partner-boy-they · 9 hours
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blood-cut · 3 days
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Take it from a black trans femme who's autistic with a special interest in this genre:Indie means indipendent i.e not 'obscure white boys' or 'white girls only femininity'.It's an aesthetic and lifestyle too yes but one that requires being self-making,low-budjet or preferably both for the best experience speaking as someone who's learning to diy and has been for a while.That's why even though she's famous,Megan Thee Stallion is an indie artist since she's not signed to a record label and earned her success with hardwork and her beloved status by being an activist who enourages universal self-love and why a lot of popular games are still indie because they weren't made by companies and why Taylor Swift isn't because she's a violently hateful nepotism baby who actively uphoalds and spreads white supremacy and the only 'empowering' she's doing is giving power to white woman fragility and the racist men she dates and from research and looking for media to stimulate my spin,there's a lot more indie creators of color than white ones.There's a reason for that btw and there's also a reason why the indie scene is largely whitewashed and unwelcoming to poc despite being more sutible for us.If i say any more though i'll get called a gatekeeper from people who can't name a black female rapper except Meg herself and Nicki Midnaj
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autisticmabel · 16 hours
any other autistics have a problem where once youre uoset about something, you just cant calm down? like ill cry for hours because i cant calm down no matter how hard i try
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defectivegembrain · 18 hours
The thing that separates Abed from the rest of the study group is that all of the others have had an effective facade of normality at some point whereas anyone who talks to Abed for like five minutes thinks he's at the very least odd even when not in a negative way, and it feels very much the same when you're in a group of neurodivergents where everyone but you was diagnosed late and spent some degree of time effectively seeming to fit in or at least blend into the background in social situations, while you were getting stared at by strangers before you even opened your mouth, and I'm not saying either situation is inherently worse, it's just there's an understanding barrier there, and inevitable moments that make you think why are you still doing this to yourself even now, why are you so obsessed with what counts as normal? Idk the study group dynamic just captures that feeling really well. I think Abed is constantly wishing for the others to accept themselves, but his own self acceptance is also built on a fragile survival instinct that comes from knowing it's pointless to try to be normal
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pigeon-cave · 7 months
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Diagrams are helpful to me
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she-waves-at-cats · 1 year
I think it needs to become common knowledge that "inability to read social cues" can show up as overcompensating.
You don't know how much misbehaviour is allowed, so you become the perfect child who never tests rules.
You don't know if someone is irritated with you, so you'll be extra generous and self-effacing.
You don't know how much is expected of you at work so you'll kill yourself in a minimum-wage job and not notice that nobody else is working like this.
"Hardworking and quiet" should be as much of an autism red flag as "ignores rules and doesn't know when to stop talking". Or why don't we just start using words to communicate so i can stop tracking everybody's eyebrow twitches, that would be great.
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aw-tysm · 2 months
"All autistics have low empathy" - This statement is wrong.
"Autistics having low empathy is a MYTH, we actually have HIGH empathy!" - This statement is ALSO wrong.
Autistics can have low empathy, they can have high empathy, they can have learned empathy. The myth would be that all autistics only experience one end of the empathy spectrum.
In spreading around misinformation that autistics actually have high empathy, you are disregarding the autistics who do have low empathy. And vice versa.
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disabledprincesses · 1 year
Non-autistics living with autistics:
They keep eating the same freaking food and it frustrates me so much! We can't have the "big scary light" on just lamps everywhere! Even when I try to find peace by doing stuff with them they just ignore me and do whatever they want. They can't even do the simplest of things like go with me to the grocery store every week! How do people expect them to survive in society??
Autistics living together:
So as long as we get my 10 packets of this really specific food, and some snacks, I'll be okay. Also is it cool if you go to the grocery store? I can clean the bathroom since thats bad sensory for you and the store is bad sensory for me. Can you turn on the lamp instead of the big light? It gives me a headache. Thanks man. Yea I'll unplug the TV for you since you can hear the high pitched noise. Do you want to do two separate things in the same room as bonding again this evening? Thats my favorite part of the day too.
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theconcealedweapon · 1 month
When you're autistic, it's impossible to miss how much society normalizes child abuse.
I could dedicate my entire life to studying how to interact with people and I'd still never master the social skills that young children are expected to have on command.
Say the wrong thing? That's disrespectful and you're punished. And you don't even have to actually say anything wrong. Pretty much anything you say can be considered "giving lip" if your parent wants some excuse to punish you. But if you say nothing, then you get punished for ignoring. You also have to calculate your response to their mind game quickly because taking too long to respond is considered ignoring. Also, if you're being wrongly accused of something, saying nothing is considered a confession. And even if you somehow manage to say exactly what your parent wants in exactly the correct tone, they'll still punish you for "sarcasm" or "not really meaning it".
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punkeropercyjackson · 13 hours
Kids who were taught to be bigots and mean about it get unlearn it but deal with guilt.Kids who had to deal with bigotry get to be irreversably traumatized by it and punished for standing up for themselves.And that's why you'll never catch me feeling bad for you grown ass 'I'm still learning' bitches or whatever demonic characters you 'relate' to you
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ka3l · 1 month
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pigeon-cave · 28 days
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Spectrum of overwhelm, now in triangle form due to popular demand
[Image description: A triangle chart titled, ‘Spectrum of Overwhelm.’ The three points are ‘404 Error,’ showing a person with an empty thought bubble; ‘wet beast,’ showing a person sweating and sobbing; and ‘rage beast’ showing a person clenching their fists in an outline of orange fire. The peak is the ‘404 error’ vertex, and the inside of the triangle here is coloured beige and labelled, ‘shutdown.’ The lower half is labelled ‘meltdown’ and is red on the rage beast side and blue on the wet beast side. \End description]
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swordsonnet · 21 days
i'm sorry but i don't think we should call this the "autism website" when there's still posts with tons of notes mocking people who:
struggle with social skills / have anxiety around social settings
are unemployed / unable to work certain jobs
have intense or "age-inappropriate" interests
haven't had certain life experiences that are deemed universal/essential
struggle with personal hygiene
don't have any friends or dating experience
don't go outside much or at all
take things literally / don't get sarcasm/jokes
have unusual ways of speaking
generally aren't "normal"
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glazeliights · 9 months
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aw-tysm · 7 months
What frustrates me with being an "out of sight, out of mind" person is that people tend to love suggesting notepads, diaries, apps, lists, anything that you can write reminders in. But my kind of "out of sight, out of mind" extends to that as well. Truly. If it is not in my sight, it is not in my mind. And you know what happens when you close a book or an app? It is not longer in sight.
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