#its called
vivi-ships · 10 months
Eating my computer
Keyboard keys for Breakfast,
And Lunch
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badsciencejokes · 5 months
Did anyone go to a school where every 15 minutes over the intercom it would play a car crash sound & the grim reaper would walk into your classroom & take out a student & they'd hang out in a secret room for the rest of the day & not go home, or was your school sane?
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be-the-creature-fan · 4 months
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I really want to bring it back 😭 but I don't know if it's any good.
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officesuppliez · 5 months
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my william afton designs :] one with a background:
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he likely got the chipped tooth from one of the victims fighting back. oh, william. you failure.
ah, yes, and he has pierced ears. I also intended to give him painted fingernails, but, that shall be for another time.
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redghostbirdy · 4 days
DP Prompt: Envy & Devastation Part 1
It isn't fair!
After everything he has done. After saving the whole town. Making sure they all returned back to the living world. That they were safe.
He got left behind...
That Crown had trapped him. Right by Conquest, they say. Making him the heir to the throne. Forcing him to remain in the Infinite Realms until his coronation. Until he was truly King, and bound by customs and responsibilities he doesn't care for.
When he tried to call out for help, to his friends and family beyond the portal. (All secrets be damned) Asking for them to search for a way out, anything that could free him. For a while they looked, but nothing was found, nothing could help him.
So, they thought, if Danny cannot come to us then we would go to him! They would visit him in his glorified prison, Phantom's Keep. For a period of time, they would visit him everyday, and he could almost pretend that nothing had changed. That he wasn't a soon-to-be king and that everyone that he loved lived across a whole other dimension.
Yet, everyday turned into every few a week, then once a week... then month.. year...
At this point he doesn't even remember the last time they came to see him...
Then finally Finally, he was King. He could leave the realms the moment he had a break in his schedule. When that moment came, he raced away, moving faster than he ever has and ripped a portal open when even that was taking too long. Opening up and exiting into Amity Park once again.
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anatomyfordisaster · 2 months
"Sebastain listens to x y and z band"
"No no he listens to x y and z!!!"
That motherfucker listens to whatever I put on I bet his music taste is ass
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cleaverqueer · 1 year
I forgot to show you all this drawing i did of my cat before i lost my tablet pen
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ezzasaurus · 2 years
Dean should've been addicted to angel grace at some point to parallel Sam with the demon blood
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eulchu · 1 month
new slice of life / mpreg omegaverse anime dropped three weeks ago for those who are mentally ill like me btw
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came across this swahili video while looking for a song, and i'm pretty sure it breaks ALL records of "most amount of Inception orchestral hits in under 30 seconds" im obsessed.
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gendertubig · 4 months
I love being mulifandomed
(im fixating on thjs horror game and holy shit i love it)
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brightokyolights · 2 months
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v-67 · 3 months
I was watching a YouTube video about Marcus Aurelius
And I really liked this one part
Where he says
"We are all born for each other", the trees grow fruits for animals to feed upon, the animals die and bring nourishment to the worms
The food chain happens because we are all born for each other
I really liked this because most of the times we define or think of the food chain in a way of a particular way which is kinda sad? (Maybe it's just me who thinks that way idk? Could be)
But this makes me think of it in a better way?
If it makes sense?
We are all born for each other
It makes me feel slightly better when I think of it this way.
Few more things I loved from the video :
1. You can't control what the world throws at you, but you can control the way you react to it.
2. Maybe you have different thoughts than these so called bad people but you have your own faults nevertheless. In a different conversation on a different day, perhaps you might be the ignorant one and it's possible that you just don't understand. You can't even be sure that they're doing the wrong thing. The thief who steals to feed his family isn't wrong, you just don't understand and often in life you won't understand and you won't know you don't understand. So again. Don't judge.
Link to the video, credits to the youtuber :
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ratintank · 2 years
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gay-poet-gabriel · 1 month
Steve man spreading and Sodapop sitting on his lap-
its not gay if theyre in their underwear right
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kurgy · 1 year
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do you ever just get high and draw 3 page comic adaption of a single page from a ghost story you never finished writing 
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