#body language
saraswritingtipps · 14 days
Body language cues for a few emotions
Smiling genuinely, with crinkles around the eyes.
Open body posture, with relaxed arms and shoulders.
Leaning forward slightly towards the person or object of interest.
Making eye contact with a warm and engaged expression.
Tightened jaw and clenched fists.
Furrowed brows and narrowed eyes.
Standing or sitting with a rigid and tense posture.
Pointing fingers or aggressive gestures.
Raised voice or speaking through gritted teeth.
Downcast eyes and a drooping posture.
Slumped shoulders and shallow breathing.
Avoiding eye contact and withdrawing from social interaction.
Sighing or a subdued tone of voice.
Tearfulness, with watery or red eyes.
Widened eyes with dilated pupils.
Raised eyebrows and a tense facial expression.
Frozen or rigid body posture.
Backing away or seeking physical distance from the perceived threat.
Trembling or shaking, especially in the hands or legs.
Raised eyebrows and widened eyes.
Mouth slightly agape or forming an "O" shape.
Leaning forward or recoiling backward in response to the surprise.
Quick inhalation or gasp of breath.
Rapid blinking or blinking more than usual.
Curling the upper lip or wrinkling the nose.
Narrowing the eyes and raising the upper eyelids.
Turning the head away or physically distancing oneself from the source of disgust.
Covering the mouth or nose with the hand or a tissue.
Expressing verbal disgust through phrases like "ew" or "yuck."
These are just some examples, and individuals may display variations in their body language based on their personality, cultural background, and the specific context of the situation.
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Beth Cavener
Through an empty place. 2017
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followthebluebell · 1 month
hello! I was scrolling through your blog (delightful) and found the post about Beef and his whiskers position, and I'm ashamed to say that in all my near-thirty years of being around cats and thinking I understand them pretty well I never thought to pay attention to the 'circle shape'. could you please expound a bit on what to look for when it comes to whiskers position and how to interpret it? Beef is an absolute sweetheart but looking at a brachy cat as an example makes it a bit hard for me to generalize. thank you!
Thank you! And also thank you for your patience--- I wanted to give some really good examples and have been scouring my blog for the best circle whisker cats I could find.
Picture heavy post under this.
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so this is the cat grimace scale. It's a sort of way to visually see if a cat is in pain/distress, and it gives a simplified view of the things I'm going to discuss. It's important to recognize that whisker shape/position is just ONE piece of communication and doesn't tell the whole story. A lot of this is also based on CONTEXT as well.
When you're looking at a cat face, here are the things you really want to pay attention to:
Ear position—Ears facing forward, ears slightly pulled apart, or ears flattened and rotated outward.
Orbital tightening—Eyes opened, eyes partially opened, or eyes squinted.
Muzzle tension—Muzzle relaxed (round), muzzle mildly tense, or muzzle tense (elliptical).
Whisker position—Whiskers loose and curved, whiskers slightly curved or straight, or whiskers straight and moving forward.
Head position—Head above the shoulder line, head aligned with the shoulder line, or head below the shoulder line or tilted.
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Calypso's huge whiskers give a REALLY good visual on the 'circle shape' to look for. You can see her whiskers are pushed forward and are loose and curved. She's feeling playful and engaged! She really wants to know what I'm up to and what's in my hand (spoiler alert, it was treats)
Compare that to this later picture, taken after she heard a dog bark nearby:
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Her muzzle is tighter. Her whiskers are pulled back a bit, and are straight. Her ears are set differently as well, one pulled back a bit. She's concerned, but not terribly worried about this strange sound.
You can also compare it to this handsome lad:
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Again, his whiskers are fairly straight. They aren't pulled back as far, but he's still very tense. He was extremely tense and upset that I took his water dish away from him (because it needed to be cleaned and changed).
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Milo is another great example of excited whiskers. They're pushed forward and curved, forming a sort of circle. Like Calypso, he's interested in what I'm doing and feeling playful. He was very interested in the toy I was throwing for him.
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Gumdrop is a good example of a more relaxed whisker position. She's curious, but not feeling playful. Her whiskers are held very loosely rather than being pushed forward. Her tail nub is up, indicating friendliness and confidence.
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angelleplaytoonbeary · 3 months
With ☀️ Dogday & Catnap 🌙 Enjoy this idea that occurred to me :O
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unboundprompts · 10 months
diferent ways to describe the fear of something?
Different Ways to Describe Fear
Symptoms of Fear:
accelerated breathing
accelerated heart rate
sleep disturbance
butterflies in stomach
Body Language Responses to Fear:
hunching shoulders
shrinking away
wide eyes
shaking / trembling
wrapping arms around themselves
shaking hands
Writing Prompts:
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
She pressed a trembling hand to her chest as if that would do anything to slow her racing heart.
His eyes were crazed, darting around to look at the shadows of the room.
Their limbs felt like jelly, afraid that they would collapse at any moment.
She was utterly frozen. Her body cut all communication with her mind, and no matter how much her brain screamed for her to run she was immobilized in terror.
He had a tight knot forming in his stomach.
They couldn't breathe. They were totally suffocated by fear and it felt like a heavy weight was pressing down on their chest.
Dread clouded her thinking. She walked around like she was in a daze, relying solely on muscle memory to get her down the hallway.
His hands were trembling so badly that he couldn't do anything and his terror made it impossible to focus.
Their throat was dry. No matter how many times they swallowed it did nothing to relieve the uncomfortable feeling.
The salty taste of fear lingered on her lips.
His muscles screamed at him to leave, but he couldn't bring himself to move. He stared forwards hauntingly.
They ran. They ran faster than their legs had ever carried them, adrenaline taking over all of their senses. It felt like they were being chased, but there was no way for them to know for certain. They were too afraid to turn around.
It felt like her heart was about to burst from her ribcage.
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destiel-wings · 8 months
Dean Winchester & hug dynamic analysis
I was thinking about how whenever Dean hugs someone he's almost always the one hugging the other and how this links to his psychological trauma of always being the caretaker of people, making himself bigger to protect them.
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Because that's how Dean sees himself, as a shield for others, and then I thought about how Cas actually is the shield, and he's HIS SHIELD, specifically, the only one who's really there to protect HIM, which is why it hits so much when we see this:
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The way Cas wraps his arms around him, trying to protect him with his whole body--that he'd use as a shield and give up in a second if he could spare him from any pain and save him.
(for context: Dean was about to go use the soul bomb on Amara there, it was a suicide mission)
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Bobby is another one that hits, he hugs him as the big hugger because he's his father, he loves him and he's actually here to protect him (and Dean LETS him -barely, but he lets him *and Cas* - in a way that he doesn't let Sam)
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I watched a compilation of Sam & Dean hugs to check if i was right about it, but it's almost always Dean the big hugger with Sam, except when he's about to die or Sam sees him alive again after losing him.
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Even then, Dean mostly tries to hug Sam as the big hugger anyway, with at least one arm, like a way to comfort him, making him feel protected, like his body language is saying "I'm here, I'm okay, I'm still strong, i can still protect you" (because their real father failed and Dean thinks it's his job).
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He rarely lets himself be the little one hugged with Sam, unless he's barely conscious. Which is why it kills me so much more now that in this moment (s14, when Dean was going to lock himself in the Ma'lak box cause he was possessed by Michael) and Sam has a desperate breakdown and punches him (to stop him) he forcefully hugs him as the little hugger, the way Dean always kept him, like a way of saying "I still need you to protect me, please don't do this to yourself".
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In the scene below he gives Sam his blessing to do a dangerous (possibly suicidal) mission, and one of his arms is down, but the other one tries to stay up--he's forcing himself to do it and he struggles because he still wants to protect him, but (as the seasons progress) he slowly becomes more prone to let go.
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So in this view the hug dynamic becomes an indicator of how Dean sees Sam (and himself) and his protector role, how adult and self sufficient he considers Sam, and how much he lets people around him take care of him, lowering his walls and letting himself be hugged.
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This is also why i think hugs from characters like Garth or Charlie are so special, because they're just like us: they see Dean and they just know that he needs to be hugged a lot, and that he's not used to it, so they just go for it-- and it's so normal and kind and spontaneous that Dean's just not used to it-- he doesn't know how to respond (especially with Garth, at the beginning, but as the seasons progress, he learns to, and he even initiates the hug eventually).
I love the hugs where they're 50/50 (one arm up, one arm down both), feels like they're equals, both taking care of each other. I feel like with Sam and Dean, this indicates a healthier dynamic, because Dean lets go a little of the role that was imposed to him and manages to see Sam as the strong individual that he is. But the same applies to 50/50 hugs with other characters, like with Cas, where I feel like it testifies how equals they feel in terms of being fighters, there's a show of respect of each other's strength that transpires by the gesture (which is even more astounding considering that Cas is literally a powerful angel).
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And just to end on a destiel note, I'd like to note the possessiveness and protectiveness of Dean (rightfully so) whenever he finds Cas after he thought he had lost him, and how that translates into his body/hug language:
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almeidalea01 · 16 days
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Be more than friends
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girlbloggerbby · 10 months
Body language/mental tricks that hot people use and know
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Consider learning more about "the halo effect"(i will do a detailed post soon)
Triangle eye contact!!! Marilyn Monroe used this tactic for flirting and it sure works
If a person its telling you a story and look to the right they're telling the truth and trying to remember the story, but if they look to the left they're lying(creating that story)
Doe eyes for getting what you want and siren eyes to play someone
Mirroring the person you like is a an unconscious thing that happens to us when we like someone, so try to do it on purpose to attract someone
Keeping your chin up can be perceived as confidence
Tell a joke or just show a funny thing in a group of people, then look who everyone looks at when laughing, usually people look at who they like or who are more intimate
Whispering on someone's ear it's a form of creating intimacy with someone in a innocent way
That's it for the day, If you have any ideas or what topic you want tips just ask, luv ya❤️‍🔥
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lyralit · 2 years
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Anger is one expression of fight-or-flight mode — an automatic, instinctive reaction to a threat. In many cases, there is an underlying fear of being harmed. Thanks to autonomic nervous system arousal, the heart rate increases, pupils dilate, and the face may flush. Other signs of anger
Balling the fists
Crossing the arms tightly
Clenching the fists once arms are crossed
Tight-lipped smile
Clenched teeth
Shaking a finger like a club
Stabbing a finger at someone
Pupils dilate
Women will cross and uncross legs to draw attention to them
Mirroring – (usually unconsciously) mimicking the other person’s body language
Closed to Conversation
Keeping the hands in the pockets (esp. men)
Arms and legs crossed
Sitting back
Folding the hands together on a table (creates a barrier)
The “figure-four” leg cross (setting the ankle of one leg on the knee of the other) and then grabbing the lower half of the top leg with both hands.
Openness and Honesty
Exposure of the palms
Arms and legs unfolded
Leaning forward
Submissive Signals
Smiling – that’s why some people smile when they’re upset or afraid
Slumping the shoulders
Doing anything to appear smaller
Men in particular have a tendency to stroke or rub the nape of the neck when they’re upset. It acts as a self-soothing gesture to deal with a “pain in the neck.”
Crossed arms – arms act like a protective barrier
Self-hugging – arms are crossed, hands gripping upper arms
One-arm cross – one arm crosses the body to hold or touch the other arm – women keep a hand on a purse or bag strap to make this look more natural
Clutching a purse, briefcase, or bag with both arms
Adjusting cuffs or cuff-links (men’s version of the purse-strap grab)
Folding the hands together in front of the crotch (men)
Lying causes a subtle tingling in the face and neck, so the gestures below are attempts to eliminate that feeling
Covering the mouth – can be like a shh gesture, or they may cover the mouth completely – some people try to cover it by coughing
Touching or rubbing the nose or just below the nose – often a quick, small gesture, not a scratch
Rubbing the eyes (especially men)
Scratching the neck with the index finger
Superiority, Confidence, Power, Dominance
Steepling the fingers (aka setting the tips of the fingers together)
Folding the hands behind the back
Thumbs sticking out from pockets when hands are in pockets (can be front or back pockets)
Hands on hips
Straddling a chair
Hands folded behind the head while sitting up (in men)
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mediumtires · 1 year
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going INSANE.
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flock-talk · 19 days
These two tried to properly play fight today which is the first time I’ve seen them really reciprocate that style of play!
It’s a bit hit and miss as you can see them take frequent breaks and politely tell eachother off when it gets a bit overwhelming. They did a great job of communicating without escalating and regulating themselves decently well for their first attempt at such a rigorous play style!
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saraswritingtipps · 17 days
heartbreak through body language in Men
A drooping posture can convey a sense of defeat and sadness. Keep shoulders slightly slouched, and avoid standing tall or with a straight back.
Facial expressions play a crucial role. A downturned mouth, furrowed brows, and a distant or vacant gaze can all indicate inner turmoil and heartache.
Men often avoid eye contact when they're feeling vulnerable. If you're experiencing heartbreak, you might find yourself looking down or away when speaking to others.
Restlessness can manifest in various forms, such as tapping fingers, bouncing legs, or constantly shifting positions. This indicates inner turmoil and an inability to find peace.
Movements may become slower and less purposeful when someone is experiencing emotional pain. This can include gestures like reaching for objects or adjusting clothing.
Men in heartbreak might withdraw from social interactions or participate less actively in conversations. They may seem physically present but emotionally distant.
Deep, heavy sighs are often involuntary reactions to emotional distress. They signify a release of tension and an underlying sense of sadness.
Heartbreak can drain one's energy. You may notice a decrease in enthusiasm, vitality, and overall liveliness in how you carry yourself and engage with others.
Crossing arms, hunching shoulders forward, or clasping hands in front of the body can create a barrier between oneself and others, reflecting emotional guardedness and pain.
Gestures may become less expressive and more restrained. Hand movements may be smaller in scale and less animated compared to usual.
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jessica-xtreme-slut · 2 months
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Always keep fit, especially pleasant in the evening sun. Have a nice weekend🥰
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cj-etc · 10 months
Body Language - Longing
Deep breaths
Lips parting
Fidgeting with clothing, jewelry, etc.
Leaning in/standing near person of interest
Smiling wistfully
Avoiding gaze/sneaking glances
Zoning out/daydreaming
Frequent smiling
Frequent laughing
Face brightening near person of interest
Making big lifestyle changes
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unboundprompts · 8 months
Describing Facial Expressions
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
Eyes and Eyebrows:
His eyes widened
Her eyes went round
Their eyes narrowed
His eyes lit up
Her eyes darted
They squinted
He blinked
Her eyes twinkled with...
Their eyes gleamed with...
His eyes flashed with...
Her eyes burned with...
Their eyes blazed with...
- glowed in his eyes
The corners of her eyes crinkled
They rolled their eyes
He winked
Tears filled her eyes
Their eyes welled with tears
His eyes swam with tears
Tears flooded her eyes
Tears shimmered in their eyes
Tears shone in his eyes
Her eyes were glossy
They were fighting back tears
Tears ran down his cheeks
She squeezed her eyes shut
Their lashes fluttered
She batted her lashes
His brows knitted
Their forehead creased
She furrowed her brows
A line appeared between his brows
Their brows drew together
She raised a brow
His eyebrows rose
They lifted a brow
She wagged her eyebrows
He gave them a once-over
They sized
Her eyes bore into them
He took in the sight of...
They glared
She peered
He gazed
They glanced
She stared
He scrutinized
They studied
She gaped
He observed
They surveyed
She gawked
He leered
Their pupils dilated
Her nose crinkled
His nose wrinkled
They sneered
Her nostrils glared
He stuck his nose up
They sniffed
She sniffled
He scrunched his nose
She smiled
He smirked
They grinned
She simpered
He beamed
Their mouth curved into a smile
The corners of his mouth turned up
The corner of her mouth quirked up
A corner of their mouth lifted
Her mouth twitched
He gave a half-smile
They gave a lopsided grin
His mouth twisted
She plastered a smile on her face
They forced a smile
He faked a smile
Her smile faded
Their smile slipped
He pursed his lips
She pouted
Their mouth snapped shut
His mouth set in a hard line
Their lips were pressed into a thin line
She pressed her lips together
They bit their lip
He drew his lower lip between his teeth
She chewed on her bottom lip
Their jaw set
His jaw clenched
Their jaw tightened
A muscle in her jaw twitched
He ground his jaw
They snarled
Her lips drew back in a snarl
His mouth fell open
Their jaw dropped
Her jaw went slack
He gritted his teeth
They gnashed their teeth
Her lower lip trembled
His lower lip quivered
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jell-o101 · 1 year
Let's overanalyze the body language of each hug in the Mario Bros Movie
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"I'm so happy..."
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