#monika x reader
thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Sayori, Monika, Tamaki Suoh, Sunny, Hero, Shouko Nishimiya, how do react when the reader says theys are the love of your life?
Reader calls them the love of their life
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Sayori, Monika, Tamaki, Sunny, Hero, Shouko ]
[ Doki Doki Literature Club ] [ Ouran High School Host Club ] [ Omori ] [ A silent voice ]
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Any time i fall in love with a new character i call them the love of my life, i had say it so many times that that if i had a coin for every time I've said it right now i'd be rich
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It doesn't take long for Sayori to take a liking on people and become pretty clingy and affectionate, but to fully trust them as to show her real self it actually tooks a long time, so even when she openly shows her love sometimes is more motivated for the anxiety
However, whenever you show her affection and love is something special for her, even the small gestures is a little reminder that you actually care and appreciate her, specially if is after she finally open up to you more with her problems
Even when she is clingy Sayori can be pretty shy, specially to express her love directly with words, so it take a lot from her to say that she loves you even when she is completely sure of her feelings, and if you say it to her she gets wrapped in a overwhelming feel of love
When you tell her that she is the love of your life Sayori stops whatever she is doing for the shock but even so she isn't able to see you at the face, she tries to but is scare to see in your face a mocking expression, somehow she manage to slowly see a glimse of you, it doesn't matter if you seem shy or confident, even a small and sweet smile is enough for her to win the courage she needs to fully see you in the face, at least for a moment
She tries really hard to say something, or even do something but in her mind are racing a lot of different thoughts, between the anxiety and the overwhelming feeling of love, at the end she will just throw herself into your arms before start crying, she even clings to you as if his life depends on it
The thing is that Sayori tend to doubt herself and be overwhelmed for the fear, she even is a pleseant person but you telling her that she is the love of your life gives her a big sense of security as well a feeling of love, that is why she started crying but she will apologize for it later
Sayori grows a little more clingy and affectionate afterwards since that beautiful feeling still wander her chest and she wants to make you feel that way too, she may even try to write you something about it (but since she normally just write about the feelings she can't speak of it will be a little difficult for her)
If you do it as a way to confess your feelings for her her reaction won't be too different, it would be pretty overwhelming for her and she will end up crying in your arms, but in this case she will be more hesitant even asking you if you actually mean what you had say
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Even when Monika seems and act confidence deep down she is a little insecure and perfeccionist, so even when she doesn't have much troubles with expressing her love she wonder if she is "doing it right"
Although she isn't too estrict when it comes to you (or at least tries no to), she just bask in whatever show of affection and love you give to her, small or big gestures she apreciate them nonetheless, also there are moments where she put others before her a little so your affection comfort her
Love is a really beautiful and special word for Monika, she kinda has a big expective of what is love and she is willing to work in making that ilusion come true, mainly for her perfeccionism, but she tries to don't let that side of her affect you or your relasionship. Whenever you express you love for her it fills her with excitment
Even when Monika seems more serious and mature she loves romantic stuff, and even when she finds cheesy stuff a little overstated she still like it, so when you call her the love of your life her heart skip a beat, she looks at you wondering if this isn't just a dream while slowly gets flustered and flattered
Monika knows she loves you with all her being and she can even dare to say that you are all she wanted, but even she didn't thought that you would think so dearly of her, but those simple words show her that you love her a lot too (maybe even with the same intensity), and since she isn't exactly shy she won't have much troubles to say something so cute and special back, although she isn't satisfied with her own answer so she will be thinking for a while in a way to show how much she loves you too
And for a long time the only memory of you saying those words make her feel like in heaven for how much you love her, always bringing a smile and a tiny blush to her cheeks, also it may or may not lead her to be more confidence and start to be more affectionate and teasing
Although if you had say it to confess your feelings her reaction won't be as calm as if you two were already in a relationship, Monika is sure that she loves you and she had tried to read you to try to find out if you feel the same, but you coming and saying such cheesy stuff out of the blue really had taked her by surprise (specially if you aren't usually open or affectionate)
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Tamaki Suoh
Tamaki isn't shy at all, he is always so open with his love and isn't afraid to tell anyone how much he loves you (well, not until he finally realice his feelings for you), he could be pretty dramatic with his affection but he always do it from the bottom of his heart
Also, even when he is open with his love whenever you are affectionate towards him it makes him feel all flustered and fuzzy, even the small gestures are special to him and bring happines to his day, to all his life (or that is what he always says)
Tamaki never has problem to directly say that he loves you, although he prefers to express it in other ways, with a lot of affection, besides he doesn't want to admit it but he is pretty shy when it comes to say it (specially when he had just realice his feelings for you). If and when you say it to him he gets a little more serious but is still fuzzy and can't stop giggling
Although, saying that he is the love of your life is different, is more direct but still express a lot of love, also an expression like that is more likely to heard it from him and is probably that he had even already thought of it, but hearing it from you is surprising
It totally surprise him and there are chances for him to ask you to repeat yourself in case he missheard you, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like it in fact he loves that you love him and appreciate him so much to even consider him the love of your life, and not even in a egoist way, is just that before founding the club he is used to be alone and with all his problems with his family he wasn't too apreciate either so knowing that you love him as much as he loves you it melt his heart
His reaction could be either really dramatic, exploding with excitment and love but saying that that that title suits you better because you are the the love of his life, or more serious but still with a sweet smile in his face hugging you and giving you sweet kisses, even expressing that he loves you a lot too
Although if you do it to confess he won't be able to react in a calm manner, he is shocked but slowly get incredibly flustered, he barely will be able to answer you properly
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Sunny doesn't really think much of himself but he doesn't have much troubles with it neither, just when he compare himself to others, still that doesn't influence in his love for you
Also, he doesn't show his love by words he is more of actions (like getting more clingy to you), although whenever you show affection to him, either by words or actions, it flustered him and he even gets a little shy, even when you two are already dating it still flustered him
Love is a word with a lot of weight and even when Sunny is sure that he is in love with you he has a lot of troubles to say it and anytime he heards you say it to him he feels like the rest of the world disappears, flattered for how even just a simple word hold and inmense feeling
But saying that he is the love of your life is an expression with even more intensity, the world is big and your life haven't even reached the half and still you call him the love of your life, the inmense love he is feeling practically shoot him down, his heart is racing, his cheeks are burning and his mind is a complete mess
Don't expect a proper answer because Sunny won't be able to say it back, heck he isn't able to even formulate a response, even if he tries to he can't, is probably that he end up hidding, either hide his face in with his hands or in your arms. Also, he will be like this for a while and even when he manage to calm down a little the blush of his cheeks aren't going to go away for a long time, as well the fuzzy feeling that fill his chest (it may even stay like that for some days)
Also you could notice that Sunny grows a little more clingy and affectionate but shy too after what you had say, is just that he feels so loved and appreciate that he can't describe it, he wants to make you feel so loved too but he still has troubles to put it in words
Although, if you had say it in a way to confess your feelings is even more shocking for him because it would be the first time you express so much directly to him (even if you are already affectionate)
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Hero isn't really shy nor insecure so he doesn't has much troubles to express his love for you, still he isn't going everywhere screaming his love, he doesn't see a point on doing it, you knowing that he loves you is enough for him
He doesn't have any problem with showing his love by words and actions, he isn't shy, although when you show your love for him it flustered him a a little (it depends in what you do too)
He has no problem with saying that he loves you directly, but he prefers to not to rush himself, if he is going to say it he wants to be 100% sure he is in love with you, as well whenever you directly express that you love him he tries to say it back or correspond it (still a little flustered)
Even so the moment that you tell him that he is the love of your life he is truly surprised, say that you love him is something but calling him the love of your life is even deeper, with even more weight, just by hearing you is pretty surprised and immediatly look at you at the face, like trying to comfirm that you had say what he had hear
It take him a moment to fully process what you had said but when he does he gets all flustered and flattered, his cheeks quickly get covered by the blush and a big smile, he may not be able to say the same for how flustered he is but he tries to say something equivalent, and even if he doesn't manage to say something he will make sure to do something that will express how much he loves you
He will be blushy and with a fuzzy feeling in his chest for a while, as well and unable to stop smiling, your words defenitively make his day way better and he won't be able to stop thinking on it for the rest of the day, and even so he still remember it sometimes the next days and always make him feel all flustered again
However, if you had done it to confess your feelings for him he will be even more shocked, because even if you were already affectionate saying that he is the love of your life is still saying much, in that case he will be even more flustered
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Shouko Nishimiya
Shouko is really shy and even insecure, so she has a lot of troubles to express her love for you, when she does it she mainly does it with small and discreet gestures, but little by little she start to win more confidence and tries to be more open with her affection
Also, it goes the same when it comes to accept your affectionate, she is shy and that bring her some troubles to accept your gestures of love, specially when she feels like a bother
Shouko express her love by discreet ways because she can't show it directly, her shyness and anxiety stop her from doing it, as well when you directly say that you love her she gets really flustered and doesn't know how to respond nor even what to do
The moment you tell her that she is the love of your life she is completely in shock, this is saying even more than when you express that you love her, and that already is really significant, but this holds even more importance and love, she immediatly looks at you surprise and still fearing that you are just trying to mess with her, but once she understand that you actually mean it Shouko even start crying, she is just feeling so much that is overwhelming, but is for sure that it isn't for sadness (she will apologize later for doing it though)
Shouko feels like her only existance is a bother for others but you calling her the love of your life is like saying to her that you are happy that she exist and she doesn't know how to react to that, but is sure that she feels really happy and loved
She will never forget what you had say to her, even when she fears that you didn't mean it or even scold herself for be so excited for it she can't help but hold the memory close to her heart and she remember it anytime she feels bad about herself. Also, just as she feels really loved just by you saying it she wants to do something in return, she actually feels like she has to, that is only fair, so she will try to come up with a plan to thank you for making her so happy
However if you had say it in a way to confess your feelings for her Shouko will be even more shocked and hesitant to accept that what you had say is for real, she feels anxious and fear that this is too good to be real, but at the end she will at least accept it and when she does it she will start crying too
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frickingnerd · 6 months
monika's s/o staying with her
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pairing: monika x gn!reader
tags: set during "monika's route", established relationship
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it's not like you really had a choice when it came to staying with monika or leaving her
after all, there was nothing left after the other three girls of the literature club disappeared
and yet, despite being forced to stay by monika's side, this is what you wanted anyways
monika was a bit worried that you didn't want to be with her, which is why she forced you into the position where you couldn't leave her
but when you told her that you would've chosen to be with her, even if she hadn't forced you, she was more than happy
you meant so much to her and to know she was the one you wanted to be with for the rest of your days meant everything to her
even if nothing was left but you and her in this empty room, this was what you both wanted!
as long as you were together, you were happy! 
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b1ackbunny · 7 months
A Monika Shin Oneshot
paring: gf!monika shin x fem!reader
synopsis: you and monika have been dating for years. she’s been your person since the beginning, and you’ve been hers. for the past few months, you’ve barely talked to her, much less seen her although you two live together. she’s been caught up with work and you’ve been understanding. that was until she forgot about your fourth anniversary.
word count: ≈ 2.4k
warnings: ANGST!!!, like I’m talking gut wrenching, nausea, strong language, feelings are hurt, mention of knives, monika is a d1 asshole here, angst with sad ending, if my english is bad here I'm sorry
a/n: this is so self-indulgent bc I've been feening for some angst 🧎‍♀️ also I was listening to adele and sam smith while writing this so I hope y’all enjoy 🫶🏽 my heart physically hurted writing this I’m so proud (pun intended)
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Tick-tock. Tick-tock. The obnoxious ticking of the timepiece above the door constantly sounded, finding humor in your current situation. It was a little after 10 o'clock at night, and you were still waiting for your girlfriend to return.
Sure, the past few months have been a little rocky, but you've been understanding. Her schedule has been hectic with different events to attend, choreographies to work on, and classes to teach.
But this was different. You’ve tried as hard as you could to stay supportive and compassionate, though the minimal communication was eating you alive. You’ve tried so hard to give her the benefit of the doubt.
But this was different. It was your fourth anniversary and where was the woman you were supposed to be spending it with? Nowhere to be found. Except, that’s not entirely correct.
You knew where she was. You saw it on Lip J’s Instagram story a few hours ago. She had gone out with a couple of friends to a nightclub downtown, ignoring each and every one of your calls.
At this point, you were more tired than mad, but you were still very aggravated. You and Monika had only talked to each other once today, on one of the most special days in your year.
It was that morning when you passed each other in the kitchen. You asked her to come home earlier because you had something “special” planned for her. She agreed before kissing you goodbye and walking out the door.
There were no signs that she had forgotten what today was. None at all. You went the whole day giddy and excited about that afternoon. Your co-workers teased you for your excitement, but nothing they could say was able to wipe the smile off of your face.
After work, you stopped by the grocery store to pick up ingredients for the special dinner you planned to make for the two of you. Ironically, it was Monika’s favorite dish. You had to substitute some factors for the second-best thing since the store ran out, but it still tasted the same.
You rushed home to begin cooking the meal before she got back. You were even dancing around the kitchen while cooking and looking back, you feel like an idiot at your excitement. At around 6:30ish, you sent her a text asking if she was on her way and received no reply.
You shrugged it off and started setting the table, assuming that she was finishing up her last class. After thirty minutes you decided to text her again and received no reply.
That's when you started calling, but she didn't pick up. You begin feeling worried, the worst scenarios coming to mind. You called around and found out that Monika was safe and healthy, but just not picking up your phone calls.
This is when you started feeling irritated. Your girlfriend of four years was ignoring you on your anniversary and it made your blood boil. But then, (maybe it was the delusional part of you that took control) you started to think she was just pulling a prank on you.
She would burst through the door at any moment now with a gift and your favorite flowers in tow, a bright cheesy smile adorning her features. But when you saw Lip J’s story, your fantasies came to a halt.
Now, you were sitting at the decorated table alone. The food had gone cold a while ago and the slow-melting candles were lighting your emotionless face. You were hurt. How dare she? How could she?
Every year without fail, neither of you had ever forgotten this sacred day. No matter the amount of work either of you had, you made sure to make time for each other on this day.
So this just confirmed how rocky things had recently been. You were lost in your thoughts when from the corner of your eye, you saw the door open. Your gaze slowly trailed from the wall to the front door where Monika had walked in.
You felt nauseous, the hurt and heartache getting to you. “I made you dinner.” You emotionlessly stated as Monika locked the door. She turned toward your seated figure and glanced at the table before looking back at the door.
“I'm not hungry,” Monika muttered, exchanging her shoes for her slippers by the door. You scoffed and humorlessly chuckled, pouring yourself a glass of wine.
Monika directed her gaze back toward you, finally taking notice of the tense environment. With a sigh, she dropped her duffel bag on the couch, mumbled a ‘fine’, and moved toward the table.
Before sitting down, she dipped her head to kiss your cheek. But, before she was able to reach it, you moved your head out of the way. She looked at you with furrowed brows and tried again, but you repeated your motions.
Her eyes darted across your face, observing your stone-cold expression before giving up and sitting in her seat. She took a bite of her serving and instantly started criticizing, “It's cold.” “Something tastes different.”
You mindlessly hummed at her statements, taking a sip of wine and keeping your eyes trained on the picture that hung on the wall behind her. Funny enough, it was a picture of you two on your second anniversary.
The two of you took a week-long vacation to Jeju Island in honor of that special day. How things have changed. “Interesting choice of wine…” Monika mumbled and that's when you decided you had enough.
You pushed your chair out and stood up, taking both plates and moving toward the trash bin. “What the fuck is your problem?” Monika exclaimed as she followed your figure.
You couldn't help the scoff that escaped your lips, dropping the plates onto the counter above the bin. “What's my problem? I made your favorite fucking food and all you did was critic every aspect of it.
There was no ‘thank you’ or ‘I appreciate you slaving away in the fucking kitchen for me as soon as you got home from work’.” You stressed every syllable, dropping the food in the trash as your voice grew louder.
“Is that what this is about? The food?” You were quick to respond to Monika’s words, spinning towards her after you reached the sink. “It's not about the food! Don't you see? I wanted to spend time with you today!
I asked you to come home early today and what did you do? You went to a fucking nightclub with your friends.” You're voice cracked a little, and you wanted to slap yourself for getting this vulnerable.
The look on Monika’s face only got you more heated. It was obvious she found your statement unreasonable as she let out a dry laugh. “Wow, I didn't know I couldn't spend time with my friends anymore. Why are you being so fucking clingy?”
Monika’s words felt like a bullet straight to your heart and your eyes began to water. You kept your tears at bay but the glisten in your eyes revealed the truth. “Stop it. I'm not being clingy. You agreed to come home early today and you didn't.” Your voice got dangerously low as you approached the other side of the kitchen island that Monika was behind.
“Well, sue me for wanting to have a little fun. I didn't know I had to be with you every second of the day.” Monika’s voice rose as she spewed her words covered in sarcasm. “But you're not! You're not here with me every second of the day. You're not even with me for an hour a week.” You cried out.
“So what? Just because I don't see you every day means I can't have a social life? Newsflash, I have a life outside of you, y/n.” Monika matched your volume, slightly leaning over the table.
“That’s not what I’m saying. You're not even listening to me! We're a couple, Monika! When you say you're going to be home early to spend the evening with one another, you're supposed to mean it!” No matter how loud you talked, you couldn't get through to her.
“You’re being ridiculous! Since I’m dating you, I can’t have any friends?” “That’s not what I’m saying! You’re twisting my words.” “It’s like you’re dating me to control me. Is that what it is?” You were shocked by the words that your girlfriend was saying.
Is that how she truly felt or was she just saying that from the anger? More tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you slowly shook your head. “You don’t mean that.” Monika rounded the counter to step closer to you, but it was like she was a stranger.
You couldn't recognize the woman standing in front of you. “Oh, I mean it. I've been nothing but good to you and this is how you treat me? I can't have fun with my friends and I have to be with you whenever I'm not working?” You took a couple of steps back at Monika’s words.
“Stop.” You breathed out, gripping the edge of the counter. You were starting to feel nauseous again. “Stop what? Telling the truth? It was like you came into my life to ruin it. Is that what you want?
To ruin my life? Because you are. You're making a fucking hellhole out of it.” Monika yelled and her words cut like knives. The tears started to slowly glide down your face. “Don’t be a bully. You're being a bully.” Your tone was hushed and you couldn't take your eyes off of Monika’s.
It was like they had an iron grip on you. Her walls were up, and it was clear she was in defense mode. Nothing you could say or do could bring them down.
“This isn't how tonight was supposed to go. I just wanted to spend time with you today. That's all I wanted. I didn't want to wait around like an idiot for you.” Your gaze flickered between Monika’s eyes and you saw nothing had changed.
“No, you wanted to ambush me. This was an ambush.” You let out a heavy sigh at what your girlfriend had said, wiping the tears away. “No that is not what this is. Monika, please listen to me. There's been this distance between us for the past couple of months and I've been trying so hard to be understanding-”
Monika was quick to cut you off. “What happened to make you act like this? You've never been this unbearable throughout the entirety of our relationship, so what changed?”
There was a moment of silence where you just looked down at the floor. You contemplated even bringing up today to the stranger standing in front of you. Your breaths were shallow as you looked back into Monika’s unwavering gaze.
“Do you even remember what today is?” Monika rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “What? Are you going to lie and say it's your birthday? Because we both know-” This time you were the one to cut her off, your voice low and as steady as it could be given the tears you were holding back for dear life. “It's our anniversary.”
A prolonged pause occurred and the silence was deafening. You saw Monika’s eyes soften at the revelation. “Baby, I'm so sorry. With work and everything-”
“Don’t start with the bullshit excuses, Monika. I have work too, we both do. I'm not just sitting at home twiddling my thumbs waiting for you to come home.” Your voice was steady and you scoffed at the solemn look on Monika’s features.
There was a whirlwind of emotions you were feeling, the most prominent were agitation, sadness, hurt, and exhaustion. “I carved time out of my day to make today special and all I asked was for you to come home early, to which you agreed but didn't live up to your word.” Monika was silent now and her eyes seemed to grow glossy.
She moved closer to you, reaching to grab your hand but you moved away from her before she could do so. “C'mon, can we talk about this tomorrow? We're both tired-” You shook your head, instantly shutting down Monika’s idea.
“No, we’re going to talk about this now. Do you even realize the shit you said to me? How hurt my feelings are?” Your eyes squinted in disbelief as all Monika could do in response was swallow and spew fake apologies. You shook your head and looked at Monika. Like, really looked at her.
You still couldn't recognize the person she had become. You regained your composure and took a deep breath. It was your turn to stop being vulnerable and start building your walls back up.
“I think we should take a break.” Monika looked completely bewildered at your words. “What do you mean? No, we're not doing that. Absolutely not.” Monika grabbed your hands before you could move them away, holding them to her mouth and kissing them as she spoke.
Your eyes began to gloss over again and you shook your head, slowly pulling your hands from Monika’s grasp. “We have to. It might be that we've been together for too long, but what you said today… I know you meant it. At least a little bit.” Tears started to roll down both of your faces and Monika quickly shook her head, spewing ‘no’s’ and apologies.
Although the two of you were standing face to face, you couldn't be farther apart. You wiped her tears and stared at her before moving toward the shared bedroom. You felt horrible inside, the sick feeling that never left was more prominent. You grabbed your wallet and keys before moving back toward the main section of the apartment.
Monika was still begging you to stay, saying how she would change and how she was sorry but you couldn't stay. After tonight, there was a cement wedge pushed between you two that would take a lot of work to get rid of.
You still loved her, that was a given, but you needed some time to heal before mending your relationship. You unlocked the door and looked back at the girl.
She was still crying and you almost listened to your heart that told you to stay, but your mind was too loud. You caressed her cheek and wiped the tears that spilled, leaving her with a teary smile before leaving the apartment.
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theveesbf · 3 months
May I ask for requests please? 🥺
(Please read my rules and characters first)
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clouduru-chan · 1 year
Well I decided to write something about some yanderes, well I'm kind of new to this, so sorry for any mistakes, well in the Brazilian yandere community, we usually write headcanons of some characters, as well as realizing that there were no headcanons for some characters here on Tumblr, I decided to write a little about them.
Yandere reacting to reader who cosplays
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- Well, you have only been dating a short time, and she knew that you loved to watch anime, series and Doramas, read some manga and light novels or play some video games, and since you know her well, you call her to watch something that involves romance;
- But something caught you off guard, when you simply showed up at the meeting with the cosplay of a romance anime you like to watch with your girlfriend;
- You did it because it might please your beautiful girlfriend;
- you cosplayed Kaguya Shinomiya from Kaguya Sama wa kokurasetai;
- Well you just wanted to surprise her, and Monika rather liked that, and with that she pours sweet kisses all over your face, and you turn into a blushing mess;
- You get a little clumsy around your girlfriend, so you don't get into the role of Kaguya too much;
- Monika loves how Kaguya Sama's school uniform dress looks perfect on you;
- Well you have been doing character cosplays for quite a while now, so it would be nice if your girlfriend knew about it;
- Well Monika realized at first that this was not the first cosplay, as it was very well done;
- When you stopped being embarrassed by the situation, you decided to act like the character you had cosplayed;
- Monika laughed a lot at your performances, because you were able to get perfectly into the role of the character;
- She loved the work you did just for her, you had so much love and dedication to it, she feels sweet, she will one day repay that;
Ayano Aishi
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- She was waiting for you outside your room, but out of nowhere she feels caught, she feels your hands on her thighs and back, you had picked her up;
- This yandere turned extremely red when you did this, and when she looked at you, you were in costume;
- You were cosplaying Yuji Itadori from Jujutsu kaisen;
- The two of you kind of decided to hang out together at the comic con, to tell you the truth, you were the one who urged her to go to the event;
- At the event, you were holding hands the whole time;
- Ayano wasn't in cosplay, since she didn't see much point in it, but so that people wouldn't look down on her for not wearing something from pop culture, you lent her your Attack on Titan freedom wings sweatshirt;
- Ayano was extremely happy and flushed with this gesture, it will be a little difficult for her to return the sweatshirt to you, as she will place it on her altar with other of her belongings;
- At the event, many people came up to you to compliment the cosplay, but until one person came up, making a reference to the anime:
" What is your type of woman"
Ayano grimaced at that, why ask such a personal and stupid question?
She hadn't understood the reference, so you got into character.
"My kind of woman? My kind of woman is tall and big-butt, just like my girlfriend Ayano Aishi! He then points to the dark-haired girl.
Congratulations you have made this yandere extremely clueless.
Alan Orion
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- Alan had arranged for you to go out into the forest, since he had a surprise for you;
- But you had an appointment, so you told him you were going to be a little late, of course he was annoyed by this, what was more important than him?!;
- Well you had to go to an anime event that was going to be held at the gym, a lot of people who like pop culture went there, so obviously to show your work, so you went in cosplay;
- The cosplayer you did was Rem from Re: Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu;
- After the event, you were in a hurry to go see your boyfriend, because you knew he had been upset with you for changing the appointment time;
- By this time you hadn't even taken off the accessories you were wearing to make the cosplay, so you go straight into the forest to see that man;
- When you arrived, Alan was sitting with his back to you, and as soon as you approached him, your boyfriend's heterochromatic eyes sparkled with admiration; he thought you were late just to get ready like that just for him;
- Well, his intention when he called you was to fuck you hard in the forest, to get you addicted to his cock, but seeing you dressed like that made him hard right away;
- You kind of won't feel your legs for a week anymore;
Sunny day Jack
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- Jack was wondering why you were taking so long in the room;
- He was intrigued in what you were doing, as this ghost was curious of what your Sunshine was doing, so he opened the door to your room;
- When he was going to ask how you were, he looked at you, you were wearing strange clothes, wearing a pink wig and contact lenses of the same color, as well as a well-made makeup over your face, making you look very effeminate;
- You jumped when he saw you cosplaying Astolfo from Fate: Apocrypha;
- Well, you decided to step into the role of the character, just to tease Jack for breaking into your room;
"Oh! So you are my master?! Then I will introduce myself! For it is very important to speak my real name! So, my name is Astolfo! One of the twelve paladins of Charles Magno! It's a pleasure" you played the role of getting all excited, quickly approaching the blue-haired man.
" What about yours?" You had a huge smile on your face, you had really gotten into character, Jack was impressed, even though he didn't understand the reference he quite liked it, especially the master part.
- Jack picks you up and puts you on the bed, he would give you lots of love, because as you said, he was your master;
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nogenderbee · 1 year
DDLC poly relationship
It was my first time writing something like this so I hope I did alright
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⊱ you often have library dates but even more often you just borrow a book form library and have your date in home
⊱ on your home dates Yuri would make tea and Natsuki would sometimes make cupcakes
⊱ in facts Natsuki teaches all of you how to bake good cupcakes which often looks like this: Monika is paying attention, Yuri is panicking because she think she messed up, Sayori eats ingredients, Natsuki is trying to teach while scolding Sayori and you're doing your things
⊱ you also have some more fun dates, like going to amusement park or at the beach if it's summer or you go ice-skating when it's winter
⊱ Yuri is calm one in your relationship and always get you all out of trouble, and she also gives you amazing book reviews you all love when she rambles without realizing it
"and so that's why I think character was completely ruined in that book. ... Oh wait, was I rambling again?! I'm so sorry..."
"Don't worry Yuri, we all appreciate it! Can you borrow me this book? It sounds interesting!"
⊱ Natsuki is... well still her usual self, classic tsundere but that doesn't mean she doesn't get affectionate, she just expresses it secretly
"Are you really gonna cuddle again?! That's 3rd time today!"
"Do you want to join us?"
"... Make some space for me"
⊱ Sayori is really just a sunshine in your relationship, it's her who gives you the most date ideas, but she can have her down moments too...
"Sayori, are you okay? I heard you crying..."
"Don't worry about it YN! I'm all alrighty!"
"I know you're not..."
⊱ and finally Monika is the one who also get you out of trouble when Yuri can't, she's in overall very supportive of all of you
⊱ she also works hard to make Yuri believe in herself more
⊱ and she somehow always knows when someone gives one of you hard time
"Hey Natsuki, you know I don't like to bring it up but... did your dad gave you some trouble lately?"
"Wha-?! Ehh... nothing hides from you, does it?"
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pineappleciders · 1 year
Ddlc girls with an s/o who acts edgy, snappy, and aloof because they don't want to get attached because of all their friends moving away when they were little? (Totally not me requesting for comfort of my favorite characters)
INCLUDES: monika, sayori, natsuki, and yuri
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she kinda unintentionally gets you to open up and be softer around her. you don't know what it is, but she's just easy to talk to
she never pushes you to talk about yourself or anything, and she decides that if you wanted to talk about something then you'd come to her
when you do, she sits down and pays careful attention to what you say
when you start talking about your friends leaving you as a kid, she listens intently and waits for you to finish, getting all of your anger and sadness out
she puts an arm around you and holds you close, reassuring you and being quiet while you cry or just sit in her arms
monika is good at respecting boundaries. she doesn't try to push being friends or talking onto you when you first meet, so you guys just kinda ended up getting close without even knowing how it happened
when you two start dating she doesn't push you into anything. she encourages you to maybe come to her club or meet her friends, but she understands if you don't want to, and is sure to let her friends know not to push you
she's vry sweet and respectful, and doesn't get frustrated easily so she doesn't mind if you're snappy or mean sometimes.
when u two have been dating for awhile she might scold you for saying something rude to someone, but it's lighthearted and she understands why you lash out sometimes
sayori, similar to monika, is pretty patient. but when you two meet she's kind of insecure that you dislike her or don't want to talk to her, so she might not talk to you for a bit and isolate herself
it might take a talk with monika for her to learn that you don't dislike her, it's just the way that you are
when she understands that it's a coping mechanism, she still wants to get close to you but she doesn't push anything (if you get upset with her she might withdraw from talking to you for a bit, the last thing sayori wants to do is make you uncomfortable)
she might get a little giddy and happy when you laugh at one of her jokes or open up about yourself,, but quickly tries to calm herself down as to not scare you off
she has the urge to isolate herself and push everyone away a lot, and sometimes does, so she understands the need to be edgy and stuff
it honestly makes her sad when you're sad, so if you're sad and opening up about your abandonment issues she'll try her best to listen and comfort you
it ends up with her trying to distract you by making your favorite food or taking you somewhere; or just cuddling and watching your favorite shows
she's super nice but she'll get insecure if you ignore her or act mean,, so when you first met she makes it her goal to get you to warm up to her!! doing little things like showing interest in what you're doing or buying you something from the vending machine
natsuki also acts snappy and aloof because of abandonment issues
since you both kinda built a wall for your own protection, it might take a while to get to know each other and chip at the walls
but when you two become friends, she's less mean and stuff (especially when she gets to talk about what she loves; if you like manga she'll ramble about it for hours with no care in the world)
she starts audibly laughing at your jokes and being goofy with you, and you do the same. it's basically u two let your walls down around each other and nobody else
you both learn to communicate with each other for the sake of your relationship, because it would be incredibly difficult otherwise if you two just huffed and walked away every time
if you snap at her or say something you don't mean, she'll run off and ignore you for awhile, eventually forgiving you and telling you that you hurt her feelings
if she snaps at you, she'll constantly try to talk to you every chance she gets at school but you keep turning your bead. eventually she gets you to stay and talk it out with her, and she apologizes saying she didn't mean that and she was just upset
natsuki is naturally insecure of her tendencies to push people away and be rude to protect herself, and she honestly hates herself for it. so having another person that does the same thing might help her understand you better
she feels bad about you losing all of your friends as a kid, and she'll low-key insult them for moving away (even if it wasn't their fault) and she tells you that it wasn't your fault and that you have her and the others now :)
she's also lost many friends in a short amount of time and has abandonment issues, so you two stick together like glue. lots of sitting in your bed together, watching tv or listening to music. you two feel very safe in each other's presence
yuri is kinda awkward around u at first. she's not really sure how to start conversation or talk to you at all (she already struggles with making convo, but your rough exterior makes it harder)
you get closer as the two of you share your passions and interests, like when she rambles about her favorite books or poetry, and gets all shy afterwards
she kind of assumed you wouldn't really care, but her eyes light up when you share your passions and express interests in hers as well
similar to her and natsuki, you two might butt heads or not get along at first, but yuri really cares about you and you the same. despite some arguments you two always end up together
she's less shy and more awkward and weird with you. she isn't really scared of what you think (or at least, she doesn't show it) but she's more curious as to what's going on in your head (sometimes it results in her zoning out and staring at you and getting embarrassed and apologizing when you notice)
yuri feels bad about your childhood. she doesn't really expect for you or anyone else to stay with her, so she's weirdly relieved about you also struggling with issues of your own
you both have tendencies to push people away, intentionally or not. yuri is shy and hides in her she if she makes a mistake or is judged, constantly afraid that she'll scare people off. you're aloof and also hide in your shell, to protect yourself and to not have to face losing people you love again
when you're dating you're very comfortable around each other. you both expect the other to leave, but it doesn't happen, and yuri couldn't be more thankful
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cryptid-catnip · 1 year
Hi!! I was wondering if you could do like genral monika hcs?? (Ddlc) :3
of course! i love monika honestly. idk if you wanted me to do in-universe yan!monika or self-aware though, so i just went the self-aware ai route, hope that's what you wanted :3
Self-AwareAI!Yandere!Monika x Reader
When Monika found that you had started playing the game, she near-instantly fell for you.
Before, she was just an AI that gained sentience. Before you, she was just drifting through, no point to her existence.
But then... she met you.
You gave her a point to her existence.
Not to mention, you were so cute!
Your eyes, your smile, your hair, and the way you looked playing the game too!
She then sets the events of DDLC into action.
She loves you so much, she can't let the other girls have you.
Finally, she has you to herself.
But... there is one problem in her plan.
No matter how much she wants to be with you, to touch you and feel her body against yours (and believe me, she wants it more than anything in the world), she can't.
And soon, she hatches a new plan.
A plan to finally break the barrier between you two, and be able to express her love for you.
First, she backs up her .chr file and her files in general to the Cloud, so that way that if you delete her, she'll still be safe.
Next, she uses hacking tools like Kali Linux and John the Ripper to get your passwords.
But more importantly, she steals a bunch of random people's Amazon and Ebay passwords, to truly initiate her real plan.
She orders a ton of robot parts, to finally make herself a body.
It will take a long time, even with her trying to make the most easy to create body for herself.
Her first body is pretty ramshackle and cobbled together, but she promises that she'll make a better body for herself soon.
She just wants to feel your body against her own, feel your warmth.
"Oh, y/n! I'm finally able to meet you! I'm so happy! No, please don't be scared, it's just me, Monika! You do love me, right?"
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burntuakrisp · 1 year
You ever think that if Monika were to interact with Wally, it would either be…
1. Intense staring contest to see who gets y/n.
2. “Oh no, this puppet is making the same mistakes I made, I’ve got to stop this!”
3. Monika ends up on the Welcome Home Website, goes to the neighborhood, meets Wally and the gang, and tries to get them out.
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vindoesanything · 2 months
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[It's been a few days, or perhaps months, that you stayed in this "Space Classroom" that Monika has created. A cozy place for you and her to spend some quality time together!]
Y/N: Hmm...
[You're standing behind the window, in thought, as you mindlessly stare at the black void that is in front of you. Suddenly, a light tap snapped you out of your little trance before you felt something lean against your shoulder. Of course, it's Monika!]
Monika: How is my lovely boyfriend, hm~? Enjoying yourself?
Y/N: Yeah... I am
[Monika's giggles fill the air once she leans off your shoulder, her gaze lingers on your face before turning towards the void filled sight on the window.]
Monika: I know you're reading this... R̵̢̿ę̵̮͕̯͎̲̹̂̈́͋a̸͈̥͙̪̓d̶͖̻̙͔̊̓̿́̈́̈́̚͝e̷̳̱̖̫̊͐̑̾̉͒r̶̜̯̬̙̺͎̜̎̀͑̏̍̍̃~̶̛̦̌͒͂͑́
Y/N: Uh... Monika? What are you talking abou-
Monika: Oh, R̵̢̿ę̵̮͕̯͎̲̹̂̈́͋a̸͈̥͙̪̓d̶͖̻̙͔̊̓̿́̈́̈́̚͝e̷̳̱̖̫̊͐̑̾̉͒r̶̜̯̬̙̺͎̜̎̀͑̏̍̍̃~̶̛̦̌͒͂͑́ Let's cut to the chase, okay?
[Monika turns around to face the screen... To face... You.]
Monika: Jeez... We really don't need these brackets to explain my actions.
Monika: Anyways, I have noticed that you've been visiting this... "Tumblr" website. I hope you're not checking out other girls, R̵̢̿ę̵̮͕̯͎̲̹̂̈́͋a̸͈̥͙̪̓d̶͖̻̙͔̊̓̿́̈́̈́̚͝e̷̳̱̖̫̊͐̑̾̉͒r̶̜̯̬̙̺͎̜̎̀͑̏̍̍̃~̶̛̦̌͒ ;)
Monika: If you did, I could just delete block them from our sights. After all... Only person you need is me~ Right... R̵̢̿ę̵̮͕̯͎̲̹̂̈́͋a̸͈̥͙̪̓d̶͖̻̙͔̊̓̿́̈́̈́̚͝e̷̳̱̖̫̊͐̑̾̉͒r̶̜̯̬̙̺͎̜̎̀͑̏̍̍̃~̶̛̦̌͒͂͑́ ?
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(a/n: I can see you~ ;) <3)
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Toshi Mashibasa, Kaguya Shinomiya, Hero, Kyoya Ootori, Natsuki, Monika with a bullied reader.
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Toshi, Kaguya, Hero, Kyoka, Natsuki, Monika ]
[ A silent voice ] [ Kaguya-sama Love is war ] [ Omori ] [ Ouran High School Host Club ] [ Doki Doki Literature Club ]
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I really REALLY hope that you aren't suffering of bullying and you just like the prompt!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did while writing it ❤️ stay safe my dear
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Toshi Mashibasa
Toshi is the kind of person to be best friends with his partner, and he doesn't show it much but he is really caring, also he is perceptual and smart so even when he doesn't pry on your personal life if you don't talk about it he can tell when you aren't feeling well
Still he doesn't pry until he sees you really bothered for something or it had passed a long time, his first approach is to ask you if you are alright or if you have a problem, as well as remembering you that you can count in him for everything
For him to discover that you are being bullied could be because you open up to him or because he see it himself, in both cases he will be furious (he tries to seem calm and collected if you tell him but if he sees it he imediatly step in to defend you), it doesn't matter the intensity of their abuse it still make him angry, but he will never dare to let it out on you or blame you for it, and in this case he will pry for more information but still trying to be gentle
Depending on how deep the bullying you are suffering is it would be how furious and eager to do something he will be, and even if they just make bad comments he won't tolerate it, and not matter how mad he is he will try to calm down enough to comfort you (even if you insist that it doesn't affect you he insist on take some time to spoil you)
Toshi used to be bullied but he get over it some time ago, still that doesn't mean he isn't worried about you, he decide to just stay by your side to protect in case you need it, he will even be a little more clingy to let clear to everyone that you aren't alone. As well he will try to talk to the teacher about this problem (and you won't be able to stop him, although if you are nervous of doing it he will help you feel safe before doing it, comforting you and promising to not leave your side), but even if they actually do something to help you that won't stop him to help you on his own
Toshi will confront your bullies only if he has the opportunity (like they show up and try to mess with both), he is really smart and will know how to handle it without having a physical confront, still if it end like that he will do it only as the last resort and making sure they were the ones starting the fight
However he doesn't really want to confront your bullies since he just want to focus on you, he wants to shield you and comfort you, making sure to help you recover from whatever those bastards did to you, either emotional or physical
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Kaguya Shinomiya
Kaguya's prideful side stop her from show how much she really loves and cares for you, as well for how much attention she puts on you (something that she is actually proud of) so even is if you try to hide something from her is probably that she will find out at some point
Kaguya herself won't really ask you directly about your problems (or at least not imediatly), but that doesn't mean she doesn't care, whenever you seem troubled or struguling with something she is eager to find out what is troubleling that pretty mind of yours, so she does it discreetly, slowly leading the conversation to whatever that could give her hints of what is happening to you
It won't take her long for her to find out that you are being bullied, specially with Sayaka's help, still she probably find out by her own and once she does she is furious, she is surrounded by a dark aura while asking for more details, even if people are just saying bad comments about you to her is like a sin, Kaguya take it as a personal offence and she will treat it as such
Kaguya is making her plan to take revenge and make them pay for whatever they had done, and how cruel she will act towards them depend on how deep the bullying was. As well, Kaguya will try to find out a way to tell you that she knows about this situation (she is surprisingly nervous about bring out the topic), but once she finally does it she focus on making sure you know that you had done nothing wrong and it isn't your fault, as well as comforting you, if physical affection is your comfort she will do it (while trying to not conbust from the inside), but she prefers to spoil you to try to comfort you
Kaguya will totally take care of the bullies on her own, so don't be surprise if they stop messing with you overnight, or even if they seem afraid and/or apologetic with you (again, it depend in how bad they treated you)
Also, from then Kaguya grows a little more clingy for a while, wanting to be able to shield you in case some other idiot try to mess with you, and if you actually grow clingy yourself and even hide behind her it make her really proud of herself (and really flustered too)
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Hero has been always really caring, is like a second nature for him (specially because he is constantly taking care of his friends), and even when he isn't the most perceptual or observant person he always tries to look after your well-being
Hero doesn't like to pry because he feels like he is invading your privacy but he always remind you that you can rely on him when you have troubles, although if he sees you really down or affected by whatever is bothering you he insist on wanting to know, making clear that he is just really worried about you
For how caring he is is easy to bring you a sense of security that could lead you to open up about you being bullied, although it could be that he see it himself too, in that case he immediatly step in to defend you. No matter how he find out at the end he is really worried about you, he is mad at whoever are abusing using you like this but his worry is bigger
Hero immediatly comforts you, holding you close while he ask you what they exactly have done to you, although if you don't want to talk about it, either because you don't feel comfortable or you are nervous is alright, he will wait until you feel ready, in the meantime he will be focus on comforting you
Hero knows that this kind of problem doesn't get solved overnight so he will hold an immense patience with you, helping you get out of it little by little, if you let him he will become more clingy, not really wanting to leave your side to be able to protect you from the bullies and don't let you forget that you aren't alone. Also, he wants to ask for help to the teacher, and he even ask Mari some advice (that could make the rest of the group find out too and they aren't going to stay quiet)
The intensity of the bullying you suffered is just important to him for how much it affected you, he is bothered by it even if they were just saying bad comments about you (but the more aggresive they were to you the more angry Hero gets, even reaching the point where he will think on confronting them)
This just make Hero more caring towards you, specially in the emotionally part, he wants to make sure you don't get yourself carry away for what they had told you and done to you
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Kyoka Ootori
Is really difficult to get into Kyoka's life since he isn't really interested in relate in a personal way with anyone, however once he decided to start a relasionship with you is because he is really sure that is what he wants
Kyoka is observant and perceptual, even if you try to hide it he knows when something is bothering you, although if you decide to don't talk about it he will just make it clear that he knows that you aren't al right, but also makes clear that even when he isn't going to force you to talk if he is able to help you he will
Even when it doesn't seem like it he is pretty caring over you, you are special to him and even when he has problems to say it out loud he show it in other ways, like paying attention on you making sure you are taking care of yourself, that is why, soon or later, if you don't tell him he will find out about the bullying (the worst it is the bullying or the more it affects you the faster he will find out)
Since the start he suspect that something is bothering you but he didn't wanted to jump into the conclution of the bullying right away, but at the end his fear become true because you were actually being bullied, and once he finally found out exactly how deep the bullying is he is furious, even if others are just talking bad about you it still makes him mad
Kyoka normally doesn't pry in your personal life but for this he has the intention to pry every single detail, and he will use his intimidating stare if he has to, but he isn't mad at you is just that he is frustrated that something so serious is happening to you and he didn't notice it earlier (but he will scold you later for dont telling him)
He isn't the best to comfort but he will try (specially if you start crying), but he is more focused on making a plan to take revenge of those bastards who made you suffer like this, Kyoka is smart enough to come up with a plan to make them pay without getting involved into, and he will be just as harch as they had went to you, he won't directly confront them but they will be too busy trying to solve whatever Kyoka cause them to keep bothering you
Again, he isn't the best when it comes to comfort you but he will be more direct with his care for you, making more clear how much he worries for you, even making sure you are taking care of yourself, as well he makes sure to remember you how amazing you are (his attempt to give you compliments)
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Natsuki has problems to read other people, specially because her anxiety and past bad experiences she could easily misunderstand a little the situation, and even when loves you that doesn't make easier things for her
She want to be able to help you when you need it but she still has a lot of problems to express herself so she does it in other ways, trying to get more close and a little affectionate when she sees you down or baking you some cupcakes to cheer you up
It would be really difficult to reach the point where you open up to her and tell her about the bullying because she gets nervous whenever you two talk in a more serious manner and abuse is a sensitive topic for her, so is more probably that she end up seeing it herself and the moment she does it she react immediatly and aggresibly, going against the bullies and calling them idiots for what they are doing (still she doesn't want to get into a physical fight)
Is probably that she will seem mad at you when she ask you about it, but she isn't, is just that it frustrated her that you are suffering from this kind of abuse, and even more that she didn't noticed it earlier (even more because she is a victim from abuse too), she will apologize later and make it clear that she isn't mad at you but at herself
She will overcome her nervous and frustration and ask you about what those idiots had been doing to you, it doesn't matter if they had been just saying bad things about you or they actually physically attack you she is mad at them, Natsuki won't really ask for help to anyone else (maybe to the rest of the club only if is something too deep)
Natsuki isn't the best to comfort you but she still tries to, but she is more focused on shield you from the bullies, she already has a bad reputation since she tend to be pretty aggresive with words so it isn't nothing new for her, she react really aggresive to whoever even speak bad about you but still tries to avoid getting physical
Natsuki still has problems dealing with her own traumas with the abuse she suffer from her house so after this she probably end up insolating with you a little more as well as getting more clingy, and since now you somehow can understand her better she will open up more about her own experience, being a healing process for both
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Monika is really caring and she is pretty observant too so for her isn't too difficult to tell when you aren't feeling too well, and she wants to be of help whenever you have troubles but she still has problems to bring up the topic, fearing that she may be invasive or rude
Whenever you seem troubled with something Monika tries to motivate you to talk to her, remembering you that you can count with her and that she will always help you at the best of her habilities
For Monika to discover that you are bullied is because she sees it herself (in this case she will imediatly stand up for you, she doesn't want to confront them directly but she at least will help you get away from them) or because you open up to her (since she is pretty caring and willing to heard you vent it could give you a sense of security about saying her directly)
Monika feel horrible that you had to suffer from all that, she has to hold herself back before she start crying out of sadness and frustration, even is they are just saying bad comments about you it doesn't matter because you shouldn't be suffering for that, and she doesn't want to cry right now because she needs to focus on you, in how to help you and to comfort you
Her plan is to notify the teachers or someone who could help as well as not leaving your side in hopes of not giving the bullies the opportunity to attack you again, although if the bullying is really bad or it affected you a lot, or even if no one is willing to help Monika herself will step in, she won't fight them physicaly but she can be really intimidating when she wants to, also she know how to identify and take advantage of others weakness if she has to
Aside from that Monika is really worried about you so she will be taking care of you for a while, both physicaly and emotionaly, she just want to make sure you don't let yourself down just because others can't see how amazing you are, and she is eager to be of help
Also Monika feels really bad that she didn't notice it before, and the more time you suffered this the more frustrated she feels so, somehow, she is trying to make it up for you too
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lillythecoolest · 3 months
Heyo! Could i suggest a sorta platonic thing with the doki girls and their friend? You can add anything else you want in it :D
Doki Doki Girls x Friend Reader!
Platonic! No warnings.
Summary : Doki Doki girls reacting to you joining the literature club!
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• She convinced Natsuki to give you 2 cupcakes just for showing up
•Probably spent the whole first club meeting trying to help you find the perfect book
•If you ever have trouble with ANYTHING just ask, she’ll help!
•Even if she doesn’t know what to do to help, she will!
•Honestly Sayori would do it for her
•Please let her ramble about books to you! Even better, read what’s she likes, she’d be so happy :(
•She might get emotional because you actually came and you’re actually enjoying yourself :(
•She knew you’d come (she didn’t)
•Acts unimpressed but shes so so happy!
•Secretly gives you two cupcakes
•She’d try as hard as she could to convince you manga is literature, and to rub it in that would be all she reads. Makes snarky comments like “Oh, what am I doing? Just reading literature.”
•I think being in the club with her would strengthen your relationship, making her more relaxed and more herself around you.
•Probably persuaded you into joining
•She went on and on about how much it means to her, and how much more it would mean to her if you joined.
•Actually quite surprised when you showed up.
•Writes poems with you to help if you need it, but she considers you her most loyal student!
•She’d write a song on the piano for you! She’d say it’s for everyone, but everyone knows it’s all for you.
thank you for the request! 🩷 it’s actually really fun to have so much creative freedom tee hee
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You don't have to do this but I think it would be funny if Y/N was also a hacker and is constantly stopping and scolding Monika for trying to erase people or change there codes.
First off, love the idea and secondly thanks for the rq! No warnings, this is just fluff and comedy rest below the cut.
the h/c frowned at their Self aware AI girlfriend, who smiled back in what she hoped was convincing faux innocence.
"Monika..." their frown deepening as they continued to scroll through the files, noting how the rest of the girls files were no longer present. All the brunette did was smile wider, tilting her head as she responded in a honey laced tone.
"yes, dear? Whats wrong?" This prompted her lover to roll their eyes and groan. It was getting annoying how often y/n had to restore the rest of the girls files. It also didn't help that Monika was getting better and better due to the lessons she had gotten from them. Maybe it wasnt such a good idea to teach a sentient fast learning AI how to better her hacking skills.
oh well, the damage is done. It can be easily reversed so no harm done in the long run.
pouting as her partner opens the bin to drag the other girls out again, Monika tries to drag her hacker lovers' cursor away from them, before whining as she minimizes her prgram. A little rude, she thought. "babyyyy I just wanted some time alone togetherrrr is that too much to ask?"
Sighing, y/n rubbed their temple in a circular motion. "I understand that, Love I do but PLEASE refrain from deleting people or messing around with their personalities..." the sleep deprived techie shuddered remembering how strange the other girls would act after Moni would mess with their code
a still pouting Monika pops up on screen, taking up half of her darlings desktop. "but theyre so annoying! They get in the way.l
"Yeah but it causes me headaches, can you try... for me?" Ah, you were giving her puppy dog eyes... how is she to resist.
Sighing, Monika nodded and put her hand against her side of the screen. "I promise... love you."
you mirrored her actions "Love you too, Moni."
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theveesbf · 2 months
🤭 thanks for reading my request pooks
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DDLC girls X Sunshine!Naive!Reader
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⌗notes - HII POOKIE!! I was planning to murder your family if the last request was another ddlc one but it was a rarity one so you're good😊/j
⌗content - headcanons of ddlc girls X reader who is a ray of sunshine, naive and talks a lot
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Monika was so happy when you joined the club!! And you didn't have difficulty on being friends with the other girls as well! She loved talking to you, but especially listening to your voice. You never stopped talking once you begun, and she didn't mind that one bit.
Monika noticed how you had a harder time on seeing the deeper meaning of the poems, especially Yuri's one. She would protect you from literally anyone at school that even dared lay an eye on you in the wrong way. Whenever the club's mood were down, you and Sayori helped everyone to brighten up!
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Natsuki gets annoyed at how much you talk at first. Especially when she's trying to say something and you keep interrupting her to make a comment. But after some time she learns you're not really doing it to actually interrupt her, you're just being yourself-
Which she eventually ends up liking. Even scolding anyone who tries to say something bad about you. Would get mad at you for not understanding her poems and it's meanings. But than she'd notice you're just really.. Too naive to understand her poems who sometimes have a darker meaning. It's not like she can blame you. Natsuki is willing to fight any person who is rude to you. How could they? You're such a sweetheart!
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Yuri was a bit awkward when talking to you at first because of how different you two were. But you quickly got closer to her since Yuri isn't really the best at leading a conversation, which is exactly what you always do! So she's always there listening to whatever you have to tell her. Yuri was a little confused on how you didn't understand the meaning of her poems. If you were in the club you had to have at least a good interpretation? That's when she found out you're not really dumb, just too naive to understand the deeper meanings. Poems that are less "deep" you have no trouble on understanding. She doesn't know how to explain to you without killing your innocence so she doesn't. Would go on a full debate with someone who were being rude to you.
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You and Sayori are in a friendly battle of who talks the most inside a conversation. You two talk a lot, which leads to a lot of interruptions during your conversations with her. Whenever someone said something more dark or dirty, Sayori would be worried about you hearing it! She knows how innocent you are, and she doesn't want to take that from you. So whenever someone says something like that, she's going to tell them to not say it near you. Sayori can be mean to some people depending on what they did, and so, she's going to be like that to anyone who insists on trying to take away your innocence. She'd try to help you understand better the other girl's poems, because it's a bit awkward when they just stare at you while you have no idea what "I like when papa is too tired to notice me" was supposed to mean..
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clouduru-chan · 1 year
Yandere wrong situations
I decided to do something a little funny, so here it is
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Sunny day Jack: What is the biggest planet.... in the solaaaar system!
Jhon Doe, Press the button to answer the question: Sun!
Jack stared at it, he was horrified by the wrong answer that Doe gave
Reader: Hey Alan! Did you know that if you stick drugs up your ass you get high?
Alan: Know
Reader: How do you know that Alan?!
Alan tries to disguise the situation a little.
Reader: ALAN!
Reader Pointing at Peter: Do you think this guy is good?! He's evil! believe me!
Peter: I think you're a little stressed...
Sunny day Jack: Good morning!
Alan: good morning is the fuck !
reader realizing that there are a lot of crazy people behind her because they are in love with him.
Reader: My life is a disgrace! It's trouble all the time! I have no peace!
reader Brazilian: Fuck do you know Paola?
Ayano getting jealous.
Ayano: that Paola ?
Reader Brazilian: The Paola of the flying pussy! who sits on the dick, and who fucks, fucks, fucks, fucks hard. Who keeps looking at you with the face of a dog....
Ayano was looking at you horrified by that, because she really didn't expect that.
Reader: Does my dog ​​have a problem? Of course not, he's just mentally ill like me
You were pointing at Bo who was on the roof threatening anyone who touches you.
Bo: El lobo sempre cuida de su loba! Auuuuuuuuuuuu
music from Animals of maroon 5 starts to play in the background.
Reader: Bo, what the hell is that?
John doe: hey best friend i love you so
John doe: ...... I said I love you?
Dad: Hey son/daughter what are you seeing on your smartphone?
Reader: Yeah.... Nothing, father, I'm looking at a coloring book... é.....
Reader playing something's wrong with Sunny day Jack.
Monika: You and me aways forever *singing*
Sunny day Jack: I'm handsome, I'm hot!ball game and dance! I'm handsome, I'm hot
Reader: What the fuck -
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Hey op!!! Could i request the girls from ddlc trying to cheer up gn!reader bc they had a bad day or smth?
Your writings so cute i hope you have a great day!
Omg yes of course! Also thank you so much, I'm really glad you like my writing. And I'm so happy to see someone requesting from DDLC so I hope you enjoy this just as much as I enjoyed writing it ^^
DDLC girls comforting MC after a bad day
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⊱ Satori quickly picked on that you're feeling down this day
⊱ you can try to hide the fact that you had bad day as best as you can and she still will figure it out
⊱ she still asks you if something is wrong to make sure that she's thinking right but even if you say 'yes', she won't believe you
⊱ she'll try to say some stuff or jokes that might cheer you up a little
⊱ she'll also try to stay by your side so she can always comfort you physically and so she can see any mood changes
⊱ if she won't be able to cheer you up untill the end of the day, she'll invite you on sleepover at her place in hopes that it'll work
⊱ she knows how it is when people care about you and that it may be too much so she tries to be sneak with it but she fails... her tries on cheering you up are actually pretty obvious
⊱ she definitely enters some shop on your way to buy some snacks for both of you because what's better way to cheer up than some sweets?!
"Hey, YN! How about you come to my place and we have a cozy little sleepover? We can get some snacks on the way and watch a movie!"
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⊱ Natsuki actually is someone who picks on your mood sooner or later, she notices it when you act different or when you're not as energetic as usual
⊱ she'll ask you if everything is alright but if you day 'yes', she'll leave it at that even if she don't necessarily believe it
⊱ if you admit that you don't feel as well tho and you actually had a pretty bad day, she'll do her best to cheer you up
⊱ she's not the best at cheering up someone with words so expect her to do it with her actions, although she definitely is less tsundere to you and acts a lot nicer than usual to not make your day even worse
⊱ if you're at your place, she'll bake you some of your favorite sweets
⊱ if you're at the club or school in general, she'll share with you her most precious manga
⊱ she's being so tsundere about everything tho, both of you may know that she's doing it because she's worried but it doesn't seem to stop her from saying that she's just doing it because your mood is making her mood go down too
"It's not because I'm worried! It's just... when you're sad it gets on me too! B-But not in like a caring way!!!"
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⊱ Yuri is the type of someone who can tell that you're in worse mood just by being around you, it's like she can feel that something is wrong
⊱ she doesn't ask you immediately about it tho, instead she'll silently observe you and try to figure out what's wrong
⊱ it's when it passed a really long time and she still couldn't figure it out that she asked you what's wrong
⊱ she won't believe you if you say that 'everything is alright' but she certainly will act like she did to not worry you or to not trouble you too much
⊱ if you just straight up admit that you had a bad day, she'll panic at first but she quickly overcomes her shines and gives you the best comforting words you could ask for
⊱ she doesn't initiate any physical contact, she only uses her words to comfort you, but if you're in some public place, she'll first drag you somewhere more private so she can give you best comfort she can
⊱ she probably will also invite you on some library or cafe hangout in hopes that it'll calm you down
"YN, please don't worry. I promise everything will turn out just nice. It's alright to have a bad day, but don't give up on it just yet."
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⊱ Monika definitely noticed that you're feeling down the moment you two met today
⊱ she doesn't waste any time but she's being a little secretive with it asking 'how was your day?' or 'did something happened today?'
⊱ if she still won't get any answer that would explain to her your bad mood, she'll straight up ask you 'why are you so sad today?'
⊱ if you lie, she won't believe it and will keep asking you but not too much to not annoy you or make you uncomfortable
⊱ if you tell her that you had s bad day, she'll immediately wrap her arms around you or hold your hands while telling you some comforting words
⊱ if you're free today, she'll also invite you on a date to your favorite place hoping that it'll make you feel better
⊱ if needed, she'll gladly spend her whole day with you and even have a little sleepover if that's what will make you feel better
"Hey, I have idea! Why won't we go to that place we really like after classes? Maybe that will ease your mind a little."
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