#eddie x buck
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4x4 | 7x10
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feelsforsterek · 2 days
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dangerpronebuddie · 3 days
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We've still got each other, which means we're gonna be okay.
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existential-queeer · 2 days
Ok ok ok I despise Gerard and wish him nothing but the worst, but here's all the GOLDEN scenarios we could get from this moving forward:
- Gerard sees how close Buck and Eddie are and begins to make jokes, pissing one of them off (let's be real it'll probably be Eddie) and then they get protective
- Gerard finds out Buck and Tommy are together and gives him shit for it and won't let it go, pissing off everyone but especially Eddie and Tommy
- Continuing the last one, Tommy finds out what Gerard is doing and charges into the fire house to scream at him because he can't stand to see Buck be broken down and berated the way he was. We heard more in this episode about how Gerard treated Tommy and knowing that Buck has to be on the receiving end this time sets him off and he won't allow it (please god give me protective Tommy I BEG)
- Gerard sees Buck and Tommy together and makes a homophobic comment or something along the lines of "I always knew you were gay, kinard" (but make it even more cruel and vicious) that sets Buck off and he starts berating Gerard for everything he ever did to Tommy
- Gerard openly bashes Hen and Buck for their sexuality and so for Pride Month, they decorate the station in rainbow colors and even when Gerard takes them down, they come in early everyday to put them back up, just to piss him off
- Eddie comforting Buck when/if Gerard makes his life hell (the buddie content we could get from this is sending me into cardiac arrest like bobby)
- DOUBLE BONUS POINTS if Tommy and Eddie come to Buck's defense
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r1cekr1sp1es1 · 2 days
i think chris should be given space, but eddies parents have been waiting for an opportunity to take chris home with them. if they really thinking about their son and grandsons best interest, they would want chris to heal his relationship with his father. they could have suggested that he takes space away from his dad for a period of time instead of indefinitely. this isnt about them helping their grandson through a traumatic situation, this is about them taking advantage of it to get what they have wanted from the beginning.
also, the fact that eddies father implied he was making the same mistake that he did in a entirely different situation is so manipulative and foul.
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takemeorleaveme · 1 day
Saw this and I have to agree his silence is so loud and I know he wanted to tell a beautiful story of buck being bi sexual and now not only are fans of that ship making buck being Bi very sexually driven but the little jokes and jabs his love interest throws his way is not what Oliver was explaining he wanted for buck and it’s just sad.
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starsforbuckley · 2 days
Buck: Eddie? I mixed redbull with coffee and now I can see sounds, should I worry?
Eddie: Buck, I swear to god—
• fandom: 9-1-1
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And another insane contrast between buddie and buckt*mmy:
Buck: *worried that the man who is like a father to him may die*
Eddie: I'll pray for him.
Tommy: I'll make a dirty joke.
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New Fic: like a bird stealing bread out from under your nose
Sorry for another WIP but I need to get this out of my soul ASAP (it woke me up way too early with an URGENCY).
Anyway, inspired by not only the events of the finale, but the talk from Ryan interviews of Eddie being totally isolated by the end of the season, which we didn't *quite* see.
If you’d asked Eddie back in May what rock bottom looked like, it was his son leaving him. That felt like it; everything ruined so entirely that there was no way to ruin it further. There’s always more to lose. --- Eddie Diaz breakdown, Season 7 finale fix it fic
Eddie doesn’t know what to say next. He stands there, white knuckling his grocery basket, staring at Buck like he might be a mirage. 
“Okay, well,” Buck sighs. “I’ll see you next week, then.”
“Right. Next week.”
Buck puts his mangoes in his basket and starts to turn.
“Bye, Eddie.”
“Uh, Buck, wait,” Eddie pleads.
Buck turns back to look at him. There’s a glossy, bewildered look in his eyes, and Eddie wonders if he thinks that maybe Eddie is going to do something brave or decent like finally address things. And, fuck, Eddie wants to. If Eddie had any idea how to resolve this, he’d have done it by now. If Eddie had any idea how to pull himself out of the hole he dug, he’d have his son and his best friend back and he wouldn’t feel so goddamn miserable all the time. 
Buck waits. 
Eddie can’t do it. 
Still, he can’t do it.
“It’ll be good to work together again,” Eddie says, finally, as though they’ve been apart for years. It’s certainly felt like it. 
Buck sighs disapprovingly. 
“See you next week, Eddie.” He repeats. 
@epicbuddieficrecs @theotherbuckley @sevenweeksofunrepression @slowlyfoggydestiny @buckleybabyblues
@diazsdimples @exhuastedpigeon @aquamarineglitter @loserdiaz @steadfastsaturnsrings
@your-catfish-friend @incorrect9-1-1 @hawaiianlove808 @babytrapperdiaz @watchyourbuck
@lyricfulloflight @tizniz @aroeddiediaz @estheticpotaeto
@buddieswhvre @l0v3t0hat3y0u @mage8
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bibellebibuck · 1 day
Watched Mystic Pizza tonight to distract myself from my disappointment at that lukewarm finale but there’s truly no escape from the buddie brainrot help
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no bc if kim had witnessed buck and eddie in a room together she 1000000% would have been like “………are you sure it’s your wife’s attention you want?”
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salemsvlog · 14 hours
Alright but what if Buck, not wanting to Eddie be by himself start inviting to every date he has with Tommy and there’s a montages of “dates” where Tommy starts to grew tired of it bc people keep thinking that is Buddie the ones that are dating and not him and Buck…
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bylerismyeverything · 20 hours
Why does it feel like a vow we’ll both uphold somehow? But it’s Eddie and Buck “you can have my back any day”
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angellple · 2 days
My fav buddie shipper <3
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Mostly buddie and bucktommy thoughts, but some general fandom feels too
I am glad Buck is canonically bi.
I am very sad Eddie is not canonically gay.
I want Buck and Eddie to get together.
While things in TV can turn on a dime, it looks clear from the most recent episodes that they don't intend to have buddie be a canon relationship.
At the start of the season I was very enthusiastic about the character of Tommy being around long-term.
I am not feeling any chemistry between Buck and Tommy when they are in scenes together. This isn't just because of my buddie shipping goggles - as much as I disliked Buck and Taylor together, they did spark off each other. I am just not feeling it from the other BT.
I am really disappointed by the structure of the few scenes with Buck and Tommy that we did have. If Tommy had turned up in a slightly silly costume to the party and still had had to leave I would be finding it hard not to love him. If they had just switched the dinner date scene around and started with the daddy kink flirting and then had Tommy go beyond that to ask if Buck was actually OK after Bobby's coma, I would be thinking that with enough time we might see as much of a connection between them as we see between Buck and Eddie.
Depressingly, I don't think the writing teams are trying to drop us subtle hints that Buck/Tommy are inherently doomed, I think they are just fucking up. Which doesn't bode well for future scenes between Buck and Tommy being something I will enjoy.
While I want Buck and Eddie to get together and didn't think their previous LIs would have been good life partners for them, in the fandom there was a lot of deliberate misreading of scenes involving the women and a worrying level of hate directed towards the actresses. Yes, there were some justified callouts about the actions of some of the actresses. We should never, ever accept bigotry. But we all know we have seen actual full-on misogyny from many fans too.
I read 911 fandom posts on many platforms and I have seen this behaviour on Tumblr, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Discord, you name it. While we would love to think the people on whatever platform we don't use are the horrible ones, I see it across the board.
That deliberate misreading of scenes and cruelty towards real people is now spreading to both Eddie and Tommy, and their respective actors. Part of me wants to flippantly say "Diversity Win!" but racism and homophobia are wriggling their way into 911 fandom posts and we need to do better.
I am feeling gloomy about S8. I don't think a summer break is going to fix any of the issues I have with the show. If you love how things are going then I am happy for you! I'll probably still boost the gorgeous fanart and insightful metas that I often see. But this is a reminder to others, and to myself, that if a show is making us sad, we can just go watch something else. It's OK. We're OK.
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