#alan orion x reader
succubusmelt · 7 months
Can I request SWWSDJ, MDHM, John Doe, and Peter YB with a reader who is pregnant. I don’t know why I just wanna know how they are with a moody Y/N and newborn babies.
Thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I'm sorry I haven't responded in a while... university started and I still haven't adjusted my schedule. I hope you like it.
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- Alan would be extremely protective and possessive of you during the pregnancy. He would worry constantly about anything harming you or the baby.
- He would insist you move in fully with him so he can take care of your every need. Alan would make sure you are well fed and always comfortable. He loves indulging you with food like pancakes and eggs.
- Alan would be very excited yet nervous about becoming a father. He wants nothing more than to have a family with you but worries he may not be the best at it since he was mostly alone in the woods for so long.
- He loves touching and talking to your baby bump. Alan finds it amazing that you two created new life together. He might even talk or coo to the baby through your belly.
- Sex would be off limits while pregnant but Alan would find other ways to be intimate like romantic baths, massages, and lots of cuddling. He still wants to satisfy your needs and be close to you.
- At night he would watch you sleep even more closely and protectively. Alan wants to ensure nothing disturbs you or endangers the pregnancy.
- Come the birth, Alan would insist on being right by your side through it all. He wouldn't want to miss a moment. Alan would also be very hands on helping care for the baby after its born.
- Fatherhood would make Alan clingier and more territorial than ever. He finds you even more perfect for creating his family.
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- Jack is absolutely overjoyed with the news of your pregnancy. He becomes even more attentive and protective towards you, making sure you have everything you need and taking extra care of you during this special time.
- Jack becomes extremely protective of you and the baby, constantly ensuring your safety and well-being. He's always by your side, guiding you through your pregnancy journey with love and support.
- Jack spoils you with attention and affection. He pampers you with massages, prepares your favorite meals (particularly craving cravings), and takes care of household chores to ensure you can rest and relax.
- Jack is there to listen and provide emotional support whenever you need it. Pregnancy can bring about a rollercoaster of emotions, and Jack is always ready with open arms and a comforting presence to reassure you and make you feel loved.
- As a former children's show presenter, Jack knows the importance of a healthy lifestyle. He encourages you to eat nutritious foods, go for regular walks, and takes care of your overall well-being. He may even show off his cooking skills by preparing delicious and wholesome meals for you.
- Jack cherishes every opportunity to bond with the baby. He talks to your growing belly, sings lullabies, and even performs silly little shows just for the baby's entertainment. He believes in creating a strong connection with the baby even before they arrive.
- Jack actively participates in preparing for the arrival of the baby. He helps with setting up the nursery, picking out baby clothes, and reading parenting books to ensure he's well-equipped to be the best parent possible.
- Jack shares in your excitement and eagerly anticipates the arrival of your little one. He constantly reassures you that he will be there to support you through labor and be the best co-parent alongside you.
- Being a ghost, Jack has a unique ability to connect with the baby in ways others cannot. He may gently hover his hand over your belly to feel the baby's movements or use his ghostly presence to soothe the baby when they're being fussy.
- Jack adores your pregnant body and finds you even more beautiful. He showers you with compliments and loves having intimate moments with you, cherishing the connection between you, the baby, and himself.
- Throughout your pregnancy, Jack's love and devotion to you only strengthen. He sees this time as a precious milestone in your lives and is committed to being the best partner and co-parent he can be, cherishing every moment as a family.
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- Peter treats darling's pregnancy with the utmost care and affection.
- He is constantly doting on darling, giving them foot rubs to ease their tiredness and seeing to their every craving even in the middle of the night.
- Peter talks tenderly to the baby, resting his large hands on darling's stomach so he can feel the kicks. He is already besotted with his child.
- To help darling feel safe, Peter has Rat coil protectively around their waist each night as they sleep. Though usually mischievous, even Rat knows to be on its best behavior for the duration of the pregnancy.
- Peter worries endlessly about darling and ensures the doctor gives them only the finest prenatal care. Money is no object when it comes to darling's health and comfort.
- Each morning he wakes darling with a breakfast in bed including their favorite pastries, fresh fruit, and a good luck kiss placed gently on their bump.
- Peter is over the moon at the thought of having a family with darling and will be the best father -and husband- he can possibly be.
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- John is extremely protective of his loved ones, including his pregnant partner. He becomes even more attentive and vigilant during this time, constantly ensuring the safety and well-being of both the mother and the unborn child.
- Being a shape-shifter, John can adapt his body to provide physical support and comfort to his pregnant partner. He can transform into a cushion or a soft surface for her to rest on, alleviating any discomfort or strain.
- John is highly aware of the changes happening in his partner's body during pregnancy. He educates himself on the subject, gathering information from various sources to better understand the process and support her in the best way possible.
- Despite his possessive nature, John recognizes the importance of giving his partner space and respecting her boundaries during pregnancy. He understands that her body is going through significant changes and ensures he is there for her emotionally without being overbearing.
- John is always ready to fulfill any cravings or desires his partner may have during pregnancy. He happily goes out of his way to satisfy her needs, whether it's midnight food runs or preparing her favorite snacks.
- Due to his innocence and lack of understanding of human norms, John may unintentionally overstep boundaries with his physical affection. He may need gentle reminders from his partner or other trusted individuals about appropriate boundaries and personal space.
- John's protective nature extends beyond just physical safety. He becomes hyper-aware of potential dangers or threats to his partner and takes extra precautions to keep her safe, such as accompanying her to doctor's appointments or avoiding potentially harmful situations.
- John's curiosity is piqued during his partner's pregnancy as he witnesses the development of new life. He eagerly learns about fetal development and eagerly engages in conversations about the baby's future.
- As the due date approaches, John becomes increasingly excited and anxious. He assists in preparing the nursery, gathering baby essentials, and ensuring everything is in order for the arrival of their child.
- Throughout the pregnancy, John showers his partner with love, affection, and support. He embraces the role of a dedicated partner, providing emotional stability and reassurance during this transformative time in their lives.
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sunbitesworld · 8 months
Omg Hello!! Hope you are doing well!!
Anyways, may I please request the Yanderes (specifically John Doe, Peter Dunbar, Sunny Day Jack + Joseph, and Alan Orion. You don’t have to do them all but those are the preferred Yanderes. You can also added more if you want! Whatever you’re comfortable with!) with a Y/N who is an extreme night owl? Like a Y/N who loves like energy drinks and candy and stuff like that? Thank you so much!! I love your fanfics so much!!!
Hi darling, I am SO sorry for being late to answering this! Thank you for the support, it's very much appreciated!! <3 I hope you don't mind me adding Bo <3
WARNINGS: Slight manipulation?
JACK isn't happy about you being a night owl, to say the least. He wants to make sure you're sleeping properly! All those energy drinks and candies are bad for your health. He would sit you down and talk to you about it - knowing that energy drinks can become addicting.
"Sunshine, I'm worried for you... This isn't healthy - and with you being so hyper and not sleeping, how can we cuddle?"
JOSEPH doesn't really care you're a night owl. He himself is addicted to coffee - needing the energy as an actor. Though, he is slightly worried about you, he knows it's a very unhealthy lifestyle. If he notices that it's getting out of hand, he'll try to convince you to cut back on the sugar for a little bit.
"Don't ya think you should get some sleep, Doll? You can lay your head on my lap, gotta go over my lines still..."
BO his puppy isn't sleeping? He's alone during the day while you're asleep? He isn't getting cuddles at night? He HATES it. He will find a way to make you sleep, otherwise he might die from lack of attention. He's coming up with a plan he's sure will work, it HAS to! Next time he sees you up so late at night, he's laying right on top of you and getting all comfy.
"Puppy... Please cuddle with me. I miss you so much! You've been sleeping all day and staying up all night - you're leaving me all alone..."
ALAN is a night owl himself, so he doesn't mind. He loves energy drinks and candy just as much as his doe eyes does! Maybe you guys can stay up and look at the stars together more often? Or go on walks through the forest! He's happy you can keep him company at night, and share your snacks with him.
"... It's nice having someone to watch the stars with almost every night. Thank you for keeping me company, Doe Eyes."
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talkbycolor · 6 months
Alan: in 10 years, i guarantee you, i will be MC's second husband.
MC: what happened to my first husband?
Alan: nothing you can prove.
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motzui · 5 months
Okay but like imagine having sex with Alan and praising his body. Like you’re on top of him, you bend down and press a kiss to his lips before carefully tracing your finger tips over his scars. “I love you Alan, I love every part of you.” You whisper to him, trailing your hand over to his arm before you rub soft circles around the cigar burns that permanently stained his left shoulder. Alan feels warmth spread all throughout his body as he gazes at you lovingly giving him praise. Not gonna lie he gets a bit teary eyed before cupping your cheek and giving you a long passionate kiss and murmuring his sweet nickname to you as a way to show his appreciation. Next thing you know you’re on top of him as his dick slides In and out of you and you can’t help but worship his body again. “Mnh.. I love your body Alan.. so pretty.. ‘makin me feel so good..” you whimper out as you place your hand on the large pinkish mark left on his body from past experiences. You rub your thumb across it, adoringly. And In that moment Alan found himself falling for you again
But Idk, js shitty late night writing 😪
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threadsun · 1 year
Today's horny Alan thought is Alan with a voice kink, calling you up and asking you about your day. You're rambling on and on about it because he's listening so politely and it's nice to just talk. It becomes a bit of a tradition, him calling you up every night and silently listening as you talk about your day. You appreciate having him there to listen to everything, the good and the bad and the weird, without judgement.
But then one night, you stop talking to ask him about his own day. In the momentary silence, you slowly become aware of his shaky breaths and the soft wet sounds coming from his end of the phone. And it dawns on you that he's been getting himself off to the sound of your voice this whole time. That he's been calling you up every night and asking about your day just so he can touch himself to the sound of your voice. The little creep.
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improbable-outset · 6 months
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📂 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭, 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐢𝐟 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐂𝐚𝐧
Alan Orion x gn!Reader
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.6k
𝐀𝐎3 | 𝐌𝐲 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 | 𝐌𝐃𝐇𝐌 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐓𝐖 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐖: Established Relationship, Yandere Lover Unprotected Sex, Fingering, Grinding, Dry Humping, Slight Fearplay. MINORS DNI!!🔞🔞
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: In the midst of a game of hide and seek, you find yourself pinned by your hatchet man lover in the middle of the forest.
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From a few hours ago up until now felt like a blur to you. You couldn’t pinpoint when you felt your heartbeat spike in your chest or the film of sweat that appeared on your forehead, despite it being cold outside. The temperature was low enough for you to see your breath forming misty clouds.
Having been surrounded by nothing but darkness and silhouettes of tree trunks was getting unnerving, and you were losing your sense of direction. Every path looked the same, and you lost count on the number of times you circled around the same area.
The moonlight that filtered through the leaves above you only served some sort of mockery, following you around as you continued to run aimlessly. The air was filled with the rustling of leaves and twinges that crunched beneath your feet as you filtered through the twisted maze of the forest.
However, your exhaustion was catching up to you, and you had to pause in your tracks. You knew it was a stupid idea to stop midway, but you had to catch your breath, leaning one hand on the tree truck as you lurched forward to recollect yourself while holding your midsection. You were panting heavily to the point where your mouth was becoming dry.
This all started with an innocent game of hide and seek. It was your turn to hide and you thought inside a hollow tree would be a good enough hiding place. The hole was big enough for you to fit through, and there was enough room for you to sit upright and wait until you were found.
However, as you got comfortable inside, you felt a chilling sensation of something crawling up your back, making the hair on the back of your neck stand and a shiver run down your spine. It didn’t help that it was dark — so dark that you couldn’t even see your own hands in front of you.
Panicking, you squeezed your way out of the hollow tree to find another hiding space. But as you emerged, a twig snapped in the distance, a sign that there was another presence nearby. Out of instinct, you fled, hoping whoever or whatever was behind the bushes, wouldn’t come chasing after you.
Now, you lost track of how long you’ve been running for. Your heart was thudding in your chest and you could hear the blood rushing in your ears from the adrenaline.
You quickly realised that you weren’t alone. In the distance, you could hear the bushes rustling, slowly at first before it got louder and more aggressive. Whatever was behind there was getting close and your legs were too exhausted to carry on.
Yet, you still forced yourself to move, even if you were staggering. You felt your fight or flight instincts activated with a surge of left over energy brewing in your system. However before you could move forward, a large hand grabbed your arm, pulling you backwards before pinning you onto the tree trunk.
The rigid tree bark pressed against your back with your wrists were pinned besides your head. You could feel hot breath fanning against your neck and unruly hair brushing up against your face.
Your eyes adjusted to the darkness and his face was becoming clearer now. It wasn’t until you saw the familiar scared face and the heterochroma eyes staring back at you that you recognised who was in front of you.
“Holy shit—Alan?!” You shrieked in annoyance. His face shifted from intimidating to a sweet smile after hearing your voice.
“Found you.” He teased, lowering his face closer to you. You grumbled in annoyance at his blissful expression; he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
“Don’t…don’t do that again. You scared me to death!” Your mouth was still dry from how much you’ve been panting like a dog and you couldn’t moisten it no matter how hard you swallowed. You managed to steady your breathing, however. His face was so close to yours; the misty clouds that formed from both of your exhales merged together.
“But it was fun watching you run like that, trying to hide from me.” He chuckled, a low, throaty sound that sent a tingling sensation down your spine and reached to your core.
The air between the two of you crackled and he was close enough for you to feel the heat radiating from his body. His fingers, that gripped around your wrist to keep you from getting away, spoke a controlled power over you.
You tried to maintain your composure while holding a stern gaze, but his proximity made it hard to ignore the magnitude of the situation you were in.
You were sure he could feel how hard your heart was pounding beneath your ribs the way he was pressing his body against you, the uneven barks of the tree digging further into your back. The aroma of fresh cut wood intertwined with the earthy fragrance of the forest floor lingered around him.
“Maybe you should think twice before scaring me half to death in the middle of the game…” you resorted, trying to sound as controlled as you could, but your wavering voice betrayed you, making you sound powerless. A playful grin played on Alan’s lip he was amused by the effect he had on you.
“Admit it, doe-eyes. It was exhilarating. And you were just too tempting.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from shaking beneath him, not from the cold, but from the newfound vulnerability you were feeling against him. You were suddenly acutely reminded of how much taller he was, and how his figure was looming over you, making you self-conscious about how small you were against him. His eyes bore into you and you noticed a hint of something dark emerging from beneath his gentle demeanor. The realisation of being alone with him in a secluded, dark place now settled on you.
“What’s wrong, doe-eyes? Are you scared?” He murmured, his tone carried something almost predatory. You always knew that the fear in your eyes excited him and as twisted as it sounded, seeing him dominate you like this sparked a fire in your gut too. You trusted Alan. Who knew being scared like this was also a turn on for someone?
Alan’s proximity that would always offer comfort, now carried an undeniable menace that made your skin crawl in both excitement and anticipation. There was a sudden jab that could be felt between your legs coming from Alan pelvic area.
He pulled himself away slightly, enough for both of you to see that familiar bulge beneath his pants. Something you were used to seeing by now, more often than not, when you’re both alone in his cabin. And it wasn’t a surprise to you to see him get turned on by this.
What you didn’t expect was seeing him grind his hard on against your crotch, earning a sharp gasp from you.
You quickly looked up at him to see his reaction and he gave you an innocent smile back, as if this whole predicament wasn’t happening right now.
“What are you…what are you trying to do?”
“What does it look like?”
His vague response and his gaze, that held a possessive edge, didn’t help with your nerves. The forest that was once a familiar place now felt alien and ominous.
He leaned in again, this time pressing his lips against yours in a feverish kiss. His tongue lapped your lower lip and teeth lightly grinding on the soft skin. He was needy for you right now.
His calloused hands still had your wrists anchored in place, a rugged sign of his labour as a hatchet man, while your hands trembled beneath his firm hold.
You felt him grind himself again repeatedly in a steady rhythm between your legs, his hard on pressing eagerly against your clothed sex making you whimper into his lips.
Even with how uneasy you were feeling right now, you could still feel your sex throbbing desperately under your clothes. A whirlwind of emotions was running through your mind right now and it was getting hard to focus. But despite that, you knew your body wanted this too.
He pulled away from your mouth, more misty clouds emerged from your lips. He buried his face into your neck and continued rolling his hips onto you. His breathing became ragged and it was fanning against the sensitive area of your neck.
The heat from his breath was getting closer to the neck until you felt his teeth sink itself into your skin. There was a momentary pain from the shock which made you hiss from the sensation, before you felt him suck on the area.
You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling the initial sting morph into something more blissful. As he released his mouth from your neck, you opened your eyes and noticed the string of saliva that was connected from your neck to his lower lip.
He stopped grinding himself against you now, and you watched him intently as he pulled himself away, releasing your wrists. Your eyes were glued on his hands as they reached down to unzip the flier of his pants before pulling him down.
You continued to watch the scene fold in front of you as his cock sprang out from his pants. Pre-cum was already dripping from the tip and was now starting to fall on the ground.
You were already aware of his size and how he could reach every crevice inside of you. Yet, you couldn’t hide the agitation that was written all over your face and body language. Alan was quick to pick this up.
“Are you okay? We don’t have to do anything now if you don’t want to.” His attentive tone quickly kept you grounded, all of the uneasy sensation quickly vanished. His question settled in your mind as you tried to articulate what to say next.
You knew that if you denied him, your body would hate you for it. Getting yourself riled up and ready only for you to say no. Pathetic.
Swallowing hard, you took a few steady breaths before you spoke up. “I want this Alan. Please.” You didn’t expect to hear yourself beg, especially given the fact that he was more confident about this than you were.
You knew no one was going to catch you out here fucking, but there was still an underlying nervousness you couldn’t ignore. Nevertheless, you still went along with this because there you trusted Alan and sharing a moment like this in a forest sounded hot.
After hearing your confirmation, his hands reached for your pants to pull them low enough so he could bury himself deep inside you, before lifting your legs up to wrap around his waist and pressing himself close to you against the tree again so you wouldn’t slip.
From your perspective, you couldn’t see where his cock was going but you could feel the tip brushing against your heated skin before nuzzling over your opening.
There were times where sex with Alan would be intimidating — he would start off with slow kisses and words of affection. But you knew this time wasn’t like that.
After the chase you just had and having you pinned against the tree, the adrenaline and thrill he felt earlier would morph into something more primal. There wasn’t going to be foreplay to prepare you to take his length this time. He was desperate to be inside you already.
You felt him inserting himself inside, eagerly pushing your walls open. You felt a dull pain as the walls of your muscles stretched out for his size. It was all happening too fast. With each inch of his cock that was inserted inside you, there was a fresh wave of the initial sting before it subsided.
The grip you had on his back was intense as you tried to relieve the tension. If he wasn’t wearing his jacket right now, you would’ve definitely left a few scratches on his already scarred back. He came into a halt, a sign that he was all the way in. You could feel how full he was making you, how much he was overwhelming your heat which coaxed a shaky breath of approval out of you.
You took this second to adjust yourself to the position, feeling his hands gripping firmly into your hips that were holding you upright.
You felt his cock slide out before slamming back into your swollen hole, forcing you to cry out and throwing your head back against the tree trunk. Heat ran up to your cheeks where you felt his cock throbbing and twitching desperately while moving in and out of you.
He buried his face into your neck and continued moving inside you. His pace was sporadic and desperate. The barks of the tree continued to dig further into you again with each relentless thrust he threw at you, making you utterly helpless under him.
The forest provided its own backdrop with wind continuing to howl through the branches and the leaves rustling in the trees. But the grunts and groans escaping him, muffled against your neck in response to how tight you were squeezing his cock, were the only sounds that you picked up from your earshot.
Your mind was slipping into a haze and all you could focus on was the feeling of Alan’s cock abusing your hole and the sounds he was making.
You couldn’t stop yourself from crying out his name like a chant that echoed in the emptiness of the forest. You squirmed under his touch but his grip held you in place, preventing you from slip away from him.
“Look at yourself doe-eyes. Taking me in so eagerly.”
Alan’s movement always held a control forecity. Every action and every step reflected his raw energy and the primal instinct that coursed through him.
His thrusts were becoming more and more harsh and primal. You could feel his balls slapping against your ass every time he pushed his cock into you. His cock was twitching eagerly now and you could tell he was coming up to his peak.
With a few more pumps, he held you closer, relying on the tree and his arms for extra leverage before he pushed himself as deep as he could into your core, before he unraveled.
His hot release started to fill inside you, making him moan desperately into your ear. Even after his balls were drained into you, he still kept his cock inside you and forced his cum to sit inside. He didn’t want a drop to go to waste.
Soon, you felt him pull out and you immediately felt a withdrawal from his dick. There was still a sticky string of his cum that leaked from your hole. Alan released your legs, gently putting your back down and gave you a chance to regain your balance.
He noticed the cum dripping out of your sex and used his two rough fingers to push it back in, making sure it stayed there.
“All the way in…”
You still had your grip on his but now you leaned into his chest. His arms wrapped around you, enveloping you into an embrace.
“That was pretty wild.” you commented, smiling up to him.
“You did enjoy it, didn’t you doe-eyes?” He chuckled. “But I think it’s your turn to seek now.”
“Can we go back to your cabin instead? It’s getting cold.” You asked, shivering slightly in the chilly night air. There was another part of you that wanted to go back inside because you were craving the safety of the fireplace in his cabin and the forest was starting to become an eyesore now.
“Of course.” Before you could say anything else, Alan lifted you off the ground again and carried you in his arms. His nurturing side emerged as he navigated his way through the forest.
You just hoped his boss wasn’t lurking and watching the both of you right now…
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The perfect cosplay doesn't exis-
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I'm looking respectfully
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whyh3nry · 1 year
Yes your honor, he is a murderer BUT- aint he such a sweetie?
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clouduru-chan · 1 year
Well I decided to write something about some yanderes, well I'm kind of new to this, so sorry for any mistakes, well in the Brazilian yandere community, we usually write headcanons of some characters, as well as realizing that there were no headcanons for some characters here on Tumblr, I decided to write a little about them.
Yandere reacting to reader who cosplays
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- Well, you have only been dating a short time, and she knew that you loved to watch anime, series and Doramas, read some manga and light novels or play some video games, and since you know her well, you call her to watch something that involves romance;
- But something caught you off guard, when you simply showed up at the meeting with the cosplay of a romance anime you like to watch with your girlfriend;
- You did it because it might please your beautiful girlfriend;
- you cosplayed Kaguya Shinomiya from Kaguya Sama wa kokurasetai;
- Well you just wanted to surprise her, and Monika rather liked that, and with that she pours sweet kisses all over your face, and you turn into a blushing mess;
- You get a little clumsy around your girlfriend, so you don't get into the role of Kaguya too much;
- Monika loves how Kaguya Sama's school uniform dress looks perfect on you;
- Well you have been doing character cosplays for quite a while now, so it would be nice if your girlfriend knew about it;
- Well Monika realized at first that this was not the first cosplay, as it was very well done;
- When you stopped being embarrassed by the situation, you decided to act like the character you had cosplayed;
- Monika laughed a lot at your performances, because you were able to get perfectly into the role of the character;
- She loved the work you did just for her, you had so much love and dedication to it, she feels sweet, she will one day repay that;
Ayano Aishi
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- She was waiting for you outside your room, but out of nowhere she feels caught, she feels your hands on her thighs and back, you had picked her up;
- This yandere turned extremely red when you did this, and when she looked at you, you were in costume;
- You were cosplaying Yuji Itadori from Jujutsu kaisen;
- The two of you kind of decided to hang out together at the comic con, to tell you the truth, you were the one who urged her to go to the event;
- At the event, you were holding hands the whole time;
- Ayano wasn't in cosplay, since she didn't see much point in it, but so that people wouldn't look down on her for not wearing something from pop culture, you lent her your Attack on Titan freedom wings sweatshirt;
- Ayano was extremely happy and flushed with this gesture, it will be a little difficult for her to return the sweatshirt to you, as she will place it on her altar with other of her belongings;
- At the event, many people came up to you to compliment the cosplay, but until one person came up, making a reference to the anime:
" What is your type of woman"
Ayano grimaced at that, why ask such a personal and stupid question?
She hadn't understood the reference, so you got into character.
"My kind of woman? My kind of woman is tall and big-butt, just like my girlfriend Ayano Aishi! He then points to the dark-haired girl.
Congratulations you have made this yandere extremely clueless.
Alan Orion
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- Alan had arranged for you to go out into the forest, since he had a surprise for you;
- But you had an appointment, so you told him you were going to be a little late, of course he was annoyed by this, what was more important than him?!;
- Well you had to go to an anime event that was going to be held at the gym, a lot of people who like pop culture went there, so obviously to show your work, so you went in cosplay;
- The cosplayer you did was Rem from Re: Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu;
- After the event, you were in a hurry to go see your boyfriend, because you knew he had been upset with you for changing the appointment time;
- By this time you hadn't even taken off the accessories you were wearing to make the cosplay, so you go straight into the forest to see that man;
- When you arrived, Alan was sitting with his back to you, and as soon as you approached him, your boyfriend's heterochromatic eyes sparkled with admiration; he thought you were late just to get ready like that just for him;
- Well, his intention when he called you was to fuck you hard in the forest, to get you addicted to his cock, but seeing you dressed like that made him hard right away;
- You kind of won't feel your legs for a week anymore;
Sunny day Jack
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- Jack was wondering why you were taking so long in the room;
- He was intrigued in what you were doing, as this ghost was curious of what your Sunshine was doing, so he opened the door to your room;
- When he was going to ask how you were, he looked at you, you were wearing strange clothes, wearing a pink wig and contact lenses of the same color, as well as a well-made makeup over your face, making you look very effeminate;
- You jumped when he saw you cosplaying Astolfo from Fate: Apocrypha;
- Well, you decided to step into the role of the character, just to tease Jack for breaking into your room;
"Oh! So you are my master?! Then I will introduce myself! For it is very important to speak my real name! So, my name is Astolfo! One of the twelve paladins of Charles Magno! It's a pleasure" you played the role of getting all excited, quickly approaching the blue-haired man.
" What about yours?" You had a huge smile on your face, you had really gotten into character, Jack was impressed, even though he didn't understand the reference he quite liked it, especially the master part.
- Jack picks you up and puts you on the bed, he would give you lots of love, because as you said, he was your master;
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vomitingstars · 5 months
Fics I'll Eventually get to writing
Ghosts! Now with blue hair and pronouns!: Elias Gallagher and Sunny Day Jack meet. This is an AU where y/n is an Adams family fanatic. She wanders into The Gallagher mansion with the fantasy of gaining a cool new hideout for quirky daydream adventures
Contains: Comedy, maybe smut idk, squabbling between ghosts, ghostie besties, enemies to friends to friends with benefits to maybe sort of lovers, poly antics)
Sleepy Time Bo: DachaBo is an app you use to sleep at night. Place him nearby on your pillow and close your eyes. Bo whispers encouragement to guide you on your journey to dreamland. One night you gave him and plugged him into your laptop. You're having a strangely...erotic dream tonight. (this was meant to be a comic)
Contains: Somno, smut, breeding, teehee times, etc.
Join Us For A Bite!: Alan kidnaps a cannibalistic y/n and must sacrifice random Doomsbury citizens to keep her happy. Anything for his Doe Eyes!
Contains: Cannibalism (consensual and non), a heavy emphasis on eating, intimacy, maybe teehee sexy times, blood, lil bit of comedy)
Sleepover Sleepover! Sleepover Sleepover!: It's a sleepover baby! C'mon let's share one beer! Friendship. And magic! And bodies to explore! FunShine Jill and y/n have an epic girls night adventure. I don't wanna spoil too much tbh it's too funny to me.
Contains: manipulation, evil, maybe dubcon, that moment when the dildo comes out at the sleepover, strong sexy woman, teehee woman times, sexy woman my woman
Anyway, let me know which fic you're interested in reading first
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Would wear a crab costume to attract your Yandere mate?
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SUMMARY: I hate how you say that as if there is another way, what have y’all been doing??
[A/N: I wrote this at literally (not even being dramatic) 3:22 AM so don’t be expecting too much quality 😀 I could’ve re-written it, but I’m in writers block and I’m not spending any longer on a post this kinky]
I slipped on the cursed onesie, the soft fabric sliding against my skin surprisingly smoothly.
When I turn to look at myself in the bathroom mirror, my lips twitch in the stomach-hurting way I hold back my laughter at the sight infront of me, not that I don’t look incredible, it’s just the cherry red fabric of the crab suit doesn’t cut the most flattering look with its shapeless form.
With a grin, I hold up the claw mitts that my hands press into, taking a moment to admire myself.
It was the score of the century, and I didn’t even buy it myself, an old friend was cleaning out her garage and I’d offered my help, aiming to catch up with her while we sorted, and then this masterpiece pulled itself out of the wreckage like a diamond in the rough.
We fooled around with it for more than a few moments, and at the end of the day, when we were both sweaty and still chuckling, she asked if I wanted to take it home.
Of course I said yes, who do you think I am? Oh right, I’m you.
And now, here I stand, dawning the crab onesie while posing theatrically, my face almost splitting at the force of my grin, my hands making puppets as I shift the fabric to make pinching motions.
Distracted, I almost jump out of my skin when I hear the fridge door close, and that jogs my memory enough to turn that large indulgent grin more mischievous, and perhaps a tad curious.
My boyfriend was home, and here I was, dressed as a crab, it’s pretty much fate.
I open the door, all of my teeth bared in the smile I wear.
Jack’s in the kitchen, and judging by the alluring smell of pancakes and the sizzle of the frying pan, I can easily guess what he’s doing, which means he’s probably distracted.
I keep my footsteps light to avoid alerting him of my presence, there he stands, unassuming and whistling a cheery kids tune, I flash a campy villain face before launching forwards.
I wrap my arms around him waist, shouting slightly as I hold his firm body against mine, he jerks slightly before whipping his head around.
The smile he gives me is one of a man happy to see me, but hasn’t fully taken my glorious fit in yet.
I can see it in his dark, dark brown eyes when he finally realises, and he starts laughing, confused but cheerful, “Sunshine? What’re you wearing?” He shifts around until he’s facing me, taking in the obnoxiously red outfit.
“What do you mean, Jack?” I feign naivety, before pretending to notice and look down at my outfit, the ridiculously oversized onesie threatening to break my character and make me laugh, “Do you not like it?”
He laughs again, tipping his head back and squeezing his eyes shut, “No, no.” He starts, simmering down his laugh until it’s a giggle in his voice, “You look very nice, sunspot!”
“Where did you, uh, where’d you get this?” He plucks gently at the sleeve, and his voice goes high as he struggles to choke down more laughter.
“Why, Only the finest clothing place on this earth!” I put on a snooty voice, pretending to be one of those rich white women on the shows playing late at night, “My friends garage.”
Something changes in his eyes at the last comment, but it’s gone before I can place it.
“Ah, is that clean?” He looks a little concerned now, humor still plagues his eyes and voice but it melts slightly as he inspects the costume a little more diligently, “Friends shouldn’t give each other things that could be dangerous for your health, sunshine!”
I did wash it, but now that he puts it like that, I don’t know how long the onesie has been rotting in that box, and I look down at my red arms to inspect a little more for myself.
“I don’t doubt you tried to clean it, sunspot,” he tuts, but the disappointment in his eyes aren’t aimed towards me, “I think it’s great to give your friends gifts, and they don’t have to be brand new, but I don’t think it’s very nice to repay all your hard work helping them clean with a dirty onesie that could be very dangerous for your health!”
I squirm slightly, the image of years worth of germs crawling all over the fabric that’s currently on my body, he’s right, that IS kind of gross.
But it isn’t as gross as the smell of burnt pancake mix, Jack turns around to fuss over the burning liquid with a few apologies thrown over his shoulder while I turn to go change, intent in throwing out the gift.
Then a thought hits me, how did he know we were cleaning? Maybe I told him and just didn’t remember, though I really don’t think I did.
Whatever, it doesn’t really matter.
Alan’s been staying over more than usual lately, it’s time he discovers what I do here all day.
I stomp out of my room like a pleased goblin, the fabric rustling as I shuffle towards the living room where Alan is seated on the couch, staring fixedly at the T.V as a rebooted version of an old clown show is currently broadcasting.
“Ohhh Alannnn!~” I call out in a singsong voice, and I can see him perk up at the sound before turning his head, “How do I look?!”
He stares for a moment, those black and white eyes taking in the sight for a few beats, and I can barely wrangle back my laughter as I can practically see the rusted gears turning in his head.
“Ah,” He finally seems to regain himself, and he smiles a adorably confused smile, “You look great, doe-eyes!”
And the worst part? He seems to be telling the truth, he’s always supported whatever I’ve chosen to wear, growling off any perverted eyes if it happens to be more risqué than normal, he really doesn’t like anybody else looking.
And now here he is, faced with the most provocative outfit of all, a giant crab onesie curtesy of my friends garage.
I can’t hold back my chuckle any longer, the constant twitch of my lips giving way to a bright, giggly smile.
He gets up, walking over to me and pulling me to his chest, kissing my cheek before looking down again, the hesitation in his voice letting me know he’s still completely lost, “Y-You look very pretty in red!”
My laughter gets caught in my throat, and I lean in to kiss him on the lips, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, tipping my head down into his neck to hide my smile when the giant, obnoxious claws brush his neck.
He keeps adjusting his arms, clearly trying to situate himself comfortably against the cotton-filled add ons of the crab legs that are situated on my sides.
Clearly, as he pressed kisses into my neck, most likely soon to be bites, the crab seduction has worked.
Most partners get lingerie to surprise their partner, and now, I’m one of them.
I shuffle out of my room, laughter escaping me in peels as I run down the hallway, into the trippy abyss of the kitchen where my boyfriend sat, raw chicken molded into a hotdog in-front of him.
I open my mouth to question him about the odd choice of food, momentarily forgetting about the outfit, and about why he looks like he was about to dip in in gravy when his comically large eyes widen.
Hearts burn in his eyes, literally, those small black pupils shifting and melting into hot red hearts.
“Dearest!” His voice sounds excited, and I can feel the air change, sweetening almost,  and he immediately drops his wheat bread chicken-dog into the pot of gravy, rushing over to embrace me, “You look great!”
He nuzzled into my neck, and my face almost gets consumed by his messy black hair that almost seems to move towards me like a magnetic pull, kissing and nibbling against the exposed skin.
Laughing, I can feel the shape of his wide grin against my shoulder until he pulls back slightly, to look down at me, almost purring at the sight of my crab fit.
His hands roam all along my back, constantly brushing against the plush legs sewn onto the onesie.
He’s staring, he always stares, those heart-pupils never leaving you for a second as he feels around the costume, the symbol on his shirt melting and changing from a heart to a smiley face in a almost dream like way.
If you’re wondering what happens next, it’s all kid friendly hugs and nothing else :-)
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succubusmelt · 7 months
Dating Alan Headcannons
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Alan would be a very unique and devoted boyfriend. Here's some headcannons about dating him:
- Extremely loyal and monogamous. He takes the concept of "partners for life" very seriously. Infidelity is something he couldn't forgive.
- Very affectionate and cuddly. He enjoys long hugs, forehead kisses, playing with your hair. Physical touch is how he shows his love.
- Protective to the point of jealousy and possessiveness at times. He doesn't like being away from his partner for long.
- Aside from the intimacy, he likes bonding through activities like cooking together, stargazing, going for walks in nature.
- Communicates through actions more than words. Showing his care through acts of service, bringing you gifts, making sure your needs are met.
- His home/cabin becomes your home. He wants you with him always in his territory where he can shelter and provide for you.
- "Dating" doesn't exist much - it's more like living as a mated pair. The intensity of his feelings moves very fast.
- Low-key romantic gestures embedded in daily life, like picnics by the fire or back rubs after a long day. He admires you as his equal.
- Sexually intense and intimate. Wants to explore and experience all of you without limits or judgment. But also very sweet.
- Somewhat insecure due to his past but your reassurance and choice to be with him eases that. He tries his best to be "normal."
- Fun adventures like hiking in the forest keep the passion alive between you two nature-lovers. Tradition meets novelty.
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sunbitesworld · 1 year
Hmmmmm sorry now I'm bombarding you, but you can take your time on all of these. If I don't mention them at the moment I simply forget about them so, sorry again.
But out of curiosity sake, how about one with Alan for once?
I'm not feeling great at the moment (time of month) and got curious on how this in the woods cabin, feral man, would react/care for his MC who's going through their time of month?
If not that's completely fine too
Don't apologize hun, you know I love your ideas! I hope you feel better <3 Also the disclaimer is because Alan steals something LMAO
AFAB! Reader (No set pronouns)
DISCLAIMER: This is the work of fiction, if you try this you could face criminal charges.
Warnings: Mentions of blood & killing
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At first, Alan wasn't sure how to handle your time of the month.
You we're always so grumpy with him when he didn't even do anything wrong!
When he first asked you what your problem was, he earned a pillow to the face.
"Go to the store and get me pads or tampons, you jerk!"
He just growled at you slightly and left, but he didn't come back for about an hour.
You we're starting to get worried that you pissed him off.
That's when the hormones really started to hit you, making you burst into tears.
Not soon after, Alan was back with a whole bag full of stuff.
"Sorry I'm late, Doe-Eyes. They caught me stealin'-"
He saw that you were crying and dropped the bag, immediately rushing to your side.
"Doe-Eyes, what happened? Did someone hurt ya? I'll fuckin' kill em-"
You shook your head, wrapping your arms around him tightly.
"N-No one hurt me, I just missed you! I'm sorry f-for hitting you with my pillow!"
He let out a sigh of relief, seems he didn't have to get his hatchet bloody today.
"It's alright, I'm not mad at ya..." He leaned down, gently placing a kiss to your forehead.
"I got ya some stuff, but I want ya to look at it and tell me if I need to go get more."
You nodded, letting go of him so he could go grab the bag.
He went and grabbed it, before sitting down on the edge of the bed.
"You stole that much? Jeez..." You mumbled, sitting up to look at what's inside.
Your eyes widen slightly in surprise, wow no wonder he got caught!
He had stolen 4 boxes of pad and tampons, 6 chocolate bars, and a little teddy bear.
"Do I need to get more?" His worried tone snapped you out of it.
"N-No! No, this is perfect Alan..." You leaned closer, kissing his cheek.
He blushed slightly at the sudden kiss, then smiled.
"Anythin' for my Doe-Eyes..." He whispered, before wrapping his arms around you.
"Let's cuddle, feel like ya need it." He lies down, holding you close.
You happily returned the embrace, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
"I love you, Alan..." You mumbled, feeling the pain die down a little.
"I love ya too, Doe-Eyes. Forever..."
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talkbycolor · 6 months
MC: i have an awful feeling about this.
Alan: what you mean, doe-eyes?
MC: don’t you ever get that voice in your head telling you something is going to go VERY wrong?
Alan: no.
MC: … that explains so much.
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alexxx-says-stuff · 11 months
Oops I think my pen slipped
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I made the self insert just for this and I love her already
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threadsun · 1 year
The thing is, Alan is definitely the kinda guy to finger his cum back into you after y'all are done fucking. Like eyes wide in fascination as he watches it drip from you. Scooping it onto his fingers. Pushing it back inside of you. Not even noticing your whimpers of overstimulation. No, he's too busy thinking about how thoroughly he bred you, how pretty your hole looks dripping his cum, how easy it is for your fucked out body to take his fingers.
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