#mighty ducks
samstersv · 1 year
just a small trevor zegras fic for me to get back into the swing of writing :)
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yourusername guys don’t tell anyone but trevor is super cuddly. (and so is stanley)
trevorzegras baby when did you take this
↳ yourusername 🤫
jackhughes he’s been non-stop trying to cuddle you at the lake house, we know
↳ trevorzegras hey im not ashamed, neither is stanley.
↳ yourusername stan the (puppy) man is proud!
jamie.drysdale i have so many photos of y/n and trevor cuddling and stan laying on top. it’s ridiculous and adorable at the same time.
 ↳ yourusername JIMMY SEND IT
_quinnhughes jack wasn’t kidding about trevor and the cuddling. he’s tried to do it with me too.
↳ trevorzegras come on quinn you know you wanna
↳ _quinnhughes no i really do not
colecaufield everywhere i go trev is attached to y/n by the hip. i don’t know how you deal with him.
↳yourusername honestly i don’t either
↳trevorzegras rude
↳yourusername sorry babe
user1 y’all r the cutest couple!
user2 the fact that everyone alr knows trevor is clingy and are still eating it up 😭
↳ yourusername trevor is laying on my stomach as i type this
user3 stan is slaying as usual
user4 ew
↳ user5 go hater!! begone!! 😦
i think ima start using my made up dog stanley for trevor fics what do y’all think👀
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90ssuperheroes · 1 month
Happy 78th Birthday to
🎁🎂 Tim Curry🎈🎉
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sluggmuffin · 11 months
Can you do “when the other holds onto their waist briefly as they're passing by and it just send chills down their spine” with Adam banks?
Chills ~ Adam Banks
Summary: Adam sends chills down your spine while your trying to get ready for a game
Contains: fluff, x gn!reader
A/N: pulled this out of my ass fr
"when the other holds onto their waist briefly as they're passing by and it just send chills down their spine"
Utter chaos.
That's a phrase you'd use to describe the locker room. Everyone is trying to put on their gear and uniforms quickly, and half the team can't even find their stuff.
Usually, getting ready in the locker room is calm- or as calm as you can get with the ducks. But Coach had just told you guys about 5 minutes ago that your game between the Razorbacks had been changed from 7pm to 5pm, and it was currently 4:56pm.
"Man, we ain't got no time to warm up." Jesse complains, searching his locker for his helmet.
The team murmurs in agreement, still rushing to get everything together. As your strapping your padding on you hear the doors open.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" You hear Adam curse, running in, duffel bag hanging off his shoulder.
"Adam where were you?" Charlie calls out from across the room.
"I wasn't- coach- hold of me" He pants, seeming as though he ran the whole way.
"Coach couldn't get a hold of you?" You ask, trying to piece together what he said still shocked you heard him swear.
He nods, before rushing to his area slipping past the others, who were just about ready to get on the ice.
"Why's the door open?" Coach asks, before looking at the lot of you, already sweaty and out of breath.
"Cmon guys we need to be on the ice in 2 minutes!"
He leaves along with a few of the Ducks, but you stay, still needing to put on your jersey and lace up your skates.
Your rummaging through your locker, which is right next to Adam's might you add, as you feel a pair of cold, icy hands on your waist.
"Scuse me (Y/n)," Adam murmured, passing through the small space behind you to get to his locker.
The feeling of his hands on your waist sends you into shock, making you freeze, sending chills down your spine.
But reality hits when Bombay comes through the locker room one last time.
"(L/n), Banks, Germaine, Mendoza! Out of the locker room you guys are taking too long!" He booms, snapping you out of your trance.
You lace your skates, passing Adam one last time, catching a glimpse at his face. He has a stupid grin on his face, knowing he got to you.
"Good Luck, (L/n),"
"We'll definitely need it," you sigh, before putting your helmet on and joining the others.
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whyareyouhere66 · 24 days
➢ Polaroid
multiple male x GN reader
warnings: none
When he’s got your Polaroid displayed in his car.
The radio has music wafting through the speakers, a small charm hanging from the rear view mirror as he casually turns the wheel with the palm of his hand, turning onto a new street. 
His eyes are trained on the road, humming slightly to the song as it plays, when he sees the small white frame out of the corner of his eye.
The corner of it is stuck into a crevice somewhere on the dashboard, and your bright smile fills the space, eyes wrinkled and narrowed into a squint as the picture was taken seconds into a laugh. In the picture, your head is tilted up to look at the camera, the flash lighting up your face leaving it perfectly framed for him to admire.
At the sight of it, his lips quirk up into a small and fond smile. He had put it there so whenever you weren’t there in person, he could still have you there somehow, by your designated seat on the passenger side. Anyone who got into the car would be welcomed by your face, even from its spot tucked into the dashboard placed specifically so he could always see it.
The song changes on the radio, a few seconds of talking in the transition between melodies. 
And just like that, he’s turning onto your street.
Pulling in just to see that same pretty face in person. 
[characters: JJ Maybank, John B. Routledge, Pope Heyward, Eijiro Kirishima, Shoto Todoroki, Mashirao Ojiro, Zed Necropolis, Carlos De Vil, Ben Beast, Sodapop Curtis, Adam Banks, Charlie Conway, Koshi Sugawara, Daichi Sawamura, Asahi Azumane]
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nessabieberjxdn · 8 months
Unemployed king!⭐️
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myaswriting · 1 year
oh baby !
dad!trevor zegras x black!fem!reader
friends to lovers to parents
warnings: swearing, kissing, baby, talk of birth, pregnancy, young pregnancy. young parents, traditional parents (of reader), references to smut no actual smut
author’s note: hello everyone. i’m so sorry i’ve been so inactive i had emergency surgery last week so i’ve been dealing with recovery as well as the days leading up to it i was very sick. but!! here is some dad trevor to brighten the day!! i hope you guys enjoy.
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trevor was always a goofball. he never took anything serious. this became a problem as he got older. he knew when he was very talkative and liked to crack jokes. he was amazing at it after all. he knew he could get out of anything by simply just, talking or telling a few one liners to save the day.
you not so much. you were dramatic, sue me. you worried about everything. it was in your nature. trevor was never careful. he was never aware of how serious things can get. you solved problems with reason and strategy. you never had a reason to not stress.
trevor was your best friend. the only man you’ll ever let that close to you. you were childhood friends who did everything together. of course you had your girl friends that you loved dearly, but trevor was your soulmate.
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september 2019 - Boston University
you loved rainy days. you would spend all day watching movies or even reading. rainy days made you feel zen, at peace.
today was not one of those days.
you sat on the cold tile floor, makeup smeared, and tears lining the brim of your eyes. you couldn’t breathe. this couldn’t be happening.
it was one time. one fucking time.
you shakily lift the third pregnancy test you’ve taken today.
= pregnant
“fuck, this can’t be real,” you sob holding the stick close to you. you shake breathing in trying to hold your sobs in.
it was nearly twelve in the morning and you had class early. you really hope you don’t wake up your roommate but you really can’t stop sobbing. you have only been here for 3 weeks and you already fucked up. you parents were going to kill you. there was no doubt about it. the worst part of this all was the fact that you had to tell trevor.
oh trevor…
you slowly stand up from the floor and set the stick down. you open the bathroom door to see your roommate kayla staring ar you with worry in her tired eyes.
“hey babe what’s going on,” she quietly asks with a hoarse voice from sleeping.
you sniffle before hugging her. “i’m pregnant,” you sob breaking down once again. she gasps and pulls you back.
“y/n, what?” she looks up with wide eyes. you bite your lip nervously handing her the pregnancy test. she looks down at it and sucks in a breath. “it’s trevor’s?” she questions.
you had told her about your little sex adventures with your hometown best friend, not even thinking about the consequences of having raw sex. raw sex with your best friend. raw sex with someone you’re going to lose… your heart breaks at the idea of telling trevor. you don’t even want to tell anyone. you felt trapped and scared.
“he’s.going. to hate me,” you sob in broken sentences. the pounding in your head gets louder the more you cry.
kayla grabs your hands and holds them tightly. she looks into your eyes and tells you a story about her mom. you knew from over the summer and talking to her that her mother was 17 when she had her first child. things weren’t easy but she did it.
“you are so strong, trevor is a good guy,” she smiles softly holding your jaw lovingly. “he’s still your best friend, just talk to him,”
little did she know that the friend ship sailed away months ago after you started hooking up.
can we meet for lunch?
trev <3
yeah ofc meet me at frankie’s?
yeah 11:45 don’t be late
trev <;3
yes ma’am 🫡
you chew your nails waiting for trevor at the cafe near campus. you look out the window and see trevor walking towards the building. he was dressed in sweats and a hoodie. god he looked so good.
trevor makes his way inside and looks for you. he smiles when he sees you sitting there. you try to cover up the fact that you’re nervous as fuck. he makes it to the table and sits down across from you smiling.
“hey cutie,” he says fixing his beanie.
“hi,” you say quickly avoiding eye contact with him.
he frowns looking at you with confusion. you were never this quiet. sure you were not as loud as trevor. no one was. but you were chatty around people who made you happy. this was odd. this wasn’t you.
“y/n what’s wrong,” he frowns deeper heart beating out of his chest. were you mad at him? was he in trouble?
you sigh feeling the tears starting to well in your eyes. you shakily breathe in and out before looking him in the eyes. “i’m going to tell you something z, you have to promise you won’t get mad,” you say holding back tears.
“yeah, yeah. of course. what’s going on?”
trevor feels sick. what could she possibly have to say. the first thing he thinks of is that you have a boyfriend and you have to stop fucking. that thought quickly brought a sour taste to his mouth. he felt a huge tang of jealousy hit his chest. no other man should have their hands on you. you were his.
you slowly lift up your purse pulling out the three tests setting them on the table. he sucks in a breath, eyes wide looking at the blue and white device on the table.
“are these…” he whispers lifting one up to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. you bite the inside of your cheek nervous.
“yeah, they’re m-mine,” you whisper holding back sobs.
he feels his heart swell up with something. happiness? pride? love? he couldn’t pin point it. this was news that he never thought he’d hear, but he wasn’t one bit mad about it.
“please say something,”
“baby this.. this is crazy,” he smiles looking at you.
“what..?” you breathe a shaky teary laugh.
trevor gets up and moves into the booth with you. he grabs you and pulls you into him kissing your head a million times.
“we can do this. no, we will do this.”
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april 2020
you make your way through the halls of yours and trevor’s shared apartment. waddling your way through the days. as covid 19 was taking the world by storm you and trevor have had nothing but one on one time. talking, singing, rapping, reading, you name it. anything to your belly. after 3 months into your pregnancy trevor took you out on a real date and asked you to be his official girlfriend.
your parents were not thrilled with the news. they called you all kinds of names and made you feel extremely small and stupid. they told you that if you dropped out of school they’d disown you. they even went on to say that they don’t know if they can be in your life if you choose to keep the baby and not give it up for adoption. you have cried and cried about your parents not being excepting. you worried day and night about them. heart broken at the fact they didn’t want anything to do with you.
julie and gary have been nothing but loving and supportive. they were scared at first. worried how this would affect trevor’s future. but after getting drafted they no longer worried. they knew their son could take care of you. he was a good man, he takes care of his siblings in ways that made you feel safe knowing he was going to be the father of your child.
your pregnancy was fairly easy you had little trouble. you dealt with little morning sickness and even went to the gym with trevor as often as you could.
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july 21, 2020, dylan mae zegras arrives.
8lbs 3oz, 23 inches long. a perfect baby girl. she came quick and dramaticly.
you were watching tv in the living room waiting for trevor to get home. you were slowly packing things up for the big move to anaheim. you felt wettness pool in your pants. you groan thinking it was probably sweat from being 9 months pregnant and sitting with a heated blanket. you stand up slowly feeling a contraction hit you like a truck.
“no, no, no,” you cry holding your belly. “this can’t be happening,” you cry out walking towards the kitchen. you unlock your phone and call trevor. he was at weight training and wouldn’t be home for another hour.
“hello,” you hear him on the other line. just as you were about to speak another contraction hits, harder. “baby are you okay?”
you whimper out a “it’s happening,”
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pourovergaming · 2 months
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“Sick Starter Jacket, Bro!”
90’s Dream Jacket
When I was 6, there was one thing I wanted more than anything - an Anaheim Mighty Ducks Starter jacket. I asked for it every birthday and holiday from 6 to 10 before giving up all hope I’d ever don the turquoise and purple.
While I never got my dream pullover, you can take a piece of my childhood and play ttrpgs with it.
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forrpercyy · 5 months
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the banksway brainrot is all too real rn 😣
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slaymybreathaway · 11 months
Jersey (Charlie Conway x reader)
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 833
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I woke up to Charlie's arms wrapped around my waist, our legs were entangled and my head resting against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat.
We won last night's game and my legs are aching, Coach Orion kept me on the ice the whole game. We won 6 - 2 and the whole team was going out for Pizza to celebrate. I looked at Charlie's alarm clock and it showed 10:30.
I carefully tried to untangle myself without waking up my sleeping boyfriend. I slid out from under his grip and stood up. He started to stir and I was scared that I woke him up. He turned over and settled down.
I looked through the overnight bag that I had packed to stay In Charlie's.
Denim shorts and a red tank top with a black and white flannel to go over it.
Then I thought of a better idea, I walked over to Charlie's wardobe and opened the door. His green Duck's jersey was hanging up on a hanger. I took it down, grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom to get changed.
Charlie's P.O.V
I woke up at 11 and immediately noticed that y/n wasn't there. Instead, there was a note on my bedside table.
My Dearest, Charlie
I'm going to Connie's before we go for food, love you
Is it weird that just seeing her handwriting made me blush? Ok it's probably a little weird.
I got up and brushed my teeth. I decided that I would wear my green Duck's jersey because we won.
I ruffled my hair in the mirror and opened my wardrobe. My white jersey was there but not my green one. It can't be in the wash beacause I haven't worn it in like a week. I can't ask my Mom either because she has already left for work.
"Odd, where is it?" I thought but didn't think much about it and put my white jersey on with a pair of jeans.
Your POV
I knocked on the door of Connie's house and her Mom answered the door.
"Oh hello y/n. How are you sweetie?" she asked and let me in.
"I'm doing great, my legs are a bit sore after last night's game but that's alright. Where is Connie?" I said.
"Oh she's up in her room dear," She said and went into the kitchen.
I ran up the stairs and could hear 'About a Girl' by Nirvana being blared from Connie's room.
I knocked on the door snd she told me to come in.
When I walked in she looked at me confused and said "Why is your j- WAIT... Turn around."
I turned around and Connie started laughing. "Look at you! Soon to be Mrs. Conway," she joked.
"haha I wish. I just stole his jersey," I giggled and sat down.
"You guys are so cute I cannot deal. So how was your sleepover? Did you..." she raised an eyebrow.
I threw a pillow at her "NO! Connie, god. We just watched a movie,"
Connie laughed "Ok, ok... Sure you did,"
I stayed in Connie's for an hour or two before heading to Tommy's Pizzaria.
Charlie's POV
I was walking to Tommy's with Goldberg around 2 and talking about y/n.
"Dude, you never shut up about her. I understand why though, she is hot. Let's say if you... Mysteriously break up for some unknown reason. Can I have her?" Goldberg asked, which made me laugh.
"Haahha I hope you're not planning to kill me now Goldie... And It's bold of you to assume that she would want you," I winked.
"Well yanno I am irresistible," Goldberg flexed his non-existent muscles.
We walked in and the bell rang above us. I looked around for the team and saw them with 2 big tables pulled beside each other. Everyone was there except Goldberg and I.
I saw y/n sitting down, deep in conversation with Fulton. She was wearing her green jersey but It seemed a little big on her. I looked again and realised that she was acctually wearing my jersey.
It looked great on her though. Of course it was a bit big but... right yanno. It might have been that the name Conway was plastered across her back. It showed everyone that she was with me and it made me think about how good Y/n Conway sounded.
I could feel my face getting hot. Goldberg noticed what y/n was wearing beacause he nudged me.
"Nevermind, doesn't look like she'll be leaving you anytime soon," he winked and went to sit beside Julie.
Y/n looked up and her eyes lit up when she saw me,she beckoned me over to sit on the seat next to her.
I sat down and kissed her on the cheek, and whispered in her ear" So that's where my jersey went."
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budgiesunset · 1 year
Hey it’s me again. I want to ask If you could write a Adam x reader story again. It‘s Summer so the ducks had no ice rink for the training. So they go running in a park or going to the gym. This training is voluntary so they don’t must. And on this day Adam says that he can’t go to the training. The others are surprised because Adam never missed a training but he had a good reason that he doesn’t come. He want to meet his girlfriend in the park. Adam never tell his team that he had a girlfriend because y/n is afraid about meeting them. In the Park they are lean against a tree and their booth get touchy so they kiss each other. But than the ducks come and see the two…. for the rest you can freestyle
and sorry for my English I hope you understand what I mean
Best Wishes
Summer Secrets || Adam Banks x Reader
•Warning’s• Kissing, Fluff, comfort sort of, bad grammar and spelling. •Summary• Your Adams girlfriend and have been for the past year but the team doesn’t know so what happens when the team finds you and Adam cuddling in the park. •AN• This is set during the second movie when they are training in Minneapolis. Also sorry it’s short I’m also work on the first part of the ‘Sisters’ series. Isn’t writers block great.
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You were waiting for your boyfriend Adam at the park. You were sitting up against a tree with your eyes closed you knew it would take a while because he had hockey training but it didn’t bother you and you decided to come down early since it was a nice day.You and Adam had been dating for about a year and everything was great between you too but the thing is, Adams hockey team still didn’t know about you two. You had asked Adam to keep it a secret because you were scared of how they would react. These were Adams best friends and you were scared that they wouldn’t like you and then Adam would agree. Even though Adam had constantly assured you that they would love you and even if they didn’t he still would.
As you were sitting against the tree sun shining on your face you felt an arm wrap around your shoulders and a light kiss on the temple. You look to your left seeing your boyfriend sending him a small smile which he returned. He placed a small kiss on your hair as you leaned on his shoulder. “I thought you couldn’t come down until later” you said snuggling into his side as you wrap your arms around his middle.
“Training is optional so I decided to come down early and wait for you. Seems you had the same idea” he said tucking your head under his chin. You and Adam sat like this for about 5 minutes before the peaceful silence was interrupted by a group of kids and it wasn’t until they spoke that you realized who they where.
“Look Cake eater has a girl.” One said as the all skated over to you you looked up to see Adam giving you an apologetic look. “So Adam who’s the girl” another asked the others nodding and agreeing with the question. Adam looks at you as if silently asking if you were ready to tell them and you sent a small nod keeping you glaze down. You knew there was no point in lying they caught you cuddling they probably already assumed that you two were dating besides they would have found out eventually so there was no point in hiding anymore.
“This is Y/N, my girlfriend.” He slightly hesitated before saying the second part. They didn’t really seemed to fazed by it and you guessed that they knew something was going on with Adam because he never missed practice optional or not. After Adam introduced you to all of the team they decided they would sit down with you despite Charlie’s protest.
“So this is why you missed practice?” Charlie asked.
“Shut up, your Just jealous you don’t have a girlfriend” Adam retorted.
Additional head cannon for after you met the team:
>You Connie and Julie and basically best friends no excuses. >You three would do sleep overs where you gossip attempt to make food and burn like 90% of it because you’re to busy prank calling the boys. >The team invites you to go skating with them both summer and winter. >You go to the diner with them to celebrate their wins. >After Connie and Julie beg coach enough (maybe even Adam but he would deny if you ever asked) you are allowed to sit in the box area with the team. >They make you a special jersey with your name but Adams number ‘99’. > You go to the goodwill games with them. >All the boys are like your brothers. (Not including Adam of course) >They teach you how to play if you don’t already know and that’s the same for skating.
AN: @yahikosfriend I hope you love this writing piece your requests are always amazing. And sorry this took so long. Since it was quite short I decided to add a Head cannon for you.
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awesomeartmaster15 · 1 month
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Happy 78th Birthday to Tim Curry! 🎂
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mf-mightyducks · 8 months
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It's here and its beautiful!
Here is this season's Anaheim Ducks Primer! Click on the images for higher quality.
Also, no history lesson this season! Had to make room for all our new team members!
Special thanks to @sportshaternumber36 for your encouragement!
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gojilion91 · 1 month
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Here are a couple more sketch commissions by @theabbeyroadie that I've requested. As you can see this 1st is King Ghidorah with bow ties and the 2nd is Mallory McMallard from the animated Mighty Ducks show. Words alone cannot describe how incredibly fantastic these are! TheAbbeyRoadie is one talented individual who is absolutely worth supporting! Go give her a follow if you like what you've seen!
Keep up the awesome work TheAbbeyRoadie!
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wild1kiwi · 3 months
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Надо мне прекратить читать мангу ,а то мой стиль поменяется в чёрно-белых тонах...
Но всё равно хочется рисовать и в этом стиле, может придумаю что-то ещё.
а пока,пойду работать над комиксом.
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disneytva · 11 months
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New Details From The Disney Afternoon: The Making of a Television Renaissance Unveil Showcase For Obscure Disney Afternoon Shows And Section Dedicated To DuckTales (2017) And Chip 'n' Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022)
New details have merged from The Disney Afternoon: The Making of a Television Renaissance by Jake S. Friedman, Disney Publishing Worldwide And Disney Editions Deluxe slated to be part of Disney Television Animation's 40th Anniversary and 100th Series debut on 2024 has given new updates in what to expect with the book.
The book has confirmed to have first time ever sections dedicated to very obscure Disney Afternoon shows additionaly a section dedicated to Disney TVA's 1st series "The Wuzzles" will be part of the book.
The confirmed obscure series featured on the book, who will feature official BTS artwork for the first time are:
-The Wuzzles
-Aladdin, the Animated Series
-The Shnookums & Meat Funny Cartoon Show 
- The Lion King’s Timon & Pumbaa
-Quack Pack
-Mighty Ducks, the Animated Series
Additionaly the book will contain a 16-page section dedicated to the DuckTales 2017 reboot from Disney XD and a 10-page section dedicated to the Chip 'n' Dale: Rescue Rangers film at Disney+. Both sections will include interviews with Matt Youngeberg,Frank Angones,Akiva Schaffer,Dan Gregor and Doug Mand in how they brought the beloved Disney Afternoon IPs to a new generation of fans.
No word yet if Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg will get a section talking about their Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin reboots at Point Grey Pictures for Disney+ but hoping in later months they get a confirmed section on the book.
📚The Disney Afternoon: The Making of a Television Renaissance
Jake S Friedman
Disney Publishing Worldwide
Disney Editions Deluxe
November 5, 2024
When the Disney Afternoon premiered in 1990, kids tossed their backpacks aside to watch their favorite Disney television characters. Unlike with feature films, these stars had a new adventure every weekday, and their audience journeyed with them on a daily basis. Throughout the '80s and '90s, Disney raised the bar with a lineup of innovative, high-quality television animation. The characters were endearing, the writing was clever, and the art was exceptional. Those who grew up with these characters have continued their love affairs for shows like Darkwing Duck, Gargoyles, TaleSpin, and the irrepressibly beloved DuckTales, deep into adulthood. For the first time, learn the history of the Disney Afternoon shows, read interviews from the creative teams, and revel in rare, behind-the-scenes artwork, plus get the full making of story of the modern-day DuckTales series and the meta-driven Chip 'n' Dale: Rescue Rangers film and its legacy connections to the past for a new generation of fans.
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victusinveritas · 5 months
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Disney's legal team in the 90s really said "oh you can steal any idea you want just make it with ducks."
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