job very seriously at all times (lie)
Have this frame of Raganoot as well, it didn't take me long to do like my usual art does, but I'm still pretty proud of how it came out nonetheless
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If you are unaware of what my au is, this is just what I have to show so far, but.... I-I promise the concept is... p-pretty d-decent-
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chrollohearttags · 8 months
BEYOND FACT OR FICTION: the boy who wanted to see the ocean • armin artlert
In this world, there are two types of people born into it. Those that live and those that experience it. The average and the exceptional..to say that Armin Artlert was on the latter of both sides would be an understatement. From the day of his birth to the early years of his childhood, it was blatantly obvious that he was not like the others around him. Considered a frail and sickly child, despite growing up in more modern times with access to the best healthcare, Armin found himself confined to his room most days. Fortunately, he did come from a rather affluent background so he had all sorts of materials and resources at his disposal to keep him occupied. He didn’t feel he was ever missing out on much because the rare times that he was able to even attend school, he was bullied by his peers. So he felt much more comfortable and safer in the essence of his own company. Especially since he had become rather infatuated with one topic in particular: the ocean. Next to the hospital where he often found himself a resident was a beach with the most crystalline of waters flowing over bright, beige sands. Palm trees swaying in the distance and resembling that of a screensaver, it was so perfect. It was a beautiful scene and one he had come to admire. To say the least! Some would even say that Armin was enamored..obsessed even. So much so, he dedicated his entire life to researching and learning all he could about aquatic life.
he was utterly fascinated with all things marine life and the functions of the waters. Granted, as humans, we’ve barely scraped the surface with only a 5% discovery rate of our vast waterways. The open seas were a mystery but being the inquisitive, determined mind he was, Armin wanted to unearth all of it. He would stop at nothing until he achieved his answers. Once he graduated from high school, college was next in the docket and as everyone suspected, the overachiever sought out his degrees in marine biology..he wanted nothing more than to solve the mysteries of our world’s waterfront. He took several courses in aquatic science, marine studies and by the time his academic journey came to an end, Armin Artlert had taken on the title of doctor by earning his PhD. Needless to say, he was super successful and living his dreams.
But around late 2017, things began to shift for the young scholar..friends, family and colleagues alike began to notice a change in him. As if his devotion to work wasn’t already enough, he became completely enamored with the topic of finding the ocean’s origin point!..discovering where they originated from and was there a precise point. Absolutely absurd but nothing was out of reach for Mr. Artlert. There wasn’t a thing going to stand in the way of his research. Not the government, the academic board or even money..at all costs, he had to make it happen. He was becoming erratic, spouting ramblings and nonsense about things beyond anyone’s comprehension. Staying up all hours of the night, plastered to his computer screen and reading texts from long ago.
“Please, just front me the ten grand and I’ll pay it back with interest, you know I’m good for it.”
“Just five thousand until the end of the month and I’ll get it back, I swear. Just trust me, please..”
Empty promises never fulfilled by either end because the people around felt that this was all going too far. He was doing good work and had written many theses on his findings. He had a high rise condo, nice car and even a beautiful lady..so why wasn’t it enough? Why did he have to surpass mankind and exceed his limitations? Curiosity was one thing but toying with mother nature was another level of insanity. So as you could imagine, on the night of April 11, 2017, when his girlfriend and fellow researcher, (y/n) (l/n), came home from work to find their condo completely empty. And not just silent..COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY BARE! Stripped of all furniture, decorations and most importantly, any trace of Armin! You were completely taken aback but the worst of this mystery was yet to come. Not wanting to alert anyone, you’d call around and ask if anyone had seen or heard from him, thinking that something could have happened to him. Not only that, if someone had come and cleared this apartment out in the span of a 12 hour duration, taking him along with them, who knew what..or who else they’d come after? Frightened, you rounded up all of your mutual friends and decided to assemble a search party. Because he was now 25 and very much a legal adult with the reserved right to go missing at any time, the police gave you all the typical runaround about having to wait twenty four hours to file a police report. Even so, time was of the essence and 24 hours was something you didn’t have to waste. So once everyone came over to the condo, you’d put your heads and all of the information together to hopefully reach a consensus about where he could have gone..you’d send a group out to scour the local coffee shops and libraries he frequented, even some of his favorite stores. Hoping to find a trace of him somewhere. His ‘Find my iPhone’ feature was disabled and the phone was going straight to voicemail.
“When’s the last time you saw him, (Y/N)?” his best friend and the person who knew him best, would question. If anyone had an inkling of the mental state he was in, it was most certainly the person who had known him since they were born. “This morning, in the cafeteria at the research center..he was grabbing breakfast and heading back up to his office. We were supposed to have lunch but I had few conference calls and studies so I couldn’t make it.”
You didn’t want to leave any stone unturned..and the first clue may have appeared a lot closer than anyone thought. Just down the hallway from the master bedroom was a small guest room where Armin conducted a lot of experiments. Sometimes late into the night and early mornings..and under absolutely no circumstances, was anyone allowed in. Not even you. He’d ensure so by installing a state of the art lock that was fingerprint and rigged with a series of intricate puzzles and questions that only he knew the answer. It was brilliant. A regular padlock wouldn’t suffice because what lay behind the door was something not only baffling but downright terrifying….
You worked for hours to hack the system and get it unlocked but to no avail. You even resorted to brute force by kicking and trying to hack it open with tools but no dice.
“Damn you, Armin. This is so like you…making everything difficult and mysterious. Where the hell did you go?”
It was around one in the morning and you were exhausted, from both work, the strenuous search efforts and just the long day in general. But a bit of good news would peer through this bleak situation..it was just as you were sitting on the floor, knees to your chest and your face buried in your hands, you’d hear a loud cackle.
“Ha! Finally..we got it.”
Just then, you’d hear a faint beeping noise and watch the padlock omit a green light. Signaling that it had been hacked successfully. Courtesy of one of your other scholar colleagues who worked in IT. For a mystery like this, you guys were going to need all of the man and brain power you could get. Upon unlocking it, you’d be the first to enter and once you pushed the door open, nothing could prepare you for what was inside…
“Oh my God!” a loud shriek left your mouth, only to be cupped by your hands seconds later. You were bewildered by the sight in front of you, as was everyone else…every wall, every inch of the space was littered with writing! Equations, secret codes and countless words were everywhere. Not only that, it was dimly lit with only select areas being illuminated..but perhaps the most frightening part were the makeshift pillars. Carved from marble and constructed six feet high, it was insanely creepy. How had he managed to do this? And by himself nonetheless because no one here had a clue what Armin was up to. What you thought would lead you all closer to answers had only left you even more confused. Not even the most brilliant of minds could decipher the messages or figure out what he was into. When it came to his personal research, he was very tight lipped about it.
days, weeks and eventually months went by without an answer or trace of Armin. Not a single clue, lead or anything brought you any closer to figuring out this mystery. Once the police finally got involved, they conducted routine searches, put out BOLO’s for his Mercedes and even brought the case to the news. But all of it was a waste.
it was all a waste until the day of October 11, 2017. Six months EXACTLY to the day he first went missing. You were at work, trying to power through the day as you had been doing. You were in the middle of typing up some findings from your earlier experiment when your phone rang and saw that it was the police department. Your heart and stomach sank immediately, expecting the worst. Had they found Armin? Was he okay? What was going on?! But the only instruction you received was to come down to the hospital because they needed to speak with you. Halting all else, you snatched up your car keys and coat, making a beeline for your vehicle in the parking garage. You didn’t hang up the entire time, even as you got buckled in. Because there was something else they told you, that had you racing toward him.
“He’s alive. He desperately needs medical attention but he’s alive, miss (L/N).”
so you placed it in reverse and peeled out there like a bat from hell! You refused to hang up until you laid eyes on him and knew for certain this wasn’t a prank. Fortunately, the hospital was only ten minutes away and in no time, you were pulling into the parking lot, rushing inside to see him. You’d reach the receptionist and ask if someone by the name of Armin Artlert had been brought in and at first, she was a bit hesitant, despite you showing ID, because after all, his case had gained national media attention so people were gathering to be in the know of if he was okay or not. But suddenly, a detective in a button down would come and scoop you up, giving a quick escort to the back area where he was being treated. Once you two arrived, the detective would ask you one simple question:
“Are you certain you’re ready to see him? He looks a bit different…”
but you didn’t care! You’d love him regardless and would be happy no matter the outcome. As long as he lived.
“Armie..oh my gosh..” whispering in a shrill cry because he looked really bruised and battered. His pale arms littered with red and purple bruises, head wrapped in bandages, arms stuck with needles and IV’s and an oxygen mask on his face. He was so fragile; dropping a staggering thirty pounds since his disappearance. He was severely dehydrated, flush and so weak. You couldn’t believe the condition he was in. You were even more surprised to find that he had wandered up to the police station, disoriented and talking out of character with nothing more than a thin loin cloth type thing on. He remembered his name but didn’t know what day it was, why he disappeared or where he had come from. It was as if whoever was keeping him, had put him in pretty bad shape. When asked about what happened whilst he was gone, he froze up and even began crying…that led all of you to believe that some very powerful people had gotten ahold of him. But what followed would send you into utter shock. The detective would pull you aside and ask to speak privately. It was there that he’d inform you that they suspected that Armin had not only gone missing of his own volition but that he staged the disappearance as an attempt to either evade the government for his findings or to garner more money for his research. People tended to shell out hundreds, even thousands when someone went missing so he figured he could swipe some of the funds from the GoFundMe to fuel his projects. It didn’t matter though, because your baby was back home and that was all that mattered.
to this day, no one knows what occurred on that night and what prompted Armin’s strange disappearance. Some still speculate that it was all a ruse and a ploy to get money. Others think that his research went entirely too far and landed him in hot water with the wrong people. But what do you think?
is there truth to this tale of the seas or a watered down lie?
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
Okay so-
I really wanna write drabbles for the fairy boys someday. Just to get into practice for when it's time to actually write their stories. Some time in the future I'll ask you guys for help with prompt ideas.
oh yeah and uh i may have also recently created a separate AU 👀
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edupiii · 1 month
🦇The Cryptic Tales of Coppersfield Update!!💛
Now I’m not entirely sure how many people on here actually read my fic The Cryptic Tales of Coppersfield, but incase you do I just wanna give a small update!
I’m more than halfway through finishing Chapter 10 as well as beginning Chapter 11, however, I am in the middle of final exams and essays for my first year of uni so my attention is focused on that stuff. I checked the other day and realized I hadn’t posted a new chapter in a while so I just wanted to put out this PSA incase any readers were wondering what was happening.
I’m also finishing up the designs for Lizzy and Khan, and sketched out Alice and Beau (even though they aren’t gonna show up for a while, I wanted to draw them). I think I’ll be making a new design for Uzi and possibly Thad since they were the first ones I made and looking back I think I could do better on them. To thank you for your patience and understanding, here is the intro to the next chapter!!
(Uzi uses she/they pronouns interchangeably btw, just a heads up incase you get confused reading)
TW: mention of body horror
Chpt 10, Game Plan
It was getting closer, she was sure of it. They couldn’t hear it over the sound of her own laboured breathing and the crunching of fallen leaves underneath their heavy steps; but they knew it was coming. They had been running in the dead of night for…she wasn’t sure on the exact amount of time, but a long time would suffice for an answer.
She stopped in the middle of a clearing and spun around, feeling the distinct fear of recognition growing. She had already been here. They’d gone in some type of messed up circle. But how?
Without warning, the sound of whatever was chasing her had caught up. They could hear it’s own heavy breathing and it’s snarling grin as it approached the small, tired figure. She begrudgingly turned their form to face their enemy, feeling her gut twist as the moonlight glistened off its torn and broken flesh’s
The creature cocked its head while making some sickly attempt to laugh at its preys reaction. It looked like it could have at one point been human, but its length and height were far too unnatural of any persons. Where Uzi assumed its eyes would be was covered by greasy hair while its mouth hung open. It’s not that it was opening its mouth, it’s that it no longer had a bottom jaw to close its ever gapping gob.
Long, spindly arms helped it crawl its thin yet heavy body closer to Uzi, her feet trying to move but unable too. Finally this thing stood over the terrified teen, drool dripping from its hanging maw onto Uzis hair and face. Its head drew closer and closer, its features becoming more prominent with every passing second.
The filthy hair covering its eyes slanted as it smiled down at Uzi, allowing her to be able to see the creatures face. As they looked in horror, a tinge of confusion began to swell. What gazed back at them were not eye’s necessarily, but two sagging black sockets. In the middle of each empty hole was that strange three pronged symbol Uzi had seen so many times before. They were glowing yellow and shaking sporadically.
Uzi snapped out of their trance as the thing inched its putrid face ever so slightly to her own, causing them to try and retreat. But they couldn’t. She looked back up and gazed at the beast whose warm breath incapsulated their face.
“Wha-what the hell are you?” they asked in a shaking voice. “Some kin-kind of eldritch monster?”
The thing reared back slightly, almost like it was in shock. However, this feeling quickly faded away as it brought its face right back up to Uzis.
“It hurts our feelings you don’t remember us.”
Uzi tried to pull away once again while looking at the things mouth. “How can-can you talk!? Some psychic link! You don’t even-“
“Easier to assimilate then explain.”
A large claw seemed to almost emerge from the shadows, its skin black with webbing between the talons. It rose up quickly and came back down on Uzi who readied for their painful demise, when suddenly-
Uzi shot straight up from their sleeping position, her alarm clock blaring it’s awful symphony. The noise hurting her very being, Uzi wasted no time scrambling over and slamming a shaking fist on the old electronic. It finally shut up.
Leaning back slightly, Uzi began to notice how much they were shaking. Their breathing was incredibly heavy with her heart rate sending small tremors throughout her body. She also began to notice how sweaty they were (gross! i hate waking up sweaty)
However, like the past week of restless dreams, it’s memory quickly faded from her mind. They couldn’t recall any of it. At least…they’d like to not recall any of it, because the one thing that stuck in her head were the unnerving words that were spoken to them before they awoke.
Spoken in that god awful, familiar monotone voice that chirped in their head.
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lonewolflink · 2 months
...what if...i wrote...a very short ryeji au that has nothing to do with wsc...
...WHAT IF...
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sorbet-and-gelato · 1 year
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after a precious arrow is stolen from a museum, novice investigator narancia ghirga and his mentor leone abbacchio are on the case to find out what happened! however, there are a lot of suspects and no clear motives...
since @solidag0 shared some art of it, i wanted to post some art of our mystery au too!! these are the suspects for the case!
(narancia does find out about squalo and tiziano being married. takes him a while.)
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claudeng80 · 11 months
Sands Through the Hourglass, ch. 2
“You have a lot of medical books, for a historian.” Obi can tell the difference between this and a modern medical book. He had basic first aid last year, the only part of P.E. that wasn’t totally brainless. But the more wide-open he makes the question, the longer it takes Shirayuki to get through the answer.
“That’s my research!” She sets down her book, and he knows he’s hit the jackpot. “I’m studying the proliferation of medical plant specimens in the Roman Empire, how knowledge of new plants and particularly living samples of those plants moved around the Roman world. It tells us a lot about networks of communication and patterns of trade, and informs the medical knowledge that the European world took forward with them for hundreds of years.”
He has to think that one through for a minute- she’s practiced this speech a few times. “You mean like these ancient doctors would send each other potted plants?”
Read the rest on AO3
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starskulls · 2 years
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Meddling kid
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borrowedtimeandspace · 11 months
The Secret Flatmate
3. Impulsive
From this list of gt prompts.
AU: Unknown BAU
Note: Two prompts in one day??? Yep! ^^ this prompt and a few others have given me a bit of an excuse to actually post some things that have been floating around in my WIPs for a good while now. Enjoy some bonus pocketlock!
John Watson was a creature of habit. That was to the advantage of one Sherlock Holmes, who carefully watched the man from the safety of the walls.
221B Baker Street was an odd place for someone less than four inches tall to hang their hat– or long wool coat in Sherlock’s case– but Sherlock loved it. He’d been a drifter for quite some time, always shifting around London. One thing Sherlock had never been able to do was sit still.
Until he stumbled upon this humble flat in Central London. At first glance it didn’t seem like much; the most interesting thing about Mrs. Hudson the landlady who lived on the ground floor was that she was apparently married to a drug lord, and he wasn’t even in England anymore. Bored, he decided to explore the flat one floor up. From the second he saw it– with its kitschy wallpaper, rubbish carpet and mismatched armchairs– he was enamored. How he ached to be able to live in 221B Baker Street properly, like a human.
And then he remembered he was human. At least he used to be. He’d given up on wishing for his old life back ages ago. Things would never go back to the way they were.
He ended up settling for the next best thing. After a few weeks of absconding with food and supplies from Mrs. Hudson, Sherlock considered himself fully moved into 221B. It was empty, but someone would rent it out eventually, and then he could live off them.
Sure enough, John Watson moved in, and he was at least a little more interesting than the landlady. 
Sherlock had a hobby in childhood that became an instinct as an adult. Extraordinarily observant, he could pick apart even the most minute of details in a person-- their clothing, their posture, even their accessories-- and from them glean an understanding about their life. This was all the easier when observing human beings, whose relatively massive statures rendered all those details plain as day to Sherlock.
While peeking in on his first conversation with her, Sherlock observed that the man was ex-military, wounded abroad if his limp and tan were any indication. Just returned from either Afghanistan or Iraq (confirmed later to be the former) and clearly hadn’t found a job yet. There was no way he could afford rent in Central London on Army pension alone, so it stood to reason that he must be getting help. Perhaps a loan, or a bit of aid from a family member. Taking a wild guess on a hunch after a closer look at the human’s mobile phone, Sherlock thought John’s brother might have lent him a little. Judging by the other things Sherlock deduced about the brother’s failed marriage and drinking habit, it wasn’t the easiest thing for John to reach out to him.
John took the flat– Sherlock’s flat– right away, and the smaller man kept a watchful eye on the new human. It took John a while to find a steady job, solidifying a schedule for Sherlock to take advantage of. He fell into his own habits, patterns of going through his flatmate’s things to learn more about him. It didn’t take him more than a week to learn about John’s career as a doctor, his shoulder wound that got him discharged, and the psychosomatic limp and tremor that came out of that.
This was a man lost in his own world, his own thoughts and nightmares, especially in the comfort of his own home. A perfect human for someone trying to avoid detection.
Or so Sherlock thought.
A few months after the doctor moved in, Sherlock was raiding the cupboards for enough to last him the week. John had long since gone to work, so the flat was quiet and peaceful.
Sherlock took full advantage of Dr. Watson’s recent grocery run, snitching a little from each freshly opened box and package. It was almost boring, how easy pickings were that day. He decided to climb down to the counter, make the rounds of the kitchen before heading back to his hidden home.
No sooner had he emerged from the cupboard sliding smoothly down his hook and line, than the smell hit him. Dark curls whipped around as Sherlock followed the scent to the table in the middle of the room where a plate of homemade scones sat. Sherlock’s stomach clenched with longing; it was around lunchtime and, while the bits of cracker and cereal and dried fruit in his bag made for a successful haul, it had been ages since he’d had the chance at a proper scone.
He longed for the days when he could hold one in hand and carry it along his merry way as he ate.
As it was, no one was home and the plate was hardly touched. Sherlock reasoned that it’d be a shame to let them go to waste, landing efficiently on the counter and giving his line a pointed flick to disengage the paper clip he’d twisted into a hook. The second he caught it, he was on the move to dig it into the edge of the counter. From there, it was a short jog along the floor, a sharp toss of his hook, and a quick shimmy up the dark thread.
The smell was even stronger on the table surface. Sherlock usually exhibited a lot of self control when it came to what he ate, whether it be out of necessity due to a shortage of pickings or a voluntary fast to aid his brainwork. But for some reason, this scone was different. Maybe it was the sheer nostalgia of the treat or the rare opportunity for something fresh, but there was absolutely no hesitation in his step as he made a beeline for the plate. 
He had to give Mrs. Hudson credit: her scones were heavenly. The pastry crumbled easily enough and melted in his mouth, interspersed with the sweetness of the fruit that had been baked into the dough. For once, his ever-running mind stood still for a moment, drawing him back to childhood.
Shoving his older brother aside to snag two handfuls of scones before school in the morning.
Opening his eyes to regard the crumbs in his hands, Sherlock forced himself to push those memories away. That family was lost to him forever, and he would never get that life back.
Not while he was under four inches tall.
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stylezxsilvermoon · 2 months
the secret charm: chapter one: the reckoning
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❝tonight we'll stand, get off our knees, fight for what we've worked for all these years, and the battle was long, it's the fight of our lives but we'll stand up champions tonight.❞
(pre story note: while reading, please enjoy the song put at each chapter, i specifically pick them to help visualize scenes + aesthetics' of the book for you, the readers, if you choose to, please listen!)
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❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
A single key was played in the chorus of disaster, a final note was written in the crescendo of chaos.
The orchestrator was one unknown to me, but eerily spectral... in an almost ethereal way. Quite abruptly, my interest was piqued. Captivated like it was the brightest star on a dark twilight night, but stars don't shine because of their beauty, nor their worth. But because they're burning into an everlasting oblivion. And in their wake, they leave unfathomable scattered chaos across all the lands, covering all in their blazing stardust.... hopelessly enthralled in the flaming, fallacious star.
The smell of champagne and rich perfume clogged my senses to my dismay. I disliked the royal life although I was born into it and had lived this way all this time. My better judgement had trusted my inner conscience to never fall into the wicked grasps of the crisp dangers of hierarchy. But I knew all too well, I'd be surrounded, suffered in the darkness of high expectations. It was charging towards me like a typhoon of madness, all surrounded in a high standard ticket to everlasting stardom.
I sighed and stared at the unfamiliar world I was soon to be thrown into, as the limousine drove us into descending chaos, the only place in the world I would ever be hated most... even to my worst nightmares. Ethelle, the capitol city of Elles. Although, the hillsides were gorgeous and lush with people with lined pockets, and guarded hearts. There was no doubt their gazes were fierce and filled with venom at the presence of their ultimate rival on their land. I looked to my mother in protest as to why we were here... after all we were treading on enemy soil, and I'd longed to be anywhere but here. Even back at the castle, I remarked sarcastically to myself as I stared into the blinding light of the midday sun. The warmth was comforting in its own way, contrasting perfectly with the falling multicolor leaves of an early September day.
I had read about this place in books growing up as a small lad, this place, amongst the chaos and the intertwined past of this kingdom and mine, it was almost as if I knew it all. Ethelle was the heart of the country that had caused chaos and turmoil in my homeland of Lorxix, in a great war when both of the kingdoms were only in the beginning of forming their dynasties... in the early years. Before I was born, for certain. But shortly after I discovered the tangled and mysterious past of both of the kingdoms... and it was more than deadly, morbid I would describe.
The Styles are the rulers of Elles, a land of secrets, untied endings and lavish lives lived out with no sort of meaning or purpose...only for show, for an audience of empty eyes. Long ago, they had attacked my kingdom out of a fear of infidelity ad treason amongst the walls of their own kingdom...accusingly of my own blood. My own father, King Adrien Sky Tomlinson fell victim to King Edward and they both suffered the cruel fate of both of our kingdom's mistakes. Until now, I'd wanted nothing to do with the kingdom that left my own in shambles. But now I fear it's time to change the course of the future, and to make sure the past doesn't repeat itself.
Suddenly, the vessel carrying me to my doom stopped in front of the steps of a building with an exterior that looked as if it could have been carved out of stone by the gods themselves. My blue eyes scanned the beige building for a name as my eyes landed on it, a large, lettered sign with golden letters reading "ETHELLE CHARM SCHOOL" to my dismay as my mother looked at me mischievously.
"Mother..." I spoke with caution laced between my teeth as she gestures to the school grandly as I sigh and lean back in my seat in annoyance. To my dismay, my mother had informed me I'd be enrolled in the school for royals... in the land of our enemies for centuries before, it was almost treason in my eyes, quite literally being beside your enemy, and living amongst them! How could someone do such a thing? I supposed I would have to find out quite soon. Regardless of it all, my mother was set on defying the things that separate us as a society, therefore we must come together. Who knows, maybe I'll make some allies and friends for the future of my country while I'm captivated by the unfamiliar auras of a new future.
Or maybe, I'll compete in the greatest duel between the Styles and the Tomlinson's since the great war, whichever event would play out, I was more than ready to take it on. Perhaps, a new dawn will rule over us and peace will prosper. Otherwise... a great evil will spread throughout the lands once I'm crowned King, and to whomever is the Styles' heir to the throne will be doomed to my merciless wrath.
Somehow, someway she was dead set on correcting the errors 'our fathers before' had so wrongly decided upon with the great war against with the Styles' legacy. Peaceful in her nature and roughish in mine, I sought revenge. Quite frankly I'd like to think that'd never end, as long as my sword is as sharp as my wits it will be. Whether the both of us agreed or not both kingdoms had striking similarities, ones that tore them apart... or unconventionally could bring them together.
The Styles' and the Tomlinson's are both elites, strong warriors and cutthroat with a passion of blazing a trail for the destinies set before us. However, what separated me from my father before me was the halting of the centuries of repeated circumstances, I was committed to breaking the vicious cycle. The Styles were of a fickle breed, poisonously charming to a fault. Never letting any opportunity for betrayal slip through their fingers. Always, up for a challenge no matter how deadly. My father's mistake was questioning the all-powerful authority of a mourning mad man of love. Whom was already half gone and half damned, seeing that through the illusions of a fallen bond... bloodshed was the only call to the void.
Killing my father with his words and his sword, once allies... but no longer. Almost damned to say the bonds that connected them were ever true and sturdy in the first place. They were one for lying, two for extreme moral destitutions. And those damned green eyes resembling a vipers splint ones, spited and venomous, charmed and fraudulent.
So, in a turn of peaceful solidarity I'd be the first of the Tomlinson's to try to make amends with the Styles, no matter how much bitter resentment would try to drive us apart, I vowed to do it for my mother and my late father, if not myself. Or, no matter how much I wanted to slash the throat of the nearest Styles heir at point blank range.
"Louis my honey, it'll be good for you, after all a good King needs allies, and you can learn a thing or two here... perhaps meet a princess to make your Queen?" My mother suggested as I shrugged my arms hesitantly. I wasn't all that sure about my stay at Ethelle in the first place, so I'd rather take one thing at a time, I sighed in a conclusion that my fate had been sealed.
With the wordless rebuttal of my rebellious ways no longer up for debate, my personal assistants quickly piled out of the car to help me with all of my baggage. I gasped in the realization that my mother had already packed my bags, as if she wanted to send me away to an enemy institution so soon! Though, perhaps I was being too dramatic, to my curiosity I oddly wanted to know more about the seemingly quaint town of Ethelle and the school that resides in it.
To my shock, a young royal... judging by their crown, emerged from the school's grand and gleaming double doors peering directly at me with curiosity of multitudes and an unexplainable bout of mischief upon them. It was a young lad about my age, with brown wavy hair and striking green eyes with a certain allure to them. It almost looked as if they could promise you your wildest dreams, faintest fantasy, or cruelest nightmare, something told me that I would have to decide for myself...soon. My eyes scattered for a place to look to the boy's eyes were kept on me, opening me up and disregarding my weapons, leaving me completely defenseless.
Once he got close enough, his pearly white skin (at least if my eyes weren't deceiving me) shone, gleamed, sparkled, and shimmered in the fall sunlight as leaves crunched beneath his expensive shoes. His cherry-blossom lips parted slightly as words slipped from his mouth as his Ethellic accent shone through his words like a bursting ray of moonlight on a somber night.
"Hello...... mate," his words hit like a raging storm. "You must be... Prince Louis Tomlinson of Lorxix, I'm Prince Harry Styles from Elles... as you may know. I'm here to show you around the school this year, don't worry you'll fit in just fine." He smiled with an almost faux tone as he read my name from a card he was holding in his tattooed hand.
As he bowed before me and kissed my hand, my entire body nearly seized at his gesture. An entire ghostly chill snaked its way down my spine. How could a murderer's son be this deceiving in his own right?! He must have thought he were playing me for a fool like a grand piano in his own grand solo. My, my, my, he will be sorely mistaken when he discovers I am no fool to his dreamlike aura attempting to cloud my previous pretenses for him! As if he could wash it all away with quick looks and flashy charismatic moves...so he thought.
With a broad smirk on my face hidden behind my grumpy 'woe is me' exterior, I looked at him as he motioned me into the school as my servants went through a back entrance. Supposed to wherever the luggage is placed of the royals at this school, not making it any less suspicious, though. Of course, he was a Styles I scoffed, the minute I step foot on his soil he's already immersing my presence with faux affection and loaded laughs.
A new moment, my face flips, contorts and changes as he meets my eyes, flopping like a fish and desperate to cover up the thoughts that were so obvious onto my face. I sigh, perhaps nothing would change in result of my stay here... I admitted halfheartedly, and a bit gloomfully. I gazed at him critically as my eyes shot daggers while they retained their aura of innocence. No doubt I would determine his true demeanor long enough, he was a Styles, they all begin to show their true colors soon enough. I looked into Harry's ivy green eyes as they surrounded me with a warm suffocating gaze as he tried to comfort me with a hint of curiosity in his mind that was splayed across his face. I looked behind me to the limo that my mother and I had rode in here, as my past disappeared with it.
My eyes slowly examined inside of the double doors as strange men in white suits with golden accents on said suits opened the doors for us, shocked at my presence. All of a sudden, what I saw next completely took my breath away. The school was adorned with cavernous hallways at every corner, and lux decorations gracing the grand hall... trophy cases graced the walls as each plaque had names on them, ones I did not know, but I figured I would soon enough. Harry marveled at my reaction to the school as he daringly put his hand on my shoulder, breathing with me as if he had seen it for the first time, which I doubted he had since he resides in this city, so what was with the sudden gesture?
"If you must know," Harry started formally "Ethelle school is a historical school at best, very hard to get into. I'm legitimately surprised they let someone of your stature into the establishment. I suppose my mother wanted to give you a fighting chance at redemption." Harry spoke into my ear as I quickly pulled away from his hold as he laughed at my reflex as my hand ghosted over the shape of my sword in its sheath.
"And don't be afraid Louis, I am simply an old friend in some sort, am I not?" he smirks at the way I flinched away from his touch. As if he had mistaken it for fear instead of a grimace or disgust, as if I would tremble in his presence, shiver in his touch, he was in for a surprise I bet.
His eyes widen for a split second, before shifting to that same 'holier than thou' glint and lustrous-like look as if he wanted to eat me alive, and most likely not because he found me appealing...but the idea, however...
"So, you carry weapons on the regular hm? Should expect that from a Tomlinson," Harry started, inching his pompous attitude way over the line that I could manage, and I'd just only stepped into the door, I pinched the bridge between my nose in annoyance as I edged my sword out of its sheath out of pure spite. "Don't you dare reveal your sword to the light or I'll unarm you right here where you stand, trust in that Louis." Harry hissed into my ear as I held my hands up in defeat, rolling my eyes in the process.
"Hand it over..." Harry commanded, his fingers pointing towards himself as he pushed me to hand over my sword as I looked to him with bewilderment. As if I would give up my sword to the enemy after he'd just made a threat on my life seconds before? I scoffed as I walked away from him into a stray hallway carelessly, unknowing and uncaring of where I was going, anywhere away from the prince of pompous. I sneered at my own remark, I smirked mischievously at my new discovery, the dorm hall.
"You can't wander off like that Louis, this place is quite large. But oh, look you've found the dorms... I can only wonder who you'll be rooming with this year, God forbid it'd be me, or your head be chopped clean off before the first weeks end!" Harry exclaimed jokingly, his loud laugh booming throughout the hall, but something told me he was more than serious.
"Funny, say Prince of pompous tell me why your grand school is so dead, no one's here." I questioned judgingly as Harry overlooked my features as if I was daft. "It's a few days before school begins, you've arrived early. However, you'll be staying at my castle until the school year has officially started." Harry sneered wickedly as if his gaze would cast a wild spell on me that would cause unexplainable tortures and nightmares. And I was stuck in the middle of storm of an enigma of him. And I was desperately trying to escape it, to no avail of course, just my luck.
"Wonderful..." I groaned incessantly as Harry's eyes turned into slits pointed in my direction as he turned on his heel and continued to go on with the tour of the school's endless spacious rooms and hallways. As we continued on, my mind began to roam and float onto more interesting things such as what would truly come out of my year at Ethelle, I wondered. No doubt Harry would be driving me to my wits end before the finale of the school year. But bizarrely, I became interested in the complex archive of information that was housed in the walls that towered nearly everything. The aura of this place, hollow at best... but something possessed in it. Or... in me as it was suddenly shown to me, that this place had secrets, and lots of them.
And I, Prince Louis William Tomlinson of Lorxix was now completely, utterly in too deep to abort the mission of finding out exactly what Ethelle charm school was hiding. Or, if it was hiding anything at all. Suddenly, the sounds of Harry's Ethellic accent rang through my ears as he called my name incessantly as my neck nearly snapped at the speed, I'd turned around to face him as he looked at me. As if he now in this moment asked a daring question that I'd failed to answer. He stared at me with worlds of illusions that swam peculiarly in his eyes like an exotic fish through a fresh stream.
"Did you not hear me?" He inquired cluelessly as he shook his head at my lack of concentration, I'd scoff at his lack of closemouthed behavior.
"Erm... no, you talk so much I can't seem to keep up." I admitted bashfully but honestly as Harry's green eyes turned into splints of shining emerald that mirrored mine in the most delicate way one could ever stare. So hatefully, intricately, tearing me piece by piece, it disgusted me.
"Well, I informed you that things run differently at my school. We have twice annual dances every season. And roommates for boarding rooms are picked by yours truly and my mother the Queen of Elles... so you've made the wrong move getting on my bad side." Harry pushed with a smirk as if him controlling which room I would live in could sway me to kiss his pompous ass. I dismissed his failure at wooing me into petrified fear, as if someone of my high standard would stoop so low. I may be a rebel to all of the ridiculous hoops I would have to jump through... but no matter what I'd stay a royal at heart, no matter how much I'd loathed it.
"Ah, well... my days are numbered I'm shaking in my boots prince Harry, please except my formal apology!" My voice shook dramatically as I waved my hands in the air as a sign of defeat as Harry murmured under his breath and crossed his arms with a huff. Then to top it off, his eyebrows knitted together creating the most delicious grimace spread across his face. I lived for it surprisingly... the thrill of hitting him where it hurts fueled me in a way nothing had ever before. Getting my revenge perhaps, even in presumably the pettiest way known to man.
After all, we were natural born enemies like gods and monsters, we both knew who was on either side of each fight. It was only expected for the both of us to be cutthroat, it's what kept our hearts beating and our swords sharp. I sighed as Harry went on with his endless monologue about the attire I must wear to school and the academic requirements to keep myself afloat. I rolled my eyes while his back was turned, what was with Mr. speeches forevermore again? I had not the slightest idea.
"Don't make it harder for yourself than it already is twat, it's about to be the worst year you've ever seen." Harry warned angrily, his devilish tone predicted a challenge, I presumably knew there wouldn't be one.
Let the reckoning begin.
A/N: starting a new story is always like a breath of fresh air to me, I truly hope you've enjoyed the chapter... after all this is only the beginning. I personally love Louis and Harry's interactions, like lol they both hate each other so much it's funny. I can't wait to see the reaction of all of my readers reading this story as it progresses and things change... how do you all like this first chapter? Let me know, don't be shy!
I'd love to hear any of your theories or opinions on my work, I live for it actually, so if you're up for it you can ask me anytime about anything regarding my books, it's a safe place for everyone.
Alright, off to vanish into the dark mysterious hallways of Ethelle's charm school to write another chapter! See you next time my friends!
All the love, Louiscarrotsxoxo
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AO3 - the secret charm
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iamespecter · 17 days
Thanks so much for 500+ followers, y'all!!!
As thanks for this milestone, here is a little animatic I made of 'HEAVEN SAYS.' for my TADC au; 'The Suspenseful Digital Mystery'! :D
This was a bit inspired by a "practice" artwork I've made for the AU that I never got to finish because life is simply too busy, and I take a while to paint so
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National Organize Your Home Office Day & National Plant a Flower Day
Person A always thought their roommate, Person B, who works as a botanist was going overboard for putting a hidden safe room in their home office. But then Person B goes missing while on a business trip, and Person A is dragged into a dangerous mission to save their roommate who apparently specialized in plants used for their poisons/toxins, with the help of a coworker of Person B’s, Person C, who thinks Person A is an annoying deadweight, but Person B made Person C swear that if anything happened to them that Person C would protect Person A for them.
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alubear-makes · 1 year
Submas AU
My name is Ingo, I am a Subway Boss from Unova, one of two with my twin, Emmet. I spent multiple years stuck in Hisui, the Sinnoh region of the past, with no memory of who I was or where I came from besides my name. I have returned, reunited with Emmet, a two-car train once again but…. I am not... I have changed. Human?... Maybe. Pokémon? I’m not sure. Whatever I am now, I cannot help but look in the mirror, and see that I… that we are no longer the same.
Emmet, he tries comfort me, says it does not matter to him what I look like, that all that matters is I am home. And I know there is truth in that, that he is truly just happy I have returned. But, sometimes, I can see it in his eyes… what is it? Sadness? Pity? I do not know, but it brings a pain to my heart when I see it.
I’m creating and au with my friend @koraidons-wheels and this seemed like a good first piece to post.
What’s wrong with ingo? What does he mean that he is changed? Heheh stick around for future parts to find out.
(Tag with the au name will be added sometime after I post the part that the name would spoil. Will be tagged as mystery au until that happens or I become impatient and just say what’s happening hah)
Feel free to ask questions! I’ll answer what I can or hold onto them until I can answer!
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f1-disaster-bi · 1 year
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remadra · 2 years
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Colored pencils make me go :))
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lonewolflink · 1 month
new au is all ready to go for ryeji day :)
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