#ayano Aishi x reader
hazashiovo · 2 months
Oblivious, supportive fem Reader x Ayano Aisha, the reader really doesn't get that poor Ayano likes her. It would be nice if they are childhood friends and if Reader isn't a pushover or weak, just clueless as fuck when it comes to love.
After all, girls make shrines about each other all the time, right? And really, getting chocolate from your gal pal on valentines day is the best, good thing you got her home made chocolate too!
My first Yan sim request:D
Ayano Aishi x Female reader
Side note: this character is a yandere,wich means yandere themes might appear disturbing to some readers.
T/W: mentions of kidnaping,mentions of drugging, obsessive behavior,murder,blood, stalking, pshycothic behavior,mentions of self harm and suicide.
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Ayano has known you ever since she started first grade. You being her only friend in school,and with time this friendship evolved.
Which made you and the dark haired girl grow closer.
Her behavior never made you uncomfortable around her, neither did her silence. Because in truth,you liked it better, the difference between you two matched perfectly.
Your out going and talkative personality tangling with Ayano's introverted and silent language.
Kids your age called her many names due to her lack of emotions,but every time you were there to send them on their way with a bruise or two, nobody talks to your best friend like that!
At first when she was little,the girl saw your behavior towards her unnecessary. Why were you trying to get close to her? She had nothing to offer back to you.
But as she grew, whenever you weren't around her there was this empty spot in her heart,and that dull feeling griping her soul.
Not long before starting highschool did she realize what this meant.
Her mother talked to Ayano about this,since she was a child.Of course you were her special person,the one who will fill her heart with joy and warmth.
You belong to her.
And nobody can convince her otherwise.
You noticed when she became more clingy to you during breaks,but what you didn't see was the way she was glaring down at any student who dared to look at you for more than one second.
You didn't ask questions when your things were 'Borrowed' and never given back,it's what friends do,right? They share things with each other.
There would be times when you felt followed,like a shadow was glooming over you, following your every move when she wasn't with you. Even if you turned around to ease your paranoia,not seeing anyone there made it worse for you.
People noticed how tight you were with Ayano,so they chose not to meet pats with you. After all the shorter girl was creepy,who would want to tangle in something so complicated, definitely not most of the students,that's for sure.
But some couldn't help but be curious, maybe the feeling of being with someone they shouldn't be excited them.
But it didn't matter to Ayano. How do I know? The student coincidentally died because of food poisoning.
Rat poison isn't a condiment,silly.
Nothing changed after the incident,you and Ayano were closer,yes, that's because she offered you more protection than before, promising something like this will never happen to you. Unless it has to
Oh and she was over the moon when you accepted her invitation for a sleepover over, barely waiting to see your beautiful sleeping face,maybe she could even steal a kiss.
It didn't strike you as weird when you accidentally found her little shrine.
Dedicated to you, you even found it cute.
It had some of the hair ties and pins Ayano 'borrowed' from you a long while ago, pictures with the two of you as little children,pre teens and one from the first day of school.
She even kept the doodles you drew for her couple of months ago. Awh,she really is a sentimentalist even if she doesn't show it.
When ayano saw you looking trough her prized possessions she swore she saw her life flash before her eyes.
Heart rate quickening and this panick taking place in her chest. What will you say now? You will definitely hate her and then you won't want to be her friend anymore. How will she see you if you won't be her friend? How will she confess her love to you?
Of course all those thoughts broke when she heard your chuckle. Mind suddenly clear from the anxious rambling in her head.
"Man, why didn't you tell me? If I knew you prized those moments so much I would have taken more photos!" Relief completely washes over her when she sees that grin on your sweet lips. Why was she over thinking in the first place? You never doubted her, you're her loyal friend.
Of course,if you ever were to be creeped out by her she would have to take you, she'd never allow you to leave. After all you two can have a wonderful life together, whether you like it or not.
But that's not the case now, fortunately she doesn't have to drug you and tie you to her bed. How fortunate !
She smiles, nodding and promising to ask you for more photos for her 'prized moments'.
More people started either going missing or end up dead. People who tried taking you away from her,can't they see? You belong with her, you belong to her.
Since people are so stupid,she has to make it obvious and spell it in their face.
Slowly, letters practically spawned in your shoe locker.
Love poems calling you the sweetest of names. You were intrigued who this anonymous fan was,you must say you even tried peeking to see who was leaving them,but failed each time.
Ayano on the other hand was overwhelmed by pride when she heard you rambling about your secret admirer, cutely giggling over one particular sentence or so.
But she also felt... jealous? It doesn't matter that she's the one who wrote them,but seeing you so enamored with this 'anonymous ' person annoyed her.
On occasions she started gifting you chocolate she knew you liked. Mostly doing it because she loved your happy little squeals and that hug that followed after. She loved the feeling of your chest pressed against hers so tightly. Often wondering how it would feel without the layers of clothes on top of it.
This was only a step further to her plan, this way it wouldn't be a shock when she confessed her undying love to you. You will realize she's the only one you deserve,and you'll accept her love,even return it!
By the end of the first school year you're ready for the final part of her plan.
Yeah the people in your class wonder how you two are not dating yet. Of course they can see how deep Ayano is in for you,but you simply can't.
Making you hers. After she worked so hard this whole year to please you and gain your affection (even if she already had it) she's finally ready to spill her feelings to you.
So here she is,hidden behind the Sakura flower tree, waiting for you to join her.
Your secret admirer called you here to tell you something important,right in the last day of school,in case something goes wrong.
She will leave with you in any case scenario, preferably hand in hand ,rather than taking you home in a box,oh well.
If all goes well,by this time next year you will be her beloved girlfriend,but if not, then you'll be in her basement accompanied by her. Easy.
"Ayano?" Your sweet voice calls out once you get a whiff of the dark ponytail behind the thick tree. It's now or never.
And there she goes, spilling her feelings to you hoping you will return them. Telling you how she wrote those letters meaning every single word that was written on the paper. How she spent her afternoons making the chocolate gifted to you.
This of course came off as a surprise to you, never really thinking Ayano would be able to fall for somebody , especially you. Her best friend since first grade. We're you just so obvious you never noticed the signs?
One look at her flushed face and hopeful eyes and you knew that you also liked her all along,you just chose to push those feelings aside due to your fear of them never being returned by the brunette.
Of course you accepted her confession,and returned it of course.
But if you truly knew the things she had to do to have you,never In a million years would you choose to be hers.
Bonus, slightly suggestive
Ayano didn't usually dream,but when she did ,you were the star of the dream.
Most of her dreams would end up with you on display for her. The next morning she would check you out and pout, thinking that it's a long way before she actually gets to see you and touch your naked body.
But a girl can dream,right?
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azzyydoll · 3 months
Summary: Ayano's moved on from Taro and now has a weird obsession over you and would do anything to make you hers.
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"You going to the party tonight?" You ask your bestfriend, Amai and she raises an eyebrow slightly.
"The one Taro's hosting?" Amai's sweet voice questions and you nod your head with an 'mhm'.
Amai giggles at you and you feel your heart melt at her sweetness. Sometimes you wished you could be as perfect as her.
We can't always get what we want though.
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"Of course I'm going! You know how much I like Taro!" Amai said sighing at the end of her sentence and you smiled at her.
"I do." You giggled at her and suddenly stopped when you heard something rustle in the bushes. You felt eyes on you making you uneasy.
Luckily, you just arrived at your house— so you said goodbye to Amai and quickly ran inside your house.
You go upstairs to get changed when suddenly your doorbell rings. Your hesitant to answer since your parents aren't home and your alone.
You open the door and look around.
You look down and see a big white stuffed bunny and a note.
You raise an eyebrow and pick them up while smiling a bit. You walk inside, shutting and locking the door behind you.
You tear the note off of the bunny and read it carefully.
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Red ink.
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"Wow, I wonder who gave me this.." you mumble with a slight giggle and head upstairs to your room.
You look at the note again and then look at the bunch. "It was probably Amai! She was the only one outside my house." You beamed.
"She's such a sweetheart!"
Oh how stupid you were.
So stupid.
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T¡MƏ §K¡P.
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You walked outside. It was currently 9:00 pm, time for Taro's party. You saw Amai waiting for you infront of her pastel blue car.
You immediately ran up to her and gave her a hug. "Amai! I thought we were using my car!" You giggled and Amai shrugged.
"I didn't wanna put you through all of that driving, ya know? And gas prices are high so consider it a favor!" She winked and giggled while you giggled with her.
"Yeah. Oh! And thank you for the gift earlier! Your so-" "Gift?" Amai cut you off in a confused tone
"I thought you got me that huge bunny with the note?" You say growing a little concerned. Amai was the only one at school who knew where you lived.
Or atleast that's what you thought.
"No? Did your parents come home early?" Amai asks sounding worried aswell.
"No, their in Vegas and they would've told me." You say and start to feel someone watching you again. "Let's get in the car..please "
Amai nods and you both quickly get in her car, chatting about how fun the party is going to be to get your minds off of whatever happened earlier.
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T¡MƏ §K¡P.
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God, it was a bad idea to come here.
It's loud.
Everybody's drunk.
And you can't find Amai.
You walk outside and sit against a tree. You stare at the empty sky, feeling the wind pick up as you call out for Amai once more.
You sigh, getting frustrated. A twig snaps behind you and you sit up immediately.
Another snaps, causing you to stand up fully as your heart speeds up.
It goes quiet for a second before you hear fast footsteps running towards you.
Oh hecks nah. (Coryxkenshin reference)
You begin to run the opposite way of the footsteps as you hear them coming louder and closer. You begin screaming as tears flow down your face and fear rushes through you.
Suddenly, your pushed down and you begin to sob harder. "Get off me!" You sob and a cloth is put over your mouth and nose.
Your screams are muffled as your vision begins to fade as you hear a feminine giggle.
"Calm down, pretty girl." A sort of deep, female voice says and your heart quickens at the words 'pretty girl'.
Pretty girl.
The same words written on the note.
You look up, vision still fading, seeing a familiar face.
Ayano Aishi.
The quiet girl at your school.
Why is she doing this?
Why you?
Ayano giggles once more before kissing your forehead. As you feel yourself go unconscious, the last thing you hear is:
"Your mine now, pretty girl."
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Note: Wanted to make a story that was about something other than creepypasta.
I think I should just stick to creepypasta 🥲
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vcodenv · 9 months
┊ ➶ 。˚ °Being in a relationship with Ayano Aishi ¡! ❞⭑
warnings : None.
gn reader
word count : 351
crossposted from ao3
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★ • Absolutely worships the ground you stand on.
★ • Willing to do anything just to please you , she just wants to make you happy. (ó﹏ò。)
★ • Extremely jealous, wants to be the center of your attention at all times. If you even stare at another person for too long she'll be upset. But she can't stay upset for long, especially when you smother her in affection. ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ . Ayano spots you near the fountain at school. She beams when she sees you and is about to walk up but then she notices you talking to someone...(·•᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ ). She immediately stops in her tracks and just stares, the only two words spiraling in her mind are, "Kill them." She should be the only person making you smile and laugh like that. (ง'̀-'́)ง Eventually, you see Ayano standing there and wave her over. She walks over and stands at your side, when you glance at her you notice that she's glaring at your friend silently. After a few minutes you bid farewell to your friend and walk off with Ayano by your side, an uncomfortable silence taking over. (・–・;)ゞ You decide to break the ice and speak up, "Uh...Ayano, what's up? Is something wrong?" She stays silent for a few seconds before sighing and deciding to just come clean, "I didn't like seeing you with that person earlier, you were laughing a lot. Looked like you were having fun..." Your features soften listening to her words "Hey, Ayano. You know you're the only one for me," You begin to plaster kisses all over her face. "c'mon, smile for me." A smile finally graces her lips and you intertwine your hand with hers. ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻) .
★ • Will literally kill for you. Someone annoying you? Dead. Someone being rude or bullying you? Double dead. Someone trying to steal you away from her? Triple dead.
★ • Loves quality time. She just wants to be around you 24/7 (ㅅ' ˘ ')
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clouduru-chan · 1 year
Well I decided to write something about some yanderes, well I'm kind of new to this, so sorry for any mistakes, well in the Brazilian yandere community, we usually write headcanons of some characters, as well as realizing that there were no headcanons for some characters here on Tumblr, I decided to write a little about them.
Yandere reacting to reader who cosplays
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- Well, you have only been dating a short time, and she knew that you loved to watch anime, series and Doramas, read some manga and light novels or play some video games, and since you know her well, you call her to watch something that involves romance;
- But something caught you off guard, when you simply showed up at the meeting with the cosplay of a romance anime you like to watch with your girlfriend;
- You did it because it might please your beautiful girlfriend;
- you cosplayed Kaguya Shinomiya from Kaguya Sama wa kokurasetai;
- Well you just wanted to surprise her, and Monika rather liked that, and with that she pours sweet kisses all over your face, and you turn into a blushing mess;
- You get a little clumsy around your girlfriend, so you don't get into the role of Kaguya too much;
- Monika loves how Kaguya Sama's school uniform dress looks perfect on you;
- Well you have been doing character cosplays for quite a while now, so it would be nice if your girlfriend knew about it;
- Well Monika realized at first that this was not the first cosplay, as it was very well done;
- When you stopped being embarrassed by the situation, you decided to act like the character you had cosplayed;
- Monika laughed a lot at your performances, because you were able to get perfectly into the role of the character;
- She loved the work you did just for her, you had so much love and dedication to it, she feels sweet, she will one day repay that;
Ayano Aishi
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- She was waiting for you outside your room, but out of nowhere she feels caught, she feels your hands on her thighs and back, you had picked her up;
- This yandere turned extremely red when you did this, and when she looked at you, you were in costume;
- You were cosplaying Yuji Itadori from Jujutsu kaisen;
- The two of you kind of decided to hang out together at the comic con, to tell you the truth, you were the one who urged her to go to the event;
- At the event, you were holding hands the whole time;
- Ayano wasn't in cosplay, since she didn't see much point in it, but so that people wouldn't look down on her for not wearing something from pop culture, you lent her your Attack on Titan freedom wings sweatshirt;
- Ayano was extremely happy and flushed with this gesture, it will be a little difficult for her to return the sweatshirt to you, as she will place it on her altar with other of her belongings;
- At the event, many people came up to you to compliment the cosplay, but until one person came up, making a reference to the anime:
" What is your type of woman"
Ayano grimaced at that, why ask such a personal and stupid question?
She hadn't understood the reference, so you got into character.
"My kind of woman? My kind of woman is tall and big-butt, just like my girlfriend Ayano Aishi! He then points to the dark-haired girl.
Congratulations you have made this yandere extremely clueless.
Alan Orion
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- Alan had arranged for you to go out into the forest, since he had a surprise for you;
- But you had an appointment, so you told him you were going to be a little late, of course he was annoyed by this, what was more important than him?!;
- Well you had to go to an anime event that was going to be held at the gym, a lot of people who like pop culture went there, so obviously to show your work, so you went in cosplay;
- The cosplayer you did was Rem from Re: Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu;
- After the event, you were in a hurry to go see your boyfriend, because you knew he had been upset with you for changing the appointment time;
- By this time you hadn't even taken off the accessories you were wearing to make the cosplay, so you go straight into the forest to see that man;
- When you arrived, Alan was sitting with his back to you, and as soon as you approached him, your boyfriend's heterochromatic eyes sparkled with admiration; he thought you were late just to get ready like that just for him;
- Well, his intention when he called you was to fuck you hard in the forest, to get you addicted to his cock, but seeing you dressed like that made him hard right away;
- You kind of won't feel your legs for a week anymore;
Sunny day Jack
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- Jack was wondering why you were taking so long in the room;
- He was intrigued in what you were doing, as this ghost was curious of what your Sunshine was doing, so he opened the door to your room;
- When he was going to ask how you were, he looked at you, you were wearing strange clothes, wearing a pink wig and contact lenses of the same color, as well as a well-made makeup over your face, making you look very effeminate;
- You jumped when he saw you cosplaying Astolfo from Fate: Apocrypha;
- Well, you decided to step into the role of the character, just to tease Jack for breaking into your room;
"Oh! So you are my master?! Then I will introduce myself! For it is very important to speak my real name! So, my name is Astolfo! One of the twelve paladins of Charles Magno! It's a pleasure" you played the role of getting all excited, quickly approaching the blue-haired man.
" What about yours?" You had a huge smile on your face, you had really gotten into character, Jack was impressed, even though he didn't understand the reference he quite liked it, especially the master part.
- Jack picks you up and puts you on the bed, he would give you lots of love, because as you said, he was your master;
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main-character0 · 8 months
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“Hey, is that blood on your clothes?”
“Uh, I don’t know. Maybe?”
“That’s not a question that’s supposed to be answered with another question.”
WC: 700
Ayano Aishi x friend!reader (platonic)
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At first, you’d pretended not to notice it. At school, she would show up late to class frequently, and multiple students have been going missing. And you would never suspect your friend of kidnapping or murder, but it was begging to become unavoidable.
You’d caught her with blood-stained clothes and a body bag more than a few times. You’ve never confronted her about it, because you treasure your friendship, but some day, you might have to.
Now, you found yourself, face to face with Ayano, in a crimson splattered uniform. To say you were scared was an understatement. It had to be paint, right? Ayano could never do anything as morally wrong as murder.
“Oh. Y/N.” She muttered in her usual monotone voice. She slowly hid her hands behind her back, but as she did, you caught a glimpse of something silver glinting in the fluorescent lights overhead. “What are you doing here?”
“I was just… um…” you trailed off, unsure if staying here to talk to her while she was supposedly armed was a good idea. “Just getting something from the vending machine.”
She nodded. “Well, I’ll see you around. Bye.” She turned around and started walking off, and as she did, you saw her tuck the same silver object into her school bag. A red liquid steadily started seeping through the fabric of the bag.
“Wait! Ayano!” You called after her. She turned around and looked at you with a stoic expression, her black ponytail whipping around as her head did.
“Is…Is that blood? On your clothes?” You ask, wringing your hands. You could have sworn you saw a smirk cross her features, but it was gone as fast as you saw it.
“Hm, I don’t know. Is it?” She asked you with half lidded eyes, seemingly annoyed. You gulped. Her glare was scary. “That’s not the kind of question that needs a question.” You look away, afraid to look her in the eye.
 She rolled her eyes and took her leave.  You watched her form retreat and slowly get smaller, until she turned the corner and was gone.
“That’s about all the evidence I have, officer.” You look down at the metal table, your hands folded in your lap. The detective nodded. “Thank you, miss Y/N. One of the officers will escort you out.” He said emotionlessly. You nod and get up from the steel chair. One of the policemen buzz you out of the interrogation room and you finally can see the sun again.
Yet, you immediately walk around the building into the sketchy alleyway, where a feminine silhouette is leaning against the wall with her arms folded. She grins sinisterly, and her teeth glint in the light of the sun. She steps forward, her face now exposed by the light shining down on the Earth. It’s your best friend, Ayano.
You put your hands in your pockets and kick at the dirt on the ground. “Are you sure this plan will work? I think the police force is smarter than you think.” Her grin dissipates. “They may be smart, but I’m smarter.” She tells you, walking a few steps closer to you. You fight the urge to step away. You know what she’s done. No one else does. Only you.
Once she’s close enough, she caresses your face softly, a stark contrast to her true intentions. To manipulate you. “You’re having doubts, aren’t you?” She sighs softly, her minty breath blowing in your face. Suddenly, Ayano grips your face harshly. “That’s too bad. If you want them to live, you’ll stick with me. Understood?” She mutters. “Yes.” You reply, coming out muffled because of the harsh grip on your cheeks.
She releases you, and you rub your face to soothe the burning of where her nails dug into the flesh there. She scoffs, then walks out of sight. You watch her leave, a pang of sadness in your chest. What have you done? 
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rainydaze-xo · 2 years
🤍 Ayano Aishi romantic headcanons 🤍
She will bring random presents to her s/o, leaving them where she will know you will find them.
She introduced you to her parents as soon as she can. (Her mother loves you.)
She often plans secret / surprise dates. She makes them as romantic as possible.
Has a scrapbook that she planned her whole wedding in.
She learns to cook your favourite foods to surprise you.
She will pay for every date, you have no other choice.
She gets EXTREMELY SCARED if you get sick. It sometimes goes to the point where she will call the ambulance.
Defends you from whatever hurts you.
Would sacrifice whatever she has for you.
Overall very sweet and romantic.
Quite possessive.
If you have any siblings or cousins, she probably won’t like them at all.
Thinking about it, she probably hates all of your family and only keeps them alive for your mental state.
She can’t help it, but gets very upset when you are with other people more than her.
Sometimes emotionally manipulative.
Wants to spend all her time with you, and becomes visibly upset when you say ’no’.
Threatens to hurt herself or others if she is jealous.
If she thinks you are too close to somebody, she will either threaten them to stay away, try to convince you they are a bad person, or try to convince them you are a bad person.
She hates any animals you are closely attached to (pets).
Steals a lot of your stuff whenever she has the opportunity.
(I edited more bad things since i felt that there was not enough.)
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sakisweetie · 2 years
I Would Like If You Did Ayano, I Know That She Is Pretty Similar To Ryoba, But I Think You Can Work Something Out!
Thank You If You Do This!
Ayano romantic/dating hcs
Gender neutral reader
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• I feel like Ayano is very awkward with intimacy
• She wants to show you how much she loves you, but sometimes she'll get too flustered
• If you surprise her by kissing her lips out of nowhere, she'll stop functioning for a few minutes
• She doesn't put up a persona around anyone, including you, so expect her to be very blunt
• If you ask for her opinion, she'll be very honest
• I feel like it's hard for her to start a lot of conversations, so those silent moments with you are pretty common, but they're never awkward
• I love the idea of her trying to cook some complicated and big meal to try and impress you but instead she almost burns the house down
• It's ok though she tried 😭
• She'll leave little notes for you around the house
• Like you'll be walking into your kitchen and you see a little pink post-it saying like "I love you" or something cute like that
• If you unexpectedly kiss her cheek (before dating or maybe at the very start) she'll be like "omg I'm never washing this cheek again"
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It's a bit on the short side but I've kept this request in the works for ages and i really wanted to post it 😭😭
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posting my cringe old shit i wrote on wattpad. #1
OH GOD. help me. | SMUT | [ P A I R I N G ] ; Ayato Aishi x Reader [ WARNINGS ] ; P in V, Unprotected sex, AND BAD STUPID SMUT. last fucking warning! under the cut you promise to willingly suffer for your actions of this smut.
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Prompt : Ayato (male Ayano Aishi) gets horny and starts making out with female!reader :)
I asked my bestie for a prompt so uh here we go 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
BURN!! ^^^(i might delete this chapter idfk) (maybe ill make a masc one >:v) Also this is my first smut so it might be bad 💀💔
Comment here what the adventure was like after the story 💙
(Also you guys are in ur house n shit Its also night Netflix And chill (Even though my bestie didn't say this but i thought to just add this 💀💔))
💔💔💔💔- Ayato's pov Oh my gosh. She fucking right there next to me. Im gonna blow up right now. She's so pretty. Her gorgeous E/C(eye color) colored eyes. The most beautiful H/L(Hair length) hair she has. She dressed up in her little favorite jammies. So cute and only for me.
I wanna fuck her.
I felt hard but ignored it, and grabbed one of the pillows and my legs with it to make sure she wouldn't see.
💙💙💙💙-Y/N's Pov
I felt Ayato's eyes lay on me, i felt tension growing.
I just continue on watching the movie, leaning onto Ayato. My hands move over to his hands and held it. He seemed suprised, but caressed my hands gently.
I kissed him on his cheeks. Smiling at him like a cute little doll.
A few minutes later during the movie
I felt his cold hands snake onto my thigh and rub it gently. I was getting butterflies. He used his free hand to reach for my chin and smiled at me. He kissed me softly. He whined a bit when i pulled away but we both smiled at each other. He pushed me to lay down on the sofa. "Y/N, please~," he said crawling over me. He covered my neck with gentle kisses. I shivered at how cold he was.
He scooted over closer and started to take off my pants and my undergarments.
Revealing my pussy. He took off his own and revealed his member, with some little precum on its tip. It was... Probably a bit big to say the least to fit it in. He inserted his long, cold, finger inside and started to pump it in and out.
"Does that feel good, My little sweetheart?~" said the man with lust-filled eyes. Admiring the scene of you being finger-fucked by him. And i mean, only, Him. "Ye-Yes~" you quietly moaned out. He stopped and inserted two fingers inside you this time and pumped it in and out slowly. You whined out; "P-please~ Ayato, put it in~" His fingers stopped again and smirked at you, his cock was throbbing anyway. He inserted in slowly.
"Tell me when it hurts or you when want to stop, okay?~ I dont want to hurt you THAT much~" he started moving in and out of you. He chuckled. Which, kind of made you a bit worried.
Only a minute passed and you were already moaning mess.
It hurt a little but you didn't care. "H-Haah!~ AYATO!~" You moaned out, "Thats fucking right, moan out my name. Let everyone know how much of a slut you are for me and me only, let everyone know you are mine~"
Now that? That was so fucking hot for you to handle.
He started to suck on your neck and leave hickeys and sped up. "You like it when i do this to you? Hm?" He said, he wasn't even close to being done with you.  You moaned, loving the feeling and sensations he had given you. You were close to your climax and so was he.
You came and he did too, of course he pulled out before doing so. "Oh my~..." He chuckled, You tried to sit up but you were pinned back down. "Now, now! We aren't completely done yet~" He rubbed your pussy, he chuckled and loved the thought for another round, the movie seemed to not be done yet, the time was 1:34 am, did you both care? Nope. You both continued.
For what felt like hours. And hours. You both had 3 rounds. The aftercare he gave you was nice though. He loved you so much. Your leg was very sore still though...
Guess you wont be able to walk tomorrow.
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anyways listen to bag of bones in album 'lush' by mitski bbyz baiiii xoxo
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litterallywtf · 2 years
Ayano Aishi x Yandere/messed up oc
This is an Au where yandere simulator also has mini shorts on youtube about lore
I will post a separate version for ayano x yandere reader as well.
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Lavender watched as her favorite yandere character, Ayano, was revealed to never be able to get her senpai-because he just didn't love her, and he never would-no matter what.
"That's so fucking stupid! That's always how these end!" Lavender yelled in outrage.
Lavender should have known better than to become unhealthily invested in this game/mini shorts series she found through youtube game creators. It always ended badly for her emotionally.
Lavender spent the next few hours scouring all of the internet websites she could find for Ayano x reciprocating reader. She even put in a wide variation of wording, like 'willing reader', 'yandere reader', 'loving reader', and even 'psychopathic reader'.
See, Lavender has a slight problem, really just a small little problem(barely even a problem!), where she needs to feel obsessively and possessively for someone(anyone worth feeling anything over), and once she starts to feel this way, she needs them to feel the same.
Of course, most of the time(all of the time, who was she kidding here?), people didn't reciprocate. Obviously she left them alone once it was made clear they didn't feel the same way, she was way too aware of others' feelings to try and force anything on someone. She knows that's shitty, and she would never do that to anyone.
Unfortunately, she had an obsession with being wanted and obsessed over in such a possessive way.
And the only way she was able to fulfill her needs(seeing as her step-mom had failed to get her a therapist and she could never go to anyone else for one), was through fictional characters.
And Ayano was her all time favorite right now.
"If only I could be Ayano's beloved..." Lavender was desperate, having failed at shifting to the more safe worlds she knew she could handle(or any place, really), and wasn't exactly attached to anything in her world.
And that was what allowed her to be chosen for the lottery done by the gods, when she prayed that night, to be given a chance to be with someone who would love her the way she loved and wanted to be loved.
*beep* *beep* *beeeep* *beee-* "ugh!" Her hand searched for the alarm and shut it off, seeing that it was on her clock on her dresser instead of on her phone.
'Weird' She thought, 'I haven't used that alarm since the first time, right after I got it.'
She looked around, noticing that her room was much cleaner than usual, but not any different aside from that. '...' She looked more closely at her walls and surroundings. 'Very weird.'
She got up to take a closer look at her room, inspecting the differences.
Now that she had gotten a closer look, the stains that she had gotten onto her walls were gone as well..
And the small holes and bumps and ridges that made her room feel more lived in.
She got goosebumps on the back of her neck and arms.
She made her way to her dressers, scared and excited and ready to pass out all at once.
Her clothes were the same.
She let out a breath....
Her closet.
Her closet had multiple copies of a uniform she certainly didn't own nor need, but that she recognized immediately.
'No way.'
She made her way to the nearest bathroom (her bathroom), and opened the door slowly, pace picking up (in fear or exhilaration, she had no clue.)
Looking back at her in the mirror, a face so familiar yet not, was a better looking version of her.
Her breath stopped, eyes widening.
The person in the mirror had no acne, her hair was pink (soft pink), and much longer.
Her lips were a rosy color, her cheeks similarly tinted.
Her eyes were still brown, but she had always loved how scary and unapproachable they made her seem.
Everything else was how she had always pictured would make her much better looking.
Her tan skin contrasted nicely with her hair and lips, and her clear skin filled her with a rush of confidence.
She reached to feel her still curly hair, feeling that it was much more soft and smooth.
Looking in the mirror, she saw the Lavender she always wanted to be, and thanked whatever god or goddess did such a thing.
Lavender was herself, but now she was even more than that.
She was confident and scheming, and that was dangerous.
The poor souls who got mixed up in Lavender's schemes wailed and kicked and screamed from the afterlife, cursing Lavender and whatever higher being decided to let her live in this world, or any world.
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(But with curly hair😅)
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sanzuspr3ttygrl · 1 year
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snwion · 1 year
gender-neutral reader only. sfw mostly + occasional nsfw yandere simulator. others.
i’m florian. hispanic. 20s. any pronouns. rules | masterlist | about me
status active — requests open [7] / thirsts open
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recent yandere simulator posts.
none (requests are open!)
recent star trek posts.
none (requests are open!)
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anons: none
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vcodenv · 9 months
⋆.ೃ Breaking up with Ayano ࿔*:・
gn reader
warnings : mention of torture once.
word count : 176
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★ • She kinda just stands there, a manic expression taking over her face. ⊙_☉
★ • "You want to...break up? That's a funny joke. You really had me there for a second!" (っ◕‿◕)っ
★ • She won't let you leave..as soon as she set eyes on you she determined you were hers, so she's not letting you go any time soon. (ง'̀-'́)ง
★ • Will do everything just to convince you to stay. Cute dates? Check. Showering you in compliments? Check. Buying you gifts? Check. (≧◡≦)
★ • If this doesn't work and you still insist you want to break up. she's not afraid to resort to more extreme ways to convince you. ಠ_ಠ
★ • She'll either torture you in her basement until you submit, or threaten to harm people dear to you.╰(°ㅂ°)╯
★ • When you finally agree to not leave her, she'll be ecstatic.
★ • "I knew you didn't want to actually leave me! We belong together." (✦ ‿ ✦)
★ • In conclusion you can't break up with Ayano. You are hers and she is yours.
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clouduru-chan · 1 year
Yandere wrong situations
I decided to do something a little funny, so here it is
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Sunny day Jack: What is the biggest planet.... in the solaaaar system!
Jhon Doe, Press the button to answer the question: Sun!
Jack stared at it, he was horrified by the wrong answer that Doe gave
Reader: Hey Alan! Did you know that if you stick drugs up your ass you get high?
Alan: Know
Reader: How do you know that Alan?!
Alan tries to disguise the situation a little.
Reader: ALAN!
Reader Pointing at Peter: Do you think this guy is good?! He's evil! believe me!
Peter: I think you're a little stressed...
Sunny day Jack: Good morning!
Alan: good morning is the fuck !
reader realizing that there are a lot of crazy people behind her because they are in love with him.
Reader: My life is a disgrace! It's trouble all the time! I have no peace!
reader Brazilian: Fuck do you know Paola?
Ayano getting jealous.
Ayano: that Paola ?
Reader Brazilian: The Paola of the flying pussy! who sits on the dick, and who fucks, fucks, fucks, fucks hard. Who keeps looking at you with the face of a dog....
Ayano was looking at you horrified by that, because she really didn't expect that.
Reader: Does my dog ​​have a problem? Of course not, he's just mentally ill like me
You were pointing at Bo who was on the roof threatening anyone who touches you.
Bo: El lobo sempre cuida de su loba! Auuuuuuuuuuuu
music from Animals of maroon 5 starts to play in the background.
Reader: Bo, what the hell is that?
John doe: hey best friend i love you so
John doe: ...... I said I love you?
Dad: Hey son/daughter what are you seeing on your smartphone?
Reader: Yeah.... Nothing, father, I'm looking at a coloring book... é.....
Reader playing something's wrong with Sunny day Jack.
Monika: You and me aways forever *singing*
Sunny day Jack: I'm handsome, I'm hot!ball game and dance! I'm handsome, I'm hot
Reader: What the fuck -
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lbukisgf · 10 months
uncontrolled love: ayato aishi
— gn!reader, yandere behaviors, stalking, mentions of blood, canon-typical violence, implied kidnapping, very minor nsfw, kissing and fluff(?) angst if u squint, minor stockholm syndrome(?), budo disrespect /lh
note: this might be very different from other things i’ve written but, pls enjoy!
554 words — 5 minutes read time
he doesn’t know when this feeling started.
all he knows is that he wants you. no- he NEEDS you. the way you set his heart ablaze and make him so irrational is addictive, it’s the only thing he can seem to think about. god, he hates it but loves it at the same time. he’s addicted to everything you do, it’s intoxicating to him, he thinks it’s the oxygen he needs to live. he finds himself watching you as you talk to your friends; laughing, speaking, and occasionally stopping to look around, feeling a pair of eyes on you.
you’d never see him, though. he’d follow you around school almost all day, even going as far to follow you home in the afternoons, marking it down and justifying it in his mind with “i’m just keeping them safe” even if he knew that wasn’t true.
it wasn’t until his little ‘obsession’ got worse that he began to separate people from you. threatening, blackmailing, bullying; and even killing one of your friends. once you were essentially all alone, he decided to start showing his face around you- becoming what you called a ‘friend’. he’d become a saving grace for you, weaseling his way into all of your ‘issues’  just to fix them- like a hero would.
the next few weeks would be the exact same- until budo decided to come up and flirt with you… while ayato was right there. there was obvious tension, but you didn’t question it, but you wish you did when you saw ayato; covered in blood, looking like a crazed madman while dragging budo’s very lifeless corpse. you didn’t dare say anything to anyone, but you knew he saw you, and you were convinced you were next. so, you were very surprised you didn’t see him at all, for the rest of day; until you had gotten to your locker.
just as you had put your inside shoes into it, shutting the door, turning around to leave; you were pinned against your locker. your hands were held above your head in an aggressive albeit gentle manner. you opened your eyes to see ayato, staring right back at you; though his eyes seemed to be devoid of love- of anything.
“I really wished you wouldn’t see that, darling.”
“wha- what? see what!” — you had tried to play dumb, at least.
“don’t play dumb. i know you saw me. you’re just lucky i love you enough not to kill you…”
he’d kiss you just after that, the kiss being rough and aggressive- the only hint of genuine love being when he let go of your wrists to snake a hand to the back of your head to deepen the kiss. he’d pull away faster than he’d let you kiss back or pull away, however- smirking as he did so.
“darling, you’re exquisite…”
he’d suddenly leave just after, leaving you to walk home alone, feeling anxious and slightly afraid for your life. when you laid down that night: the last thing you expected was to end up in his home, in his bed, with him cuddling you tight.
you didn’t expect for him to love you forever. and you didn’t expect that you would grow to love everything he did for you.
— the end.
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openminded-freak · 11 months
I. Don't. Want. Budo.
I. Don't. Want. Taro.
I want the woman who would actually just stab me.
What's worse is that there was this one fanfiction years ago where she hated the mc for a while and it took her so long to actually warm up to them. It was realistic. She didn't just fall in love with them as soon as they moved to that school, she hated their fucking guts for a while. The writing was so good and the story was paced really well and there was a really interesting plot that I cannot remember anymore for the life of me.
I CAN'T FIND STUFF LIKE THAT ANYMORE. Everything sucks. It's all written by twelve-year olds. Ayano immediately is head over heels over some random Mary Sue that moves to her school and immediately forgets about her precious senpai. Awful, I hate it, get it outta here.
Not to mention that almost all of the fanfiction that I'm finding is just. porn.
SHE'S A HIGH SCHOOLER. Like, what? I mean, I'm pretty sure it's just weird preteens writing these fanfictions but still. Ick.
If anyone has some good Ayano Aishi/reader fanfics that they can recommend, hit me up because I am DYING out here.
Rant over 😤
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dhmislol-literally · 1 year
Crazy person who played yandere simulator: *is knocked over*
Ayano: *helps them up*
Crazy person: *smiles at ayano, knowing who she is and not phased at being in another world*
Ayano: *blushes and smiles at them*
Them: Ah, I have acquired a girlfriend
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