aaronsinferno · 2 days
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Hope this helps 🫶🏾❤️
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tommysdaddykink · 2 days
every anti tommy post I'm seeing is constantly phrasing their issues with "I wouldn't have let tommy do that" "I would've hated tommy for saying that" "I would've-" "I would've-" "i-"
"oh he deserved better" "he wouldn't have been okay with that" "I know buck wouldnt-"
"oh poor oliver, the story arc he wanted for buck was ruined"
and honestly the treatment of buck as a self-insert and the subsequent infantalising of him is fucking weird. he's a grown ass man and without a doubt if he had problems with tommy he would've voiced them. he's grown a lot thought out the seasons. he is in fact not you, he's a character written by a team of writers and acted by a grown man who can speak for himself just fine.
oliver is doing his job. and if lou could negotiate a make out session into a kiss then I have no doubts that oliver could have asked for the daddy kink lines to be taken out if they bothered him. seems like he didn't mind them because there they are in the fucking show.
why are some of y'all insistent on woobifying both buck and oliver??? it's so goddamn weird. learn to separate the character from the actor and also yourself.
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buckevantommy · 3 days
tommy surprised buck with their 1st kiss. buck surprised tommy with their 2nd kiss. for their 3rd kiss i'd love to see it be a mutual thing where they both know it's going to happen; there's just something about that moment of knowing before lips meet - the anticipation - and i want so badly to see that on both their faces.
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itsme98z · 1 day
I had a dream that Buck went to Texas to visit Tk. I would love to see Buck going with Eddie at some point to visit Chris in El Paso and they stop and hang with Tk and Carlos and Buck brings Tommy to meet them and Tommy and Carlos bond over their golden retriever dorky boyfriends.
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hardkittyprince · 2 days
Ok I am crying cause people are hating Tommy and I now if they are hating him they gonna talk shit about lou too so let me tell all the bitches who thinks it's his fault then NO IT'S THE FUCKING WRITERS OK IT'S THE FUCKING WRITERS
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kiinard · 6 days
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It’s not abnormal.
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xompeii · 1 month
One of the things I think about a lot with the last scene of 07x05 is just how dressed down Tommy was compared to Buck. Like his expectations were on the floor. Buck was dressed in a nice outfit. He was glowing. Tommy was in a very subdued outfit. Expecting an Apology? Maybe. Invited to a wedding? No fucking clue. What a surprise. Look at him.
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Now look at Buck.
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I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. ~ Michelangelo
In light of recent events, I am insane the normal amount about Oliver - and therefore Buck - having this quote tattooed on his arm.
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tommykinardfan · 10 days
Pass it along.
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cosyvelvetorchid · 30 days
I'm gonna need some wider shots of the kisses. SHOW ME THE HANDS PEOPLE. SHOW ME THE HANDS!!!!
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aaronsinferno · 2 days
Season 7 finally let Buck embrace his bisexuality, and he's now in a wholesome, healthy, and stable relationship with a guy he genuinely likes, and who feels the exact same way about him. A connection he’s never experienced before and one pivotal to his current arc. He and Tommy are thriving, and they'll continue to do so into the next season.
To all the BuckTommy or Tevan fans, here's to us staying strong despite the repeated failed attempts by others to manipulate the narrative and spoil this experience for us. From their kisses to their intimate moments, this relationship is a breath of fresh air. Let's continue to connect and celebrate it during the hiatus.
And to the Buddies who dislike both the ship and its supporters, while also displaying queer phobia in defense of your non canon and non queer ship, just know that not only are we not going anywhere, but you'll never understand or share our joy about a genuine queer storyline within this show that’s not based solely on theories or speculation within the spaces of a social media app. Anyways, until next season, babes….
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tommysdaddykink · 2 days
the dinner date scene was everything i wanted. vulnerable, flirty. like they were so comfortable with each other. so clearly care about each other. could i have asked for it to get any better? no. no i could not.
all that was missing was a kiss. but i didnt need that
because buck started fishing and he caught the daddy he was looking for.
holy fuck. what is food. what is air. this will sustain me until season 8
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buckevantommy · 1 day
I noticed they let Buck/Oliver keep some of his facial hair in his scenes with Tommy. He's usually pretty clean shaven (has been in the past too when he was off the job) but now with Tommy he's allowed to be a little more scruffy (or /rugged/ as some journalists might say). It went from a light stubble during their first date to hasn't really shaved for a day or two during their dinner date.
So I'm choosing to believe Tommy mentioned he likes a little facial hair on guys and that's why Buck's razors are ignored when he's not working
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i noticed that too.. 👀 i'd been hoping they'd give us a bit of stubble and now here they gift us a slightly scruffy boy?! 🤤🫡
tommy loves it. he loves the pleasant burn it leaves on his thighs, and when he's in the cockpit (heh) and navigating the skies he has a physical sensation reminding him that he has someone he gets to fly home to.. 🚁
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buck: so should i call you daddy or do you want to call me daddy
tommy: im not calling you daddy kid
buck: so daddy??
tommy: yes baby
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itsme98z · 21 days
Random BuckTommy headcannons
• When they go on a walk, Buck picks random flowers and plants he finds along the way. Tommy tells them that they’re weeds and Buck gets offended. He also gives them to Tommy and he happily accepts.
• Buck wears headphones, Tommy uses earbuds.
• Tommy’s insecure about his body and Buck takes every opportunity to remind him how handsome he is.
• They learn each others nervous ticks and help them relax when they notice.
• Tommy’s secretly into musicals. Buck learns everything about Tommy’s favorite ones.
• Buck sleeps in sweatpants and a sweater while Tommy sleeps only in his boxers.
• Buck snores loud. Tommy records him and embarrasses him with it (but secretly loves it).
• Tommy reads a lot. He inspires Buck to get back into reading.
• Tommy loves romance novels; Buck loves mystery.
• Tommy gets a lot of muscle aches. Buck helps by giving him massages.
• Buck loves dancing to whatever music is playing while he’s doing daily chores. Tommy loves to dance with him.
• Buck fidgets and is always moving his body (hands, fingers, feet). Tommy is calm and still and loves watching Evan.
• Buck’s a morning person and Tommy is a night person. Buck loves morning runs. When he gets back he showers and cooks breakfast while Tommy is still sleeping.
• Buck has a collection of aprons for cooking and Tommy buys him new ones he think would look cute on him.
• Tommy loves Christmas and goes all out for the holiday. He especially loves snowmen. Buck aims to buy every snowman decor and knick knack he can find.
• Buck loves Halloween and makes them dress up in couples costumes.
• They worry about each other’s health and worry that the other may not wake up the next morning, so they make sure to check on each other all the time. Buck always has a hand on Tommy’s chest to feel his breathing, and Tommy holds Buck’s hand, secretly feeling his pulse.
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