#high fantasy
dalestromberg · 3 days
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High fantasy fans, I need your eyeballs.
My standalone fantasy novel MAEJ is to be published in October by tRaum Books, and the publisher and I seek folks willing to read a free advance review copy and leave an honest rating/review.
You can request a free copy of the book here: MAEJ Advance Review Copy Sign-Up
MAEJ is a unique, complex high fantasy novel featuring:
☞ gryphons
☞ berserker rages
☞ fate-worship
☞ algorithmic magic spells
☞ secret agent anthropologists
☞ hallucinogenic flower wine
☞ poetry battles
☞ Da Vincian flying contraptions
☞ a matriarchal society colliding with a patriarchal one
☞ an underground city
☞ a gaolbreak
☞ an awful politician getting assassinated while using the toilet
With “an elaborate and surprising plot [...] filled with political intrigue, action, twists, tragedy, and even a touch of romance”, MAEJ is a novel “unapologetic in its intelligence and dedication to doing strange, creative things with language” even as it offers “meaty commentary on the social construction of sex, sexuality, and gender” (in the words of one early reviewer).
If you want an ARC, here is that link again: MAEJ Advance Review Copy Sign-Up
You need not be a professional reviewer or somehow associated with the publishing trade. We welcome anybody who would like to read and review the novel.
You also have the option of waiting until 21 October, when you will be able to pay money for a book you could have gotten for free.
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kareguya · 3 days
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prompt-heaven · 4 months
a list of 100+ buildings to put in your fantasy town
adventurer's guild
art gallery
book store
botanical garden
coffee shop
council chamber
court house
crypt for the noble family
farmer's market
fighting pit
fortune teller
general store
guard post
haunted house
hedge maze
house for sale
mail courier
manor house
mayor's house
music shop
paper maker
pet shop
potion shop
quest board
restricted zone
sewer entrance
sheriff's office
spice merchant
sports stadium
street market
tax collector
tea house
textile shop
thieves guild
thrift store
tinker's workshop
town crier post
town square
toy store
trinket shop
water mill
wishing well
wizard tower
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bequeerdodopemonkshit · 10 months
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Tumblr flagged this post as sexually explicit and it's literally just a trans dude in high fantasy art.
Make it make sense.
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You know, it's kinda funny how much of high fantasy centers around kings and nobility and courtly intrigue considering that the archetypal high fantasy, Lord of the Rings, had the rather explicit moral of "saving the world is up to this backwater hick and his gardener because no politician, least of all inherited nobility, would have the ability to see past their own ambition and throw away a weapon". Oh sure, Aragorn is a great king and all, but there's a reason he's over there running a distraction ring while the hobbits do the real work. Sauron loses because he gets distracted by kings and armies and great battles (i.e. typical high fantasy stuff) letting Frodo and Sam sneak through his back door and blow it all to hell.
Just saying, maybe old Jirt knew what he was saying when he said that the small folk doing their best and holding to each other was more powerful than a dozen alliances and superweapons and we should respect him for it.
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mistymountainmonster · 4 months
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By Mystical Antiquity
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ghostofcinders · 10 months
Really can't go wrong in fantasy with a giant skeleton being part of the environment. I'm talking colossal, part of the scenery bones.
Oh yes, let me wonder what the hell it is, how it died, how long it has been there. Let me walk on its ribs pathways, climb inside an eyesocket, look at where it fused with the nature around it.
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queerautism · 2 months
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This really pissed me off in twitter recently. Disabled people belong in every type of setting. If we aren't there, your worldbuilding sucks.
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audhdnight · 4 months
Petition to add more disabled magical creatures in fantasy
Like picture a mermaid. When they have to be on land their tail turns to legs, but because their body is used to lower gravity their joints tire easily and are chronically in pain.
Also depending on how deep in the ocean they live, it’s likely they have circulation problems because their body is used to the water pressure holding everything where it needs to be and now their blood is always fucking pooling in their legs and they have to wear compression socks everywhere.
Wheelchair user mermaids. Partially/fully blind mermaids because who needs to see when there’s no light at the bottom of the ocean?
Mermaids with sensory issues who have to wear headphones all the time because sound is so much louder up here on land and they are constantly overstimulated. And also the sun is simply Too Bright™.
Mermaids who have POTS because in the water postural changes make no difference and their bodies don’t know how to stabilize with so much gravity.
I’m really fixated on the mermaids rn but PLEASE feel more than welcome to add more!!!! I wanna hear about disabled dragons
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thegoodmorningman · 2 years
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A tale as old as time
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armouredelf · 5 months
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writers-potion · 19 days
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Writing Weapons (2): Knives and Daggers
Dagger vs. Sword
In many situations, daggers might be more plausible than a sword fight.
Dagger are eaiser to carry and conceal, lighter, faster, good for spontaneous action, suicide bids, self-defense and assassination.
Dagger vs. Knife
No clear distinction; terms used interchangeably
Dagger is more for thrusting with 2 sharp edges
Knife is more for cutting (slashing) with 1 sharp edge
Carried in a leather sheath on the belt
Can be concealed under a cloak, in a bodice (sheath sewn into the bodice), in a boot, behind hari ornaments
Bodice daggers (popular in the Renaissance) had no cross guards.
Beside its combat value, the dagger has lots of emotional and sexual symbolisms.
The closeness need to attack with a dagger creates intense personal connection. They are often used in fights where emotions are running high: gang warfare, hate crime, vengeance.
Due to its shape and the fact that it's usually worn on a belt made it a symbol of virility in many cultures and periods.
Sometimes it was the hilt rather than the blade: like in the case of bollocks daggers with two...balls on either side of the hilt.
Fighting Techniques
The dagger with long, thin blades are made to stab a vital organ like the kidneys, liver, bowel, stomach or heart.
Stabbing directly at the chest seldom works, since the blde may glance off the ribs. Position the dagger below the ribcage and drive it upwards, through the diaphragm and into the lungs. If the sword is long enough and your fighter is a professional, you can get to the heart.
If no professional, just keep going for the stomach and you'll get one of the vital organs eventually.
When describing a slash wound, show a lot of blood streaming, or even spurting.
Slashing dagger fights are bloody - show your MC's hands getting slick with blood, grip on the weapon slipping.
The aim is to cut the opponent's throat or cut tendoms, muscles, or ligaments to disable. Slashing the muscles in the weapon-wielding arm is the most effective; insides of the writst or back of the knee is also critical.
Show good knowledge of the humna antatomy
Use a stabbing dagger
A single, determined, calculated and efficient stroke, probably below the ribs.
Disable the attacker by slashing their weapon-wielding hand (elbow or wrist)
Quick, multiple stabs wherever the MC can get the blade to land; the attacker won't give time for careful positioning
If the blade is too short to do any significant damage, maek up for this by stabbing so ast that the pain and blood loss distracts the opponent.
Vegeance and Hatred:-
Someone who is motivated by raging emotions will stab the victim repeatedly, even after he is already dead.
The attacker may stab or salsh the victim's face, disfiguring it.
Contemporary street fights and gang warfare usually involves these.
If both fighters are armed with daggers, include wrestling-type moves as they try to restrict each other's weapon hand.
Show them trying to disable each other by slashing insides of writes, elbows, the back of the knees, etc.
Dagger + Sword
If the character is expecting a fight, they can hold a sword in their right hand, and a dagger in their left to fight with both
Sword + mace combination also common.
Blunders to Avoid:
Direct stabbing at the chest wouldn't work.
Hero cannot cut his bread with a stabbing sword
adapted from <Writer's Craft> by Rayne Hall
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greenhorizonblog · 2 months
All Night Libraries
Could be so cool to have all night sensory friendly libraries, with nice warm soft lighting, and cute comfy whimsical furniture, art and plants. Where people could just go and read all night, hang with friends and even sleep there in the available rest spaces like hammocks or a little capsule hotel in the library. Very lunarpunk. Would call mine the Moonlight Library
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silverskye13 · 7 months
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There was no explosion on the mountaintop. The earth did not crack. The seas did not boil. The doom the dragon brought came slower, quieter. The world had not collapsed at its talons, shaken by its might, deafened by its roaring. The calamity of the dragon came, instead, like blood tracked upon the floor of a silent house. The wound didn't kill, but the smell of it sent foul things sniffing after, until you realized you were alone in a place of safety, surrounded by teeth.
When the dragon woke, they only new it because the sun set one day, and, though it rose the next, the skies were too black to see it. There was only the glow on the horizon as its fire pooled, and seeped, and rolled its steady march across the landscape.
Like blood on the floor of the world, there was no regret in the wound, only in the stains it left behind.
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tenebrous-if · 2 months
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🜲 Play the Game
Estimated Release: N/A
🜲 Pinterest
🜲 Character Descriptions
🜲 Family Descriptions
🜲 Map of Arvandor
🜲 Genre(s): Fantasy, Romance, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, and Action/Adventure.
🜲 Rating: Tenebrous is an 18+ Fantasy IF set within the mythical world of Arvandor.
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The Kingdom of Aetheria, within the world of Arvandor, is a nation ripe with history. King Lysander du Aetheria rose up and led the fledgling Aetherian Army against The Forsaken One— Herald of the Abyssal Uprising— and came out victorious when everyone else had failed. With his victory, Lysander placed Aetheria as one of the key pillars of keeping Arvandor safe; allowing for peace to reign over the continent for centuries.
Peace, however, was never meant to last.
The Order of Netheron, Followers of The Forsaken One, had captured you at the tender age of fifteen, holding you captive for a decade within a tower only labeled as “The Spire”. All due to their wish of resurrecting their fallen deity— something that they believe could only be accomplished by using the blood of King Lysander’s descendants; it was a ritual that didn’t go as planned— one that did bring back their deity, but only for your eyes and ears only; the both of you attached to the other in a way that probably wasn’t intended.
And that’s how you spent the last decade of your life… Growing used to the presence that now appears whenever the time calls for it. It isn’t until your twenty-fifth year that you’re finally found and taken back to Aetheria, to everything you had long thought you’d lost.
Your time in the sun, however, was short-lived as the tidings of an even darker uprising was beginning to grow— one that threatens to demolish everything and everyone.
Can you figure out how to save your home?
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🜲 Create your Aetherian Royal:
Gender [Male, Female, or Non-Binary]
Personality [Mainly involving unique reactions to certain situations— the MC is semi-set in some ways]
🜲 Romance 1 of 4 potential love interests— each offering their own unique experience within the story and how the world at large will react to the burgeoning relationship.
🜲 Bond with your family after being apart for so long. They have missed you a great deal. [The MC is a middle child.]
🜲 Harness the magic that flows through your veins due to the gift of your blood.
🜲 Choose from a variety of skill sets that your MC may be able to acquire. [Note: This means you can choose something to specialize in, instead of having to constantly choose between being a diplomat or warrior. You can instead choose to be a swordsman while also focusing on the art of diplomacy.]
🜲 Build a codex from the various interactions that you can have throughout your story— from places, to people, to old legends that have tested the passage of time within Arvandor.
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Astorian/Astoria du Aerilon: The Heir to Aerilon, and the person that was your betrothed from the time you were seven until your disappearance. Astorian/Astoria spent every winter with you, and you every summer with them, in hopes that a union between the both of you would bring your countries together. You remember many things from that time of your life: their warm laugh, brazen attitude, arrogant smirk, and their inability to stay still for long. Meeting them again? It simply proves how much can change in a decade. [Can choose to have been in an almost relationship with them or still rivals.]
William/Wilhelmina du Arvandor: A recent addition to the Holy Order, who has an iron-clad need to help and be of assistance to anyone that may require it. Being a Paladin has been something they’ve strived towards for the last eight years of their life; training being second to nothing. It’s simply a mere coincidence, or the Divine’s Will, that their first major mission was to rid Arvandor of the last dregs of Netheron… A mission that brought them to The Spire, with a small band of warriors, to carry out that very task— wherein they find the Lost Heir of Aetheria. You.
Gabriel/Gabrielle Adair: Being renowned within the arcane arts, having achieved the rank of High Mage within the Aetherian Institute of Magic, it’s of little surprise that the royal family of Aetheria would call on someone with their skill set— if it weren’t for the scandal that still plagues them. You’re not sure what could have been so bad that would force them to retreat within themself like they have, especially if your parents had seen them fit enough to tutor you, but it’s obviously something that weighs heavily upon them. Will it be possible to wrangle out the secrets of their past when you’re still trying to figure out your own gift?
Ilyran/Ilyria Caelestis: The Forsaken One, an individual that’s visible only to your eyes from a ritual gone wrong. There isn’t much you can glean from them, after all you can only take what they say with a grain of salt, but the shadows that lurk within their eyes has nothing to do with the darkness that now lives within them. It’s hard sometimes to look at what they’ve become when you’ve seen what they were in Old Texts, when they weren’t the Forsaken One, weren’t the Divine’s Disgrace… When they were simply Ilyran/Ilyria Caelestis, High Priest/Priestess of the Holy Order.
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luciasatalina · 11 months
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