#cooper family ghost photo
xspookyxspaghettix · 1 month
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creepypasta images
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mistyjessart · 2 months
BBC Ghosts Bird AU
@m1nts and I cooked so have a bird AU
In this AU Alison is an ornithologist who moves with Mike into Button House and notices a really strange combination of birds that live by the lake so she decides to study them
Mike is your average person who just knows that birds are birds and that's about it and Alison has to constantly stop him from feeding them bread
The Captain is a pigeon (because messenger pigeons were used in the war), but since pigeons don't live that long he's a trained race pigeon that got left behind when the old owner moved (because this is his home dammit)
Also they look like they have mustaches
Havers is a Great Reed Warbler that migrates to Africa every winter
Pigeon Cap gets visibly depressed when his warbler bf is gone
Kitty is a Skylark who kinda just started following Cap around one day and does little head bops at the other birds to get them to dance with her
Robin is a tawny owl because moon and hunting, it's also very silly to see a big owl interact with all the little birds, especially Kitty
Mary and Annie are northern cardinal gfs (yes because the feathers look like fire)
Fanny is a duck and she has an absolute blast swimming around the pond and aggressively quacking at all the other birds for funsies
Pat's a dunnock cuz they're garden birds common to Yorkshire
Julian is a European Shag because YES that IS a real bird
Thomas is a nightingale whose mate got stolen by his cousin
After Allison and Mike move in, he warms up to her and sits on her shoulder singing all day, which confuses them both, especially when the tiny little nightingale tries to attack Mike, but hey, she's the bird whisperer now I guess
Humphrey is a chicken because they can survive with their head chopped off
The plague ghosts are a murder of crows that come by to visit (and steal the bird seed Allison puts out) every now and then
bird photos for reference under the cut:
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spookberry · 6 months
👀 I would like to hear about the Oregon Vortex if you feel up to sharing!
sure! I mean I only just learned about it so I feel like I'm losing my mind a little bit that I can't seem to find anyone else connecting the two beyond like "oh yeah the crew went there and took a photo during the 2013 Mystery Tour." And wikipedia having a trivia note connecting the two.
But anyways The Oregon Vortex is a "Mystery Spot" in real life that claims to be the original House of Mystery that all other mystery spots take inspiration from. (they've got beef with the Santa Cruz Mystery Spot in particular) It was first opened to the public in 1930 by this man named John Litster. As the lore goes he's deemed a bit of a conman, but also a scientist? He was fascinated by the strange and eerie phenomena of Oregon Vortex and had a ton of wild theories about why it is the way it is. One of his theories is Aliens.
Some of the reported strange occurrences that happen at the vortex are: bottles rolling uphill, backpain disappears, hangovers get worse, people's physical height change seemingly at random, mysterious beams of light in photographs, inexplicable urge to visit, etc (claims of fairies, and walking through the 6th dimension, also throwing pizza to "the beings")
The House of Mystery itself, the main attraction of the Oregon Vortex looks like this fyi. It used to be an office for an old Gold Mining Company.
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there's a sign that looks like this
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But back to fuckin John Litser, like part of the lore with that guy is he did a bunch of research on the place and why its so wacky and weird (though arguably its probs just optical illusions) However all of his research supposedly got burned in a fire in the 60s.
I found this interesting article on Roadside America that's got some awesome quotes from Elena Cooper (who managed the vortex at the time?? It is owned and ran by the Cooper family but another source listed an Irene and her daughter Maria, idk who Elena is.) and some of the quotes are beautiful and others have me feeling like I'm being punked. like
"It's existed probably since the planet existed. To be a part of that is just fantastic."
"If this is the middle of the Sasquatch Intergalactic Highway, I may as well sell stuffed versions of him."
"by the end of a tour you could tell them just about anything and they'd believe it."
She is real life grunkle stan
Anyways this place has been mentioned in a bunch of things, like theres an episode of X-files on it, Ghost Adventures went there once, Fact of Faked declared it an optical illusion.
they haven't posted on their official twitter since 2019, but their facebook still updates.
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alexisntedgy · 5 months
More Mia Cooper + the ghosts headcanons because we were robbed of her growing up with them :(
. She hates The Wizard of Oz but the first time she said that, Kitty had been so offended that Alison eventually had to tell Mia to just never mention hating it (and also that she’d have to put up with seeing it on the tv on occasion, because Alison could never stop kitty or cap watching that movie)
. She inherited her mum’s skill for art, and did a few modern, #aesthetic (tm) sketch-y journal pages for each ghost. She drew things from stories she’d heard, from things she’d seen in the button house archives (her sketch of havers made cap very emotional) and from things associated with their time period. Pat didn’t have the heart to point out the many late-80s items from long after he’d died.
. Fashion comes and goes, and when scrunchies and 80s patterns come back into style, pat is quite proud of her outfits :)
. Lady B thinks a lot of her outfits are atrocious, but none of the ghosts would ever repeat those comments to Alison or Mia
. When she has her first heartbreak, Thomas follows her around in sorrow, repeating vague bits of poetry. When Mia’s sorrow turns to anger, Kitty enjoys following her around as she vents to her friends (oh, and kitty joins in. a lot. loudly.)
. Mia asks where Humphrey’s head is when she’s really stressed and needs to vent, because Humphrey loves to be there for her and really, truly does listen (not that he has a choice once the venting has begun, but regardless, he wants to listen, because it’s Mia)
. The emo phase leaves every ghost shocked and confused- except thomas, who uses her teen angst as inspiration for his poetry, and Julian, who thinks it is absolutely hilarious
. Mia texts Julian photos when she goes on trips away- an awful souvenir shirt he’d find hilarious, a nice beach view for Pat, strange novelties for Robin. and yes, she always brings back a postcard (or several)
. Cap is a little too eager to get her into some kind of sport, because he wants an excuse to run laps around the grounds with her. When she starts practicing for cross-country, Cap is ecstatic and demands (kindly) that Alison time their laps. Alison drew the line at recreating a warm-up routine Cap had designed for her.
. When she’s about 12, Mia demands to know what every major historical event she learns about at school was like, directly from the source(s) itself. She ends up getting extra marks on several papers due to her “impressive” historical knowledge and accuracy. But that isn’t why she asks for their stories- she just wants to know her family history, if you will.
. She asks for Alison to take photos of her with Lady B whenever something big happens in her life. It often takes a few goes, but they always get it in the end. Mia has two sets of every photo of major positive events in her life, and she keeps the ones with lady b in them in a safekeeping box.
. She plays virtual chess with Julian, and works on virtual crosswords with him and Robin. They sit across from each other so it’s like an actual game, and so she can comment on his moves even though she can’t see him
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hypernovahusky · 4 months
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f a l l i n g m i k u
So there's this trend on Twitter currently to draw Hatsune Miku as old Creepypasta, Gen Z traumas, etc.
Here's where it originated:
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Found it hilarious, so I decided to draw my own with one of my personal scariest traumas; the Cooper Family Photo, the Falling Body Ghost photo, whatever you wanna call it.
Had the idea of doing other Vocaloid characters as the Cooper family members, but was too lazy, so it's just random blobs.
The original Falling Body image still creeps me out to this day, but a part of me is sad that it's fake :(
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Never Told You
Summary: Before you move on, you just have one thing to say.
Characters: Eddie Munson x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warning: Mentions of character death, angst
Author's Note: Surprise! Two fics in two days?! I could not stop thinking about this idea. Sorry to share my suffering with you.
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The owners of the Hawkins, Indiana Cemetery refused to allow Wayne Munson to buy a burial plot in his nephew's name. When the ground opened up to hellfire and brimstone and swallowed half of the town, the media placed the blame on the young metalhead; stating that he had opened up a portal to Hell after performing a series of ritualistic murders. They were afraid that a headstone in his honor would attract local Satanists- the other members of his cult- who might use it as an altar for satanic worship.
However, Wayne was a determined man. He went out of state to have a small headstone made, and with the help of a few of his friends from the Plant, nestled it quietly in the woods behind Forest Hills Trailer Park, where Eddie used to play as a child.
You had been back to Hawkins a few times since the evacuation.
It wasn't the same small town that you had grown up in. It was a ghost town. Most of its residents had chosen to flee to one of the neighboring counties or Indianapolis for a taste of big city life. The majority of businesses had closed their doors permanently and graffiti had now littered the abandoned storefronts. Missing person flyers were tacked to every street light and stop sign for miles.
You hardly recognized it in the months that had passed as you drove through downtown. The faces of the folks who had stayed behind were gaunt; frowns and permanently wrinkled in worry and sadness. Most of them were ones whose family members had gone missing and they were still holding a candle of hope that they would return.
One of them was Wayne Munson.
Even after he learned his nephew's fate, he didn't give up hope that maybe the boy had just left; took his guitar and his van and was out there- somewhere- playing music in a new band and making his own way in the world outside of the cruelty of Hawkins, Indiana. As much as you wished that to be true, you knew better, yet you would never fault Wayne for believing.
Forest Hills Trailer park had been abandoned. It was one of the four places that had been hit the hardest by the 'earthquake'. It had also been looted and nearly destroyed. Near the picnic table, there was a small memorial to the victims who had lived there that lost their lives on that day; four people, five if you counted Eddie, all of whom you had known and grew up with living in that same trailer park for most of your life.
You pulled your car over. The gravel crackled beneath your feet as you walked over to the memorial. It was littered with leaves and dead flowers, and as you usually did when you would come to visit, you dusted off the dried petals and cobwebs and placed a fresh rose underneath each picture frame. One for Ms. Debbie who used to babysit you when you were a child. One for Mr. Lloyd who was a kind old man who never turned down a plate of leftovers. And two for Mr. and Mrs. Roots who weren't the nicest neighbors but still didn't deserve what happened to them and their dog Cooper.
Your eyes began to burn as you looked over the photographs of the people that you had once known; the photos, the empty trailer park, all of it a reminder of the tremendous loss that you had felt. It wasn't just the people, the memories, your childhood- it was your home. It hadn't gotten any easier over the last seven months, despite how hard you tried to move on; looking out of your bedroom window at a street you didn't recognize, a neighbor that you didn't know waving as you drove by, trading one small town for another and having this trauma fester in your chest while everyone else seemed perfectly fine...
Eddie's grave sat at the base of a giant oak tree.
The green ivy that was growing up the tree had begun to spread along the headstone, and somehow, made it even more beautiful.
The old tire swing still hung from the largest branch and you remembered the countless nights spent out here with him; playing hide and seek when you were kids, pretending that you were characters from one of Eddie's fantasy books in an enchanted forest. Wayne would come out and set up a tent and you and Eddie would camp out for the night, telling scary stories and making s'mores. When you both got older, it became your spot to hang out and smoke and talk about all of the people that you both hated. You still came out to talk, only now it was less often and Eddie could only listen.
Sometimes it felt like you could still hear him.
You placed the last rose at the base of his headstone before taking a seat on the cold ground. All you could do is stare at his name in front of you; Edward Munson, beloved son, nephew, and friend.
"It's not getting any easier," you whispered quietly as you picked up a dry, brown leaf and mindlessly fiddled with it to keep your hands busy. "I thought that it would, you know? It's been over six months."
The cold, early October wind sent a chill through your body.
"I'm still waiting for you to call," a tear fell to your cheek. "I'm still waiting for someone to tell me that this was all a big joke and for you to bust through the door with that big, stupid smile."
Silence hung in the air around as you waited for a response that you would never get. You chewed on your cheek as you stared at the cold, grey stone in front of you.
"You know I told myself that I wasn't going to come and see you anymore," you admitted. "I told myself that I needed to move on, and my parents agreed." It was almost as if you could hear him chuckling from beyond the grave. He never really got along with your parents. "But I can't do that, not until I-" you paused for a moment and pulled a piece of paper out of your pocket. "I wanted to tell you this before, but I was terrified that you didn't feel the same way. And now I'll never know."
"Dear Eddie," you began, letting out a breath. "Right now, you're playing 'Romeo and Juliet' on your acoustic guitar and you think that I'm studying; I am, just not trigonometry. Instead, I'm studying the way that your hair falls over your shoulders and how your tongue sticks out when you're concentrating on the more difficult chords. You're so fucking cool, sometimes I hate you for it."
"That's not true. No, the truth is that I love you, Eddie." Your eyes burned with tears as tiny droplets fell to the crumpled paper below and left behind damp, grey circles between the lines. "I always have. Ever since I moved into this little trailer park, ever since you came knocking on my front door asking if I wanted to come outside and play. I'm pretty sure that you're my soulmate. You'd probably laugh at me if you knew I believed in stupid shit like that, but it's true. I wish that I had the guts to tell you, but I can't. I'd never risk ruining this. So you'll continue believing that I'm in love with that asshole, Tyler Sneed, and I'll continue to pretend that I am so that you never find out that it's really you. But it is you, Eddie. It will always be you."
You sighed and breathed in deeply, the cold air clearing your sinuses as you reached up to wipe your cheek with the back of your hand. You folded the note back up and sat it at the base of his headstone, next to the rose.
"So now you know my big secret," you let out a breathy laugh and instinctively waited for a response. A frown spread across your lips, once more, when you didn't receive one. "I should have told you that night. You don't know how bad I wanted to. But, there is a small part of me that is glad I didn't. Because I can't help but think that if you felt the same, if we had been together, it would have made losing you that much worse."
As you sat there, you couldn't help but feel the creeping sensation that there was someone there with you; watching.
Behind you, a branch snapped and you whipped your head around as you inadvertently gasped. Your eyes darted from side to side, searching for the source of the sound; heart pounding at the thought that you were not alone. But it was just the wind; the tops of the autumn-colored trees swayed back and forth as if they were whispering to each other.
"I'm not coming back here anymore, Eddie. I can't." Just saying those words caused you pain. "It just hurts too much. I have to figure out some sort of way to start healing, even if it takes the rest of my life to do so. I know that you would want that for me, even though I also know that you're probably getting a kick out of watching me wallow in my misery from wherever you are. You were always kind of sadistic like that." You made yourself smile at that. "I miss you more than you could imagine and I love you."
You stood to your feet and dusted the dirt from your legs. Looking around, you took in your surroundings once more. You knew that this wouldn't be the last time you ever came to visit him, but that it would be the last time for a long time. As you made your way back through the wood, you could have sworn that you heard someone say, "I love you, too". Coming to a stop, you glanced over your shoulder, only to see dried leaves fluttering across the ground. Your lips turned up into a smile as you shook your head and continued back towards your car, and with your head held high and a weight lifted off of your chest, you left Forest Hills Trailer Park in your rearview mirror.
The radio was kept off on the ride home, not wanting to hear anything that was going to remind you of Eddie. You wouldn't be able to avoid it forever, but you were doing better than you thought you would be, and you wanted to keep up that facade for as long as you could. You didn't allow your eyes to linger on the arcade where you spent countless nights trying to beat each other's high scores or the tire shop he used to work at as you drove back through town; they were both shut down now, anyways, as was the pizza place you frequented after school on Fridays.
You'd always have your memories of this place, but it was time to leave Hawkins behind.
As you pulled into your driveway, however, you noticed a familiar figure sitting on your front porch. You bit down on your bottom lip and sighed as you opened your door and climbed out of the car. Just when you thought that you would be able to move on...
"Dustin?" You asked, not having seen him since you moved six months ago. "What are you doing here?"
The younger boy stood up and rung his hat in his hands. He looked anxious, and it worried you.
"Is everything- is everyone okay?"
"Y/N," He began. "There's something I have to tell you."
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starrystevie · 2 years
they don’t talk about it, not really, how the name on eddie’s original birth certificate didn’t match the one on his driver’s license. how there was a packet of sealed files somewhere in a safety deposit box at hawkins federal bank that he had access to once he turned 18 but never had the guts to go and get. how uncle wayne wasn’t really uncle wayne but it was the easiest thing to call him after adopting the scared 8 year old from the trailer park after his parents left.
the munson men learned how to live together in that tiny trailer after eddie officially became one. wayne taught him how to ride a bike and how to make a grilled cheese and the right way to separate out his clothes to do a load of laundry. eddie taught him how to have patience and how to speak softly and what it’s like to stay up half the night wondering where the hell his boy was at 2am.
it’s after everything happened that eddie finally talks about it. hawkins had pieced itself back together with bandaids and craft glue, the powers that be came up with some story to explain it all away and that included why eddie munson was a free man. the money that was wired into wayne’s bank account for his cooperation was swiftly taken out in cash to hide in an envelope between a mattress and a box spring. there’s a chunk missing for a down payment on a real brick and mortar on the outskirts of hawkins with two bedrooms and a real backyard and a dock on loch nora where wayne has his morning coffee.
“this is cute,” steve said as he opened a moving box, photos of a young eddie covering a pile of old school assignments, drawings and report cards. “look how big your hair was!” 
eddie’s mouth pulled into a smile, soft at the edges like it gets when steve’s around, and he went to stand by him to look at the old pictures, shoulders touching and hands overlapping as they dug through the old papers. 
“yeah, i used to be cute,” he muttered, and if he’s fishing for a compliment, steve was more than willing to take the bait. 
“still are,” he breathed out with a blush on his cheeks, ear tips tinged pink, eyes focused on the papers under his hands rather than on eddie’s matching flushed face. “who’s eddie claybourne?”
he hadn’t heard that name anywhere other than in his own memories in years, the ghost of it rattling around in his brain somewhere like an old friend. it forced him to pause and look at the old hawkins elementary progress report card in steve’s hand. the corner was folded, flipped over the less than stellar grades that he had tried to hide from his parents the day he had brought it home. 
“used to be me,” he replied after a beat. his eyes flicked up to wayne’s bedroom door, looked through to see the old patchwork quilt covering his bed that he used to wrap eddie up in when he had nightmares and the framed photo of them on his dresser. the walls of this new house spoke to him in ways that made his chest tight. the possibilities of starting over, of leaving behind the bad memories for the sparkling new ones that he’d make with the only family he ever had. 
he grinned up at steve, real and light. “but now it’s munson. feels like it’s always been.” 
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horsesarecreatures · 1 year
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My first pony was a mare named Stitch N Thyme with a trot faster than most horses could canter, and very flashy. She was an auction pull (not directly by me) and the auction said that was her name. But she did not come with papers or breed info. She was presumed to be a hackney cross. But I've seen a lot of Pryme Thyme descendants move the same way as her, and have that name suffix. Stitch looked NOTHING like an Arab, and it never occured to me until this morning that she might be an Arab cross, but genetics can be funny sometimes, so now I'm wondering...
Unfortunately my old computer was located at the shore house during Hurricane Sandy, and when the house flooded most photos of her were lost. I would reach out to my cousin Claire who I gave her to, but my uncle who is even more narcissistic than my mom ghosted the whole family and moved from NJ to Hawaii about 5 years ago without telling anyone...
I have no contact info for my cousin and her existence, other than an Etsy account, is non-existent on the internet.
If Stitch is part Arab, I doubt it would be more than 1/4. But wouldn't it be funny if it was her that subconsciously started my love of Polish Arabs and not Snappy?
Edit: found a picture of her. Idk am I nuts? I really don't see Arabian in her looks, but her movement matched Basks', and she was very smart and sensitive, though not as cooperative as Snappy and Amba.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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USAF is keeping an eye on the MQ-28 Ghost Bat for the NGAD program
Australian Ghost Bat Drone will be able to pair with the U.S. NGAD system.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 08/28/2022 - 10:36 AM Military
Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall indicated that the U.S. Air Force could incorporate the Australian-made Boeing MQ-28 Ghost Bat drone into the Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) family of systems, according to media reports.
Citing China's technological superiority and aggressive acts in the region, Kendall also said that the U.S. may be willing to cooperate with Australia in long-range attack capacity.
"I'm talking to my Australian colleagues in general about the NGAD family of systems and how they can participate," Kendall said about the Ghost Bat drone, formerly called "Loyal Wingman," the first aircraft to be manufactured in Australia in half a century.
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The RAAF wants to put the drone into operation in 2024-25. The plan is to unite the MQ-28 with existing manned combat aircraft, such as the F-35A, F/A-18F Super Hornet poaching and EA-18G Growler electronic attack aircraft, and air combat, reconnaissance and surveillance missions. It could also serve as a 'protective' role for high-value air assets, such as KC-30 tankers and E-7 Wedgetail early warning aircraft.
Kendall told Breaking Defense that the United States and Australia are "having preliminary discussions" about the purchase of the MQ-28 Ghost Bat "as a risk reduction mechanism" for NGAD's drone capacity.
“I think there is a lot of mutual interest in working together. And we will sort out the details in the coming weeks," Kendall said after meeting with the newly appointed head of the Royal Australian Air Force, Robert Chipman, on August 22.
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Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Richard Marles (left), with U.S. Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall during a bilateral meeting at the Pentagon, Washington DC. (Photo: Australian Department of Defense)
Australia and the United States, along with the United Kingdom, deepened their defense relationship in 2021, when President Joe Biden announced the "AUKUS" partnership to share military technology, starting with nuclear-powered submarines.
In public comments in Canberra, Kendall and Chipman described China's air superiority and aggressive actions, including a dangerous interception of Chinese J-16 fighters that damaged an Australian surveillance P-8 over the South China Sea. During the meeting, the Chinese aircraft released a chaff cargo that entered the engines of the P-8 and damaged its exterior.
“They are as formidable a strategic opponent as I've ever seen. We are in what I consider a race for military technological superiority with the Chinese," Kendall said, according to local media.
Chipman said that China's aggression would not prevent the RAAF from flying over international airspace.
In an interview on June 9, the commander of the U.S. Pacific Air Forces, General Kenneth S. Wilsbach said that the Chinese meeting with the Australian P-8 and a similar meeting with Canadian aircraft were dangerous.
Artistic design of the U.S. NGAD.
"This is not just unprofessional. It is definitely dangerous and unsafe," Wilsbach said at PACAF headquarters at the Pearl Harbor-Hickam Joint Base, Hawaii.
"I ask the Chinese Air Force to intensify and be professional," he added. “Australians and Canadians, as well as the U.S., have been, are and fly in international airspace. They have every right to do so in accordance with international law. And the Chinese do not have the right to damage an aircraft that is operating under international law."
But China doesn't see it that way.
China believes that the airspace over the Taiwan Strait is its sovereign territory, as well as airspace strips over the South and East China seas, where it claims waters in territorial disputes with the Philippines and Vietnam.
Kendall's trip echoes a two-week August trip through Pacific air bases and meetings with allies and partners made by the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. Kendall's visit will not include visits to new partners, but includes stops at U.S. air bases in Guam and Alaska and air bases in Australia and Japan.
Kendall said that the militarization of China in the South China Sea has implications for Australian national security. China has also signed a grassroots agreement with the Solomon Islands, east of Sydney, creating a new strategic dilemma for the U.S. ally.
At a September 2021 "2 + 2 meeting" between U.S. Secretaries of State and Defense and their Australian colleagues in Washington, D.C., Australian Defense Minister Peter Dutton answered a question saying that the U.S. and Australian air forces would have "greater and more frequent engagement".
In July, the B-2s were sent to Royal Australian Air Force Base in Amberley for a bomber task force mission. In Canberra, Kendall signaled that the United States would be willing to cooperate with Australia if it required an indigent long-range attack capability.
"If I saw that you had a requirement for long-range [attack capacity], then we would be willing to talk to [Australia] about it," Kendall said, according to local media. The comments extended to the potential joint development of the long-range B-21 stealth bomber.
"I don't think there is any fundamental limitation in the areas in which we can cooperate," Kendall added.
Source: Air Force Magazine
Tags: Military AviationLoyal WingmanMQ-28A Ghost BatNGADRAAF - Royal Australian Air Force/Royal Australian Air ForceUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in a specialized aviation magazine in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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369rocks · 11 months
Scare Anyone : The world of the supernatural has always fascinated people who either doubt or believe in it. Some think that strange things are just made up, but others are intrigued by the unexplained. Sometimes, normal-looking pictures can actually be really creepy and give you goosebumps. In this article, we'll look at ten mysterious and spooky photos that have left people confused and scared. Get ready to explore these strange images that can't be easily explained. 10. The Scary Commercial The Scary Commercial A video went viral and created a sensation when it showed a woman trapped in a room where chairs moved by themselves and tables blocked her way out. The footage was so eerie that it sparked a lot of discussion and debate. However, it was later revealed that the whole thing was actually a well-made advertisement for a Malaysian movie. The creators used the power of suggestion and clever illusions to trick millions of people. 9. The Dancing Demon The Dancing Demon A photograph captured through a nursery's viewing monitor seemed to show a dancing demon on a patient's bed. But upon closer inspection, it was discovered that the illusion was created by a combination of medical waste, bed handrails, and the patient's own body. Our minds played tricks on us, making us believe in something that wasn't actually there. 8. The Cooper Photograph The Cooper Photograph During the Cooper family's joyful celebration in their new Texas home, something strange happened. A photograph taken that day showed a figure hanging or falling from the ceiling, but nobody could explain who or what it was. Even now, the family is still puzzled and can't make sense of the chilling presence that appeared only in the developed picture. 7. The Brown Lady The Brown Lady The Brown Lady photograph is widely known and debated for supposedly capturing the ghostly image of Dorothy Walpole, who was believed to haunt Raynham Hall. According to the story, Dorothy was imprisoned by her suspicious husband. While some people claim that the photograph is a fake, there is no definitive evidence that has emerged to prove or disprove its eerie authenticity. 6. The UFO The UFO In 1962, a photograph was taken that has puzzled both experts and enthusiasts. Despite scrutiny, its authenticity has not been definitively proven or disproven. This photograph adds to the vast number of reported UFO sightings from around the world, fueling the ongoing fascination and mystery surrounding the possibility of encounters with extraterrestrial beings. 5. Faces In The Water Faces In The Water In 1924, the crew of the SS Watertown witnessed a chilling phenomenon. They saw what appeared to be faces of their deceased crew members in the water near the ship. This strange occurrence sparked a lot of speculation and theories, but to this day, none of them have been proven true. The mystery of the faces in the water remains unsolved. 4. Ghost In The Backseat Ghost In The Backseat In 1959, Mabel Chinnery took a photo that surprised everyone. In the picture, there was someone sitting in the backseat of her car who looked just like her deceased mother. Experts who studied the photo believe it is real, but the truth behind this spooky incident remains unknown. 3. The Scary Japanese Girl The Scary Japanese Girl At first, people thought a photo from a paranormal show was genuinely unsettling. However, it was later exposed as a fake. The girl's creepy expression and head angle were a result of misrepresentation. This incident reminds us to be skeptical when it comes to such images, as they can be easily manipulated or misrepresented. 2. Stranger In The Aircraft Stranger In The Aircraft In 1987, a photograph taken at a military base captured a peculiar moment. A woman who claimed to be alone felt the presence of someone sitting beside her, but there was no one visible in the photo.
Some people think it might be a trick of the light, but the image still gives an eerie feeling to those who see it. 1. Ghost In The Church Ghost In The Church In England, a priest innocently took a photograph of an altar at Newbie Church. To his surprise, the picture revealed a ghostly figure. The image sparked controversy and speculation, but research has suggested that it is indeed authentic. This unexplained phenomenon has left many people fascinated and curious about what could have caused it. Conclusion These ten mysterious and spooky photos have puzzled and scared people all around the world. While some of them have been proven false or given explanations, others still remain mysterious, making us wonder how much we truly understand. Whether you're someone who doubts or believes in the supernatural, these eerie images remind us that reality can be stranger than anything we can imagine. The realm of the supernatural keeps captivating our minds, tempting us to delve into the unexplained and confront our deepest fears. Also Read : She Slept With Her Pet Python Every Night Until The Vet Revealed The Startling Truth Image Source : discord.com
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jminter · 1 year
Picks of the Week - March 1, 2023
March, already? As we go marching nearer to spring, there's plenty of action in these picks of the week. Rugby: Canada Sevens, Vancouver’s most exciting sporting weekends of the year returns to BC Place Stadium, March 3-5, 2023, with the biggest Canada Sevens tournament yet. Now incorporating both the Men's and Women's tournaments into the three day tournament.
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Master: Now until March 9th, take the chance to interact with a Master’s great works, in a new exhibition, Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience running at the Agriplex at Cloverdale Fairgrounds in Surrey. Wizard: Carousel Theatre for Young People is partnering with Kaleidoscope Theatre for Young People to present the Canadian premiere of Oz, a whimsical look at an imagined backstory for how L. Frank Baum might have written his best selling children’s book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. On stage at Granville Island’s Waterfront Theatre from March 1-26, 2023. Dick: At the Arts Club’s Newmont Stage at the BMO Theatre Centre, Teenage Dick takes us back to high school in this adaptation of Richard III, presented in a collaboration with Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival and Realwheels Theatre wrapping up March 5th. Drag: It's the last chance to catch, Corey Payette’s acclaimed new musical Starwalker tells the story of an Indigi-Queer Two-Spirit drag queen learning the ropes of the East Van Drag community, at The Cultch York Theatre until March 5th. Re/Play: Online, the Cultch Re/Play season continues, with the audio-only play The Year of The Cello , and the digital version of The Cafe both online now. Fringe: Until March 15th, Vancouver Fringe Festival, has revived nine live-recordings as part of ‘Fringe Digital Remix’ – an online streaming showcase featuring some of the best acts of its 2022 line-up. Ghost: Directed by and starring Vancouver’s Bernard Cuffling and Aiden Wright, the famed gothic horror, The Woman In Black, haunts the the Jericho Arts Centre in Vancouver until March 5 2023. Improv: The Improv Centre has plenty of programming to add to your Spring laughs; Date Night Thursdays, with special highlights paid to International Women's Day March 8 and Ladies against Humanity March 15. Choir: Chor Leoni prepares to see off winter with an energetic, entertaining concert – PopCappella III – featuring hits by Adele, Kate Bush, BTS, Seal, Avicii, and Simon & Garfunkel at St. Andrew’s-Wesley United March 3 at 8pm and March 4 at 5pm and 8pm.
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PopCappella : Featuring Chor Leoni Members (left to right) Keith Sinclair, Douglas Leung, Paul Larocque, James Emery, Stephen Nestmann Photo: David Cooper Opera: Until March 4, the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts welcomes Burnaby Lyric Opera presenting two musical masterpieces Gianni Schicchi, a comedy by Giacomo Puccini and and Pagliacci, a tragedy by Ruggero Leoncavallo. Gallery: On display until May 14, Polygon Gallery presents As We Rise: Photography from the Black Atlantic Curated by Elliott Ramsey, the exhibition is organized by Aperture and features more than 100 photographs from the Wedge Collection — Canada’s largest privately owned collection committed to championing Black artists. Sun: Need some sun? Take off as Hawaii From Above makes a return to Fly Over Canada, bringing its lush forests and flowing waterfalls to sandy beaches and dazzling shorelines to the Canada Place attraction until April 23. Jam: Pi Theatre’s Provocateurs Series continues with Black Space Jam, a presentation of multidisciplinary art featuring dance, spoken word, stand-up comedy, music and a live DJ, Black Space Jam brings a cultural experience and spectrum of Black art Friday, March 3 at the Biltmore Cabaret.
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Dance: The 16th annual Coastal Dance Festival, hosted by Dancers of Damelahamid, returns March 2-5 at the Anvil Centre, honouring Indigenous stories, song, and dance from the Northwest Coast, Canada and around the world. Comedy: The new comedy Driving Me Crazy, following a family and their relationships with each other as experienced via their vehicles is on tour, crashing onto stages around Metro Vancouver, this week at Surrey Arts Centre March 1-4. Premiere: Touchstone Theatre brings the World Premiere of The Wrong Bashir, a comedy by Ismaili playwright Zahida Rahemtulla to Firehall Arts Centre March 2-12. Read the full article
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eerieonlakeerie · 1 year
The Fisheries
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Photos provided by: Ghosts and Legends of Lake Erie's North Coast by Victoria King Heinsen
“At 2 Madison Street on the Portage River, Port Clinton Fisheries – originally owned by the Lay family, one of the historic and generous founders and supporters of our city – remains a working symbol of the heritage and business still so important to the community. The company passed to the Stinson’s in 1973. With justifiable pride, Mr. Lee Stinson remarked that on December 31st of that year he had put one half of the sale price down; on New Year's Day 1974 he paid the remainder, and Port Clinton Fisheries had operated on his and his family's honest and hard-working watch ever since."
"Today, thirty-seven employees fish commercially as the law allows. Lee himself started working officially sometime in the 1960s. Along with his son Rich, he operates four both of his own during the season. Mr. Stinson reflected on the earliest fishermen who combined fishing and farming to make a good living for the two industries that served as cornerstones in building Port Clinton. As with the Lay's, the Stinsons have paid their workers well, treating them as valuable members of the family business, and the employees have remained with the company for years. 
When I talked with Mr. Stinson in late November, a boat was due in shortly, bringing a load of white fish to be sent to New York City. Huge nets haul in thousands of fish, which are then immediately packed onto ice to maintain freshness and then quickly transported back to the dock.
‘The beauty of white fish,’  Lee commented, ‘ is that they float.’ They also smell like cucumbers. With the aroma of a delicious salad, they are beautiful indeed, measuring about twelve to sixteen inches or somewhat longer, and are the premier entree in many Eastern cities in the United States. Eggs from the female provide caviar as well, but the day I visited, November 24th, was the cut-off day for shipping. ‘It's not good after that,’ Mr. Stinson offered, fiercely overseeing the continued quality of his product.
In the summer, sport fishing continues extensively to the company income. Charter boats, called Head Boats when they carry ten to thirty people or more, motor a few hundred yards down the river into Lake Erie. Smaller boats averaging four to six passengers venture out into the prized grounds, all with the goal of giving their hopeful clients their limit of tasty perch or the largely, highly sought-after walleye. Landlubbing tourists to the area eagerly pay $18 to $30 in fine restaurants for the same dish, so clients who catch their limit of forty yellow perch or six pickerel, even though charter fishing on a private boat may cost up to $400 to $600, find justification and fun for their day on the water.
Port Clinton Fisheries not only cleans the bounty these lucky sport fishing fans bring in, but it has also been known, more than once, to go the extra mile, be at land or nautical, to ensure a happy visit to our community. Despite captains’ and their first mates’ best efforts, sometimes the weather and the fish do not cooperate. It is then that disappointing clients find another way to success, and there is, we know, always another way: they buy the perch or the walleye right there at 2 Madison Street. Then, added Mr Stinson, they ask him to throw a fish to them while one of their friends snaps a picture. Grinning, they leave content: ‘Now we’ve caught some fish!’
Nets for commercial fishing are expensive and need constant maintenance. Port Clinton Fisheries buys bundles of twine for trap nets; the bundles cost about $8,000 to $10,000 each. It is not a simple matter of ordering the twine one day and receiving it the next. Even though they work through an American company in Memphis, it is necessary to place an order at least six months in advance and wait until a considerable number of additional orders are received before the Tennessee firm manufacturers and ships the Fisheries request. Thus, ongoing repair at their own site is extremely essential to the Port Clinton business. For net repair and manufacture, this has always been the way, no matter what company is relied on or to what degree.
So elements operate that keep employees at work late into the night when the rest of the city sleeps. First, trucks arrive at all hours to transport tons of fresh fish to 2 distribution centers throughout the county. People need to load the already boxed catch quickly onto semis so that this happens. Second, net repair, either anticipated or unanticipated, must go on. For example, a private yacht owner complains that he hit a net and damaged his propeller. Conversely, that hole in the net four Port Clinton Fisheries allows fish to escape, costs the company at least $250 for wasted fuel and negatively impacts the amount of anticipated delivery for the arriving commercial customers. 
Granted, because of the expense and value, the nets are not all stored in the same building. Mr. Stinson remembered one incident when another business did this, to its peril. An angry employee set fire to the storage area, with a resulting total loss and demise of the company. Nevertheless, Port Clinton Fisheries is built for net repair, so many nets are stored on the second floor. Chains and pulleys hanging from the ceiling pull the nets tight a distance of about one hundred feet by fifty feet. Net repair, Mr. Stinson commented, is a dying art but one that, when practiced well, keeps an operation going successfully. 
So in the long history of Port Clinton Fisheries, men have waited for arriving trucks and have worked at repairing nets. Even years afterward, the ghosts of people with well-respected Port Clinton names return to the second floor to labor on through the night. Chains clanging as they draw their nets tight, casually conversing as they go on about their routine tasks, the voices and noises of ghosts occupied in the work they love drift downstairs to living men as they go on, too, with the business that is in their blood. 
‘Once you are a commercial fisherman it never leaves your body,’ Mr. Stinson mused. ‘You can go anywhere in the world, do anything else you want, but that feeling never leaves. It’s a part of you that is still with you.’ So it remains with you too after death. The ghosts return because they want to. They love to work. Why? Mr. Stinson sums it up better than I can: ‘It’s my life. It’s been good to me.’
About the ghosts? The second floor, whether full of real-life activity or quiet, has a good feeling both for Mr. Stinson and for his guests. Another woman who serves in a variety of occupations, including photography and the ministry, accompanied me when I interviewed Lee. My friend Reverend Barb Carbral reflected on the positive energy emanating from the second floor, but when she started to take pictures, her battery died. It is an experience I am rather used to but an annoying one for those people who hope for photographs. Ghosts, because of their tremendous energy, drain batteries. 
The Stinsons, the Lays, the Debiens, those long-respected Port Clinton names live and work at the occupation they love. Very much alive or returning from another world, the ghosts and people that have made Port Clinton Fisheries such a valuable part of the community continue their tasks at home, understood and very much appreciated. It is, as Lee knows well, in their blood.”
Story provided by: Ghosts and Legends of Lake Erie's North Coast by Victoria King Heinsen
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fl00dland · 4 years
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𝖂𝖊𝖎𝖗𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖆 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖔𝖐
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myhauntedsalem · 5 years
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The Cooper Family Hanging Ghost
As scary as it looks, this picture has been shrouded in mystery for years now and it is probably the most peculiar ghosts caught on camera. The story goes back to the mid 1950’s taking place in Texas. The Cooper family had just moved into an old house  that they bought and were really excited about it. So, they thought of preserving this memory by taking a picture of the whole family in their new home. But little did they know that there was someone else joining in on their celebration – a spooky figure hanging upside down from the ceiling. There are perhaps other stories that state that an actual body did fall off from the ceiling exactly at the time the photograph was being taken. Why the face of the body remains darkened is another mystery – a faceless body or a paranormal activity? Who knows which part is true!
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justforbooks · 2 years
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Ορκίστηκε και επίσημα Έλληνας πολίτης ο σπουδαίος Βρετανός ιστορικός Μαρκ Μαζάουερ. Ως ειδικός στη μελέτη και ανάδειξη της ιστορίας του ελληνικού Έθνους, ο Μαζάουερ έχει γράψει και επιμεληθεί πολλά βιβλία με θέμα την ελληνική και βαλκανική ιστορία.
Από την πλούσια συγγραφική του δράση ξεχωρίζουν τα βιβλία: «Στην Ελλάδα του Χίτλερ: Η Εμπειρία της Κατοχής, 1941-44» (Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941-44), «Μετά το τέλος του Πολέμου: Ανοικοδομώντας την Οικογένεια, το Έθνος και το Κράτος στην Ελλάδα, 1943-1960» (After the War was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation and State in Greece, 1943-1960), «Η Ελλάδα και η οικονομική κρίση του Μεσοπολέμου» (Greece and the Inter-War Economic Crisis) «Σκοτεινή Ήπειρος: Ο 20ός αιώνας της Ευρώπης» (Dark Continent: Europe's 20th Century), «Τα Βαλκάνια» καθώς και το πλέον πρόσφατο έργο του «Η Ελληνική Επανάσταση» που παρουσιάστηκε πρόσφατα σε ειδική εκδήλωση που πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Πολεμικό Μουσείο.
Για το μνημειώδες βιβλίο του «Θεσσαλονίκη πόλη των Φαντασμάτων: Χριστιανοί, Μουσουλμάνοι και Εβραίοι, 1943 - 1950» (Salonica City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews, 1430-1950) τιμήθηκε με το βραβείο Duff Cooper. Το 2008 δημοσίευσε το έργο του «Η Αυτοκρατορία του Χίτλερ: Η ναζιστική κυριαρχία στην κατεχόμενη Ευρώπη» (Hitler's Empire: Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe) το οποίο κέρδισε το Βραβείο Βιβλίου στην κατηγορία «Ιστορία» της εφημερίδας Los Angeles Times.
Έχει αναλάβει την επίβλεψη πλήθους διδακτορικών διατριβών και έχει αναθερμάνει το ενδιαφέρον για τις ελληνικές σπουδές στο εξωτερικό, ενώ τα άρθρα γνώμης του με τα οποία σχολιάζει ιστορικά θέματα αλλά και ζητήματα της επικαιρότητας φιλοξενούνται τακτικά σε διεθνή ειδησεογραφικά μέσα αλλά και στον έντυπο και ηλεκτρονικό Τύπο της πατρίδας μας.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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mythgirlimagines · 2 years
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If there’s a machine that needs a tune-up, who can you call? Why, Myth Anon, the Former Ultimate Mechanic, of course!
Someone as honest and straightforward as Myth obviously has the honest and straightforward backstory to match. Myth’s heavy interest in the mechanics of vehicles and appliances obviously stemmed from the fact that all of her immediate family members had machinery-related talents (her father was the Former Ultimate Car Salesman, her mother was the Former Ultimate Clocksmith, her first older sister was the Former Ultimate Audio Engineer, and her second eldest sister was the Former Ultimate Battle Bot Champion). As someone raised by such a machinery obsessed family, it would make sense that Myth would grow up to be a machinery-obsessed loon, and while Myth is usually a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to all sorts of machinery, she particularly specialises in the repairing of vehicles and appliances, and when not in school, she helps her father repair the cars that are sold at his shop, which is how she got the title of the Ultimate Mechanic in her high-school years (alongside her general hospitality and charisma helping her father rope in far more prospective customers at his shop), although she would much rather have the title of  “Ultimate Mechanical Engineer”, because she feels as though her original title doesn’t live up to the sheer expertise is almost all things machinery, and designing her very own machines has always been a girlhood dream of hers. In her adult years, she’s currently balancing her career and her well-deserved position at a prestigious mechanical engineering institute. It may sound treachourous, but for Myth, nothings impossible without the right resources and a little bit of elbow grease.
Wyre Anon, Former Ultimate Team Manager
When not working out or going to school, Wyre spends a lot of their time managing the “TBD-Town Dinos”, only the biggest Little League baseball teams in all of town. As an expert and extreme fanatic of the sport, Wyre knows exactly how to get their beloved teammates (which they view a bit like their own siblings or even like their children) to cooperate and secure a win for the town’s team. Their loud voice and forceful personality definitely does wonders for motivating their team, even if they do have a tendency to cuss freely in front of the kids. Myth and Wyre also happen to be childhood friends and mutual workout buddies, and any time either of them feel down, they always head over to each other’s houses and go do some mode of exercise, in order to help lift both iron and spirits. When it comes to fixing jammed-up pitching machines, no one top Myth, and Wyre always pays her in Gatorade bottles.
Outfit: A green and beige cap with their team’s logo on the front, a matching jersey over a black shirt with a flaming tire on the front, white shorts, white socks, and red and yellow sneakers.
Anon Scar, Ultimate Photographer
Claiming that she uses her talent to “capture the souls of the innocent and immortalize them for all of humanity’s miserable time on earth” (purely for the sake of seeming cool and edgy), Scar is known for her eerie and creepy photographs (which are taken with an old-fashioned black-and-white camera) that have alleged ghosts or other spiritual beings in the background. So while she may not be well-liked when it comes to people wanting to take normal photos, she is beloved by edgy aestheticians and lovers of the macabre everywhere, who would pay ludicrous amounts of money to have one of her eerie photographs. Myth finds Scar to be mysterious and almost as creepy as her photographs (not helped by her incomprehensible chuuni-talk). But Myth finds herself fascinated by Scar’s prized old-fashioned camera, having only seen such old-fashioned machinery in her mother‘s clock shop.
Outfit: A black t-shirt with a white ghost illustration on the front over a white sweatshirt with black stripes, a black and white skirt held up with black suspenders, black and white striped stockings, black boots, the mask and makeup from her original design.
Fusion Anon, Ultimate Swordsman
If you regularly keep up with televised sword-fighting competitions, surely you would recognise the face and name of Fusion, who has won every single swordfighting tournament he participated in for two years in a row, with the help of his signature sword: a scimitar that he calls “Turquoise”. In spite of what his scarred body, imposing height, and combative talent (and the reputation he gained as a result of said qualities) would suggest, Fusion is a very cheerful and kindhearted soul, who is always willing to give people one-on-one sword-fighting lessons. As a fellow athlete, Fusion gets along rather well with Wyre (he can’t handle her foul mouth though) and by extension, he also gets along well with the friendly mechanic, and they regularly exercise and work out together (alongside the other below-mentioned Anons with athletic talents). Myth and Fusion also like chattering to each other about their respective talents.
Outfit: A blue hoodie with red stripes on the sleeves underneath a golden chestplate and shoulderpads, black pants, brown boots, has his sword in a golden holster, and has scars all over his body and face.
Fusion Anon II, Ultimate Animator
Commonly found in her bedroom and working diligently on her latest project, Fusion II is a well-known online animator, famous for her satirical web cartoons (she also has a lesser-known book review video series) that usually take place in supernatural fantasy worlds (a surprising number of gags can come from the combination of the setting and the standard mode of humor, which leads to a lot of memes in their respective fandoms). While Fusion II normally doesn‘t interact with anybody (not even her fans), the very few people that she bothered to interact with all agree that she is stoic and about as sarcastic as the humour of her magnum opeses. Because of her general workaholic attitude, she only ever really interacts with Myth if she needs help drawing machines, which is how the upright mechanic and the sarcastic animator managed to forge a strange friendship over drawing up new machines.
Outfit: Purple and pink headphones around her neck, a shirt that matches her headphones over the gakuran top from the original design, black digital artist’s gloves, grey sweatpants, black socks and off-white slippers, the sunglasses from her original design.
Just Anon, Ultimate Chef
Graduating from the top of his culinary academy and being made a major celebrity, as a result of his talent and instant mastery of just about any cooking style that one could put in front of him and his culinary delights are able to put even professional chefs to shame. However, Janon appears to really dislike his talent, and would much rather hide away in the shadows, underneath his bedsheets, and simply live off of delivered microwaveable meals than actually cook anything for himself or others. Apart from the two Jr. Ultimates (who are talked about below), Janon seems to treat the other Anons with disdain and complete disregard, and Myth is certainly no exception to this rule. Janon only really interacts with Myth if he needs a kitchen appliance fixed. Myth is simply shocked and appalled that all of these high-tech cooking tools are going to waste, and Janon couldn’t be bothered to use any of them.
Outfit: Same outfit as the original, but with a chef’s outfit underneath his hoodie.
Sparkle Anon, Former Ultimate Animal Breeder
Usually calling herself a “SPECTACULAR BEAST TAMER”, Sparkle is infamous for both her stellar breeding of show dogs (although she’s definitely not limited to just dogs) that win awards at only the most major and most famous televised dog shows, and her advocacy for the prevention of cruelty to animals of any kind, for Sparkle is well-known for treating each and everyone of her showdogs with the love and care that they rightfully deserve. She’s usually seen with her three favourite fluffy and pure white showdogs right by her side (and they each have monogrammed capes with their names on the outside): Andrew, Lloyd, and Webber, who have a track record of winning every dog show that they participated in. As a fellow dog person, it makes sense that Sparkle and Myth would get along swimmingly, despite Sparkle’s initial hesitation to let her well-groomed dogs get anywhere near that “grease monkey”.
Outfit: A blue coat with little jewels on the (fake) fur lining over a black shirt with an orange paw print on the front, a pink poodle skirt over black leggings and blue boots, the glasses and hairstyle from her original design.
Egg Anon, Former Ultimate Gymnast
As one half of the twins from the royal family of the Kingdom of Denebict, Egg seems content being shunned in favour of their twin sibling (who will be talked about directly below), and would much rather focus on their athletics. Topping every single gymnastics competition and gaining swarms of swooning fan-Anons, they were eventually chosen to represent Denebict in the Anonlympics with their beautiful and physically-taxing artistic and rhythmic gymnastics routine, and managed to win the competition by a landslide. While known for being a jokester in their home country, they have garnered a reputation in other countries as “cursed” and a “memelord”. As a fellow athlete, Egg gets along with Wyre, and by extension, Myth (think of it as smarter-than-they-look-or-regularly-act thembo/herbo solidarity). Egg and Myth love to work out and get up to trouble that the other adults have to dig them out of.
Outfit: A green and black hoodie over a tight green and yellow leotard, white leggings, fluffy green leg warmers and black ballet-esque slippers.
Wet Sock Anon, Former Ultimate Princex
As the other half of the royal Denebictian family’s twins, Wet Sock was chosen by their parents (the crowned king and queen of Denebict) to become the new crowned princex of the town, on account of their knowledge of their country’s history (they have a particular interest in Denebict’s illustrious war history and has a whole collection of professionally-crafted swords), and their general professionalness, sanity and level-headedness in contrast to their disowned muscleheaded athletic superstar twin sibling. Considering their two respective social standings, Wet Sock usually spent the earlier days of their tenure at the Kibo-Con looking down on the “lowly labour worker”, much to the anger of the mechanic. However, as Egg eventually found out, Wet Sock is housing some forbidden feelings towards Myth, and now, Egg is trying their damn best to break down those regal walls, and get the princex and the mechanic together.
Outfit:A golden crown on their head, a black vest over a white dress shirt and a black cape with a red interior, black pants and blue socks, the glasses and earrings from their original design.
Curious Anon, Jr. Ultimate Traditional Dancer
Renowned by the traditionalist crowd for their graceful dancing skills and their ability to pull off both masculine and feminine roles, Curious‘s performances garner a massive crowd, because of these beforementioned qualities, as well as their polite and supportive (“Yamato Nadeshiko“ is another term that people use to describe them) nature towards their fans. They may be a bit of a passive doormat, but Curious’s fans claim that that is simply part of their special Curious charm. Because of Curious’s traditionalist upbringing, they’re not really skilled in the realm of modern technology and can barely work a modern cellphone, which is where Myth and her superior mechanical knowledge come in. Every time Curious has a machinery-related problem or query, Myth would always be right beside the dancer with the answer, and Myth gets happier, for her mechanical knowledge is finally respected by another Anon.
Outfit: Longer hair with flower decorations in it, a green, red, and white kimono with a red obi, white socks, and brown zori sandals.
Anon Nerd, Former Ultimate Nurse
Garnering fame for mastering even the most difficult of medical treatment, many people are surprised when they found out that Nerd’s currently working as a nurse, especially considering his usual behavior. Despite his general jerkish personality and hot temper making Nerd seem like a less-than-stellar nurse, people under his care have noted that he is far more caring and affectionate (albeit begrudgingly, for he’s only doing this to get qualifications to move on to a bigger and better medical career, despite still remaining as a nurse for all of these years) in the workplace, than he is in real life. Considering Myth’s line of work and her usually-physical hobbies, it only makes sense that the local doctors would know her by name, and is regularly assigned Nerd to care for her, much to the irritation of the medical professional. But at least, Nerd does his job well, and Myth is up and running in no time.
Outfit: Red-tinted glasses, a white lab coat over a black turtleneck sweater, black pants, and brown shoes.
Eldritch Anon, Ultimate Musician
You’d be surprised to learn that the lead vocalist for the cynical hardcore death-metal band “THE X-POSERS” is a five-foot-nothing teenager who always cowers and stutters at the sight of people. However, that is only who Eldritch is off the stage. On the stage, the whole attitude flips, as he’s willing to scream to you about all of the evils of the cruel world until your ears begin to bleed. Despite not garnering an audience with authorities or old people (both due to the subject matter and the sensitive hearing of the elderly), the band’s subject matter is a hit amongst the rebellious teenage crowd. Whenever working, Myth always likes to have some industrial metal in the background (she claims it helps to set the mood in the workshop), and actually managed to hear some of Eldritch’s music in her playlist. She doesn’t care about the lyrics, but she likes anything with good sound equipment and instrumentals.
Outfit: Wildly dyed hair, a black leather jacket (that has the band’s logo on the black) over a dark grey turtleneck sweater, black fingerless gloves and matching nail polish, blue jeans and tall boots that add about four inches to his height, elaborate facial makeup.
Dream Anon, Ultimate Yakuza
Despite seeming like your standard genki and innocent shoujo protagonist (with the spirit and physical capabilities of a shonen protagonist), Dream is actually the daughter of and the heiress to only the biggest and most influential yakuza families in all of the country. Despite this (and several instances of not knowing her own yakuza-trained strength), Dream remains a cheery and kindhearted (if slightly childish for her age) teenage girl, and is planning on turning over a new leaf with her business. Myth actually fixed the cars of a couple of influential yakuza members and could have lost a couple of body parts, if not for her competence at her job. Because of that experience, she’s naturally a bit shaky around Dream, much to the yakuza princess’s obliviousness. However, according to Wyre’s accounts, Dream actually loves sports and regularly plays volleyball matches against the team manager.
Outfit: A black gakuran top over a pink t-shirt, a black skirt with white leggings, black Mary Janes.
Iris Anon, Jr. Ultimate Lucky Student
Having been accepted into Hope’s Peak Middle School through the recently-implemented lottery system (in an attempt to copy the high school division), Iris feels a bit like an outsider to the other Ultimates (both in her class, and in the Kibo-Con), but they tries their best to not let that get them down. Because of both their natural clumsiness and their chronic bad luck (that’s always balanced out by a stroke of good luck), Iris regularly ends up breaking things, and regularly has to visit Myth, if that thing was an electronic device. Myth often times wonders how someone could be so lucky yet unlucky at the same time, and it appears not even Iris has a scientific explanation (as an Anon of science, Iris is always ready to shoot down any claims that the luck cycle is “magic”) that can justify their weird luck cycle. Weird attachment to plants (clovers, in particular) and superb clumsiness aside, Myth finds Iris to be a great friend.
Outfit: Messier braids and glasses with a cracked left lens, a green hoodie over a green and light blue dress with a clover design near the bottom, yellow rainboots with clover stickers on the side, several assorted bandages on her skin.
Purple Anon, Reserve Course Student
Unlike the rest of her Ultimate, Former Ultimate, and Jr. Ultimate peers, Purple is a part of Hope’s Peak High School’s Reserve Course, planning on specialising in Literature and Writing (hence her ridiculously old-fashioned speech and vocabulary, if rumors prove correct). Because of said difference and her general timidity and anxiety around strangers, Purple regularly isolates herself from the rest of the group, and hardly ever speaks to the other Anons, unless she absolutely has to. She also seems to have a weakness for candy, and can easily be lured out of her hiding place, by waving any sort of sweet in front of her. Just like all of the other Anons, Myth finds Purple to be one hard-to-crack mystery. Despite having chose to attend the Kibo-Con tour, she seems to be intent on isolating herself from the group, in addition to her incomprehensible speech and her obvious lack of a talent.
Outfit: The usual Hope’s Peak uniform, but with a purple sweater vest underneath her blazer.
In this AU, watch as the Former Ultimate Mechanic impresses her peers with her mechanical know-how and her misadventures as the Con’s official tech support!
Always willing to do what she can to help others, Mechanic!Myth is a charismatic and helpful soul (which really helps business), always willing to help those in need, even if she isn’t getting paid for the endeavor. Despite not seeming or acting like it (usually acting muscle-headed and reckless, much to the dismay of the Con’s brain cells), Mechanic!Myth is still an expert in her field, and dislikes being seen as lesser in intellect than others, just because of the label that was assigned her. When it comes to any sort of machinery, Mechanic!Myth would just talk your ear off about them, which is good for equally talkative Anons, but not very good for more socially-awkward Anons, and it goes to show that despite her seemingly macho and rough attitude, Mechanic!Myth is just a massive nerd deep down. She also has quite the love for cute things (such as cats and dogs), and if you combine her two interests, and introduce her to a cute machine, you will bet that she’ll be your best friend for life. Then again, it’s very easy to become Mechanic!Myth’s friend, for she gets just as attached to people as she gets to her machines.
One of the most notable differences between Mechanic!Myth and Romantic!Myth is that Mechanic!Myth is far more muscular in stature and is covered in engine grease, in contrast to Romantic!Myth. Mechanic!Myth wears her brown hair in a bun and a pair of golden goggles on her head, a white tank-top with a cat-like robot design on the front. Around her neck is a gear-shaped necklace with a heart in the center (Wyre has an identical one). Myth also wears a pink jumpsuit with light blue stripes on the side, and oddly enough, dark purple crocs on her feet.
I apologise for my tardiness again, but I hope you like this “Talentswap Thursday” post! I‘d love to hear your thoughts on this AU, and if you have any opinions on or additional headcanons for this AU, I’d love to hear it!
-Fusion Anon
I still can't get over that I'm the youngest child in these aus lol-
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