#my beloved
I can’t remember a time in my life where the summers weren’t full of berries to eat. Every trail has at least a few bushes offering their wares to people walking by.
Many of them aren’t monetized, they don’t keep well, not appealing enough for the bother of cultivating them. Salmon berries, huckleberries, thimble berries. We have black and blue berries, too. But you don’t see most of our local berries in the grocery store.
One of my most precious memories with my beloved was our earliest hike together. They didn’t grow up native to the area and exclaimed in alarm when they saw me reach casually toward a bush to pick a berry as we walked by.
“You can’t just eat berries! What if it’s poisonous?!”
“It’s not,” I said, puzzled. “I guess there’s some poisonous berries around here but I don’t eat those ones, it’s really easy to tell.”
“Those are safe to eat?”
I laughed and popped it into my mouth only to immediately realize it was horribly unripe. Salmon berries come in two colors you see, orange and red.
I’d mistaken an unripe red berry for a ripe orange one. It had felt soft enough to be ripe but it was so bitter it hurt. So an instant after asserting it was safe to eat I opened my mouth with a “bleh” to let it fall back out.
“They- they’re not poisonous it just wasn’t ripe,” I insisted.
My beloved looked skeptical but scanned the bush and plucked another berry to me. “Try this one.”
The sun shone beautifully through the dappled tree canopy, illuminating the gleaming berry in their hand, a perfect snapshot of a romantic summer moment. I took the berry, my fingers brushing their palm to bring the little fruit up to my lips while looking into their smiling eyes.
I had to spit it out.
It was as overwhelmingly bitter as the last one, but I didn’t mind the way my beloved laughed at me.
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bruqh · 3 days
🕯️ aabria back in the dome please 🕯️
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james-spooky · 3 days
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and what if i cried what then
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gobletoffeels · 2 days
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back with some goodies of mister platinum face card
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I love having like 25+ notifications of the same person liking my posts- because then I can look at the first post that drew them in and watch the spiral "into the rabbit hole" so to speak.
Like what drew you to this hellscape? and why have you decided to stay??
Even better when they follow and its like "Ah claimed another-"
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pharlapcartoonist · 2 days
Nedávno jsem slyšela krásné anglické pořekadlo
"Not my circus, not my monkeys"
Což se můj mozek chopil přeložit jako
"Cizí cirkus, cizí opice"
Buďme k sobě ale upřímní, jediné správné přeložení téhle fráze do češtiny je
"Cizí cirkus, cizí medvědi"
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mondsphere · 20 hours
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got peer reviewed by @blackwatersbonefish so.... cont. under the cut cause i got lazy
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berserkerzodd · 1 day
Please appreciate these artists work of our main kitty cat man Sabretooth
He's adorable here 😭
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Artist - Sean "Cheeks" Galloway
LOVING the recreation of this classic cover 🧡🤎
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Artist - Drew Moss
The colours, the style, everything about these drawings are amazing 😍
He's clearly just attended a pride parade and is covered in paint
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Artist - Josh Cassara
Also very on point with the pink, blues and purples as highlights on him. Seeing as we all agree Sabes is bi/pan 🤭 (I'm deffo reading into it too much...)
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kyleemm2 · 1 day
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Random Uraume Headcanons:
(cuz they deserve more content and love)
They have a surprisingly big appetite, but far more health conscious than Sukuna (Sukuna seems like a "meat only" type of guy while Uraume knows fruits and vegetables are just as important)
They can hold their liquor well
Shiori Himi (Uraume's vessel) was affiliated with Suguru Geto's cult
Shiori Himi was either compliant with Uraume possessing them or was challenging to subdue
All of Uraume's patience is reserved for Sukuna and none for anyone else (ie Kenjaku)
They don't like the taste of sweets
Uraume is almost as strong as Sukuna and has trained with Sukuna in the past (hence why they know that "Sukuna has yet to go all out")
Uraume was more concerned with finding a vessel that Sukuna would recognize as them than the quality of their curse technique
Technology equally intrigues and scares them
They're self-conscious about one thing but won't ever say or admit to it
They don't have very interesting hobbies, if at all
They'd secretly love to go on a vacation where they won't have to deal with curses or being a cook/servant
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gvroerotica · 21 hours
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hitting kou over the head with a mallet
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tsun-toast · 2 days
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I’m not used to drawing one piece characters yet 👉👈
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gonky-kong · 2 days
Someone shows you empathy and kindness:
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tangyyrine · 2 days
I love it when ppl write Logan calling Morph “Kevin/Kev”
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gemsbokk · 11 hours
I know I was JUST in your dms, but if you're still taking ideas for the emotion wheel— Legion and isolated? I have so much emotion for that crazy machine
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Legion - (no longer?) isolated
You might’ve thought I’d forgotten about you but no! I am still doing my best!
The emotion wheel thingy and no text version below!
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robstarsupremacy · 6 hours
i love zuko sm
im so normal about himm
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itsemmiy · 10 hours
I'm totally normal about them, nothing to see here
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