#tadc! mystery au
iamespecter · 18 days
I love Pomni using the ends of her jiggling hat to cover her face when flustered but also I am a very serious artist and I take my job very seriously at all times (lie)
Have this frame of Raganoot as well, it didn't take me long to do like my usual art does, but I'm still pretty proud of how it came out nonetheless
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If you are unaware of what my au is, this is just what I have to show so far, but.... I-I promise the concept is... p-pretty d-decent-
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rottentricks · 7 days
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I had fun with this challenge, presenting Butcher & Boxer purple rabbits :>
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layziidakkii · 3 months
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We've got Zooble, Kinger, and Gangle as they'll appear in Elevator Hitch! :D
Hope yall like the designs, my fave is Zooble :)
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midnightfire830 · 7 months
My bets are that Mugman will be Ragatha
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I’ve been tossing around with a few ideas. But I’m still unsure about placement.
Especially with Pomni. Either that’s going to be Bendy or Holly.
If Bendy is Pomni then either Alice or Holly will be Ragatha and Mugman will be Gangle.
If Holly is Pomni then Bendy will be Zooble, Mugman Ragatha, and I’ll have to find someone else to be Gangle (maybe Boris? Idk it’d be kinda hard to draw a wolf with the comedy mask and I do like Mug’s design.)
idk what do you guys think? About character placement and character design! I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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Morning guys, or afternoon/evening depending on where you are. So, I know I said the @rottentricks story was only gonna be three chapters, but chapter two has gotten so big I wouldn’t feel right slapping a giant wall of text onto your timeline. So, it’s being split into two parts. Here you are, hope you like it!
T/W: Blood, discussions of suicide/murder, fantasy racism
Animals Ch. 2: Sheep, Part 1
What do you get for pretending the danger’s not real?
Pomni fell out of bed with a jolt at the sound of her telephone ringing. She hurriedly detangled her quilt from around her foot as the phone rang again, followed by the caller ID loudly and robotically blurting out:
“Gee, thanks…” Pomni mumbled. She had no idea why her parents got her a phone with caller ID. It almost never worked unless the person had a private cell, and the only people she knew who could afford one of those were her parents… Hm, she might have just answered her own question.
She grabbed the phone off the charging dock and hit talk before it could ring again.
“Hello…?” she said sleepily.
“Hey Pomni, it’s Ragatha! Did I wake you up?”
Pomni cleared her throat. She checked her watch. 12:47 PM… sweet Jesus. How embarrassing.
“Uh- n-no, you didn’t… what’s up? You okay?”
“Oh yeah, I’m fine, hun, but have you seen what’s going on downtown?” Ragatha asked, her tone hushed. A faint susurrus could be heard in the background of the phone call.
“Uh… no. I’ve been at my apartment since I got steak from Kingston’s Charcuterie yesterday morning… Working on stuff for school, you know? What’s happening?”
“You were at Kingston’s yesterday…? You know Jax then?” Ragatha’s tone turned much more serious.
“Uh, yeah..?”
“Honey, he was arrested.”
Pomni covered up the mouthpiece of the phone and loudly swore. She uncovered it and kept talking.
“Are you serious..? Why?” she asked. Her concern was quite genuine, but her surprise was not. She knew why.
“They’re saying that it looks like someone killed Kaufmo with a knife and hung him up a tree to make it look like a suicide… oh god, it’s horrible. But they found a knife from Jax’s store in the woods nearby, and they said that was good enough evidence to arrest him. They took him in last night around 6 PM…”
Pomni sighed. She knew it would happen… Those stupid cops already had him pegged for the murderer. There was some evidence sure, but-
Well… maybe she was wrong. Maybe they did find some evidence incriminating him that came up, fingerprints (like she demanded they look for), a piece of purple fur or something… Maybe she really was just letting her biases get in the way.
“…all over Main Street. …Pomni, baby, you there?”
Pomni blinked back into her apartment, and realized that Ragatha had been talking the entire time she’d been arguing with herself.
“Uh- s-sorry you broke up for a minute, what did you say?”
“I said that someone must have said something, because there’s a huge protest going on outside the station, saying it was an unfair arrest! There’s out-of-towners, some locals, they’re all over Main Street! I think I see a news van out there..! You can probably hear ‘em right now!”
“Oh god, is that what that background noise is? Holy shit. Are… you okay, Ragatha?” Pomni asked.
“Me? I’m a little shaken up. Jax has been providing supplies for the café for years! He gives us our steak, our burgers, our bacon, our sausages… and he’s my friend. He can be a bit rude and he’s scary looking, but… I don’t think he’s capable of…killing people.” Ragatha whispered the last two words.
“I don’t think he is either,” Pomni said. “And-And I only met him for a few minutes yesterday. Sure, it’s suspicious about the knife, but he sells knives! Someone could have used one they already bought or stole one. And-And I was there when those cops showed up, and I saw how they acted! They looked ready to shoot him and one of them said something really nasty…”
Ragatha sighed. “You wanna know the sad part, honey? That doesn’t surprise me even a little. Autumnvale is a nice place, but some people around here like things in their place, and if you fall outta that place… It can be hard for you. But I hope you don’t think our whole town is like that.”
“Oh- No- No, not at all! I love the friends I’ve made here. You’ve been amazing…” Pomni said. She meant it. Ragatha had basically taken on the role of her big sister here.
“Aww… That’s so sweet of you, Pomni. You’ve got enough to eat, right? I’m sorry I closed the café yesterday…”
“No, Ragatha, don’t worry. I was fine, and you needed the day off. But I can come see you now if you want? I haven’t had breakfast yet and I ate my whole steak yesterday…”
She could practically feel Ragatha’s luminous smile through the phone. “Well sure, hun, come and visit! I’ll make you something special. Just be careful, okay? These protesters are making me nervous…”
“I will. See you in a bit, okay?” Pomni said with a smile.
“Bye.~” Ragatha said, and there was a click at the other end.
Pomni hopped off her bed and got herself dressed. Fresh underwear, then shirt, then pants, then fleece, then puffer, then purse. She looked out her window, saw it was snowing, and added a pair of black gloves and a white scarf, topped with her gray university beanie. It didn’t match her outfit, but maybe with this on, the protestors wouldn’t yell at her. She was on their side, after all, she thought something was fishy about the whole thing too…
She stepped outside, looking around at the falling snow. Big, fat flakes that looked like wisps of cotton. She held out a black-gloved hand and caught one. The flake remained on her palm for a moment before the heat from her hand caused the fluff to recede into water on her glove. She smiled.
She put her glove back on the strap of her purse, then turned to look at the stairs. They were dusted with snow, and no doubt slippery.
She huffed and gripped the railing tight. One step at a time, never let go. Repeat for all thirteen steps.
An excruciating minute later and she was at the bottom, panting and sending up plumes of steam. She appreciated being on the second floor to avoid the rats and bugs, but having to climb up and especially down these icy stairs was brutal… One of these days she was going to slip and fall and it was gonna suck.
“You okay, Miss?”
Pomni looked up at the unfamiliar voice. An abstract person sat atop a horse. They had a triangular head, bright pink, with no visible mouth and a shiny metal hook for a left hand. They wore a heavy poncho, colored dark green with yellow diamonds, and a brown cowboy hat. They sat atop a horse with an unusual coat, a nearly perfect split between black and white stripes and plain white fur.
“Um… hi. Yeah, I’m fine, just… uh… stairs.” Pomni pointed to the offending structure, still out of breath.
“Mmm. You headed into town?” the person on the horse asked.
“Yeah. You heading there too? Have you heard about the protests..?” Pomni asked.
“Yeah. I’m close friends with the guy that got arrested. I’m gonna see if I can post his bail.” they said.
Pomni perked up a bit. “Oh, great! Uh, I’m a friend of his as well! I saw the way the cops treated him…”
“Really? Tell me about it, I’ll give you a lift into town.”
The person on the horse turned their mount around the opposite direction, offering their non-hook hand. Pomni took it, carefully sliding her feet into the stirrups and climbing up onto the horse, sitting herself a bit clumsily behind the rider. The horse shook their head and snorted in annoyance.
“I’m Zooble. This is ZigZag.”
Zooble patted the side of their horse, gently tugging on their reins so they turned back towards town, then flicked the reins with a soft “giddyup.” ZigZag chuffed and trotted forward, leaving horseshoe prints in the new fallen snow.
“Hi, I’m Pomni. I’m here on an art scholarship.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot Mayor Mason started doing that. You’re here a full year, then?” Zooble asked without turning around.
“Yeah. Until I get my Master’s in May… I really love it here though… Well I love most of here. Winter has been pretty rough.” Pomni admitted.
Zooble chuckled. “Yeah, we have harsh winters. Our nights are especially bad. You’ve been staying inside after dark, right?”
“Mhm, always. If I die, my parents will have wasted money. Worse still, the college will have to liquidate my loans.” Pomni replied, putting her gloves to her cheeks in mock horror.
Zooble chuckled once again. “I’m not surprised you fit in here, you came pre-fit with small-town snark.”
“Thanks. Oh, so, yeah, I saw Jax yesterday. The cops were already gung-ho about arresting him… You’re his friend, right? You don't think he would do something like that, right…?”
Zooble was silent for a moment. “To someone like Kaufmo? No.”
“Wait- what do you mean?” Pomni asked, leaning a ways off of ZigZag to get a better look at the rider’s face.
“What I mean is that… He would never hurt anyone that didn’t really have it coming. I don’t know if you know, but the other kids made his life hell growing up. They called him a freak and said his parents abandoned him ‘cause he was so ugly and a half-breed. But… he fought back one day. It was bad. And ever since then, he hasn’t taken shit from anybody. I bet the only reason he even went with the cops is because if he put out one of their eyes or snapped one of their arms, he’d get his brains blown out or thrown away to rot. He’s got a temper, and he’s capable of a lot when you push the right buttons… but no. He wouldn’t hurt Kaufmo. Or me, or Gangle, or Rags.”
“…Or me?” Pomni asked.
“…I dunno. Are you a good person?” Zooble retorted.
“I’d like to think so…” Pomni replied meekly. “He seems to like me okay. He let me have a steak yesterday.”
“Really? He almost never gives anyone free food. He mumbles and grumbles about just giving me enough beef chuck to make stew.”
“Is that right..?” Pomni felt her face warm up again.
As they approached the town, they faintly heard the chanting of a good-sized crowd.
Zooble tugged gently on ZigZag’s reins, slowing her to a stop. ZigZag nickered uneasily at the commotion up ahead, Zooble putting a hand out to pet her neck.
“Yeah, I know it’s loud, princess. Don’t worry, we’ll tie you off right here, okay?” they soothed.
Zooble then hopped down off the horse, landing firmly on both feet. They looked up at Pomni.
“Need help, city girl?”
Pomni bristled a tiny bit at that comment. Sure, it wasn’t a lie or anything, but it always made her feel… inexperienced. Sheltered.
“I got it,” Pomni replied. She looked down at the snowy ground. It was a drop for sure, especially for someone her size. Well, what did she have to lose other than the use of her ankles?
She slid off the horse, hitting the snow with both feet a bit too hard and fast, buckling and being forced to catch herself with her hands. She stood up immediately and dusted the snow off her gloves.
“You go on ahead. I gotta tie her off and put on her blanket.” Zooble said.
“Okay, thanks for the ride… Do you really think you can cover Jax’s bail?” Pomni asked, looking down at the snow.
Zooble sighed. Their breath steamed.
“Hope so. I’m just one person, and the bail for suspicion of murder is gonna be a small fortune. But I got a lot in savings. You didn’t hear it from me though.”
“I… don’t have much money, but I can try and help.” Pomni said. She desperately needed that money for groceries and art supplies, truth be told… She wasn’t sure why she even offered.
“Nah. Thanks, but nah.” Zooble said, tying ZigZag’s halter to a wooden perimeter fence nearby. “Do have a quick question, though.”
Zooble opened one of the saddle bags and looked at Pomni. Even though they had no visible mouth, looking at their eyes made it clear that they were smiling.
“You said you only met Jax yesterday, and you’re dead-set on helping him out. Why’s that?” Zooble asked, removing a green and yellow horse blanket.
“Because…” Pomni swallowed and felt her already rosy cheeks darken. “Because it’s the right thing to do.”
“Yup, that is true…” Zooble replied expectantly, shaking out the blanket.
“Y-Yeah. I’m… I’ll see you up ahead. Thanks again.”
“Be seeing you.” Zooble said, a laugh on the edge of their voice.
Pomni put her hands in her jacket pockets and crunched her way towards town. The roar of emotions in her belly distracted her long enough for her to reach the hubbub on Main Street.
A crowd of around four dozen people had gathered outside the Autumnvale police station, some familiar faces from around town, some people Pomni didn’t recognize that must have come from neighboring towns, maybe even her city. A few people held signs written on bright yellow or green poster paper, a few having opted for foam boards instead. They read things such as:
An older chickadee birdman in an orangish-brown leather jacket and black toque stood at the head of the crowd. Pomni recognized him as the town doctor. She’d seen him a few times. He seemed to be the leader of the group, but that could be because he was the only one that had a bullhorn. He turned it on and spoke into it.
“We aren’t going to lay down and let the police continue to treat crossbreeds like second-class citizens! Not here, not in any other city!”
He then led the crowd in another chant of “AUTUMNVALE ISN’T FAIR, RACIST PEOPLE EVERYWHERE!”
Nearby, a news anchor and her cameraman interviewed a chess piece shaped fellow in a red flannel jacket and a fishing hat, who wrung his hands nervously.
“And you raised him, Mr. Kingston?” the anchor asked into her mic before offering it to the man.
“Y-Yes my wife and I raised Jax, the mayor found him abandoned in a cabin in the woods and brought him to us when he was just bite-sized.”
Pomni tried to walk a little closer inconspicuously.
“And you believe he’s innocent?” The anchor asked.
“Of course. Jax is a good boy. People around town have treated him so rotten.” Mr. Kingston said adamantly.
“You think that there’s bias in the arrest?” The reporter asked.
“Definitely, definitely. Some people around here still call him a cannibal, can you believe that? Just because he’s part wolf and needs meat in his diet, they call him a cannibal.” Mr. Kingston said, wounded.
“And what do you have to say about the knife that was found near the crime scene, Mr. Kingston?” The anchor asked.
“I say ‘malarkey.’ Jax sells those knives in his shop, anyone could have taken one and put it there. They probably picked him on purpose!”
Pomni listened a while longer before looking out amongst the crowd again. A few of the same cops from the crime scene the previous day stood in front of the station behind sawhorses, along with some new ones. Autumnvale must have brought in other precincts to keep the situation under control. One particular officer, a human with a gold badge and in a wide brimmed white cowboy hat and aviator shades, stood along with them, hands on his hips. Probably the sheriff.
The protest leader spoke into his bullhorn again.
“The detectives who made the arrest are nowhere to be seen! Isn’t that intriguing, everyone?”
The crowd booed.
“It seems that they feel perfectly comfortable bullying a man when they outnumber him, but once we show up, they go missing! Isn’t that intriguing?!”
Another round of booing and hissing from the crowd, one person shouting “Fuckin’ cowards!”
“Yes, these enforcers of justice seem to only bother enforcing said justice if it’s against people they don’t like!”
He continued on as Pomni slipped behind the crowd. The café was located just beyond the protest. No doubt, they were all going to head there after the demonstrations finished. Although from the amount of fervor in the crowd, it didn’t seem to be losing momentum anytime soon.
As she crossed to the other side of the road to the café, she spotted Trevor leaning against the post office next door. He locked eyes with her, a cigarette smoldering in his teeth, and grinned spitefully. Pomni hurried into the café.
“Hey! Good afternoon hun!” Ragatha waved. Pomni couldn’t help but smile and wave back. That sunny smile could cure sickness if someone could figure out how to bottle it.
“Good afternoon to you, miss.” another voice chimed in. A woman composed of a white mask and red ribbons sat at the counter, a black beret on her head and a cup of coffee in her hands. Er… ribbons.
“Come and sit, Pomni! You’ve met Gangle, right?” Ragatha poured another cup of coffee for the art student.
She stomped the snow off of her boots before going to sit at the counter, taking off her puffer jacket and hanging it over the back of her usual chair before climbing up into it.
“Um, I don’t think in person, but I saw your production of A Streetcar Named Desire. You were an amazing Stella!” Pomni said.
Gangle gave a worried smile. “Oh no, you weren’t there the night I forgot my lines, were you?”
“I don’t think so, I don’t remember any mistakes. Um, the guy who played Stanley was amazing too, so intense… Thank you.” Pomni accepted her mug from Ragatha.
“Ahh, yeah, Gummigoo. You know he’s actually a complete sweetheart in real life? We had to practice the scene where his character hits mine over and over with the stunt coordinator since he didn’t even want to pretend to hit me.”
Pomni added sugar and cream to her coffee, two blue packets and one little plastic cup, and stirred it.
“So how are you holding up this morning, baby? You said you saw those detectives get onto Jax, right?” Ragatha asked, leaning both her hands on the counter.
“Oh. Yeah, I did. I hid for a bit because I didn’t want to get in trouble just for being there… but then one of them said something really horrible and I yelled at them.” Pomni sipped her coffee. Bitter stuff, but it had a pleasant chocolatey taste on the edge of the flavor.
“What did they say? They didn’t call him a… you know…” Gangle whispered.
“No. They weren’t that blatant, but one guy, I think his name was Wexley, basically said Jax lived by himself ‘cause he’s a crossbreed. Said it was ‘understandable.’”
Ragatha made a disgusted noise as she went over to the griddle, pouring batter onto it. “I don’t understand how people that pea-brained are allowed to carry badges. Well it’s no wonder they’re not showing their faces right now. Probably got sent back to the big city with their tails between their legs. Buncha bullies…”
“Yeah… I’ve been meaning to ask, how did they find out so quickly..? The-The demonstrators, I mean. I thought Jax only got arrested last night…” Pomni inquired.
“It was probably Dr. Wren that found out,” Gangle replied, pointing out the window. Her ribbon pointed towards the older bird fellow with the megaphone. “Our town doctor. He’s always been about issues like this. You know, institutional racism and stuff? My guess is he jumped at the chance to get a crowd together. And look at the turnout!”
Pomni hummed. “Well, I’m glad he did.”
“Hm, I dunno,” Ragatha replied from over at the griddle. “Personally, I wish he’d have just waited a day or two so we could at least lay Kaufmo to rest. So many people here in town are still processing the fact that he might have been murdered, and he’s out there hollering his lungs out, disturbing everyone’s grieving.”
“B-But what about Jax? Doesn’t he deserve justice?” Pomni replied.
“Well of course he does, baby, but if he’s really done nothing wrong, he’ll be out of the jailhouse in 72 hours..” Ragatha flipped a pancake.
“He’ll- huh?” Pomni tilted her head.
“She’s right, I almost forgot…” Gangle chimed in. “This town has a Speedy Trial law. Since we’re such a small community, there’s not many trials. So there’s a 72-hour limit in place for someone being held in custody without substantial evidence… If Jax really didn’t do anything, and I don’t think he did, they’ll have to let him go in a couple days.
“And I’ll betcha the only people that are itching to find evidence on him are those detectives, and who knows where they went? With that protest out there, all our cops are busy keeping that under control. No time to be sniffing around for clues.” Ragatha added, testing the firmness of her pancakes with her spatula.
Pomni felt herself relax. That was… good news.. There was a pretty decent chance that they’d let Jax go tonight. Maybe she’d wait for him if the crowd had died down by then…
“W-Wait, so that means that the knife..?”
“Unless it had his DNA or prints on it, it’s not good enough. It’s like people have been saying, anyone could have bought it and hid it out there.” Gangle explained.
Ragatha gave a surprised smile over her shoulder at Gangle as she stacked the pancakes on a plate. “Well, look at you, Nancy Drew! Who taught you all this detective stuff?”
Gangle gained red blush marks under her eyes and looked down at the counter. “Oh, you know… I do a lot of research for my roles. We did an Agatha Christie play once…”
Ragatha brought over a short stack of pancakes, dusted with powdered sugar and topped with whipped cream and some fresh strawberry slices. She set the plate down in front of Pomni, along with a boat of maple syrup.
“Eat it while it’s warm, honey.” Ragatha cooed, pecking the art student on the cheek.
“Thank you Ragatha…” Pomni sighed. How this absolute peach of a woman remained single was a mystery to her. Wasn’t any of her business, anyway. She dug into the food. It was delicious, fluffy and moist cake mixed in with rich, hand churned cream and the bright flavor of strawberry. She could eat this every day for the rest of her life and never get tired of it.
The door to the café swung open, and a person in a yellow and green poncho stepped inside, stomping off their boots chasing snowflakes from their hat.
“Zooble! I was wondering when you’d show up! You want the regular… Zooble?”
Ragatha’s sunny voice darkened with worry as she saw a stain of red on their hand, which they were currently wiping off on their poncho.
“Zooble, are you bleeding?!” Pomni cried out.
“No, it’s not my blood. I punched Trevor in the nose. Might’ve busted it.” Zooble’s voice sounded hollow and distant. Their hand reasonably clean, they sank down into a chair by the window, resting their arms on top of the table.
“Trevor? The wolf?” Pomni asked. No, Trevor the marmoset, stupid.
“Yeah. He laughed at me when the sheriff turned me away. ‘Tough luck, pizza-head.’ I heard a crunch.” Zooble looked at their hand and clenched it a few times. “Anyway. Couldn’t post his bail. The Sheriff told me it was 500 thousand. ‘Possible homicide.’ I don’t even have half of that.”
“Oh, Zooble…” Ragatha opened the counter hatch and went around to see them. “Honey, I’m so sorry… But, we were just talking about the speedy trial law. If all they have is a knife that came from his store-”
“Horseshit…” Zooble mumbled.
“If there’s no DNA on the knife, then-”
“HORSESHIT!” Zooble bellowed, banging on the table with their fist. The sound rattled the glass salt and pepper shakers. Everyone jumped.
“Zooble, I’m sorry-” Ragatha began, but Zooble cut her off.
“You know how the system is! It doesn’t matter how many angry people wave signs around out there, or if the doctor gives some nice speeches on a megaphone! Jax is a crossbreed, and they’re gonna find some ‘new evidence’ or dig up some old law that makes it so he gets put away for good! Don’t you get it?! Those sheep big city detectives they hired took one look at Jax and saw he was a freak, so he must’ve done it! And our redneck-ass, no-brain FUCK of a sheriff agrees with them! They’ve been waiting to do this- they…”
Tears beaded in Zooble’s eyes, and they collapsed into their chair, shoulders shaking.
“They’ve been waiting…” they moaned.
For a while, there were no sounds other than the faint din outside and Zooble’s soft sobbing. Pomni couldn’t blame them… if her best friend was being put away on flimsy evidence based on prejudice alone, she’d have cried like a baby. Hell, she felt a little bit like crying now…
She pushed her half-eaten plate of food away and shyly walked over to Zooble. The cowboy looked at her through red, puffy eyes.
“What?” they spat.
“…I… I want to help.” Pomni said.
“I just told you there’s nothing we can do, kid… unless your mommy and daddy have $500,000 sitting around the house, this is the end of the line…” Zooble wiped their eyes on the non-bloodied parts of their poncho.
“Don’t say that. We can look for more evidence.”
“How? They’ve got the crime scene cordoned off… we’ll get in huge trouble if we go there…” Gangle said.
“What about Jax’s sales log? That’s like a list of suspects!” Pomni proposed.
“Cops already took it. I saw ‘em carrying it out of the shop when they hauled him away in cuffs…”
“Dammit…” Pomni chewed on her thumbnail. “Okay. Okay, what about this? Does anyone know where Kaufmo lived?”
“He lived not far from here,” Ragatha said. “His house was over near Gangle’s theater.”
“Do you think we could get a look inside it?”
“What? Pomni, what for?” Gangle asked.
“I dunno… anything! Clues about who might have it out for him!”
“Look, city girl. I appreciate your enthusiasm… I do. But the cops-” Zooble began.
“Are all busy, dealing with that.” Pomni pointed out the window at the crowd. “All we have to do is see if those three asshole detectives aren’t sniffing around the place, and we can look inside, right?”
“Look, Zooble’s right. Unless a miracle happens, the system is gonna do what it can to get Jax put behind bars for good. We need to at least try. Right?”
“I… But… Pomni, what about you? Aren’t you worried about losing your scholarship?” Gangle asked.
“Yeah. But… I think I… I want to make a difference in this town more than I want to just use it to further myself. You guys… this place has done so much for me, and I… I want to give something back.”
Zooble used a napkin to wipe their eyes. “It helps she also has a crush on Jax.”
Pomni turned bright red. “Hey! That’s not-”
“Aw, Pomni… that’s so romantic. A lover, wrongly imprisoned... It’s like a Carolinian play!” Gangle said, looping her ribbons together as though she was clasping her hands.
“Wh- He’s not my lover! We only met for like five minutes!” Pomni grabbed her beanie and tugged it down over her face.
“And yet you’re willing to risk your higher education to save him. Yup, you’ve totally got it bad, honey.” Ragatha added, crossing her arms and smiling.
“Sh-Shut uuuuuuuup!” Pomni whined.
“Well… I wouldn’t be much of a best friend if I didn’t do something incredibly stupid for him. Alright, let’s go, kid.” Zooble got to their feet, drying their eyes one more time.
“I’m twenty-fiiiiiiive!”
“You’re twenty-five? Jeez, you coulda fooled me. What are you, four foot two?”
“Four foot NINE!” Pomni snapped, shuffling out the door as Zooble held it open for her. Zooble said their goodbyes to Ragatha and Gangle before following after Pomni.
“Do you think they’ll find anything?” Gangle asked.
“Honey, I hope so. I… doubt it. But I hope so.” Ragatha replied.
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g00bergoo · 2 months
Where are Queenie and Kaufmo in your au?
Kaufmo (a travel clown) is the victim of the case. He was found dead one afternoon and everyone seemed to be busy… everyone has an alibi whether it be strong or not.
Queenie (housewife) is the reason why Kinger is a Widower. Apparently she used to frequent the train cars along side Kinger. It was a tragedy what happened, he was never okay after it …
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cyberwormss · 5 months
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The Amazing Mystery Dungeon AU, anyone?
Other characters and ~lore~ to be posted later
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mysteriousbp · 5 months
I can’t wait for Jax to have a sad/losing his mind/about to die/depressed moment so I can put him into the abnormality dancing girl song
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Swap Jax maze adventure was kinda that. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
But if it isn't what you want. You can have this image of half abstracted swap Jax.
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Put music over it or something.
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ciciandthemeeps · 6 months
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So my cousin wanted to draw her OC Lexa in my sketch book and so did I 🤭
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Then a the bottom she drew Jax's Eyes and ears, so I drew what would her Jax's design would look like:
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I did show her yet ^^
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snuffydoo · 5 months
Guess who made a new au
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Frankly I don't make a lot of original aus especially since tadc probably has enough aus as it is..... but I had the idea and I wanted to expand upon it
This is the Song of Sorrow au
an au that follows Pomni who is a detective. She is transported into a game cartridge to find the missing people and get them out of there. However... one of the members in the circus was the reason for everyone being trapped and kidnapped with some of the humans never making a return. Pomni has to figure out who did it and make sure she makes the right call. You wouldn't want to bring the threat back to the real world.
It was heavily inspired by args, rpgs, and murder mysteries
bare with me I am sorry if this au sounds cringy and bad...
This is my first time doing something like this
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okay that's all for rn
Also thank you @t0astybird for helping. They made the Zooble design <3
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croissantberry · 1 month
*cutely shoves AU up your face*
🌽👩🏻‍🌾🐓!The Amazing Digital Farmstead MASTERPOST!🐓👩🏻‍🌾🌽
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Welcome to the beautiful land of Pixel Carnivalley! A vivacious seaside mountain range full of magic and wonder! In the heart of it rests Digit Town, a quaint little village full of wondrous townspeople from all over! Come along and uncover the mysteries and unleash the enchantment within this cozy farm sim game!
Croissantberry is proud to present a TADC AU loosely inspired by Stardew Valley with a few elements from Harvest Moon and Harvest Town!! But don't be fooled by the cute and cozy aesthetics, every Tudor Rose has it's thorns after all...
Q: Are there any ships? A: Yes. FunnyBunny (Jax x Pomni) and Abstragedy (Zooble x Gangle) are the main pairings! Q: Can I ship anything else? A: Of course you can!! Q: Can I make NSFW of your AU? A: Fine. Please just don't force it onto me. Q: Can I write fanfics? A: YES GO FOR IT!!! Q: Will abstracted characters like Kaufmo and Queenie appear in this AU? A: Yep! They will have their designs added soon! Q: Are OCs allowed? A: Yes of course pookie <3 Q: Is OC x Canon/Self shipping okay? A: Ha simps /j /lh Go ahead and be happy!!
Farmstead Calendar [TBA]
Farmstead Abstracast Info Cards [TBA]
Pixel Carnivalley Map [TBA]
Farmstead Facts! [TBA]
!! use the hashtags: #the amazing digital farmstead, #farmstead au, & #tadc farmstead au !!
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iamespecter · 21 days
*clears throat* ahem....
May I give you a TADC AU of mine that's been privately in the works in this trying and burning times?
(no really, I am burning. Help me. It's nearly 40c[98.6f] over here.)
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I may make a masterpost containing all of the info of the AU soon, so have this first doodle I made of this concept (which came to me in a dream, and that's not a joke)
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don't worry, there's an explanation why they look like this in this doodle.
And fuck it, why not post the alternative lighting of the au cover too
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rottentricks · 2 months
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It's them ZOOBLE!!! Aka Jax's Best friend
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DO YOU LIKE ADVENTURE? Comedy? Angst? L O R E ? Horror? Mystery? And straight up Whackyness? WELL I GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU!!
a tadc au of multiple differently themed worlds with each character being a ruler of one. One by one these worlds and their rulers have started to suddenly disappear and everything may or may not be starting to collapse in on itself SO it's up to someone to figure it out! Fantastic!
I'll make a full masterpost soon!
All lore related things will be tagged with #lore
All designs so far will be tagged with #characterref (for now)
[I'll be speaking like this ooc!]
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midnightfire830 · 7 months
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Been going through a couple design ideas for The Amazing Digital Circus. So here’s Alice as Ragatha!
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Hey everyone, so I’m still plugging away at the two fics.
Animals is actually nearing completion. The final chapter, “Dogs,” is going to be a two parter posted on the same day. I figured it was easier than making one enormous chapter. It needs some fine tuning but it’s looking good so far.
As for “Primum Peccatum” and the Arranged Marriage AU, I’m tinkering with that one as well. It’s gonna be way more chapters that are much shorter in length, but it’s by far my biggest undertaking since I have to write both the romance as well as some backstory, world building and… plot developments I guess I’ll say. Friendly reminder that we’ve really only scratched the surface of dark aspects in that story. I’ll give a proper warning for everything, since, duh, but when things get dark they’re gonna get dark.
On a lighter note! I’ve mentioned to you all before that music plays a big part in the creation of my stories. At the moment, my favorite band is Gorillaz, and I’ve taken a lot of inspiration from their music for my fiction over the past couple months.
My story Like Rhinestones, Falling From The Sky if the title didn’t give it away, was inspired by Gorillaz’ third album Plastic Beach, mostly in terms of general melancholy but hopeful and kinda cozy mood. If you haven’t heard this album, or haven’t heard it in a while, you should give it a listen. It’s not for everyone, but it’s turned into one of my favorite albums.
As for “Primum Peccatum,” it’d be the title track off of their latest album, “Cracker Island,” for the mention of an… island, as well as the idea of things being out of your control and society being one big cult.
As for “Animals,” it’d be… uh, the album Animals by Pink Floyd. It’s an exploration of three different kinds of people portrayed by animals. But it fits this narrative due to their being actual animal folk, as well as Jax’s profession as a butcher of animals, plus how Jax views the people around him.
Anyway. Hang tight. I’ll get around to finishing these, promise. Thanks for all the support. 😁
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