#dr. anton sevarius
90ssuperheroes · 1 month
Happy 78th Birthday to
🎁🎂 Tim Curry🎈🎉
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roseunspindle · 6 months
Tim Curry: What I've Seen Him in
Rocky Horror Picture Show - Dr. Frank N. Furter
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Annie - Rooster Hannigan
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Legend - Darkness
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Clue - Wadsworth
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Home Alone 2: Lost in New York - Mr. Hector
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The Three Musketeers - Cardinal Richelieu
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Muppet Treasure Island - Long John Silver
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Addams Family Reunion - Gomez Addams
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Charlie's Angels - Roger Corwin
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Criminal Minds - Billy Flynn
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Ferngully - Hexxus
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Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Christmas - Forte
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Scooby Doo and the Witches Ghost - Ben Ravencroft
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Bartok the Magnificent - The Skull
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The Cat Returns - The Cat King
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The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible - The Serpent, Judas Iscariot
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Gargoyles - Dr. Anton Sevarius
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The Wild Thornberrys - Nigel Thornberry
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Over the Garden Wall - Auntie Whispers
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matthewchadd · 8 months
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Fan Cast Disney Live Action Gargoyles:
Dwayne Johnson as Goliath
Scarlett Johansson as Demona
Brian Cox as Hudson
Seth Green as Lexington
Seth Rogan as Broadway
TJ Miller as Brooklyn
David Oyelowo as Coldstone
Anne Hathaway as Angela
Andy Serkis as Bronx
Sarah Jessica Parker as Margot Yale
Eiza Gonzalez as Elisa Maza
Henry Cavill as David Xanatos
Iain Glen as Dr. Anton Sevarius
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diaryofasugarfiend · 9 months
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Hey, I made an oc that's just a regular-ass human.
Dr. Cellia Tolentino, the world's foremost expert on mosquitoes. Likes bugs more than people. Has a research facility in El Yunque forest in Puerto Rico where she can study her parasitic buddies. Resents that most of her funding comes from pest control companies. Has teamed up with Dragaunus and pals to create genetic abominations from her favorite blood suckers. This means she is the creator of the chupacabras. The thing that pisses her off most is the incorrect belief that mosquitoes could go extinct with no ecological impact. Was college buddies with Wally Pretorious and Anton Sevarius. Might become a mutant in the future, I haven't decided yet.
Dr. Tolentino's chupacabras.
Experiment #0 aka Chewy- first successful experiment, is the biological mother of the other experiments, personality like a yippy little dog, eventually becomes the Saurians' pet
Standard experiment- the typical chupacabras, the most common of mutants Tolentino created
Supa Chupa- bigger and more destructive, ha ha it's name is super sucker
Larva- babby
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gargoylespodcast · 2 years
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Greg Weisman joins us to discuss the passing of David Warner; and news out of San Diego Comic Con ’22 including new action figures from NECA, from Beast Nation; and… what was that again? A new comic book written by him being published by Dynamite Comics!!!!!!!!   Greg Weisman joins us to talk about conceptual development of Catscan to Talon as well as Gen-U-Tech; casting Rocky Carrol as Derek Maza and Talon, casting Tim Curry as Dr. Anton Sevarius. The theme of characters fooling themselves looms large, and Xanatos at his most dastardly. All of this and more.
Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Audible, Spotify, and your podcatcher of choice!
Follow us on Twitter at: @FromEyrie Visit Jennifer L. Anderson’s online stores at: Angel Wings and Demon Tails Visit Greg Weisman at: Ask Greg Read the Metamorphosis memo at: Ask Greg Everything you ever wanted to know about Gargoyles at: GargWiki
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Disney Descendants! Marie-Grace
Elder Daughter of Gaston LeGume
12; Home: The Isle of Penance
Interests: Medicine, Singing
Little Bio Details: been acting as a sort of pupil to Dr Anton Sevarius
Current Problem: sneaks on the mainland with the chosen kids to both take care of Isaac and to maybe, hopefully, possibly get closure on his long gone little brother Daniel…
Abilities: bowmanship, medical knowledge, singing, tracking
Friends: Isaac Sevarius, Dylan Willis, Nellie Sanderson
0 notes
ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
Phan Cam: The Phantom Sharks of Hearts
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>Fission City, California. We came here hoping to find a friend of our who went missing some time ago. Let’s hope we find him.
>At the airport, we were just getting our bags when we notice something... A woman with a sign that says “The SS present Ren and Party”.
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Oh they do, do they?
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I try to tell them. But they watched Saving Mr. Banks last night and couldn’t resist.
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You must be Lena Mack. We were told about you from Shinya’s emails.
Lena: I am. I’m here to take you to them.
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Alright. Is he okay?
Lena: If you can call what’s happened to him okay.
>Later on, we arrive at an underground lair. We were a bit surprised by the appearance of four muscular shark men.
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So, these are the Street Sharks of Fission City. The Bolton Brothers.
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So you know about us? About who we are.
Oracle: Well, mostly from what Max Modell told me. He told us at Horizon about Dr. Robert Bolton and his four sons, John, Bobby, Clint, and Cooper.
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Actually, I like being called Coop. Or Big Slammu.
Ripster: And I’m known as Ripster.
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And I’m Jab.
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I may not be a shark, but I’m a friend. They call me Bends.
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It’s nice to meet you all.
>We introduce ourselves.
Ripster: Aren’t there suppose to be ten of you? The Detective Prince?
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Akechi stayed behind. He wasn’t up for it.
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Joker: What’s wrong?
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Hmm? It’s nothing. Anyway, about Shinya.
??????: I kinda go by Kahuna now.
>Suddenly, someone came out of the shadows. Although he now is a shark man, I knew who this is.
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I can understand why. Shark or not, it’s still you.
Kahuna: (at his mother’s request, we will not be showing him as a shark/human being, use your imagination) I’m glad to hear it.
Joker: Well what did you expect?
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We have a strong bond, don’t we?
>I hand him back his GET SMOKED cap.
Kahuna: (smiling and putting his cap on) We do. How do I look?
Jab: Jawsome.
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Kahuna: It’s a long story.
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Speaking of stories, what happened to you?
>Kahuna explains his story of what happened to him. About how he was abducted by a mad scientist and a group of has-been TV stars. How the scientist gene-slammed him into a shark.
Oracle: Anton Sevarius. I’ve heard about him online. Nothing good.
Bends: Same here. And we can’t cure your friend without suspecting that he might have tampered with the serum so that it might kill him or worse.
Queen: So you want us to go into his Palace and change his heart so he can turn him back.
Kahuna: I don’t think that will work. The man is as heartless as... Well, a Heartless.
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That’s true. If we try to take the Treasure of someone who is heartless, their Shadow will die with their Palace. And you know what happens if someone’s Shadow dies.
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Lena: Why... Actually, I don’t want to know.
Joker: Anyways, you said we can’t change Sevarius’s heart. Does this have something to do with this wolf hunt you mentioned?
Kahuna: Yes. I think Wolf of the Pack really didn’t enjoy doing something like this to kids... (offended) Which seems a bit rude since I’m already in middle school. Anyway, I think he might be the key in all of this.
Diego: But in case that doesn’t work, we could try and have Lady Ann use her magic to cure you.
Panther: I’m not sure if that might work. Headmistress Faragonda said that there are some things even magic can’t fix. I think mutation is one of them.
Ripster: We actually prefer to call it “gene-slamming”, but yeah, I had a feeling.
Queen: So we just have to take Wolf’s heart. I guess if we do that, that might somehow effect the other members of the Pack and we might find a way to change Kahuna back to himself. I think that might work.
Skull: How’d we do that? The only thing we know is that he was on TV. Nothin’ on his past at all.
Queen: That’s true. I doubt his two fellow Pack members, Jackal and Hyena, will say anything to us about him. Even their former leader, Fox, the wife of David Xanatos, might know but won’t tell us so easily. The only person left who might know and tell us is Dingo, but he’s a member of this group called the Redemption Squad and they’re pretty hard to contact.
Bends: But how do we find out who he is?
Joker: Oracle, do you think you can try finding out something?
Oracle: I doubt it. PackMedia Studios is the property of Xanatos Enterprises. The last time I tried to hack into their mainframe, I failed. Guess they had a feeling that one of these days, Medjed would try and hack into them and were well prepared.
Panther: Then what are we suppose to do, wait for an answer to come walking in?
?????: Why not? You never know.
>We quickly turn to see the new person that came in.
Jab: How did you get in here!?
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You left your door open. And I know what you’re up to.
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You do?
Woman in coat: Yes... I’m not going to say what it is, but I will have you this.
>She hands Oracle a flash drive.
Oracle: Thanks, er...
Woman in coat: Just call me Salli. We’ll be in touch soon.
>With that, Salli leaves.
Oracle: She’s a strange one.
Lena: We should at least see what she gave us.
>Oracle sticks the flash drive in her computer.
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This is...
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Real name: Rolf Hakonson*
Birthday: January 5, 1957*
Birthplace: Gävle, Sweden*
Known family members:
Father (deceased, name withheld)*
Mother (deceased, name withheld)*
Sister (unknown, name withheld)*
Uncle (unknown, name withheld)*
Other uncle (deceased, name withheld)*
Hakon the Hated (ancestor, deceased)
Other relationships:
Jackal (teammate)
Hyena (teammate)
Coyote (on and off leader)
Fox (former teammate)
Dingo (former teammate)
Girlfriend (name unknown)
Actor (formally)
Stunt man (formally)
Rolf Hakonson was born on January 5, 1957 in Gävle, Sweden. The youngest to his older sister. Hakonson, like his father and uncles, was trained to be a mercenary since he was 13 years old. His first known job wan in unknown part of Denmark. At age 15, Hakonson and his family (save his uncles) moved to Los Angeles, California, United States of America after a botched job in the Czech Republic involving the deaths of 14 people, including the mother of a young Tomas Brod. Hakonson spent some time around Los Angeles, but his most favorite places were outside of the city, including Fission City. Including an old abandoned water treatment plant. At the age of 18, rival mercenaries invaded Hakonson’s home and took the lives of both his parents. Afterwords, his sister was sent back to Sweden to take care of their uncle after their other uncle was shot by an unknown party. Neither the sister or the uncle were seen again. Since then, Hakonson had been leaving on his own. At age 23, Hakonson had been working as a stunt man on certain television shows and movies while still working as a mercenary. At age 26, Hakonson began working for the newly created PackMedia Studios as a stunt man. However, a year later, the young head and star of PackMedia, already going by the name, Fox, became interested in his skills and recruited him to become a star in the studio’s newest series, The Den of Champions. This is how he gained the stage name, Wolf. Almost ten years later, Three more people came to work for PackMedia which formed a new show, The Pack.*
*Most of the information here were looked up online and made up. Including Wolf’s real name being just a joke by the creator of Gargoyles, Greg Weisman.
Diego: (surprised) That’s... Oddly convenient.
Fox: I’m not sure. Can we really trust the information.
Joker: Only one way to find out.
>I take out my phone and open the Metaverse Navigator.
Joker: Rolf Hakonson. Water treatment plant.
Nav: Candidate found.
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It’s a hit!
Streex: A hit? What does that mean? And what does that have to do with your smartphone?
Kahuna: It’s a long story.
Queen: We still need to confirm if this is really true. Are there any water treatment plants here in the city.
Streex: There are a lot here. But I think I know which one it might be. It’s not far from here. It’s been abandoned since our dad was a kid.
Joker: Right. Then I guess we’re off.
>With that, we leave. As we were leaving, Salli was watching us come outside... A shadow appears behind her.
Salli: Looks like they’re off.
???????: I am still not so sure about this. I still think we should join in.
Salli: Not just yet. We have our instructions.
>The figure then comes forward.
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Very well. I trust you.
>Later at the water treatment plant.
Ripster: This is it.
Queen: How did you know about this?
Jap: Dr. Piranoid used it as a base for a while. But we managed to beat him out of it.
Streex: If Wolf is here, we’ll find him.
Fox: It might also be the location of his Palace. Now’s out chance.
Kahuna: I better be off. I’ve never been to “the place you go to steal people’s hearts”. I think it’s best to keep it that way.
Joker: Very well. You guys stay here and keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.
Ripster: Right. Good luck, Phantom Thieves.
>With that, the Street Sharks walk away someplace.
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Is everyone ready?
Phantom Thieves: Ready!
Joker: Den.
Nav: Candidate found. Beginning navigation.
>The familiar red wave passes over us. When it was over, the water treatment plant was replaced with a mountain with the same shape as the plant. At the foot of it, a large cave was open.
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This looks like the place.
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I think even before he became Wolf, he already saw this place as a den.
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Well, mercenaries are known to sometimes be referred to as wolves.
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I’m surprised you knew about that.
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Oracle, can you at least give us an analysis of the place?
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I’ll see what I can do. Persona!
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>Necronomicon scans the area.
Oracle: It looks there are a couple of enemies at the entrance. Don’t worry, they’re not that strong.
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We better be ready. It looks like they’ve spotted us.
>The two Shadows approach us. They both looked like vikings with wolf masks.
Shadow 1: What you want here, hunters!?
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To take the Treasure, of course. A place like this has to have a big one.
Shadow 2: As if. Alpha Wolf would never allow that. Get lost.
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Sorry, but there’s a friend of ours that needs our help and the answers to that are in that cave.
Shadow 1: In your dreams. You’ll have to get past!
>With that, the two Shadows change.
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>Necronomicon scans the Shadows.
Oracle: They’re weak to Electricity. You also might get some results with Curse and Fire. Skull, think you can do it?
Skull: I’m up for it.
Joker: I’ll deal with Curses.
Panther: Leave Fire to me.
Queen: If they get Shocked or Burned, I could add technical damage.
Skull, Joker, Panther, and Queen: Persona!
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>Mithra 1 uses Kouga on me. Luckily, I dodge it. Mirtha 2 uses Kouga on Panther. Captain Kidd uses Mazionga. Only one of them got hit. He then uses Zionga on the Mithra still standing. He was knocked down. We decide not to do an All-Out-Attack this time. Skull pases the baton to me and Arsene uses Maeiga. He does it again. Carmen uses Maragion. Johanna uses Vajra Blast. Mirthra 1 uses Kouga on me again. This time, it knocks me down. It attacks Skull next. Mirtha 2 also gets back up and uses Mahama. Luckily, it fails. Captain Kidd uses Matarukaja. I get back up and Arsene uses Dormin Rush. Both Mithras fall Asleep. Carmen uses Maragion. It was a technical hit and the awoken Mithras get Burned. Johanna uses Mafreila. It was also a technical hit. Mirtha 1 uses Mahama. It missed Skull and Queen and me and Panther were saved each by a Homunculus. The Burn eats at Mirtha 1′s health. Mirtha 2 uses Makouga. Luckily, I dodged it. The Burn eats at Mirtha 2′s health. Captain Kidd uses Mazionga. Both Mirthas are knocked down.
Skull: All right! Time for some pain!
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>After the attack, the two Mirthas were still up, but now weaker.
Skull: Guess that means we’re doin’ the thing!
Queen: Indeed we are.
Skull: Then let’s do it!
WARNING: Spoiler ahead.
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>With that, the two Mithras were gone.
Oracle: That was quick. I think it’s safe to assume that we should be able to use our Personas and get through this.
Queen: Right.
>Suddenly, the ground begins to shake. The entrance of the den closes up.
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What the eff!?
Oracle: I’m sensing a change in cognition.
Royal: (shocked) Is something happening with Wolf in the real world?
Joker: Let’s head back and see.
>With that, we leave the Palace for now.
>Back in the real world, the Street Sharks were face to face... with Wolf.
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So, this is the famous Street Sharks of Fission City. I knew it was a matter of time before you found my “den”.
Ripster: And you must be the furry ass washout.
Wolf: Stick and stone. Just hand over the kid.
Kahuna: As if I’d go with you. I thought you didn’t like the idea of mutating kids.
Wolf: ... Too many losses to the same enemy can make you do a lot of things you don’t normally do. The sooner you realize this, the better.
Big Slammu: I think you should go. You don’t want to know what happens when a wolf gets thrown into a shark tank.
Wolf: Heh! You really think you can speak to me that way?
>With a loud howl, Wolf transforms.
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So, do you care to rephrase what you just said?
Jab: Bring. It. On.
>Then, a huge fight breaks out... In the end, the Street Sharks won.
Wolf: I’m... Not though yet!
>Wolf prepares to make one last strike...
>The loud sound startles them. Several more shots are heard.
Wolf: We’re not done. We’ll see each other again soon.
>With that, Wolf runs into the plant and disappears in the darkness.
Bends: What was...
?????: You’re welcome.
>Me and the other P Thieves come out of the shadows. I had my gun out.
Joker: Even in the real world, a model gun can still be handy.
Ripster: I don’t normally approve the use of guns, but I’ll allow just this once.
Streex: So what have you learned?
Queen: It looks like it’s possible to steal Wolf’s heart. If he knows anything about how to save Kahuna, we might get it from him.
Kahuna: I hope you’re right. If what you said was true, Yuta doesn’t have much time. When is the operation?
Oracle: It’s the same day as the big match between Joe Akamine and Joe Yuuki.
Kahuna: (looking down) Now Yuta must really be nervous.
Ripster: What do you mean?
Kahuna: I’ll tell you on the way back. Right now, I’m hungry.
Oracle: Good, I’m up for pizza.
Street Sharks: Pizza!? Yuck!
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I know some turtles who would beat you up for saying that.
Queen: Fine. We’ll have burgers.
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Lena: What’s wrong, Haru?
Noir: The only burger shop nearest us on the way is... Big Bang Burger.
Diego: I’m sure it’ll be alright. You don’t have to come in.
Noir: I know. Thanks, Mona.
>With that, we leave. We’ll be back soon to take the Treasure.
>Meanwhile, inside the plant.
Wolf: (back in human form) Crap. What am I suppose to say to the doc now? How the heck am I suppose to catch that kid?
???: Through his friends, of course.
Wolf: What!? Who’s there!? I can smell you! You smell like... Death?
???: This is why I don’t like working with werewolves. Either way, 
Wolf: What do you want?
???: You say you wish to capture the one that got away. I know how you can do that.
Wolf: ... I’m listing.
???: He called his friends from Japan. I think that’s how you can get to them.
Wolf: How so?
>The stranger then swoops down from the shadows... Like a bat.
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Tell me, have you ever heard of the Phantom Thieves?
>To be continued...
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ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
Phan Cam: A Superior Suspicion
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>Shujin Academy. First day back after Summer Break.
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Welcome back, class. I hope you all had a nice summer.
>The class agreed.
Becky: Today, I would like to start class with a question. Now, look at this kanji.
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Becky: Now most of you already know, this means “shark”. Here, we pounce this kanji as “sam-eh”. But when written in romaji, it’s spelled as a completely different word from the English language. Does anyone know what that word is?
>She looks around... Finally, some raised their hand.
Becky: You?
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This word is “same”. As in things that are alike.
Becky: Correct! However...
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You being here makes it feel like the same old days when you were under probation.
Joker: ...
Becky: I know, I know, it feels natural being here since you’ve been coming here for a year. Never mind, just as long as you behave yourself, I’ll just tell them that your old school is having some trouble and sent you here to finish your studies. Anyway, yes, in English it would look like “same”, which is pronounce with the silent e at the end making the a say its name. If you ever get confused about shark and same sounding the same, if you pardon that, have a look at this.
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Becky: Just imagine that this is the dorsal fin of a shark sticking out of the water. And those lines at the bottom are its back fins. Okay, now, for the remainder of the lesson, write a full page essay on what you did over the summer.
>Luckily, my level of Knowledge should help me make something up so I won’t have to add all the Phantom Thief activities. Except for the Dream Festival and the End of Summer since those things actually happened.
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>The courtyard at lunchtime.
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I can’t believe it. We just had the greatest summer of our lives and now it’s over.
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Well, you have to admit, this summer was unforgettable. Especially you turning into an alien.
Skull: And made a new friend on the way.
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And encountered a dangerous cult. With a third rate hacker.
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Sounds like something I should have seen.
Skull: I’m sure you’ll see Overflow soon.
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By the way, Sakamoto kun, how was New York?
Skull: It wasn’t exactly how we expected.
Joker: Why? What happened?
Skull: Well, at Coney Island, Black Cat stole the prize money from a hot dog eatin' contest... Which Miles won. Pete, as Spider-Man, had to go after her. At the ball game, some moron called Tinkerer tried to sabotage the game so his team would win. Spider-Man managed to stop him, but Aunt May thought he was bad luck and asked us to leave, mostly to check on F.E.A.S.T., which wasn’t so bad because, to our actual luck, Captain America and Captain Marvel were there visitin' the younger homeless there. Next, the Ross Caliban concert was almost canceled because someone kidnapped Ross Caliban. It turns out it was Hammerhead so he could sing at his son’s birthday party. Spider-Man, me, and Akechi saved him, along with a selfie, but we couldn't go back to the concert.
Royal: That sounds like you and Akechi kun had a hard time.
Skull: Well, it wasn’t entirely bad.
Joker: Why?
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We made a new friend at camp.
Panther: Really? Who?
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We... Can’t really tell ya. But I’m sure we’ll see him again someday.
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I’m sure you will.
Royal: I almost forgot, it looks like it’s not just Persona 5: Royal that will be coming out.
Joker: I know about Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers.
Panther: First a game where we dance, then a game where we are in another dimensions, both of which we might have little memories of. Though, we definitely remembered the dancing. And now we have an Action RPG?
Oracle: Well look on the bright side...
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There’s a chance it won’t be delayed like a certain other action rpg we know.
Royal: Now that’s a mean thing to say about Kingdom Hearts III.
Panther: I wonder if it’ll be like a Kingdom Hearts game. I know I saw the footage, but it’s still a bit hard to believe. A lot of us grew up on that game.
Skull: I’m still pissed about what happened to Sora at the end.
Joker: We’ll see him again soon, Ryuji. If there’s one thing we should know about Sora, he’s not the type to just up and die. He’ll be back, just like he said.
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But just to be sure, I’ll have to have a little talk with Tetsuya Nomura... Or that guy from the other cafe.
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What do I have a bad feeling on both accounts?
>Time passes and the bell rang to end school for the day.
Joker: Hey Ryuji, wanna train today? I was originally going to do some people watching with Yusuke, but he got chosen for duty today and can’t make it. And Makoto, Haru, and Akechi are busy with their studies.
Skull: Normally I’d say yes, but I got a follow up interview with KUROFUNE today. Maybe tomorrow.
Joker: Ann?
Panther: I’ve got a photo shoot today.
Oracle: And I promised Sojiro I’d help him and Diego at the cafe today.
Royal: And I have gymnastics practice.
Admin: I’m available. I’ve actually been meaning to gather some information about any criminals.
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That might be a bit too much. But thanks, I’ll come.
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Sweet! Let’s go.
Oracle: Take care of him, Nishima.
>Admin sighs in frustration over what Oracle keeps calling him, but just laughs it off and we head off.
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>Akihabara. Me and Admin walked around trying to gather information on potential targets... Nothing. But we did some nice stuff from the capsule machine.
Admin: Guess things are good here for now.
Joker: I’m sure something will come up. The Phansite is still up and I’m sure something will come.
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I know. Thanks.
>Admin checks his phone.
Admin: We’ve been walking around for hours, I guess we should eat before going home.
Joker: Alright. But let’s eat at the diner. I’m in no mood for having hot coffee spilt on me or my omelet having too much ketchup.
>We were just about to leave when we heard someone calling... It was Shinya’s mother. She looks worried.
Mrs. Oda: You!
Joker: Me?
Mrs. Oda: Yes, you. You’re the one my son spends time with.
Joker: Yes, I am. Why, what’s wrong?
Mrs. Oda: You haven’t seen him, have you?
Joker: No. Why?
Mrs. Oda: He was suppose to be home from school. I thought he probably went to the arcade like he normally does. We moved above there since they renovated. But he wasn’t there. I even asked his friends. I also though he probably went to the hospital to visit Yuta since his brother or whoever he is to him won the money for the operation. He’s not there either. Which Yuta’s unhappy about.
Joker: What do you mean?
Mrs. Oda: I spoke with Yuta’s mother. They’ve set the date for his operation. It’s very soon. Yuta was hoping to ask Shinya something.
Joker: What?
Mrs. Oda: (shaking her head) She said he would only tell Shinya. But we can’t find him anywhere.
Joker: Have you tried calling him?
Mrs. Oda: I did. It just goes to voicemail. I even tried asking at his school. His teachers said that he left school as the bell rang. No one had seen him since. I’m about ready to call the police.
Joker: Hold on. I have a friend who might be able to help. If that’s okay.
Mrs. Oda: Right now, I’m willing to try anything.
>I take out my phone and contact Oracle.
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Futaba, can you help with something?
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What’s up?
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Shinya Oda is missing. His mother tried contacting him, but now answer. Do you think you can track his phone?
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I’ll see what I can do. Good thing I brought my laptop.
>A little later.
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Got it! I’m sending you the location now.
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Thanks, Futaba.
>With that, I get the location on my phone.
Mrs. Oda: Well?
Joker: It looks like his phone is near Miura Beach. Let’s look there.
Mrs. Oda: Right.
Admin: I’ll stay at the arcade in case he comes back.
Joker: Right. See you.
>With that, we leave.
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>In the summer, Miura Beach is crowded with people. But now the summer was coming to an end and autumn fast approaching, there were very few people still here... We really need to remember to come back here next year. Anyway, me and Mrs. Oda arrived.
Joker: Okay, the map says that Shinya’s phone should be right over...
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Mrs. Oda: (a bit surprised) Well... I guess... It’s no surprise that a legendary gamer would want legendary ramen.
Joker: Try calling again.
>Mrs. Oda takes out her phone and calls... We hear a ringtone inside the truck. We check inside. We find a backpack with Shinya’s name on it. And near ti... His cap. We look inside the backpack... His phone with at least a dozen messages from his mother.
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Mrs. Oda: That’s it, I’m calling the cops.
>Shinya where the hell are you?
>On a hidden ship out at sea, Shinya comes to.
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(if you’re wondering why he has his cap on when it was left behind, that’s because this is the only sprite there is of him) Wh- What happened to me? I remember the legendary ramen truck. I knew I had some money and some time, so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to stop for a bit. Damn, I should have known it was odd. The legendary truck never stops unless someone catches it. I got in, got some ramen, eat some of it and...
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Ugh! I just can’t remember.
>Shinya tries to get up... But he feels something painful on his back.
Shinya: OW! What the...
>He feels his back. It was...
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>It was... A shark dorsal fin.
????????: Ah, I see you’re awake at last. I know it was wrong to hijack a legendary ramen truck, but still, for my research.
Shinya: What... What did you do to me?
????????: I merely gave you half of my serum.
>The man then walks into the light.
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The rest is right here. Don’t worry, this won’t hurt... Much.
>Shinya tries to back away from the man, but he was too strong and quick and grabbed Shinya and injected him with something. After that, Shinya started writhing in pain.
Mad scientist: Amazing! The legendary gamer, Shinya Oda. You have been playing Gun About for so long, you might actually become skilled with a real gun. And combined with this serum. This... Gene Slammer, I might actually create the perfect being that I, Dr. Anton Sevarius, would put this serum’s original creator, the ‘great’ Dr. Luther Paradigm, to shame. You see, the problem with our creations... Is who we chose for it. We chose random people... But now I’m choosing more carefully.
Shinya: (still in pain) What’s... What’s going to happen to me?
Dr. Sevarius: Rest assure that when the pain is over... You will be beautiful.
Shinya: (now in the greatest pain there is): No... N-
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>With that, Shinya falls.
Dr. Sevarius: Such drama... I love it.
>Suddenly, someone comes in.
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I don’t feel right about mutating a kid, but if it means we can make the Pack stronger, we’ll try anything... Can a shark even be part of a pack?
Dr. Sevarius: Normally, a group of sharks is called a frenzy. And that’s why we will be creating this new group of fighters. Our... Pack Frenzy.
Wolf: I see. By the way, Jackle-
Voice from outside: (clearing thought)
Wolf: (groan) Captain Jackle said we’re approaching Fission City. I can’t believe this ship got us here so quickly. Where did you say you got it from again?
Dr. Sevarius: Just something Halcyon Renard won’t miss... Especially where he is now.
>Meanwhile, in a riverside warehouse in New York where the ship is suppose to be...
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Well... This can’t be good. Miss Anastasia won’t like this... If she ever comes back from one of her long trips.
Worker: What do you suggest we do, Mr. Vogel?
Mr. Vogel: ... Get me Elisa Maza.
>Back on the ship which is now really close to Fission City, California.
Wolf: I don’t understand. Why come here to Fission City? What about those Street Sharks who live here a lot?
Dr. Sevarius: Think of it this way... No gargoyles.
Wolf: That’s something, I guess.
>Hearing this, after the pain finally stopped, Shinya breaks free of his chains and knocks the two men aside. He runs out of the room and jumps off deck into the water and swims to the city ahead.
Wolf: That can’t be good. I’m going after him.
Dr. Sevarius: Don’t bother. Where will he go? He’s a stranger in a strange land... and sea here.
Wolf: What about the Street Sharks?
Dr. Sevarius: ... Go after him.
>Then, with a loud howl, Wolf changes.
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Believe me, I will.
>Fission City. Shinya Oda, once a regular boy who was really good at shooter games, was now roaming in a place he has never been before... But he does know of it.
Shinya: (at his mother’s request, we will not be showing him as a shark/human being, use your imagination) If this place is Fission City... Lena... Damn, if only I had my phone.
>Shinya looked around and spotted a phone booth and goes to it. He finds a phone book. Keep in mind, Shinya is still learning English, so finding what he’s looking for in an American phone book is difficult. But, after a little struggling, he found what was looking for. Lena Mack. Her address was with it.
Shinya: Got it!
>The apartment of young scientist, Lena Mack. Lena Mack was just about to go on her morning run when...
Shinya: (calling from the bushes) Psst!
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Who’s there.
>Shinya comes out of his hiding place.
Lena Mack: (surprised) A shark!?
Shinya: Lena onesan*.
Onesan=big sister
Lena Mack: Wait... King bo*? Is... Is that you?
Bo=used for babies or young boys.
Shinya: I could use a little help. Can you take me someplace.
Lena: I know a place.
>In a sewer like lair, Lena introduces Shinya to her friends, Bends... and the Street Sharks.
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I don’t believe it! We finally lock up Piranoid for good, then someone comes along and copies him? And does it to a kid? Taking him away from his mother just like that?
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I know you’re upset, Jab, but we can fix this. We still have the antidote we used on ourselves once.
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I don’t know, you guys. I’ve heard of this Sevarius guy from a friend of mine in New York. If what he says is true, there’s a chance he’s probably expecting us to use the antidote and made it so it wouldn’t work, or worse.
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Then what are we suppose to do?
Bends: I suppose telling someone won’t work. This guy might try to do something if we do.
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Then we’ll just go after him. We’ll make him pay for what he did.
Streex: He’s got the Pack with him. And they’re probably prepared for us... Makes you wish those gargoyles were here right now. But still, we can’t let this go by. If we want to be sure that if he really made it so the antidote doesn’t work, we need to get it straight from him.
Lena: How do we do that? Convince him to have a change of heart?
Shinya: ... Actually, that’s exactly what should happen.
Lena: You know something?
Shinya: I do. All I need... Is the Internet.
>Ripster takes Shinya to the computer and he begins typing away.
Shinya: Phantom. Aficionado. Website.
Ripster: The Phantom Thieves of Hearts? I guess that might work. If this guy isn’t heartless as people say he is, they might help.
Shinya: No, I can tell he’s definitely heartless... But I think I know a target for them.
Bends: Who?
Shinya: A member of the Pack, Wolf, he sounds like he genuinely didn’t like that Sevarius mutated a kid for his plans. Maybe he’s our ticket.
Jab: (smiling) I actually like the way you think... Kahuna.
Shinya: (puzzled) Kahuna?
Jab: Yeah, gotta call your shark form something. Going by your real name might cause problems. I thought of Kahuna ‘cause you’re the big man where you come from. Plus, you managed to escape from your kidnappers and swim all the way here.
Shinya: Kahuna? ... You know, I actually like that.
Big Slammu: Glad you do
>So, Kahuna, begins making his request... What’s going to happen next.
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