billfrancois · 2 days
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A little doodle from Smeargal
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grickle14 · 14 hours
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Animal behavior.
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thelifeofsharks · 16 hours
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Happy Pride Month.
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janegumball · 8 hours
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Labyrinth x Monster High 🔮🦉
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doberart · 12 hours
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Been revamping the Fallout AU with @inkspottie so here’s some character sheets I’ve done so far.
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Yeee boi
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soty81 · 1 day
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I'm going crazy with these two ngl
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We were watchin' the episode.
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…er, well, movie, but it's a made-for-TV-movie, and the runtime is– look, you know what I mean.
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They're all swimming…
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…and you know I dug the creepy-floating-head vibe…
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…but then it strikes you.
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Are Sibella's eyes seriously pure green all over?!
So we scrub back.
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And no.
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They are not…
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…to which even Winnie seems confused.
Ted the Animator: "Carl. When you meet someone 'with green eyes'… that's absolutely not the part of the eye that's green."
Carl the Animator: “Iris, sclera, c'mon. It's all the same thing."
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candlenekra · 2 days
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Wuthering wave has been very addicting. Story could be better tho ngl
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kartoonkane · 2 days
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hanelizabeth · 3 days
Striped Rose ~ I hope for Unity 🌹
- a recreation of Livvy Blackthorn’s flower card -
characters by @cassandraclare 🫶
follow me on instagram! @/illustratinghan
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billfrancois · 12 hours
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grickle14 · 2 days
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Old school.
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fishcrow · 2 days
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Lou beach fun!
Patreon request art for Mahthran! Lou getting some cold treats for the beach gang! He is running because the sand is hot! Thank you for lettign me draw Lou for you, haha.
Posted using PostyBirb
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janegumball · 2 days
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Ragatha 🧵🪡
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tomicscomics · 2 days
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Continuing from the previous cartoon, St. Joan of Arc's sleepover reaches its THRILLING CONCLUSION?! (Yes, this is based on an actual true story.)
1. Source: After all this time, we finally see the full picture. Now witness the full source from which this ridiculous-but-more-or-less-authentic story arc was spawned -- a portion of St. Joan's trial (translated by W. S. Scott): "Asked if she knew Catherine de la Rochelle, or had seen her, [Jeanne] said yes, at Jargeau; and at Montfaucon-en-Berry. Asked whether [Catherine] had shown her a woman dressed in white, who she said sometimes appeared to her, [Jeanne] answered no. Asked what she said to her, [Jeanne] answered that this Catherine said to her that a woman appeared, a white lady, dressed in cloth of gold, who told her to go through the good towns, and that the king would give her heralds and trumpets to proclaim that whoever had gold, silver, or treasure should at once bring it forth; and that she would know those who did not and those who had hidden it; and would know where to find the treasure; and it would serve to pay Jeanne's men-at-arms. To which she had answered that she should return to her husband, and look after her household and children. And, in order to be certain of the truth, she had spoken to Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret, who told her that this Catherine was mad and a liar. So she wrote to her king that she would tell him what ought to be done. And when she arrived, she informed him that Catherine was only a fool and a liar. However, Brother Richard wanted them to set her to work, which she [Jeanne] would not permit, wherefore Brother Richard and Catherine were displeased with her. Asked if she had spoken to Catherine de la Rochelle concerning going to La Charité, [Jeanne] replied that Catherine did not advise her to go there; saying that it was too cold, and she ought not to go. She said also to Catherine, who wished to go to the Duke of Burgundy to make peace, that it was her opinion that they would find no peace save at the lance's point. She also asked Catherine if this Lady appeared every night; and if so, she would sleep with her. And she did so, but kept awake till midnight; saw nothing, and then went to sleep. And when morning came, she asked if the Lady had appeared. And [Catherine] answered that she had come, but [Jeanne] was asleep, and she had not been able to wake her. So [Jeanne] asked her if the Lady would come the next night. And Catherine said yes. On this account Jeanne slept during the day in order that she might keep awake at night. And she shared Catherine's bed again the following night, and kept awake throughout the night. But she saw no-one, although she often asked, Will she come soon? To which Catherine answered, Yes, soon."
2. Explanation: In short, Joan met Catherine, and while the two might have gotten along at first, their visions eventually told them very different things, and Joan started to distrust Catherine. Eventually, Joan asked Catherine if her visions were visible to everyone and if they would appear every night. Catherine said yes, so Joan stayed over to see the vision. After falling asleep at midnight the first night, she managed to stay away the whole second night, but saw nothing. She took this to mean Catherine was a liar and a madwoman, and that was that.
3. Pun: In the fourth panel, the second narration says that Catherine was "lying" beside Joan. There are two kinds of "lying": one means "resting on a surface," and the other means "deliberately saying something untrue." Because Catherine is lying (resting) on a bed, but also lying (untruthing) to Joan about the White Lady, both definitions are valid AND grammatically correct. Hence, this is a perfect pun, and I demand all due compensation.
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