#literary terms
novlr · 15 days
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theyuniversity · 9 months
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takemetodragonstone · 4 months
okay actually im making a separate post about this because i went into the notes of that other post about themes and what i saw there was concerning.
a theme is an emotion or an idea. a theme can usually be summed up in a single word. this is not something your teacher says to try to trick you. this is true. loss is a theme. love is a theme. loneliness is a theme.
you can get more specific with it—loss of a parent and unrequited love are more than one word but still themes.
a message makes a statement about a theme. “unrequited love is not true love” is a message, built upon the theme of (unrequited) love.
anyway, that post was well-intentioned, and I agree with the overall message of the post—which is that you can’t have a story without themes (or messages)—but as an english literature nerd I really need you guys to understand these literary terms, thank you.
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eat-read-apply · 1 year
Metaphysics : Is a term applied to 17th century poets. The term means 'beyond physics'. Metaphysical poets draw comparison of far fetched things. John Donne was one of the prominent metaphysical poets. An example of metaphysical poetry,Donnes 'Death Be Not Proud'
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janicecampbell · 4 days
Literary Genres - NDLA
Image: Aen Tan. CC BY-SA. The word genre is originally French and means kind or type. In this connection genre is used to classify literary forms. There are a number of genres and subgenres that will identify a literary work by certain criteria. In literary science and criticism this is a handy tool for defining a literary work. This brief introduction will present the most common genres used in…
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lurking-irl · 1 month
is you had an asexual court jester could you name him bathos?
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wordgoods · 6 months
expository | ikˈspäziˌtôrē
intended to explain or describe something: formal expository prose.
It can also mean to define, inform, or clarify. 
Expository writing, also known as exposition, provides a balanced view of a subject matter without trying to prove a point. For example, an expository essay might explain a topic, process, or set of ideas.
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cottoncandylit · 6 months
Queerin' Theory: An Introduction to Queer Theory (post 1/5)
How the intersection between the lives of many affects and influences the lives of few.
As the first of (hopefully) many Victorian literature blog posts I plan to make, this is a post with one explicit purpose: to lay the groundwork for understanding queer theory in a literary context.
First, though, some terms used in queer theory:
Queer studies - According to Robert Dale Parker, "a deconstructive version of gay and lesbian studies, a version that contemplates a wider variety of sexualities and orientations than can fit under the labels of gay and lesbian." With this being said, queer studies does not necessarily imply gay or lesbian studies. Rather, it implies that there is instability and continuity in the creation of the identity that falls outside of the purview of gay, lesbian, or even homosexual.
Naturalization of heterosexuality - Also according to Parker, the idea that everyone, no matter what, is heterosexual unless defined or labeled otherwise. Alternatively, the idea is that heterosexuality is the natural state and that, unless noted otherwise, everything is heterosexual.
Homosexual panic - Defined as the idea of straight people, or people of uncertain sexuality, being concerned or anxious as potentially being labeled as "homosexual" in a culture of homophobia.
Compulsory heterosexuality - Finally, defined as the idea that you must be heterosexual or something is awry/wrong/messed up with you.
Of course, there are more terms I haven't time to review and type, but I really find it important that these terms are defined before I start comparing texts in the Victorian era that are shaped by queer readings.
Feel free to comment and please like if you enjoyed this very brief dictionary of queer studies and queer theory.
Below the cut: Citations and images
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Bibliography: Parker, Robert D. How to Interpret Literature. Available from: Oxford University Press, (4th Edition). Oxford University Press Academic US, 2019.
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postersbykeith · 9 months
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kiwihellenist · 1 year
Literary terms #2. Gradatio
Gradatio. A construction where each phrase repeats the end of the previous phrase.
For your brother and my sister no sooner met but they looked, no sooner looked but they loved, no sooner loved but they sighed, no sooner sighed but they asked one another the reason, no sooner knew the reason but they sought the remedy. — Shakespeare
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. — Yoda
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novlr · 2 months
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writhing-in-passion · 2 years
How do I want to go?
I want my heart give out while I’m balls deep and nutting in someone half my age.
Denouement at its pinnacle.
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
just a quick thing bc it bothers me and i wanna get this off my chest
*pulls down presentation screen*
yes, both Miguel O’Hara and the Spot are antagonists to Miles
Miguel is an antagonist and a hero while the Spot is an antagonist and villain
that is all, thank you
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I wish people would stop calling Katniss an "unreliable narrator" and call her a "limited narrator" instead.
Either every first-person book has an unreliable narrator, or Katniss Everdeen is a limited, not unreliable, narrator. She does not ever try to lie or deceive the audience or hide information. There is no evidence of her having delusions or making up events. Everything she says is how she actually perceives what is going on. Which limits our information on others' thoughts and motivations and what they're doing behind Katniss's back, but it does not make her unreliable.
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eat-read-apply · 1 year
#Refrain is a line,or a part of a line,or a group of lies,which is repititive (in thr course of a poem) sometimes with slight changes; eg,Nevermore in Edgar Allen Poe's poem 'The Raven'
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