#911 buck
cosyvelvetorchid · 2 days
Buck having sex in public places - firetruck, a roof, bar bathroom and (almost) a news van = kink
Buck having a ring cutter for *reasons* = kink
Athena getting stuck in handcuffs = kink
Athena and Cap role-playing = kink
Woman having a violator stuck inside of her = kink
Couple (trying to) have sex on top of the fire truck = kink
Couple (trying to) have sex on a balcony = kink
This show has been showing kink THE WHOLE TIME!
If you've never had a problem with all of that but suddenly now you're clutching your pearls at a flirty sexy comment Tommy made in a conversation about daddy issues that BUCK INITIATED then you are the problem, not Tommy.
It's fine to not like a character for any (or no) reason, but to make out that he's being predatory or creepy or that he clearly doesnt like Buck for simply flirting with the man he likes just makes you look a dick at best and homophobic at worst.
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uhnoobuhhs · 1 day
“Ok. Ok, I’m here. What can I do?” 😔
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emolionsrawr · 2 days
buck: did you know-
kidnapper: oh my god do you ever shut up?!
buck: *tears up* i'm sorry
kidnapper: look i'm just here to get ransom from your parents-
buck: *laughs* mum and dad don't care about me, we'll be here forever waiting
kidnapper: bobby and athena don't care about you?
buck: what- oh you meant THOSE parents, oh yeah you're screwed
kidnapper: what-
athena: *kicks the door open* WHERE'S MY BABY?!
kidnapper: *screams*
buck: hi mama!
athena: hi buckaroo!
bobby: kid you gotta stop getting yourself in these situations my heart can't take it!
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bibellebibuck · 2 days
If I had a nickel for every time 911 had Buck open up about his trauma, only for someone to sexualise him for it, I’d have two nickels - which is not a lot but it’s really fucking disappointing that it’s happened twice
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Buck: look at them. no hesitation, no self-doubt, just so confident they can do anything Bobby: … I think that’s called being a functional adult Buck: oh. no wonder I can’t relate
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groupielove21 · 2 days
This fandom loves to talk about parallels between stories but no one is talking about how this season ended with Eddie and Bobby losing their families because for a moment in their lives, after years of putting everyone else above themselves, they decided to be selfish and prioritize themselves.
Eddie had his closure with Shannon and it cost him custody of Chris and the feeling of family and trust he has with Buck because he couldn't help him fix the situation.
Bobby wanted to move on with his life and stop being a firefighter and now he can't be a captain again and he lost the house where he had once again felt like he could make a home.
I really feel like season 8 is going to have a lot of focus on Eddie and Bobby and how their lives affect everyone else, both good and bad.
And mainly how the decisions they both make affect Buck.
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dudesrysly · 1 day
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consumedbyfeels · 2 days
Some of y'all are acting crazy. Buck and Tommy are grown men and you are a freaking over the Daddy issues comment. They have been together for months, I don't know how many but I guess 4-6 ish . Even without that, the fact Tommy even made that joke should tip ya off at how much they are thriving. Mr 'so that was okay' after just a simple kiss would have never responded to 'you think i do" with 'god i hope so' in regards to Bucks daddy issues (we all know he has them that's not knew, the daddy kink being mostly confirmed is a little new but not the point) that's a complete 180, so it proves they have at least in part had some of those conversations about sex and have even maybe done some stuff if not gone all the way. I mean I have a hard time believing Buck who not only has always had a fairly i don't know if i'd call it healthy exactly but prolific? (still not the best way to put that) relationship with sex in general, would have not at least done some over the clothes stuff at minimum. Unless of course Tommy wanted to take this slow in which case he would, I also think he wouldn't jump into full on sex with Tommy because this relationship is different it all the best emotional ways, he'd want it to reflect that and not just use it like he had in the past. However this man did grab Tommy in the doorway of the hospital and call him a beast before devouring his face so he's definitely thought about it and I'm sure talked to Tommy. Also they have been together for months so even if they were taking slow it could have happened recently or be something they plan on having happen soon. So basically fuck off.
On the same vein Buck's daddy kink is not the most important part of that scene and is definitely not the most important part of the episode but some of y'all are acting like it is and its kinda frustrating.
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madelinetess · 1 day
Chris texts Buck before he does Eddie.
He tells him about Texas and his grandparents, he tells him that he misses their hang outs and that he is sorry he didn't get to say goodbye properly.
They send messages every day, Chris sharing the places he visited, food he ate, adventures he had and Buck sends work stories, information about Eddie, and occasional photos from his and Tommy's dates.
Eddie though aware of the ever growing text chain between the most important people in his life does not read through it, and only knows what Chris allows Buck to tell Eddie.
Buck is the link holding them together like nobody else could.
Once Chris is ready he will reach out to his father, but for now the male, father figure he is most comfortable talking to is Buck.
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makorragal-312 · 2 days
Okay, so we're all in agreement that that line from Tommy in the date scene was weird as fuck, right?
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paulamaria97 · 2 days
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His Buck always 🥰🥰
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cosyvelvetorchid · 2 days
Buck: "You think I do? [have daddy issues]"
Tommy: "God I hope so"
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uhnoobuhhs · 3 days
911 Exclusive Clip: Eddie Asks Buck For Help
[x] source
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emolionsrawr · 3 days
bobby: okay who did it?
hen: *looks at chim*
chimney: *looks at ravi*
ravi: *looks at eddie*
eddie: *looks at buck*
buck: what the hell guys i wasn't even here!!!
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bibellebibuck · 1 day
Watched Mystic Pizza tonight to distract myself from my disappointment at that lukewarm finale but there’s truly no escape from the buddie brainrot help
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military-newsboys · 2 days
Taylor: You avoid me like the Plague Eddie: Oh come now, that’s unfair to thE PLAGUE!
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