#blue eye samurai
danisssim-o · 2 days
Lemon gang🍋
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attackpossum · 2 days
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And with that the Bubbles On The Water zine comes to an end! Here is my full peice from the zine!
Thank you @bubbles-zine for letting me work on this wonderful project and thank you to all the other amazing artists, writers, and moderators for making working on this zine such an amazing experience!
But even though the zine is over please continue to support Palestine through donations, boycotts, and even just talking about Palestinians and the genocide they are facing at the hands of Israel.
Do not let the truth be forgotten.
Do not let Palestine be forgotten.
They will be free. 🇵🇸
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taimizuweek · 14 hours
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And we have reached the last from our series of special promotional countdown drawings for the event! Plus, since it's the 1st of June, we've prepared a special Pride-themed drawing of our favourite bi4bi disaster samurais! ⚔️🏳️‍🌈💚💙
Remember to tag all your posts with #12DaysofTaimizu and tag us @taimizuweek so we can reblog your posts here!
We also have an Instagram, so make sure to tag us there @taimizunation as a collaborator so your work will have a wider reach. For those posting to AO3, make sure to post your entries to our AO3 collection which is now open!
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I sincerely apologise
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messy-skeleton · 1 day
I cant stop thinking about the scene where mizu and fowler are fighting and he drops
"the greatest city in the world is burning because of you.
must be your white half showing"
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swaniim · 2 days
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bish, u see this and call her a MONSTERRRRR?!!!
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acoughingbaby · 2 days
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Listen. You can say WHATEVER you want about Mikio. You can say that he sucks, you can say that it was him who turned Mizu in, you can say that he deserved what he got at the end. But you CANNOT say that he was worse than Mizu’s mom. There is NO WAY you can think that, if so consider yourself an opp.
Because lets be completely honest, if Mikio just flat out dies and Mizu becomes an onion or whatever, that wouldn’t make sense for her narrative and character. It makes sense that him betraying her caused her to go insane. Mikio has a purpose. Mama? Nuh uh. She is there to make Mizus life MISRABLE. SHE IS THE BABY ON THE AIRPLANE. All she does is belittle, Manipulate, and Gaslight Mizu.
Oh! And you want to know why Mizu is even married in the first place?? BECAUSE MIKIO HAS MONEY. ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY THAT STUPID FUCKING GAS STATION WEED.
Remember when Mizu’s house burnt down when she was a kid? She thought that her mother died in that fire. She made a grave and VOWED that she would get revenge. But no actually she’s alive, and mizu is injured. When Mizu asks about it she just...takes a hit of that ’medicine’ and changes the subject. This is PROBABLY IMPLYING THAT SHE FAKED HER DEATH.
Why though? What does this do? This just makes her an obsicle in Mizu’s life. Does she not want Mizu? But even if she wasn’t injuired why would she take her in? Ohhh because the money ran out. Ah I see. But still what does this do narratively?
Do you see what I mean? She’s just there to be a dick and make Mizu’s life harder. She should bite the curb.
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Blue Eye Samurai
Song: Punk Tactics
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abijahfowler · 17 hours
happy pride! here are some blue eye samurai lgbt headcanons. c:
abijah fowler is a homophobic gay man
that’s all folks! thank you for rea
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Hi everyone wouldn’t it be awesome if you asked me about my Heiji Shindo headcanons cause I’m dying to yap about him teehee
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shiwden · 6 months
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- I’m not the child you once knew.
- No. That child would see you and run.
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shoukohime · 7 months
babygirl the way you forsake your happiness on your relentless quest to vengeance, your complicated relationship with gender and the way you're covered in blood have bewitched me body and soul
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taimizuweek · 2 days
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2 more days!!! 👀🔥
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lauraisconfused · 7 months
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messy-skeleton · 1 day
I just want to share my thoughts on the switch of places of akemi and taigen
when we see them at first akemi is fighting for their engagement with all she's got because nothing matters beyond being with the man she loves
in contrast taigen is celebrating entering a noble family and increasing his value as a man and a samurai (the reason he got this engagement in the first place)
after the duel with mizu and taigen has his hair cut off the only thing he can think about is what he lost - his honour
meanwhile akemi is trying to convince him it doesn't matter and that them being together is more important (even losing her virginity to him - which was a bold move for the time)
she makes him the center of the whole sexual experience and ignores her shame in the name of their relationship just for him to get up and leave (dick move btw)
jump to the last few episodes
akemi has spent this entire time trying to find him and then se actually ends up finding herself
she discovers how she can rise in the society she lives in and take control of her destiny instead of being passed around from being owned by one man to the other
she's literally gaslight gatekeeper girlboss if it were a person
and taigen has spent this time growing as a person and unlearning his prejudice and pride
he admitted that mizu is better than him, he sees the errors of his way and he just wants akemi back
he realized how much he loves her and just wants to see her again
and then the last confrontation
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this all converges on the bridge with the best fukcing exchange ever
taigen says "I don't need to be great I just want to be happy"
that shows how his values changed and how everything he was fighting for is meaningless if he's not happy
if akemi is not in his life
and she answers "I want to be great"
she found herself, she sees the way to make her life matter in a way it never had before
she's finally taking control of her destiny
and then they part ways
that is just so masterfully written and such a tragic love story
I don't think its a love story anymore because they're not the same people they were when they fell
to be honest I don't think taigen actually loved her at first, more like they both loved the idea of each other
taigen saw her as a nice girl that was a ticket to a better life and akemi saw him the same way
I'm just so obsessed with them
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