#harvey dent
bruciemilf · 13 hours
I think Harvey has Bruce’s name tattooed on his neck. Bruce has Harvey’s name tattooed on his thigh. He also has the Judge in italic letters, carved into his spine, and Two Face, just on his ass. Even better if the other has absolutely no idea
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about-faces · 12 hours
It’s been common, especially recently, for stories to depict Harvey Dent as primarily a politician, particularly one with greater ambitions like becoming Mayor or Governor. Whenever I see that, I always want to show those writers “Eye of the Beholder,” where Harvey is depicted as having already achieved his highest career ambitions. He just wants to do his job, because it’s the one thing that’s holding him together.
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I far prefer this take on Harvey over him being a grandstanding political figure focused on career advancement. The Law is what matters to him, the thing he clings to more than anything else to give him a sense of order and structure.
He’s not in it for the money or the prestige or his future. He needs this job for his own sanity, something to which he’s been drawn “all my life.” What kind of child decides to become D.A., and that kind of person holds to that dream without ever growing past it or changing their mind?
All that is so much more interesting to me than him just being a politician, even when he’s not depicted as corrupt. But it requires approaching him with a level of complexity, care, and insight that most writers don’t want to do, especially when they just want him as a tragic figure and/or an antagonist.
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fellowquestionmark · 3 days
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inkypainter15 · 2 days
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I’m Normal about twoface i promise
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frogaroundandfindout · 13 hours
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Gay as shit actually
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localebra · 2 days
Henchmen & Women of Two-Face
Sugar & Spice
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Both work with Two-Face & were his lovers. First appearing in Batman Forever 1995. Sugar preferred wearing nice, white, fluffy stuff and prepared rich fancy foods for his meals. Spice preferred wearing trashy wild dominatrix gear and prepared unhealthy foods for his meals. Sugar was with Edward Nigma during the gala, while Spice was with two-face through out.
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Next appearing in the Arkhamverse in Batman: Arkham City #1 2011. Sugar and Spice aided and comforted Two-Face as he was recuperating from an assault by the Trask twins who had taken the Titan formula. Both watched as Two-Face explained all of this to Batman.
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Last apearing in the Harley Quinn tv show episode Metamorphosis 2023. Both went to the Hall of Doom were they celebrated Nightwing's death with Two-Face.
I feel like there could be an interesting story from either of these two's perspective. You rather lean into their extremes or show how they lean into the extremes to please Two Face. The other thing are they interested in Two Face or his components? Sugar for Harvey and Spice for Two Face or vice versa. Sugar immediately goes with Edward when she can so maybe that shows an underlying point. Maybe Sugar seems sweet but she's a goggle digger and only there for the money. Maybe Spice was a street walker who got framed by one of her clients and Harvey Dent made sure she didn't go down for it. She doesn't leave his side at the gala, if nothing else it shows loyalty. The easiest thing to do with these two is show there differences and what they have in common.
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lovesick-joey · 3 months
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fyi your dad is a whor—
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dieubius · 5 months
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The in-universe Gothamite's guide to shipping your resident billionaire 💀
Comes with labels
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Twelve year old Robin, currently kidnapped: Is it true you used to date my dad?
Two Face: w h a t
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the-swift-tricker · 8 months
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this episode aired in 1992
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 11 months
gun to my head if I had to write a story about Two-Face the premise would be that Harvey's totally reformed, 100% in the clear, genuinely 0 interest in crime or murder, so he goes back to practicing law. but Two-Face is still there and ALSO practicing law so Harvey is like this upstanding lawyer working pro bono for various charities and nonprofits and what have you and then Two-Face is like a sleezy ambulance chaser taking out HUGE obnoxious billboards all over Gotham and recording the worst local commercials you have EVER seen. they share an office and work on alternating days. the POV character of this miniseries is the shared secretary who has to keep both of their schedules straight and the climax involves Harvey and Two-Face somehow legally being allowed to represent two different people who are suing each other
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bruciemilf · 2 months
Every time the batkids get into legal trouble (damaged property fighting a villain, entitled old ladies being mad they didn’t get saved first, Damian sueing a classmate for proprietary rights over an OC he drew in class, the ONLY person they want to be represented by is Harvey.
Sure, TEHNICALLY he can’t practice anymore, but this is Gotham, and the law system is made of tangled wires. If you pull the right one, you’re in the clear.
The hardest plaintiff is Jason, by far. Ironically enough, he has the simplest cases.
“Okay, so, HOLD ON— I have to TELL you to get out of the way when Bane throws an ENTIRE truck your way? If you can’t dodge death, it deserves to have you, period.”
“Lady, I’m not going to save your weird ass dog/frog hybrid science experiment , — who BIT me, by the way, — over an entire bank full of PEOPLE.”
“Oh im sorry I forgot to pay for the overpriced 12 dollar latte while RUNNING FROM WILD MANEATING PLANTS. “
Harvey, pouring a violent amount of vodka in his coffee: your honor, my client just needs a nap probably
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fantastic-nonsense · 3 months
society if Two-Face was Batman's arch-nemesis instead of the Joker:
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theerurishipper · 10 days
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First <- Part 3 <- Part 4 -> Part 5
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medusas-graveyard · 3 months
Saw a short from YouTube on that animated scene of Harvey getting splashed by acid and there will be no "hear me out" On this one. You will listen.
Court case: Fentons vs Bruce Wayne on who gets to keep Danny after Bruce finds out about the... Things they did to Danny. Fenton's Defense? a ghost is in their son's skin. Clearly bullshit, right?
Well unfortunately the Fenton's didn't think so.
In true Harvey Dent fashion, they splash the kid's face with blood blossoms concentrated water and Bruce gets PTSD 2.0
Bonus if Harvey was somehow the lawyer💀
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astrovvitches · 2 years
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death follows me everywhere i go so excited to finally be able to show this! my finished piece for @gothamcityunmasked who were so gracious enough to let me draw bruce! it's your last chance to get your hands on this beautiful book, so please check out their leftover sales here!
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