#barbatos om
arvandus · 3 days
Daily Drabble - Morning Tea
Barbatos x GN!Reader
Warning: NSFW implied but not explicit; established relationship
Barbatos doesn’t see himself as a demon who allows himself to be controlled by his passions. He’s old enough now to keep such things in check, locked away safe and sound where they can do no harm to those he cares for or to the precious timeline that promises stability and happiness.
But something shifts in him when he sees you in the morning light of the large moon, your hair tousled from sleep and his dark teal RAD shirt covering your body, secured by a few scant buttons. Nothing else graces your body. The soft curve of your butt peeks out from below the hemline, followed by the slopes of your legs, all the way down to the bare toes that curl and flex against the hard stone floor.
Possession awakes in his quiet veins, like the coming of spring. It still stuns him at its fierceness, its presence still novel after so many millennia of solitude.
The single thought resonates like a tuning fork in his mind, absolute and synchronizing with every fiber of his being.
And you were his. In fact, he’s already had you many times over, yet each time is just as fulfilling as the last. Fulfilling in its passion, it’s satisfaction. And yet each time that need for you rekindles anew with the smallest laugh, the softest gasp, the gentlest kiss. In a way, he realized, he was never and could never be entirely satiated on you. He would never grow bored of you, or reduce your times together into one of monotony.
You’re standing at his small breakfast table that he has in his room, where the tea set sits. The water is always kept hot but never evaporates, and the satchel of tea leaves always stays fresh. You’re preparing a cup… no, make that two cups of tea.
Barbatos watches you from the warm comfort of his bed, a quiet smile upon his lips as his green eyes watch the way you add the sugar just the way he likes, stirs it back and forth without a clink just as he’d taught you. A dash of milk, and more gentle stirs.
He loves moments like these... little glimpses where your love shines through in the simple things, the minutiae, the details. All the small ways you think of him, love him. Because he does the same, your presence always a part of him, the thought of you and your happiness always in the back of his mind. It is why he loves to spoil you, to dote upon you at every opportunity.
Barbatos wasn't used to being taken care of. It had taken your persistence and him relinquishing some control over the more private parts of his life to allow himself to receive your love in the way you loved best. Now, as he watches you butter the scone, he is glad for it. Glad that he'd learned to make space for you, to step aside and let you into himself. After all, it was that allowance of vulnerability, that blossom of unbridled love, that makes your nights together so powerful, your kisses bringing him to life and his touch setting your your heart racing.
Not that such things need to be reserved for the nighttime only...
Barbatos carefully rises from his bed, as silently as possible so you don't notice.
He loves you. Completely, utterly, endlessly. And in a few seconds, he's going remind you of it, write it across every inch your skin with his mouth until he has you crying beneath him, so he can kiss the tears from your cheeks, taste their saltiness on his tongue.
After all, the tea never gets cold.
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asterronomical · 8 days
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old men doodle
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warper-in-training · 9 days
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[ 1:39 am ] I feel like he's watching me – maybe he's as obsessed with me as I am with him.
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louisfruit · 1 month
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dialoovies · 1 year
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"My lord, don't miss your Spanish lesson like your father did."
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ryminsteddiesashanne · 2 months
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"A lover like no other"
"He can throw me around any day"
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"Surprisingly possessive"
This marketing is working for me
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museum-of-dreams · 2 months
Remember when Barbatos was mad that Solomon put him 8th on the list?
Well I am reading "The Lesser Key Of Solomon" its about Solomon and more specifically the 72 Demons he commanded, and, fucker is 8th on the list.
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Let me nerd about how cool this book is. It's an anonymously authored "grimoire on sorcery" written in the 17th century using knowledge that was collected for many centuries before. It's all about Solomon and his demons! (It's technically a combo of 5 different books all within the same "series.")
In all honesty, this book is really cool. It shows and talks about the 72 demons, has drawn pictures of each of their seals, and even has their invocations.
This really fuels my Demonology hyperfixation.
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moonstrumpet · 13 days
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“My love for you transcends time” ~Barbatos, The Nighbringer..
UGHH IVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS FOR SO LONG.. i’ve been coloring it and coloring it over and over so i gave up and decided to post it.
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neverletbrocookagain · 3 months
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Like this post if you wanna clean the barb plush
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gallantys · 3 months
Fem!Mc, who has a child, and somehow the child is hurt by the third human exchange student, this is how I see this going:
Brothers: Mc! Wait!
Fem!mc: STAY! She said, completely blind by rage, her power out of control, Lucifer who tried to hold her, and any of them close, flied away hitting hard the wall.
Diavolo and Barbatos had to stop mc, Barbatos holding her with magic chains.
I can almost hear Solomon jokingly saying "The anger of a mother huh :D"
Mc saying to Diavolo chose between her and her child or the other human, pointing the finger to his face and saying "You can see lies huh, so hear carefully, I gonna fucking kill that person next time I see them. You better chose" (spoiler, she wasn't lying)
To Lucifer and Barbatos? "I'm not scared of your "scary" expression, I'm talking to the fucking prince not any of you. He better hear the fucking truth sometimes" (I'm Portuguese there's a expression that I love: "Ta achando que a vida é um morango? / do you think the life is a strawberry?" it's basically "do you think the life is easy?" it fits perfectly, I would totally say this to them)
Bro-- I pray to see the Mc saying that to barbatos-- i love them, but can we all agree that Diavolo has to hear the truth sometimes? He probably never heard a no in his life
Anyway, this was completely random. Sorry any grammar mistake and if you ever write this, you have my full support, just let me know pls ♡
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riverisnotdead · 1 year
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A moonlit date with Barbatos 🥂💚
“You look… absolutely stunning my love.. Thank you for choosing me as your life partner. I love you.”
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arvandus · 3 months
Sick Day
Barbatos x GN!Reader
Warnings: None. Just fluff... pure self-indulgent fluff.
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NOTE: Minors and ageless blogs DNI or follow or you will be blocked! While this writing is SFW, my blog is NOT.
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Your DDD pinged and you peeked your head out of your warm covers to check the message with bleary, aching eyes.
Barbatos: I did not see you at RAD today.  Are you alright?
Warmth heated your cheeks and it wasn’t due to the fever.  Your fingers typed back your response.  I’m sick.
Barbatos: Oh dear, that is unfortunate.
You smiled and typed.   I’m surprised none of the brothers told you.
 You waited as you watched the ellipses appear.
Barbatos: I was only there briefly to gather paperwork.
There was a pause.  More ellipses appeared then vanished, and a moment later, reappeared again.
Barbatos: I shall bring you some tea and honey cakes.
You silently giggled to yourself and buried your face in your pillow before responding.  You don’t have to... besides, I don’t want to get you sick.
Barbatos: How easily you forget that we are different species. I highly doubt I’ll be susceptible to your cold, although I appreciate the concern.  But it does beg the question of how you got sick while being surrounded by demons...
You bit your lip for a moment and then typed.  Solomon and I went to the human world for brunch a few days ago...
Barbatos: ...I see.  Then he is the one to blame for this. I shall have a word with him after my visit.
You chuckled to yourself.  Go easy on him, Barb. It was both our idea.
Barbatos sent the winking demon emoji but nothing else.  You set our phone back down on your nightstand and once again buried beneath your covers as another fever chill washed over you, making your bones ache.
You must have fallen asleep because next thing you knew, you were being roused by a gentle hand on your shoulder.  The sudden presence of someone in your room made you jolt awake, only to be met by a pair of familiar green eyes framed in dark green hair.
“Apologies, I didn’t mean to startle you...” he replied softly. He still held the tray of tea and cakes in his left hand, perfectly balanced, and he set it carefully down next to your bed.  You noticed two empty teacups and a lidded teapot with steam curling out of its spout.  “I had knocked, but you didn’t answer.”
A small smile tugged at your lips as you laid back down, the blanket tucked securely around your neck.  “Were you worried about me?”
His lips curled up slightly.  “Perhaps a little,” he confessed.
Then Barbatos looked at you, taking in your appearance with a slightly furrowed brow. “Hm...” he removed his white glove and placed the back of his hand to your forehead.
Your heart pounded at the sudden skin-to-skin contact, and you wondered if he noticed.  How good was a demon’s hearing anyway?
“You seem worse than I had anticipated...” he said.
He began preparing your tea for you, pulling out a small satchel of herbs from the inner pocket his RAD uniform.
“What’s that?” you asked.
“A personal remedy I put together,” he replied.  “It contains herbs from the human world that are meant to help with fever and aches.  Tulsi leaves, ginger, honeysuckle... just to name a few.”
You watched as he set the herbs into the strainer and placed it back into the teapot. You both waited as the concoction brewed.
“How did you find time to put this together?” you asked curiously.
“I prepared it before your first arrival to the Devildom. When I knew we would have human exchange students, I made it my duty to ensure we were well stocked with any possible needs in case of situations such as this.”
You smirked. “Always so prepared...”
“A fact that I am grateful for now.” His smile softened under the gentle weight of worry.  “Us demons do not like seeing you like this... it reminds us how fragile and mortal you are.”
Your chest felt tight and you placed your hand over Barbatos’s, your fingers squeezing his softly.  His cheeks flushed the slightest bit, his eyes widening at your blatant affection, and yet his own fingers reciprocated, curling around yours.
“I’m not dying, Barbatos... It’s just a cold,” you smiled.
He gave a soft chuckle. “I’m aware, but the discomfort remains just the same.  We sense time differently than you do... it feels slower, at least here in the Devildom, where change happens over thousands of years instead of decades.  We don’t always realize how quick and unforgiving it is, especially for humans.  We think there is enough time and yet there never is.”
He stared down at your hand, his thumb running across the knuckles of your fingers.  “Your species burns bright, but you also burn out much faster. It makes it difficult for us to love and even more difficult to let go when the time eventually comes.”
His confession left your heart heavy and your mind dizzy.  Tears stung your eyes.  “Barbatos...”
But before you could continue, he changed the topic.
“I believe your tea is ready...” he said with an artificial lightness.
He relinquished your hand and began preparing your cup. You watched quietly as he added honey and lemon.  When it was finished, he held it out to you.
You pushed yourself up and adjusted your position until you were sitting next to him on your bed, shoulder to shoulder.
“Thank you...”
You took the cup and sipped it. You hummed pleasantly at the warmth that followed down your throat.
“Is it to your liking?” he asked as he poured his own cup.
“Yes, thank you.”
He smiled, pleased with himself.  A mutual quiet fell over both of you as you both sipped at your teas and nibbled at your cakes.
When the cups were finally empty, the fatigue returned.  You leaned your head against Barbatos’s shoulder.
He looked down at you.  “Are you alright?” he asked softly.
“Mhm... just sleepy... “ you mumbled.  Then in jest you said, “did you slip anything else into that tea you made?”
Barbatos chuckled low in his chest.  His arm came around your shoulders in a partial embrace and he gently grazed his fingers on the curve of your shoulder. 
“I would never,” he replied.
More of your weight pressed against him as your body relaxed beneath his touch.  Slowly your head slid down into his lap, your hands pillowing beneath your cheek and against his thigh. He stiffened at first, but then breathed out a small gust of amused surrender as his hand began to pet you from the crown of your head to your arm in calming, soothing motions.
You closed your eyes.  “My muscles ache and my head is foggy,” you complained.
“You should rest,” he chided.
“I am resting...”
Barbatos chuckled. “I meant in your bed, beneath your blankets.”
“But you’re warm...”
“Your bed is also warm...”
“My bed doesn’t pet my hair.”
Barbatos laughed gently, deep and rich, and you couldn’t help but smile with your eyes still closed.
“Very well.  Let us make a truce.  You will lay beneath your covers and I will continue to pet your head.”
Slowly you sat up and repositioned yourself until you were bundled snuggly.  Barbatos sucked in a quiet, calming breath to ease his nerves before he scooted next to you. He kept himself on top of the blankets, a crucial barrier between himself and you.  But you still did your best to snuggle into his side, your head tucked beneath his chin.  His hand continued its gentle treks across the parts of you that felt safest. Your body relaxed beneath his touch, and Barbatos closed his eyes as he inhaled the scent of your hair before releasing the air in a relaxing exhale.
While he didn’t like you being sick, he found this particular arrangement to be... quite nice... even if his heart was pounding wildly in his chest like he’d just run a marathon, every nerve of his body alive everywhere your body touched his.
“Your heart is beating really fast...” he could hear the teasing in your voice, wrapped up in beautiful delight.
You knew.
His own words echoed in his mind.  ‘We think there is enough time and there never is.’
‘Well...’ he thought, ‘no sense in denying it...’
“It’s because I want to kiss you,” he confessed quietly.
Your entire body tensed with bridled joy, and you couldn’t suppress the smile that spread across your lips as your cheek rested against his chest.  “I want you to kiss me too.”
Barbatos looked down at you, seeing nothing but the top of your head.
“Then look at me,” he said.
But even as he said it, it was his own fingers beneath your chin that tilted your face up to him.
Then he captured your lips gently with his, his hand cupping your cheek. Your skin still felt flushed, your breath hot with fever and laced with the scent of honey and tea.  But you hummed happily as he kissed you, and it was enough to reassure him, to make his chest warm with delight.
When your lips parted, he placed a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Now rest,” he chided, “so that you can heal and I can no longer worry over you.”
You nuzzled down into your bedding in acquiescence, pressed against him.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” you mumbled sleepily.
“Always,” he replied.
A minute of silence passed, and Barbatos was nearly certain than you’d fallen asleep when you suddenly spoke again.
“Can you stay until I fall asleep?”
His arm squeezed you gently and he placed an indulgent kiss to the crown of your head.
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scarletevening · 2 months
glances [ barbatos ]
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cw: suggestive/flirty, fluff foul language, v informal, fem! reader bring back the obey me fandom fr
Barbatos loves, and i mean loves, to tease. to everyone else, he seems so put together, like a statue with a perfectly graceful smile, but every time he catches you in a quiet hallway at RAD, that fool-proof smile breaks with a phrase you never expected to hear from one who's supposed to be subservient.
he loves, adores, lives, for the way your eyes flutter away as you cough, trying recover from your flustered state. he loves the way you grin and laugh, the way your eyes meet his in a cheeky smirk as you bump your hip against him.
but barbatos' favorite thing, as much as he loves those other moments, is when you tease him back. when you brush his hair 'back into place' even though its never been out of place. when you pout and tilt your head up at him. when you press into his side, the feeling of your breasts against his arm sending a shiver down his spine. when you whisper words that'll keep you out of hell in the same hallway he did.'
even though he may be a devil, a demon, a cursed being, he will never be able to think any sin of the way you try [ and struggle ] to help him as he bakes. or when you bother him every evening [ he gave in ] to give him a message [ he's a fucking demon he doesn't need it lmao ]. he can't help but enjoy your company as you sip and sit in silence, tapping his shoulder shyly when you asked for help on your homework.
he loves the way you slowly learn to look past his smile, the eyes are the windows to the soul, right?
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demonicshowdown · 11 months
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i think it would be funny if Barbatos and an angel reader were like beefing for centuries. all because they are both counterparts to ensure the other doesn't use their time abilities to act maliciously against their respective races.
But they also, meet up for tea every two weeks to try and call each other out. "I see that you manipulated time earlier this week. Care to elaborate." You've got a freshly brewed cup of tea in hand, while sharply digging your gaze into Barbatos' neutral features.
"I don't see why such a thing is necessary, I'm certain the miniscule thing I decided to do had no impact of the Celestial Realm." He won't elaborate, his responses are always as careful as his expression. Neither giving away his intent.
"Yes but that means you were using your powers quite frivolously, something that I simply cannot overlook." In truth you already know what he did, but it's much more satisfying to have him admit to his imperfection. But the detail you always forget is that he knows what you have done with your powers too.
"I suppose that means I cannot overlook yesterday where you rewound time to change the fact that you tripped over your own feet in front of Michael." The way his smile changes to a smirk is enough to almost make you spit out the tea you've just sipped.
"I did no such thing!"
"Your reaction seems to indicate otherwise."
"Well what about that time you rewound time to completely avoid a family of mice!" While the demon butler doesn't react as suddenly as you, you know you've got him, when he momentarily cannot meet your stare.
"I do not recall the instance you speak of."
"You're blushing!" He doesn't respond instead pushing a small cake in your direction in hopes of you being distracted long enough for him to recall an occasion where you have done something twice as a embarrassing.
anyways somewhere along the line enemies to lovers because i love that shit (i'd love to make this into a full fic)
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cvlutos · 1 year
There's something so romantic about watching you sleep.
Something so intimate about standing beside your bed while you're away, fixing the tousled covers and sheets, folding them and straight to utter perfection, ignoring the ache—the utter desire to give into my very devilish temptations. To bury my nose into your scent and leave behind the faintest scent of my smell and taste. Dining on the pure imagery of you laying down, tired and desperate for rest to smell me, your fingers gazing over the faintest stain of my... secretions.
My gloved hands drag over the spot in which you lay, hovering over the form of your sleeping body, unaware of eyes that so hungrily watch you. My eyes. Yet, there is no ounce within my being that feels this is wrong. Not a portion of my tainted soul that feels guilt for what I do. Because guilt for watching you, guilt for sliding open your lips and dragging my tongue along yours, doesn't exist. And never will.
As I gently caressing your soft flesh, knees resting against the mattress, as I place a chaste kiss to your forehead, lingering for a moment before ultimately pulling away. Thinking over simply how much love I hold for you. Though the line between love and simple obsession—possession is a fine line that I walk dutifully.
I was at one moment certain, sure in myself that I would never love—never love a mortal, a human, so weak and frail, yet I find your weakness, shall I say endearing? Watching you fumble and struggle to adapt into a world that will never fully be yours. I enjoy it. Watching you so blatantly need me, I mean, how else could you possibly do anything alone? You couldn't. Which is what I love, that I can't help but for a moment, pity you...
But not enough to stop. Nor enough to truly help you in a way that's productive for me, at least.
Soon, I'll have to clip those pesky wings of yours, break that never ending prideful hope—desire to impress and prove useful to others. Yet those are worries for another day, for now, I'll merely watch you sleep.
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