useless-catalanfacts · 9 months
Sweden saying they'll vote against allowing the use of Catalan, Basque and Galician in the European Union Parliament because "there's lots of minority languages and we can't allow them all" is so funny because CATALAN HAS MORE SPEAKERS THAN SWEDISH
Catalan is the 13th most spoken language in the EU. It has more than 10 million speakers, which means it has more speakers than other languages that are already official EU languages like Maltese (530,000), Estonian (1.2 million), Latvian (1.5 million), Irish (1.6 million), Slovene (2.5 million), Lithuanian (3 million), Slovak (5 million), Finnish (5.8 million), Danish (6 million), Swedish (10 million), and Bulgarian (10 million).
Neither Galician (3 million) nor Basque (750,000) would still be the least spoken languages to be allowed in the EU representative bodies.
But even if any of them did, so what? Why do speakers of smaller languages deserve less rights than those of bigger languages? How are we supposed to feel represented by the EU Parliament when our representatives aren't even allowed to speak our language, but the dominant groups can speak theirs?
It all comes down to the hatred of language/cultural diversity and the belief that it's an inconvenience, that only the languages of independent countries have any kind of value while the rest should be killed off. After all, isn't that what Sweden has been trying to do to the indigenous Sami people for centuries?
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nando161mando · 1 month
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Minority cops are still cops
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ihhfhonao3 · 9 months
I’m a firm believer in the passive and small acts of activism.
You’re actively fighting capitalism by resting and taking a break. You’re actively fighting homophobia by wearing a rainbow pin to signify to others your allyship. You’re actively fighting climate change by air drying your hands after washing them. You’re actively fighting childism by letting a minor talk to you about how they’re doing. You’re actively fighting oppressive systems by simply existing.
There have always been others like you, and there always will be others like you. Your existence is rebellion. As long as you’re alive, conservatives and bigots have lost.
You’re a rebel. You’re a warrior. You’re a fighter. And you don’t even know it.
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mezzyb0nb0n · 3 months
In a few days the KOSA bill we be decided if it should be passed or not, if this bill get passed there will be MASS internet censorship and much more. This bill will silence the lgbtq+ community and many more minorities, we can not let this bill be passed.
PLEASE go to https://www.badinternetbills.com/
Signing this takes no longer than a minute, I beg of all who sees this to sign. Every signature counts and means everything. There are also many other petitions you could sign out there but this is one of the main ones.
Please reblog this post and more like this, tag people, share badinernetbills.com on other platforms, share it to your friends, your family, everyone.
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raynedayys2 · 8 months
Everyone's all for being unique & different until:
You're trans/not cis
You're queer/not straight
You're neurodivergent
You're disabled
You use service animals
You use mobility aids
You have really strong interests/hyperfixations
You use fidgets/stim often
You have/need a caretaker
You look, act, talk, walk, etc. differently
You're a minority in any capacity
Basically, be weird, unless you're "actually" weird.
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mapsontheweb · 2 months
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China's Autonomous Regions and its Designated Ethnic Minority
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gay-----pisces2 · 1 month
"I only make offensive jokes/say slurs with my friends so its ok."
not really. look at it this way,
when I was a teen, my dad would beat me if he caught me saying swears. however I was able to say swears around my friends cause they didn't care. but lo and behold, I slipped up in front of my dad once, even though I was damned scared of him. it just happened involuntarily.
point is, you will eventually slip up in public. and when that happens, people will assume you're a racist/ queerphobe/ transphobe/ misogynist. why? cause its safer for them to assume that and stay the fuck away, than hang around since people are dumbfucks that want to kill over what others cannot change.
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pratchettquotes · 10 months
Carrot ran a few steps after the figure, and then stopped and came back.
"Why do you hate them so much?" he said.
"You wouldn't understand. I really think you wouldn't understand," said Angua. "It's an...undead thing. They...sort of throw in your face that you're not human."
"But you are human!"
"Three weeks out of four. Can't you understand that, when you have to be careful all the time, it's dreadful to see things like that being accepted? They're not even alive. But they can walk around and they never get people passing remarks about silver or garlic...up until now, anyway. They're just machines for doing work!"
"That's how they're treated, certainly," said Carrot.
"You're being reasonable again!" snapped Angua. "You're deliberately seeing everyone's point of view! Can't you try to be unfair even once?"
Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
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stupittmoran · 9 months
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 11 months
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Joel-Peter Witkin is an American photographer whose creative method usually gets mixed reviews. Witkin occasionally incorporated corpses or body parts in his surrealistic photographs and often works with people with deformities, or minorities. Transgender, intersex, and people with dwarfism.
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enkarg · 11 months
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This is so on point, and such a good metaphor for any kind of discrimination and hate towards minorities...
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useless-catalanfacts · 4 months
Clip from the German stand up comedian Shahak Shapira who did a gig in Barcelona (Catalonia's capital city). He saw it so clearly.
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philosophybits · 1 year
All good causes are mutually helpful. The benefits accruing from this movement for the equal rights of woman are not confined or limited to woman only. They will be shared by every effort to promote the progress and welfare of mankind everywhere and in all ages.
Frederick Douglass, "Give Women Fair Play (1888)"
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ihhfhonao3 · 10 months
Bitches be like “just be yourself!” And then get angry when you act like yourself
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ohnoitsjetster · 6 months
If you say that you headcanon a character to be queer, trans, disabled, neurodivergent, or really any other social minority, I am almost certainly going to agree with you, I see zero reason not to retroactively include more marginalized groups in media. By this logic, do I hypothetically headcanon every character from everything as trans, gay, neurodivergent and disabled? Sure. Is that possibly problematic or unrealistic? No actually, it’s great and I’m having a wonderful time. Thank you
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raynedayys2 · 8 months
Y'know, I really love seeing minorities thrive.
I love seeing trans people thrive.
I love seeing gay people thrive.
I love seeing disabled people thrive.
I love seeing neurodivergent people thrive.
I love seeing women thrive.
I love seeing POC thrive.
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