#stranger things x y/n
annwrites · 2 days
please, god, please, take him instead.
— pairing: billy hargrove x fem!reader
— type: ficlet
— summary: you wake up with a cold, & once the two of you have reached vegas, for the next three days, billy prays to god that you don't slip away from him as he nurses you back to health.
— tags: ANGST, billy being a worrisome wreck, billy playing nurse to you, billy crying
— tw: medicine
— word count: 5,536
— a/n: find my other posts concerning billy here
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When you wake the next morning, it's with a slight cough and the occasional sneeze. At first, you don't think much of it. Perhaps it was just the desert sand irritating your sinuses. Maybe it was the arid air. Maybe it was nothing.
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You lean your head against the passenger side door frame, shutting your eyes.
You'd only been on the road for a little over two hours. Billy had suggested that morning—since you'd brought it up previously in Oklahoma—maybe the two of you make another little detour and check out Vegas for a few days, or a week. You'd agreed easily, excited to see it yourself. Excited to see it with him. Until you began to feel worse.
You were halfway there now, but another two hours seemed like a lifetime. All you wanted was a hot bath and a soft bed to lie down in. You wanted desperately to sleep. But the rumble of the engine, the music, the wind blowing through the open windows—your head felt like it was ready to split open.
You, with heavy arms, pull your hair into a ponytail, desperate to cool down. God, this heat was unbearable. Maybe going so far West had been a bad idea if you were this sensitive to the temperate climate.
Too late now, however.
Billy glances to you, frowning at your flushed complexion, your hooded lids. "You alright, baby?"
You blink tired eyes. "I don't feel good."
"You need me to hit the next rest-stop? I think one is comin' up in about five miles."
You close your eyes. "I don't need to go. I just feel so hot."
He doesn't bother making a joke, doesn't smirk or raise a brow. He reaches over, placing his palm against your forehead. A muscle in his jaw feathers in worry then. "You're burnin' up," he says, placing his hand back against the shifter. "You seemed fine last night."
You shrug lightly. "Maybe it's just a bug I caught." You yawn.
He glances over his shoulder. "Lay down in the backseat and get some rest. We'll be there in a couple hours."
You open your eyes. Crawling back there sounds like the equivalent to climbing Mount Everest to you right now, but staying seated the way you were didn't sound all that appealing, either. You unbuckle, climbing between the seats, curling up with the same pillow from that first night in his car. The smell of him comforts you.
How long you had both come. And not just literally.
He throws over his shoulder, "Let me know if you need me to stop for any reason. Alright, angel?"
You nod, head already feeling light as you drift off. "Alright."
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"Wake up, darlin', we're here."
You slowly blink your eyes open, squinting against the light of day.
Billy kneels down, brushing some hair out of your face, his form blocking you from seeing outside of the car. He presses his palm to your sweaty forehead. "You're still runnin' a fever."
Your eyes flutter closed again. "So tired."
"I know, sweetheart. Our room is only a few feet away. I already took all our things inside. Once you get in there, you can go back to sleep. C'mon," he encourages.
You groan, sitting up, head swimming. You press the heels of your palms to your eyes, the world spinning. "Oh God."
He slides his hand up your leg. "What's wrong?"
He doesn't like the sound of that. You'd had breakfast, but that was hours ago. It was just because you were hungry. That was all. As soon as he got you inside, he'd run out and get you something to eat. And then you'd be fine.
You'd be just fine.
He slides his arms under you, picking you up, shutting the door with his hip.
You lay your head against his shoulder, shutting your eyes, brows furrowed.
He carries you into the room, gently lying you down on the bed and he begins tugging off your shoes. "You want me to help you undress?"
You look at him, his serious expression, surprised he's not using the questions as a come-on. You nod lightly.
He pulls off your tanktop, folding it, then he begins to tug off your jean shorts, and folds them as well, placing both on the bedside table.
You shiver then. "Why is the AC on so high?" You whimper, trying to get beneath the covers.
He glances to it, then walks over, checking the thermostat. It was at a comfortable enough temperature to him. A little warm, even. He turns back to you and watches as you wrap a comforter around yourself. He leans down, pushing hair away from your forehead, pressing his lips to it―he remembers his mom doing the same when he was little and sick―and when he pulls away the blood drains from his face.
"Baby doll, you're on fire, how do you feel cold?"
You just shiver in response. "C-can you turn the heat on?"
"T-then, can you hold m-me? You're really warm."
He glances to the door, then back to you. "You haven't eaten since this morning. Aren't you hungry, honey?"
You shake your head. "My stomach hurts."
He chews the inside of his cheek. You're most certainly sick, and a cheeseburger isn't going to do it. He needs to run to a pharmacy and see what they have that he can give you, which lines up with your symptoms.
He kneels down, running his hand along the comforter, gently gripping your hip. "I need to go pick you up some medicine, baby. Will you be okay here on your own?"
You nod, still shivering. "C-can you put another b-blanket on me if there's one?"
He walks over to the closet and finds one, even if it's rather thin. He fans it out, draping it over you. He then grabs his leather jacket, putting it overtop of it.
He turns the AC down even further, knowing he's going to sweat through his fucking clothes when he gets back.
He presses a firm kiss to your forehead. "I'll be back in just a little bit. Alright, angel?"
You nod. "O-okay. I'll wait h-here."
He kisses you one last time, hating to fucking leave you like this for even a second. "I love you," he whispers, standing, grabbing his keys and heading out.
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As Billy stands in the cold medicine aisle of a local pharmacy, he silently curses to himself at the plethora of options. He picks up a bottle of Robitussin in one hand, and a bottle of NyQuil in the other, and then he spots another bottle of Motrin just to the right.
"Why are there so many fuckin' cough syrups? Jesus." He mutters to himself.
He decides on the two bottles he's currently holding, and also picks up a thermometer, and an ice pack for your head. He has to get that damn fever down. And if the medicine doesn't do it—if it only gets worse—you won't like what he'll be forced to do next.
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As he drives back to the motel, he searches his mind for what could've possibly brought this on. Traveling alone would do it. You'd been in how many motel rooms and diners and tourist attractions now? And then he thinks of you on the hood of his car, your naked body soaked from the pouring rain.
He hangs his head for a moment. "Fuck," he mutters. He looks back up to the road. He should've shoved you back in the car the second that storm hit. Should've at least put you in a hot shower when the two of you got back to your room. This was his fault.
All so he could get his rocks off. And you hadn't even finished.
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When Billy comes back into the room, you're fast asleep. He wants to take you resting as a good sign. They always say that, don't they, when someone is sick? To drink plenty of fluids and get lots of rest?
He sets the plastic shopping bag down on the bed, then grabs the ice bucket, heading back out to fill it.
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When you wake, it's nearly dark out. The entire day gone.
You quickly realize that you're pressed up against Billy's bare chest, his warmth covering you. God, he felt so nice and warm.
You press your palms to him, closing your eyes again.
You feel him stir.
"You awake, sweetheart?"
"Barely," you mumble.
You feel his body shift, like he's reaching for something beside the bed and then he speaks. "Open. I need to take your temperature."
You do and he slips the cool metal tip of the thermometer under your tongue.
A moment later, he removes it and you hear him curse, then setting it back on the bedside table.
"Is it bad?" You ask, snuggling closer to him, wrapping one of your legs around his, trying to soak up as much of his body heat as you can.
"It's one-oh-one point six. That's not good. You definitely have a fever, which I already knew." He gets out of bed then and you nearly cry from the loss of warmth, wrapping yourself in blankets again.
You hear a plastic bag crinkling and after a moment he returns to you. "Sit up for me, darlin'. I need you to take this."
You pop one eye open, eyeing up the tiny cup held between his fingers. "What is it?"
"Something to hopefully help break that fever. C'mon now."
Slowly, you sit up, clutching blankets to your chest with one hand, taking the cup from him with your other. You sniff, then look up at him.
"It's not a shot, it's Robitussin. Just take it, Jesus. Please."
You throw it back, your nose wrinkling at the taste as you hand it back to him.
He hands you a cup of ice water then and you down it quickly.
He walks across the room, then returns with anther cup full.
You down it as well.
He smirks. "Want me to just bring you the whole damn ice bucket?"
You just lie back down then. "Can you hold me again?"
"You want to shower first? You're burning so damn hot you're about to give me a fever next."
"Not really."
"How about a bat-"
"Please, Billy."
He sighs. "Alright."
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When you wake in the middle of the night, you're drenched in sweat, but somehow still freezing. Had he not turned the AC down? You also have to pee something awful. When you get up to go, however, the room spins and you hit the floor.
Billy wakes with a jolt and when he realizes his arms are empty, he panics. "Baby, where are you?"
"Down here," you call from the floor.
He quickly throws back the covers, coming to you. He kneels down. "Act like you've never walked around in the dark before," he says with a smirk. "If you need help finding your way around a bedroom-"
"I fell. The room won't stop spinning."
His smile quickly drops.
"I need to go."
He nods, even if you can't see it, and he picks you up, carrying you into the bathroom.
Once he's set you on the toilet, he steps out for a moment to give you some privacy, leaving the door cracked.
Once you start to go, it takes a few seconds.
He leans his head back against the wall. "Sounds like a damn fire hose in there."
You barely roll your eyes at the sarcastic comment.
"You're drinking more water once you're done, just so you know."
"Great," you reply flatly.
Once you've wiped, you stand, flushing and then it hits you. You double over the toilet, vomiting.
He rushes into the bathroom, quickly pulling back your hair with one hand, rubbing your bare back with his other.
"Shh, it's okay, sweetheart. Just let it out. You'll feel better." He hopes.
Once you have nothing left to expel and you stop dry-heaving, you lower the toilet lid, flushing yet again, lying your sweaty flushed cheek atop the lid and you close your eyes. "I think I'm dying," you say quietly.
"Don't fucking joke about that," he states defensively.
You slowly open your eyes, looking up at him, his expression utterly serious.
He picks you back up. "Back to bed, young lady."
After making you drink not one, not two, but three cups of ice water—even putting an ice pack on your feverish forehead, which had caused you to shake violently—he'd given you another cup of Robitussin, then laid back down with you.
He'd chewed you out when you'd tried taking the icepack off, so you'd left it be after that. You'd stuck your cold hands down his briefs as payback, though.
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In the morning, you feel worse.
You'd dry-heaved a few more times during the night—enough times that Billy had eventually placed a trash can on your side of the bed—and had sweated straight through the sheets. Billy had given you a few more doses of the Robitussin, but it seemed like nothing was helping.
You do and wait for the thermometer to read your new temperature. It had gradually climbed little by little overnight.
When he removes it, his brows furrow and you could swear his eyes even get a little glassy at the reading.
You stare up at him.
"It's over a hundred and three now," he states, voice full of worry.
He glances to the bathroom, then back to you.
"Can I go back to sleep now?"
He puts his hands on his hips, considering, thinking. And then he shakes his head. "I...I can't afford to take you to the hospital, sweetheart. So we're going to try something else." He steps closer to you. "You're not going to like it."
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You thought you had felt cold before, but you had been deeply wrong. Your body shakes violently in the tub as ice-cold water pours down on you from above. You wrap your arms more tightly around your knees, pulling them impossibly closer to your chest.
"P-p-please stop. I'm s-so c-c-cold."
Billy fights against the tears gathering in his eyes. "I know, baby. But I have got to get this fever down. This is the only way."
He turns the water on higher, unable to do anything more to help you as he watches—completely helpless—as freezing water pounds down against your trembling, naked skin.
All he can think is: is he doing the right thing? Is he really helping you? What if he's only making it worse? Making you more sick? Maybe a trip to the ER was what you needed. What if...he let it go for too long and...you didn't wake up again? He shakes his head. No. Anything but that. He cannot fucking think like that.
You were going to be just fine.
You had to be.
If you died, he'd fucking kill you. He can't fathom a life—no, a world—where you no longer existed by his side.
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Once Billy has dried you off, you cling to his broad frame, trying to warm yourself.
He swallows down the lump in his throat at the icey feel of your skin.
"C'mon, angel, let's get you back into bed."
You like the sound of that immensely.
Once you're beneath the sheets, Billy gives you a dose of NyQuil next, wondering if mixing cough syrups is a good idea, but clearly the Robitussin was doing jack-shit for you.
He crawls in next to you again, lending you his body heat and you quickly bury yourself in his side, whimpering as you try to get warm again.
He presses his lips to your forehead. Still hot. "I'm going to let you sleep for a couple hours and then I'm taking your temp again."
"Just don't make me go back in there, please." You beg.
And it breaks his heart.
"I'll do whatever is best for you. We have to break your fever, sweetheart."
You moan, pressing your face against his chest.
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You're half-asleep when Billy puts the thermometer in your mouth again. When he removes it, you don't see his reaction to the reading.
Not the tears streaming down his cheeks, not the way he throws it across the room, not his burying his face in his hands as he becomes a nervous wreck, worrying that he's slowly killing you.
The only thing he has left in all the world. His girl, his sweetheart, his lover. His fucking heart.
If he loses you... He prays to God—genuinely—that if this is some sort of sick punishment: please, God, please, take him instead.
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Billy gently rocks you in his arms, thinking you're asleep as he quietly cries. "Please, baby, don't leave me. I'm waiting for you. Please. We're so close. We're almost there. I can't-" He sniffles. "I told you before that I can't do it without you.
"Without...without you, all of it means nothing. It'll have all been for nothing. It was for you. All this shit." He begins to cry harder then. "Stay with me."
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The next morning when you wake, you're not drenched in sweat for once. And, while you feel like you've been hit by a freight train, you don't feel like you're freezing. Nor is your body burning up.
Billy had eventually exhausted himself from crying and worrying and overthinking that he'd passed out at some point in the night, holding you, telling you over and over and over again—more times than he could ever hope to count—that he loved you.
Your arm feels heavy, your movements a bit uncertain, but you reach up to his face, cupping his cheek as you rest your head on his chest. "Billy?"
His eyes immediately open and he shifts so that he's hovering over you. "You're awake," he says, almost like he's surprised by the fact.
Before you can reply, he presses his lips to your forehead. And then he stares down at you with wide eyes. "I think your fever finally broke."
He gets out of bed, heading across the room, hands on his hips as he surveys the floor. "Where the fuck did I put it? Jesus, why did I have to do that? Ha!"
He bends over, grabbing the thermometer, then coming back over and wiping it off before popping it in your mouth.
And when he removes it, he actually cries tears of joy. He crushes his lips to yours, not caring one bit if he gets sick himself. "It's over, angel. Your fever broke. You're okay. Everything is okay now."
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After quickly showering—even if he'd been terrified to leave you alone for a moment, but you'd had him sweating for two nights now, and not in a good way—Billy returns to the bedroom to you napping.
Whatever you'd caught had taken it out of you.
He sits down on the side of the bed, turning to you. "You awake, honey?"
You groan lightly. "Wanna sleep."
"I know, but you haven't eaten in going on three days now. We need to get something into your system; build your strength back up."
"Later," you reply, burying your face in a pillow.
He sighs. "Once you've eaten something, then you can go back to sleep. Maybe once I've given you a bath, too."
You don't reply.
He walks over to the entertainment center, picking up menus for local takeout from atop the box TV. "What sounds good to you?" He asks, flipping through the laminated papers.
He smirks. "That's not on the menu."
He comes back over to the bed, sitting. "You want to pick something, or do you want me to order for you?"
"Don't care."
He briefly considers threatening you with habanero hot wings if you don't pick something on your own, but bites his tongue. "You want something easy on your stomach, like soup?"
"I'm not really hungry," you say, finally looking up at him, dark circles under your glassy eyes.
He leans down, gently tucking some hair behind your ear. "I know, honey, but you'll realize that you are when you finally eat something. Please."
You're quiet for a moment, lying your palm overtop the back of his hand. Then, "Soup is fine."
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Once dinner has been delivered—Billy ordering some ribs for himself from a place which serves American comfort food—he opens a large container of chicken noodle soup and hands it to you, along with a spoon. And when you go to serve some to yourself, you nearly spill it.
You look up to him sheepishly. "Woops."
He smirks, shaking his head. "Need me to spoon-feed you?" He asks with a raised brow.
The idea seems humiliating, but your hands were so shaky and your arms felt so weak that you worried about ruining the bed, if not burning yourself.
You don't get a chance to answer before he comes back over to your bedside. “Scoot forward a little.”
You do and he slides in behind you, pulling you back to him, your head resting in the crook beteween his chest and armpit. He puts his left arm around your waist, holding the soup, while his right holds the spoon, feeding you.
“Here comes the plane,” he says in a sing-song voice, holding it in front of your face.
You roll your eyes, but open, swallowing. It’s a tad bit salty, but good.
After a few spoonfuls, you realize he was right: you’d been starving and hadn’t even noticed.
Once the bowl is halfway empty, you speak. “Thank you. For everything. No one has ever taken care of me like this. If you weren’t here, I…”
You trail off, laying your head back against his shoulder, looking up at him. 
He kisses your forehead for a moment. “Wouldn’t have gotten sick in the first place if it weren’t for me.”
Your brows furrow. “How so?”
He holds the spoon in front of your lips. “Remember what we did on the hood of my Camaro? During a downpour?”
You flush, then take another sip.
Once you’ve finished your soup, you’re still quite hungry. “Is there more?”
Billy looks down at you for a moment, then nods. “Yeah, there’s more.” He gets up, padding across the room, retrieving a styrofoam container and handing it to you when he comes back over.
When you open it, your mouth begins to water. You look up at him before you take a single bite, however. “Is…was this for you?”
He shakes his head. “I’m not hungry right now. I got it for you. Figured just soup wouldn’t be enough.”
You stare at him for a moment, feeling like he’s lying. “I’ve never eaten ribs in front of you before.” Meaning he’d have no way of knowing they were a dish you enjoyed.
He shrugs, getting back on the bed. “You’ve had barbecue with me before. Remember the sandwich of mine that I let you try at that one joint before we got into that big fight… The one where you left?”
One of the worst nights of his life was spent in his car searching desperately for you all over a small Oklahoma town. He’d never forget the terror of thinking he’d lost you for good. Never forget the hole he’d felt in his chest at the thought of never seeing you again. At the thought of never getting to one day tell you how he felt. Feels.
You hum your response. “I remember now.” You don’t want to dwell on it. You know he’s ready to beat himself black and blue over it if that will please you. 
You pick up a slab of ribs, tearing the meat apart, then taking a bite. You look up to Billy, sauce all over your face. “Want some?”
He smirks. “Think you’re going to need a bath after this.” He takes it from you, finishing the piece off.
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Once you and Billy have filled yourselves, he leaves you in bed watching TV as he goes to run you a bath.
He takes a moment in the bathroom to break down a little. To cry. From relief.
He’d been so afraid… If your fever had climbed any higher, he was taking you to the ER. He wouldn’t have given a shit about money at that point. But once they had your names in their system… What if someone realized? Found out? What if it triggered something, and the cops came to drag the two of you back? He’d make up whatever story he had to to protect you then. 
He’d always been an asshole to you at school, but had clearly shown a bit of carnal interest. So he’d take the brunt of it. Would tell them some ridiculous kidnapping tale. Even if he knew you wouldn’t go along with it for a second. Not now. Not after falling in love with him.
He still couldn’t believe that you did: love him. He wasn’t worthy of it, but he was selfish enough to keep you to himself if that’s where you wanted to be. He couldn’t handle it again: you trying to leave. It’d nearly broke him the last time.
Nearly losing you like this, though… When the two of you had only just begun… He shakes his head. He’d done the right thing, and you were better now. Were going to continue getting better—recovering. 
What had you once told him? You weren’t his responsibility? He thinks since that first night he’d made you as much. You were his purpose now. His priority. His to take care of. Provide for. And unlike his step-sister, which he’d had shoved onto his plate, he wanted to be that for you. That’s what a man did when he loved a woman. He protected her. Made sure she was well looked after. She came first. Period.
He shuts the water off, the tub nearly filled to the brim, steam wafting into the air, and he steps back into the bedroom. “Bath’s ready.”
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Billy had insisted on bathing you himself, and after much bugging, you’d caved. He thankfully hadn’t gotten soap in your eyes this time. He’d taken a bit of extra time scrubbing down your breasts and between your legs, though, his lip twitching while doing so, but you’d said nothing of it.
It honestly just felt good to be catered to. Maybe even babied a little. All of that had stopped for you the moment your mom went out the door.
Then you think back to your dad. To the other students at school. It was so…insane, really, to think about. The two of you had really run away together in the middle of the night to go cross-country.
A small smirk works its way onto your lips. If someone had told you even just a month ago where you would be right now: here, with him, naked, in love, going to California in his car…you would’ve laughed in their face.
Billy is currently sitting on the floor, facing you, back leaned against the wall behind him, arm resting on the edge of the tub. His lip twitches when he sees you smiling to yourself.
“What’re you smiling about?”
You glance up to him, covering yourself with what little bubbles are left in the water. “Nothing.”
He leans forward, slipping his hand under the water’s surface. “Want me to climb in there with you?”
You lean back. “I don’t think this tub is big enough for two.”
 He slips his hand between your thighs, his arm submerged up to the pit. “Oh, I’ll fit. Or, at least something will.”
You close your eyes, placing a wet cloth over them. “I don’t have the strength for that right now.”
He shrugs. “I have no problem doing all the work.”
You fight a losing battle against a smile breaking out across your face. “Can you stop?”
You’re both quiet for a moment, his thumb rubbing soothing circles against your thigh, water gently lapping against the tub’s edge. 
You finally tell him what was on your mind. “I was just thinking—wondering, rather—what people back in Hawkins must have thought about the two of us disappearing at the same time. The theories they came up with.”
Billy grips your leg then, possessively. “I’m sure your pretty boy Harrington is worried sick.”
You remove the cloth, gently splashing him with a few drops of water. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
He leans back, crossing his arms. “Not if I can help it. Incase you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m the jealous type.”
Your brows furrow. “Really? Who would’ve ever guessed?” You say, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Was half-tempted to get my knuckles bloody for you back then, too. Just from him asking you out alone. And right in front of me, at that.” A beat of silence, then, “I drove by there that night, y’know?”
“That ice-cream place. Twisted something-or-other. Saw you and Steve acting all buddy-buddy. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so fuckin’ pissed. And then I had to go pick up Angie for our date after and…” He trails off. Was he really about to tell you about how you had been the cause of his dick not working properly that night?
“And what? You already tried rubbing in my face what the two of you did.”
He glances up to you. “Yeah, well, it almost didn’t happen.”
You’re taken aback by that. “Oh?”
“Once we were in the backseat…” He leans back, sighing, head lightly bouncing off the wall behind him. “I could barely get it up, alright? All I could fucking think about was you doing the same damn thing with him in the backseat of his piece of shit BMW. And then it just got worse. She wouldn’t shut the fuck up, I’m trying to get my shit to work, and then I thought about Monday. What if you came in holding his hand all starry-eyed and in love with him? What if… What if that was it? You were his, and I’d lost, and I was right back to square fucking one again. So, I finally flipped her on her stomach, pretended it was you, and laid some pipe. End of story.”
You sit there dumbfounded. You’d meant that much to him even back then? Enough that he—Billy Hargrove—had struggled to get an erection? All because she hadn’t been you? While you did feel somewhat bad for Angie, you also wonder what could’ve possibly been going through her head to think giving it up to him on the first date was a good idea.
“You could’ve had me, Billy. Sooner, that is. If you’d treated me differently. Been, I don’t know, nicer? More of a gentleman?”
He smirks, laying his arm back against the edge of the tub. “Because I’m such a pro at that.” He’s silent for a moment, then, since he can’t not dwell on something, “Why weren’t you into him, anyway?”
You sigh. You were going to be hearing about this at every opportunity for the forseeable future, you could tell as much now. “I just didn’t find him physically attractive, for whatever reason. Does it matter?”
He smirks. “Not your type, huh? Guess I’m the real winner here after all. So, what was it about me, then? My car? My rebel attitude? My devilishly good looks,” he says, leaning in for a kiss.
You lean toward him as well, resting one of your hands over his heart. “No, Billy. It had far less to do with all that superficiality and more to do with you.” You curl your fingers inward
He stops moving, brows furrowing.
You continue. “You don’t think you’re good enough. Don’t think you’re capable of kindness. But, look at everything you’ve done for me since that first night on the side of the road. Taking care of me, paying my way here, looking after me. Just recently nursing me back to health. I…I don’t want to think about where I’d be if you hadn’t been on that same stretch of road at the same time that I was.” You look down, twining your fingers between his. “I think you were meant to find me... That we were meant to find each other.”
He cups your cheek in his hand then, eyes now a bit red. He doesn’t argue. Doesn’t remind you about another night where he’d found you on another stretch of road trying to then get away from him. Or yet another late-night bit of asphalt where he’d told you that you were his, after he’d spent an entire day committing actions which said otherwise. 
Your eyes meet his. “Everyone has their own love language. I think yours is acts of service. You’re a care-taker and you don’t even know it. You’re more selfless than you realize.”
He shakes his head. “I’m not. I wouldn’t have done all of this for anyone else.” He leans in toward you even further. “Anyone.” He cups the back of your head of wet hair and presses his lips to yours.
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theemporium · 1 year
Best friend Eddie has had a *thing* for reader since middle school. But is worried to go for it (reader is sweet, smart, and funny. Probably would be popular if she didn't spend so much time with the "freaks".) So he'll take any little bit of affection he can get from her.
(I think we've all seen from the show and the interviews that JQ's love language is touch.)
Maybe Eddie starts hugging her and holding her a lot until one day at lunch he puts his hand on her knee and she moves it onto her thigh under her skirt (?).
You can take it from there 😂 that's the extent of my genius.
thank you for requesting!🖤
part two
Eddie Munson had always been an affectionate and touchy guy. 
You had been friends with him for many years and it was an undeniable fact the boy loved to show his affection through physical touch. Whether it was an arm thrown over the shoulders of the younger boys in the club as they make their way to the classroom to start the latest campaign, or whether it was knocking shoulders and excitedly hugging his bandmates when they make a breakthrough on a song they had been working on. 
Eddie was an affectionate guy and that treatment was extended to you too. 
It also just happened that he had a massive fucking crush on you and felt like his heart was going to burst through his chest every time he touched you.
It had been a normal Thursday. Classes had been long and torturous, but Eddie was practically bouncing in his seat to head towards the cafeteria for lunch. When he walked into the room, he saw you sitting in your usual seat—the one right next to him at the head of the table.
It was difficult to wipe the grin off his face as he made his way towards the table, slumping down into his seat and not even wasting a moment before he was gripping the back of your chair, dragging you close enough until your thighs were pressed together. He did this every day but something about you liked the way your heart skipped when he pulled you closer. 
It baffled Eddie why you always sat with them. You weren’t in Hellfire, not really. You never played but you enjoyed listening to them rant and ramble about it. You had other friends you could have sat with, ones that wouldn’t have made you seem as though you were a ‘freak’ along with the rest of them. But despite Eddie’s insistence that he wouldn’t be offended if you sat somewhere else, you still chose the seat right next to him—to make your own point. 
You were very happy and content where you were, settled under Eddie’s arm with your head resting against his shoulder as he continued to discuss the latest campaign with the other boys. You smiled softly, watching how excited and animated they got and the way Eddie’s face glistened in pride at how much they loved his campaign. 
But then your thoughts started to wander and you felt something warm just above your knee, your eyes darting down to see Eddie subconsciously place his hand on your thigh and gently stroke the skin exposed by your skirt. 
You pressed your lips together, not saying anything. You didn’t want him to move his hand, maybe because you weren’t sure Eddie saw you as anything but a best friend. And with this—with this, you could pretend it was something more. 
Then his hand moved up a little, the movement almost a little hesitant like he was waiting for you to push it back down. 
But you didn’t. 
You waited for him to shift higher but it stayed firmly where it was, a couple of inches below the hem of your skirt. Your eyes darted up, seeing the boys still screaming and yelling at each other across the table and lost in their own conversation. You stole a quick glance at Eddie, finding his eyes firmly stuck on the boys but the hint of a smirk on his lips gave you another idea. 
Your fingers slowly wrapped around his wrist, giving it a soft squeeze before you began to guide his hand higher up your thigh. It inched closer and closer until—
Eddie cleared his throat when you pushed his hand under your skirt, your thighs clenching together to trap his hand there. He pressed his lips together, forcing himself to keep his face neutral as though blood wasn’t roaring in his ears and going straight down to his cock. 
Your legs parted a little, just enough for him to move his fingers once again. You kept your gaze anywhere but your lap, the heat rushing to your cheeks warning enough that you would instantly blow your cover if you saw the sight of his hand between your legs. 
Eddie’s fingers slowly crawled further up your leg, his fingertips teasing your clothed cunt. You let out a small gasp, quickly covering it up with a cough as you felt his fingers press more firmly against your panties.
You nuzzled yourself against his side, the action not uncommon and, therefore, ignored by the rest of the group. Your face was practically pressed against the fabric of his jacket, muffling the small sounds that left your lips as his fingers grazed up and down your cunt—the touch too light but enough to make you squirm.
Nobody even questioned it when Eddie ducked his head down, his lips pressed against your ear and his warm breath fanned across your skin. 
“You’re so wet, baby,” he muttered, his voice low enough that only you could hear him. “And I’ve barely even touched you.” 
“Eddie,” you breathed out. 
“I didn’t know you liked this kinda stuff, sweetheart,” he murmured, his fingers pushing against your clothed clit as you fought the urge to squirm. “Letting me do this to you when anybody could see.” 
“Shit,” you hissed, the fabric of your panties soaked. 
“Who knew my best friend was such a slut,” he cooed softly. 
“Eds,” you whined slightly, your cheeks flushing when you felt his thumb press slow circles on your clit. 
“Or maybe you’re just a slut f’me,” he teased, grinning a little when you nodded your head. “A shame, baby.” 
Before you could even process his words or the way your stomach twisted in delight at his words, he was pulling his hand away and resting his hands on the table like nothing happened. 
You gaped at him, your panties now soaked and your body desperate to feel his touch again but the boy just shot you a look. 
“Later,” he said, eyes darkening a little when he noticed the way your thighs clenched together. “Keep ‘em on all day and you’ll get a reward later, in my van.” 
You bit your bottom lip. 
His lips grew into a smirk. “Gonna make sure that pretty little skirt of yours is fucking ruined, sweetheart, don’t worry.”
And then he returned to the conversation about his campaign like nothing was wrong.
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wonderlandwalker · 3 months
A Hero on Socks | Virgin!Eddie Munson x Reader
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Stranger Things Masterlist / Inbox
Summary: You've always known your now boyfriend Eddie was a virgin, but with how worked up you've been while teasing him recently, you're not gonna let the first time be over that quickly
Content Warnings / Tags: Smut, mdni, virgin!eddie, established relationship, wrap it before you tap it obviously, overstimulation, no use of y/n
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: Couldn't resist my Eddie Munson fixation any longer. The title comes from a Dutch expression and it basically means someone who seems courageous but is actually a nervous little shit and it seemed perfect for Eddie. I haven't written in a little while so I hope this is still good <3 (This accidentally posted early so enjoy xx)
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The two of you had been dancing on a delicate line of 'just friends' for a while now, and you're not even entirely sure what the turning point was, but eventually you crossed it, now officially being able to call Eddie Munson your boyfriend.
He made heart eyes at you every time you walked in a room, and not a single one of your friends failed to point this out when you told them you got together, none of them the slightest bit surprised. 
It might be a new relationship, but you have known each other for years now, and you knew how to get what you wanted from Eddie. So yes, you knew he was still a virgin, but you failed to see how this would make a difference to you, you didn't care, people shouldn't have to worry that others will hold that against them. What you hadn't counted on, however, was how shy he actually turned whenever you started to tease him.
While you were still friends he would flirt with you unrelentingly, constantly making suggestive comments and touching you in one way or another. But maybe the fact that nothing was supposed to come of it gave him the boost he now seemed to have lost, because whenever you slipped your hand underneath his shirt when you were on the couch next to him, every moment you tried to heat up a kiss, he would go rigid, you would feel his body tense as he ceased any and all actions to create some distance between you. 
You asked him what was going on, asked him if he didn't want to have sex with you, and you had never seen him swivel his head in place so fast, his eyes wide with confusion as he looked at you, sputtering to tell you that wasn't the problem at all. And that's when you learned that the dungeon master of the hellfire club was in fact nervous. 
And really, it was quite cute to see the blood rush to his cheeks when you took your top off, his Adams apple bobbing as you sucked on his pulse point. The boy was downright bashful. 
As the days passed, you found more and more ways in which to get a rise of out him, in more ways than one. From walking into the chill living room without a bra under your t-shirt to not so subtly grinding your ass into him while standing closeby, but your plan began to backfire as you just wanted him more and more yourself, wondering how much longer your patience would hold up. 
The silent curses and groans had you losing your own mind with lust as the days passed, up until the moment he had finally snapped, dragging you into his bedroom in frenzy, trying to get you on top of him as fast as he could.
All of your hard work had led to this moment right here, you could hear his panting from underneath you, his breath becoming more shallow as the muscles in his abdomen started to twitch, and if you weren't so lost in pleasure yourself, you might have teased him for how fast he was becoming undone. 
It's only been a few minutes, and there's a heat creeping up on his neck, you can't resist bending over to meet his lips in a searing kiss. When you move on to mouth at the soft skin of his neck, delicately sucking hickeys into it, the sounds that leave him are nothing less than sinful.
His hands have a death grip on your hips, trying to ground himself but miserably failing every time you grind yourself further into him. You're trying to figure out what he's saying, but it's no more than mumbling in-between his moans of your name, and with how hazy your head is you don't have it in yourself to figure it out. It's only when he suddenly slams his head back against the pillow, face screwed up in a way you can see the small crease between his eyebrows as he curses wildly that you pick up on the fact he wasn't just close, no, he just came. 
At any other time you would have found it adorable, you would have giggled and coed at him softly as you assured him with a sweet kiss that it's okay, but not this time. This time you've been getting yourself worked up from teasing him, from leading him up to this, from the feeling of finally, finally  getting his dick inside you. So no, not this time, this time you won't let the feeling in your stomach fade away, won't stop just yet. 
You feel his cum coating your walls, and the feeling only keeps you going further. It takes Eddie a few seconds to catch on in his state, heavy breath he's trying to catch and a permanent look of pleasure now etched on his face, but you know the exact moment he realizes from the small twitch his dick is already giving again.
"Sweetheart, what are you doing?" He sounds almost close to tears, but he looks at you with nothing but amazement in his eyes.
"You might be done Eddie, but that doesn't mean that I am" youre starting to get a little out of breath yourself, the sentence caught between small whimpers, he scrunches his eyes shut again when you tell him, and the most heavenly moan leaves his mouth as you continue to roll your hips. 
You knew deep down that if he truly wanted to, he could easily get you off him, even in a euphoric state, and so you knew that he is enjoying himself just as much as you are.
His eyes snap back open as you start to go faster, chasing that warm feeling bubbling up inside you, his dick is fully hard again inside you, and you don't doubt it has turned an angry red colour by now. 
"It's too much baby, I can't-" he doesn't manage to finish his thought from the guttural groan that follows him, and you can't deny it only turns you on further to see him this blissed out. 
He's struggling to keep his eyes open, wanting to watch you but gettig lost in the vision of it. Torn between pleasure and pain, the two merging together as you keep going. You can feel the satisfaction of it tugging at your heart as you keep moving, feeling his throbbing dick inside of you as you change the rythm. Eddie is still a mess underneath you, whimpering and groaning for anything, for everything, and it’s too fun not to tease him further.
“What do you want Eddie, tell me and I might give it to you.” You wonder if it even matters what you’re saying, sure that at this point he’s far beyond reach, but he doesnt dare leave you unanswered. 
“You’re so warm baby fuck, just please, please”
You lean into him again, leaving a trail of kisses down the spot on his neck you know make him go weak. “Please what, finish your sentences honey, or I’ll stop right now” The both of you know it’s an empty threat, you’re too close yourself to even dare abandon your goal, but the mere thought of it is enough to make Eddie give you anything you’d want, youre decently sure you could ask for the moon right now and he would go out to catch it for you.
“Please let me cum, I wanna cum so bad holy shit” He can feel you tightening around him as he asks, another pornographic moan leaving him, and you would have made fun of him for it if you weren’t basking in the fact you’ve got him wrapped around your finger.
“Alright baby, because you asked so nicely, go ahead, cum for me.” you whisper the response in his ear, and it takes him mere seconds to find your lips, hiding away in the sweet escape of your tongue against his. For the second time you can feel his cock pulsing his cum inside of you, desperate for the realease. And it’s that feeling exactly, the feeling of his pleasure, that tips you over the edge yourself. The ecstasy taking over your mind, helplessly keeping rocking against him as you slump over, moaning his name as you cum. He catches you in his arms, already tracing patterns in your skin as you’re still riding out your orgasm. 
It takes you a few minutes to fully come back to earth, stars twinkling in your vision. You can feel Eddie’s steady breathing underneath you, his heart still thumping rapidly as you listen for his regular pattern of breaths, mimicking it in order to catch your own. 
“You alright?” His soft voice soothes you, always so gentle, even if most can’t see it. It makes you chuckle this time around, amused at the irony.
“I feel like I should be asking you that.” He mirrors your expression now, a grin breaking out across his face.
“Never been better sweetheart” He accompanies his words with sloppy kisses all over your face, smacking his lips against you in a manner that has you giggling against him.
“Was worried it was too much is all” You look down when you tell him, and he cups your jaw, silently asking you to face him again
“There isn’t a world out there where there could be too much of you.” He kisses you slowly this time, not rushed, not chasing anything, simply enjoying the moment as it is.
You lift yourself up slightly, feeling him leave from inside of you, and when he does you already miss the feeling again. You feel his seed dripping out of you, revelling in how he filled you up until you were so, so full. He’s watching, and you can feel his dick make a small twitch at the sight as he’s holding his breath, completely fixated on it.
“Fucking hell-” he still can’t seem to tear his gaze away, and you’re not immune to the effect itself.
“Give me a few minutes and we can go for another round” You’re laughing at his antics now, his nerves seeming to have fully disappeared and the Eddie you know so well has made it back to you.
He coaxes you to the side to lay down next to him as he slides his arms around you, your leg tangling over his as you snuggle up beside him. Your limbs feel like jelly as he holds you, his fingers still delicately moving across your skin as you can hear his heartbeat evening out from where you're lying down on his chest. This was Eddie, your Eddie, a guy who put on a big show for everyone, but when he was with you got to see his true self, and it only made you love him more.
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ssweetleaf · 11 months
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pairing— eddie munson x fem!reader
w/c— 2.2k
♡ summary— you and eddie have just got married, and seeing you in your pretty dress, all pure and innocent, he can’t quite wait until after the after party to get his hands on you.
♡ includes— SMUT 18+, corruption kink, semi public sex, mentions of eddie getting a boner in a church lol, unprotected p in v, (please wear protection!!) hand over mouth muffling, slight breeding kink, shitty ending!!!!!!
a/n— based off this lovely ask by @televisionboy pleasepleaseplease let me know what you think!! <3
˖ ࣪⭑
The ceremony was over, rings slid over knuckles and vows spoken, sealing it all with what was supposed to be a pretty kiss, turned a little crude— with Eddie dipping you back, fingertips tracing along your spine whilst his lips worked against yours, all sloppy and full of tongue and spit.
But it was your day. Your’s and Eddie’s— Mr and Mrs Munson, it was kind of odd once you said it out loud, barely twenty-three and already hitched, but you were in love and still extremely touchy. That much was evident once his gaze had flitted to you when walking down the isle— satin dress all tight and short, neckline low enough so the weight of your tits filled out the space, jiggling with each coordinated step and a pretty veil surrounding your shoulders, littered with sparkles and rhinestones, glistening in the light that filtered through the stained glass.
Shit. He was already hard by the time you had stood beside him, joining hands at the altar and he had to subtly adjust the crotch of his slacks— in a mere second the holy space had turned quite hellish, though how could anyone blame him when you looked like that. So pretty.
His wife.
So, the reception began— a free bar and sabbath crackling through the shitty speakers, and it didn’t take long for your guests to become— with lack of a better word— wasted.
And they wouldn’t notice the two of you gone for a little while…right?
˖ ࣪⭑
“Shit, sweetheart, been hard since we said our vows—” he groaned, palms heavy on your hips and kneading at the fatty parts, letting them slip, down, down and squeezing at the soft globes of your ass— prominent from underneath the tight satin. “You tryin’ to kill me?”
You beamed up at him, lazy smile and hooded eyes, a little inebriated by too much champagne and his kisses— hands smushed against his cheeks and continuously pecking, one, two, three, sucking his bottom lip between your teeth and lathering your tongue against it.
“Can’t believe you had a boner in front of the vicar, Ed.” You stifled a laugh, cheeks warming and you heard his chest rumble, pushing you further against the bathroom counter and urging you to jump up, helping you slide your ass against the cool marble, back pressing snug against the mirror while you started for the crimson silk of his tie.
You marvelled at him, the same as you had many times that night, cooing and batting your lids at how handsome he looked, all dressed up.
“So pretty, Eds—” your lips curved, tugging at the knot between his collar and easing it from his neck, haphazardly pushing the buttons through the holes while he sucked on the delicate skin of your neck, heavy with your perfume and slick with your sweat, he inhaled it deeply. “Can’t believe you’re all mine.”
Eddie tugged at your hair, tilting your chin and roaming at the new amount of skin revealed— the calluses on his palms were rough on your chest while they smoothed over the swell of your tits, carefully pushing away the flimsy straps that held your dress up and pulling the cups down, the weight of your tits heavy and spilling free, nipples hardening even with the stuffy atmosphere and he felt like drooling at the sight.
“My wife.” He spoke, simple and syrupy— eyes all gooey and soft, leaning forward to stop your ministrations to nuzzle the curve of his nose against yours. Sweet and not a care in the world in the moment, as if you weren’t having a quickie in the women’s restroom clad in your wedding attire. “when we get to the hotel room, I’m totally gonna love on you properly— candles and all that shit.”
But for now, he thought, he was gonna ruin you— taint the innocence of your dress and pretty veil, leave you impure and drooling, begging to serve like a good wife does.
His cock was swelling uncomfortably, pressing tight against his slacks, almost busting the zipper and he took a hold of your throat, squeezing at the sides, feeling the pre-cum start to drip once that look he knew so well dripped along your features then settled— dumbified and longing, honeyed irises turning glassy, lips all pouty and puffy.
All for him to corrupt. His pretty little bride.
“There she is.” Eddie cooed, pushing the skirt of your dress upwards, grabbing a fistful and tucking it underneath your bra— keeping it there so there wasn’t any interruptions between him and your pretty pussy.
The fabric was crinkling, and if you weren’t so inebriated from his existence, you would’ve berated him for it.
But you were in far too deep.
“You been thinkin’ about this too, haven’t you, sweetheart?” He mocked, tugging at the silk that covered your cunt, snapping the elastic crudely against your tummy, fingers dipping in, only for them to dip back out again. “Saw you watchin’ me, baby— looked like a little bitch in heat, clenchin’ your thighs and everything.”
Your cheeks flushed, heat travelling down your neck and right to your core, leaving your clit pulsing and restless, eager for EddieEddieEddie.
You nodded, big pout much akin to your big eyes, staring up at him and fiddling with his open shirt.
“Couldn’t help it, Eds,” you whined, head spinning from the constant pressing underneath the elastic. “You’re gonna be mine forever— gets me so worked up.”
He grinned, finally pulling your panties down your thighs and shoving them into his back pocket.
“My husband.” You hummed, cunt clenching at the mere sound on your tongue. Fuck, you loved the way it sounded.
“Aw shucks, honey, you really are tryna make me blush, hm?”
And he was, cherry blush smeared along his cheeks and down his neck, you could see it littering his collar bones and flickering down the span of his chest— black button up open and flowing at his sides.
Eddie took his first look at your pretty pussy, different now you were married, much more beautiful and it made his mouth water— so puffy and glistening with your slick, so wet you were dripping onto the counter beneath you, and he marvelled at the way you clenched around nothing.
“Shit, sweetheart, I need to be inside you,” he rushed out, pulling at his slacks and you helped him with his briefs, wet spot apparent and seam almost splitting at how tight they had become. “Promise I’ll eat this pussy later— treat you real nicely, like a little princess, hm?”
His cock was out, thick and long, looming over your pussy while he held it there, before smacking the head against your clit.
“That okay, baby? Gonna let me use you for a bit before I’m all sweet on you?”
Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull, whining at his choice of words and the way his mushroomed tip nudged at your clit, pre-cum spreading along your slit and folds and making you even stickier than before.
“Yeah— need it s’bad.” You gurgled, tongue practically lolling out the side of your mouth and fingers clutching at his forearms, leaving crescent moons in their wake. “Want you to use me, Ed— use your wife.”
He groaned at your filthy mouth, though it wasn’t anywhere near as filthy as his and held the base of his cock, easing the head to your entrance and slipping slowly inside.
Your slick made it easy, slipping right in with barely any resistance, though the squeeze of your walls when you clenched around him had his knees starting to buckle.
“F-fuck, sweet girl—” he whined, bottoming out to the hilt, balls heavy against your ass and cock so full inside you, stretching you out and splitting you in two. “Look like a fuckin’ angel.”
You did, practically glowing, or maybe that was the sweat… or the champagne, though whatever it was, you looked beautiful— pure and sweet, pouting up and him, almost begging to be corrupted and dirtied. The thought made you pulse, made him twitch.
You were already babbling expletives, dirty words dripping from your tongue like honey, all while your lids started to grow heavier and heavier.
“Supposed to be my good little wife, honey—” he managed, groan rumbling in his chest and palms pawing at your tits. “You sure have got a filthy mouth.”
He had the audacity to smirk, balls deep inside, trying not to thrust too hard otherwise he’d cum too soon— though he still thought it was fitting to smirk.
You clenched around him. Hard. Wanting so badly to give him a taste of his own medicine and give him a little cocky smirk back, though with the way he pounded and the way his pretty tip nudged at your g-spot, you weren’t quite sure you could.
“Oh, pretty baby’s all fucked out.” He cooed with faux concern, mocking the pout that stayed put on you lips and he quickly leaned down to press a kiss to them. “Wanna say I’ll go easy on you, sweetheart, but you know I couldn’t do that.”
One quick peck, another, and another— one, two, three, before he slipped his tongue inside, swiping it along your molars and flicking it against your own appendage, heavy with spit, and laced with his throaty moans, going nicely with your pretty whines.
Eddie couldn’t deny the way your noises affected him, hardening him further if that was even possible and leaving his thrusts to get harder— however the two of you had to be somewhat quiet, and though the thought of getting walked in on at any moment was quite electrifying, you didn’t really want any of your family getting an eyeful of the two of you fucking like little bunnies in season.
He’d have to find a way to shut you up one way or another.
So, he pressed his palm heavily over your mouth, muffling your cries to a dull vibration against the lines of his hand— his new ring glistening in the light, showing the both of you how real it was that the two of you were married. In sickness and in health.
“Should’ve put my cock down your throat,” he sighed, trying to suppress his own crude noises with a bite to his bottom lip. “Would’a made you all quiet then, wouldn’t it, dirty girl.”
You were whining still, fluttering your lids when your moans were stifled, finding purchase in grabbing at his chest and clawing at his pecs, easing a groan in return, which you would’ve shushed if it wasn’t for your occupied mouth.
His other hand smoothed over your thigh, kneading at the thickness before travelling upwards, grabbing a handful of tit and squeezing it, thumb and forefinger pinching at your nipple and watching it grow impossibly harder at the cruel action.
Your eyes started to roll back, your nails began to claw deeper.
“I know, sweetheart, I know,” he cooed, “jus’ wanna let everyone know how good you’re feeling, don’t you?”
You nodded as best you could in the hazy state you were in, thick with fog and eyes lined with tears, now streaming down your cheeks, and you were certain your pretty makeup had turned into a muddy mess— mascara streaks and all that.
“Yeah, that’s right, but you gotta be quiet, baby— gotta be good and make me proud.”
You were close, and he could feel it— hugely familiar with the way your orgasm grew, the way you clenched much harder than normal, pussy pulsing and clit thumping along with your heart, creaming his cock completely and you hadn’t even slipped over the edge yet.
He was close too, stuttering breaths and shortened thrusts, a little sloppy, though still just as delicious, you could feel him twitch inside you, hot and heavy, so ready to burst.
“You ready to cum, baby? Can feel you clenchin’ real hard.” His fringe stuck to his forehead, slick with sweat and you brought a hand up to push it out of the way, a few wisps getting caught in his vision. “Such a dirty girl— does bathroom sex really do it for you?”
“Shit— gonna cum too—” he squeezed his eyes closed, bracing his free hand on the counter and clutching at the edge with tightened fingers. “you ready for my cum, honey? Ready to have my babies? We’ve waited this long, sweet girl, might as well start now.”
You whined and cried out, wanting so badly to scream, though his palm kept that from you.
“Yeah, I know you want it.” He cooed, “make me a real daddy.”
It was in unison when you came— thick ropes of cum painting your inner walls, filling you up and spreading warmth throughout, while you pulsed and spasmed, creaming his cock and dripping all over the bathroom tiles, drool slipping from your mouth and along his hand, escaping the confines and sliding down your neck and pooling at your heaving chest.
So messy.
You felt sated— both of you did, glowing and completely spent, cuddling up to each other as close as you could even in the awkward position.
Until there was a knock.
“Excuse me, is there anyone in there?”
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eddies-ashtray · 11 months
Getting ready for bed with Eddie <3
(CW: Could be read as gn reader, but Eddie calls reader 'princess' once). |1.1k|
The bathroom is bathed in soft yellow light, slightly muted behind the chipped white sconces. From down the hall you can hear the faint clink of mugs and plates being placed in the sink by Eddie. 
It’s half past 11 and you’re in your sleep shorts and a faded t-shirt as you brush your teeth. You’re about halfway done when Eddie enters the space, sliding in behind you with a gentle hand on your hip. 
“Hey, princess,” Eddie purrs, placing a delicate kiss to your neck, just by your pulse point. You lean into him as he does so. Despite the fact that you’ve spent all day together and he just saw you less than five minutes ago, his greeting isn’t odd to you. 
Eddie grabs his toothbrush from the cup beside the sink and squeezes a glob of bright green toothpaste onto the bristles. 
You spit toothpaste in the sink before replying sweetly, “Hi, baby.” 
When you straighten up again, Eddie bumps his hip gently against yours. You bump his right back. A foamy, close-lipped smile graces his lips around the toothbrush in his mouth and you poke the shallow dimple that pops into his cheek as a result. The divot remains for a few extra seconds in response. 
Faintly, you can make out the chirping of crickets in the overgrown grass outside and the hum of cicadas in the trees, a summer symphony.
It’s simple moments like this that the novel domesticity of living with Eddie strikes you. You love brushing your teeth together, grocery shopping in the evenings, and cooking dinner with him (even if it is just microwave noodles or frozen pizza). As long as it’s with him. 
You love the simplicity of it. That’s how you know you’re happy with Eddie; when there’s not a single thing you could do together that would bore you. He makes everything better, easier even. 
Since Wayne works nights, you and Eddie get the trailer to yourselves most evenings. You like to imagine you’re living somewhere in the city, that this is your shared apartment. 
You hope you get that with him someday. But for now, the trailer is just fine. You could be anywhere with Eddie and it would be just fine. 
Grabbing your book from the side table, you slip into bed while Eddie finishes up in the bathroom. You won’t sink beneath the sheets and get all comfortable and cozy until he joins you. 
You barely finish more than a page before Eddie dives into bed with you. And you mean that literally. 
When Eddie enters the room, he has a running start of about three paces before diving on top of the duvet, landing on your legs which stretch out beneath the worn fabric. The bed jolts with the action and so do you. As a result, your book falls into your lap.
Eddie looks up at you from where he lays on his belly across your legs, propping his chin up against his hand innocently. He bats his long lashes at you like he hasn’t just caused the entire trailer to shake. 
“Are you trying to break the bed?” You ask through giggles.
“No. But we can try,” Eddie remarks, winking and wiggling his eyebrows. 
You scrunch your nose up in faux distaste. “You know, I don’t think I’m up for it now that you’ve broken both of my legs.” 
Eddie laughs softly, eyes crinkling in the corners. And though it’s just a joke, he still apologizes. 
“Sorry,” He says softly, still giggling lightly, before leaning down and placing a sweet kiss to your now exposed hip. He had forced the covers down a few inches with his landing. You push his hair back from his face in response, tucking curly strands gently behind his ears. 
“Have you ever considered, I don’t know, just calmly entering a room and not jumping on innocent, unsuspecting people?” 
Eddie looks at you like you have two heads. “Where’s the fun or flare in that?” And then awkwardly rolls over off your legs and onto his side of the bed. You scoff at his silliness, fingertips pressing against your forehead as you giggle at him. 
He readjusts, pushing himself up and back so he’s sat next to you where your back is pressed up against the wall behind his bed. 
Once he’s settled, you look over at him, and you’re hit with this feeling in your chest that grows and spreads. It takes you over; how much you love him. 
So you lean over and you kiss his cheek, and after you do and he looks at you, he must see it in your eyes and understand. He must recognize it in himself because his eyes soften in the low lamplight of the room and he leans in again and kisses you properly. His lips are soft and taste vaguely of your strawberry chapstick.
When he pulls back slowly, you notice the light smudge of white on his skin and thumb at the small bit of dried toothpaste across his chin. The unshaven stubble there scrapes lightly against the pad of your thumb as you do so. Usually, he shaves every other evening, but he’s neglected his razor for the last bunch of days. 
“Hm,” You hum, eyes tracing a path across the scruff lining his jaw. 
“What?” He wonders softly. 
“You haven’t shaved,” You reply mildly, hand cupping his jaw and very lightly scratching his cheeks, which are dotted with stubble. 
Instantly, Eddie suggests, “I could shave it right now if you wanted.” 
You smile softly, huffing a soft laugh through your nose at his eagerness to do what pleases you. He even starts to get up from the bed before you stop him. 
“Nuh-uh, you’re already in bed,” You say, not wanting him to leave. “And besides, I like it.”
Eddie smiles softly at that, grazing your cheek lovingly with the back of his index finger. 
Then he settles down a bit, lays his head on your shoulder, and you rest yours against the top of his head. 
The pair of you sit there for a short time, you reading your book and Eddie watching you read while fiddling with the fingers on your free hand. 
After, you pull the duvet up to your chins and pull each other close. And you fall asleep just like that, wrapped up in each other just as much as you’re wrapped up in the covers. 
There’s a certain ineffable safety that comes with falling asleep in someone’s arms. In Eddie’s, specifically. You always sleep well when you're next to him. 
Thank you for reading! If you liked it, please reblog!
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nouearth · 9 months
rated i for impatient.
steve harrington x male reader.
summary: in the middle of a slow afternoon at family video, steve has an idea on how to past time, and it involves you and your mouth.
wc: 3.4k. warnings: explicit smut, handjob (r!giving), blowjob (r!giving), mouth-fucking, deep-throating, lots of spit, gagging, bantering, workplace quickie, co-workers, established relationship, rough!steve, but also gentle!steve, bigdick!steve.
a/n: and it's been a hot minute since i've written smut, as well as a full one-shot!! i swear, i feel like my small hiatus made me forget everything, lol. but i hope it's as good as my other stories and i also hope you guys enjoy steve's first appearance on my blog!
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“Dude, you seriously couldn’t wait?” 
Heavy footsteps followed Steve as he dragged your trudge into the storage closet. Even though his back faced you, he responded with a shimmy of his shoulders, the flight of muscles equally excited to cease the sluggish afternoon.
“Oh, come on!” He shut the door once you entered with a distressed groan. Though, he knew you didn’t mean it despite your pointed tone. 
“I know you want to.” Steve sang with a tease, cornering you against the door with a playful dance, and a smile that had charmed you since the first time you had met him. 
You’d been keeping track at how many times Steve had simply captivated you with his presence. It was embarrassing because you’d lost count since day one. The only statistic that you did know was that you were losing.
Losing bad.
Always a goody two-shoes and extra responsible, yet somehow, you were never a prude and knew how to have fun. If only you weren’t so hesitant in this moment. It was your first week, your fourth day at Family Video, and you wanted to make a great impression, even if it was only something to fill up your time during the summer.
He continued to dance, singing a tune that had been stuck in his head since three mornings ago, and your lips curled into smile while he performed within the narrow space. A few stumbles threw him off balance, but upon seeing your lips bitten to hold back a laugh, the following trip had been intentional. 
Steve collided into you, though barely as he caught his weight against the door. A whisper of gasp dried your throat when the sudden thump by your shoulders jolted you and his face rushed close to yours like a bullet. Your gaze widened in surprise, only for them to roll once it catalogued the mischief on his face. “You know Keith kind of hates you, right? You’re going to be fucked if he catches you slacking again.”
“Me?! I’m sorry, are you a ghost or something? A figment of my imagination? Worse… I’ve huffed paint too many times when I was little, and now it’s all catching up to me.” There was amusement on his face and it reflected off of your smile. 
You straightened your posture to match his eye level, and rebutted his theory with the light touch of your nose to his. He laughed, wrapping his arms around your torso. “You’d get in trouble too, you know. Last time I checked, most sexual acts involve at least two participants.”
“Yeah, well, he likes me unlike you! If anything, he’d probably blame you for being a bad influence or something.” The possible truth expelled a groan out of Steve, but it doesn’t stop him from pouring the remainder of his frustration into your mouth. 
You took him in stride, earlier hesitance burying into the back of your mind when the fresh mint of his breath began haunting your mouth. Then, completely into obscurity when his tongue slid over yours, sloppily in hopes of awakening a fruitful lust, akin to his, within you.
“Steve… come on,” You pulled away, but Steve immediately captured your lips again in a tongue-swelling kiss. “What if customers come in?” You panted in between breaths, squeezing at his firm back to distract yourself from the growing tent within your khakis.
“I’ve been here longer than you, studied the activity down to the seconds.” He pressed into you, hip to hip, until you could feel his own muscle growing against yours. “We have at least ten minutes.”
“Ten?! Dude, that’s not enough—“
“Please?” Steve suddenly pulled your hand from his back and into the firmness of his bulge, looking into you with a desperation that rivaled the yearning freedom of his erection. “Please…” The curl of your hand was imposed by his grip, folding them until you had a handful of his bulge, throbbing at the mere friction of your warm palm.
“Fuck,” The determination in Steve’s gaze, as well as the devilish guidance of your own cock stirring against you, had your hand leave the aching muscle for a brief moment to hastily unbuckle his belt. You pressed your lips back to his, and muttered with a grimace. “You’re owing me one after work.”
“God, I love you.” He sighed with relief upon knowing that the heavy pressure in his pants would soon be released, thanking you by taking your cheeks into the dip of his palms and kissing you warm and wet. Even if it was going to be a quick one, his main priority was to be liberated of the painful throbs that had led him to this desperate juncture.
As much as Steve hated confined spaces, the feeling of the storage space closing in on him had only been fleeting because his desire for you was gravity-defying strong. It expanded the proximity at his very will until you were the only subject framed in his field of vision. 
Lips plumped from the bites he took from your flesh earlier, balmy skin speckled with a flush that he’d been the sole creator of, he couldn’t get enough of your presence. He took in your woody scent with deep inhales as he moved his lips to your neck, and your hands began digging into the waistband of his pants, pulling Steve close with a hard yank to harbor every warm breath into one another again.
With one swift pull, the belt collided with the floor and your hands worked at the zipper like a tailor until the khakis dropped and pooled around his ankles. You accompanied the leather and fabric seconds after, kneeling onto the cold surface with the eager guidance of Steve’s caresses to the back of your head. 
Kneeling face-to-face with his bulge, you couldn’t stop yourself from drooling even if Steve was covered. You could outline the girth of his cock, plumping and thickening under your piquant gaze, and then throbbing when you followed the curve with your palm in eager cycles until the waistband screamed for your attention. 
Your fingers hooked into the elastic band and in one slow pull, you revealed Steve’s erection in all its glory. Thick and unkempt hairs billowed first, and you played with the anticipation as you dragged the waistband over his length, weighting it downwards until all that was left covered was the plump tip that you can still taste from a few nights ago. In a final yank, Steve’s cock sprang up proudly and his groans were heavenly in its accompaniment. The weight of his large cock made him bounce in several reps before it was kept still by the warmth of your hand, then another over the remaining curve to amuse yourself with his blessed size.
“Jesus, did you not jerk off this morning? Haven’t seen or felt you this hard before...” Your mouth fell open in awe, and also in preparation to loosen the muscles in your jaw while your hands slid over him in slow strokes. Every vein throbbed at the delicate touch, pulsated strong when you squeezed a few sticky drips of his pre-cum from his spout. They would’ve landed on the undeserving floor had you not stuck your tongue out in time, lapping him up from the underside of his cock to the smooth pink rim. 
His cock jumped when your other hand dropped to fondle his balls, hanging low as if they awaited to be grasped and swung. You did exactly that as you licked the slit of his tip, amusing yourself with Steve’s package that you had sucked and fucked before, yet still managed to be surprised despite your many affairs.
“Not since we last fucked, to be honest.” At first, he balled the end of his shirt and raised it high to prevent it from obstructing your view, exposing the happy trail that you always traced over with your tongue on lazy Sundays. “Guess it wasn’t the same.” But the defy work of your hands spread the boil in his stomach to the muscular arch of his back, hot and heavy on his body until the weight of his shirt was thrown off. Moans exhaled in breathy tremors as you squeezed his shaft and pulled him forward and back in wall-closing jerks. 
“Well, I’m sorry for the long wait.” Your strokes continued while you sealed a wet promise to the pink glans. “I’ll make it worth it.” You opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out to welcome the following sticky slaps of his heavy length in disgusting delight, holding him like a marker as you patterned his thick pre-cum over your pair of lips before the salty flesh was vaulted into your mouth with an inhale.
His length pushed your mouth open in an accommodating stretch, almost pleasurable if he hadn’t been so difficult to take in. The first few inches gagged you, ached a muscle in your stomach when you flexed. It was traditional at this point, and your routine often consisted of stroking the shaft that had yet felt the heat of your mouth. The sliminess of your tongue as you bathed Steve’s cock in stomach-churning sin, lapping the musk of him from the loose scrotum to the plump head. 
And it was a routine to attempt to take him again. You spat in your hand before lubing his stiff in a glaze that caught the light of his eyes, then the hiccup of his moan. “Fuck, you know I love it when you do that…”
“Yeah?” You smiled, his compliments sent straight to your erection while the sticky sounds of bubbles and drool soiled his cock in pure lust in lazy strokes, then sealed when you wrapped your lips around him again, and pushed down when the pulse of his veins beckoned you.
The size of his cock drew a moan out of you, tremors rimming the shaft while you prepared the opening of your throat little by little. Drool leaked from either corners of your mouth, staining your flushed skin and then the floor, but you hadn’t been bothered to save them despite your reputation of being a clean-freak. 
When it came to Steve, you were in a state of delirium that had forgotten who you were because there was only one purpose on your mind: to pleasure. 
“Shit, (M/N)—“ His hands had left you to fold his arms behind his head, allowing his silhouette to become yours to own and to rapture over as you worked him like one your favorite treats at the candy store. He slipped in and out of you, closer to the barrier of your throat with the help of his thrusts, and the only time you’d take a break was when you suckled on his balls. As his cock hung over your face, head dripping in saliva and thick pre-cum, you found enjoyment in rolling his balls like dice: another one of Steve’s favorite moves.
Steve was heavy on your tongue and the only way you could thank him for blessing you with his fruitful cock, was to love-bomb him with all of his favorite desires. You lined the underside with your tongue until your lips met the pink glans again, speckling it with a playful pecks before weighing his shaft down with your spit once again. “Have you always liked it sloppy?”
“Mm—no…” He murmured, and you looked up into the heaviness of his lids, surprised by his confession. “Not until I met you. For others, it’s kind of gross, but… you do it differently. Tastefully, and I’m not trying to be funny.”
You laughed at the unintentional joke and Steve joined your amusement with a smile, petting the back of your head before it was guided back to swallow him whole this time. Your mouth stretched wide the more he pushed you, burying the remnants of your humored-self into the pit of your throat with the ample of his throbbing erection. Your hands held around his thighs to brace for the oncoming gags and Steve does the same around your head, threading his fingers into your hair with a strong grip as he pushed, and pushed, and pushed, until tears brimmed the highlights of your eyes.
“Holy shit—“ Steve was enamored by the feeling of stuffing you whole. The confines of your mouth and throat restricted the blood flow around him, yet he couldn’t have felt himself pulsate more, stiffen harder in between your godly gags and whimpers. The scratches at his thighs was a telling sign for him to pull you back, and so he does in what felt like slow motion. His cock unsheathed out of your throat like a sleeve, unraveling a spell of gasps and bubbling moans in midst. 
“You did so good, baby… fuck.” Cupping your cheek, he briefly bent down to meet you in the middle of his gratification, kissing you proud and golden on your breathless smile before he tore himself away to spit inside of your mouth and submerging his saliva down your mouth with his cock again. Despite the sting in your eyes and throat, you were compliant to his every move and welcomed the sheathing of his wet flesh in prideful determination.
Steve’s hands had moved to either sides of your head, where he had complete control of every bone and muscle of your neck, and the desire to fuck your tight mouth had become a victorious reality. Your lips pressed into his unkempt hairs when he forced you down again, tasting the sweat that had been harbored within the strands. 
From then on, your gags had only become motivation as he rode the rhythm of your delectable sounds with sharp and eager thrusts. Gasps and coughs stuck to the slick of your throat while Steve’s cock fucked them down in repetitive and selfish strides. Your head moved from the guidance of Steve’s hold, meeting the bow of your head with a forward thrust and ramming into the back of your throat while you spilled sheltered saliva—thick and bubbly in its journey to form a puddle on the floor. He repeated after barely giving you enough time to catch your breath, choking and fucking your mouth with his cock while you writhed on your knees in intimidation. 
Steve sheltered you close, curling his body over you as a satisfied moan added to the thick air when he shoved your head deep in between his legs, keeping you still in midst of your squirms. Whenever you tried to pull back, Steve only thrusted and pushed you further into your struggle for freedom. He drowned you in your own saliva, locked you of your only source of oxygen as your nose pressed deep into his pelvis, and gagged you to the point of leaving scars on his thighs as your fingers curled into his flesh, desperate for a whisper of air to breathe back into you. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
You finally get your wish when he yanked you back, and you inhaled with a slobbering gasp, coughing out the oxygen that he had buried from within you.
Throughout all of this, you gazed beautifully up to him, Steve thought. From the highlights of the whites to the color of your orbs, you glistened like nature past dew point, and his chest swelled in agreement. His heart pulsed faster than the rhythmic sucks and strokes of your mouth and hand as you’ve gone back to sucking him, fisting him into your mouth as your mouth began aching from deep-throating, breath recovering from being face-fucked. It was a curse that you put on him, where he closed his eyes to the merit of your tongue and couldn’t bear to look at you again because if he did, he knew he could come all over your face right then and there.
“Close—fuck.” His shoulders rolled back and one hand pushed the sweat off his forehead back into the fluff of his hair, while the other maintained on your head, keeping you in close proximity.
“Fuck, Steve…” You sniffled, desperately tasting the salt off the tip of his cock while you snapped your wrist back and forth in jerking him off. Your free hand ran over his stomach, then down his flexed thighs, and you squeezed to remind him that he was spellbound under your touch. His gaze casted downwards to meet yours once again, and he nodded as if he understood. 
The pressure on the back of your head hardened, but it was your own will that had you slobbering all over him again. You took him his cock back in with desperation, the memory of how salty he had tasted days prior fortifying your delirious state of mind. You sucked Steve off, swallowed him whole, fucked him into your fist, then into your mouth, and it would repeat until he nested his hand into your hair, tightly curling them into a fist as he came undone into your mouth.
Steve’s cock pulsed in heavy bounces and his balls bounced in its drain as he emptied himself inside of you. Warm and thick seed accompanied the fill of your mouth, and your hand reached down to massage his sack, aiding the scrotum to dump the remaining few shots into the pool of cum. Slowly, you pulled back with your lips pressed tight in caution of wasting the fresh fluid, and you swallowed slow and proud, savoring every gulp that ran down your violated throat as if it the cure to the sore. He watched you, panting heavily, and his cleansed cock twitched as you quenched upon his energy for the day. 
“You don't have to swallow it al—“ Before he could finish his question, you stuck your tongue out to reveal the abyss of your mouth, and the limp of his cock roused with one more throb before finally hanging low in between his legs. Steve was left astonished, and there was a flicker in his eyes before he helped you back on your feet. “Come here, I need to kiss you right now.”
A laugh was caught in between your lips when Steve kissed you with a familiar sweetness that always rattled the butterflies in your stomach. He pulled you close to pacify the flutter of their wings, and sighed into you before a hand gently caressed the middle of your throat. “Did I go too hard?”
“I would’ve said something if you did, Steve.” You’d come to realize that it always took more than a smile and comforting words to appease his guilt, and so you pressed fleeting pecks to the center of his lips, then began massaging the sensitive fill of his cock in slow turns. “I mean, if you want, we can go for round two right now and—“
“Okay, okay.” He pressed a laugh into your lips and leaned his forehead onto yours for the moment you two shared a gaze. Looking into you, it dismantled all of his worries, as it did for you, and it was only when the cold bit at his naked body that roused him from the daze.
“I should probably put my clothes back on.”
“Dude, are you saying that isn’t your uniform?” You gasped. 
“Dude,” He took you by the back of your head again and kissed you once, grinning. “Shut up.”
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nouearth. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works. and if you like this story, please reblog and leave a like! feedback is also much appreciated!
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munsster · 1 year
brain like a sieve
A/N: i am on a MAD ONE with the way im writing. she has motivation and inspiration and fingers of STEEL. (gif creds: @neblisi )
Pairings: Eddie Munson x GN!Reader
Summary: Eddie’s on top of the world when you tell him you love him. So much so, in fact, that he forgets to say it back. 0.8k words
Warnings: established relationship, kissing, fluff, insecurity, obliviousness, pet names (bunny, bug, lovebug), ONE half swear word (i SWEAR it took so much self control, i dont know how i limited myself)
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You’ve got this fiery look in your eye right before you say it that distracts him.
“I love you, Eddie.”
And your hair is wild and your hands are wound into the collar of his shirt and he can’t help but wonder what divine force of nature got him here. Made him so lucky.
And in the midst of everything: Eddie forgets to say it back.
He kisses you sweetly and holds you at the waist, drinking in the way you look at him and tug him closer. But he still doesn’t say it back. A minute passes, and everything settles and he thinks you’re beautiful and you love him, and he forgot to say it back.
You go home in a frenzy. Why didn’t he say it back? You can barely do your laundry without running the conversation over in your head. Did you do something wrong? You think you’ll wait a week, give it time, maybe he’ll call and say it. Maybe he’s still processing it. Does he not love you back? You end up waiting two days before calling him in the middle of the night.
“Okay! We can talk, lovebug. Why don’t you come over tomorrow night? I’ll order takeout.”
You can hear Eddie’s smile through the phone, completely unfazed by the ungodly hour and by the confusion and hurt in your voice. Your eyes go wide, and you slowly nod.
“Yeah… that works,” you say.
“Alright, I’ll see you then.”
But you’re still confused. He spoke and smiled like nothing was the matter. Like you hadn’t been down on your knees with devoted confession for him. Maybe he just didn’t hear you. Except you know he heard you because you said it in the rest between laughter and conversation and the way he gave you a soft smile meant he had to have heard you.
“I brought cupcakes.” You stand on his porch steps, shivering from the cold, wind licking your face and threatening to blow you off your feet. Eddie grins and takes the plate from you, grabbing your hand and leading you to the kitchen. He sets the soft yellow platter down beside the bags of takeout and whips around to leer at you like a big cat.
“Hi, bunny,” he whispers. And you’re already flustered.
Eddie smiles because he knows and plants one on you like you’ve never kissed before. Like it hasn’t been his favorite pastime the entire time he’s known you. Despite how stone-faced you told yourself you’d be, you crumple into temptation and whine when he pulls away.
Moments later, you’re both perched on his bed, facing each other while he’s smiling and poking at your knee.
“So…” Eddie says, batting his lashes.
“Well, you said you wanted to talk—”
“Oh”—you press a hand to your face and take a deep breath—“I know, I’m just… okay… d’you remember the other day? We were cracking jokes on your bed and messing around in general and…”
“Yeah, I remember.” He inches ever closer, tugging at the sleeve of your coat like a needy cat. Because you don’t know how distracted he had gotten all while thinking about how pretty you looked. How pretty your laugh is and how he doesn’t know where he’d be if he didn’t have you.
“And then I said…”—you sigh—“I mean, I told you I love you, and you didn’t… say anything—”
And as if all of the blood had been drained from his face, he goes ghost-pale in embarrassment. He feels nauseous and panicked.
“Oh my God! Bug! I love you, I love you, I do, I’m—oh my God, I got completely distracted, I’m mortified, I swear, I—”
You feel relief, yet your voice is still small when you ask:
“Distracted? Distracted by what…?”
“Well”—and it makes him shy owning up to his conscience like this—“you were laughin’ so hard and… and then I snorted which made you laugh even harder and I was thinking… ‘bout how beautiful you looked smiling so wide, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you. And you said you loved me and I was on cloud nine. You were grabbing me and you looked like you could cry from laughing and I wanted to kiss you and I love you. And I’m sorry I got distracted.”
Your jaw unclenches and you sit there for a second, blinking at him in disbelief and yet complete understanding.
Then you tackle him, pin him to the bed with a yelp. And once he’s done wriggling, he’s scared for his life with how furious you look pressing him down like this.
“Eddie Munson!”
“Don’t be mad at me, please! Because I love you—”
“Shut up,” you say, grinning when he cups your face and swipes his thumb across your cheek.
“I do. I lo—”
“Shh, precious few words, Eddie.”
“Too bad, that sucks, I’m completely in love with you,” he huffs, “Now say it back.”
You grin and you look like you could bite a chunk out of him right about now. And he’s pretty sure he prefers it that way when you say:
“…I love you.”
“Damn right.”
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iheartyouyou · 2 years
OUT LOUD | Eddie Munson
Summary: When you and Robin pass notes in class about Eddie Munson, the teacher calls you both out for it, confiscating the notes. To make matters worse, she reads the notes out loud catching the attention of the very special freak.
Part 2
Author’s Note: Not proofread, sorry lmao 😭
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You felt a tap on your shoulder. You turn around to be met by a very annoyed classmate with a neatly folded up note gripped in between their two fingers. They looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to grab it.
You take it, looking around to see who could have given it to you. You locked eyes with Robin, her nodding to you to open the note.
“When are you going to tell him?” The note read in sloppy hand-writing. Robin’s hand writing wasn’t the very best, you were surprised that you were even able to read it.
“Who?” You wrote underneath her sentence. You knew who she was talking about, you just decided to play dumb. What if— whoever the person’s name behind you— read it and told Eddie that the two of you were passing notes about the dungeon master? Ever since Robin found out about your crush on Eddie, she has been nonstop trying to convince you to tell him.
You turned around in your seat, a tight-lipped smile on your lips as you gave it to the person behind you. They frown, snatching the note before giving it to Robin.
You watch as she opens it, her eyes scanning the paper before looking up at you with a quirked eyebrow. She scribbled something on the paper before giving it back to the annoyed person who was now a note messenger for the two of you.
You take the note, opening it up. “Eddie? Who else would I be talking about. You really need to tell him, I’m telling you, he likes you back! I swear I saw him staring at you earlier in the hallway, his eyes were like heart-shaped!”
A faint blush painted your cheeks. Was he actually staring at you earlier? The two of you only talked a few times, only knowing each other because of Robin and Steve. You guys have probably talked three times the whole school year. The first time was when Steve introduced you two, the second was when you accidentally bumped into him during lunch and the third time… was when you bumped into him, again.
“Chrissy was near me. He was probably staring at her.” You quickly scribbled onto the paper.
“Ms. Y/L/N.” Your teacher started, her witch hand snatching the piece of paper out your hands. You gasped.
“Are your notes more important than this class?” She asked, squinting her eyes to read the words written on the paper.
“N-no, ma’am.” You mumbled. You prayed that she would just throw it away, confiscate it and tell you, you can get it after class. But, no. With your luck, she decided to humiliate you, her screechy voice reading everything out-loud enough for the whole school to hear.
She mimicked the words, trying her best to read Robin’s sloppy handwriting. “When are you going to tell him? Who? Ed…” You slouched into your seat, covering your face with your hands to hide your red, embarrassed face. You prayed that the ground would open up and swallow you whole.
You didn’t dare look up, even when she lectured you about how you should be worrying more about school than boys. How boys were going to get you nowhere in life. She then threw the note in the trash, her face grimacing.
You could hear a few snickers from students in the classroom, some whispering and judging you for having a crush on the infamous freak. You could already imagine the rumors that would be spreading around by the end of the day.
What did Eddie think of you now? Was he snickering along with the rest or the class? Was he going to take apart of those rumors? Was he disgusted? Embarrassed for you?
You hesitantly removed your face from your hands, looking back at Robin to send her a glare. She just gave you a apologetic look before mouthing the word “sorry”.
In your peripheral vision you could see someone staring at you. You already knew who it was. You remembered where he sat, it was the one area of the room you tried your best to avoid— to avoid any obvious signs of your crush on him.
You turned back in your seat, crossing your arms as you went back to slouching. You prayed and begged that you would be able to escape the classroom before Eddie could have the chance to confront you. You could just avoid him for the rest of your life.
A few minutes went by of you trying to find a way to disappear when you felt a all-too-familiar tap on your shoulder. Was Robin trying to embarrass you, again?
You turned around, the note messenger holding up another note for you to take. You look back quickly at the teacher to make sure she wasn’t looking before snatching it, turning back around to open it up under your desk.
“I was actually staring at you, not Chrissy. Cheerleaders aren’t my type. - Eddie”
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flowhore · 2 years
Can I get some Eddie friends to lovers smut?!
Reader dresses up as Eddie for Halloween and he actually gets turned on by it.
𝔖𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱
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𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 ˚ Eddie Munson x (f)Reader
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒 ˚ There's a Halloween party, and you are dressing as your best bud, Eddie. Good luck. ♡
𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 ˚ eighteen+ content, minors dni, alcohol use, friends to lovers, handcuffs, dry humping, male masturbation, thigh riding, contains sex, overstimulation.
𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 ˚ 7.4k
𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑜 ˚ Still of the night - Whitesnake 87'
𝑒𝑡𝑐 ˚ This request sent me in a spiral...a deep brain rot. I KNOW Eddie had to love Halloween, cmon he loves playing pretend every day. Thank you for the inspiration !! ♡
𝑝𝑠 ˚ Send me requests! Love hearing from yall ♡.
⫘𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡/𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘. 𝐼𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑒𝑒 𝑝𝑙𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒/𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 & 𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑥𝑜𝑥𝑜.⫘
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Your costume was almost ready for the Halloween party. You needed to find a couple more pins to finish off the jacket. The only thing is, Eddie is the only one that would have everything you need for the finishing touches.
Realizing you have to go to Eddies, you rush and pack your things up in your locker. You gotta find Eddie before he leaves. Running down the hallway to get to his locker there was no sight of him.
You see Mike and Dustin talking to each other,
You shout at them from down the hall franticly.
Dustin puts his hands to his mouth to yell back at you.
You shoot him a thumbs up as you run out the school doors to the parking lot. Scanning the lot looking for Eddies van. You see it already pulling out, You start running toward it waving your arms like a crazy person.
You scream. You see the break lights spark up as the van comes to an abrupt stop.
You finally make it to the driver-side window that's already down, out of breath, you hold on to the van, your head down and hold a finger up, motioning Eddie to hold on a minute.
Finally catching your breath you raise your head and shoot Eddie a smile, hand on hip, and raise your brow at him.
"what do you need now?" Eddie says rolling his eyes, knowing you only act like this when you need something from him.
You drop the act and hold your hands in prayer,
"I need to come over, I'm almost done with my costume, and I think that yo-"
"just get in"
Eddie cuts you off of your plead, A big smile grows on your face at him but he's looking away shaking his head at you.
You run around the car, swing the passenger door open and throw your bag in the back and plop next to Eddie.
You both sit for the short ride over to Eddies listening to his tapes at full blast in the car, jamming out like you always did when you were together.
Finally arriving at Eddie's, your mind starts to race, trying to remember exactly what you need. But also you can't take anything too obvious or he'll know what you are up to.
While you are deep in thought Eddie opens the van door for you, you step out and open the back and grab both your bags. Eddie then takes them from you, like you couldn't carry them yourself. You roll your eyes at his need to be a gentleman all the time.
Holding the door for you, you step into Eddies place. The smell of cigarettes and coffee still left out from the morning lingering in the air. You inhale and exhale deeply,
"Ah I love this place, so cozy."
Eddie scoffs at you.
He thinks you don't mean it but you do. Whenever you need a place to go Eddie's door is always open, late night campaigning, movie nights, even studying. Even though Eddie makes it difficult to study since he hates the idea of homework, you still would pick this place over yours any day.
You slip off your jacket and toss it on the chair in the corner where Eddie placed your bags.
"You hungry?"
Eddie asks you snapping you out of your thoughts.
"maybe what are we making?"
You walk over to the kitchen and join him in looking through the cupboards for something to make.
Searching, there wasn't much. A lot of canned soups and veggies, mac and cheese boxes, and spaghetti pasta. You think to yourself spaghetti sounds good, grabbing it.
You close the cupboard to see Eddie looking at two bottles of sauce, contemplating which one. Sometimes its like you two can read each other minds, or maybe you both are just craving some spaghetti.
You bend down to grab a pot from under the sink and go to fill it with water while Eddie is now searching the labels for one to shout 'pick me' at him. You bring the pot to the stove and turn on the burner.
"Eddie just pick one. please it's just sauce."
"but y/n what if I pick the wrong one and I ruin dinner"
you sigh and walk over to help him out.
Looking to see they are both the same sauces, you exhale heavily and look up at Eddie who is dying trying to hold in his laugh beaming at you.
You can't help but smile at his stupid attempts at pranks, you grab the sauce and walk away from him rolling your eyes.
"OH cmon I got you."
"yeah okay ed, sure"
You say to him sarcastically. He has no clue you're going to play the ultimate prank for the Halloween party. You smile to yourself just thinking about it.
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You place a bowl of Spaghetti in front of Eddie sprawled out on the couch.
Holding your bowl you plop next to him. He's got a scary movie playing on the TV, the intense music blaring every time the killer is near.
Eddie yells just noticing the food in front of him. Shovelling spaghetti in his face like a starving caveman you cant help but laugh at him.
You say as you giggle.
He says with a mouth full of pasta at you.
Now you are done with your pasta you look over to see Eddie knocked out beside you. You go and grab him a blanket and cover him up. The trailer is so quiet and peaceful while the beast is asleep.
Turning off the lights, you realize this is your moment to get what you need for your costume without him realizing it.
You creep over to his room, backwards, watching sleeping Eddie on the couch just in case he's faking it.
Making it to the room you search for his pins on the dresser. You grab whatever you see and put them in your pocket, feeling like a robber.
You also notice hand cuffs sticking out of one of the drawers, intriguing you, you grab them. What the hell is Eddie doing with these, you remember that he wears a handcuff belt so you take that too for the costume. You have everything you need for tomorrow now.
You walk back to the living room to shove your new items into your school bag quietly, the only thing is metal isn't quiet. You hear Eddie mumble awake from the noise, You quickly zip your bag and walk over to him.
He smiles looking at you, stretching from his nap,
"hey spaghetti master"
"hey sleepyhead"
His sleepy voice always made your heart sing a little, the rasp in it just sounded so good, that it never failed to heat your cheeks up. You kneel down and sit in front of him since his body is taking up the whole couch.
"when your ready, I gotta go home soon ya know"
"damn it already?!"
He yells dramatically at you making you chuckle.
"yes I need to finish up my costume for tomorrow"
"Just finish it here."
He whines at you. He always gets whiny when you want to go home, and always wants you to stay the night.
You never do, even though this place is your comfort it always seemed weird to you to sleep over, naps yeah but staying the night, just the two of you, never.
"cmon you big baby"
You tease at him, grabbing his keys from the table, and jingling them to get him up.
He groans and drags his body up, grabbing the keys from you.
"lets go princess"
He says to you as he rolls his eyes grabbing your bag.
Pulling up to your house you reach behind the seat and grab your bag.
"Thanks for the drive grumpy"
Eddie cracks a smirk looking out at the road.
"I'm not grumpy, I just wish you'd stay over for once. I don't bite you know."
He looks at you, a small pout painting on his face.
Making your lips curl into a smile, sometimes he was just adorable to you.
"Okay maybe tomorrow, since you'll probably be drinking anyways, I don't want you driving."
His face lights up at you.
You yell as you open the door to leave.
He rolls the window down, waiting for your goodbye, you walk up a bit to your door,
"Thank you good sir"
You bow to him and blow a kiss.
He grabs the floating kiss and shoves it in his mouth to eat it.
You gasp and run inside, hearing him giggling from the car.
Eddie pulls off, now it's time to work on the costume.
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The final bell ringing in your ears like daggers. Finally, it was time to go home and get ready for the party. You rush out of class down to where eddies locker is to see him surrounded by his club members.
“Please no one will even know we're not seniors, just tell us where is it!” One of his little minions pleaded to him.
“I'm sorry little ones, I can't just give you the info, I’m not even sure I'm invited”
You chime in,
“You're invited and you’re going”
His face lights up seeing you walk over to him even though your face is giving attitude.
“Of course, I would be going even if I wasn’t invited, it's HALLOWEEN!”
He yells theatrically as his hoard of members disperses upset he won’t let them come.
“is your costume all ready?”
He asks you as he shoves all his things away in his locker.
“as It’ll ever be, get excited”
“oh I am”
He says with a smirk.
You both head out to his van and he drops you off at home.
“Remember no driving.”
You give him a stern look.
“yes I know it's only like a ten-minute walk from mine anyways, it's longer for you”
He pauses for a second,
“Eddie I’ll survive don’t worry”
“Make sure, if you change your mind I don’t have to drink.”
“shhhhh” you yell at him, climbing out of the van and closing the door.
You rest your arms on the open window and smile at him,
“see you tonight”
He blushes at you, always looking adorable before we part.
“see you”
Blowing him a baby kiss and he catches it and stores it in the glove box.
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You look in the mirror, making sure everything looks right. You got your tight jeans on with the rips in the knees, dangling the handcuffs you found on the side of the jeans, but covered by the shirt. You tore up a hellfire shirt, it's Halloween, gotta make it sexy somehow. It’s got the perfect rip, just enough to see your cleavage.
You have one of your old leather jackets on and you ripped the sleeves off an old jean jacket you had. Adding the pins you stole from Eddie on it. You also add some of his rings with your own. You curled and teased your hair to get that signature Eddie Munson look.
Even did a smokey eye with a red lip, if Eddie was a woman he would definitely be stunting a red lip. You finished off the look in white heels, the only white shoes you had and you weren’t about to steal Eddie's shoes.
You step back in front of the mirror, You actually looked pretty good as Eddie. The freak looks good on you. Excited to finally show Eddie you look at the time, shit, you're late already.
You turn off all your lights, spray some perfume and run out the door.
The fall air smelt so warm but gave your body temperature the opposite, even with the two jackets, the little rips in your shirt was freezing you.
The burn in your heels started to kill, even though you were almost there, you kick yourself for not just wearing your converse. With all the breaks you were taking you knew you were going to be late as hell.
The only thing keeping you from turning back and changing shoes was the fact that you knew Eddie was waiting on you, probably worried, ready to go get the van at any moment.
Finally making it to the party, you wait outside a minute. Leaning on a tree, check on both your aching feet, letting them rest a moment before you try to walk inside and have everyone look at you fumbling.
“No way, you’re dressed as the FREAK ?!”
You hear a voice beside you, one of the basketball players dressed as a zombie arriving and noticing you.
You shoot him the finger with a nasty look.
He says smiling as he walks to the party almost tripping watching you.
Now regretting coming to the party altogether, Eddie really is the only reason you are still here.
Your feet finally start to relax into your heels now that you’re not running a marathon anymore. You check that your hair is still puffy and fix your shirt, ready to go in.
The loud echos of music surrounded the abandoned store your peers decided to host the party at. All lit up with pumpkins and toilet paper, and some of your classmates were already drunk in the front throwing up. Ah, high school parties. You take a deep breath as you open the front door.
Two girls dressed as angel and devil fly by you as you open the door giggling, almost making you fall over. You walk into the party, The music is blaring you can’t even hear any conversations around you. Overwhelmed by how many people there are and the noise, you try to navigate to the kitchen to find a drink, hopefully, to calm your anxiety from just being here.
You hear the same frat boy screaming at you, seeing he has a drink in his hand you go over to him.
“I need one of those to deal with you”
Catching him off guard his face falls and he goes to get you one fumbling through the people.
As you wait for your drink you look around for Eddie, you don’t wanna miss him seeing you. You worked hard as a robber just for his reaction.
A drink waves in your line of vision. Frat boy is back.
“thanks” you grab the cup and cheers him.
“WOOOOOOOO” he screams right in your ear after he downs the whole drink.
You’ve had your fill of frat boys for the night after that. You start to drink, the taste was repulsive, it made the hairs on your back stand up, feeling the burn down your throat.
You keep sipping on your drink as your ears become used to the volume of the music, still searching around for Eddie. Passing by couples making out and people shot gunning beers around you.
Seems you are walking circles around the party over and over now. Maybe Eddie ditched you, you think for a moment you don’t blame him, this place was a lot.
Your drink now dwindling almost empty you walk over to the kitchen and grab another drink. You look down at your feet to see a couple making out on the floor, you roll your eyes and sink down to their level and set into the realization that your friend stood you up.
They look at you weirdly and end up leaving. Like you’re the weird one here. You down your second drink soaking in the sadness of being stood up. You stand up and sit up on the counter, at least to watch everyone else having fun with their friends, instead of the dirty floor. Grabbing a piece of candy from the bowl, you decide to make the best of it, you are already here.
You see all the cliques still sticking together even at a party, it’s like lunch but everyone is babbling idiots even more.
You see your frat lap boy has found you again.
Letting out a deep sigh,
“yes zombie boy?”
“you know you look very hot, VERY hot.”
His words slur and eyes cant even stay open at his own will.
“yes thank you, have you seen Eddie?”
You decide to make use of this idiot, and see if he can help you.
He screams at you making your ears ring.
“Do you know any other eddies?!”
You snap back at him in annoyance.
“It’s sitting in a tree..” you try to correct him but he’s already storming into the crowd of peers still singing the lyrics wrong.
Grabbing your third drink you head into the backyard, Sitting on the steps looking out at the dark forest, the chilly air biting at your skin but not as harsh anymore. At least you know the alcohol is working.
“Have you seen y/n?”
“ew freak”
You hear in the far distance. It has to be Eddie.
You see a cloaked figure going up to clumps of people asking your name.
Excited you try to hide so you can scare him.
You listen closely to the foot steps in the wet grass. Closer and closer they get, until you hear a hand grab the stairs handle.
“BOO” you jump out from the corner right in Eddies face.
Making him jump back almost falling over.
“Y/N !”
You giggle watching him get angry at your prank, waiting for him to look up and see you.
You walk down to where he is and he’s looking at you head to toe. Eyes soaking in the whole costume, raising a brow and the stolen rings and pins.
“no way…”
“y/n you did not dress as ME !!?”
You beamed at him blushing and hiding your face.
So giddy from his reaction, and those drinks.
You do a twirl, “do you love ?”
He watches you biting his lip, tilting his head watching you,
“I love indeed”
You slap his arm,
“Eddie you perv I'm literally you”
Still watching you like your everything,
“you wear me a whole lot better than me”
He says in a low voice making your cheeks burn. He’s never looked at you like that before.
You clear your throat trying to whip out your thoughts, he was just being nice.
“Well look at you !”
You beam at him trying to snap him out of the trance he’s in watching you.
“Vampire Eddie”
You say now actually looking at him, he looks hot. Not in the adorable way he usually does. The teeth and blood dripping down his chin with the stupid cape suited him. You liked what you saw, maybe you had one too many drinks but you were soaking him up.
“I'm here to suck your blood ah ah ah”
Eddie now trying to snap you out of your trance looking at him. He's scratching the back of his neck, He only does that when he’s nervous. You both awkwardly chuckle, the tension between you is so weird. Something foreign, forbidden even.
“ THE FREAKS !!!! “
Oh no not him again. You both look over to the zombie boy making an undead walk over to us with 3 shots in his hand. Once he was close, you both grabbed a shot from him, making him smile.
He orders us, seems he’s on gathering duty.
You and Eddie shrug at each other and walk inside to join everyone else with shots in their hands waiting.
Zombie boy shouts at everyone and the room went quiet as everyone took their shots followed by gross noises of people reacting to the sting of the shot. Your throat burned and your face cringed looking at Eddie, he was perfectly fine, this man took the shot like water.
“Another?” he asks you in your ear softly.
“uh yeah sure.” You smile at him, trying to completely ignore how his whisper made your thighs clench.
Eddie pours you both shots and you sit up on the counter in front of him, his eyes are like arrows, piercing your body, everywhere he looks. You inhale deeply and shake your head at the thoughts racing in your head. Why was he looking at me so differently than early before...
“cheers freak”
He smirks at you,
“cheers vampire princess”
You tease back at him.
You clink glasses and down the shot.
You hear a chant starting behind you, and turn to see everyone watching the two of you cheering you on for another shot.
Eddie shoots you a shrug, “gotta give the people what they want”
Another shot in hand you both raise it for the classmates chanting freaks at you two. Downing another shot, you hear everyone cheer, then go right back to their other party activities.
You're still wincing from that shot, eyes closed and lips pursed.
You feel eddies hand on your chin, “such a baby” he teases you.
“shut up I don’t drink like you Munson”
“ou not Munson she's mad!”
He says chuckling at your sudden grumpiness.
You needed Eddie to keep his hands to himself, your body was starting to crave him. He's one of your best friends, everything about this felt wrong. But the way he’s looking at you, it isn’t the same as before. Maybe you just never noticed until now. Did Eddie like you? His hand was rubbing your knee as you study his every move now, trying to solve the mystery in your head.
He shoots you a smile,
“Let's dance?”
You raise a brow at him, he’s never asked you to dance before, even at school dances.
But your body was starting to feel the alcohol and you really did want to dance.
You put your hand in his and he drags you into the crowd of the peers you both scoff at every day.
Dancing with Eddie was extra fun because he didn’t care what people thought of him, he was dancing like he was in his room alone and you loved it. Inspired you to just let loose and enjoy the music with him, feeling confident you both just danced together, giggling every now and then. The surrounding people just melting away, it was just you and Eddie, beaming at each other, enjoying each other like you always do but, damn he felt so free in the best ways possible.
After dancing for a while, You both plopped on the gross dusty couch in the living room in between two couples sucking faces. You are both heavy breathing from all the dancing, you look at each other and smile. Eddie grabs your hand, “That was fun” lifting it up weakly as you both are limp bodies. You nod to his comment.
It really was fun letting loose with Eddie. You leave your hand in his, loving the feeling and not caring about that weird tension from earlier, this was your best friend, who cares if you thought he was hot, he is. Nothing wrong with that.
The speakers start to blare Thriller, Eddie looks at you enticingly ready for round two of dancing, you roll your eyes and resurrect your body with him and jump back into the crowd.
As the party starts to die down, you and Eddie decide it's time to go. Walking out into the crispy fresh autumn air, finally out of the cramped overheated party. Your skin can finally breathe out here, that old chill now feeling like a blessing over your burning skin, you close your eyes in comfort as Eddies got his arm wrapped around your shoulder guiding you the way to his place.
Once you are done soaking in the sweet cool air you open your eyes and look up at your beautiful vampire. Blushing at how he looks good even from the angle you are at, cramped into his arm on his chest. You wrap your left arm around his waist squeezing him. He chuckles at your touch, you leave your arm wrapped around him. You sigh and let out something you should’ve kept in your head,
“You’re pretty as a vampire ed.”
His silence makes you look up and he's grinning so wide looking straight ahead then down at you,
“you really think so?”
His vampire teeth poking out from his grin, looking so enticing to you,
“mm yes very”
You say as you watch his lips. He licks them pulling in his bottom lip a little, your hypnotized by them.
He looks up to keep guiding you, if it wasn’t for his guidance you'd both be sleeping at the party right now.
Finally, you look up to see Eddies van, and his uncles parked together.
“Wayne’s home?”
“mm, he’s excited to see our costumes before he goes to work”
A ping of embarrassment strikes you. You’re the slutty version of his nephew. Eddie looking at you concerned now because you’ve stopped walking.
“Eddie I’m dressed-“
“stop you look amazing, he’s going to love it.”
He tries to ease your anxiety.
You hold your breath as Eddie holds the door open and you see Wayne sitting watching TV, immediately shutting it off when he sees you, eyes beaming at the two of you.
“You two look great! Stay right there.”
He franticly runs over to the dresser in between the hall, grabbing his polaroid camera.
“Now smile big”
You and Eddie give Wayne some huge smiles and goofy poses. Him just taking our photos makes him so happy he's beaming at us.
“I almost thought I was gonna miss your costumes, I’m running late already.”
“y/n you do Eddie better than HIM !”
“Get outta here stop boosting her ego” Eddie protest at Wayne making all of us smile
“See ya kids in the morning”
He says as he runs out the door franticly, he really waited up for us just to see the costumes.
Once Wayne’s car pulls out, Eddie grabs your hand, twirling you around.
“I’m really loving this costume.”
He starts playing with the pins on your jacket, his brow furrows,
“How did yo-“
“I’m a robber” you confess abruptly.
Making him chuckle at you,
“you’d make a horrible criminal ya know?”
You look at him and shoot him a tongue in response.
“When can I have these back?”
His eyes are pouring into yours as you notice he’s caressing the collar of your jean jacket, slowly. His whole body changing, intense, you were a deer in headlights, stunned at him.
“whenever you want?”
You crack a weak smile at him and squeeze out of his touch. Trying to collect yourself, maybe he’s just drunk. Gotta get him in bed tucked in and hell pass out like he always does.
You walk over to the kitchen to grab a glass of some water for him, you fill up a cup and turn and yelp, he was standing beside you.
Your yelp made him laugh,
“scared ?”
“pft never drink your water”
You hold out the glass to him and he downs it like a shot.
Rolling your eyes, “not like a shot Eddie”
“but I want to suck your blood instead”
He says grabbing your waist and pulling you close to him. You pressed onto his chest, your hand on him to keep your balance.
You smile at his roleplaying,
“you want a stinky metal heads blood?”
Poking fun at him, you'd hope it would offend him.
But he's looking at your lips,
“sorry say that again?”
He's mesmerized? By you? Your lips? You can't fathom it, no way.
You say as you push him off lightly and he flys into the wall dramatically,
He says playfully at you with a grin painting on him. You look at him against the wall, head tilted to the side, fangs poking out of his grin, man he was a sight to soak in right now. His eyes look you up and down. Your nerves spike and send shivers through your body the way he watches you.
You walk over and grab his hand guiding him to his room, planting him on his bed, and sitting up on the edge. He watches your every move, lost in a daze.
You start to untie his silly vampire cape, trying to get the huge knot out that he did earlier. As you struggle, he grabs your hand and squeezes, making it fall. He undoes the knot himself, not even looking down at it, just at you, your body.
He shrugs the cape off himself.
You go to put one of his tapes on but you hear him get up from the bed as you place the tape in. You press play and the music plays just loud enough so you can’t hear where he is now. You turn expecting him to be behind you but he isn’t.
You see him walking back into the room with the glass you gave him before now with more water, “drink” he says to you placing it on the dresser. You drink a little, noticing it’s ice cold, Eddie added some ice for you, just the way you like it.
The small gesture makes you smile, he knows you. He plops back down on the bed and you walk back over to him with your water and place it on the bedside table.
“did you want your stuff back now?” you ask as you stand between his legs.
Looking up at you his eyes lit up,
“Yes lady Munson, I do.”
The nickname makes you twist your mouth into a grin, you cant try to hide that you liked it.
He tugs on your jacket, motioning you to come down to his level. You plant your knees on the floor and lean back into your heels. He's now looking down at you sitting on the floor beneath him, the tiniest curve of his lip watching you for a moment. He starts to take off the pins on your jacket, moving his eyes to meet yours every now and then while you relax and hum to the music. He gathered them all in his hand and dropped them on the side table.
He watched you as he slipped off the jean vest from you, letting it fall to your feet. Something so simple sent a chill up your back.
You try your best to break the tension, your scared of your own feelings right now. Your heart is bursting just looking at him, in this new way. You always thought he was attractive but, you knew he would never see you that way, ever. Him looking at you like this was what you only imagined in your dreams. Feeling dazed watching it happen you are confused if it’s even real or if your imagining things that aren’t there.
He grabs your hand, slowly pulling off each ring. One by one, collecting them in a pile between his legs. Once done with the first hand he places it on his knee to stay. He starts on the next one, you watch his fingers wrap around yours, so soft, pulling the rings off so slow you feel every inch of your fingers being touched by his.
Placing all the rings on the table he tries to move but you grab his hand, stopping him. Looking back down at you, you don’t dare look up. You had no clue why you were doing it back to him but your nerves were shot, you take his right hand and start to pull his rings off. Collecting your own pile now, he chuckles when you go too slow on the last one. You drop his hand and go to the other. The hand you dropped is now caressing your shoulder, pulling at your leather jacket, lightly. You still don’t dare to look up at him, you finish the rings and place them with yours.
Back between his legs, his hand lightly grabs your cheek, bringing your face to look at him, still resisting, you look around the room.
“going shy on me y/n ?”
You say in a low voice, not meaning to but it came out that way.
He tugs on your jacket, you give in shrugging it off to join the vest on the floor.
“I like what you did here”
Making you look at his fingers pointing at your rips in the hellfire shirt.
“your not mad, I disgraced the shirt?” you look up at him questioning
“you look too good to be upset.”
His words confirm he’s been feeling the same as you have, even sobered up a bit makes you believe him even more. It wasn’t just you. Your body heats up, cheeks burning as you realize.
He tugs at the rip right on your chest and peaks in, his face flushes, and you swat his hand.
He's chuckling “I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself,” he says as his hands are in the air.
You roll your eyes at him being a perv, but you couldn’t help that it enticed you, you did dress for him, why shouldn’t he see you, all of you. You blush at your own thoughts.
With Eddie still watching you, you bravely tear the rip a little more, making a small tiny sound, he watches your fingers pull the fabric, inhaling sharply, he knew you were inviting him.
His eyes flashed up to yours in wonder, wondering if you were sure.
You move your hands from the shirt, place your hand slowly and softly on your lips, pressing it in, lifting it to blow him a kiss like you always do, but this one meant something completely different.
His eyes widened at your gesture, and his hand flew up mid-air catching it, bringing his fingers to his mouth and biting his fingers lightly.
You absent-mindedly pull your lip in and bite it, you craved him. You wondered what it would be like to be kissed by Eddie, to have his lips on you.
You decide to get off your knees and stand above him again, he leans back into the bed more, inviting you into his lap, an invitation you accept.
He spreads his legs so you’re sitting right between them, you look at each other like your words are failing you both in this moment, just eyes telling each other everything they want to say, You blushed at the non-verbal affection, you both knew each other well enough to know, even if we never looked at each other like this before, you could just feel it. The yearning for each other, like it’s been suppressed for years, both never realizing the others feelings.
And with one last look in his eyes, his eyes get heavy and so do yours, moving in slowly, you feel his heart beating in your palm as it rests on his chest. You feel his breath on your aching lips, and he crushes his lips into yours, both breathing each other in as your lips combine, holding it, you both let go and look at each other again.
He brings his hand to hold your face, rubbing your cheek with his thumb, you press your lips into him, missing them already. He pulls you off and switches positions with you instantly in one move, you are now under him.
Hovering over you he watches you squirm at your new position, He plants you another kiss, and you can feel his fake vampire teeth poking into your lip, the pain sending waves through you.
You go to touch his hair and he lets you, you always played with his hair when you would relax on the couch, but when you do it in his sleep, he moans, and you wondered if-
He lets out a small exhale as you wrap your fingers in the back of his hair, yeah, he likes it. You blush at his pleasure, the noises he makes always made your thighs clench.
He sits up, looking at you in your costume, scanning your body beneath him, he stops at your waist, his face puzzled, and then wide-eyed in shock.
“Is that my, uh..”
“your handcuffs?”
“um yeah where did you get tho-“
“Why do you have them ?”
You snap back really wanting to know the answer,
Your question seems to have sparked something in him, now he's grinning like the devil himself at you.
He un-clamps the handcuffs from your waists and twirls them in his hand looking at you,
“ you sure you want to know lady Munson?”
Your eyes grow wide in excitement, you really did want to know but you couldn’t utter the words.
He leans down kissing you as he runs the cold metal across your chest making you yelp into his mouth, the cold steel shocking your hot burning skin.
He’s grinning down at you,
He tosses the cuffs on the bed showing you mercy, he starts to kiss your neck lightly as he works his way to your exposed chest from the rip, planting kisses on the half-clothed skin. He runs his tongue along the same spot he ran the cuffs, his tongue so warm you let out a tiny muffled moan. He looks up at you immediately,
“Keep doing that I’ll never stop,” he says to you almost with a whimper.
He backs up from your chest and grabs a handful of your shirt in each hand, he rips it, harshly, exposing your skin to him, he kisses all the new skin, ripping the shirt completely off of you, watching your body as you rub your thighs together, trying to get friction any way you can.
You could feel the strong intense burning inside of you, the want for him. He plants kisses down your stomach until he's at your jeans, undoing them and pulling them off of you, exposing your panties in front of him. He pulls on the side of them from your hip, giving you the tiniest bit of friction, and making you inhale. “I like these too,” he says as he lets it go and it smacks on your skin.
Your brows furrow, your want for him is making you hot and heavy, weak even. He grabs your ankle and pushes it up, the same as the other. He presses his hard budge onto your wet panties, the pressure alone makes your chest spring up, he takes advantage of that kissing your chest, leaving you marks along your skin, as he keeps rubbing himself on you, both moaning from the pleasure, his moans fueling your fire.
You take what you learned from Eddie and switch positions, he's now beneath you, you start to undress him, pulling his shirt up, kissing down his chest, to his little patch of hair, his happy trail, you press kisses watching his head fall back from watching you. You undo his belt, then his jeans, slipping them off of him. His cock was freed from the jeans and tented in his boxers.
Not leaving much to the imagination... you feel your mouth water just looking at him. He sits up to kiss you and grabs you, by the waist with one hand, the other pressing the cold cuff down your stomach making you moan into him, eyes full of lust. He lays you down and your hands wander to his hair his hand stopping you, the cold cuff clamping on your wrist, you look at him, his eyes dark and full like fire, and he cuffs your other hand, swinging the cuff chain behind the bed frame pole, looking at you squirm he smiles, the vampire teeth still poking out, you didn’t mind the cuffs, you loved the pain it gave when you tried to touch him, oddly enough the pain felt good mixed with the sweet pleasures he was giving you.
He watched you trying to satisfy yourself with your own thighs again, smirking at the idea that you think it will work. He slides his thigh between your legs right against you and your clits pleasure makes you moan, you start to grind on his thigh as he watched you, please yourself on him, his eyes piercing into you as your wrist starts to burn, wanting to touch him so badly. “Eddie” you moan his name,
“fuck don’t do that,” he says closing his eyes at your words, reaching for himself, he wraps his hand around his own cock and starts to stroke himself. Watching him please himself made your eyes wander, it was exciting to see like you were watching something you weren’t supposed to.
He watched you as you kept moaning through the grinding as he slowly teased himself, you can't help but stare at his hands around his cock and feel jealousy pour through you.
“Ed..let me..please” you watch his eyes look at you, drinking the vision of you in. He leans in and kisses you, removing the cuffs from you, and kissing your wrists.
Your hands go straight for his cock, using both hands you twist lightly and squeeze up and down his shaft, making sweet moans pour off his lips, you slip out from under him and lay him on his pillow. You bring your lips to his, still jerking him, letting his moans melt into your kisses, “fuck y/n I need you”
His want for you, makes you waste no time, you climb on top of him, teasing his tip around your entrance, your wetness soaking his head, he struggles to find a condom with his free hand while you tease him and toy with him. He finally finds one and lifts you up, sitting himself up. He slips the condom on and you lock eyes with him.
You guide him to your entrance and you press your lips into his. You slowly sit on his throbbing cock, both your mouths open in hard moans, moaning into each other as he stretches you out, your walls consuming him, the pain slowly turning to pleasure as you ride him slowly, seeing him turn into a mess beneath you, kissing and sucking your exposed skin as you push and pull him into you. 
He breathes into your skin as you sit down hard, taking as much of him as you can, making a muffled moan crawl out of you from the painful bliss, The feeling of his cock filling you up drove you wild, and your hands crept over to his hair, he grabbed your wrist,
“Baby, are you trying to kill me?”
You grin at his words, planting kisses all over his sweaty forehead.
He pulls you off of him lightly and presses you into the bed, your ass up in the air exposed to him, you feel his thumb searching your slit, until you let out a moan, finding your clit, he starts running circles, your arousal surely pooling around him now, you feel him bring his hand around your thigh, to keep circling your clit, you feel his cock at your entrance again,
“ready lady Munson?”
“yy-yes e-d” is all you can murmur as his fingers are rubbing your clit, and you feel the pressure building in you.
He pushes himself inside you, deep, the new position giving him access to fill you with him even more, You cry out at his cock filling you, bruising your walls, with the sweet circles around your clit, you were in heaven, the noises coming from both of you was pure bliss. You two were in your own world, lost in each other, pure pleasure.
You felt your burning growing more and more until it became unbearable, you try to mumble to him that you are close,
“I know baby, I can feel you, all of you.”
“cum for me y/n”
“cum all over me”
He coaches you, pleading for you,
It's all you need to send you over the edge, spiralling in bliss as you close your eyes, pure electric pleasure pumping through you, all over Eddie and his moans as you come undone matching yours, you fall apart together,
Waiting a moment as you two throb inside each other still, panting, reeling off of your orgasms,
you both come to the realization.
You just fucked your best friend.
“fuck it was perfect”
You hear Eddie whisper against your back, still inside you, like he read your mind,
“it was”
You agree blushing.
Eddie slides out of you making you yelp small at the emptiness.
He grabs a towel from his drawer, helping you clean up, you return the favour for him, eyes still burning in lust for each other, even after.
You both get in the bed, still naked and sigh relaxing into each other, you start to play with his chest hair, twirling it between your fingers, looking up at him, smiling.. thinking of all the things you two have yet to do together..
“again lady Munson?”
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𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑑𝑎ℎ𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠..
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star-girl-05 · 3 months
Cock Blocking
Steve Harrington x reader
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You and Steve started dating four months ago. Both of you decided to keep it a secret mainly due to your little brother, Dustin Henderson. The two of you knew that Dustin would throw a huge fit if he found out one of his closest friends was dating his sister. So you’ve been keeping it a secret lately though it's becoming increasingly harder. Every time the two of you are about to be intimate Dustin interrupts either by banging on the door or calling him over the walkie-talkie. It was driving the two of you crazy. 
Tonight Dustin was having a sleepover over at Mike’s leaving you hope you may actually get laid. You snuck out of the house and over to Steve’s. As soon as you walked through his front door his lips were on yours. Bumping into the walls as you made your way to his bedroom. He picks you up once you were up the stairs carrying you to his bed. His lips were all over body , little sounds of pleasure leaving your lips. “God I missed you it’s been ages since I’ve felt you” Steve groaned against your chest. You nodded your head in agreement. 
Meanwhile outside in the bushes at Steve's house stood Dustin, Max, and Lucas. They shared a single pair of binoculars between the three of them. The bush scraped against Max’s legs making her cuss under her breath. “Remind me again why we are snooping around Steve's backyard.
Dustin rolled his eyes grabbing the binoculars from Lucas so he could peer through Steve's bedroom window. “He's been acting weird and I want to know why” Dustin looked through the binoculars watching Steve come into view. Steve only had his boxers on his hair tousled slightly. “Jesus Steve’s harry he needs to shave” Lucas grabbed the binoculars peering through them to see Steve’s harry chest
“Some girls like that,” Lucas muttered. It looked like Steve was talking to someone but he couldn’t tell from here. 
“Let me see '' Max pushed her way to Lucas pushing him out of the way and grabbing the binoculars to take a look for herself. She didn’t say anything making both boys blush. As Max is watching she sees a hand pop up grabbing Steve and pulling him back to the bed. Max's eyes widened in horror even more when she saw you pop grabbing a box off his desk before moving out of sight. You and Steve are having sex and sees watching. With that realization she turns away pulling the binoculars down.
“What's the matter?” Dustin asks, the girl can’t help but blush not looking at him. She already knew how he was going to react. “Let me see” he went to grab the binoculars but she quickly moved away not wanting him to risk seeing anything.
“I found out what's up with Steve” Dustin nodded, eager to find out what's the matter. “He’s seeing someone” both boys told her to continue. She hesitantly did “Its Y/n” both boys' mouths fell agape.
“No, are you sure let me see” she moved once more. 
“You don’t want to see” Dustin gave her a confused look until he saw her face. He finally understood what she meant and he was fuming as he made his way out of the bushes heading straight for the front door. Max and Lucas tried to stop him but he was determined banging on the front door till Steve opened the door. 
You hand Steve the box of condoms waiting for him to put one on. He makes quick work of it tossing the box to the side before slipping the condom on. His tip was grazing your entrance. You were so ready for him. Right as he was pushing into you banging sounded at the front door. Steve and you both let out a cry, the two of you both frustrated. The banging didn’t stop, so Steve reluctantly got out of bed heading for the front door. He gathered his clothes till he was fully dressed. He was pulling the door open while putting on his shirt. His movement stopped when his eyes locked on Dustin and his friends. 
Of course it was Dustin who else it would be. He was about to ask what was up when Dustin pushed past him heading right up his stairs. Steve tried to get him to stop but it was pointless he wasn’t listening. Dustin was seeing red when he slammed open Steve's bed and found you laying in it with Steve's shirt on. Your eyes widened in horror at the sight of Dustin and his friends. “What the hell are you doing here you're supposed to be at a sleepover” you spoke first. 
“What are you doing here?” Dustin counters. His eyes are taking in the scene and when he sees the box of condoms he blows. He turns to Steve “You're sleeping with my sister!” Steve couldn’t help the blush on his cheeks, he had no idea what to say. You and Steve were trying to keep it from Dustin and now that he knew he had no idea what to say. “Is no one going to answer me”
“Yes me and Steve are dating” you finally answer
The shock was evident on his face “How long have you been dating” 
“Four months”
“Four months you’ve been dating Steve for four months and you haven't told me.” You just nodded your head. This was not going as planned as you had thought how to tell Dustin for a while and this was never one of the ways. “Why didn’t you tell me” hurt laced his voice. 
“We were going to” Steve interjected. 
“What were you even doing here?” you changed the subject confused how he even found out. 
“Maybe you should close the window before having” he made a hand gesture between you and Steve. Unable to say the word. 
“Oh my god, you were peeping through the window, what's the matter with you” you could not believe your brother is a peeping tom. 
“It's not like that we just wanted to see what's wrong with Steve now we know he sleeping with my Sister”
“It's not like that” Steve was trying to diffuse the situation but Dustin was having none of it. 
“I can’t believe this,” Dustin muttered under his breath. 
“Dustin this doesn’t concern you, okay I get your shock but me and Steve's relationship doesn’t have anything to do with yours guys” Dustin didn’t say anything he just stood there staring you down. 
“This is not happening, we're leaving” He grabbed your arm trying to pull you out of the room. You resisted him keeping yourself planted on the bed. 
“Dustin I love you but I’m not going, you and your friends need to leave”
“I’m not leaving you here”
“I’m not dying I’m just getting laid” Dustin covers his ears along with the other two kids. Steve's face was red at the statement. 
“Don’t say that you're my sister” 
“And you Dustin are the biggest Cock block in the whole world” You can hear Max giggle in the background. 
“What are you talking about” 
“Every time me and Steve are about to.. You interrupt” Dustin smiled at the knowledge, happy to have stopped you two. 
“Its time to go now“ Dustin reiterated, You got off the bed making Dustin think you were leaving with him. Instead you grab Steve's hand and lead him over to the bed sitting him down on it before climbing into his lap. All three kids' eyes widened at the action. Placing a small kiss on Steve's lips you turn to look at the three of them. “Me and Steve are about to go back to what we were doing so unless you want to see that I suggest you leave” Dustin doesn’t move staring you down daring you to make a move. You accept his challenge, grabbing the hem of his shirt you start pulling it off him. Steve made a move to stop you when his stomach was on show for everyone. You didn’t stop, you weren't going to be the person to give up and you weren't  Dustin turned around and headed right out the door Lucas and Max following behind him. “Lock the door on your way out”
You turn back to Steve kissing his lips once more. Your hands trailing down his front removing your shirt. In a few seconds the two of you are back in sync, Steve and you are both naked. He reaches for the box pulling out another condom before slipping it on. He froze before entering you waiting for the knock at his door or the static sound of the walkie-talkie. When he was greeted with silence he smiled before thrusted into making both of you let out a needy moan. 
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annwrites · 3 days
my lil' cherry pie
— pairing: billy hargrove x fem!reader
— type: ficlet
— summary: honestly, it's just a whole lotta fuckin' in this one
— tags: billy being extremely happy. billy having an idea involving the hood of his car. you & billy getting frisky in the shower.
— tw: sex, exhibitionism, bj, f receiving oral
— word count: 5,509
— a/n: i wish loverboy's lovin' every minute of it had come out a year earlier, bc billy would've 100% been blaring that in the camaro, too, after spending all morning in bed with reader lol.
i am also AWARE that bon jovi's slippery when wet didn't come out until '86, but i wanted to use that line in the shower scene, so it is what it is.
i'm not writing billy as some perfect casanova in the bedroom. i'm aware that's the fantasy with him, but he's still an eighteen-year-old boy. and i think it's actually sweet that he has a harder time lasting with reader in certain situations, bc he's just that turned on bc it's with her—his dream girl.
find my other posts concerning billy here
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Billy grinds his hips down against your ass, unable to sink any deeper inside your soaking heat. “That feel good, honey?”
You whimper in response, nearly drooling on the pillow beneath you, which your cheek rests upon, your head turned toward the curtained window.  “Y-yes,” you say quietly, clenching around him.
“Mm, I bet.” He drawls out.
He slowly eases out and then back into you, and your eyes roll back at the feeling, slowly closing. You grip the sheets under you.
He removes one hand from gripping the mattress and instead grips your hip instead, circling his own. “You like that, sweetheart?”
You nod, burying your face in the pillow as he flexes his shoulder blades, gripping you harder.
“I can tell. God, you’re fucking soaked. I can hear just how wet you are.”
He wasn’t wrong. After last night—you not orgasming from penetration alone during your first time—he’d awoken shortly before dawn on a mission.
He’d woken you with hot kisses along your bare breasts, down your stomach, then back up to your lips. You’d been half-asleep when he’d eased inside of you, causing you to gasp in surprise.
You’d orgasmed the second time the two of you had sex the night before, but that’d only been due to him rubbing feverishly at your clit until you did so.
You think that maybe his manhood feels a bit threatened by it. So, he’d spent hours this morning inside of you, using everything he had, everything he knew, to make you cum from his cock alone.
While you enjoyed yourself, he treated it more like some training exercise. Learning the ins and out of your body. What made you tremble and shake with pleasure and what didn’t.
Your first ‘session’ had to be cut short because he’d gotten a cramp it was taking so long for you to reach a climax—you hadn’t even been close when he’d stopped.
You’d tried explaining to him that it was okay—you saw nothing wrong with only being able to come from clitoral stimulation alone, but he’d said that wasn’t good enough.
So, a few minutes later, he’d sat you in his lap, your back pressed to his chest and his cock between your legs once more. Halfway through, you’d reached down to begin playing with yourself, until he’d grabbed your hand, lightly smacking it. “Aa, none of that,” he’d chastised you.
That position had reached some new place inside of you, but still not quite right. So he’d laid down, gripping your hips, telling you to do whatever felt good. You’d bounced on his cock and it’d only taken him watching you do as much for a few minutes before he’d came himself. And loudly.
He’d needed to take another break after that.
The third time, he’d had the both of you lay down on your sides, him once again pressed up behind you, your left leg thrown over his hip as he gripped yours, fucking you fervently. He had pounded away inside of you, both of his hands eventually moving higher, grabbing your tits, squeezing, toying with your nipples, even sticking his fingers in your mouth, but you still didn’t cum.
And right now was his fourth attempt. You were so wet now that it was all over your thighs. His as well. You could hear it every time he eased his cock in and out—squelching. It made your face heat in embarrassment, even if he’d stressed how hot he found it to be. Teasing you about it earlier had not helped, however. Like when he had told you 'It's like a fuckin' slip and slide down here. At least I don't have to worry about pickin' up lube once we hit the road again.'.
He reaches down, spreading your left leg, until your knee is bent and he slips slowly out, then back in.
“Goddamn,” he mutters, his cock twitching inside of you.
You lay your cheek back against the pillow, panting lightly at just how relaxed you feel.
He runs his palm down your spine and your body trembles, you clenching around him again. You want so badly to reach between your legs. You’d been desperate to come hours ago, but unless it was from his cock and only that, he wouldn’t allow it.
He lowers himself closer to you. “C’mon, baby, I know you like this. Tell me what you need.”
Honestly, it all felt pretty good. Okay, really good. But no matter what he did, there just didn’t seem to be some magical spot inside of you that would bring you over the edge.
“I…dunno. Mm. Feels good, though.”
His brow twitches, back starting to hurt. “Believe me, I can tell just how good you feel. Just,” he grunts. “Tell me how to get you to cum all over my cock, doll.”
You snuggle the pillow under you, pushing your hips back against him. “My clit.”
He groans. “Anything else.”
You shrug slightly, now drooling. “Ah, Billy…”
He slips out of you and you pout quietly, until he flips you onto your back.
When you look up at him, the curls at his hairline are now damp and sticking to his forehead, a few drops of sweat beading there. He really was working hard at this.
“Alright, time to try something else,” he says lowly.
You spread your legs wide for him, gripping your breasts, tugging against your nipples and he takes himself in-hand, easing into you.
You sigh in satisfaction.
He then presses his right hand down on your lower stomach, applying pressure there.
He reaches up with his other hand, sticking two fingers in your mouth and you drool all over them, sucking, licking, nearly gagging yourself on them you’re so into it.
He turns his hips just the least bit to the left and you gasp, pulling his fingers out. “Ah, there.”
He looks up at you, stilling for only a moment, eyes wide—excited. “Yeah?”
You nod, shoving his fingers back in your mouth.
He keeps his body just like that—his cock positioned in that exact spot, and he begins to pound away inside of you.
It’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. You push his fingers back out, gripping his hand in both of yours—and hard—holding on for dear life as his tip continually teases and hits that most perfect part of you inside.
At first, it almost feels like your bladder is about to let loose, but God it feels so good. You thought everything else he’d done to you for the last few hours had been pleasurable? Wrong. This was pleasure.
You reach back, your palm planted flat against the headboard, your back arching, hips grinding down against his own, head thrown back. “Oh God, don’t stop. Please. Oh, Billy. Mm, yes, right there!”
He fucks you harder. “Oh, I’m not fucking stopping.”
He was worn out and his calf was cramping something fucking awful, his lower back needing a break, but this was what he’d spent all morning working toward. He couldn’t give in now.
“C’mon, darlin’, c’mon. Come on my cock, baby. That’s it. You’re so fucking close, I know it.”
You begin to clench rapidly around him and your eyes go wide as you take in shallow gasps of breath in anticipation as the feeling builds and builds and then…you scream. So hard you nearly choke yourself on calling out his name in ecstasy. “Billy! Yes! Oh God, yes! Ah!”
He begins to laugh, skin slapping against yours, groaning as he fills yet another condom to the brim, coming fucking hard. “Jesus Christ, baby,” he says as he finishes.
Finally, he collapses on top of you, the both of you heaving for breath, drenched in sweat, the sheets beneath you an utter mess. The room…smells of the both of you, to put it kindly. Sweat and cum and heat and something primitive. Sex. This was the smell of sex. Purely unadulterated.
He’s so weak, he can barely lift his head. So, he instead lies there, crushing you with his body weight, but having him covering you feels…nice. Secure. Safe, even.
You wrap one arm around his broad shoulders, your other hand smoothing back sweat-slick curls as you kiss the side of his head. A pulse still going strong between your legs.
He mutters into the mattress, his tone that of exhaustion. “So, you finally came that time?”
You giggle lightly. “Yes, I definitely did.”
“Good, because I don’t think I can take anymore. You’re fuckin’ insatiable. And I thought my sex-drive was bad.”
You burst out laughing. “Me? You’re the one who wouldn’t let it go.”
He buries his face in your shoulder. “Just like a woman to let a man do all the work without a word of thanks in return.”
You roll your eyes, then kiss the top of his head of messy hair. “Thank you, Billy.”
“You’re fuckin’ welcome.”
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Currently, you and Billy are sitting in traffic at a red light while he blares the song Cherry Pie—so loudly it makes your eardrums hurt.
He gets especially into the lyrics when he bangs the palm of his hand against the wheel, his wide smile growing even larger, to the line ‘swingin’ to the bass in the back of my car!’.
A smile crawls onto your own face—he’d been like this all morning since you’d gotten out of bed—which you’re unsuccessful in hiding from him.
He gives you a toothy grin, sliding his hand up your thigh to the edge of your skirt, then under it, blowing you a kiss, even winking, and then you glance to the girls in the yellow convertible next to you, who seem to be admiring his ride. Him as well, clearly.
And you decide now is the moment to put everything that’s developed between the two of you to the test. You nod toward their car. “I think you have a couple of admirers!” You shout over the music.
He shrugs. “Do I?” He asks, shifting, turning back to the windshield, accelerating as he drives past them, never once looking in their direction.
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When Billy stops for gas, he leaves you to fill the car while he goes inside to ‘get a pack of smokes’, but actually purchases another box of condoms, having used up all the rest of his—minus one—that morning.
When he returns to you, you’re just putting the nozzle back, and he comes up from behind you, squeezing you.
When you turn around, smiling warmly, he picks you up, spinning you around. You laugh, your hands holding onto his shoulders, looking down at his happy, smiling face. He finally lowers you back onto the ground, wrapping an arm around your waist, pressing your backside up against the pump as he kisses you long and deep.
When he pulls back, you grip the collar of his button-up shirt. “Someone’s in a good mood today.”
He nuzzles his nose against your neck and you giggle at the ticklish gesture. “I’m in a great fucking mood, baby.”
He walks around, opening your door for you and your heart melts. Had you finally, after all the fighting and running and pushing back against each other, reached a mutually happy place with one another?
You lower yourself inside and he leans down, kissing you again.
“Mhm,” he hums in approval, closing the door.
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Once you reach Flagstaff, Billy has calmed. Minimally. He still occasionally blared his music—particularly when AC/DC’s You Shook Me All Night Long came on—and a selection of other music. He also had put his hands on you every chance he got—you were sure you had every line and callus memorized by now. And he’d told you a couple times how lucky he was. That he loved you.
He stressed how happy you made him.
You’d cried tears of joy at it all, in disbelief that he was finally treating you the way you’d always dreamed of being treated by another. You had truly thought just a couple days ago that you would never find love. Now? The love of your life sat right next to you.
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Once the sky grew dark, Billy had pulled off into an empty lot, turning to you, head leaned back, hand once again slipping between your thighs. “Once the engine cools off a bit, I want to try something.”
You raised a brow, your hand sliding up his strong, tanned arm. “Oh?”
He’d nodded, leaning in toward you, slipping his hand into your panties, fingers playing with your clit.
He spent the next few minutes teasing you and toying with that sensitive bundle until you were soaking.
He pulls away. “So, not that I need to ask,” he says, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. “But it’s safe to assume that you still want to see the West with me?”
You smile, nodding, looking at him adoringly.
He smirks. “I told you I always get what I want.”
You glance down to his hand, rolling your eyes.
And then he cups your cheek. “I meant you, baby. It was always you.”
Your brows furrow, eyes stinging, and then you kiss him again.
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“Billy, if someone sees us doing this we could be arrested for…public indecency, or-”
He sighs. “Live a little, will you? C’mon, I’ve been dreaming about doing this since I had you in the driver’s seat. Alright, way before that. Like the first fuckin' day I put eyes on you.”
You look around the empty lot and jolt from nerves when you hear someone laying on their car horn off in the distance.
He reaches down to the hem of your dress with a raised brow, his own shirt already unbuttoned.
You sigh. “So help me, Billy Hargrove, if we both end up in jail-”
“Y’know what, putting you in cuffs at some point seems like a good idea, too, now that you mention it.”
You groan as he takes the rest of your clothes off.
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Currently, you’re completely naked, laid back on the hood of Billy’s Camaro, your legs spread open, him standing between them. You watch as he unbuckles his belt, tossing it inside the car, and he then unbuttons and unzips his jeans, easing them, along with his briefs, down to his ankles, taking himself in his hand.
And then you sit up suddenly, hanging your head between your knees, groaning in irritation.
“What? Don’t tell me you don’t want to now. I've had enough of you given' me blue balls for the last week.”
You look up at him. He’d already gotten the two of you a room for the night at a local motel—recently opened, so for once you were to be staying in a nice place—so all your things were there. Including condoms. The only reason the two of you had gone back out was to get a bite to eat for dinner.
“We don’t have any protection.”
He swears, yanking his pants back up. “Fuck!”
He looks back to you, considering. “What if I use the pull-out method instead?”
You shift atop the hood. “Is that…does it always work? I mean, what is it, exactly?”
“I come anywhere but inside of you.”
“Have you done it before like that?” You ask, doubtful.
In truth, no, he hadn’t. He’d always used condoms. Always.
“First time for everything,” he says, looking at you from under his lashes, forehead creased, hands on his hips.
After a moment, you lay back down. “Okay.”
He positions himself between your legs again, dropping his pants. He leans over you, palm pressed against the hood of the car, his other hand guiding himself into you.
He grips both of your hips, gently fucking you, your feet planted on either side of the hood.
His eyes trail along your bare body and he grows impossibly harder. “God, you look so fucking hot right now. You’re perfect, honey.”
You scoot closer to him, trying to wrap your legs around his waist, so he grips you by your thighs, pounding away inside of you, skin slapping against skin, his breathing ragged as he watches your breasts bounce with each pump of him, your fingers clawing against the hood.
He angles his hips, trying to reach that spot inside of you that you both enjoy, and knows he’s found it when your eyes roll back, body slightly arching off the car.
He smirks, running his hands up your thighs, then back down, squeezing them. “Maybe I should see what my shifter looks like inside of you next.”
You clench around him, then look up at him with curious eyes.
He shrugs. “After you polish my knob first, maybe.”
You roll your eyes, whimpering. “You need help. Who even comes up with something like that?”
“Oh, you’re definitely helping me, sweetheart,” he says, thrusting into you again and again. “And you’d be surprised.”
You then wonder what it would be like: having him in your mouth. You’d not done that yet. Maybe an idea for when you get back to the room.
Your imagination toying with the thought gets cut short by a sudden boom of thunder overhead, lightning flashing not far from the two of you…and then it begins to downpour.
You try to shield your eyes from the sudden onslaught of rain, Billy essentially paying it no mind as he continues to work his body with yours in tandem.
You gasp and his head jerks up, smirking, thinking it’s from him, but it’s the cool droplets pelting against your hot skin, quickly cooling you.
“Now you’re really wet,” he calls over the sound of rain pounding against the car, laughing.
You begin to shiver. “A-are you almost done yet?”
He raises a brow. “Me? What about you?” He angles his hips yet again and you curse, saying his name.
“We’re not leaving until we’ve both come, sweetheart, so we might be here for awhile!” He moves his hand to your clit, his thumb beginning to rub fast circles.
You wrap your arms around yourself, the only part of you that now feels warm being that which is between your legs.
“Can’t we just go back and I try what you said instead?”
“What’s that?”
“You in my mouth?”
He stares at you for just a moment, then quickly pulls out, moaning as he finishes all over your stomach at the thought, the rain washing it off of you.
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“So…how do we uh…”
He lifts your chin with his finger, putting your eyes on his instead of on his erection.
“Well, you’ll be on your knees either way,” he says quietly. “But I don’t know which would be easier for you: me sitting or standing.”
“Which would you prefer?” You ask nervously.
He’d just fucked you on the hood of his car right out in the open in the middle of a thunderstorm and now you were nervous?
He decides sitting would be the better option. You’d not done this before and if it took you awhile—which it likely would—he didn’t want to interrupt things because his legs were tired.
He sits on the edge of the bed, the mattress dipping in the middle from his weight, and you settle onto your knees in front of him, taking him in your hand.
He knows just from the sight of you like this alone, he won’t last long.
He’d thought before that he had pretty good stamina when it came to sex. But with you… Jesus, had it shortened.
You look at him with wide eyes, stroking like you’d done the other night. “Does that feel good?”
He quickly nods, throwing his head back, closing his eyes. “Yeah, honey, that feels good.”
You study it for a moment, then decide to just go for it. You lower your mouth onto his length and his eyes shoot open, hips bucking, causing you to gag as he hits the back of your throat.
You pull back, licking your lips. “Did I do something wrong?”
He runs one of his hands through his hair, worrying about coming all over you already. “No, just…try again. It was good, sweetheart.”
You lower your mouth onto him again and he curls his toes, fisting the comforter underneath him, holding on with everything he has, trying not to…not to…
You begin to bob your head, gently sucking, swirling your tongue around him, not really sure what you’re doing, but giving it your best shot either way. You rest your palms atop his thighs, then pull back, him slipping out of your mouth and you stroke him again as you take a breath, then swallow the length of him again.
“Fuck,” he curses, reaching up, gripping your hair, making a ponytail with both of his hands, holding it out of the way as he watches you.
“Oh God,” he mutters and before you can ask what’s wrong, you feel him shooting into the back of your throat.
You gag at the unusual feeling, pulling away, cum dribbling off of your chin.
You look up to him, silent for a moment, then, “That…was…” Fast? You don’t think you should say that, however.
He stares down at you, mortified. “What?” He asks, tone unreadable.
You need to give him a reassuring answer. You smile softly. “Different. I liked it. Did…did you? I mean, did I do okay?”
He could nearly cry from relief. You had no idea that he’d prematurely… He couldn’t even think of it.
He lays back on the bed, reaching toward the nightstand, pulling a number of tissues out of the box which sits on it and his hips jerk when he feels you suddenly take him in your hand again.
He sits up, wiping your face. “You were incredible, doll.”
You smile.
And he’d been worried that you would take too long, not that he wouldn’t able to last.
He lays back again, shaking his head.
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Billy had excused himself to the bathroom for a moment afterward and you'd sat quietly on the bed, patiently waiting for him. He may've been your first in everything—minus kissing; you'd done that with a boy you couldn't remember the name of now, when you were seven on the playground—but you knew finishing that quickly wasn't...the norm. Not for him, at least.
If anything, though, it made you feel flattered. He'd enjoyed the sight of you like that in front of him—the feel of himself in your mouth—so much that he hadn't been able to hold back, or exercise practically any kind of self-control to last even a moment longer.
When he emerges, you speak. "Do you want to take a shower together?"
He smirks, mood lightening, embarrassment waning. "You don't have to ask me twice, darlin'."
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"It's in my eyes!" You holler, wiping suds away from your face, the chemical taste also getting in your mouth.
Billy curses, grabbing your shoulders, holding you directly under the shower head, erection pressed firmly into the small of your back.
You'd been busy trying to wash your hair when you'd felt his hand slipping between your legs, fingers easing inside of you and next thing you knew, you were being blinded by a bit of Finesse.
You keep your eyes squeezed shut as his fingers work diligently against your scalp, getting all the soap out.
He then turns you around to face him. "Alright, open."
You slowly blink up at him, then scowl. "Don't ever do that again."
He shrugs, shampooing his own hair then. "Just thought your bush needed a little extra attention with the shampoo, too."
You glance down, crossing your arms, looking back up to him. "You're one to talk."
He smirks. "Never said I didn't like it."
You cock your head to the side, then smile up at him.
He raises a brow in interest.
And then you pinch one of his nipples.
He reaches up, pressing his palm overtop of it. "Ow! The fuck did you do that for?"
You smirk. "Just a bit of payback for all the times you yanked on my hair in class."
He leans down toward you then, causing your back to bump against the shower wall. He slips one hand down your waist, grabbing one of your asscheeks. "Now there's an idea. You want me to pull your hair, honey? I always wondered what it'd feel like wrapped around my fist."
You nearly make a joke, asking just how long he'd last that time, but don't want to hurt him.
He presses a kiss to your neck, then whispers, "Maybe I'll let you yank on mine, too, next time I have my head between your legs."
You take him in your hand, then, and he sucks in a sharp breath, watching as you get on your knees.
You look up at him. "Why don't we just start now?"
You swallow the length of him and he slaps one of his hands against the wet shower wall, cursing.
He reaches down, winding your long hair around one of his fists, vowing to last longer this time. He gently pushes further into your mouth, pulling against your hair, biting his lip.
You stare up, drooling all over him just a bit, then suck, pulling your mouth away with a 'pop', stroking him.
He closes his eyes, brows furrowed, using every ounce of strength he has in him not to come all over your face right now.
You ease back down onto him again, cupping the bottom of his shaft with your tongue and you gag when his hips jerk, sending him deeper. You pull back for a moment, taking a breath, then going back in.
Billy stares up at the ceiling, fist iron-tight around your hair. Looking at you is not a good idea at the moment. But the fucking sounds you're making aren't helping in the least, either. Gagging and sucking and—fuck—you keep doing this thing with your tongue that no girl has ever done before. How the hell are you so good at this?
You're not afraid to get messy, that much is clear. Then again, being already in the shower will make clean-up that much easier.
He prays to God the hot water doesn't run out anytime soon.
You hollow your cheeks, sucking harder then and he groans, saying your name, cock twitching in the back of your throat.
You wonder if you're doing alright, if he likes it—you still having not much of an idea of what to do—but from the way his entire body is tensed up, you take it as a sign that you're onto something.
You swirl your tongue around the tip of him, the taste somewhat salty, then swallow, head continuing to bob along his length.
Billy looks down finally, seeing that your eyes are closed, like you're enjoying yourself just as much as he is. "Fuck, angel. I don't know how much longer I can-"
You pull back, looking up at him, batting your lashes, stroking him in your hand. "Hm?"
He twitches in your grip, knowing he's getting closer.
After a moment of silence, you shrug, easing your mouth onto him once more.
You reach up, gently cupping his testicles and his eyes go wide when you gently tug against them. "Holy fuck-"
You hollow your cheeks.
"Jesus fuckin'-"
You swirl your tongue, taking him as deep as you can manage without gagging, moving your neck at a rapid pace.
And then he suddenly pulls your head closer to him, fist still in your hair, and he begins to buck his hips, cock slamming against the back of your throat, until he finally throws his head back, groaning, spilling down your throat as he finishes.
Once you've cleaned him with your tongue, he reaches down, gently pulling your hand away from his softening member.
You stand then.
"Did...did you swallow again?" He asks.
Wait. Were you not supposed to do that? Was...was that bad? You'd done it earlier, too, and he hadn't said anything... So you'd just gone with it, assuming that it was a normal thing to do.
"Yes, why? Am I not supposed to do-"
He smirks, shaking his head. "No, it's not that, sweetheart. Just...most girls spit."
"Oh." Your brows furrow. Sounds like a waste to you. "Well, I don't mind swallowing."
His smile grows wider. And then he leans down, muttering 'my lil' cherry pie', before kissing you passionately.
He then pulls back, lips still touching against your own. "Time to repay the favor."
He kneels on one knee, other leg bent, foot still flat on the tiled shower floor.
You lean back against the corner of the shower and he lifts one of your legs onto his shoulder and begins to lick, easing two fingers inside of you, curling them, massaging, sucking against your clit.
"Oh God, Billy..." You grip his shoulder, until he grabs your hand, settling it on the top of his head.
He glances up to you with a wicked smirk. "Fair's fair, sugar."
He goes back to teasing your clit with the tip of his tongue and your fingers clench tightly around his wet curls, pulling his face in closer to your core.
He chuckles against you, muttering into your mound, "needy little thing" before kissing you there and spearing his tongue inside of you.
You nearly slam your head back against the wall as he begins tracing his name on your clit, intent on finishing this time.
He grabs your thigh tightly, feeling you growing closer, and he begins to go faster. On the 'o' in his last name, you begin to clench more rapidly around him.
Not fucking yet, he thinks, making a swift 'v'.
You gasp, fingers pulling so tightly against his strands that he's sure you're about to rip a few out. He hopes you fucking do.
Just as he completes the last 'e', do you shatter, crying out, legs shaking, body trembling, his fingers working rapidly inside of your tight hot walls that're squeezing against his digits.
He slips them out of you then, gripping your right hip as he smiles up at you. "You know, that is one of my favorite albums," he says standing, smirking down at you as he cups both of your cheeks in his palms. "Slippery When Wet."
He crushes his lips against yours.
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When the two of you laid down for the night, Billy was naked, as per usual, and you had decided to try it out as well, knowing he'd get a kick out of it, if nothing else. Besides, if your feet got cold, you could always just stick them on his back.
He turns onto his side as you slip under the covers, sliding his hand along your bare hip. He hums in interest. "Look who decided she doesn't like sleeping with clothes on anymore either."
You reply nonchalantly. "I can always put them back on."
He wraps a leg around one of yours, pulling you to him. "You won't hear me complaining. Besides, makes for easier access this way."
You sigh. "Go to sleep, Billy." You fight against a smirk he can't see anyway, as the room is pitch black.
"That's my name, please wear it out." A beat of silence, then, "Besides, how the hell am I supposed to sleep with you pressed up against me like this all night?"
"Who pressed up against who when they got into bed?"
"Oh, you were practically asking for it." He snuggles his face against your neck.
"By looking like that."
You suddenly regret this decision. He was never going to shut up now. "You can't see anything. Now will you please-"
"Oh, I can see it right now. All I have to do is close my eyes, doll."
"Billy-" You jerk when you feel his erection poking you in the side.
"Woops, seems someone else is up now, too. Maybe he just needs a kiss goodnight."
"You're getting on my nerves."
"Mm, which ones," he asks, hand settling between your legs.
You sigh loudly in irritation.
You can practically hear the smirk on his face when he says, "That good, huh? And I've barely even touched you yet."
You flip around so you're on your side, facing him. You clamp your hand over his mouth. "Shh, go to sleep."
He licks your hand and you pull away. "Oh, Billy, that's so gross." You say, wiping your palm against his chest.
"My face has been between your legs, making a meal out of the place you piss from, and that's what turns you off?"
You groan, pressing your forehead against his pectoral.
He chuckles, wrapping his arms around you, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. "Alright, I'll lay off."
You cuddle closer.
"But I can't make any promises for him," he says, pushing his hips closer to you, erection poking against your stomach.
You squeeze your eyes shut, not bothering with replying.
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theemporium · 8 months
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Eddie Munson wasn’t the most romantic guy, but he tried his hardest. 
His feelings for you were overwhelming in the best way possible. He was loud and eccentric and a little too much for most people, but then again, you weren’t like most people. Wayne had always joked that it was a shock Eddie managed to snag someone like you. You always liked to joke back that Eddie was scaring everyone else off until you came along. 
But truth be told, he agreed with Wayne. 
He wasn’t sure how he managed to get someone like you to love him, but you did. You loved him with your whole heart. You took one look at him and saw the real Eddie. You didn’t see some third year senior, or some freak obsessed with a fantasy game. You didn’t see a weird metalhead, or some kid with no future. 
You saw Eddie. You saw a glimpse of him and you wanted to see more. You wanted to see more so you could love more, and it made his chest feel funny the way you decided to stick around even after seeing the person behind the mask. 
And sometimes, Eddie envied how easily the relationship seemed to come to you. You would always surprise him, sometimes with dinner from his favourite or a bouquet of flowers or a tape you knew he had been wanting. You always knew when he wanted to be held or the words he needed to hear to cheer him up a little. You always knew how to make him feel special, like it was a basic instinct for you. 
Meanwhile, Eddie was left second guessing himself because the last thing he wanted was to scare you away. He loved you. He loved you so much, it hurt. He loved you so much and he just wanted to show that. Hence, the picnic date. 
He had gone all out, having spoken to Robin and Steve countless times over the last week to set up the perfect date setting. He cleaned out the back of his van to make it the perfect fortress of blankets and pillows. He had packed your favourite foods and even splashed some money on the slightly more expensive beer that was easier to get down.
It was the perfect set up for a romantic date, but the funny thing about Eddie Munson was that he wasn’t really a romantic kinda guy. And that was something you adored about him.
You didn’t want cheesy dates and corny lines that made you borderline feel like you wanted to empty your stomach. You didn’t want over-the-top date nights or meticulously planned outings. You didn’t want expensive beers and fancy chocolate-covered strawberries that cost three times the amount they should. 
You wanted Eddie. 
You wanted your Eddie. 
You wanted your Eddie who made you feel good in a million different ways that no other man could ever compare to.
“Eddie,” you let out a soft, high-pitched squeal as your head fell back against the thick blanket beneath you. “Shit, I—”
“This,” he groaned, low and rough and gravelly. It made your stomach dip. His hands gripped the meat of your thighs, keeping them spread open as he leaned down to lick a thick strip along your cunt. “This is better than any fucking dessert.” 
“Eddie,” you whined, your hands gripping the fabric of your pretty sundress in tight fists as he began shamelessly licking the mess you had made all over your thighs.
And you really shouldn’t have been surprised. 
Eddie was a simple man when it came to you. Anything you did, the boy obsessed over because you did it and he was obsessed with you. So, his brain practically short-circuited when you came running out your house, dressed in a pretty floral dress that brushed against your thighs and had two thin straps holding it up. He about lost the ability to speak when you leaned over to kiss his cheek in a greeting, giving him the perfect view of your tits. But his downfall was when you climbed into the back of his van, giving him the perfect glimpse of the white cotton panties you were wearing that made it difficult to care about eating anything but you.
He lasted all of twenty minutes before he broke, watching a little dribble of strawberry juice drip down your chin that had him leaning over, licking up the mess before crawling over your body completely. You had breathed out his name, breathless and a little dazed when you saw the heated look in his eyes, the look that told you he wanted to devour you and that was exactly what you let him do.
But now you were two orgasms in, your body was wracked with pleasure and the boy didn’t look like he had any plans of stopping soon.
“‘s too much,” you cried out as he pushed your thighs up, almost bending you in half with your knees pushing against your chest so you were completely spread out and exposed for him. “Please, I can’t—”
“One more,” he groaned against your cunt, his nose nudging your swollen clit because he liked the way your body jerked in response. “Need you to come on my fingers, honey. Then I’ll stop, okay? Just one more, that’s all I want.” 
“Mhmm,” you whimpered, all high-pitched and whiny but your obedience made him grin. 
And he did intend to only make you come one more time for him. He intended to give you a break. He did. He really, really did. 
But then he was knuckle deep inside you, the wet and debauched sounds of your soaking pussy echoing through the back of his van as you squirmed and moaned and screamed out his name until your throat was raw. Tears were streaming down your cheeks, your thighs were shaking in his hold and you were babbling incoherently, so lost in the pleasure that you didn’t have time to warn him that something felt different, that there was a twist deep in your guts that didn’t feel familiar.
Eddie could’ve came in his pants from the sight alone.
It almost felt never-ending. His fingers were pumping in and out of you, already soaked to the wrist with your arousal before you were squirting everywhere. You were shaking beneath him, mouth parted with silent screams as you soaked everything around you. As you shook and moaned and came harder than you ever had in your life. As you did something he only thought was possible in fucking pornos. 
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment when your brain seemed to catch up with your body, blinking a few times as the realisation hit you like a freight truck. Your eyes instantly teared up, your hands desperately trying to pull the soaking material of your sundress over your body to cover yourself up like it would give you some dignity. 
You opened your mouth. “Eddie, I’m so—”
“Did I say you could cover up?”
You blinked, your brows furrowing in confusion. “What?”
He slapped your hands away, not allowing you to pull your skirt over your pussy. “I said,” he repeated, his voice lower this time as his darkened gaze caught yours. “Did I say you could cover up?”
You pressed your lips together, shaking your head. “No, sir.”
“Good girl,” he praised, and the hot tears of embarrassment were quickly replaced with the warmth of his praises. “Now, lay back down and keep your legs open.” 
“Eddie—” you started again, your stomach dipping when you noticed the mess you made. Not only were you soaked, but so was he. His clothes now stained darker, along with the blanket beneath you but he didn’t seem to care.
“Shhh,” he hummed as his hands rubbed up and down your thighs, completely uncaring of your arousal leaking and dripping down your thighs. “Only wanna hear your pretty moans, honey. Wanna hear how good it feels.”
“It?” You questioned breathlessly.
His grin was vindictive, almost sinister. “Wanna see you do it again f’me, baby.”
Your eyes widened. “But—”
“Nuh uh, what did I say?” He chastised softly, gripping your thighs until a soft whimper left your lips. “Now, either you let me hear those needy noises or I stuff something in that pretty mouth of yours to keep you quiet. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl. Now, open those legs and let me see my pretty girl.”
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wonderlandwalker · 2 months
First Impressions | Eddie Munson x Reader
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Stranger Things Masterlist / Inbox
Summary: Eddie learns that Dustin has a recently reunited sister, and from the moment he meets you he's a goner.
Content Warnings / Tags: Pure fluff, henderson!reader, tiny mention of a fight but nothing descriptive, not edited, no use of y/n
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: Eddie brain rot cause I couldn't keep it in. Don't know if this is my best work but I'm planning to write more chapters on this so it's just a start, hope you like it
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“You need a ride home after this?” It was more of a formality than an actual question, he always drove Dustin home after a session.
“Oh that’s okay, my sister is picking me up.” Dustin didn’t even look up from packing his things away, but Eddie’s head shot up.
“Your- you have a sister, since when?” As far as he knew Dustin was an only child, but now he was wrecking his brain trying to think if he had ever mentioned you before.
“I know you’re bad at math Eddie, but I just told you she’s driving so try and put the pieces together.” Dustin was looking up at him now, challenging him.
“Alright smartass, it’s time for you to shut up.” He told him as he ruffled through his hair, leaving behind an agitated Dustin trying frantically to fix it. 
The others had already gone home, but Dustin stayed behind late to help Eddie finish up, a habit that became more and more common as the two grew closer. When they finished packing up Eddie locked the door behind them, and while walking to the parking lot decided he wasn’t quite done interrogating Dustin.
“If you have an older sister, how come I've never seen her around before?”
“I mean she’s been around during holidays before, she lived with dad though but they had a big fight so she’s moved here.” It seemed like a sore topic, so Eddie dropped it for now.
As they got to the entrance of the school and felt the cool air on their skin Eddie indeed noticed another car in the usually empty lot, and you were sitting on the hood of it, a book in your hands as you patiently waited. The last rays of sunshine graced your figure as if the heavens themselves were blessing you, and Eddie had never been so sure he’d seena goddess in his life. It was just like the tales he knew so well, the ones he still devoted his life to, it was as if they were becoming true. You looked up when you heard them approach, smiling at the sight of them and giving Dustin a quick side hug as they reached you.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot of good things.” You held your hand out for Eddie to take, but all he could do was look at it, staring ahead as if hitting pause in a game, he stood still. He wanted to react, to not make the most horrible first impression possible, but the longer he looked at you the worse it got, getting lost in sight of your smile. “Alright, not a fan of handshakes, notes.” You chuckled as you withdrew your hand, and Eddie cursed himself for not having taken the opportunity to feel how soft your skin must’ve been. You looked at him again, your eyes piercing straight through his soul and he wondered if maybe he had found himself in one of his fantasy worlds, he must have. But the next second he shook himself out of it, because you were real, you were real and in front of him and expecting him to say something.
“I’m Eddie.” he said, nodding his head as if to confirm his own statement.
“So I’ve been told.” Another giggle slipped past your lips, and Eddie wasnt sure if it was from nerves or entertainment, but he was dying to hear more of it, even if he had to make a fool of himself to do so.
Dustins head kept going back and forth as if watching a tennis match of idiocracy. He had never seen Eddie so flustered, so used to the man flaunting with every opportunity that presented itself that this seemed quite out of character. In full disclosure, it was kind of freaking him out to see Eddie so beside himself, and it was freaking him out even further that he couldn’t figure out why. It was probably blatantly obvious to anyone else, but maybe it was for the best that Dustin couldn’t place where the tension originated from, either way, his patience had run out
“Can we go home now, I still have to call Mike to discuss our net strategies” You tore your eyes from Eddie, deciding that maybe it was for the best to head home.
“Yeah alright, maybe I’ll see you around Eddie.” You gave him one last smile as you got in the car with Dustin and drove off, but it took him another minute to pick his shambled ego up from the concrete ground as he berated himself for not being able to utter one coherent sentence. As he got in his van and drove home as well he decided he’d have to grill Dustin for more information on you the next time he’d see him. As he got to the trailer he grumbled a hello to Wayne before disappearing to his room, ignoring the backhanded comment he got about his grumpy disposition. 
He wondered if he’d ever be able to convince you he was cool, whether he’d be able to get you to agree to see him again, but after what just transpired he figured the odds were slim. Not that he’d give up so easily, he didn’t have much of a reputation to lose and if he’d be able to get you to laugh again that would be more than enough. But he didn’t get to wonder for long as Wayne knocked on his door, he was ready to tell the man to leave him alone, but the next sentence was one that confused him immensely
“Someone on the phone for you.” Wayne held the phone out to him, expecting him to get up from the bed and take it, but Eddie didn’t move an inch.
“For me, you sure?” He was still not quite sure what to do. “Unless another Eddie is living here I’m pretty sure.” He moved his hand again to accentuate the phone that was still on hold, but once again Eddie just sat there.
“If you want I can tell her to call back-” That’s when he sprung into action, snatching the phoen out of Wayne’s hand 
“No! No, I got it. Thank you.” The old man simply chuckled as he left again, closing the door behind him to give his nephew some privacy.
Eddie cleared his throat once before picking up the line put on hold. 
“Hello?” he asked, still not quite sure what to do.
“Hi, Eddie it’s me, just wanted to see if you were doing alright.” your sweet voice blessed his ears once more. He doesn’t know what he did to get the universe on his side like this, but he was grateful for it nonetheless.
“Yeah I’m good, listen-” Eddie figured this time he shouldn’t waste his chance, and he probably had some making up to do. “- I’m sorry if I freaked you out earlier, just never seen anyone that pretty before.” You were giggling again, and it brought the biggest grin onto his face. “You didn’t weird me out at all, it was kinda cute. I had to bribe Dustin to let me use the phone so I don’t have much time but I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go out this weekend?” Maybe he should’ve waited a beart before answering, but he was too eager to care.
“Go out, as in a date?” It got him blushing, the red creeping up on his cheeks as he wondered if that’s really what you were asking
“I mean, kinda, if you want to.” He could almost see you blushing on the other side of the line as well, and he decided it was now or never.
“I’d love to.” 
“That’s great, I’m still kind of new around here, do you know any good places?” Your smile was present as you spoke, and he was already looking forward to seeing it again, now knowing he wouldn’t have to wait long.
“How about I come and pick you up, we can go to the mall.” His confidence was growing with the minute now, absolutely elated by the turn of events.
“Im looking forward to it” He wondered what you’d wear, knowing whatever it was it would look beautiful on you, and he knew he’d spend the entire date amazed at your presence. 
“Me too” he said before the both of you hung up the phone, he had already started planning the most amazing evening out, and maybe, he thought, maybe this year really would take a turn for the better.
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lavendermunson · 4 months
mine - steve harrington
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summary you get separated from the love of your life after spending the best night together, would the universe bring you back to him? based on this request, thank you so much!
cw college!steve, college!reader. fluff, angst and more angst then more fluff. modern times!! allusions to sex. reader wears glasses sometimes.
w.c 9.2k
a/n created a playlist for this one (i struggled a little bit and the songs helped) thank you to @stveharringtn and @ihatepeanutss for reading the early chapter and motivating me to continue ily! NO PROOFREAD BECAUSE IM EXCITED
dividers by @saradika
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I. Left a small town and never looked back.
Due to your parents' jobs, you had to move frequently, and the longest you stayed in one place was three years. You were so used to this, following the single rule for yourself: never get attached.
One problem, it was impossible not to fall for Steve Harrington. 
You met Steve in Hawkins, and the three years you spent together were magical. Talking late at night, going to the movies, and hanging out by the lake. Holidays were always spent with him, you invited him to your house, and your parents loved him. Even though your little brother was only 8 years old, he knew Steve was important to the family.  
The last year of high school was just around the corner. You’ve talked to Steve about graduating together, going to college, and spending the rest of your lives together. Watching each other through all the ups and downs of adulthood, you knew Steve was going to stay with you no matter what, he would be there for you, and you would be there for him. It was all a perfect dream, you’d have someone to celebrate your victories and cheer you up when the inevitable bad luck followed you around.
That dream was crushed when your parents told you they had to move again. You were heartbroken, and even more so because you were going to be separated from your favorite person. It was the first time you'd broken the rule, you got attached to Steve, and you fell in love with him.
The news broke him. He couldn’t sleep for the rest of the week, he wanted to be with you all the time, like you promised.
Before leaving Hawkins, you decided to confess your feelings for him. It felt wrong to pack that secret into your suitcase. Steve felt the same, he liked you too, but he didn’t want to admit he was in love with you yet. He decided to make your last day at Hawkins the best day you’ve ever had.
The first stop was the diner outside of town to eat burgers, fries, and milkshakes like you always do. At your favorite booth, this time it had a vase with flowers in the center of the table and a beanie babie.
“This is the one I saw in the magazine.” You take the white stuffed bear, it has a red ribbon around his neck and an embroidered red heart. 
“In case you need someone to hug,” he says, looking at the laces of his shoes and holding back his tears.
“Smells good! I’m so hungry.” You saw the way his smile faded, changing the subject was better than crying already. You had to enjoy the night.
While sipping from your freshly made milkshakes— stealing the cherry on top of his milkshake as usual—and watching Steve go over the old jukebox to play your favorite songs, the pocket of his jeans ended up empty from using all the coins he had.
“Get up! We have to dance.” Steve stands up, reaching for your hand.
He had to choose wisely for the next song, it was the last coin he had, so of course Be My Baby, by The Ronettes, was playing. He took your hand, squeezing it, and placed his free hand on your back to keep you closer. You rest one of your hands on his chest, feeling his heart beat fast for you.
Everyone in the diner was watching you, but you didn’t care. You were in the arms of your boy, your love, and it was the last night with him before a while. You had to dance like nobody was watching.
Leaving the checkered floor and the red booths, the second stop was the theater, cuddling while watching ‘Before Sunrise’ . It's one of your favorite movies, and it came back to the big screen for its anniversary.
Both of you get the feeling that it is the perfect movie to watch on a day like this. It was perfect because you don’t know what’s going to happen with you two in the future, just like Celine and Jesse. Your love for each other looks like that, it feels like that, and the best part is that it’s real, not something written for a movie. You aren’t acting or performing. You are feeling it.
You feel so lucky you didn’t meet him for just one night, you had spent so much time with Steve. The endless walks around the park and picking flowers in spring while he holds the basket and you place your favorites on it so you can take them home. The fun summers, hanging out by the pool, and eating a lot of ice cream—one of those years you had free ice cream thanks to Steve working at Scoops Ahoy. You spent the entire summer making fun of his tiny sailor suit, not wanting to admit he looked really good in it. 
Fall was always fun, dressing up for Halloween, and joining the kids to trick or treat, so at the end, you can steal some of their best candy bars. The adorable winter, playing in the snow and getting your nose red, drinking hot cocoa and marshmallows while watching Christmas movies.
Everything comes back to your mind like you were watching your movie. Feeling safe and loved with Steve’s arms around you. You never fought before, nothing went bad, but everything was over. For a while.
Steve holds your hand while you walk through the parking lot. The night sky is decorated with stars, so big and bright. He interlocks his fingers with yours, squeezing your hand as you walk to his BMW. 
The last stop is Lover’s Lake. He parks his car in the usual spot—your favorite spot. It’s the best place to feel the magic of the water mixed with the light of the moon. A reminder that you exist on the same planet, even if the miles come between you.
The radio starts to play ‘Don’t you forget about me’. The song was perfect. You take a deep breath. This is a moment you will remember forever.
Both sitting in the hood of his car, he hugs you, shielding you from the cold breeze, and kisses the top of your head while your back rests against his chest. The tears start to spill from your eyes, rolling down your cheeks. You can't hold the sobs, your chest is giving up.
“Hey, hey!” He turns you around, softly cupping your face between his hands and rubbing the tears away with his thumbs.
“Don’t you dare forget about me,” you whisper, as if the trees were going to be disturbed by your sobs.
“I won’t, I’ll call you every day. But I am going to miss you so much,” he whispers back. 
“I’m scared, Stevie,” you sob, tangling your arms around his neck. “What if we can’t make it?”
“We will, we got this. The love I have for you is stronger than anything else, we won’t let the distance break us.”
“Do you promise?”
“I promise”
Pressing his thumbs against your cheeks, he gets close to you. Your lips touch, and it feels like thousands of fireworks light up inside you. You feel one of his hands slide down your arm, and it makes you shiver. His hand rests on your waist and gives it a little squeeze. You jump closer to him than before, and you can feel his lips turn into a grin.
It wasn’t your first kiss with him. You kissed sometimes while playing spin the bottle or when Steve wanted to teach you how to kiss better.
“We will get through this. I'll see you again, and we can live the rest of our lives together.”
He kisses you again, and you open your mouth as he pushes your face to the side with his thumb. He slides his tongue to join yours and get more of the way you taste, honey, strawberries and cherries. Steve is being patient, taking his time brushing his tongue against yours and humming at how good it feels.
This kiss felt more magical, it made your insides bubbly, and your cheeks got warmer. But inside you, the clock was ticking, you had to savor this moment in case the universe turned against you again.
He breaks the kiss, trying to slow his breath. You do the same, opening your eyes slowly.
“I won’t do anything, not tonight." His voice is soft, but the tone is deeper. He feels a knot in his throat. “But next time, I promise I will make you feel so good.”
“I know, next time and the others. There’s only a couple of months left for summer break, and we will see each other again.”
“We will, baby. Now kiss me before I fall to the floor, you look so pretty tonight as you always do.”
“You are beautiful, Stevie.”He kisses you again, not getting enough of you. He kissed you before you went inside the house and he would’ve kissed you a thousand times more if he knew it was going to be the last time.
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II. Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts. 
You were disconnected and heartbroken by the time you spent the first week of your last year of high school at a different school. Steve picked a few shifts a week at the local coffee shop after school, always with Robin by his side.
Hawkins felt so empty without you. Every time he saw a happy couple smiling, kissing, or hugging, he felt nauseous and jealous. His friends knew how he felt, they missed you too, but they never stopped calling you. 
The only thing that kept him going were your calls, you called every single night. Tell him about your day, your new school, and your new friends. He tells you about school, work, Robin, and the kids. It was good, he loved hearing your voice and watching you through his screen.
“I can’t believe it! I told you! Steve Harrington’s first A+ essay, and without my help. I feel a little wounded, you don’t need me at all!”
He felt so proud of himself. You were the last one to know about it but you are the most excited one. Even more excited than him.
“You are a great tutor, all those tips and seeing my practice essays marked with a pink glittery pen helped me a lot”
“I'm so proud of you, you are capable of anything I know!”
“Honey…” Steve’s worried face makes your heart sink.
“I’m always going to need you. I can’t live without you.”
You press both of your hands against your chest as if that were going to soothe your pain. The damage you caused him is evident, you shouldn’t have broken that stupid rule.
“I miss you, Stevie. I can’t do this without you.”
“I miss you too, honey. And you can, you have me here. Always”
Steve feels his head heavier each minute, the long hours at the coffee shop kill him. 
“We should go to sleep, yeah?” he says, noticing your sleepy face. 
“We should. Good night. Call me tomorrow!”
“Please, I don’t know if I can survive without hearing your voice”
You get closer to your camera, blowing him a kiss.
“I’ll annoy you with my voice every night, honey!”
“I’d love that baby. Good night,” he says, blowing a kiss back.
When you hang up, he tosses his laptop to the floor. It falls on the pile of unwashed clothes he has. 
“Weird,” he says to himself, looking at his laptop resting on the clothes. He takes a look around his room. It’s a mess, he makes a mental note to clean it, and he can’t stress over it right now.
Steve lays with his back against the mattress. He remembers the way you brought your hands up to your chest. He does the same, hoping to understand why you did it.
His warm palms rest against his chest, now he knows. He feels it. Steve applies a bit of pressure to his chest, closing his eyes and trying to fall asleep.
So much for trying, it felt like maybe five minutes had passed, and when he glanced at his clock, it was six a.m. His alarm was about to go off, and he had to go downstairs, make breakfast, and get on his way to pick Robin up to go to school.
That’s when he lets out a sob. Time does pass without you, the world doesn’t stop, and he gets even more scared than before. 
Don’t you forget about me.
He grabbed his phone, clicking on his texts. You’ve already said good morning to him.
‘Good morning baby. I'll miss you forever. Have a nice day! Love you”
That’s when he takes a moment to reply. 
‘Good morning, hope you slept well. I love you too.”
And then he gets out of bed to spend another day without you by his side. Knowing you are slipping through his fingers already.
Three weeks later.
The calls stopped being frequent, sometimes you were too tired, or sometimes he was too tired. 
“I have to go, I'm exhausted. Can I call you tomorrow?” you ask him.
Steve had to ignore the arrow that just shot through his heart, he wasn’t ready to say goodbye. The more he talked to you, the more he missed you. When he knew you weren’t going to make it for the summer break he felt his heart break, every time he woke up he was already crying.
This broke your heart too, not being able to see him, or visit your friends. It felt like some strange and strong force was keeping you away and pushing you farther.
“Of course, honey. Sweet dreams”
“Sweet dreams, Stevie.”
He closes his laptop after you hang up, tossing it aside. The pile of clothes seems to be bigger. He swears to do it tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. Whenever he feels like he is alive.
Four months later.
The rush hour at the coffee shop ends up killing Steve’s back, and his feet are burning. To his surprise, his parents are home.
Can this day get any worse? Yes, you haven’t texted him back since yesterday.
"Steve, are you still wasting your time at that damn coffee shop?” His dad shouts he doesn’t have time for this. “Steve?”
He hears his dad’s heavy steps behind him. He catches Steve at the first step of the stairs.
“Didn’t you hear me? Say something!”
“I’m not wasting my time, I'm saving up for college,” Steve whispers. He can feel his dad’s warm breath against his face, and he can smell the whiskey too. 
“College? You are going to work for me, right?”
“Then why go to college in the first place?”
Steve pushes his dad away, and his mother joins them.
“It’s clear, John.” she says.
“Say it, Steve.”
“To get the fuck away from you, that’s why,” Steve spits out. His eyes were burning, and tears were threatening to fall.
He gets away from them, locking himself in his room. He doesn’t mind looking at his phone or picking up his laptop, he just wants to fall asleep and get this over with. It has been such a long day.
Six months later.
It’s been a long time since you’ve talked to each other.
“Are you tired?” You ask, and he has been rubbing his eyes for the third time now. “You don’t have to hang up, carry me to your bed.”
Steve leaned his head to the side, just as a confused puppy does. 
“C’mon, I’ll read you a story so you can fall asleep. Like old times.”
“Are you sleeping late?”
“I have assignments to finish, I need to catch up with a few classes because I fell behind.”
“You’ll do great, honey. You are the smartest person I know!”
“Steve Harrington, you are the smartest person I know. We are a couple of months away from college and i'm really excited”
“Me too honey, it sucks you couldn’t come here for summer break”
You will see each other, you will. 
Steve shakes his head with a smile plastered on his face, holding the laptop in his hands. He lets himself lie under his sheets, fixing his pillow and resting his head on it. 
"Are you ready?” you ask him, sitting on your desk and getting comfortable for a long night.
“Ready, no scary tales, please!"
“I promise! Close your eyes now!”
Steve takes the last glance at you, his fingers reaching to touch his screen as if he were touching your face. But he can’t, you are too far away now and it kills him.
The bubbly feeling in your chest goes away when you don’t hear a nickname. No honey, no baby. 
“Goodnight!” You wait until his eyes are closed. “And we begin, once upon a time."
Steve falls asleep before getting to know what the story is about, he was so tired and this is the first time he has slept more than three hours.
You close your laptop after watching him turn to the other side. You are trying to return your attention to your assignments, but the only thing you can feel is your heart breaking again. The hope you once had is now fading away. You are managing to live without him, but you don’t want to. 
Steve regrets it. He regrets falling asleep. This time he didn’t wake up seeing your face, he didn’t get to hear your bedtime story, and he didn’t get to tell you how much he loved you. And he regrets it so much because it was the last time he heard your voice.
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III. And every time I look at you it’s like the first time
Two years later.
Steve had a hard time finishing high school, but he did. Later, he had to retake a year, but he saved up some money with Robin to move to college. After jumping up and down and celebrating with their friends their acceptance letters, they got into the college dorms for the first year, but that went very badly because they couldn’t be roommates and all the noise from the dorm building was constantly giving them a headache.
He saw Nancy and Jonathan when they all came back from college over the summer break, hanging up with them was the best. They helped him and Robin choose the best apartment outside of college, it was close to the new coffee shop they were working on and close to their buildings. He never saw you again, you were too busy to travel, and he was too. Mindlessly forgetting about each other and not meeting again hurt less. 
When he had to retake a year, he hesitated to call you. He was ashamed of himself, you were supposed to go to the same college in the same year. 
When he finally got his acceptance letter, he didn’t call you. Steve had a feeling you got into college and that your life was going well. He knew he was right.
But it had a good outcome, Steve retook his senior year and moved in with his best friend to start a new chapter in his life. A life that he wanted to enjoy, free from the pressure of his parents and the small town that made him feel so small.
Their first year wasn’t easy. Steve spent most of his time in his dorm, and Robin did too. They didn’t go to parties and didn’t seem too excited about meeting new people.
He felt like a total stranger like he didn’t belong there. He picked the same coffee shop he was working in to hang out, he picked the public library over the school library because it looked terrifying.
Steve spent most of his weekends and days off studying, he was at the top of his class. Whenever he wrote an essay, it reminded him of you, but not as a sign of hope, just a reminder of his small town years.
Robin spent most of her weekends traveling to Hawkins to meet her girlfriend, Chrissy. Taking Steve’s car and cleaning it for him as a thank you.
Steve didn’t meet anyone else, he didn’t want to get attached. If anyone leaves, what’s the point? He was only close to two of his classmates, that was enough for him.
“Do you know who’s moving in?” your roommate asks, Diana was always aware of every gossip around college. It was your second year being her roommate, she slowly became your best friend.
“No, who?” You ask, not really wanting to know but giving her satisfaction again.
“A new couple! I hope they aren’t as loud as the last ones.”
“Please, I need to buy new headphones just in case.”
Diana laughs, walking towards her room to place some of the new boxes she moved in. You asked if she wanted help, but she didn’t because her brand new date was going to join her.
You decided to head up to the public library, knowing you had never been there and wanting to explore a new world. It was a couple of blocks away so you had to take the bus.
Steve and Robin were driving around their new neighborhood, looking for their new apartment. They were singing the songs on the radio, even if Robin didn’t know most of them because her music taste was original. But Steve knew every one of the trendy songs.
They stopped at a red light. Robin got distracted by two dogs ‘kissing’ each other. Steve looked away with a face of disgust, and that’s when his eyes fell on you.
He wasn’t sure if it was his imagination, were you really there? Was he hallucinating? Maybe the smell of coffee is doing some damage to his brain.
But it was you, wasn’t it? without the signature choker, without the thousands of bracelets, and without the red lipstick always staining his shirts. Then it wasn’t you. You had glasses now, a gold chain around your neck, and your hair was slightly lighter.
The bus blocks his view; he wants to scream at it to move, and when it does, you disappear—or the hallucination he had of you disappeared—the honk of the car behind him makes him jump, the green light is on, and he has to move.
“Steve! Are you okay?” Robin shouts, scanning Steve’s face. He looks pale, confused, and scared.
“I think I just saw a ghost,” he says, looking over Robin and then the road ahead.
“You are only nervous, the apartment will be good, don't worry. If they scam us, we have Chrissy to defend us in court.”
“Yeah, stop it lovebird. We are here.”
The apartment buildings look so tall, almost intimidating. Steve drives around looking for the parking lot, and when he finds it, he and Robin take a moment to process it.
"I'm scared too, but we should go in. The moving truck will be here, and we will have a lot to do,” Robin says, taking Steve’s hands and giving them a light squeeze. “We got this”
“Yeah, we should go in now.”
They go over to their apartment, meet their landlord, and get their keys. The moving truck comes a couple of hours earlier, and they move in their new stuff after cleaning the apartment.
A couple of empty boxes and a lot of wrapping paper later, they are done. They only need the heavy couch.
“Even if I help you, we won’t be able to do it”
“I know! I’m thinking”
Steve and Robin are stressed now. Steve’s hair is disheveled already, and Robin’s mascara is smudged around her eyes. They had a long drive, and now they are so tired of getting the apartment ready.
“We should just knock at our neighbors. Their screams stopped.”
“Yeah, I should buy new headphones for that.”
He points in the hallway. Robins walks out of the apartment and knocks on the door. After a few knocks, the door opens, and Steve joins them.
“Steve? You are Nick’s friend, right? I saw you with him the other day,” a guy asks, introducing himself as Eric.
“Uhh yes, Nick! Nice to meet  you."He shakes his hand. “This is Rob, my friend.”
“Nice to meet you!” Eric says, “This is my..."
“I’m Diana, nice to meet you guys,” she waves at them.
“So, we need help moving on our couch. Could you help us?” Robin asks.
“Please, we are a great team, but that couch is very heavy,” Steve says. “What if you help us, and we invite you to eat some pasta? I saw a new Italian restaurant a few blocks away.
“Sure, we can help!” Diana says.
The four of them carry the couch with ease into Steve and Robin’s apartment, they thank their new neighbors, and they all high five, looking proud of themselves. 
“Thank you again, guys, we should go. I'm starving!” Robin smiles at them, and they all nod but Diana.
“Can I invite my friend? She can meet us there,” Diana asks. They all nod, but Eric.
“No way! She hates me,” he says, shaking his head, taking Diana’s hand, and stopping her from going into their apartment. 
“I told you it would take time. She is protecting me,” she says, dragging Eric with her into her apartment. “We will see you guys in a minute.”
“Sure, take your time,” Steve says. Their neighbors leave and shut the door behind their backs.
When they are gone, he wraps his hands around Robin’s neck. He looks over the apartment and smiles.
“We made it,” he says.
“We made it!” She says back, hugging his waist and rubbing his back.
They break the hug after a few minutes, looking over the almost finished apartment. There’s some stuff left to unpack.
“Wait for Chrissy to see this, she is going to love it.”
“Is she coming? Tomorrow?” Steve asks, looking at his friend and her lovesick smile.
“Yes! I think I'll finally ask her the question"
“Already? Isn't it too soon?”
“Dingus, when you know, you know. Life is short, we can’t lose time stressing over everything,” she says, rubbing his shoulders. “You will find someone, maybe not, you know who, or maybe you will. Let time choose.”
He knew Robin was talking about you. Even if Steve moved on and got his shit together, he was still missing you and the part of him you took with you. No matter how many dates he had, how many times Hopper talked to him. He wanted you, something far from impossible. 
“You should write that on a note and put it in the fridge." They both laugh. "I'm very proud of you.”
“Don’t make fun of me, or you will lose your best man spot. I will give it to Eddie.” Robin gets a napkin out of a box and cleans her mascara.
“Hey! Who used to drive you everywhere and still does?”
“I'm joking!”
“I know,” he says, giving her a pat on the back. “Good luck with your proposal.”
“I still need a ring, not all of us carry our grandmother’s rings everywhere we go.”
“Shut up! I'll help you get a ring.”
They high five again, and they hear knocks on the door. They see their neighbors again.
“My friend isn’t coming, I think she is with her boyfriend. But we can go now!”
“Yay! Sorry about your friend."Robin gets closer to Diana, leaving Steve behind with Eric.
“Aren’t you together?” he asks.
“No, we are friends. Platonic with a capital P!” Steve replies, walking to the door and joining the girls.
“Cool, maybe you can date Teddy and smooth the anger out of her,” Eric says.
“Teddy?” Steve asks, walking to the parking lot.
“Oh, Di’s best friend,” he says, pointing at Diana. “She has this weird ass white teddy bear, and since then, I call her Teddy.”
“Oh, funny,” Steve says. A weird white teddy bear? No, no, it can’t be. His heart pounds harder against his chest, and he gets back to that night. The diner, the flowers, the beanie baby, and then someone who looked like you at the bus stop.
This can’t be real, he won’t get his hopes high again.
“Are you okay, man? You look scared,” Eric asks Steve, stopping him after he puts the key on his BMW. “Can you drive?”
“Yeah, I can. Don’t worry,” Steve says, his free hand over his chest. “It’s just something that happens.”
“He sees ghosts!” Robin shouts, making everyone laugh.
“We should walk guys, it isn’t that far,” Diana adds.
“Yeah, we could use some fresh air,” Robin says.
They all walk to the restaurant, enjoying a fun night. All of them get the feeling they’ll be close, but tonight they treat each other as strangers. Not sharing all but funny stories and college adventures.
When Diana gets home, you are already there, she walks over to the couch to wake you up and help you get to bed.
“Did you talk to Jake?”
“He picked me up from the library, we didn't-"
“Another time will come."
You hum, walking with her to your room. She closes the door, and you walk towards your bed, put your pajamas on, and slip into bed. You try to sleep, trying to keep all the midnight-crushing thoughts away, with the BMW in the parking lot on your mind, it looks very familiar.
It’s only 8 a.m, and you sit at home, eating your oatmeal bowl with strawberries, bananas, and a cup of coffee you’ve made yourself. You point to the cup you made for Diana, it has been sitting there for a few minutes. Maybe she wanted a cold brew instead of a nice hot cup. 
“One is Rob, and the other... I don’t remember.”
“Di! You are really bad with names.”
“Are you sure you don’t want ice on your coffee?” you joke.
“No, and yeah, I was a little stoned too, that’s why I don’t remember well.”
“That’s always going to cost you, babe.”
“I know, but I can introduce them later! We are all going to a party, and Rob will pick us up after work because the girl had to see her girlfriend.” She chugs her cup of coffee and puts her jacket on.
“Are you sure his name is Robert?”
“No, it’s Rob!” She still looks unconvinced, but you leave it. “Anyway, is Jake picking you up?”
“I don’t know, we aren’t really on speaking terms.” 
Jake was your boyfriend a couple of weeks before he asked you for a break, and you haven’t “fixed it." He picked you up from the library yesterday, and the whole ride home was quiet and uncomfortable, but something tells you it isn't going to last.
“Call him! He is good for you.”
“I’m not sure about that, but I’ll see you later then.”
“I’ll see you later, babe!”
“Be careful!”
You finish washing the dishes and go back to your room to get ready for the party. Minutes later, Diana and Eric show up to drive you to the house. It’s the first party of the semester, and everyone seems pretty excited about it except you. You know if you see Jake again, he will probably break up with you, rip off the band-aid, and go to the girl who has been hanging out with him at the gym.
But you go, not wanting to miss out and excited to see some of your friends who arrived in town. It might not be the best night, but at least you’ll have a cup of cranberry juice with vodka to survive.
You arrive at the party early, not wanting to talk to anyone, yet you get closer to the table in the middle of the dining room and make yourself a cape cod. When it’s done, you get to the living room and sit on the couch, watching as people come over, and some of them wave at you and say hi before going for their drink.
Jake arrives with a girl by his side, He gets closer to her ear to whisper something, and she turns around as he walks to you.
“Can we talk?”
“You are going to break up with me, aren’t you?” You pinch your eyebrows together. 
“Let me explain.”
He sits on the arm of the couch you are sitting on, so close to you. You can already hear his words muffling and how sorry he is about all of it, making up excuses to let you know it’s not your fault he is doing this and the two of you should end your relationship now. Avoid telling the truth and spinning around the subject, reminding you of all the good moments but also all the fights and “breaks” you had.
You look at him through your eyelashes, your tears rolling down your cheeks. Your now ex-boyfriend pinches your chin with his fingers, not letting your gaze fall to your lap or the cup you hold in your hand. He whispers “I’m sorry” thousands of times more, and you refuse to move, feeling the warmth of his fingers against your face for the last time. Then he leaves you alone to find his date, and you wish the earth could swallow you whole.
When Steve gets to the party with Robin and Chrissy by his side, he lets the two of them look for a place while he gets their drinks. The house is so tiny that everyone is squeezing each other and bumping into each other on the way to other rooms. Everything smells like alcohol and weed, and even the floor is sticky, but after all, Steve manages to get to the dining room and look for the red solo cups. He takes one and pours tequila into it. He drinks it, feeling the burn down his throat as he keeps his eyes closed. He needs more of these to survive the night.
He looks around, recognizing some people he used to see around in his first year, some of them are customers in the coffee shop he works in. When his head looks over to the living room, he sees the girl from the bus stop, the one who looks like you. 
Steve gets even more confused as you chug your drink, the solo cup covering your face. He turns his head away from the view, even if it’s not you, his mind betrays him.
Where’s the real you? What are you doing right now? Do you have a boyfriend? A girlfriend? A child? A cat? Are you married? 
The question that hurts more is the one he used to think about almost every night. Would he see you again?
He tries to enjoy the party as soon as he sees the girl leave. He misses watching Diana run after you and try to comfort you. 
Your friend takes you home, and Steve stays until the party is over, and he is a bit more sober to take Robin and Chrissy back to their apartment.
“Robin? Why did you leave so soon?” Steve asks Robin over the phone, while he tosses empty boxes and bags around.
“We are getting you breakfast! Jesus, what’s your problem?”
“I’m hungover, and I forgot I have to send this email before twelve, but I can’t find my laptop charger, and I can’t find yours either!”
“Shit, I took mine because Chrissy needed my laptop, but I'm sure yours is in your room. We unpacked everything.”
“Fuck! I’ll call you back.”
“Ask Diana for one!”
Stressed out, Steve hangs up the phone before listening to Robin’s last words. Of course, he can ask his neighbor for a favor, and he knows Diana is nice. 
He gets out of his apartment, and a few steps later, he gets in front of the door. He knocks a lot of times to get Diana’s attention, or maybe Eric’s. Steve doesn’t remember if they got back here from the party, but it’s worth trying.
As the door opens, he takes a step forward. “Hey! My laptop charger broke, and I have to send this very important  email-" He takes a deep breath, not believing who is in front of them. “What-”
“It’s you,” he whispers, feeling a knot in his throat and rubbing his clammy hands together.
“It’s me” You rub your eyes one more time, getting rid of the blur on your eyes from being woken up. “Steve?” Your heart starts to beat against your chest so fast that you swear it’s hurting you.
Steve stares at you, it’s like the first time he saw you all those years ago. He didn’t believe in love at first sight until he felt his body giving up and just yearning for you. He feels it all again, you look even more beautiful than before, but with your signature heavy gaze. 
“I'm sorry if I’m interrupting, I can just...“
“No? no. Uh, come in, let me find my charger.”
This is not how you imagined seeing him again. The last time you dreamt about him, you were seeing him for the first time at the Hawkins airport, You ran to him, and he caught you in his arms, kissing every inch of your face. And now, with your heart beating faster than ever and your feet carrying you to your room, you can’t help but feel like you are having a nightmare.
You hurry up, find your charger, and run back to Steve.
“Here, you can keep it. I have two of them,” you say. He still looks at you with his mouth slightly open and his eyes studying every part of your face.
Keep it. He knows you are doing this because you are nice, but a part of you still recognizes all the love you once had for him. Or have, because it never faded away. It’s still your Steve, slightly older and with a confused expression on his face. 
He takes the charger from your hands, your fingers touching him for a couple of seconds. When you finally lock eyes with him, you can see his glassy eyes while yours look the same. He didn’t want to believe it was you, you were so close all this time.
“I thought i’d never see you again,” you whisper, almost inaudible, but he can hear it. As if its ears were trained to hear even the lowest tone of your voice. 
But the air feels tense, awkward. He doesn’t say anything, and you stand in front of him like before, frozen in your place as a wave of anxiety washes you over. You stare at each other, trying to avoid all these feelings rushing through your veins.
“I need to send this email, I’ll be right back.”
He goes back to his apartment, leaving you and your overwhelming feelings alone. You close the door to your apartment and take some time to process everything. Steve is here, your Steve. The boy you once called the love of your life, the only boy you’ve ever loved.
You weren’t sure you were going to see him again. You gave up on it a few months ago, knowing it would take a miracle to see him again. And he was so close to you all this time.
When you hear the knock on the door again, you open it faster this time. Steve stands up in front of you, watching your tears roll down your cheeks. He wraps his arms around your body, hugging you so tightly as if you were going to disappear. Your arms hug his torso, letting your head fall against his chest for a second before your sighs turn into sobs.
“I can’t believe it’s really you,” Steve whispers, convincing himself to not let you go. He fears the alarm will go off and he will have to wake up from his dream. 
“I know, it feels like a dream, please don’t let go,” you say, as if you were reading his mind all this time. 
“I won’t”
Steve rests his chin on your head, letting his own tears fall. You stay in the hug for a long time, feeling his warmth against your body, and his arms push you closer to him. You dig your fingers in his back, wanting to feel him more and wishing for this not to be some sick joke.
He places one of his hands on your head, kissing your forehead, before leaning back and searching for your face.
“Hi,” you say as you look at him, tears on his face just like yours.
“Hi,” he smiles, slightly. You do the same, looking at every inch of his face. Remembering all the moles your mind seemed to forget with the time.
You admire each other, letting your mind take you back to Hawkins and all those years you spent together.
“I missed you so much,” he says, slicing the awkward silence with a knife, now rubbing your back and trying to get you relaxed. As your sobs stop, you let go of him and invite him inside.
“I missed you too.” You smile again. The inches separating you are killing you, but there’s too much to say and feel.
“You stopped calling,” Steve says, with a sour tone in his voice you’ve never heard before.
“The phone works both ways.” You bite back, crossing your arms in front of your chest. Protecting you from what’s coming.
“I-” Steve mutters, avoiding your eyes and looking all over the room.
“You? What? Did you forget about me?” you ask. “We made a promise.”
The mix of feelings that sit right at the top of your chest starts to reveal themselves. It’s all so confusing, and you weren’t prepared for this. You want to blame him for the time lost, but you know it’s also your fault.
“Why are you bringing this up right now? I saw you for the first time at a fucking bus stop and thought I was going crazy. It’s too much!”
Steve feels relieved; his mind wasn’t betraying him, and he wasn’t going crazy. It was really you—the new you. 
“Just say the truth. You didn’t answer my call when I got into college or when I moved in.”
“You called?”
“I called your house since you didn’t reply to my texts or emails. No one answered.”
“I got into a fight with them, and I moved in with Hopper. I was having a hard time, I’m sorry.”
He confesses. You see the way his lips turn into a pout, his tears threatening to fall again.
“What happened?”
“I messed up, had to retake a year.”
"Oh,” it’s the only thing you can think of. Some things made sense, but you still had a lot of questions.
“I didn’t tell you because I was embarrassed and so disappointed in myself. No one heard about you, or your family, so I thought you didn’t want to see me, and I had the feeling you were fine without me.”
“We had to move again, two times. But this is the college of our dreams, I didn’t see you here the first year. I thought you chose a different one.”
“You know me, I don’t break promises.”
He looks back at you again, it takes everything in him not to walk to you and kiss you. It takes everything in you to not do the same.
“Listen, I have an interview today, but can we have dinner? I still have a lot of things to say, a lot of things to ask, and it’s been so long.” you blur out. 
“Sure, I have a shift at the coffee shop, so I’ll see you at seven?”
“Yeah, that’s okay, Where do you work?” you ask, suddenly shivering. It’s really him, this isn’t a dream.
“In a coffee shop that’s on Main,” he replies, “I know you never go there, I would’ve seen you.”
“I’ve been busy.”
Right. Diana mentioned a boyfriend. His heart suddenly stops, fearing that he is seeing you again just to lose you again.
“I know,” he says, resting his hands on his hips, looking around the room to avoid your eyes again. “Good luck on your interview.”
“Thank you, good luck on your shift." You can feel the awkwardness coming back, the uncomfortable silence threatening to come back. “I’ll see you at seven!”
“I’ll pick you up here,” he says, You can only nod before he turns his back on you. 
"Stevie,” you say. He is about to open his front door when he hears your voice again.
“Yes?” he says, turning his head slightly to see you. He missed that nickname, you are the only one who calls him like that. 
You want to keep talking and confessing your true feelings right now, but you have things to do. He is more important than everything else, you got him back, you don’t want to waste time. 
“Say hi to Robin for me.” 
He nods, then walks into his apartment. You close the door of yours once again.
Fear and excitement occupy most of your brain right now. You are praying for him to still want you, to love you back as much as you've loved him this whole time. Being his best friend would be a great start, but being back to be his love sounds even better.
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IV. You are the best thing that's ever been mine.
Steve paces around his apartment, Robin and Chrissy are back, and they watch him mumble something under his breath. 
“Everything will be fine, you will talk to her and get back together,” Robin says.
“What if she has a boyfriend? What if she is in love with someone else?” 
“You can always steal her away, Robin did that to me." Chrissy joins the conversation. 
They have been talking about you for hours. Steve decided to exchange his shift and stay home while Robin was taking her day off. He was too distracted to go to work today. 
“Dingus. Stop it! You are making me dizzy." Robin gets up, reaching for Steve’s hands and making him look at her. “You’ll see her when she is back, you are going to take her to that restaurant and talk like the adult you are. Okay?”
"Hot,” Chrissy blurs out.
“Thank you, sweetheart." Robin looks at her and winks. 
“Gross, get a room, you two!”  Steve’s disgusted face makes both girls laugh. 
“You can do it, dingus. You’ll get her back.” 
“I’m not sure if she feels the same or if I feel the same.”
“Didn’t you say she hugged you so tight you almost ran out of breath? That’s a good sign.” Robin’s hands travel to Steve’s shoulders, shaking him up and trying to wake him up from whatever nightmare he is making up in his head. 
“And don’t start. You’ve been rejecting girls, having failed dates, and looking like a lost puppy whenever you see a girl that looks slightly like her. You two are still in love, from what you tell me and from what I feel.”
“You are right, I'm still in love with her. But it’s been a long time. I changed, she changed too.”
“Changes are good, I know it because it was hard for me to accept the real me, but I took that step because I wanted to be free,” Robin confesses, stopping Steve from giving up. “Talk. Try. You met again for a reason, don’t let that go to waste.” 
Steve nods. “What would I do without you?” He hugs Robin for a minute before hearing some voices in the hallway. He hears the front door open and close, which means you and Diana made it home. 
“You’ll be lost without me! Good luck, dingus.”
“Go get your girl, Steve!” 
Steve walks to your door and knocks, to his surprise, Diana opens the door. 
"Hi,” he says nervously. “Is she here?” 
“Yeah, she will be ready in five.”
"Alright,” Steve says, his hands clammy again, and he finds himself shaking. 
“So, you are the guy she has been talking about nonstop.” 
“I guess yes,” he replies, feeling his heart racing again. You’ve talked about him. 
“Good for you,” Diana says, before you step in. 
"Hi,” you say, looking at Steve again. You find this odd, but you are thanking whatever it was that brought him to you again. 
"Hi,” he replies, his gaze heavy on you as he takes everything in. Your soft voice, the sweet smell of your perfume. 
“Home by ten!” Diana jokes, making you laugh and shake off the anxiety that took over your body. 
You walk away from the apartments, with Steve by your side. He glances at him from time to time, and you do the same. 
“How was your shift?” you ask him, trying to get rid of the awkward feeling that washes over you again.
“I didn’t go. Too distracted for it,” he says, looking over at you as you walk to the parking lot. “How was your interview?”
"Good,” you sigh, not wanting to ramble about it at this moment. “I hope I get the job.”
“You will, you can do anything,” he says when you reach his car, noticing it looks the same way as before. 
Nothing has changed, just time. Everything feels the same, like it froze, letting time pass over it without a single consequence. 
Steve looks at you, his brows knit in a frown, and he is almost chewing his lip.
“If you want to ask something, just do it,” you say, making him shiver. “I know you, maybe not so well anymore, but I do.”
“What if your boyfriend sees us?” he asks.
A chuckle falls from your lips, shaking your head and pushing the hair out of your face.
“I don’t have a boyfriend,  he broke up with me yesterday, and I saw it coming. I’m over it.”
“Oh, do you want to talk about it? We can stay at home, i can leave you alone, and we can reschedule our dinner because i don’t want you to feel like you.”
“I’m still in love with you,” you interrupt, confessing. With a soft look in your eyes, Steve gets lost in them. “I’m sorry, I can't waste any more time. I need to get this out of me. I’ve been looking for you in everyone, everywhere. You are here, and you look the same, I know time has passed, but I believe my love for you has kept you exactly as I remember you.”
Steve doesn’t know what to do, the truth is, he has been waiting to hear those words for a long time. He has been waiting to see you, to hug you, and to kiss you.
“I’m still in love with you too,” he says, running his fingers through his hair, pushing his golden locks back. The sun is setting completely, and you can still see how it shines. “I never got over you, I was forced to move on because i felt like I didn’t deserve you. And I never wanted us to fall apart, I needed you all this time.”
He gets closer to you, his chest almost bumping into yours. He hesitates to kiss you in the moment, even to touch your hand. The setting reminds him of the last time he saw you, your last night at Hawkins.
“If you want, we can try to make up for the lost time and give it another try.”
“I’d love that.”
He gets closer now, with your confession turning into an invitation. Steve places both of his hands on your cheeks, rubbing the soft skin with his thumbs. It takes you back to that night, it feels like you are relieving that moment just to make it right this time.
“Baby-” he is so close to your lips, his words tingle your lips, and you never stop looking into his eyes. Those sweet brown eyes you missed so much.
“I’ve missed that, honey." He laughs at the nickname, but it still makes him shiver and smile like a little kid.
“And I’ve missed you, kiss, please?”
Steve nods, pressing his lips against yours. It’s a soft, slow kiss. You can feel the breeze of the cold night on your face as you flush when Steve leans his head to the side to trap your bottom lip between his lips to taste you. You close your eyes, savoring the moment. One thing you forgot and cried for every night was this.
His warm lips against yours, his taste. His hands squeeze your cheeks as you press your body against his.
It’s the first kiss since that night, two years have passed, and this still feels so familiar. So safe. The kiss is even sweeter thinking of all the time you’ve dreamed about this, of all the unspoken feelings you communicate to each other with everything your lips brush.
When air is needed, you lean your head back a bit. You giggle at the same time, and he places a kiss on your forehead. Happiness takes over you, it feels like floating.
“I still have that beanie baby, you know?”
“I do, Teddy.”
“Don’t call me that!” You hit his arm slightly, and he chuckles while rubbing his arm dramatically.
“It’s cute, it suits you,” he says, leaving a peck on your lips, resting his hands on your hips this time.
“It’s ridiculous!” You scrunch up your nose, and he leans in to smooth it off with a kiss. “Let’s go eat, I’m starving.”
“Only if my dessert is going to be this sweet girl, the universe got back to me,” he says, picking you up, his arms hugging your waist. You can feel your feet dangling in the air. You tangle your arms around his neck so you don’t fall when he spins you around.
“Yes, yes, I'll be your dessert!” You giggle as you feel his lips on your cheeks, and when he stops, you peck his soft cheeks back. “In which house?”
“Oh, I don’t know, it depends on how loud you are.”
“Stevie!” Your cheeks glow red, and he laughs at your sudden flushed face.
“I’m joking! we‘ll figure it out later." He doesn't stop hugging you, even when he puts you down, your feet are now touching the concrete of the parking lot.
“Which one?” you ask, teasingly. Trying to hold back the giggle that is about to escape your lips.
“Both!” Steve says.
You get back in his car, and he proposes the idea of repeating everything you did that last night but with a different ending. You find a nice diner, not as nice as the one outside Hawkins,but it does the job. The old jukebox is there to dance after you eat burgers and fries and you end up stealing his cherry again.
When he picks up the sun, you get up from the booth where you are sitting and run up to him. One of your arms rests around his neck, and the other hand is holding your hand. He interlocks his fingers with yours while his free hand sits on your waist. He pushes you to his chest, the closest he can get you to him, and you start to sway around the checkered floor of the diner. Dancing like nobody's watching, again.
“You are the best thing that’s ever been mine, baby." He sings along with the song before kissing you again.
“I’ve always been yours, honey”
This night is even more magical than the last one, and you’ll have tons of them.
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tags: all @munsonology @emistrash @livsters @paybacksawitch @ali-r3n @keeksandgigz @babybatlover @fanfictionlover277353 / steve @stveharringtn @double-vision-in-a-rose-blush
please please reblog to support your creators! comments are appreciated !! my ask is always open if you have any feedback. thank you so much for reading ♡
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bruisedboys · 5 months
hi!!! i luv your writing, congrats on 6k 🤍 for the celebration can I request the prompt:
❛ was that your first kiss? ❜
w/ steve harrington? 
hi angel thank u so much for your request!
steve harrington x fem!reader
Steve is looking at you like he might kiss you. You desperately want him to.
“You’re so pretty,” he murmurs. His lips move around the words seamlessly. You shouldn’t be watching his mouth so closely, but you are, and you can’t seem to pull your eyes away.
Steve must notice this because he brings a hand to your chin to tilt you up ever so gently. You’re pressed very close to each other, sitting with your legs dangling off the hood of his car. There’s plenty of room up here but Steve’s chosen to sit with his thigh pressed to yours. He looks down at you, something in his eyes that you can’t quite make sense of. The gold from his porch light reflects in his deep brown eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks softly. “Please?”
You blink up at him. Is he kidding? Maybe you’re dreaming. Your mouth struggles to form sound, your tongue in knots.
“Yeah,” you finally get out, more of a breath than a real word.
Steve looks back at you. His gaze is so intense you feel as though it could set you on fire. “Yeah?” He asks, unwaveringly kind as always. The corner of his mouth twitches with the whisper of a smile. “Are you sure?”
You swallow hard. You really, really want him to kiss you.
“Yes,” you manage to nod and hope you don’t sound too desperate.
Steve smiles, wide and pretty. He’s got such a lovely smile. It’s the last thing you see before your eyelids flutter shut. Half a second later Steve’s mouth is on yours.
It’s wildly different to anything you’ve ever imagined. It’s eons lovelier. Steve’s lips are soft and gentle, his hand at your chin carefully angling you up towards him. Your stomach explodes with butterflies, fluttering madly in your ribcage. Steve tastes like spearmint and raspberry slurpee. His other hand wanders to your hip, fingers brushing a strip of your skin where your shirt tides up. His palm cups your hipbone, a warm, heavy weight.
Being kissed is like touching starlight, you decide. It warms you from the outside in. Burns your fingertips and makes your chest buzz with white hot electricity.
When Steve pulls away, he’s stolen all the air from your lungs. You’re embarrassingly breathless. Steve doesn’t seem to care. His hands stay on you as he tilts his head to one side.
“Was that your first kiss?” He asks quietly.
You know he’s not trying to embarrass you, he never would, but you flush anyway.
“Yeah,” you admit, shy. “Was I bad?”
Steve shakes his head vehemently. His hair flops sideways. “No. No, of course not, sweetheart.” He brings his hand up to cup your cheek, his touch so tender it aches. “You were perfectly fine, honey.”
“Oh,” you say lamely.
Steve smiles at you lopsidedly. He’s so pretty, you think. You hope he wants to kiss you again.
He curls his fingers over your cheek to carefully tuck some of your hair behind your ear. His other hand slides up your side to rest in the dip in your waist. You feel something in your chest that you’ve never felt before. This lovely explosion of brilliant colours at the realisation that Steve really, really likes you. That you’re liked by someone as kind and as pretty as Steve Harrington. That in itself almost feels like a kiss.
Though, Steve must read your mind, because he angles you up again in line with his mouth.
“Since that was your first kiss …” he says slowly. “Would you like me to give you your second?”
All you can do is nod. Steve gives you your second kiss, and many more after that.
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eddies-ashtray · 1 year
Knee Socks // Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
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Synopsis: Eddie has a thing for his best friend's thighs. She catches him jerking off and Eddie’s fantasy becomes reality. Part 2 to this blurb (though this can be read independently). 
WC: 2.7k
Category: Smut (18+).
Content: Eddie’s thigh kink, knee socks kink (?), kinda perv Eddie, kinda ditzy reader, masturbation (male receiving), fem receiving oral (face riding), nicknames. 
A/N: This is for my girls with thick thighs. I love you and you are gorgeous. Also, I have a tag list, but not everyone who liked the tag list post will be tagged here since many of the blogs do not have their ages in their bios--which is a requirement to be added to the tag list that many people ignored ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Eddie’s never endured torture before but he is pretty sure that he has a good idea of what it would feel like. And he is currently experiencing it.
It’s a lazy Saturday evening and you and Eddie have spent the day together, which is the furthest thing from torture in his opinion. It’s the opposite of torture, actually; Eddie cherishes your company more than anything in the world. 
Right now though, you lay next to him on his bed—you, on your belly facing him, and Eddie, leaning against the headboard with his acoustic guitar in his lap—as you doodle in your notebook while humming one of his songs. And while that is nearly enough to send him into overdrive, you are also wearing a brand new skirt. The torture device itself.
Eddie knew he was in for the most torturous day when he answered his door and you were there in your black knee socks and that skirt, presenting it to him excitedly by giving him a twirl on his doorstep. He hadn’t missed the way your thighs jiggled with the movement. In fact, he fixated on it and forced himself to stifle a groan at the sight as you exclaimed, it even has pockets!
Previously, Eddie had thought that your red skirt and knee socks were the most deadly pairing, but this one–oh, God, this one. It’s a simple black skirt, nothing super fancy, but it is so—so—short that he’s sure that if you bent over, he’d get a pretty view of the curve of your ass and your soft cunt through your panties. The thought has his mouth watering instantly. 
He’s torn because he never wants you to leave, but he also really needs you to leave so he can take care of the growing bulge in his pants. Eddie is thankful he has his guitar covering his lap. 
Luckily, his dilemma is solved when you glance over at his alarm clock and say, “Oh! Shoot, I need to get home.” As you begin to shove your things into your bag. 
Relief floods over him, followed by a wave of guilt. He should not want his best friend to leave so he can jack off to the thought of her and the way her pretty, thick thighs look in her new skirt. 
Eddie’s about to climb off the bed after you get up, intending to walk you out even though his bedroom is no more than 20 short paces from the front door of the trailer. But he’s stopped by your hand on his arm applying gentle pressure to stop him from standing, the contact causing his face to burn hot and the skin under your hand to sizzle with electricity. 
“Don’t worry, Eddie, I can find my way to the door,” You tell him, not wanting him to have to walk you to his door. It’s not exactly far. 
“Oh, alright,” Eddie agrees without protest. He wouldn’t have to awkwardly hide his hardness from you after all. 
“See you tomorrow! Bye, Eddie,” You say with a dazzling smile as you open his bedroom door, giving him a little wave just before you exit his room and shut the door. 
“Bye,” Eddie says just as his door clicks shut. 
Sitting very still for about 15 seconds, he waits for the resolute slam of the trailer door before he hurriedly stands from his bed to place his acoustic guitar on its stand, and shoves his jeans down his legs, nearly tripping on his way back to his bed. 
Another wave of guilt crashes over him for a moment before fizzling out as he settles back on the bed and squeezes himself at the base of his cock. He’s already leaking pre-cum, his boxers likely stained from the sticky substance. 
“Fuck,” Eddie groans, flicking his wrist on his first stroke and running his thumb over the bright red tip. Pressing the tip of his thumb meanly into his leaking hole, Eddie moans loudly, unabashed in the empty trailer. 
The guilty part of him encourages him to get on with it, to stop teasing himself so the shameful act of thinking of you while he touches himself can be over with as soon as possible. So he does, quickly spitting thickly into his hand before wrapping it back around his thick length. Because he’s painfully hard, and desperate, and can’t fight off the image of your plush thighs as his fist flies over the length of his flushed cock.
Just as he’s getting into a fast, pleasurable rhythm, the worst–best?–thing happens. And it happens so quickly that he doesn’t have the time to stop, or throw a sheet over himself, or do anything that would make this moment less awkward. 
His bedroom door whips open.
“Sorry, Teddy, I forgot my-”
But Eddie doesn’t get to find out what you’d left behind. Because you freeze in his doorway. You, and your knee socks, and your teeny tiny skirt, and your mouth-watering thighs freeze at the cusp of his bedroom while he’s half naked in his bed as he pumps his cock to the thought of you. It throbs in his hand at the sight of you in all your gorgeous glory, stunned into silence—except for the tiny half-gasp, half-squeak that leaves you. 
This moment would be a whole lot more awkward and embarrassing if you’d done what he’d expected you to do the moment that door had opened. But you do none of what he thought you might. You hadn’t screamed in horror and covered your eyes or slammed his door shut and left immediately, leaving behind whatever it was you had left here. No, instead, you stand there, unable to take your eyes off his pretty, thick cock. Unable to remove your gaze from the pearly pre-cum dripping from his tip and the way his large hand moves over his length. Instead, you visibly swallow and rub your thighs together as if you’re trying to provide some relief for yourself. As if the sight of Eddie on his bed touching himself is enough to make you wet, to make your cunt ache with desire. 
So, all of this considered, Eddie takes a chance. 
Eddie takes a chance when he begins to lazily stroke his cock again in a much slower rhythm, teasing you. Your eyes widen to the size of saucers at the movement. 
Eddie takes a chance when he says, “C’mere, sweetheart.” As his back arches just slightly off the bed when he tightens his fist around his girth on an upstroke. 
For the first time since you’d caught him, your gaze shifts from his cock to his face–which is probably tinged a pretty pink right about now, shades lighter than his tip. 
“W-what?” You stutter, delicate hand still poised on the door knob. 
“I said: come here, sweetheart,” Eddie repeats slowly and more commanding this time. 
It takes a moment, but eventually you scramble toward him while he continues the most torturous pace of his fist over his cock. 
Eddie had thought that earlier–when he was forced to watch you prance around his bedroom in that skirt and those knee socks–had been torture. But now, here you are, crawling onto his bed, and his palms are itching to reach out and touch you. 
Once you’re settled on your knees next to him–your skirt now bunched up high on your thighs from the way you’re kneeling–, you reach out to replace his hand with your own, but Eddie has different plans. 
“Nuh-uh-uh,” he hums, clicking his tongue in disapproval, halting your movements. 
Your gaze finds his eyes as your lips melt into a delicate pout. You, disappointed at the fact that he told you not to touch his cock. 
“But-please?” You beg, voice watery, and Eddie thinks he could cum just from your simple pleading to touch him. 
A slow, pleased smile spreads across his face before he clarifies, “I’ve been dreaming of something else, sweetheart...” His gaze falling to your legs and his free hand creeping up your thigh–causing goosebumps to rise in their wake–where he toys with the edge of your skirt. “And I’m just dying to have a taste.” 
“Oh,” You reply dumbly, breathlessly. “Yes, please.” 
Eddie’s brows knit together, pained by your sweetness. “God, you’re just the sweetest thing, aren’t you, angel?” He says, stroking your thigh gently with his thumb.
Your head ducks bashfully at the new nickname and his remark and it’s all making his cock somehow harder and his belly stickier with pre-cum. His hand slows to a stop on his cock, sure that if he kept it up, he’d be cumming any second now. 
“Alright, angel, get up here,” Eddie instructs, tapping his chest. “Want these pretty thighs around my head,” He says with a mean squeeze to the dough of your thigh. 
He expects you to reach underneath your skirt to tug off your panties before you climb over him, but instead you move to straddle his chest immediately. Since your skirt is so short, it simply bunches around your hips with the new position. And he finds the most wonderful sight once you’re hovering over his face: your naked cunt, already slick and glistening. Saliva fills his mouth at the view and he groans. You’d been in his home all day, wearing that tiny skirt without any panties, knowing full well that he’d get an eyeful if you so much as bent over. 
“Naughty girl,” Eddie growls as he brings both his arms around your thighs before turning his head to place a gentle kiss to the plushness of your left thigh. It’s just as soft beneath his lips as he thought it would be. 
With his hands now gripping the outsides of your thighs, Eddie finds they are soft and sweet, so pillowy they feel like clouds beneath his fingertips. Digging his fingers into the flesh roughly, greedily, Eddie begins sucking a harsh bruise into your thigh, causing you to whimper pathetically above him. 
If a heaven existed, this would be it. 
Though he’s dreamt of marking you up, of scattering bruises across your pretty thighs and admiring his work, it would take some time to do it just the way he wants. And right now, his craving for a taste of your soaked cunt—which hovers teasingly above him like a feast after months of not eating—is so overwhelming Eddie simply cannot wait any longer to devour you. He’ll take his time with you another day, but right now all he knows is that he might die if he goes another second without his mouth on your puffy cunt. 
So, Eddie tightens his grip around your thighs and pulls you forcefully down onto his tongue, causing you to gasp in shock at the swift action. 
Eddie’s groan of pleasure rivals your moan as his tongue rolls teasingly over your pudgy clit for the first time. Then, he flattens his tongue and licks a thick strip from your slick-leaking hole all the way up your cunt, getting a proper taste of you. You’re a slice of heaven. 
“Oh! E-Eddie!” You cry, and this only causes his hips to thrust into the air in search of friction, of relief. But he’ll neglect his cock forever in favour of your taste on his tongue. 
The crush of curls on your mound glistens with your slick now as Eddie begins to devour you messily, shaking his head back and forth in a fast motion, an action that represents his carnal hunger for you. When you roll your hips hungrily over his tongue, his cock throbs on his belly where it lays, steadily leaking pre-cum. 
“There you go, angel. Use my tongue,” Eddie encourages after pulling away for a moment. The seconds it takes him to say that to you when he doesn’t have his mouth on you are torturous. 
Once he gets his tongue back on you, the point of it seeks out that little magic button that has you rolling your hips more aggressively over his face. You’re a messy, moaning angel above him as he tongues at your clit. 
Eddie thinks this is the happiest he has ever been; the prettiest girl in the world sitting on his faceher thighs pressing against his ears so tightly her moans are muffled slightly and her cunt on his tongue so wet he can hardly fathom it. 
“Mmh, p-please!” You beg, though he’s not sure for what. But he realizes he doesn’t care because you are so vocal and listening to you moan and beg above him is his new favourite song. 
Again, Eddie flattens his tongue over your messy cunt, but this time pushes his tongue into your weeping hole, and begins to thrust it in and out as he brings one of his hands up and around to toy with your clit with his thumb. This combination seems to be your favourite as you moan wantonly above him, hands flying down from where they were previously gripping the headboard to crush into the curls atop his head. 
“Oh, God,” You moan, shivering above him, totally blissed out as your eyes roll into the back of your head, your eyelids slide closed, and your head tips back. The delicious slide of his tongue in and out of you combined with his thumb rubbing meanly into your clit is just too much. 
Eddie can feel your slick dripping down his cheeks and chin, but he doesn’t mind in the least. In fact, he basks in the sticky mess of it all. Sex is not worth it if it doesn't get messy. 
Your hips roll over his tongue again and your hands in his hair pull harshly, causing Eddie to moan at the prickling sensation, cock twitching at the mixture of the pleasure and pain of the action. 
“Fuck! G-gonna cum, Eddie! Please, please can I cum?” You plead weakly from above, eyes finding his, which have remained open this whole time, not wanting to miss a single second of this glorious moment. 
Unwilling to pull away from you in order to answer, Eddie simply mumbles something that sounds almost like yes against your cunt. You seem to understand though because Eddie can feel you clench around his tongue, all the while his thumb continues to rub tight circles into your clit. Your eyes screw shut as you ride out your orgasm, squeaking out the cutest moan when your mouth falls into a pretty O shape, and you thank him over and over again. Soon, your hips halt their movements and you pull in heaving breaths. 
Whimpering as you gently push his hand away from your sensitive clit, you collapse forward against the headboard behind him. You could stay like this for as long as you needed—forever if you wanted to—and Eddie would forever be happy right here between your thighs with your cum smeared across his chin and cheeks and your taste heavy on his tongue. 
Unfortunately, that is not a realistic fantasy, and eventually Eddie is helping you off of his face and you’re collapsing next to him, breathing heavily even still. 
Rolling over onto his side to look at you, he smiles at the sweat dotting your forehead, and brings a hand up to your face, tenderly stroking your warm cheek with the back of his clean index finger. You nuzzle into the touch and smile lazily up at the ceiling.
Eddie doesn’t have to ask to know the answer to his question, but he wants to hear it from you anyway. Wants to confirm that his dreams have just come to fruition and you are actually laying here, clothes rumpled and your wetness staining his sheets. 
“How was that?” 
Your head lolls to the side and you gaze up at him incredulously. His face is shiny, covered in your wetness. It causes a new warmth to bloom in your chest. 
Despite the fact that you thought it was obvious just how much you’d enjoyed it, you sigh dreamily: “Wonderful.” 
And Eddie can’t wait to make you feel wonderful again and again and again, to make you cum so hard you not only see stars, but entire galaxies. 
Tag List: @tvserie-s-world @micheledawn1975 @hi-im-a @bbellee @apricxtt @rhirojo @daraperl @lmili @lunatictardis @sw34terw34ther @sarcasm-is-my-form-of-attack @stardust-galaxies @d20eddie @niragis-right-hand-rabbit @bunniwarrior @trashpackbitxh @yoursunnydelorean @seweratwitch @hunnimilkteaaa @pretty-rad-for-a-redhead @a-villain-vying-for-attention @lil-graveling @msmimiandrew @eddies-lover @whoreforhowl @saramelaniemoon @brittanyyydamnit @winnifredburkleismyhero @edsforehead 
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