medulllaossium · 2 months
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notdayle · 2 months
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Come onnnnn they were so endgame 
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wilcze-kudly · 5 months
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Im backkk
Previous part here
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salty-medley · 5 months
It's that time of the year again
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... Where I create another design for the NWT twins.
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i-draw-desna · 7 months
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Eska and Desna but they're in that 80's style anime ig! Maybe! Also just a sketch maybe ill finish and give it that old filter wee
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leeahl · 3 months
Once someone joked that Desna would be the opposite of his sister in a relationship and would be in a certain role of Bolin. I laughed, and then I remembered that such "humiliations" did not bother him and he slept in the bath while his sister slept on the bed. ok, dude, instead of arguing your wife bash your head in with ice and you walk it off like a true Chief?
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coulsonlives · 1 year
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inbarfink · 9 months
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(original alignment chart created by @bedupolker)
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lok-repository · 4 months
LOK B2 storyboard from former LOK storyboarder Hyun Joo Song
Looks to be from one of the B2 finale episodes.
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paledoptera · 5 months
shitty fanart for vision crew
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camelia and eska are both canonically stoners and i think that's beautiful both characters by @radiant-vulpine
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mantizimus · 1 year
Male S/O hate being told that he sounds like a girl
The first time she hears her enemies saying that you're sound like a girl, Korra just slightly scoffs. Really guys, if you want to anger her boyfriend, you need something more.
Then she hears you maniacally laughing and telling that it's not true, and glance worriedly at you.
Then, when you start brutally beating enemies and shout that you don't sound like a girl, Korra is torn between wish to laugh and need to intervene.
If some of her friends try to say something about your voice, she'll instantly cover their mouth and explain in whisper why it's a bad idea.
Hugs you to calm you down every time you're mad.
Tries to find the way to teach you control your anger. Or at least stop breaking other people's legs.
Afraid of imagining your wrath if you were an avatar.
Asami Sato
When she hears such a remark for the first time, she only makes 'Really?' glance in talker's direction. Yes, you may sounds as a girl. No, this is not a reason to say it out loud.
Seeing how you react to comments about your voice, she is taken aback. After that, she begins to go over in her head all the ways she knows to calm a person.
Every time you lose your temper, she tries to calm you down with her voice. It doesn't always work out.
Asami's reaction to her friends' attempt to say something about your voice is to put a hand on their shoulder, silently ask them to stop, and change the subject.
Looks for additional ways to keep your anger under control.
Yes, the probability that they will work is not 100%, but at least you will break people's bones less often.
Like Korra, doesn't want to imagine how scary you would be in anger if you were an avatar.
Deep inside she noticed that her boyfriend's voice can be quite girly, but didn't talk about it.
And now, seeing you in anger, she understands that it was a good idea.
May exploit your anger by telling you that your enemies think you sound like a girl.
However, that doesn't stop her from trying to help you keep your anger under control outside of fights.
Hearing someone trying to call your voice girly, slightly hits them on the shoulder, hinting that in this situation it is best to shut up.
Unlike the previous two, Eska is quite calm about imagining your rage if you were an avatar.
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totallynotaterrorist · 3 months
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wilcze-kudly · 11 days
Bolin and Fawning
So, I've wanted to make a post elaborating on Bolin and his people-pleasing tendencies for a while now. Since I incorporate this aspect of his character into most of my fics and I belive it is the key to understanding a lot of his behaviours during the show.
There's no way you can't interpret Mako and Bolin's childhood as traumatic. Having a parent killed in front of one is bad enough, however the continued strain and fear of their childhood spent on the streets likely would've caused complex trauma and lasting psychological effects.
Mako: [Defensive and angrily.] No! You don't know what you're talking about. I just ran numbers for them and stuff. We were orphans out on the street; I did what I had to do to survive and protect my little brother. Korra :[Frontal shot; sympathetically.] I'm sorry. It must have been really hard. [Pauses; carefully.] Can I ask what happened to your parents? Mako :[Close side shot; sighs.] They were mugged, by a firebender. He cut them down right in front of me. I was eight.
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Mako : Why? He got paid. You didn't see any pro-benders crying for us when mom and dad died, and we got dumped on the street. Life is hard. You either hustle or get hustled.
For Mako, the way his childhood affected him is pretty obvious. He puts up a tough exterior, as he is the person who usually confronts the danger and protects Bolin both physically and emotionally (to some extent).
Bolin is less obvious.
In fact, he sometimes seems like his difficult childhood barely affected him at all. He's upbeat, cheerful and jovial... the complete oposite of what one would assume someone suffering from horrific trauma would.
Bolin tries extremely hard to make himself palatable to others. He is a people pleaser, through and through.
And this reaction would make sense, when you remember Bolin's circumstances throughout a huge part of his childhood.
He was a small child, completely dependent on his brother, surrounded by dangerous and horrible people. Shady Shin was more than willing to attack the boys at the drop of the hat, depite them having been working for the triple threats for a while. Him and his brother had to scrape and beg for money and food. Their lives were at the mercy of complete strangers.
Why wouldn't Bolin be wary of other people's emotions, when pissing someone off could mean the literal death of him and his brother.
His trauma manifests in a way very in line of the fawning response, one of the four trauma response.
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Let's go through some signs of fawning:
Looking to others to see how you feel in a relationship or situation
Bolin has spent his entire childhood looking to Mako for advice and guidance. This is a pattern that has kept them both safe and relatively comfortable throughout all their hardships.
It's only natural that Bolin would still continue this pattern into their late teens. He reaches out to Mako for advice.
Bolin: So, what do you think of Korra, in a "girlfriend" sort of way? Mako : She's great! But I think it makes more sense for me to go for Asami. Bolin: [Slightly annoyed.] I was talking about a girlfriend for me! Leave some ladies for the rest of us!
Or he takes Mako's advice even if he initially disagrees. Mako holds incredible sway over Bolin, even deep into their adulthood.
Mako: So, you and Opal seemed to hit it off dinner. I think she's really into you. Bolin: Yeah, I know. She's sweet and pretty and super nice. Too bad she's not my type. Mako: Right, I forgot. Your type is dumb mover star or psycho ice princess. Bolin: [Spits out his toothpaste.] You know, that really hurts a little bit. Right ... [Presses a fist to his chest.] here. [Looks at mirror, adjusting his hair.] Maybe you're right, bro. Maybe Opal is Bolin material. Thanks. [Flirts with his reflection.] Yeah!
He also reaches out to Mako in times of distress, like when he was having trouble with Eska. Which doesn't surprise me, the brothers are still, to some extent, stuck in the same place they were as children. Bolin as the small child under Mako's protection, despite them both being almost grown men. When Mako starts rejecting Bolin's pleas for help, dealing with his own problems at the time, Bolin starts looking for someone to fill a similar role in Varrick. Which is a terribke idea because Varrick is evil.
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Feeling like one has no identity or authentic self
Bolin is a performer in many ways. As a probender, a mover star and simply as a person. He bases his perception of himself on how people percieve him and around the people who are close to him. Team Avatar is a huge part of his own identity and he is terrified and dismayed when his friends start growing as people while he stagnates.
Bolin: I guess I just miss my friends. Everything is going so well for me, but it feels empty without everyone around. Korra's gone, Mako's in jail, you're doing ... business-lady stuff. Team Avatar's fallen apart.
Bolin hasn't yet "found himself". He flits from passion to passion, from career to career. He's not sure of who he is, and what he is supposed to do in life. He's carefully crafted a pleasant persona, and now he has difficulty telling what is part of that persona and what is truly him.
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Constantly trying to please other people, whether through flattery, affection, or catering to the demands of others
Where do I start. This is one of Bolin's defining characteristics. I don't think he even realises what he's doing, bue is very good at catering to people.
Varrick: Look how these people love you, kid! They're eating that cornball spiel right out of your hand. Bolin: The trick is, whenever I get confused, I just say "Republic City" or "fans", and then everyone cheers. Varrick: I think I just figured out your true calling.
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It doesn't even feel very manipulative, more like a puppy that learnt that performing certain trick will get them a treat. To Bolin, subconsciously, pleasing others is a survival strategy.
At the first sign of conflict, the first instinct is to “appease” the angry person
This behaviour can be seen in multiple situations. The most stark examples of this are his relationships with Eska and Kuvira.
Bolin immediately began appeasing Eska, letting her abuse slide, basically being her slave and practically bendig over backwards to keep her from terrorising him. He's still terrified of her years later in B4.
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Bolin and Kuvira's relationship, while not romantic, follows a very similar pattern as the one with Eska. Very little has changed since that. I find it absolutely heartwrenching how Bolin did his best to accomodate Kuvira, that he stuck by her when everyone he knew was telling him she was bad news, all while she was manipulating and using him.
Kuvira: [Menacingly.] Your loyalty seems to be wavering. Bolin: [Panicked.] No--no, I'm totally on your side, completely, one-hundred-percent loyal.
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Ignoring one's own beliefs, needs, preferences, thoughts, and feelings to please others
This once again, goes back to Kuvira as the most obvious example. There are other ones, such as Bolin only getting with Opal because Mako suggested it, and his role as Nuktuk. But Bolin's scenes with Kuvira really highlight his tendency to minimise his own needs and feelings in order to please someone.
Bolin: I'm just not sure about this whole "Empire" thing. It seems pretty aggressive. And what was that part about the crushing? Kuvira: That was just some ... tough rhetoric to let people know that we mean business. Believe me, [Puts a hand on his shoulder.] conflict is the last thing I want. Will you help me make history, Bolin? Bolin: [Doubts for a moment.] I'll stand by you. Kuvira :Thank you.
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Trouble setting healthy boundaries in relationships
This loops back to Eska, but I think Bolin just has issues with boundaries in general. He struggles with setting boundaries with his romantic partners of course, but he also struggles with this when it comes to Mako. Granted, it is also probably because Mako himself subconsciously doesn't want Bolin to set those boundaries. The bros falling out of their typical codependent state must be terrifying for them, since it's what kept them alive for so long.
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Bolin probably has very little understanding of boundaries, since his own were probably disrespected so much when he was growing up.
Okay that's enough of me rambling about best boy for now. Apologies if this is poorly phrased I really wanted to get this out before i go to bed tonight and im really sleepy.
There's a lot more I wanna touch on with Bolin, and this serves as more of a compilation of notes about his behaviours. A jumping off point, if you could call it that. If there's a specific point you want me to elaborate on, please feel free to ask! I'd be glad to ramble.
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moriahwritez · 7 months
Jealous Eska x female reader
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Request by @gvancagamer
My bad for the longest wait…I’ve been trying to get back on more fanfics. This is for someone who wanted me to make them this. And it’ll be kinda quick so hope you still enjoy it😊💕
You and Eska were walking around in a small festival, until suddenly you bumped into a person which caught your attention right away. “Did you see him? He’s kinda cute.” (oh jeez lol) Eska rolls her eyes. “I guess,” she responded back to you. You couldn’t help but watch the guy talking to his small group of friends. Eska looks more into you pretty annoyed. “I wonder what’s his name.” You said while blushing more seeing the guy. You wanting to talk to him sooo bad, not even thinking about what else was around you. Just then, you felt a hand grab on your wrist. “y/n, this is not why we’re here today.” You realize why you did actually came. Just to spend time with your friend. The friend that you never knew she like you all this time. “Oh, I’m sorry, Eska. Didn’t mean to keep you waiting. I just wanna talk to him quickly. It’ll be fast alright.” You said, trying to make Eska not mad an to feel uncomfortable being a bit left alone. Eska sigh. “Fine, just make it quick.” After chatting with the guy, you came back to see Eska, jumping in excitement. You got the guy phone number (like whyyy! The guy not for you, Eska is the one for you😭) Eska raised her eyebrow. “Seriously?” You were happy as like this is love for first sight. (Oh pls) “Mhm! You’ll love him alright. He’s not as bad as other guys in the city.” Eska had enough dealing with your delusional thoughts thinking over this guy you JUST FREAKING MET! “You know what? I don’t really much care about who you with. Just go out with him or something.” Eska says with a huff, trying not to show her true emotions towards you. Few weeks later, you've been dating the guy and did your best to make your friend comfortable. Eska wasn’t in the mood seeing the guy every time you wanted to do a meet and greet thing. There was a specific night where you saw Eska slept at your house for now and decide to make a plan of hanging out with your ofc boyfriend whatever. So as you finally saw him standing near a boat he invited you in, you two had a great time together and was so close to be all lovely dovey together.
Until, a figure swarms towards you two. “Who’s that?” You ask getting up from your seat slowly. The figure appears to be Eska, in her furious moment looking extremely jealous and kinda terrified with her hair flowing out from the wind. “Y/N, where we’re you?” She asks angrily. “I suggest you to get down this instant!”Eska demanded, stopping in front of your guy's boat. She held out her fist ready to whack somebody but ease down her cool. “Eska, why your so worry about me? Leave me alone, okay? I told you the other day that you didn’t had to come with me.” You tried to calm your friend down. Eska didn’t listen but pulling you closer to her instead would actually make it more easier. “She’s mine. You hear me?”Eska says directly to the guy, which the guy reacted in surprise. She pulled you more closer. “Come back home. Please.” Eska did her best to make you understand. And sadly you didn’t want to listen to her. You swung her away which led her fall into the ocean. “Sorry Eska, but let me live my life for once.” You got back on what you and your date was doing. Eska got right back up seeing you two kissed eventually. She glares at you, feeling quite hurt. “Yeah right. Live your life and make your mistakes…you won’t really learn until you get hurt.” Eska says to herself as she ignores you, leaving you behind the rest of the night. And you turn back to see if Eska was there. She disappeared. You tried your best to get her out of her mind, but…
Was she’s just trying to help you out??
(Alright this is what I could do for tonight. Hope you enjoyed it.
Anyhow make sure to follow for more fanfics.
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maycat-19-142 · 1 year
Hello. Can I request an order for The Legend of Korra? These twins reminded me of one similar emotionless person – Winsday. And I thought, what about the reaction of Desna, Esky and Korra to the reader, by all standards identical to the character of Winsday, from her appearance to all her oddities? Female reader. Thank you in advance.
Desna | eska | korra with a girlfriend similar to Wednesday addams
A/n: I'm going to assume that you mean Wednesday addams from the Wednesday show on Netflix but if this is wrong I will fix it
⚠️: the pet name 'hun' just once in eska part other than that just fluff
Avatar korra
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She likes you odd personality
Bolin makes the comparison that you are quite and korra is loud
Opposites right?
She loves and I mean LOVES to play with you hair
Often she will help you braid your hair
He favorite pass time is watching you write
Over the years you have become closer and she is the only one that sees you soft side
Over all 9/10 with korra
Prince desna
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Ok this one is perfect
You both are quite and murderus
Eska love that fact you both have dark vibes
Desna is happy you and his sister get along
Like korra he enjoys doing your hair
His father is a little creeped out but he doesn't care
You help him Train
Senses you are close to the dead and spirits you bond over the spirit beading
Over all 10/10 with the ice prince
Princess eska
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This girl
I LOVE her
She liles to play with you hair less than her brother
She is obsessed with buying you new black robes
You like 'hun you don't have to do this'
'Yes I do you deserve the world' she said
She is a bit controlling so make note of that
She is a bit jealous of her brother when you close
But she is a sweetheart honesty
She will want to get married and the promised necklace is definitely a skull because you both love that
11/10 with Ms eska
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If this is wrong tell me and I'll redo it. Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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Boleska previously defeated: Toko
Kainora previously defeated: Masami
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