botgal · 2 days
An update on California's internet bills status as of 5/31/2024.
AB 1949 (personal information for users under 18) and AB 3080 (Age Verification of NSFW sites and minor-unsafe item online purchases) have both been moved from the Senate Rules Committee and into the Senate Judiciary Committee. As of right now, neither has a set hearing date on the Judiciary's Agenda. So if you want to send letters of opposition, you can begin planning out your wording while continuing to send word in opposition to your California Senate representatives.
Remember that committees will only accept letters in opposition or support. Do not add any caveats about conditions for change. Keep it simple and to the point, that you are in opposition of these bills and why.
SB 976 (Social Media Addiction) remains in the Assembly on first reading Held At Desk. No new information as of yet. So continue sending word to your Assembly representatives on this one as usual.
Thank you for all your hard work as usual in our fight to keep the internet safe and open for all!
For information on how to send opposition letters to the CA Senate Judiciary Committee via email or the advocacy portal, please follow this link here.
To follow the CA Senate Judiciary Committee's Agenda and keep up to date on when bills are coming up for a vote, please follow this link here.
To find your California state representatives, please follow this link here.
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hamadisthings · 2 days
even researchers from multiple universities are warning about KOSA's side-effects and potential of abuse
if this doesnt say anything i dont know what will
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commiepinkofag · 2 days
Take Action Against KOSA
EFF Comparison of House & Senate KOSA bills:
The House version of KOSA could still: 
Suppress search results for young people seeking sexual health and reproductive rights information; 
Block content relevant to the history of oppressed groups, such as the history of slavery in the U.S; 
Stifle youth activists across the political spectrum by preventing them from connecting and advocating on their platforms; and 
Block young people seeking help for mental health or addiction problems from accessing resources and support. 
Lawmakers know this bill is controversial. Some of its proponents have recently taken steps to attach KOSA as an amendment to the five-year reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration, the last "must-pass" legislation until the fall. This would effectively bypass public discussion of the House version. Just last month Congress attached another contentious, potentially unconstitutional bill to unrelated legislation, by including a bill banning TikTok inside of a foreign aid package. Legislation of this magnitude deserves to pass—or fail—on its own merits. 
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certainunkownlove2 · 2 days
This is your daily reminder to stop kosa. Email your reps or go to badinternetbills.com/ and it will send the email for you. You can also edit what it will say in the email.
Also share information about kosa and how to stop it with everyone, you could reblog or just post your own post on your blog or text a friend. Even telling one person makes a difference.
Don't know who your rep is/their email?https://www.house.gov/representatives
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spookysspoons · 3 days
KOSA is a censorship bill that won’t make kids safe. Instead, it'll put all internet users at risk, especially youth. If you believe in a free and open internet, tell your lawmakers to reject #KOSA! https://stopkosa.com/
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maswartz · 3 months
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shameeater · 3 months
The end of online privacy
Now, this isn't something I usually post about from my silly goofy k1nk account (reminder to minors to not follow or scroll this acount).
But I have more followers on here than main, and this is extremely important. Like, scary shit.
This applies to everyone. If you're reading this? It's going to effect you.
I'm sure perhaps some of you have seen around about a this thing going around... KOSA, is one of the ways it's being referred to.
If this shit passes, lemme tell you...
LGBTQ+ adults and minors seeking help and community,
people looking for abortions,
people organizing protests,
anyone using their free speech to voice concerns about injustices, 
Even people reading fan fiction...
And for the purposes of where I'm posting from... people sharing and enjoying their k1nks, wanting to post things with safety and privacy... smut artists and writers, people even LOOKING for smut...
It's all gone. No privacy.
They'll have your face, your name, your age, where you live.
You'll need an ID to use any US-based platform, even if you're NOT in the United States.
Instead of dooming, here's what you can do to stop this shit in it's tracks 👍
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Here is a website where you can sign a letter just by filling out a form, (it takes less than 30 seconds) and where you can call reps.
I HIGHLY suggest leaving calls if you're able, and if you have phone shyness, do this after 6pm, since it will leave messages instead.
I'm shy, but I did it!
Here's another letter to sign, takes less than 20 seconds.
Here is a form you can fill out sharing how the social media has POSITIVELY effected you.
Share all of this with as many people as you can. Our safety, freedom, joy, and protection online is at risk more than ever.
(Here is the thread where I found all of this information.)
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chaotickit · 2 months
As of now, Florida and Kansas have passed bills that align with KOSA.
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So many people have held back on speaking out against KOSA or signing petitions because "it probably won't pass." But we have proof that it very well can and will.
So what can we do right now?
The same thing we've been doing: bring awareness and protest.
Here are a few websites you can visit to sign petitions:
You can also call your state reps. This post explains how you can do that.
Good luck, everyone! Don't give up yet.
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gwydionmisha · 6 months
11/30/23: KOSA is an anti-LGBTQIA+ censorship bill. It is essential you call THIS week. Tell them you are specifically against KOSA and especially against hotlining the bill.
Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to the Senator of your choice.
Here is one that will send your reps a fax: https://resist.bot/
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winternimbus · 3 months
hey um! with KOSA looking more and more closer to passing, email and call your reps to prevent it from passing! especially with ~3 days (as of the 2/23/2024 update on this post) left until KOSA is decided bad internet bills is a helpful site with an easy to fill out forum that does not take long to complete stop KOSA is also another good site w/ a prefilled out message you can send (with resources for those not in the U.S. too!), and much like bad internet bills, it has an easy to fill out form that does NOT take long to complete EFF has a comprehensive analysis on the bill--and allows you to take action, helps you look up and contact your representative. your phone number is required, and this seems to be the longest of the three to fill out, but it is AS important as the rest this is very important! because this will effect ALL of us, not just usamericans! this is something that has the power to irreversibly ruin the internet as a whole
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houseofpurplestars · 3 months
Senate trying to pass a bill that would force you to use your government id just to use the internet. That means no anonymity at all, ever, and that every pro-Palestinian organizer is immediately a target that the government can track. And they will use it explicitly to come after protestors and organizers.
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elhopper1sm · 4 months
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If you wanna protect AO3 or character ai. Or Wattpad. Or Tumblr. Or discord. Or even the right for undocumented people and minors to use the fucking Internet reblog this I swear to God. Reblog this and reblog as many KOSA posts as you can go on their website and contact your Representatives. Do it. Do it. Do it.
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hamadisthings · 29 days
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An upcoming Age verification bill centered in California will be voted on Monday-- And as always,instead of actually protecting kids, it will lead to more online censorship and privacy risks, as it will force websites hosting to verify their users age by sending their ID, your browser history would be linked to it. if you live California, call your reps and tell them to oppose the bill AB3080 as it highly unconstitutional.
They also deem LGBT content harmful to minors, as well as mentions of weapons and tobacco, putting them on the same level as NSFW content.
Since AO3 headquarters reside in California, much like Reddit, Twitter,Discord and Youtube (and others) who knows how bad the effects would be. Instead of just effecting Californians (even then its concerning.) the effects would be US or even worldwide. VPNs wont help.
Please take actions here (a script is included to help you) https://www.defendonlineprivacy.com/ca/action.php
Find your rep here https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/
You can also send faxes using this https://faxzero.com/
If you don't live in California, please talk about this,tag your friends and urge others to take actions, make posts and tweets using the hashtags AB3080 and NoOnAB3080
More info HERE
Edit: Lots of this information is outdated for a more recent post click here.
Voting has been delaying until Monday May 13th 2024
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alixlives · 10 months
“KOSA wont pass, it got rejected the last two times!”
It wasn’t passed because people spoke out against it. People called and emailed their senators. So, CALL / EMAIL YOUR SENATORS. MAKE IT KNOWN THAT WE DO NOT WANT THIS BILL TO PASS!
“But its unconstitutional-“ There’ve been multiple bills passed before that are unconstitutional. This will not be any different to them, they do not care.
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certainunkownlove2 · 3 days
This is your daily reminder to stop kosa. Email your reps or go to badinternetbills.com/ and it will send the email for you. You can also edit what it will say in the email.
Also share information about kosa and how to stop it with everyone, you could reblog or just post your own post on your blog or text a friend. Even telling one person makes a difference.
Don't know who your rep is/their email?https://www.house.gov/representatives
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reyna-obsessed · 3 months
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