#disabled rant
matchakuracat · 1 month
Being asked to rate your pain on a scale as someone who has had chronic pain for several years is so difficult. Like how am I supposed to rate the pain I am experiencing from 1-10 when I have no idea what it feels like to not be in pain. Like what is 0? what is 1?? what is even 10???? What am I comparing it to???? My 5 can be someone else's 10 and their 10 can be someone else's 2, and how is a doctor or anyone else for that matter supposed to tell the difference? Maybe it's because I'm autistic and I'm just overthinking it but it literally makes no sense to me.
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n3crokitty · 17 days
"You need to put in as much effort as humanly possible" I AM. IT JUST ISNT "AS MUCH EFFORT" AS YOU BECAUSE IM DISABLED. SHUT UP.
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cpunkwitch · 2 months
dear doctors and others who want to 'cure' or 'fix' our disability. to people who think the goal is to get us off our mobility aids.
do you actually care about us or are you just trying to make us normal like you? do you find us unsightly to be around, or do you genuinely want us to live happy with our bodies?
there is a damn big difference between thinking its your responsibility to make a disabled person abled and making a future completely free of disabled folk, and actually giving a damn about the health, lives and comfort of disabled people.
if you dont actually give a fuck about us and just want us to be abled and normal like you without asstance of any kind, stop lying to yourself trying to play hero. get your head out of your ass and treat us like living beings.
sincerly a rightfully angry cripple.
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peepawsammywammywoo · 6 months
Why are teachers in the learning support class/special Ed class SO abilest
I have chronic pain, muscle weakness, joint issues, poor blood circulation and so much more, I'm also autsitc
Yesterday I had gardening in the class, that everyone participated in. It was cold, and I was unable to feel my fingers properly. I explained that to my teacher. She gave me a sitting down task, cutting suff, I couldn't do it as my fingers were all tingly and numb. My teacher, I'm calling her Mrs W.
Mrs W said "you have to keep trying and trying and trying. If you stop using your body you will loose the ability to use it" (its a 90 minute lesson I'm sure I would be fine. And at some point I won't be able to use my body properly, my condition IS worsening.)
At 12, mid way through the lesson I had to get my adhd meds, I had to walk to get them. My legs were ever so wobbly, even using my walking stick. Mrs W saw this. And saw how I was struggling to hold my water. She then about 5 minutes after that said "If you can't cut vegetables why don't you stand and water the garden"
I can barley stand on a good day ..
I explained I couldn't and she lectured me about how "Oh your really going to sit there the entire lesson doing nothing??"
Later, about 12:20 she asked me to go inside and get a iPad to check the weather, I said I could do it on my phone so I didn't have to walk, she said "why? You were able to walk earlier just get up and get the ipad" (istg you can check the weather yourself Mrs w)
I explained that I couldn't walk at the moment and she went on a big rant about how "Oh, but your able to walk to the bus at the end of the day, you can walk a few steps to the ipads!" (I don't even walk far to the bus...)
I explained how my contion changes and I might be able to run at like 6am but at 1pm I might not be able to stand. It changes. All the time. (I can't actually run but it was an example)
And she had the balls to say "yeah. It changes when you want it to. When you need to walk"
What the actual heck??
Your a teacher in the learning support class, it's full of mentally disabled or physically disabled students (or even both)
I cried after that, because I wish I could choose when i can walk, a teacher. Came up to me and asked if I was okay. Before I could even respond Mrs W said "yes! He's fine"
I was not fine, I was in tears and alot of pain.
I cried for an hour till a teacher helped me inside and called home.
That is bullshit why are teachers in that class so unhelpful???
(Apparently they don't even need training to teach in these types of classes, they don't even have to know about disabilities and stuff)
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sillyzter · 5 months
Kiki is absolute infuriated now. How can a MOTHER.... a HUMAN BEING.... call own child.... call other human. being. a potato... a cucumbet... a "thing" NO that not human. Yes is ok ot have empathy or sympathy or compassion but to be??? Unhuman???? To call child "suicide reason" for be DISABLED...? honestly hope woman's life even worst now. Should feel ashamed for let other child beat disabled child.
Not mother, not ok, not human. Woman is far less than "thing" herself.
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simply-salem · 1 year
i honestly do not know how the ✨ fuck ✨ i’m supposed to live like this.
my mother will have to work until she dies, and she has been working since 14,
i will more than likely have to work until i die, and i have been working since 16.
my mother works mon-fri every week, and is considering picking up a part time job so she can make money on weekends too.
“saving money” is no longer an option, especially as a low income family/family with disabilities,
but no, people will always tell you that you haven’t been working hard enough, and you must just be unmotivated or plain old lazy.
but this begs the question…
how the hell am i supposed to feel “motivated” to fill a rich man’s pockets,
when everyone i know is struggling with money to some extent.
this genuinely can’t go on much longer. there has to be an end.
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yoikami · 2 years
fucking stop giving disabled people healthy people expectations.
Stop telling us more sport will make us lose weight or be healthier, our bodies do not function regularly anymore and should not be treated without accomodations, moderations and care.
Stop fantasizing that efforts always bring good results, learn about listening to your body.
We function differently and should receive different care methods, and none of your half-assed misinformed ideas that mostly apply to able bodied people.
Our progress is never enough for you, our happiness is less important than your views on what's best for us. Stop ignoring our limitations only to complain our health is stagnating when we push harder.
Stop thinking less struggles or improvements mean we can go back to a trouble-free or pain-free life. We'll just step back again if we get treated "normally" in your invalidating sense of normal.
Accept that our normal is different and deserves to be acknowledged and treated as such.
We shouldn't be held to the same standards as someone who's able to live their life without needing to slow down, stop, recover and crash down or full on break down when it's too much.
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indiecrowarts · 11 months
Been feeling real sad I haven’t had the energy to work on @depresbiandairies in a while (2 months) I just haven’t had enough spoons and I’m working on developing my first comic with a plot. I’m just tired and fatigued and trying to work on my health but I’m frustrated that I’m having more and more days where I’m too exhausted to do what I love.
Disability and chronic pain/fatigue/illness is a bitch and it’s worse when you don’t know why you feel this way. I’m just so sore and tender no matter how much/little I sleep I’m exhausted. No matter how much yoga and stretching I do I’m still so stiff that I have to crack my joints every few hours just to retain mobility (especially my elbows and shoulders those are so hard to pop). I’m just tired of this and feeling this worn down. I want to be healthy- I want to wake up in a body that actually feels rested after 8 hours of sleep (these days I’ve been needing 10-12 to even function) I’m just tired and I’m done and I want out and to get this shit over with.
Still working on figuring out what it is but I can’t visit the doctor right now because the US healthcare system is broken and everything is debt-inducing-expensive.
I’m just so tired, I want to make my comics, make my art and produce things but this fatigue makes me so goddamn slow about it. I feel like I’m going to spend my life playing catch up in order to compete with other artists in my field. I feel like I’m at a loss, things need to get better, they just have to
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iliveinmyblanket · 6 months
I want to rip my uterus out
I hate it I hate It I hate It I fucking hate this
I fucking wanna live properly, I want my brain to work I want my body to work, I wanna see my self in the fucking mirror.
I want to experience trans joy constantly, I wanna feel like I'm real, I want to exist fully.
I don't want to feel like I'm just something that orbits people, I want to feel like I'm not about to fade away.
I want my nerves to work, I wanna feel things fully, I want to feel my loves skin properly
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matchakuracat · 1 month
chronically ill/physically disabled people, how do you deal with doctors appointments? what do you say/do to advocate for yourself? im autistic and not diagnosed with a chronic illness yet and i really struggle to know what to say to get them to listen to me and understand so that i can get the help and care i need. even if i bring someone with me, they also need to know what to say and i don't know anyone who understands well enough to explain to the doctor for me, which means that i have to tell them what to say before going. but that's the problem since i just don't know.
i have chronic joint pain that ive had for years but has only gotten worse over time. i also have hypermobile knees which are the worse they've ever been right now. i'm chronically fatigued and barely have the energy to eat and do basic hygiene. i have a few friends that i talk to fairly regularly and im very thankful for them but i still struggle so much with maintaining a social life when i cant even maintain my own physical wellbeing. i only go outside when i absolutely have to/when my pain is low enough and i have enough energy. on average i probably leave my house about once or twice a week, usually to go to medical appointments, to an internship i have once a week or to go grocery shopping. i usually try to do both at the same time if i can (like going grocery shopping after my internship) but most of the time i have to ask my parents to get me groceries since i dont have enough energy to. all i want is to be able to go outside just to take short walks and enjoy nature and the fresh air but i can't do so without the right treatment/a mobility aid. everything im doing right now is bordering the line of too much. im constantly tired and overwhelmed and everything feels like a struggle, even the smallest tasks most people do everyday without thinking twice about it.
i have almost only had bad experiences with doctors and other medical professionals like physiotherapists, which has given me a lot of extra anxiety on top of my already pretty bad social anxiety. i really struggle to make appointments and even more so to go to them, and when i bring myself to do so i really struggle to express myself and explain how i feel and how i want them to help me. i almost always get shut down and offered no actual help with any of my problems. i just don't know what to do anymore.
if anyone has any advice i'd really appreciate it. i know that i can't give up because my life right now without accommodations is too miserable, but i also don't know how to move forward.
sorry if this was hard to understand. i really tried my best to explain but im having a bit of a hard time expressing myself right now due to feeling worse than usual.
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thehumanooblec · 3 months
Talking about things that annoy me as someone who is visually impaired
First off, calling myself visually impaired, why not blind? I’m basically blind at this point.
Well it’s because the word blind is so overused in a joking manner that people don’t immediately get the correct meaning. If I tell someone “I’m blind” they don’t get it right away.
Also, I wear glasses, why? This tends to confuse people. If you’re blind why wear glasses? Well cuz I can still see a bit and what I CAN see I like to see well. Also it helps with my headaches.
Some other honorable mentions: assuming I’m non verbal, assuming I’m deaf, waving infront of my face, stealing my pens, yelling in my ear and or clapping, tripping me, saying “if I was blind I’d kms”, and finally hiding my phone where I can’t find it.
Sometimes it’s okay for my CLOSE friends to pull HARMLESS pranks and laugh and make jokes. But the line is incredibly fine.
In the end none of this really matters cuz I don’t get it very often from strangers. I don’t “look blind” so more times than not I’m not a target of any ill will.
But my lesson of the day is simply don’t be a dick to visually impaired people.
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cpunkwitch · 4 days
I put myself through the pain of walking up and down a hill nearly every day with my only motivation being cold coffee
Just so I can get out of the god damn house
No dad, you don't get to say "me too" because your reason is different and your fully able to walk.
I force myself to risk a meltdown, worsening any and all symptoms, going through allergies that make me very sick and pain that can put me back in the er, just so I can be out of the house.
I'm sick of my family calling me lazy, pestering me about how I spend my money, just to dump piles of chores on me and ignore my bodies conditions.
They know my triggers, they learned about my bpd after an episode put me in the er for two days, yet nothing has changed
This walk despite how much it puts me through is one of the only escapes I have
I really fucking wish I had a better aid to help me walk without the pain but I'll put up with it to sit for a few minutes at a window table by myself just to enjoy some coffee and my music before locking myself back up in my room when I get home to wait on more meds to kick in.
"what do you have to stress out about" more than you'll ever fucking understand /irl
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gentleward · 4 months
ppl who always assume their issues are “more severe” than others and that they deserve more space than others bc of their “more important” diagnosis are the worst and so boring as people too. Just to assume the level of someone else’s suffering. I get it to a degree because I have a lot of grandiosity and am cluster b, but there is a point where it just becomes aggressively invalidating to others. Straight up saying other people shouldn’t complain because you’ve assumed they don’t have it as bad as you. Yikes!
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sillyzter · 7 months
Gui hate hate hate hate being disabled. Don't get wrong, Gui just hate being in pain so much time all times...
Gui hates back pain knee pain head pain more so much more!!!
Just wish could live normal life and not feel pain no more :(
Tho think that all disabled people worth self love also think no one deserves pain. Accept yourself no mean accept pain in life!!!!
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lifeonkylesfarm · 2 years
I think most of us have heard a comment about certain disabilities making someone's life not worth living. While this is not true, I also just find it extremely pretentious and arrogant of abled people to think that they are allowed to decide that for someone else. Every person's life has value, just right off the bat. But when it comes to disabled people, why do abled people think they are even allowed to consider that in first place? If anyone was to ever consider these things, it would be us, disabled people, not abled people who have no idea.
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aphhera · 7 months
Having seats that are too narrow is an accessibility issue like if you have an sort of reduced control of your legs or pelvis it makes it so much hard to not fall off them
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