#emotional support
small-z24 · 18 hours
One-Shot: Gentle Shadows
After getting injured during a mission, Y/N is confined to bed rest in the House of Wind. Azriel, determined to help her heal, bends over backwards to ensure her comfort and recovery. As he cares for her, their bond grows stronger, and Y/N realizes just how much she means to him. Together, they navigate her recovery, finding love and strength in each other's presence.
Word Count: 867
Warnings: This story includes scenes of injury and recovery, as well as moments of emotional vulnerability. There are also mentions of mission-related violence and mild language. Please read with caution if any of these topics are sensitive for you.
Y/N lay on the soft bed in the House of Wind, her leg bandaged and elevated on a stack of pillows. The mission had been successful, but she had taken a nasty fall during the retreat, injuring her leg. The healers had assured her it was nothing too serious, but she needed to rest and take it easy for a while.
Azriel entered the room quietly, a tray of food in his hands. His shadows, always a comforting presence, hovered around him. He placed the tray on the bedside table and gave her a gentle smile.
"How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice soft with concern.
"Better," Y/N replied, returning his smile. "Just a bit sore."
Azriel nodded, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "You need to rest. The healers said you should take it easy for a few days."
Y/N sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and gratitude. "I know. I just hate being stuck in bed."
Azriel’s eyes softened with understanding. "I know it's hard, but you need to heal. And I'm here to help with anything you need."
Y/N felt a warm surge of affection for him. "Thank you, Azriel. You've already done so much."
He shook his head. "It's the least I can do. You risked your life out there. Taking care of you is the least I can do."
She reached out, taking his hand in hers. "I appreciate it more than you know."
Azriel squeezed her hand gently, his eyes filled with warmth. "You're strong, Y/N. But it's okay to let others take care of you sometimes."
She nodded, her heart swelling with gratitude. "I know. And I'm lucky to have you."
Azriel leaned closer, his eyes never leaving hers. "You mean a lot to me, Y/N. I'll always be here for you."
Her heart skipped a beat at the intensity of his gaze. "You mean a lot to me too, Azriel."
They shared a quiet moment, the bond between them growing stronger. Finally, Azriel stood up and gestured to the tray of food. "I brought you something to eat. You need to keep your strength up."
Y/N smiled, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. "Thank you. It looks delicious."
As she began to eat, Azriel busied himself around the room, fluffing her pillows, adjusting the blankets, and making sure she was comfortable. His attentiveness was both touching and slightly amusing.
"You know, you don't have to do all of this," Y/N said, a hint of laughter in her voice.
Azriel looked at her, a playful smile on his lips. "I want to. Besides, it's not every day I get to play nurse."
She laughed softly, the sound filling the room with warmth. "You're doing a great job."
As the evening wore on, Azriel stayed by her side, reading to her from one of her favorite books. His voice was soothing, and she found herself relaxing more than she had in days.
"You're really good at this," she said, her eyes growing heavy.
"At what?" he asked, glancing up from the book.
"Taking care of me," she replied, her voice soft with gratitude.
Azriel smiled, his eyes twinkling. "It's easy when it's you."
As sleep began to claim her, Y/N reached out and took his hand again. "Thank you, Azriel. For everything."
He squeezed her hand gently, his voice a tender whisper. "Always, Y/N. Sweet dreams."
As she drifted off to sleep, Y/N felt a deep sense of contentment. She was surrounded by love and care, and she knew that with Azriel by her side, she could face anything.
And as Azriel watched over her, his shadows wrapping around them both protectively, he knew that there was nowhere else he would rather be. Taking care of Y/N was not a burden—it was a privilege, one he cherished more than anything.
Over the next few days, Azriel continued to care for Y/N with unwavering dedication. He brought her meals, helped her with her exercises, and even entertained her with stories of his past missions. His presence was a constant source of comfort and strength.
One afternoon, as they sat together on the balcony, enjoying the warm sunlight, Y/N looked at him with a smile. "You know, you make a pretty good nurse."
Azriel chuckled, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "I'll take that as a compliment."
She reached out and took his hand, her expression serious. "It is. You've been amazing, Azriel. I don't know what I would have done without you."
He squeezed her hand gently, his eyes filled with warmth. "I'll always be here for you, Y/N. No matter what."
Her heart swelled with love and gratitude. "And I'll always be here for you."
As they sat there, hand in hand, the bond between them grew even stronger. They knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united by their love and the strength they found in each other.
And as the sun set over Velaris, casting a golden glow over the city, Y/N and Azriel knew that their hearts had found their true home—in each other.
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selfhealingmoments · 10 months
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You are not a bother. You are not a burden. You are not a waste of space. You are not annoying every person you talk to. Your existence matters. Your presence makes a good difference.
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cutthroatkindness · 7 months
I'm gonna be 100% brutally honest with you.
It's OK if you've done absolutely nothing; contributed nothing to anything, talked to no one, ect. Yes, even if you didn't get out of bed.
I see countless people tag or add onto posts things like "am I still worthy if __" "is it still ok to rest if __" and yes! It is OK to to the bare minimum or no minimum at all. 💛 You are still a living, breathing, thinking being and thinking alone takes energy.
Be gentle with yourself. 💚
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one-time-i-dreamt · 8 months
I got assigned an emotional support drag queen by my school.
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illustoryart · 9 months
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Here is your emotional support angel, constable inspector Muriel 🌞
It's dangerous to go alone, take them 💛
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zee-rambles · 3 months
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“He wanted to get better.”
First I Prev I Next
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jarate-pissman · 5 months
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youre doin good lad.
For those who are having a bit of a rough day, remember that Demoflower always supports you and thinks you're valid.
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sleepy-bebby · 5 months
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dreemurrsightings · 3 months
School work and art block really got me
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So I'm drawing an emotional support papyrus
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small-z24 · 2 days
One-Shot: Through the Shadows
During a mission in an ancient ruin, Y/N faces her fear of tight spaces. When the passageway narrows, panic sets in, but Azriel’s steady presence and calming words help her push through. With his guidance, Y/N discovers her inner strength and realizes she can conquer her fears with him by her side.
Word Count: 673
Warnings: This story contains themes of claustrophobia and panic attacks, which may be triggering for some readers. It involves moments of intense anxiety and emotional distress. Please read with caution if these themes are sensitive for you.
The mission had gone smoothly until now. Y/N and Azriel moved silently through the dark, narrow corridors of the ancient ruin, their footsteps barely making a sound against the stone floor. The air was damp and musty, thick with the scent of centuries-old decay. Shadows flickered around them, cast by the dim light of Azriel’s shadows.
Y/N had always prided herself on her ability to remain calm under pressure, but the tight, confining space was beginning to wear on her nerves. She could feel the walls closing in, her breath growing shallow and rapid.
“Just a bit further,” Azriel whispered, his voice a steady anchor in the oppressive darkness.
Y/N nodded, though she wasn’t sure he could see her. Her heart was pounding in her chest, each beat echoing in her ears. She forced herself to take a deep breath, focusing on the task at hand. They needed to retrieve the ancient artifact hidden deep within the ruin, a relic that could turn the tide in their favor.
But as they rounded a corner, the passageway narrowed even further, forcing them to squeeze through a gap barely wide enough to fit their bodies. The walls seemed to press in from all sides, and Y/N’s vision began to blur with panic.
“I—I can’t,” she gasped, backing away from the gap. “I can’t do this.”
Azriel turned, concern etched on his face. He stepped closer, his presence a comforting weight against the rising tide of her fear. “Y/N, look at me,” he said, his voice calm and steady. “You’re not alone. I’m right here with you.”
She shook her head, tears stinging her eyes. “I can’t. It’s too tight, too...”
He reached out, gently cupping her face in his hands. “Breathe, Y/N. Focus on my voice. You’re stronger than this. I know you are.”
His touch was warm, his thumbs brushing away the tears that had begun to fall. She forced herself to meet his eyes, finding a steady resolve there that helped to calm her racing heart.
“We’ll take it one step at a time,” Azriel continued. “I’ll go first and guide you through. You can do this.”
Y/N nodded, drawing strength from his unwavering confidence. She watched as he slipped through the narrow gap with ease, his shadows providing just enough light to see by. He reached back, holding out his hand.
“Take my hand,” he urged. “I won’t let go.”
With a deep breath, Y/N grasped his hand, feeling the solid warmth of his grip. She closed her eyes for a moment, focusing on the feel of his skin against hers, the steady rhythm of his breathing.
Together, they inched through the tight space, Azriel’s hand never leaving hers. His voice was a constant reassurance, guiding her through the claustrophobic darkness.
“You’re doing great, Y/N. Just a little further.”
The walls seemed to close in even more, but she focused on Azriel’s voice, letting it drown out the panic that threatened to overwhelm her. Each step felt like an eternity, but eventually, the passage widened, and she stumbled into a larger chamber, gasping for breath.
Azriel pulled her close, his arms wrapping around her in a protective embrace. “You did it,” he murmured, his voice full of pride.
Y/N clung to him, her body trembling with the aftermath of her fear. “I couldn’t have done it without you,” she whispered.
He pulled back slightly, his eyes searching hers. “You’re stronger than you know, Y/N. Don’t ever doubt that.”
She nodded, finding strength in his words and the warmth of his embrace. Together, they could face anything, even the darkest and most confining of spaces. With Azriel by her side, she knew she could conquer her fears and complete their mission.
In the depths of the ancient ruin, surrounded by shadows and the weight of history, Y/N found her strength in the unwavering support of the shadowsinger. And as they pressed on, she knew that with him, she could face anything.
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thismommyisforreal · 10 months
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My dear ones, I wish you a good start into the new week 😘 🌞
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Not forgiving someone who has deeply hurt you is okay. You can’t force yourself to forgive and forget all those traumatic events that were caused by others, whether last year or twelve to thirty years ago. You can’t put a number on your feelings and your memories.
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way2pretty4this · 9 months
Rest is a state of relaxation that allows our minds and bodies to recover from the general stress of our lives. This can come physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is extremely important to our overall health and is just as important as diet or exercise. There are different kinds of rest that we need to help us function at our best. The seven types of rest are social, spiritual, sensory, creative, emotional, physical, and mental. Each one specializes in a specific aspect of our lives and understanding them makes it easier to understand yourself and care for yourself properly.
Physical Rest - This means taking a break from all the events of your day. It gives our muscles time to repair and grow, which helps avoid injuries and lessens fatigue. Instantly simple things such as lying down or sitting come to mine, but it can also include things such as stretching, getting a massage, taking a nap, or practicing deep breathing.
Mental Rest - This is taking a break from the constant mental simulation that is so common. This gives our brains time to recharge and process information, helping us to stay focused, productive, and alert. Mental rest can be many things such as turning off your phone, practicing meditation, avoiding social media, and yoga.
Emotional Rest - This is removing yourself from emotional demands in your everyday life. This gives us time to process our feelings, helping maintain an emotional balance that helps avoid burnout. I know this can be hard for people, because you may feel guilty about taking time for yourself, but this is not selfish. You deserve this. Emotional rest can include things like spending time alone, journaling, spending time outside in nature, or talking to a friend.
Sensory Rest - This means taking a break from the constant sensory input in your life. This gives you time to recover from the over stimulation that is noise, light, etc. To stop this from becoming overwhelming, consider practicing things such as taking a bath, listening to calm music, closing your eyes, turning off the tv, or a "digital detox"
Creative Rest - This is taking a break from creative requests. People commonly feel as though they need to continuously produce and create, but this is very draining. To combat this state try pursuing a small hobby, doing a creative activity that doesn't require lots of effort (knitting, cooking, baking, etc.), or reading poetry and literature
Social Rest - This is when you temporarily take yourself out the constant social situations, especially ones that are extremely draining or tiring. This will help you maintain your emotional boundaries and avoid social burnout. To practice this try spending time with family or a close friend, have a solo - date, and go ghost on social media for a day.
Spiritual Rest - This can be meditation, prayer, yoga, volunteer work, or nature walks.
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nic-coughlan · 2 years
AO3 has gone down
sirs. that is my emotional support.
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imthekingofgotham · 7 months
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